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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1949, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAlUO THURSDAY. 3tJLY 21t ia4I I SPORT NEWS N.H.L. Sofihali Team, Toronto Defeat the* Local Ail-Stars In Feature ai Lions Carnival Crashing out 17 bits, including the N.H.L. boys a big hand. 4 daubes and 4 bomers, the hefty Bowmanville won acclaim for National Hockey League Softball three quickies which resulted in Team of Toronto, trimmed the one triple play and two double Bowmanville Ail-Stars by a plays. Piper doubled to Hooper 14-4 score, to open the Lions Club in the 2nd. Bill Bagnell sparked Carnival here Friday night. the other two from centre f ield, Big Harry Watson led the par- the triple coming after he did a ade with 3 bits and 2 dlean home ground loop catch followed by runs. Sid Smith and Ray Tim- outs at 2nd and 3rd. Don Gil- gren got 3 safeties each, but one hooley led the locals with 3 hits of the two homers registered by and Dick Little and AI Osborne Sid came through an errer in had 2 each. centre field. The N.H.L. boys Mackell hit two safeties for repeated their win af last year N.H.L. Ray Timgren bit two at the Lions Carnival. doubles and J. Morrison- and Bil Ace Richards, Bowmanville Quackenbush each got a double. pitcher, was relieved in the 6th Big Babe Pratt and rotund Turk by Clif Trewin, after yieldizig 13 Broda provided a bit of practiced runs. Gord Wright twirled for cornedy that caught the fan's N.H.L. and gave up only one fancy as they came ta the plate. extra base bit, a borner by AI Summary Osborne in the 5th. Fleming Mackell twirled a crowd-pleasing N.H.L: 14 runs, 17 hits, 1 error, balf-hitch style for the scoreless 2 walks, 4 fanned, 4 doubles, 4 9th frame. A crowd of more than homers, 2 lef t on. 2,000 watched the game and gave Bowmanville: 4 runs, il bits, 4 You Cari Buy Sunshino By Instalments Vacation days may seem quite a way off just now. But is it too early to begin saving for them? How often have you reluctantly curtailed your vacation plans be- cause of a shortage of cash? Holi- days aren't nearly as much fun when funds are low. Quite a lot of people set aside each payday, in a special savings account, enough money to take care of one day's expense for the holiday they plan. When summer comes, they can relax at the beach, sail, swim, ride or golf without worrying about money. - . Why not begin saving now for your vacation by opening a sav- Ings account at the Bank of Montreal. You will find saving for the summer sun a lot of fun an~d it will add a pleasure bonus ta your holidays, too. Ralph E. Barrett, accountant o! the local B. o! M. office, will be glad to open an account for you. 6 fanned, 1 horner, 10 left on. Umps.: Ticker Crombie, plate; Ernie Dickens, N.H.L., Chicago, bases. RH E NHL Team 303 016 001-14 17 1 AIl-Stars 012 010 000- 4 Il 4 N.H.L. - Mackell 3b, p; Watson If; Tirngren ss; Smith c; Pratt 2b; Quackenbush cf; Jim Thompson rf; Broda lb; Wright p; J. Morrison ss (1). Bowmanville Ail-Stars - Ted iBagnell If; D. Little c; Gilhooley 2b; AI Os1jorne 3b; Yourth ;ss; Hooper lb; Bill Bagneli cf; N. Piper r!; Williarns rf (6); Trewin p (6); C. Osborne lb (6). Football Resuits Catching up on football scores in the Darlington League, the re- 1ports received are, btiefly, as fol- lows: July 6, Solina 1, Tyrone 1 9, Maple Grove-Bowman., ramn Courtice-Hampton, rain 11, Hampton 1, Zion 1 Orono 0, Courtice 2 TUE JOHN DEERE MODEL "MI' TRACTOR The ««MI ln a goad-laalcing Iractor and It'a just ai good as it looks. It'a a simple, sturdy tractor with every feature yau want. . . built-in «'Touch-O-Matlc" hydraulic controI, afr-eushioned seat, adjustable steerlng wheel, ease of servlcing, wide adaptabillty wlth speMs varylng fram 1-5/8 to 12 m.p.h., plus a variety of «'Qulk-Tatch" worklng equipment that na other smali tracter offers you. Came lni or write for fullI nformation on the John Deero tracters and full lineofe farm equipment. Au G. HOOKER AND SONS BROOKLIN, ONTARIO (3 miles west eoflBrooklin> PHONE BROOKLIN 18-r-2 Bowmanville Wins Ititernediate Gcame With Peterborough Peterbori Marines staged a practice game for their Inter- mediate League offering against Bowmanville Royals on the High School diamond, Tuesday even- ing. Poor pictbing and loose field- work enabled Royals ta take an easy 11-1 win in seven innîngs. Sturrock pitcbed Royals along at an easy, scoreless canter until the 6tb. wben Bill Dadson, form- er Bowmanville star pitcher, smashed a borner into deep cen- tre for Petes only score. RayaIs opened the first witb a bit by Gilhooley followed by a sbut-eye borner by Cowle over the left field fence. Cowle open- ed the 3rd. witb a bit that spark- ed another 4 runs. Piper and Yourth walked in the 4th; Hooper singled, then Ted Bagnell and Cox bunted them borne. Hooper singled Yourth across in the 6th. and that was it. Summary Petes: 1 run, 6 bits, 0 errors, 7 fanned, 4 walks, 1 tbeft, 2 doubles, 1 borner, 8 left on. Royals: Il runs, 8 bits, 1 error, 5 fanned, 9 walks, 9 thefts, 2 doubles, 1 borner. Cowle with 3 and Hooper witb 2 led the batters. Furey pitched the 7th. to retire Petes on strikeouts. Dadson pitch- ed a bal! inning in the 6th. to fan pinch hitters Williarns and West and the crowd gave hirn a big hand. Royals next home garne, Wed., July 20, against Lindsay. Royals Prowl Along Beating Port Hope And Whitby -Teams July 13 was lucky for Bowman- manville Royals in Port Hope where tbey took the Ontarios 6-2 in a lakeshore basebaîl League garne. Jr. West went the route for Royals at an easy canter. Iron arm Woods came to the rescue of the Ports starting pitcher, Jobnny Holman when Royals got ta him for a comfortable lead. Poor base running and a costly errar in the 3rd sbowed the Ports below form for the game. Horace Baxter mnade bis first try at catcbing with the Ports but was relieved by Ray Mann in the 4th. Fans created a rumpus wben Ray- aIs bad it in the bag, but they es- caped the combing common in hockey games at this Ganaraska town. Whitby Downed Royals made it 7-2 over Whitby Wolves on Bowmanville High School grounds, Thursday even- ing, with the pitching on both sides not up to standard. Furey for Royals was' often in difficulties and Quantrill for the Wolves gave way to Thompson in the 3rd after Nip Piper bit a borner with Cowle on base. Royals scored 2 in the 2nd on hits by Yourth, Hooper and Fur- ey. They copped 2 more in the 3rd on Piper's lift over le! t field fence. Furey walked and scored on Martin's double in the 4th. Piper bit and scored in the 5th on Hooper's double and Furey was wafted home in the 6tb by Gil- hooley's double. Ports got their 2 in the 3rd when Furey was nicked for 4 bits and a walk. Inept on bases, the Wolves left 9 men stranded while Royals had 6 thefts with Ted Bagnell getting three of thern. Sumnmary: Wolves: 2 runs, 9 hits, 1 error, 4 fanned, 1 stole, 2 doubles by Yuill. Royals: 7 runs, Il bits, 0 or- rors, 1 walk, 4 fanned, 6 stole. Doubles, Gilhooley, Hooper, Mar- tin; borner, Piper.' Urnps: Bennet, plate; Allen, bases. R Wbitby 002 000 0 2 Bowmanville 022 111 x 7 Juvenule Outluck Cobourg In Lakeshore Game HEl 91l 10 0 Bowmanville Juvenile Basebal team continued without a loss this season by taking a 5-4 caunt against Cobourg on the Higb School grounds, Wednesday, July 13. But they played as tbough they wanted to toss tbe garne away for ivitb six rank errors and the gift o! 4 unearned runs, only the steady pitcbing of Roy Falls staved off a defeat. Dropsy siezed the team in the 2nd wben Harnilton heaved wild for an error on an easy out. Then Levitt dropped a fly. In the 3rd Rice furnbled a throw, all of which gave up 4 runs. The 4th opened with Rice taking a toss off base and hoofed it beside the batter without tagging hirn. Another infield toss went baywire and finally Gallagher dropped a strikeout pitch and the runner taok 2nd on bis wild heave. That was the story which Teft Falls to end the debacle by fan- ning 3 in a row in the final frame. Protests added fun for the crowd. A Cobourg screarner wafted through the trees and over the fonce for a borner but an umps canference ruled it a ground-rules double. Gallagher, who tripled tbree times in a raw, was set back ta a double by the saine ruîing wben bis bit trickled tbrough rigbt field fence. Bowmanville opened wvitb 3 Skinny men, wbine gain 5,10,15 Ibs. GOt NwPep, i., igor Wbat a tbrlll Sny limbe RitIout', ugly hollowl Dit Up: neek Do langer arawny; bOdYt Iom hall- atgrved. àleklY "bean-Polo" look. Tliousaads of stil. women. men, wha neyer could rau betore. &Me DOW Proud Of sehIY. healthy-loo as bodies: 1%7They he lbM.1vgor-bullding, nlà-bulldlnc louis. Ote.. le toutes. stmuantsl5vlgraîr ren. V -mnI,,clim elbb pr appetile and digestion 80 ioox 1vu you more atuengîh and nourthment: put fiaî on baue bouns. 1ons tear getinc toa fat. stop When yoU've galnéd ltse S. in. 15 or 2o tlb.. ou need for normal weight. costs litile. xew "gel ac<paalnted- site oniy iluC. Tyfanoug Ottrex Tonie Tablelts or n it aad"e," "ld poutids. " Tmyenday. àAI ailugglala EM1PME SEA CADETS CAMP IN CANADA: Sbown above are typical scenes at Camp Ewing, Que., the Royal Canadian Ses. Cadets camp near Montreal where 80 selected Canadian Sea Cadets will play host to 78 cadets from the United Kingdorn, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden between July 26 and Aug. 5. Top left: Ship's runs in the lst when Falls got one and s tale. Gallagher tripled him borne, then Buttonshaw and Hamilton hit for 2 counters. Mas- ters scored in the 2nd after a sin- gle and a steal and a fumble at short on Rice's grounder. Gai- lagher doubled and scored in the 3rd when Hamilton grounded out ta 2nd. That was it. Summary. Cobourg, 4 runs, 4 hits, 3 errors, 2 walks, 6 fanned, 1 double, 1 triple, 6 left on. Bawmarnville, 5 runs, 5 bits, 6 errors, 2 walks, 7 fanned, 6 stole, 1 double, 2 triples, 5 left an. Umps: Tweedle, plate; Sid Little, bases. Locals: West ss; Levitt LF; Falls P; Gallagher C; Buttonshaw RF; Hamilton 2B; Wilson CF; Masters 3B; Rice lB. LNewcaitle Takes Trenton Flyers In Intermediate Gctme Graham and Winters p)itched Newcastle ta a 11-8 \vin over Trenton Flyers in Newcastle July 13, but onîy good bitting retrievcd 6 errors that put Trenton ahcad for a space. Newcastle headedi inta the lead in the 4th on a long fly when 2 were out and the rally netted five runs. Johnstan got 2 doubles and Gray copped 2 bits in three timoq s up. Newvcastle has a team m-hich with mare prac- tice and a. chance at the playoffs, would be odds -on for League honors. R HE Trenton 101 212 1 8 6 4 Newcastle 001 550 x 10 9 6 Unusual Trophy At Chicago Show The competition at Chicago's International Live Stock Exposi- tion and Horse Show will be keen- er than ever this year. Large in- creases in prize premiums have been promised show winncrs in recognition of its 5Oth anniversary. In the classes for purebred Ab- erdeen-Angus, Hereford and Sbortborn cattle, prize rnoney is increased by $3,000 aver last year -from $6,000 to $9,O00-on eacb breed. When the steer classes are also included, cash premiums of- fered in each breed total $20,000, the highest in the history o! the world famed show. Increased prizes are also scheduled for the sheep and swine classes. An unusual trophy for the forth- comîng International Shropshire ICAR L NG9S SY GOSH, CHUCK, \E'RPeGOING T'0 HAVE A SLICK SPOY HSE FOR OUR YOUNG 0NES - flMAT 15, IF TlKIS~- DAM WILL SYANt-4O HE SPRING' FRESMEY -NOW4 Eii. JUST LEANJE Office, Wardroom and Officers Quarters, lower le! t: SignaIs Class; centre: whalers at the jetty; lower centre: the Mess Hall seats 300 perpetually hungry Sea Cadets; top right: Recreation Hall; centre right: professianal attention to small hurts by the Nursing Sister; lower rigbt: airy dormitories make for sound sleep. show is a silver cup wbich was originally won at Perth, Scotland, show in 1899 by the Earl of Strathmore, father of Queen Eliza- beth. It will be presented to the exhibitor of the champion Shrop- sbire ram. The Exposition will be held No- vember 26 to December 3 in the International Amphitheatre at the Chicago Stock Yards. Bowmanville Girls Defeat Whitby 13-4 Friday night, the Bowmanville girls invaded Whitby and handed them a 13-4 defeat. Eight errors by Whitby proved the deciding factor in the local girls victory. The series now stands at 2 games each, with the ncxt game here on Friday. Shrcd xvas thc heavy hit- ter for Bowmanville tcam and hit a homer, a double and a single in five trips to bat. Stacey hit a double. Sturgess, only repeat bit- ter for Whitby Belles, clipped 2 LU MBER * I I -J singles and Beaton connected for a double. The first inning was scoreless, but the Bowmanville team started pîling up the ruas in the 2nd, and addcd ta the score in the 3rd, 6th and 7th. Wbitby did their scoring in the 3rd and 5th. Bowmanvillc-13 runs, 13 bits and 4 errars. Whitby-4 runs, à hîts and 8 errors. Bowmanville-Perfect, Stacey, Buday, Shred, Larmer, Willets, Goulah, Eliis, Joîl. Whitby-Podvinsky, Beaton, Sturgess, Wade, Moore, McGuire, Woodraw, Churcb, Hartman. A new metai bulletin board us- es small magnets ta fix announce- m ents. An agreement has been réac±ied with the Britishi Ministry of Food on a price schedule for sbeep and larnbs supplied -by the Republie of Ireland. The schedule will operate up to April 2, 1950, the period for wbich prices for British home- grown sbeep and lambs have al- ready been f ixed. In addition, assurance bas been given by the British Ministry o! Food that the relationship between the prices now fieed for Irish exports and prices for British home-grown sheep and lambs, will not be alter- ed te the disadvantage of the Irisb farmer up ta 1952. HAàRDWOOD FLOURS LAID, SANDED and FINISHED Floor Sanders Edgers & Polishers To Reni For Particulars PHONE OSHAWA 3744wl Nq. LEGGETTE OSHAWA POLISH EGGS In the past three yeats Paland bas shown considerable recovery in egg production and is now able to resurne its position among the principal European exporting countries. An agreernent was signed early this year providing for a large increase in exports to the United Kingdorn over the next five years. TO EASTERN QUIBSEC MARITIMES it Eajoy that hall. day '"DownIEest», avisit home or Effective J UNE 2Oth to SEPTEM BER 5ttà inclusive Consul: uny Canadjan Pacific RLiim7 Meut. -MSRVTO CRE WE'VE CONSYRUCYED TrHIS DAM \l V\ITH A L0H6r GENYLE BACK.-SI-OPE SO THE FLOO W/«ER VWLL. N01 t-% UNDERMINF- I'T NOW WE HAVE A DAM 1i-AT I ENSURE A GOOD SUPPL-< 0F WArER FOR US ALL SU MMER..- LOTS0F THERANIMÀLS,ANO PiSK 00, WL "riiAiK rRp US FOR TIS FARMERS AROUNO mw.E. WII.L BENEFITf FROM ~<K THE DAM DURING- 1~~~ THEDRY SEASON . Canad's national animal, tho beaver, lu one of nature's most energetic conservationists. The dams they build help to hold bock the rushing waters in the spning, storing tliem up for the dry summer months. Beavers and the dams they build should nover ho malested by unauthorized persans. c. e~i~e 44oe~û/- OURS TO ENJGY - YOURS TO PROTECT 0e 1941. ARt G e M\ E INDI\IIDUAL WNHO CREATES 1 1A POND ON HIS PROPEP.T'< IS IMIYA rIN&TI-ýE BEAVER-.AND, WIiEN flRE WILDFOWL FINO SANCT'IUAR? TERE, ME SECOMES ONE 0F Ti14 APPIE.S- 0F' ALL MEN..- A C0NSERtVATiONtST MOLDBOARD PLOWS ROW-CROP CULTIVATORS SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS TANDEM DISC HARROWS SOIL SCOOPS FIELD CULTIVATORS TILLERS SFRING-TOOTH HARROWS HEAVY DUTY MOWERS CORDWOOD SAWS BRYANT NOTOR SALES DON BRYANT, Proprietor FERGUSON TRACTORS Complete Line ai Implements Now on Dlsplay:- - PHONE WHITBY 2250 ~Sp orlang les . "No, Bolton, naw you turn the canoe oyor and ride." -'ma-g I 'I When approuching through highways,-STOP and WAIT-it always pays Befor. turning into or crossing a through street or highway, corne to a complote stop. Look bath ways for on-coming traffic. Thon procood with cars 010. N. DOUCETT, Minis Ve 0OmNTA a 80 01P A 1MU8NIY 0 F KHGaH wA yS NW4 49 'CAR L MG 7S THE CARLING BREWERIES LI'MIIED WATERLOO. ONTARIO D.5 16 PAGE TEN - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'%ýýE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 2ist. 1942 9

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