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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1949, p. 12

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PAGU TWU..VE HAMPTON Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, To- ronto, visited his sister Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Herib Rogers, St. .A=ms, Mr. Curtiz Brown, Toron- to, at the home of C. W. Souch and ENGLISH DINNERWARE Open St ock 32-PIECE Breakf ast Sets $ 12.75 66-PIECE Dinner Sets $36.75 94-PIECE inner Sets $48.50 Cups & Saucers 65c VIEW MASTERS --- - $2.75 VIEW MASTER REELS, Beautifully Coloured --- 50a Ideal for Holiday Gifts ASK FOR CATALOGUE J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 558 27 King St. W., Bowmanvle .&Iways On Cail! WREN you place your lueur.. mec. with *hm agenoy I1* k #mt the begining et a ser- vice et protection for your property. There are mauy ways lu whleh we eau help you avold bas. May we elI pou about them? Cal- Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681. Res. 493 KIug Street, Bowmauvlue Mfr. and Mus. Ken Caverly. Misses Helen Baker and Verna Glebe, Tbronto, at Jim Smale's. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rican sd sons, Donnie and Jiminie,. Toron- to, visited Mr. and Ms. LU Cry- derman and Mr and Mn:. Gordon Wilbur. Master Bobbie Blackburn, Sa- lem, with bis grandparents Mr. and Mis. Mark Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly and Bruce, and Mr. C. W. Souch were dinner gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Ai. bert Cole, Bowmanville. Miss Ruby Deweil, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deweil. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, Co- lumbus, Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mis. W. W. Horn and Mrs. R. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Harpier, To- ronto, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daw. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa at S. Kersey's. Mrs. Ken Caverly visited Mrs. Ida Trenouth and Mrs. Olive AI- lin, Napanee, and in company with Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allun, Bow- manville, and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Souch, Medicine Hat, enjoyed a trip to the Thousand Islands. Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanviile, spent last week with her father C. W. Souch while ber sister Mil- dred enjoyed a holiday. Mr. Ed Flory, Niagara-on-the- Lakeo formerly of Hampton, ac- companied by W. H. Moore, En- niskillen, attended church service here on Sunday evening and ne- newed friendships. Mr. Geo. Barron and Mr. Austin Barron visited friends at Tilison- burg. Mn. Barron nemained and will visit Mr. and Mrs. Mitchener at Canfieid. Mrs. E. H. Cole and Mrs. F. A. Cole visited friends at Blackwaten. Miss Madlyn Wilcox was hostess to the Oshawa Presbytery young People's Executive which met at the p 'ark for a picnic supper and later at her home, on Thursday evening. A number of elderly ladies were ententained to dinnen at the home of Mrs. C. Johns and daugb- ters, Nancy and Helen on Friday. Mrs. Sam Dewell also entertained for a few of the older ladies on Wednesday. The lovely ramn showens which wvere prevalent both Sunday and M'onday will prove very benefi- 1 cial, and for which ail are veny i grateful. Solina Women's Institute beld their picnic In our Park on Thuns- day afternoon. Miss Audrey Macnab, 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. C. Mvacnab played the hymns and voluntary on the piano accompan- 1 .ed by Miss Jean Kersey on the 1 organ at Sunday School on Sun- 1 day. Congratulations to Misses Ger- 1 la Cnaig and Grace Blackburn, a Salem, who passed their music exams ln piano. Gerda won hon- a mrs. They are pupils of Mrs. Keith t Billett, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balsoni at- D~ ended the wedding and reception of their grand-daugbter, Miss t' R.uth Jear.ette Balson and Mr. I rohn Perry Hooker, Bnooklin, at Kinsale cbunch. Ruth is the fourth a augbter of Mr. and Mn:. Anson C. Balson of Moffatt, formerly of h Zion and Orangeville. They will make their home in Kinsale wbere b the groom and bis father have a L îacbinery business. Rev. Wilkin- a: sn of Kinkland Lake penformed ie ceremony. He was formerly tE leir ministen at Mono Milîs. Miss ID Doris Kathleen Balson was ber S >ny attendant and Mr. Genald [ooker was best man. ff Fniday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. ax f. Balson beld open bouse for ,ein seven ehildren, in-laws and L randchildren. It was the occasion 1\4 )the celebration of thein son, An- on and Mns. Balson's silver wed- hi ng. Piano, organ and violin mu- ai ce was enjoyed wth singing add- F' d by fathen and three sons. (Bal- ai on quartette). Lest Hein was en- H oyed and a presentation of a nice- yworded card and electric tea ri: :ttle were given the bride and th "onm of 25 years. Botb made e< peeches of tbanks. Refnesbments Mv ere senved including a veny Settiiy decorated cake. Their own K rnily gathened at Burlington, the Pi [me cf their eldesqttidaughte, rMr. IFARMERS Order Your Feed NO4W Ground Screeuings ~5O Delivered in 2ton Lots or More !elephone Us For BULK GATS or SBLET Priced Close to Carload Delivered Direct to Barn NOT to Station MIARLOW FEED AND TRANSPORT Blackstock Phone Port Perry 106r2 Farewell Party About 60 neighbouns and friends ithered at the borne o! Mn. and rs R. Stenger, Saturday even- 9, July 16, to congratulate their kghter Conduis on ber marriage Mn. Fritz Herbst and ta bid ebonoured couple farewell as ey leave to make their new ne in Switzerland. M1rs. 0. C. Ashton snnounced ereason for the gathering and v' tended the best wishes of the nmunitv to the happy couple, ch n Mn. Hobbs, a former teacher th the bride, in a brie! address ýntioned some o! the many steni. 9qualities o! the bride. Miss -ce McGill pnesented the couple h a gift of money as a tangible Pression of the feelings o! their riskilien friends. Mn. and Mns. ýrbst made fitting replies. Mn:, Ja Ashton led in a sing-song. A ga nerous Iunch xvas served %which 'luded a treat 01 ice creani pro- Gi em DumCoumty on Jum s27,1949 famflY, the~ Balle of Taunton, gave themn a silver tes Pot. Miss Doris Baison, Mr. Ed Woodland, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brawley (Betty Balson) were weekend guests of their grand- parents Mr. and Mus. J. W. Bal- son. hfr. and Mrs. Keith Billett visit- ed Fred Biilet's at Scarboro on Sunday. Congratulations to Ralph M. Peteus on passlng his Grade Ten Piano examinations with honours at the Royal Conservatory of Mu- sic, Toronto. ENNISKILLEN W. M. S. met at the home of Mns. M. and Mrs. E. Trewin en July 12 with president Mus. H Me- Gi in charge. Roll Cali was an- swened by a Bible verse on love. Devotional in charge of Mrs. E. Wrigbt opened with music by Mrs. L. Lamb. Mrs. R. Ornxiston reported on the bale for overseas. Mn. E. Trewin took charge of the following program: reading by Mrs. D. Carr; piano solos by Ray Ashton; paper on neigbbours by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, and a mission- ary reading "Wben the light shines" by Mrs. R. Ormiston. Lunch was served by Group 3. Mrs. W. Moore pronounced the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Henry and family, Lindsay, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Misses Elsie and Marie Bottreli and brother Earl, Newcastle, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson's. Mr. and Mn:. Frank Spry, Ro- chester, N.Y., Mrs. L. J. Brad- ford and Bruce, Leaside, with Mn. and Mis. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett, Mrs. [nene Groves, Tyrone, at Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett's. Misses Betty and Carol Wright are holidaying with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tyndal and family wîth Mr. and Mrs. P. El- lis. Mr. and Mns. S. R. Colwell, Port H{ope, Mr and Mn:. Lloyd Ashton, Ross, Marie, Ronald and Ray, Hay- ion, Mn. and Mn:. Roy McGill, Eeith and Reva, Master Bert Wer- ry, Ennishillen, Mn. Price, Mn:. VIoon, Toronto, were Sunday visi- tors at Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormis- ;on's. Master Gerny Moon has ne- turned borne with bis mother a!- ter bolidayîng with Mr. and Mus. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Water Oke. Mn:. W. Mark and Stewart, Port Perry, Miss Maxine Cannochan, Myrtle, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur 3runt. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, MIary and Barbara, Bowmanville, at Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Master Bert Werry is spending afew day: witb Master Ray Asb- ton. kt,. and Mrs. John Oke visited Mr. Howard Oke, Oshawa. Mn. E. C. Flory, Niagana-on- the-Lake, at Mn. and Mn:. W. H. Moore's Miss Hernon, Toronto, with Mr. nd Mrs. J. Smales. Miss Mona Brunt, Toronto, with en parents Mr. and Mns. A. Brunt. Mn. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater and aby Murray, Mn. and Mn: A. .eadbeater Sr., Toronto, with Mr. ind Mrs. A. Leadbeater Jr. Mrs. J. Smales visited ber sis- ;er in Toronto and attended the owswell Reunion at Hamilton on 'aturday. Miss Donalda Griffin, Bow- nanville, with ber parents Mn. id Mrs, R. Gniffin. Mn. and Mns. Sam Rutherford, ,ondon, visited Mn. and Mn:. E. 4cNair. Mns. Mary Griffin accompanied er daughten Mns. Jack Henod ýd Charles, Weston, and Mrs. H. 'ewelling, Toronto, to visit Mn. md Mrs. Lonne Griffin, Purple iii. Mr. aud Mns. F. E. Petbick, To- onto, at Mr. and Mn:. S. R. Pe- .ick's Miss Nancy Wood retunn- d fnom. Toronto accompanied by iss Gail Pethick for bolidays. Mn. and Mns. John Siemon, Latbryu and Robent, visited in lterboro. Mrn.A M- Y. tito n EOWMANVILLE J. M. James 1 - ________ 172 2 - _______ 95 3 _________ 147 4 (a) 85 4 (b) 88 5 ________ 87 6 1Ç7 7 _________ 161 8 _________ 135 9 ________ 110 10 ________ 117 il ___________ 141 12 _ _ _ _ _ 10 17 Totals -_ _ _ _ _ _ _1618 C. Stephenso 59 117 66 73 89 92 61 87 45 85 71 986 We may ay, tha the Nw Look Why a e taby-oes.oi~< is flot so 'kneesy" on the eyes. Laplanders? IDon't Get Into TROUBLUE 'ip]ott was taken to the hospital Withi pneumonla. ~Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry, To- i9Iito, with Mrs. Meredith Thomp- son and John. ,Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sweet, To- roDnto, with bis parents Mvr. and Mrs. Wesley Sweet. Miss Joyce Larmer and Mr. Donald Larmer with Mr. aud Mrs. Russell Larmer. Miss Velma Graham is home from bolidaying with her sîster and brother at Lakefieid. Cadmus W.A. is Wednesday nigbt at Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt's. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna are holidaying in Oshawa. J. ICenny 20 13 4 10 15 14 18 15 17 Before we onucalth emgovermn we are the governmnent. PORT HOPE o.1(a) 80 No.l1(b) - 60, No. 2 ________ 105 No. 3 .- 67 No. 4 ________ 102 No. 5 _ _ _ _ _ 71 No. 6 _ _ _ _ _ 61 No. 7 _ _ _ _ _ 69 NO. 8 _ _ __ _ 55 NO. 9 _ _ _ _ _ 88 NO. 10 ________ 113 No. Il ________ 78 No. 12 ________ 138 NO. 13 ________ 93 No. 14 ________ 80 No. 15.______61 NO. 16 ~84 No. 17._____43 Pol Pol POli POiU POil Poli POil Poli POil Pol Pol Poli Poli POli Poli POli POli Poli Totals -----.1448 CARTWVRIGHT Poli No. 1 .'7 Poli No. 2 --__ _ __ 3 Poli No. 3 -_____52 Poli No. 4 48 Poli No. 5 -. 53 MANVE"~ PolNo. 1 ____ 36 Poli No. 24 . ___ 47 Poli No. 3 ________ 68 Poil No. 4 -_______ 53 Poli No. 5 74 Poil No. 6 ._____ 28 PoIl No. 7 _ _ __ _- 55 Total: ---361 CA VAN Poli No. 1 34 Poli No. 2 _ _ _ __ _- 58 POil No. 3 -________ 39 Poli No. 4 10'7 POli No. 5 . ____ 90 POli Poli Poli Pol Poli Poli Pol Poil NO. POli NO. Poil No. Poil No. POil No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. Poil No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. Poli No. 43 25 26 44 39 29 23 26 40 23 48 36 33 13 32 12 529 15 7 21 4à 2 1 14 3 15 7 22 64 HOPE -- - 94 119 58 --___________ 124 -- - ---- 63 38 Totals 84 CLARKr7 POli No. 1 ________ 110 Poli No. 2 -_____ 64 Poil No. 3 ______71 Poil No. 4 -_______ 33 Poil No. 5 39____ Poli No. 6 _e_____ 108 Poli No. 7 -_______ 57 Poli No. 8 -_ __ _ _ 36 Poli No. 9 -____57 Poli No. 10 ________ 14 Poil No. il (a) -_____ 76 Poli No. il (b) 74 MILLBROOIK Poil No. 1 _______- 62 Poil No. 2 ________ 64 Total: ________126 NEWCASTLM POil No. 1 _________-. 112 Poli No. 2 _________ 163 Totals --.__________ 275 Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Poli Pol POil Poli Poli Poli POil 4--- 5 (a) 5 (b) 8(a) 8 <b) 9 --- __ 10 DARLINGTON 129 -116 - 73 - 96 -102 - 95 -119 -125 - 76 97 -143 Total: ___________1227 DURHAM COUNTY James Bowrnanvmne -______1618 Pont Hope--______ 1448 Cartwright 190 Manvers 361 Cavan _________ 32 8 Hope 584 Clarke __________ 739 Millbnook _________ 126 Newcastle -________ 275 Daniington 1227 Active Service ______ il Totals - - ---6907 Majonlty - 431 Ided by Mn. and Mrs. Stengen. AU those who wiil assist the oir Dlease meet for practice at ie close oi Sunday School. 82 65 88 73 126 69 56 84 31 73 77 98 56 55 55 87 141 46 1362 42 94 108 52 148 444 89 131 45 52 67 Mil 71 606 113 57 61 103 31 91 70 21 67 23 58 64 759 10 7 4 8 2 4 8 2 3 17 10 33 36 52 4 14 38 3 176 529' 48 1419: 96 127 41 32 38 si 127 45 an 28 35 46 736 Stephenson 986 1362 444 578 553 606 752 275 165 739- 12 6476 13th, with a good crowd, a splen- did supper and. fine concert. Mn:. Oscar McQuade is home tnom Oshawa Hospital and is feel- ing some better. Mn. Lloyd Henry, Bow-manviile, CALDMUS with Mn. and Mus. Lamne McKee. 1Miss Doris Hamilton, Biack- stock, with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mn:. Wm.- Sauderson, Wall. netville, with Mr. and Mn:. Ed- Mn. and. Mn:. Msrwood McKee nr Gibso..f with Mn. and, Mn:. Ed Lawson, The Cadmuz hurch had their . Yelx-erton. arden Partï Wedine&daj, nigliÇ -loirr' to lheu ar9M s. Pervc' With flue Dairy . LET US INSTAL A DeLaval NiIk Cooler lu your tank and then you can forget the worry or off flavour and saur mllk. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK 0F THE - Plows - Manure Spreaders Disc Plows- Forage Harvesiers Forage Blowers- Spring-Tooih Harrows DeLaval and Beatty Pressure Syslems Fly Spray IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT - WE WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Fanu Machlnery - - Firestone TIre. DeLaval Milkers aud Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equlument el King St. W. Phone g »- 'j z £5 BLA'EBONE .JT B3LASE RGAS SMOKED SLICED BREAKFAST Di WHOLE OR HALP SNOKED am 8MOKED SHANKLESS FRE8H GRADE "A"-3 TC CUT-UP CHICKEN-BUY THE PARTS YOU LIKE BEST -LEGS OR BWASTS l«9<WNS lb. 4< NECKS & ACKS lb. 33e A&P CUSTOM GROUND ANN PAGE FAMOUS SLICED WHITE ANN PAGE FAMOUS YORK BRAND BOLOGNA - -* HEDLUNDIS FRENCH'S MUSTARD 6-oz jar lOC YUKON CLUB (Contents anly) GINGER ALE - 230-oz btls 19C ASSORTED JELLY POWDER3 n3 pkgs 25c MASO" SEALEIRS' smail doz 73c Igo doz 93c A&P IRRADIATED EVAP. MILK - v 2 lafitins 25c A & P FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large Swet Eating, from the famous Okanagan Valley# Excellent for Preserving. Buy Tliem By The Ca» CHERRIS Canada's Finest, No. 1 lb. 330 ORANGES California Valencia, Ne. 1-344't Doz. 25e APIPIJES ExelltCokin No.¶1 2 l,.299 GRUPES California Fresh Seediess, No. 4 lb. 39e BLJEDEIRRIES Fresh No. 1 2 Pt. Boxe$ 49e CARROrS :Tender, . 2 Large 17e CORN No. 1, Sweet, YeIlow, Tender 6 for29 oulusNo. 1, YelIow Cooklng, New Crop 3 lb.. 19< a lb 54C 24-oz loaf 12c -8oz jar lc 12-oz tin29c 16-oz fin 37c POTATOES Ontarjo N.w Crop, No. I lb.. 39< CHECK THE TRIM 0F VOUR MEAT AT A&P. NOT ONLY DO YOU GET THE BEST THERE 18 BUT MORE FOR VOUR MONEV AS WELL. BUY CANADA'8 FINEST QUALITY. RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF DGNXELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST n, SSc FRESH KILLED 41/2 to 5 Ibs. lb. ROASTINGCHICIENS - 55 YUMLEGS 'SHANX 0"OfF . ?Àm 'b*599 YEAL lUMP ROAST lb.6$ I-*lb. 59 RESH SKINNEO & CLEANED lb. 3no BONELESS lb. 59<LAKE NIPIGON BONLE 87lb<M WHMTEFISIR FRESH LIS 55e HADDOCK FILLEI 3N 4 Lbs. FRESH RESTIGOUCHE b39< SAMON SEAKS *lb. J .. -. -t'-. Customeérs' Corner How do you likze the fresh fruits and vegetable depart. ment in your A&P store? Are the vegetables fresh and crisp-as they should be? Are the fruits firmn and ripe-as they should bc? Are the displays nept and orderly-as they should be? Are the clerks helpful and courteous-as they should be? We maintain buyirig offices wherever and when- ever fresh fruits and veg- etables of top quality are available. We rush this pro- duce in refrigerated trains and trucks taoOur ware- bouses and stores. We price it ta seit quikkly and we in- spect it constantly ail along the line for uri sign of deteriaration. In other words, anl aur efforts are aimed at offering Fou Only the finest and freshest fruits and veget- ables. If w.e er fail te do this, w. wlR consider it a favor if yun wili teil us about it. Pleese write : Cu$~omuRelaions DeL, A&P Food Stores, 136 Laughton Ave., Toronto, Ont .Mr. and Mn:. Hoskin Smitk and family spent Sunday with friends lu Toronto. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Toronto, with ber sister, Mn:. Wilfred Bow- mnan. A. E. Niddery, Toronto, at Wal- lice Pascoe's. Miss Ida McCuiloch, Toronto, is holidaying witm Mr. and Mns. O. J. McCulioch. Mn. and Mn:. Les Jobnston. To- ronto, are holidaying at T. Tay- lon':. , ins. A. Pearce, Mn. and Mn:. L. Peance and family, New Jersey, Don Samis and Miss Alice Drug- an, Toronto, Miss Cousina Samis, Oshawa, at Milton Samis'. W.A. met at the borne o! the president, Mn:. Wilfred Bowman. Thene was a' lange attendance and a, fine program. Mrs. Fosten Suow- den, Kedron, sang two numbens; Mn:. Roy Langmaid, Solina, gave a paper on "Canada" in which she inspined eveny one present to do ber best to make Canada a betten land. Mns. Frank Gilbert gave a neading whicb closed the pnogram, to be foilowed by a splendid lunch served by the South group. of - ----------- - mm V a 'a e 497 MEMBER OF O.R.F E.D.A. Tractors - Wire Fence

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