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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1949, p. 15

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TBUSDAY, JULY 219 149 The Newcastle Kidepeudent j ~Min MargaretAh Mss. Harold Adair and daugh- Mr. Paul Benneft sç ters visited friends in tawn. 'weekend !'n Port Doyer vi Miss Helen Alkenbsack bas leit college friend. Newcastle ta work in Trenton. Ms. and Mss. AI Turner Mrss Roy Brilinges. Toronto, is wa, visited her parehts3 guest of ber niece Miss H. A. Ma- Mss. Alec Ad.,ir. son. 1Ms. and Mss. Dawes, Bc .Ms.,Tom Wallace, Toronto, was ville, called on Ms. and Mr guëst ai Ms. and Mss. Howard Megit on Sunday. -Toms. Ms. and Mss. Jack Wilk, -Ms.. Howard Rawe, Hamilton, ronta, were guests o! Mr. ai SPent the weekend here with bis Raymond Bennett. family. Mss. Ernie Gibson, C Ms. and Mss. Bill Storks spent spent the weekend with hi the weekend with friends at Shar- Mss. Ralph Sbostt. -bot Lake. Miss June Van Dusen, T :Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, spent spent halidays with ber the weekend with her mathes Mss. Mr. W. Van Dusen. Frnk______r.an____Gerg I and Joanna, Napahee, are visiting years &go. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry sj: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt. Durig her litei Newcastle the week.,nd ait Lke Dalryrs Miss Lorraine Lee - ang Messrs. iwhere ahé and, herhsusband raisk, -near Orillia. Art Toms and Bud Boathan v5si their family, Mrs. reretion %von M.Al Brown visited hâ j ted friends and relatives in town. for hersel!, a place oflgh, esteemf ther,.'rs. H. Brown in Toron cnt the Mr. Harold Deline who has been and- was a grèat. nesghbor and -Mr. and bbtis. Geo, Glanv. isiting a holidaying i the States spent the friendio ail who knew-her, Newcastle, -with Mr. and. Mrs.1 weekend with his mother, Mrs. She leaves -ta. mouri hr osbirt Alkired. !r, QAha- L. Deline. elos Mr. nd rcheaen ad Ms. alfurher husband, three sons: Charlie, Miss D areen Alldred, Orono Mr etArerboro and Mrs. Bafrubl, Pott opeii Tommy 0f.Hespeler, visiting Miss Lois Alldred. owa etro, aregndt, Mrs. Gr. Fe and.Sam at home, thréeeZauhtes The. CalsT ldesh low.n c.A Lesl, ere. s fMr. . Mary (Mrs. AI. Garrod, Irene hpd their Hydro turned on. Miss PearAAibar an*Mr.lClu (Mrs. D. Cu4nningham), bath of Miss Marlene Bedwin with 1 Mis Perl lba an Mr Clf-Newc astle, and Frances, (Mis. D. grandparentà Mr.' and Mrs. H. ford Phillips- have been holidayng Wriiht), Trenton; and one bro- Taylor, Courtice. ken, To- ýwith Mr. and Mrs., Edmund ther, Joseph Kinghorn of Brook- Mrs. AIl Wilkins and. ba anld Mrs. Thacker.ay. We are sorry to report that Mr. lyn, N.Y., and a sister Sarah (Mrs. Oshawa, Mrs. Chas. Bedxw )shàwaW.E ealaiitho. A. McFadden, Port Perry. Brown's, with Mr. and Mrs. ér nlièce, many friends hope he wilî oo She was a meniber of St. Geor- thr. Bed Min. W.Bse be &round again. ge's Anglican Church. The funer- adfm]wt Mr. and Mrs .Bsev Eoronto, Mis1s Jane Bennett passed her ai was held there in July 7 with adfml ihM.adl father, Grade X siniging exanis with îst Rev. D. R. Dewdney, assisted by Howard Crydermnan, Maple Groi clasa ho nors ait Toronto Conser- Rev. John Banathan having Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mari Dawber vatory of Music. Congratulations! charge of the service. Interment and Joyce attended the weddii Mr. Archie Storrey, Toronto, was in St. George's Cemetery. of Miss Lillian Osborne, Boi emanville, and Mr. Alec Wight vfisited his sister Mrs. Alec Adair. Palîbearers were: George Alberta. Mr. Storrey 'is .convalescing froni Gaines, Walter Crowther, Cecil Correctn-Last week two a severe bout with blood.poison- Carveth, H. S. Britton, Fred Tho- ems should have read: Mr. ai ing. mas and Chas. Glanville. Mrs. Bruce Whitney and Glad, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bonathan The many beautilul floral of- Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Chi and Carey spent.the weekend with ierings were from a hast aof'be- Beebe, Orono, with Mr. .and Mi bis mother Mrs. G. Banathan, To- reaved friends throughout this W. Adams. . . . Mr. and Mrs. li ra.nto. Mrs. Boriathan and Carey district. raid Souch and family and Mr.. remained for a few days. Souch, Shiloh, andi Mr. and Mi 'We aresorry ta learn that Mrs. A. A. Gibson and Muriel, Nev ..{erb Hancock fell and broke he&' TA n castie, with Mr. and Mss. W. Ai aot. She is showing some lm- "H'AYDONL ams. ?rovement and it ils hoped it won't )e long until she is up and asound W.A. met ait Mss. Frank Denty'F ..N. ,Cak agi.on Thursday aiternoon with a RePort of June Examinations Little Misses Karen and Sharon goodly number present. Bible. Wright, !ormerlv yof Port Hope, reading was read by Mrs. R. Grade VI to VII-Jack Skel( riave left Newcastle ta live in their Thompson and devotional by Mss. ing, Donald Taylor. new home ait Roseneath. The two A. Read. Theme af the meeting Grade V to, VI-Keith Adams- little girls have lîved for at least was on 'Tsees",-pertaining to Honours, Marlene Bedwin-Haj three years wîth Mr. and Mss. shade and fosest trees. Mrs. Les- ours, Ross Dean. se Percy Tamblyn. lie Grahami had charge af the pro- Grade IV to, V-Lois Alldred. ,e Mss. R. G. Wright, Toronto, who grami. Reading "Interview with Grade III to IV-Barbara-Ar has just returned froni an enjqy- Trees" by Miss Viviani Cowling; Alldred-Honours,, Elaine Powe able trip out west, spent the week- Sala by Ray Ashton; Reading:, Honours. end recalling the many education- 'How Trees Live and Die" by Mss. Grade II to III-James Dean. ai and intésesting sights af her C. Garrard; Reading "Who Grade I to II-Brian Alldse-d. trip, for his sister Mrs. Gardon Plants a Tree" iy Mrs. A. Beech* Honours,. Marily n Baskervipe- Ash. Sala by Ina Beryl Read; Reading Honours. e The Hancock family held a se- "The Leaves ai the Tree' by Mrs.' Al the nupils in the schoul wer union in the for maf an enjoyable W. Blackburn; Reading, "The use successful. Names in alphabetica picnic ait Orana Park Wednesday ai a -Tree" by Mrs. J. Walkes; order. afternaan, July 13. Games and Miss Vivian Cowling sang, aecom- Hazel E. Powell, Teacher. sports werc the highlight followcd panying herself on the guitar; by a suma-tuous picnic supper. A Reading "Pianeer Trees" by Mss. * grand time was enjoyed by ahl. C. Rankine; Reading "*Naturels PlOitical Mveetngs Cangratrulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Abundance" by Mrs. D. Cars an ~ e Stl Percy Brown on their 4th Wed- Reading "As Live as a Tree" by N w Stl ding Anniversary last Thursday. Mrs. D. Cameran. It was decided At the afternoon meetingai the ta get up a chusch service for this By R. 3. Deachmnan United Church W.A. Mrs. Brown Sunday, also ta see about a sign People are sick and tired o. was presented with a very beauti- board. for- the outside af aur political mieetings, old style - fui vase, while she accepted a church. Lunch was served by Mrs, there hav, been too many o. charming ash-tray for her -hus- Graham's group and a social time thern this year. band.. enjoyed. The old form, centuries, old * Fsi.ay night, July 15, Mr. and About ninety gathered ait the consisted of a stodgy political cf- Mrs. Stanley Graham, recent chusch shed an Thursday evening fort lasting an bous or more. Il bride and groom, were pleasantly in honar ai Mr. and Mss. Clarence xvas wholly wanting in lightness o. suspsised by their many friends Avery, a recent bride and groom. tauch, bard on the speaker, un- ba présentation held in the Com. The couple were. escorted ta two bearable ta the audience. i am ýunity Hall. They were the re- pink and white trimmed chairs writing now of small tawn anc cipients af a beautiful desk, chair against a background ai pink and country me2etings - the audiences and 4ri-light lamp. Friends and white streamers and a basket ai were larger in the cities but flot relatives were present froni the flawess wnile Mr. Frank Denby larges in relation to population. surrounding district ta congratu- played the, Wedding March. Mr. There is an ansxver ta this, joint - late the happy couple. Cecil Slemon very ably acted meetings. The candidates ta spcak, It is nice ta know that Ms. and1 as charman and called on Mss. C. brietly then the meeting is Mss. Ed. Powell are araund again. Garrad, whaead a short ad- thrown open for questions. Here Mr. Powell just returned fron dressMs. Alymer Beech and Mss. we enter dangerous groumid, much Oshawa Hospital whese he has H. Ashton presented the happy dcpends on the wisdom af the been recuperatiig, from' a braken couple with a maroon velaur-cov- candidates, the intelligent.e af ' -pelvis, the result ai an acciden.t esed accasianal chair and a cani- the audience and the icapacity ai ait h i' sosn, betwecki Ms. bined book and end table on be- the chairnian. Schmid% ;Car and a C.P.R. matas bah 0of the canimunity, friends and A good chaisman for a meeting cas. Mss. -Powell has only recently relatives. Ms. and Mss. Avery ai thijs kind, is worth bis weighit bee n able ta get araund aiter hurt- tendered thanks. A couple af in chocolate bars. There must be ung ber ankie on Mill St. sanie piano duets were played by Mss. no interfeirence .vith the spea kers J ie ago. H. McGill and Mss. E. A. Wesry. while they are telling their star- Tewhole town was saddened Ray Ashton sang "Galway Bay". ies. They must nlot speak too long, oa. Saturday. ta hear ai the death Mss. C Rankine sendered a solo. fifteen or twcnty minutes i., ai little Ronnie McKeown in To- Readings were given by Ms. W. ample. Thon cornes the-question ronto Sick Children's Hospital. Blackburn, Mr-. Don Cameron and periodi. The questions should bc ,nannie was a sweet little yaung- Mss. Roy MeGilI. A social tîme clear cut and definite, they mus: stes, but because ai a throat ai- was enjayed after which a boun- have point to themn. They shaulc fection wbicb caused the loss af teous lunch was sesved which in- not be made merely for the pu.- bis voice, he made frequent visits cluded ice-cream, the charivari pose ai catching the candidate aff ta the haspital. Howeves, he tseat froni the bride* and groom, base. They shauld deal with the seemed ta be mLking such pro- Before going home a crawd issues and the facts related there- gress that bis death came as a Wvent up Ia Ms. and Mrss. Lloyd ta. Success depends on the intelli- distinct sbock, flot anly ta his par- Beech's and gave theni a chariva- ge'nce ai the audience. ents, 'but bis many friends. Si-n.r. In a meeting of this kind y<yu ceses sympathy is extended ta his Margot Rankine lis sparting a see your representative as he mother and father, Ms. an'! Mr.3. new bicycle. really is. If he is good, you xiii Bill McKeown. Milton and Lloyd Slemion have iind it out by bis manner af Thursday afternoon, July 14, St. painted their bouse. aseigqetos fh' o George's W.A. beld a very suc- Congratulations ta Ms. and Mss. answeringhquestilons. ones flo cessiul Afternoon Tea on the Rec- Frank Osmond on the arrivai ai bands. This may flot appear in tory lawn. There were surprises a son. the first meeting but it will came for aIl at the Wbite Elephant W.A. are planning a Church out sooner os later. When that Table, novelties and toys for the Service for Sunday evening. happens if there is still tume kiddies at the fish pond, melt-in. Plan ta attend and bear Miss Daris-chnehm 1 y au r - m o u t h d eli c a cà i e s a h i î o , s t r e d m s i n r r n i l t h v r g u i n e p o Mis HeenTurnesrentertained -*ea, at Mr. . flC5t5liT's What is gained from this type MISS ueuen Ms. and Mss. Alyrner Beech, Ms.aimeng Fitiarusi- with piano solos. A delîcious lunch and Mss. Don Cars and famiiy, tf eretingt? anrs ill buesis- was served by menibers ai Mss, at Port Boîster on Lake Simcoe. cued and t anased ilbcstoe Browns-graup. There will be no aMr. and Mr$. R. Aunger, Ennis. garage and street conversations. meetings in August and Septein- killen, at Mr. Frank Denbv s. ber.' Miss marie Ahan Tont The x'aters will gain a great deal holdaingwihter parnt, of information. It iwill arouse gen- holiayin wit herparets. cral interst. its ame xiii spread Mr. anid Mrss.Alin Malcolmn, There is a definite value in it, far, OBITUÀRY Marilyn and Nancy have returned fas gseater than in the ordinary ta Toronto after viiting bis par- MRS CHR IE DERE ON lm. Ml Could these joint meetings be Charlotteeasily arrangedtonNot always. One 's ne t ecf lar' h u a i Ju y 4 H .a t nditM . Thon C a unt o fo!the candidates max' feel that Chrote (ighr)Eer eton Hamptond atM.Jon LCmeron's. he Woul d be at a disadvaîîtnge. 'slpt eacfuhy aay a br eer- Mr.andMss Jon Lptay and He ma.v lack the information, lis- nial sest, at Sunnylea Lodge, the iamily at Mr. Stephen Liptay's, mx eal og'eraoal home ai Ms. and Mss. Eric W cks, Ilntn Focrle.Mr. Bruce Garrard, Is cgtn, an. se th easoai e secn F~ the past seven years M s. at Mr, . C, G ardS lng O. 0 re ta e sa nieb ce nquostins Brertonhad ndued mch warkcd with only anc contesi- erese t hder nred muc st-ant Present. Try it the next lime forerigwthbrilni * a rom lack O! moral strength an election ralis arourid. You VdjlI ancd ota give up hot".-..ePîng empires faîl. Right alone is rrse- neyer wanîta go hack ta the oid ad throutside interests, cn. sistable, permanent, eternal. Way. This plan measures yýour fining herse!! ta home and famiy1-May aer dv addt rvsbscpî u n til th e p a s i 1, ea- Mairhc a ndor a k t . - Mp o re im p r atý inih RstHoe.fTh e great and the littie have or givesof t oe iort ant ¼ý.-îI Born.5,5 Years ago near Lind- 1need one cf an te.Toa iae ce fthe poiea bwhich say. ahe was of the late Fuller. confront. Iben- AND HIGNER WAGES'HAVE GREATLY INCREASED OUR COSTS 1N THE PAsr byve years the nuniber of eniployees lias doubledl and our payroll bas gone Up from 20 million dollars to over 50 million dollars. Vet, up 10 nowv, despite rising costs on ail sides there has been no incrcase ini the basic telephone rates esîablislicc -9- years ago. To incet unprecedented post-war deînand for mor-e tele- phones, our expansion and improveinent of service have of neces- sity.taken place in a per-iod of rapidly rising costs. Most businesses have offset their higher costs by higher prices for their products. We have not yet done so. You cati bc sure we w~ill kecp on doing our bcst to pi-ovide you with.adequate and consîantly improving tcleplione service - andi to provide it at the Iowcst rates consistent iîhl a fai rcturil W Fresh Picked Ontario Grown q 1 Corn on the Coh Qa; - Ontarioo.1 Excecllent ult 230z. New Poloes - 5 Ibs. 27c a-i.2 cCalifornia Sunkist Size 126's Grapefruit - - 5 for 25c j.w ~5 California Fancy Eating Size 1501.- Darileit Pears - 4 for .31 c Lb. 4l7c Local Grovn Red and Columbia Variety Raspherries - - - N Local Grown Firi mtoi 28 Green Cabbage - 15c eè, BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK-FANCY COHOI SALMON MILLIONNAIRE-I.N OIL-NORWiGIAN SARDINES AYLMER-TOMATro CATSUP WELCH'S-GRAPE JUICE FICNIC-SWBI? MIXED PICKLES RICHMELLO-CANADIAN 01.0 CHEESE BUDOGET .IELL O5TE RICHMILLO-ORANGE FIKOE B.C. Fancy Luscious Black Eatismg TEA BAGS Pk of 3d4, Bing Cherries ---35#,-lb. IICHMELLO-FRISHLY GROUNO Town Grown, Firin C OFFIE b. 55c Ripe Tomatloes ---35c b. CIF ECCalifornia Choice 'Size 34l"'; SOAP DETIRGENI Lrg Valencia Oranges - - 25C doz. V E L e 43C For C'ool Summer Dr1niks Celin Car'on of 4 NA&VY-TOIL" DIalian Lemons . . . . 17r, DOMESTIC SHORTENING lb3Oc PORK AND BEANS 2TU'21c PIIDE OF 1141 VALLEY-STD. 9UALITY EGGS WANTED All marchandise soid dit your Dominion Store la 5flC~.fldltbenîFI~ gué te gi~e ~es 105'.'. satisfaction. W. p.y higNeat mar~.t pric.s *or *gg s. VALUIS EFIECTiVI Ship~ing legs *t mur store, Sa. ms,~ag.r tes serticulers Isg. gradisg rHURS., FR1.. SA? . JULY 21 22 23 station 0.2?. GU>AINION SIORis LIMIrEL .1 'i PAGE FRUITAND iVEGLr,.ýjBLES 1/4 *s Tin 30C 1

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