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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1949, p. 16

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1' TEZ CANADIAN STATESMAlN,&- A ~- ~ ~ PAGEZ O.L I ONTAPmO " BRING YOUR i MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS ihto BIRTHS LYLE-Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle ws oannounde the birth o! terdaogbtcr. a little sister for Johnny, at Bowmanville Hospital on July 15th, 1949. 29-î* WISEMAN-Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Wiseman (nee Marion Battle) announce the birtb o! their son ut Bowmanville Hospital on July 13th, 1949. (Baby passed away two days later). 29-l* ENGAGEMENTS Mc. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Agnes. to Harold Arthur, son of Mm. J. De- Mille and the late Mrs. DeMille. The werlding to take place at the Long Sault United Cburch at 2:30 p.m. on July 23, 1949. 29-1* Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Tebble of Newcastle. wush to announce the engagement of their youngest daugbter Thelma Leona, to Frank Howard taYcoe of Ajax, son of Mm. and Mrs. Frank Laycoe of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Wednesday, August 10, 1949. in the parsonage of King St. United Church at 4 oclock. 29-l* MARRIAGE LANGMAID -CASE - In Knox College Chapel. Toronto, on Fi- day, July lSth, 1949, Rev. W. Ross Adams of Owen Sound, united ini marriage Dr. Jack Alan Langmaid son of Dr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Langmaid of Oshawa. and Ruth Anne Janet Case. daughter of M. and Mrs. Gai-field Case of Owen Sound. . 29-1 DEATHS DARCH-Suddenly at Lakeview, Ontario, on July l7th. 1949, Ada Elizabeth Darcb. widow of John Darch, in ber 74tb year. Funeral frorY' the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. July 2tb. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 29-1 FOSTER - In Bowmanville, on Saturday, July 9th, 1949, Hubert Byron Foster, beloved husband of Edîth Peardon Foster, aged 78 years. Funeral from the family residence, 8 Horsey Street, on July l2tb. bnterment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 29-1 McKEOWN-At the Toronto Hos- pital for Sick Children, on Satur- day, July l6th, 1949, Ronald Wayne McKeown. beloved son o! Mr. and Mrs. William McKeown, aged 3 years andl 4 months. Rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Tuesday noon. Service in Newcastle United Church on Tuesday, July l9th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. 29-1 THETFORD-At her late resid- ence, 36 Catlysle Avenue, Bow- manville, on Wednesday, July 20, 1949, Gertrude A. Thetford, be- loved wife of William Thetford, and dear mother of Hubert, Florence, Edward, Ronald (killed overseas). Arthur and Harold Hooper, aged 54 vears. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Friday, July 22nd at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmianville CemeterN * 29-1 IN MEMORIAM STONE-lIn loving memory of a, dear busband and father. Franki Stone. who departed this life Jiuly 2lst. 1948: The evening stars shine o'er the 0ftegrave Ofteone wce loved, but could not save; Tbe cal was sudden, the shock seere To part with one we loved so dca r: Thc y say time beals ail sorrow Adhelps us to forget, But tumo sýo far bias onl.y proved How much we mniss him yet. -Sadilý missed by bis wife and faimuly.29-1* CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Char- lotte Brereton \vsb to tbank very sincercly ail those who kindly assisted in mnanY ways at the time of their bereavement and for the manx' beautiful cards, flowers and messages of sympathv. Spec- ial tbanks to Mrs. E. Wicks for ahl hem kindinesses. 29-1 Mrs. Geo. White wisbes to ex- press her sincere thanks and appreciation to ber relatives. fi- ends and ncghbours for their nianv acts of kindness and for the beautîful floral tributes and mes- sages of sy'mpathyý, especially thanking Rev. A. E. Eustace for his comifortung words in hem recent bereavement in the loss o! ber Articles For Sale 1 Reçil Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate for Sale COMING EVENTS Benefit Football game -- En- niskillen vs. Solina - at Solina' baîl field Saturday evening. July 23rd, with dance afterwards at Solina school. 29-1* You are invited to the Junior Farmers' Sunday service at the Durham Federation camp site on Sunday, July 24th, commending at 2:30 p.m. Bring your picnic lunch. Adults are cordially in- vited. 29-1 Durham County Holstein Breed- ers Twiight Meeting will be heîd on the Farm of Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, Monday, July 25th, comnlencing at 7 p.m. There will be a type demonstration. Speaker, Prof. Geo. Raittiby, O.A.C., Guelph. Prizes will be given, also ice crean' and cake and re- freshments. Everybody welcome. H. J. Brooks, Pres., H. C. Muir, Sec. 28-2 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED typist. Apply in writing to Box 270, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 28-2* BOYS wanted for remainder of summer holidays. Apply Brookf dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 28-2 AN experienced cook and assist- ant cook for the Y.W.C.A. Cafe- teria, Oshawa. Apply Y.W.C.A., Oshawa, 10 arn. - 3 p.m.; 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. 29-1 EXPERIENCED belp, married or sungle, for modemn dairy farm. Write, stating experience and wages expected to Box 277, States- man Office. 29-1* YOUNG girl for clerk in local store, fu time, experience not essential, commence Sept. lst. Write Box 278, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 29-1 BOOKKEEPER-should be able to type, male or female, steady employment. Apply in writing to Box 271, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. - 28-2* WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanville. Permanent conection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Rawleigh's -Dept. ML-G-140-131, Montreal. 27-4 BE SURE of a worthwhile income! Operate ybur own business! This is easily done by distributing our numerous varieties o! Guaranteed household necessities from door to door. Splendid territories avail- able in the city, also in the sur- rounding rural areas. Start Now! Write for Free Details and Cata- alogue: !>i1ex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 27-4 ARE you Iooking for somnething permanent in the selling field? Unusually attractive dealer sales position open in Bowmanville dis- trict. We want active intelligent hard-working married men. Must bave car, good references. Eamn- ings first year will net over $3.000. No investment in stock. Write Sales Manager, 386 Water Street, Peterborough. 28-2 Notices Miss Hodgins' office will be closed ontil Aogust lSth. 29-3 Dr. Birk's office will be closed from July lth to Aogust 6tb. 25-5 Articles For Sale GASOLINE engine, 1/2 h.p. Phone' 2921. 29-1* CHILD'S go-cart, in good condi- tion, $4.50. Phone 2744. 29-1 WASHING Machine. Phone 861. 29-1 '31 WHIPPET sedan, in good con- dition. Phone 2749. 29-1* 1935 PONTIAC sedan, excellent motor, tires and paint. Apply 56 Lambs Lane, Phone 2921. 29-l* DEERING grain binder, 6 ft.;, also Deering corn binder. Pbone 2253, Wesley G. Werry. 29-1* COLUMBIA raspberries and black currants. Phone 2433 at noon or 6, A'. H. Clemens. 29-1 RANGETTE. 18 montbs old, like new, $35. Apply 145 Churcb St., after 6 p.m. 29-1* ONE canoe and one punt, good for outboard. 69 Queen St., Bow- manville. Phone 379. 29-l* CHEST of drawers, chairs, sofa, walnut dining table, 2 burner electric plate. Pbone 2287. 29-1* 1942 HALF-ton Fargo truck. with rack, in excellent condition. Pbone 2711. 29-1 '48 PONTIAC sedan, less 10,000 miles. W rite P.O. Box 391, Bow- manville. 29-l* 1941 SPECIAL Deluxe Chev. Coacb, $1200 cash. Phone 924. 29-1P' CABIN, 8 x 14 ft., winterized, newly -painted. easily moved. Phone Clarke 2614. 29-1-Y '39 BUICK convertible model 46-C, radio. heater, defroster. good tires, excellent throughout, Phone Orono 83r4. 28-3* BINDER Twine-use the best, Ply- mouth Red Top binder twine- at $12.50 per bale. Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill. 28-2* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measured and installed. Free estimates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 25-tf EXTENSION pipes for blowing straw from threshing machine, fits any blower. Colin Smith, Phone Orono 56r6. 29-1* 1941 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, new tires, good condition. Phone 2436, Lavern Clemens, Hampton. 29-tf PLACE your order for raspberries now with Mrs. D. B. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcas,ýe, Phone Clarke 2534. 29-1 BARN, 30'x40', frame, in excel- lent condition. Priced for quick sale. C. McCausland, Leskard. Phone Orono 54r18. 29-1* COMPLETE work bench, jig-saw, sander, motor. shah and small tools, $100 or best offer. Phone 2865. 29-1* ICE refrigerator, electrie type, $92 new. Willsacrifice for quick sale, $35. Apply 192 Manvers Road. 29-l* McCLARY three-burnercelectric stove, in excellent condition, price $59 for quick sale. Aiken Appli - ance Shop, Newcastle. 29-l* GENTLEMAN with ten thou5and dollars to boan on local busies JAMES NIXON 6% fimst mortgage. Write BoxFrame bocuse and lot. hydro and 273, Statesman Office. 29-1* stool, one block from Main Street. One o! the bcst locations in Bow- DEAD horses and cattle for free manville, $1.200. pick up.. Phone Toronto AD.3636 ___ or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone Frame hocusc, two irooms. new charges. Gordon Yoong Ltd. funiture, fu11 baýement, bydro, 13-tf stool endi extra lot in gooti loca- DEAD Stock! Free Service. We tion. Possession arranged. $3,500. will pick up ail dead or crippled- - farm animaIs free o! charge. 1 acre land,. frame hou:-c. tburec Highest prices paid for old horses. room3, long shed, stable ptd gar- Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. age. lovcv gardeni. Abýout four 20-tf miles from Bowmanville, $1,200. Lost ý2.200-20 acres, 31,2 miles !mom Lost Ourono, 3 a2res pastcurc: [rame hou:-c, 5 roonms: bydro; gravel SEVERAL cartons o! fluoresceunt iord. snowplouglied; barn and lamps. Lost on No. 2 Highway un stable. vicinity o! Bowmnaville. Finder ___ kindly contact The StatesmpnC 5)huik n cmnilc Office or phone andladstone 1lo8 Offce r poneGlastoe 138,ýbouse. 12 rooms, witb one acre, Toronto.2-1ci ay lop.m: spring at bouse: one mile fom No. 2 Highway our cao Strayedbe purchaïseti with more land and creck. close Io Newcastle. RED Polled Cow wth eut leg i JAMES NIXON. Broker strayed fom Loschick's Somme:' r !Phone 682 Bowmanville Resort, Pontypool, about a week' 160 Liberty St. N. ago. Anyone knowing wheme- 9l abouts please phone Betlian 'v2- YOU can get a glistening polish job on your car the economical Way, by using "TARNOFF" - no washing, no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off. 16-oz. tin, 60c; 36-oz. tin, $1.00. At Alexander Motors, Bowmanville;, Newton- ville Garage, Newtonville. 29-1 FLOOR COVERINGS - New de-1 signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleumn and Rexoleuma yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in your measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf NEW Equipment: Case VA trac- tom; VAC tractor; SC- tractor; 2- furrow tractor plow; 3-furrow plow; 2 hayloaders; 1 forage bar- vester and blower; new DeLaval nmilk cooler; used 1 HC silo filler; used M-H. tractor plow; usen set M.-H. spring-tooth harrows; used Case D tractor on rubber; used Case C tractor on rubber; wire fence and steel posts; steel cement wheelbarrow with rubber or steel wheel. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 29-1 BRADLEY Funiture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suite,5, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-lîght lamps, complete, $ 12.95; rangettes, ranges fromn $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everytbing for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf Wanted SMALL mortgage boan wanted immediately. Please write Box 27.1, Statesman Of fice. 29-1 r r.Stre'sofie il b cosdONE good McCormick-Deering 20r33. 291 OWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Dubm Cut omnt June 27th to August 7th inclusive, grain binder, qoite new; also a $ 4.000 - four-roomedé insul-brick Auction will be beld at the Sales 23-____Phea2279il. A29y S Moton Chroyp.JdJsL jbungalow. bathroom. sunroomn, Barn. Orono, on the evenîng o! Phone___2279. _____ 9_____ _ good location. Immediate poss- Thursday, July 28tb at 7 John A. Holgute & Sons will 1937 CHEVROLET Coach, a real T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, essio. sharp. wheme tbeu'e will bc offer-, be closeti for bolidays from July boy -for $57500, perfect condi- specializing in diseuses o! the foot ed for sale a lau'ge number ofi 118 to August 1 inclusive. 28-2 tion. H. J. Stacey, R.R. 4, Bow- and lcg. General chirovody work. $6,000-Bcungalow. five rooms, h. ikrsrnes a at ________ 9-*Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, a. oul fumuiace. 3-piece bath, la'r illirsopcker catl , fug at e fcttie, mr.unvilleffce.wil c Phone 3947. 24-6* kitchen, insulated, garage, nuce er bogs, brood sows, furniture, closd fornJul 31t teSepem-WIT orwithut xtrs, 946-_ garden. Possession. Locateti on machinerv includung rubbcr tired i ber 5th inlusive. 21-1- Chevrolet 4 - door Fleetmaster \Vork Vlanted one o! the best streets in town. sedan. Bargain for quick sale. foot eut and many other items. Wanda's Beauty Shop will be Phone 2949 evenings, after 6. TILE work wanted, glazed color- S,9,500-with $4,500 down. Large Remnember the date, July 28th ini closed from July 23rd te Aogust 28-2 1 eti w'll tule, rîuhher or mastic brick residence o! t'en roomns, div-thie Sales Barn, Omono, thle Place 6thincusie, or oliays 292* ýROHLE daenprtnealyfloors. Phone 2902. 27-tf ideti in 3 apurtments, with extra wh ere alI far mers meef. Tcrrms 6thincusveforhoidas. 9~* KOEHER duvnpotnealylot, îocated on Kiniz Street, h.a. cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 29.1* Palmer's Barber Shop will be new fumed oak dining-room suite Custom VVork oil auto. heating. This is a val-____ loseti fromn August lst f0 Aogust In good condition. Mrs. Beath, _______________ uble propemty as there wilI bc 3rd inclusive, for holidays' 29-2* ..2OhwPoeBoku TRACTOR Custom Work, plough- 1 a theaf me built next to the extra Auctuon Sale o! popertv and 3r12.________29-1____ ing, cultivating and seeding. F. lot, within the near future. household furntuue-l have been WE DELIVER Texaco Gusoline PCAD 98Seai odS- Allen, Phone 594. 16-tf authorizedtiet seIl bîy Publuc aur- Motor Oils andi Greases to Bow- working condition, special Deluxe We hantile onîy exclusive list- lion for Mr. A. F. Spen-cer. o manville, Enniskillen, Trne epairs ig.HgwyN.2a al rv Areas. Bb rand_____________________G. Wanted-Bungubows, homes, bus- opposite Black Cat Inn: on Fi- Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or Kroac,2yroePhoe ro OR rmt fiingaate messes, !arms. day, July 22, ut 6 o'clock. bis pro- 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf se1.2-l O rompt, d eiacntmguarantet Bowmanville Real Estate perty, consisting o! a double lot THREE-furrow Oliver tractor srvictheng t-and csom woar 78 King St. West on which is a good bouse witb $10 ear s ffrd o i-plw;aso11,"plate. practically Sbop, Kn St. West. RePta J. Shehyn D. Maclachian basement, garage and lien house. formation that wili lead to the new. Fluery Bissell grain grinder.Poe a 21 2- reserved llbic Terms and con- conviction o! the meanest person, G. Kovacs, Tyrone, Phone Orono REPAIRS te ail makes o! re!rig- FordiioswilI be given tme ado!nal. or persons, wvho eot the !lowers 62rl0. 29.1l* erutors, domestic andi commercial. LivestockFo Sale dtoswl cgvntreo ae off my father's grave ut St. John's Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., ________________ Furniure cash. Anyone xvshing Cemetery, Biackstock. Pieuse BLANKETS, Carpets and Sctter phone 438. 26-tf PIGS, seven weeks olti, weigbing to put articles in this sale may do senti aIl information te the Rugs madie from your old carpets,- 35 lbs. or more. Phone 2035. 29-1 iso by contacting the auctioneer. Brown Window Frume Co., Lut- woollens or cottons. Gather your COMPLETE brake service, brake 'Please note lime- six o'ciock trcll Avenue, Toronto. 28-2* rags and phone 2890. Mm. H. A. drumn lathing, grinding andi hon- 7 YORKSHIRE pigs. six weeks in the evening. Elmer Wilbur, CambelDoinon___Co___________________an______ y re R Stvesautiner.29-1 Pesn l26-4 wheel cylinders honed and polish- Phone 2234. 29-1* _______________________ed. Permafuse Raybond brakeIFUNUESA -Ibvhen HYGINIC UPPIES (ruberBONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, bondîng, no rivets, Ruybestos NINE Yorkshire pigs, 9 weeks olti. I uRNthoRet to el b avpubli ue- maIE ileSPISi i- linn ivt.Insok ed o;bae iigs rke hesc-J. A. Johnston, Phone Port Ferryatoie esllb ulca(- no rivets. In stock ready te 90;29rak lioig.Bae hoe x in for Mrs. E. Bickell. 9Kn gsleti e osthpice plint Chev., Dotige, Plymouth, Chry- changes in stock ready to go. Bob 172-12. St2.9B-avil.onStrdy* Sixsapls 2c,24samle ~ sier, Oltis., Pontiac, Buuck (durums Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. THIRTY pigs. 7 wecks olti. Ver- Julv 23rd, ber houseliold effects Mail Order Dept. T-38,, Nov-Rub-Ited.Bb toersGrg Bowmanville. hn 0. 22-t! don Lathangue, Pontypool, Plione r inciuding:- studio couch nti chair, BowmConviBoe.9Ponam8l4on,2-t!.Bethany 7rl4. 29.1* practicalîy ne\v': cining-roomn berCo. ox91 Hm 2to, -nt NEW John-Deere tructors and TENDERS WANTED B suite: china cabinet; radio cabinet: ROSCRUIA SeretTechigsfurm implements for sale. Im- _______________ SIX Yorkshire pigs, six weeks bed couch; double bcd. spu'îugs medite elivry.YourJec-rTEDER wul berecevet by crtR.A. Bell, Burketon, Phone andi mattress: single bcd: dresser: are offered to those wh'o seek te Deere dealer. F. S. Allen. 44 C on- the ondersugned for the painting Ft erry 78rl 1. 29-l* sewing machine:- kitchen table: use them soiely for the perfection cession St., Bowmanville, Phone O! the interior anti exterior o! 25 WHITE Rock bens, laying, $2.00 theigh kitchnas: leibm alant of their inner faculties, anti in the 54.29-1* Mitchell 's Corners Schooî, SS acJ . Simstnreemtosmaîl k tncaes: seig able:n mustering o! the ________obstacles___ - No. 12. Darlington, work te bc 1 12' miles west o! Rackham's Gar- rdio table oine floorand table o! life;, the International Orgun- CLIMAX cook stove, wvhite en- completed bv the middle o! Aug- age. Phone 2028. 29-1* and wasn ai;foo n al ization o! Rosicrucians will be amel trim, water front and e- ust, fpsil.M.J ob.- lumps; electric range wilh oven: happy to receive the requests o! servoir, high wurming oven; Enniskillen, Ont. 29-1 COWS-Springers anti cows, cal- Findlay Oval range. in gooti con- those who believe that worthiness brown and cream eniauel crcu- ves at foot: also a numnber o! two- dituon, heater, equippet i wth ou] anti sincerity tietermine the right ator heater, good us new. Sacri- Clarke Township Sehool Area week olti Hereford and Durham borner anti stove pipes: elert r for one to have such wisdom; te fice for quick sale. Phone 914. ýBourd request tenders for wirîng calves. Phone Alvin Boyd, En- wa8her. (Simplieity); two uocking them, a copy o! The Mastery of 29-14 ro! Newtonville PublicScol nibkillen 2487. 29-1 chairs: chest o! draweu's: two lin- 1 Life, a fuscinuting book will be Plans anti specifications myre...u.r.sOO cupe1mgma' given without price; let this book ALL kinds o! meut, good quality, seen at office o! secretary. Tenders 1.5 HEAD o! choice Durham qult.s: dishes: cookung utensuls guide you te the conservative plan smoked bacon anti hams, sausage will be receiveti op to July 25th. sîockers anti a number o! Dur- andi many other articles too nuom- whereby you may wideni vour and hamburger. Darlington Abat- Lowý.est ou- anv tender not neces- ham spinging cou&s. These cattle erous te mention. The Proct scope o! Personal Power. Simpiy loir, Hampton, Phone 2836: also surily accepteti. are priceti ver * cheap. Anvone solti. No reserve. Temmnscah atidress your letter to: Scribe S.E. customn killing, pickling, smoking Mms. J. J. Mellor, wishing to secure some cheap Sale at I p.m. D.S.T. Elmer Wil- C. AMORC Temple. Rosicrucian lanti sausage making, rendering Orono. Ont. feeding cattie, Phone Ernest bum. auctioneer; Theron Moun'wý Park. San Jose. California. 29-1* lard 23-t' Sec.-Treas. 28-2 Werry 257(l 29-1 clerk. 29-1 Wanted To Rent GARAGE, in good condition. Phone 664, George. 29-1l* SMALL house or apartment in Bowmanville. Phone 2239. 29-1* For Rent THREE-roomed apartment, cen- tral location. Write Post Office Box 353. 29-1* WOULD like to ent 2 large up- stair rooms, to a young couple, non drinkers. Write Box 276, Statesman Office. 29-1 SIX-roomed house in Blackstock, hydro, bard and sof t water, gar- den and garage, convenient for an ' one working in Bowmanville or Oshawa. Howard Fordcr, Phone Port Perry 197ir5. 29-1 Room and Board GENTLEMAN desires roomn and board or would rent two unfurn- ished rooms in tbe vicinity of Hampton. Phone 449. 29-1* The Bowmanville Board of Education would be pleased to receive the names of any persons who would accept one or more of the new teachers wbo will be coming to Bowmanville in Sep- tember next. Please file your name with Stuart R. jamres, Sec.-, 'reas., Bowmanville Board of Education. * 28-2 Teacher Wanted CHOICE building ýot on Brqwn St.. 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 901 x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf FOUR building lots, or one acre o! land, sewer and water, on Lambs Lane and Prospect St. Phone 2648 or apply Arthur Jones. 29-2* For Sale, Rent or Exchange SMALL farm near Bowmanville for rent or sale or will exchange for town property. Write Box 275, StatesmaU. Office. 29-l* A new bungalow, 3 bedrooms, living-room, dining-roomn and batbroomn and kitchen, with beau- tiful built-in cupboards, oak floor- ing, large lot, $770 down, $33.00 monthly. Phone 772. 29-1 ONE brick Duplex. 11/2 miles east of Port Hope, on No. 2 Highway, ail conveniences, 2 acres of land. immediate possession. Price $5,500 or nearest offer. Apoly to 42 Barrett's Terrace, Port Hope, Ont. 29-2 HAMILTON & SMITH $4,800-Farm of 100 acres, close to village of Kendal, nortb-west of Port Hope, corner property on 7th Concession. Good land, wide year-round trout stream. Steel roofed barn and garage in good repair. City style home of six rooms in spotless condition, elec- tricity. vcrandab; an excellent property. $3.800-Cabin Park at Orono. four singles. two doubles and cookery. Well furnished, good linen and blankets, elctricity tbroughout. Three acres of land for expansion. Trout streamn running tbrougb property. Entrance off main bigh- way. No opposition, good oppor- tunity for xide awake person. $2,000-Farm. 27 acres near Pro- vincial Higbw,ýay and village store. Barn 5Ox30, 2-car garage. lien bouse 20x2O, al steel roofed and rodded. Good trout stream. 6-roomed 1I1', storcy liouse, frame and insul-brick. Good cellar and well. HAMILTON & SMIT} Brokers Orono. Ont. Phone 32r10 - lx'16 - 39r2 29-11 sand families, they decide ta tax themselves in order to increase the purchasing power o! those who have children within a cer- tain age limit. It is quite impos- sible to sec' how, by this process. the total income of the group is thereby increased. Family ailowances may be quite popular, kind hearted people feel that it may help the children of the poor but there is no proof that this wvill be the general pat- tern. Much o! the mony is used for other purposes - some o! it is wasted. Then we have to real. ize that the out-pouring of pur- chasing power in the form of a gift is definitely inflationary - it increases purchasing power with- out a corresponding increase in production. This woold be par- ticularly true during a period of full employment such as we have had in the last few years. In spendiuig public uioney the primary consideration should bc: Is this the best possible use t0 which this money can be applied. The cost o! family allowances is es.timated at approximately $271 million for 1948-49. It will soon exceed $300 million peur yeaur. With the coming of war we threw away our former conception o! money values. This is more than double the federal government expenditores in 1913, the year before the ootbteak o! World War I. It is equivalent to 50 per cent of our total expenditore in the fiscal year, ending March 31, 1939. An equivalent sum exp)-nded for the general benefit o! the Do- minion of Canada would have done moch to strengthen our eéon- omic position and buttress the nation against depression. In me- search we are only touching the fringe o! the unknown. The bil- lion. dollar expenditures on -fam- ily allowances, if directed along right lines, woold bave becnofo tremendoos value to Canada. The horizon broadens with the years. great things have been accom- plished, but we have only started. No one could read a book like "The Coming Age of Wood"~* without becoming more fully alive to our opportunities, J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS BOWMANVILLE AREA $28,000.00-A rare opportunity to acquire one of the finest and best equipped farms in Durham County. Property consists of two adjoining farms totalling 175 acres. Owners residence is of solid brick containing 8 rooms, modern bath and furnace; 2-car garage. Large L shaped barn ty- ing 35 head with new Pediar steel bul and calf pens. Water bowls throughout. Silo. Additional bouse containing 8 rýoms with water under pressure n-ox being installed. Second barn 40 x 80. Excellen4 crop land of medium dlay loam produeing better than average yields consistentJy. Al fields level and well-adapted for tractor use. Conveniently located just a step from pavement about two miles west of Bowmanville. 5 minutes from Public School. Registered herd of 45 Ayr- shires available to purchaser. Also, complete line of modemn equipment can be purchased, in- cluding pick-up hay baler, com- bine, two tractors. silo filling out- fit, milking machine, etc.. Exclu- siv listing. SACRIFICE $7.500.00-Official on staff of United Nations, now in Switzcr- land, is offering his former resid- ence at sacrifice price. 10 large, bright rooms with attached gar- age, just recently redccorated. Solid brick construction and full,, mnsulated. Hardwood floors. Oil heated. Screens, storm windlows, etc. A wonderful opportunity for someone to secure a well-located iesidence in Bowmanville. $8,000.00- Lovelv solid brick home, consisting of 9 roomns, kit- chen and bath, on large well- treed lot 110x166. Two separate entrances suggest apartment pos- sibilitits. Two car garage. Elec- trîc stove, storm windows, screcns, shutters. etc. includcd in purchase price. Exclusive listing. ,,11.0-1 rooms and bath. two- storey, tuolîd brick, semi-detaclied bouse. New roof and furnace. Recent!y redecorated. Low dowvn payment. Balan ce like rent. Ex- clusive listing. Cal Bowmanville Represcoitati\ve Telephone 2456 Fergus E. Moririli No Sale - No Charge We have a nurnber of clen-s lookig for farms, large and smiall. For ckurtcous, fast and efficent service contact: J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Realtors 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. or Bowmanville Bepresentative Established over 50 ycars 29-1 Auction Sales Having bis barn destroycd by fire, I have received instructionis from Mr. Jack Morrow, Lot 15, Con. 2, Clarke Twvp., thrce nilcs east of Newcastle, on No. 2 Higb- way, to sdIl by public auction oin Friday evening. July 221ld, at 7 p.m. sharp. al bis farm stock. implements and feed. Trms c:ish. No reserve. Jack Rcid,, auction- c er. 27-3 Help Prevent Tooth Decay, with Rexail Chiorodent Tooih Powd« and Mouih Wash -Ammoniated for mrater protection. - (ontains the wuter-soluble principles of Chlorophyll, accelerates healint and deodorizes oral conditions. -Not a soa p-buse tooth paste. -lias its own characteristie flavor TOOTH I>ASTE.........-----33 FOR A' HAPPY HOLIDAY STAY HEALTHY Bexail Remedies Rrxal Eyelo, with eye t'up 5nc relieveq limcd burning eyes Rexali Extruet of Wi!d Strawberry 20c-35C IRexaîl Iv'*-Cbek, a poison Ivy treatment, 6-oz. 75e Rexali Orderlies, pleasant, reasy fo take laxative 35c-60e IL.P.('. Athlete's Foot Ointnient .tube $1.00 jSummer lime is Inseci lime "6?"insect Repellent: ('ream 1ý2 -oz. -------------- 49e Liquiti, 2-oz. - - 59C Odourless - will not harm clothes Elka>y's5 /ôI.D.T. Residual Pest I'aint or Spray 8-oz. - 24v 16-oz. - 43e IFly.-Tox with 5% D.D.T. 25ed - 45e - 75e Fly-Tox Sprayers------ 59e Fit Sprayers ---- ----29e MOUTH WASH .- ------ 75c Hay Fever Remedies Asthma Nefrin Outfit $16.50 Asthma Nefrîn Refis %~-oz. $3.50 -1-oz, $6.50 Allertitabs. S1.00-$2.50 Dysene-Inhal Llquid -----32.50 Lantîgen "E" .. -$6.00 J<exall Asthma Powder 85c Rexaîl No'e and Throat Relief wlth Ephedrine- 25e-SOc Colognes and 1 S Perf ures Chanel Colognes ..- 3.0-eD.50 Lotus Cologne $ * 1.50 Helena Rubinstein Heaven Sent Coloigne 31.00-sI 50 Adrienne. Eau de Cologne 85e Lucien Lelong Colognes $1.50 Elizabeth Arden Blue Grans Perfume -3 2.00 Evening-In-Parla Perfume Purge Vial --- 75e Harriet Hubbard Ayre Golden Chance Cologne..... --- 32.00 JURY & LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRIJG STORE êVhen We Test Eyes It la Doue Properly PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH.AuD SAVE-MINIMUM COSI 35c PER AD TE'ACHER fou' Bowmanville Pub- lic Scboois to teach Home Econ- omucs one day per wveek. Work bias been done previously by mar- ried xvoman with teacher's dem- tificate, with good knowledge o! sewving and cooking. Salary schedule in cffect. Apply Bow- manville Board o! Education. Stuart R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. 29-2 Notice Dog Owners ALL persons owning or bar- bouring a dog are required to secure a licence for same. Pro- secution for failure to hold a licence may be instituted without furtbcr notuce. under by-law governiuig the keeping or bar- bouring of dogs. S E T N Chue! Constable Do Baby Bonuses Iricrease The National Incomne? fby R. .J. Deachman) Froma a Western business man 1 have a brie! ' note which reads -Is follows: "Ail things c'onsidered is Can-i scIa, as a whole. better or worse1 off by pa ' ing family allowances."1 That's a direct question it de-i serves a direct answer. The pay- mient o! familv allowances means simply the tra nsfer of purchasing powr'r from one section o! the community Io the other. It would indeed be difficult Io sce how the total iulcome could be in- crc',iscd by this pmocess. 'Fliec ase cao be stated more clcarly if we reduce the size o! 1 the probicrn. Here are a thou- There are two schools o! thouglit in Canada today. One, the most vocal, wants redistribution o! the existing national income, the otb- er, xlhore vital as a factor in hum- an progress. wants to build for tornorrow. That is the true goal o! bumanity, the vision which hould lead us onward and u ' - What is the effect o! family allowances in the Dominion o! Canada? not stimulate ' production, thev do not Incrpase the notional income, they tend to reduce it. They obscur@ the problems of the lower income groups. They re!lect the point of view o! those wbo believe that state aid solves every pro- blem - At serves only to create more. *"The Coming Age o! Woodl" will be reviewed by this service at an eurly date. The difference between is and true pleasore is tbis: for the true, the price is paid before yoii enjoy it; for the false, after you enjoy it.-Jobn Foster. ZIFÎ 0 ~mms~&z JW~Y ar,~, 14'

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