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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 10

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PAGE TE!! TEE CANADIAN STATI!~MA7t ~flWMAfl7TT.T.I~ t~M'PA I a - ---,.. ---.. -. -. -~ Lh1ULI~UAZ, JLJLY ZSUj, 19<8 taken for a wan'l Playground gular an at Memc Pee hLM WS held a UNI morni -~ iwim weine: ail the and th Fri& team Wee graund bail te time ai just 'A manvil Well the WRg excitini turnes so you the fur ta be out for practice, because you might be one af the lucky bal players ta be picked ta play in the Ontaria Basebâll Association playd6wns which will te held la- ter on in the summer. Bawman- ville Local 178 af the Canadian Legian are sponsaring your Pee Wee team and aiready have pur- chased smart laaking sweaters for you ta we;cr. On Tuesday aiternoon a bus will leave the High Schaal at 1 o'ciock for the day camp picnic at Orona Park. Yau knaw what a wonderful time yau had at Orano last week and if you want ta get in on the good time this Tuesday just be at the Highi Schaol in time. There will te swimming in the tank, gaines, races and a great many ather kinds af fun planned. This picnic is for ail the members ai the regular piaygraunds. On Wednesday marning there \Vill be a softball game betIween the Central Public Schaal and the Wemorial Park. There will be a game like this every week. One week it will be piayed at the Cen- tral Public School and the next at the Memorial Park. This shauid showr just what playgraund has the best bail players. The play- graunds xiii be carried on as usual all day Weclnesday. Thursday marning will again bring the swimming instruction periods at the Cream ai Baley Camp. Now Thursday is going ta be the big day for the Tiny Tots. At 10 arn. ail the tiny tots wili be A new playground is going ta Ïbe started an Liberty St. at the bottom ai Carlisle Ave. Mr. B. Berry who awns the vacant lot has been very generous ta let you play bahl there ail summer, but now the ,Jommunity Cauncil are going ta equip iA with a volley bail court and harse shoes. A spe- ciai instructar ta teach you how ta play these games will be an hand. Sa be sure, if you live in this vicinity, ta go ta this playgmound for yaur fun every day. Week's Schedule Sa many things have been planned that iA was decided ta give you. a lineup af what will happen every day in the week. Ahl these good times will be lots af fun and you won't want ta miss any of them. On Monday mnrning the swlmming classes wiil be held at the tank at the Cream ai Bariey Camp for aIl the playgraunds ex- cept the Tiny Tats. On Manday afternaon theme wiii be recreatian- ai swim periads at the west beach at the lake for ail the members ai the regular playgrounds except the Tiny Tats. The Tiny Tats piaygraund will go an as usual al day Manday. The members oi the piaygraund at the Central Publid Schaal wili have their swim period from 1:30 ta 3 'clock and the members of the piayground at the Memaial Park wiil have their swim periad at 3. On Tuesday marning the Pee Wee bail practice wiIl be held at the High School grounds. Be sure HETU*Dow mANVILL m -COMFORTABLY AIR-COOLED - THURSDAY - JULY 28TH Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford "LOVES 0F CARMEN" In Technicolor ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Technicolor Cartoon and Short, FRIDAT, SATUEDJIY - JULY 29-30 She'I1 set it aglow) .with .50138, warmthi and lau ghterl INTR OD UCING LOIS BUTLER. as -l1IN GAY,SPARKLINGY CINECOLOR! WEAR MER SIN* IH15! HAPPY mit$ 1 "Som@e D&Y MY Prince l'if f Were The Only Çgil" "Father Goose" I The Minute WaI D.reems lni My Heusi' .77 j, Leon Errol Short - Technicolor Cartoon MID-NITE SHOW *SUNDAY -- DOORS OPEN 12:05 "'ýTAP ROOTS " MONDAY, TUESDAY - AUG. 1 - 2 Also a MATINEE NGNDAY AT 2 P.M.% Spectacle unsurpass.d since -Gane Witli Thec Wnd" VAN JIFFLI SfSAN DAY WRD- Movietone News WEDNES.I THURSDAY - AUG. 3 - 4 IT WILL ONVE YOUR HEART A NEW LEASE ON LIFE! nto, the Cream ai Barley picnic. Sa that your mathers 'worry about you, you tell 1that yau will b. back homne o'clack in the. afternoon. Re- rplaygrounds will be carried tthe Central Schoal and the irial Park. ,e Wee bail practice wiil be at the High School on Friday ing and in the afternoon Lwiil be the recreatiornal iperada at the lake. Thursday night a wonderful er roast has been planned for he members af the regular ,rounds. Everyone will ineet te High School at 7 o'clock ten hike ta White's creek. lay night the Pee Wee bail will play the Whitby Pee teain at the High School ids at 6:45. If you are on the tai be sure ta be there on and show the Whitby fellows what gaod bail players Bow- île has. Il that is the timetable for ,ek and every bit aofit sounds îg. Be sure ta check on the and dates and b. on hand zu won't miss out on any of Camp Pienic 103 aitended the ail day picnic at Orono iast week. Crests and passes ta the show weme given ta the foliowing prize winners: Boys 1,00 yard 'pen-Jim Richards, J. Clarke; Girls 100 yard open- Francis Cowie, June Quinney; Boys 7, 8, 9, 75 yard dash-Bobby Richardis, Brian Martin; Girls 7, 8, 9, 50 yard dash-Sharon Kil- patrick, Carol Hughes; Boys 4, 5, 6, 25 yard dash-Warren Brook- ing, Tom Masan; Girls 4,- 5, 6, 25 yard dash-Carol Downey, San- dra Thompson; Boys Relay-Cen- tral School-Jim Clarke, Donald Laird, Marley Richards, Jin Ri- ckard; Wheelbarmow race-Vin- cent Vanstane and Ron Woolnem, Morley Richards and Jim Clarke; Shoe mace-Audrey Cowie, Dan Cattran. Swimming races-Girls 20 yard free style-June Quinney; Boys 20 yard free style-Morley Richards, John Bird; Boys 2 widths-Ran Elliot, Doug Cattran; Boys 1 width-Bill Henning, Don Prout, Girls 1 width-Margaret Goheen, Linda Colwell. Hardball On Wednesday the Bowman- ville Bantam team went down ta defeat at the hands af the Orono club by a score ai 10-8. Bowman- ville scomed ail their ung in the last thmee innings, but the Orono team came out on top in the 4th inning and stayed theme for the rest ai the gaine. Lineup.: Omono-J. Gamsby, D. Gamsby, H. Lynch, R. West, Williams, B. Lynch, T. Wilson, J. Wilson, Tur- ner. Bowmanville-Mason, Vanstone, Clarke, Bird, Kelly, Richards, D. Cattran, Laird, Elliot. SOUTH. NESTLETON Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. D. Davison were his brother Warren Davison, his sister and her husband Mm. and Mrs. W. Dick- enson and daughter and Mm. and Mms. C. Williams and daughtem, Port Hope. - Mrs. Hershey, Miss Theumn and Miss. E. Warren, Buffalo, N.Y., with Messrs Davison and Gist. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gxst went to Inaian River taking Susan ta visil Ihem gandparents. Visitors with Mm. Noon and UMrs. Emertan were Mm. and Mms. iH. Cox, Mm. and Mrs. Lazenbumy Iànd Anne and Miss Bâambama Cox, Toronto. Mm. Jas. Emerton, Mrs. J. Sa- mells and Norman with Mms. Map- pin, St. Christopher. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Dean Lansing, Oshawa, on the arrivaI ai a son, John Herbert. Miss Myrtle Beacack, Toronto. and Mr. Cliftan Beacock, Peter- bora, with Mr. Wm. Beacock and Miss G. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Wiifmed Wilson and Mrs. Lottie Wannacatt, Orne- .1mee, with Mi-. and Mrs. L. Lan- 1 sing. Mm. and Mms. Andy Moffat, Mi- mica, with Mm. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and cailed on Mm. Wm. Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and 1Jimm;e weme at their cottage. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove and Teddy, Peterboro, with Mr. Arthur Huibert. Mr. Nelsan Marlow went blue berry picking this weekend. Mrs. John Fratalochi, 'Mrs. Lynch and Lorraine, Lindsay, at Mi-. George Bowers'. Master Douglas Davison enter- tained four boy friends on his llth bithday. Mm. and Mrs. Grant Thonipson, Eleanor and Eiaine visited Mr. and Mrs. Russel Francis, Beaver- tan and Mms. W. H. Johnston, Peferlaw. jMi-, and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. F. Akister, Lindsay, lefft an Sunday by matai- ta visit friends in Saskatchewan Mm. and Mi-s. Cecil Wilson, Gwen and Eunice attended the Lamb Reunion at Lindsay. ;1 Mi-. and Mms. Horace Ransom, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hem-! man Samelis.i Mr. Wm. Hutchison, Mm. and! Mrs. James Stewart and Donald,1 Peterbara, with Mrs. Herman Sa-1 meuls and Mi-. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Harrisoýn, Ome- mee, with their daughter Mrs. Gai-dan Metcalfe. Mi-. Norman Rohmer bas pur- 1 chased the farm ai Larm Hyland, Cadmus, and will be moving inj the spring. Friends will be sarryI ta ]ose them fi-rn the community. i Mm. and Mrs. Eldon McCabe, Toronto, former teacher ai Cad- mus schoi, calied on friends Friday evening. Mm. McCabe has been accepted as Assistant Prin- cipal af the staff af East York Public School. Congratulations! - Several fiends cailed an Mrs., K. Burton on July 21 the occasion of hem birthday. On Sunday sup- per guests were Mr. Noon, Mrs. Emerton, James Emerton and Mrs. R. W. Malow. Mrs. Burton's niece, Mill Marilyn Jackson, bak- ed and sent a iavely decorated bithday cake for the occasion. Evening visitors were Mms. Wil- bert MRKistry, Miss Marie Mar- Mcrnied in Anglicanm Church, Peterboro MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM EDGER The bride and groom in the above picture ae Mr. and Mrs. William Edger after their wedding in Al Saints Anglican Church, Peterboro, an Saturday afternoan. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Vera A. Young, Peterboro, and the groom is the son af Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edgem, Bowmanville. HAMPTON . Mr. and Mms. Will Catian, May- field, at N. C. Yeilowlees'. Mm. and Mms, Percy Gilbert, Sarnia, were guests oi Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbemt. Miss Arna Smith, Oshawa, is enjoying hoiidays with hem sister Mrs. Lewis Truil. Mr. andl Mms. T. Wray were guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa. Mrs. Gai-net Flynn, Montreal, is guest ai hem sister Mrs. C. E. Jef- imey. Mms. F. Honey, Miss Ruby Col- will and Mms. Will White visited the fommer's daughter Mrs. Paul Kelly at Cobourg. Mm. and Mrs. Blayd Wiicax, Ca- bourg, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and Mr. and Mms. H. Wilcox. Mr and Mms Robt Metcalf, Campbelicroft, called on friends on Saturday Mrs. Orme Cruickshank, Mi-. and Mrs. Bill Nichai, Billie and Roberta, Petembaro, at Percy Dewell's. Mrs. Dewell entertained Saturday evening for Bili's friends here ta meet Mrs. Nichai and the childi-en who recentiy ai- rived from Scatland. Mm. and Mrs. Lau Williamson, Pontypool, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Miss Joan Cruickshank, Peter- bora, is with Miss Audrey Mac- rxab. Mrs. Eva Bartlett, Toronto, and iaw, Oshawa; Mr.and Mrs. Ted Rainy, Ottawa; and Mrs. George Johnstan, Burketon. Jack Bedford Jr., Tor-onta, called enroute fi-rn Peterboro. On Sunday, Juiy 24 being Douglas Gordon's bithday visitai-s wei-e Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beck- ett and famiiy, Enniskillen, Miss Lena Moore, Landon, and Mrs. J. Farder. Ladies A-id met in basement ai Presbyterian Church on Juiy 14. Aiter apening axai-ciscs thesa af- ficers wara elccted: President- Mrs. Kenneth Giibank; lst Vice- Mrs. John Bcacack; Secy. Treas.- Miss Ruth Prautt. A vate ai thanks was sent ta Mrs. George Finlay-« san, who had capabiy filled the Position of President far two ycat.s. Program inciuded a reading by Eunice Wilson "Grandmothei-", hy Mrs. Gist "The Naw Vu-gin", and "I'm Too Timed ta, Pray"; in- strumentai byI Mrs. J. Bcacack; Reading by Mrs. Hamman Sameils. Contcst by Gwen Wilson "I'm Thinking". Mrs. Cecil Wilsan'st gi-aup served a dainty lunch. A1 vote ai thanks was tandered thase in charge. August meeting a# the home ai Mrs. J.Dickey. USED CAR t SPECIALS 1 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, new mator and paint. 1937 PONTIAC COACH, perfect condition. 1937 FORD PANEL TRUCK 1931 FORD COACH, bargain. SNOOK AUTO SALES BLACKSTOCK Phones: Part Ferry 197r23 or 24 Mrs. Marguerite Cmossman, Bow- manville, visited at Elmer Wil- 'aur 's. Rev. W. James, Toranto, was guest ai Mr. and Mrs. Will Wil- aur. Rev, and Mrs. E. S. Linstead and Ilda are on haiidays. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey and Ronnie, Ajax, Mi-. and Mrs. Ken Poaler, Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. Ted Kersey, Toronto, Lloyd Kersey, Bradford, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mr-. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Bowmanville, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mm. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean,, Mr. and Mrs. Ai-chie Keith, Oshawa, Miss Marjorie Pascoe, Saskatoon, ,Sask. wer iiosa eC4p man's. iviia-atJeCap Mr-. Ted Chant accompanied by Mrs. Chant and family atteritled .the --a % Ciuui, ternation ,, Convention at Madison Square sGardens, New York City. A number fri-an, ei-e attended the Ci-yderman-Ruse picnic at 1Geneva Park an Saturday. i Rev. W. James, Toronto, was 1the special speaker in the interest aio the Temiperance Federation on 1Sunday evening and gave a splen- did discouirse which was timeiy and woi-thy ai a much lai-gar con- gregation. Next Sunday evening the service will be in charge ai Victor Bawen fi-rn Bruce Pen- insulla, who preached mast ac- ceptably last summer in oui- pas- tai-'s abseice. Recen t,visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. AIf Randie and Mrs. F. Ad- ams were Mr-. and Mrs. Pcrry Sa- muel, Mi-. and Mrs. Edwin Adams, Bettx' and Bob, Mrs. Alex Graham and Elaine, Mi-. and Mrs. Eari Stephenson, Vaughn and Bevei-iy, Mi-. and Mrs. Ernie Ferguson and daughter, Mrs. Carmen Dixan and -baby Brian, Mr-. and Mrs. Adams, Joan, Bevei-iy and Wayne, Mr-. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Bruce Bryan and Joan. NE WTON VILLE Misses Rase and Annie Chapel, Oshawa, wuth Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Morris. Mrs. Macîntyre, Toronto, with Miss Jennie Thompson. Mrs. (Dr.) Flock and daughter, Windsor, with Miss Annie Nes- bitt. Han-y Worral is unioading a cari of nut coal at C.P.R. Station. The Robbs af Montreal ai-e spending some time at their cot- tage. On Saturday afternoan Mrs. Bunt invited a iew ladies in ta. meet twa ai h&i aunts, Mrs. Ci-aigle, Port Credit. and Mrs. Rautlfe, Toronto. Mrs. Bunt served aiternoon tea. On Sundav Mrs. Craigie's son came dawn and they metui-ned6with him. Mr-. Clinton Farrow has con-, tractai- Kedknap adding a new verandah ta his residence. Miss Flarence Rowe had a birth- day party an Saturday for her girl friends. Mr. George Elliatt accompanied by Misses Helen - Mai-tan and Darathy Br-own motored ta Jor- don on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Bui-ieyj returned home with them. Master Jackie Hallaweli, son ai i r. and Mrs. Ross Hallow~eii, isi Skinny men, women gain 5, 1,15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, Vi,, Vigor 1117bt à thrlIIL. ony imba Cii out. utir bollows ait up; .neck no, loner scrawny, body jose, hail- sarved sickly ben-pole- look. Thouseninof giris. women. men. who nev'.r eould gain before. art now proud of shapely. bealthy-iookl-ng bodie. bÎey tbank the apeciai vlgor-building. fluob-buildîng cui e, Oteto rnies stimulant. lnvIgoratom, , I. Bia iB. calcium. enriecb bkod. Impmsve ppéite andi digestion no foodigieyu More rencr andi nouriabment: put 11mb on byorebon«,. Dn fer oi1 fat. stop wSen yýnu*ve gainad the .I.Sàor 20 Ibo. >nu neeti for normal weight- Ji ,,.,,,,.U Ost.r, Tome T lts [or new vigne &W AffeS poUaDe. taiVC97 ëF£1 aiLudnîal it , ti- ti) ap r expected ta b. able ta leave Osh- awa Hospital this week. Mrs. Wm. Chester, Oshawa, with her sister, Mrs. Redknap and her mother, Mrs. Whitt.aker. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap, Oshawa, were down Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mr. S. R. Jones acconipanied Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Jones ta, Stoney Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown with their daughter, Mrs. W. N.' Stevens, Tuesday evening. Mr. Brown, wha has been ailing for quite a while, passed away. The remains were taken ta Rosene4th, his farmner haome for funeral ser- vice and burial. Mr. Brown was 91 years aid. We extend aur sympathy ta his widow and fam- ily. To say that we are pleased ta sec that they have started to f ix up aur littie park is putting it very mildly. We are jubilant and look farwa.rd ta the day when it wiil be a very attractive spot with nicely clipped lawn, a few shrubs and some seats for people waiting for the buses. Some even suggest there shouid be somethirig with a roaf aver it in case af ain. Suecessful Picnic Over forty ladies and children gathered on Mrs. R. S. Johnstar.'s lawn for the annual picnic of the Newtonville Women's Institute. The weather was ideal, a warm day with sunny sky. Those flot ta- king part sat under a shady tree whiie the variaus races were car- ried an. The foiiowing are the win- ners af the races. Children 7 years and under-Reta Harcourt. Chil- dren 13 years and under-Flor- ence Rawe. Boys 13 to 17 years- Ronald Hatherley. Girls 13 ta 17 years - Laureen McCullough. Young ladies race-Betty Hath- erley. Married Womens Race- Mrs. Fred Henderson. Shoe kick- ing race-Mrs. R. Shawl Clathes pin race-Mrs. E. Harcourt. Three legged race-Mrs. R. Shaw and Mrs. F. Henderson The prize for the oldest lady present was wdn by Mrs. HoInan. 1aU eWioyed ce creem and a au. Little Crystal Shaw was youngest did picni lunch. child, and Kathleen Wilson wasj found to b. sitting -on the lucky Vanilla ýs made frein dried Md~ chair.After the spcrt's program' iermented pods af orchids. PROCLAMATIO*N I hereby proclaim MON1DAY, AUGUST 1, 149~ Civic Holiday for the town" of and respectfully request ail citizehs- T -to observe the same. * L. C. MASON, Mayor Town of Bowmanville GOD, SAVE THE KING I I 2' NEW CROP VERDELLI, No. 1 BRADFORD, Tender Crisp, No. 1 LENONS 300's P4?15iCAhSSe2Ibs.17 FRESH, No. 1 TENDER YELLOW, No. 1 BLUEBERRIES . >Pl.49< SWEET CORN Doz. 49e BRADFORD PASCAL, No. 1 NEW CROP, No. 1 CELEIY STALKS 2 for 29< POTAITOES 10 Ibs. 39e ANN PAGE SLICED- MILK BREAD -- 24-oz loal 2c Custç A&P CUSTOM GROUND Allci * * l1b estTaei ANN PAGE FAMOUe weight MAYONNAISE . . . 8-oz jar 19C sfinesV YKNCLUB (Contents only) and put IiIN uER ALE .2 30-oz btIs 1nd TASTV MEAT empioyE PIC PORK LOAF î2-az tin 45C e oc ALL PURPOSE f 6 o FANCY LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISH-. A&P IRRADIATED EVAPORATED MILE V-S TOMATO KETCHUP - FANCY RED COURESALMON - QUAKER C---F---E--- -p s5 -T-ron-o-,-Ont CHECK THE TRIM 0F VOUR MEAT AT A & P. NOT ONLY GET THE BEST THERE IS, BUT MORE FOR YOUR MONEV BUV CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY. RED or BLUE BRAND BEEI BONFLESS ROUND STEAK On ROAST SLICED BREAKFAST BACON POIX LIVER SIE NqIDGET ROLLS SOE SMOKED SHANKLESS POU SHOULDERS WHOLE OR HALF SNOKED HANÇÇ FRESH-IKTLiLFD CUT- Up CHCEEN BUY THE PARTS YOU LIKE BEST T F"!or ~7STS ILb. 89 WINGS lb. 494<14ECKS_& BACKS e- --in35c K Zîail tinsZSc *13 az btil17c purchas, us a fai Our- atte Wem suggesti ta helpt standare aiccurac3 we car A&P a1 Custoner Relations A&P Food Stai 135 Laughton A tomers' Cc custamers expg ight froin their assure yau of tat A&P we1 sca1es, have tb ïchecked fora t them in pli you can seecùt of course, 'ees are thci 1an-d strictiy il Conform ta oui ounces ta the ,should ever :e in weizhirl ise, you will bg avor if yau ca tentian.' w'ould apprecii tions You ma, Sus maintain au rds of honest cy, or anythir n do ta mak better place i l.6eVEAL LEGS SHANK HALF l.6<VEAL RUNP RGAST IL.9 SKINNED & CLEANED lb. R IBITS- -31< SLICED l-75e CHOICE DOLOGNA SHAMROCK LOOSE lb 55g WIE14ERS7 lb. 2e PRENJUN FDANKS Pl lb. SNOKED FILLETS orner iect hon- ir gracer. ,f honest buy the iem con- accuracy in sight le dials. ail aur îroughly instruct- r policy pound. inake a g yaur e doing air it ta ate any ay have ur strict .ty and ýng else ke vaut. to shop. Dept, res, Lve, Do VOU AS WELL. lb. 599 lb. 690 lb. 390 lb. 35e lb. 424 -1b. 3 lb. »9 it. 370 lb. $joj PI il- PAGE TEff TEM CANADL« STATzsmAN. BowmANvmiýr. omTAmo vrq=Tutn% A W VVW ý --.. ---- 0 THE KING a e.006 1

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