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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 11

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TEUBSDAY, JULY 2Sth, lm4 SPORT NEWS Juveniles Edqe Witby Team 10-9 In Hectic Tussie (By Gerald Morris) On Saturday Juvenile basebal teani made their record il wxns against only one loss in league competition by coming from be- hind in the latter part of the game àjpýdefeat Whitby 10-9. ~Up until the seventh inning it Ws a pitchers' duel between 'Crawford of Whtby and Falls of Bowmanvlle-when Whitby scored 6 runs on 4 hits and Falls retired in favour of "Lefty Jack" Buttonshaw who retired the side and pitched scoreless bail for the remainder of the garne. Bowmanvul]e scored their first run when Dick Wilson stole home. They scoreci again in the 4th when Buttonshaw laid down a perfect bunt to score Gallagher from third. Whitby went .ahead scoring 2 runs in their haîf of the sixth, but Bowmanville tied it up when Buttonshaw again bunted Galla- gher home. Going hito the last of the 7th Whitby led 9-3 but Bowmanville scored 4 runs on hits by West and I r Creamer. Thinga îooked grim for Bowmanvile wben they failed to score in lie th but in the last of the 9th climaxed things by scoring 3 runs to wsn the ganse. In the ]ast cf the ninth Iead-off man, Masters, singled, and Cream. er walked to put the tying runs on base with none out. With lie count 2 and 1 on <"Slugger") Gai- lagber, Whitby pulled their pitch- er in !avour of their ac pitcher, Donald. With the count 3 and 2 Gallagher blastcd a triple ta tie the score and put the winning run an 3rd base with nobody out. Roy Falls llned a single to right field to score Gallagher with the win- ning run. Line-ups: Whitby-Ward, 2b; B. Ward lb; Collins, ss; McDonald, c; Deeth, 3b; Donald, rf; Haire, cf; Whita- ker, If; Crawford, p; H. Donald, P. Bawmanville-West, ss; Masters 3b; Creamer, lb; Gallagher, c; Falls, p, cf; Buttonsbaw, cf, p; Ha- milton, 2b; Levett, rf; Crook (6); Wilson, IL. R H E Whitby-------------------- - 9 il 4 Bawmanville------10 9 4 Winning pitchen-Buttonshaw.. Losing pitchen-Danaid. 'Umpires-WaIll3 Braden, plate. Bert Perfect, bases. Juvenile Lakeshore Batting Averages (Records include games up ta July 23; players, A.B. at least 20 tises) Player Club Ave. Galiagher, Bow -------- ---.--.578 Creamer, Bow - --- .389 McDonald, Wbîtby ....- .333 West, Bow---------------- .325 McSporen, Cobourg .311 Day, Oshawa ------- 308 Ashton, Port Hope .298 Buttonshaw. Bow. .298 Neal, Wbitby ----------------285 Heatb, Bow. .280 Masters. Bow ---- --------280 Bebee, Port Hope-------- ----- - .275 Fisher, Cobourg -------- .275 Claus, Oshawa--- ---------.275 Ward, Whitby - ------ ---- 272 No pleasure is comparable ta the standi ng upon the vantage-ground of truth.-Francis Bacon. THE RIGHT mA N FOR THE 1EcGàT JOB 1 When you ask us to look mter your wfrIng jobs yen can rerit assured that a comPetent man who knows his trAe ivili be sent to look mter your particular requirements. We pride ourseives ln our abllity te do a ffrst-elass job on your wirlng problems ne matter how big or amali tiaey ma'y b e. If you are ln doubt whmt to do - caii us, we willI be gladte ro ive you our expert advice. HJGGON ELECTRIC Tour Generai Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanvile 42 Kini St, E. READ By 12,000 PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS ZACH WEEK I medi dav UMM" This naw gives lie Royals Wins against 5 loses and p thens weil in front of the Int mediate "B" section. Foiiowing is line score of1 game: Royals------ 34 13 000o Port Hope O 3 O O O 0 0 R H Rayais - 13 16 Port Hope ------ 8 10 Lindsay Outciassed By Royals 10-1 Bowmanvile Rayais swampi Lindsay under a barrage of b: bits. Wednesday evening, July2 an the High Scbool diamond take a scheduied Intermedia League game 10-1. Collecting bits including 6 doubles and triple, against Lindsay's 4 singlE told the story. Furey pitched sweli game for Royals, whi Karys for Lindsay was biastf from, the mound in the 2nd ar MeTaggart taak aven a 7-1 di ficit. Lindsay gat their onîy runi the lst, a gift caunter on Piper error and Goldup's sacrifice. F( Rayais, Giîhooley opened the scci ing on an error and a pair( doubles by Cowle and Yourtl netfing tivo nuns. In the 2nd Co, Funey, Martin and Bill Bagne bit doubles and Gilhooley, Cowl and Yourth clipped singles for runs. Cox and Martin came home i the 3rd on two singles and an er ror. Hooper tnipled in-the 4t] and Piper drove hlm home. Tha was if. A Lindsay nally in ilý 6th xvas nipped by a double play Bill Bagneli f0 Yourth ta Hooper Gailagher caught from the 5th ci and Ted Bagneil took aven 3rd il Surmmary-Lindsay: 1 run, bits, 3 errons, 0 walks, 5 fanned, left on. Rayais: 10 runs, 14 bit. 2 errons, 1 waik, 6 fanned, 1 thefi 5 left on. Royals-Gilhaoley 2b: Bill Bag neli cf; Cowie If; Yourth s.: Hooper lb; Piper Mb; Cox nA Furey p; Martin c; Gailagber c Ted Bagneil 3b. Official Batti.nq Averages of Rayais Batting Averages Player AB Hits Ave S. Hoaper ------77 29 .37' M. Yourth 65 24 .369 B. Bagneli --- 41 14 .341 D. Giihooiey-- 76 25 .329 D. Furey ----.-...17 12» .325 F. Cowle --- - 42 13 .310 T. Co -------- 49 13 .265 Jr. West ----- 43 il .256 AI. Martyn-- 55 14 .255 G. Piper .--- 41 10 .244 G. Sturrock ---- 27 5 .185 T. Bagneill ---- 4.5 8 .178 B. Williams --- 17 2 .117 Two other players h-ave naf been in enaugh games ta have thein averages figured in regulan averages: As. Osborne 2 1 .500 B. Gaiiagher 6 1 .167 Pitching M7on Lost Jr. West ----- --------5 0 D. Furey ------------- -5 1 G. Sturrock------------ 4 3 A. Osborne ----------- 0 1 The Rayais have bit 30 twa- ase bits ta date. Sonny Hooper lads in this depaniment with 6. r. West bas 5 and Ted and Bill :sagneu, sMaxie xourtn and Tim school Wednesday evening. ox have 3 each.I Miss Joan Belsey and Miss Peg- Five triples have been hit with igy Stephenison balidayed in Ot- daxie Yourth having two while tawa and Hull, Que. Wbiie in Ot- inny Hoopen, Jr. West and Doug tawa ihey visifed Mils Betty Ste- luey have one each. Ten home phenson, nurse in training at Ot- uns have been hit with Maxie tawa Civic Hospital. rounth having .1. George Piper 2 Master Lawrence Avery bas id Bill Bagneîl, Sonny Hooper, been holidlaying with bis cousins. 'im Cox, Fred Cowle and Don Mn. and Mrs. G. Stephenson and jlhaaley wifh one each. Lynne bolidayed at Mountain Bill Bagneil and Don Gilhoolev Vie w Lodge at Gooderbam, On- re the speed boys on the base fario. sths baving stolen Il bases each. ed Bagneli is next with 8 ta is credif. Bill Bagnell and Maxie Yourtb UM avo Il free passes ta finst base hile George Piper and Don Gil- ____ Doiey have 8 walks each. L lowmanviile C.O.F. OIYD ,azn In 4th Place Spotangls .... Bowmanviîle C.O.F. men's teans ll finish 4th in the six teasn op regardiess of the outcomet the, game July 21 witb Osh- a at Memonial Park at 7 p.. Bowmanville tbas started off ry slow but tbey are gradually coming a reai cantender as they ve won their last two ganses. Thursday they defeated Wbifby -9 in a ihrilî-packed 7-inning C ne. Whitby moved ahead 4-0 tGond Chant's home run witb r o aboard reduced the margin. 0 vmanville. led 9-6 going into1 Sseventh wif h H. Snowden bhing but two enrors and twoh àand a walk tied the score th two men on bases and no eout. Ace Richards cameii pitch and retired the aide. In HMdI.y .018 tht pfe .i. a liffi. Iast of the seventh Snowden t» ew. 9safe on an error wîth one b, e. An infieid ouf maved hinsrai econd and ho then stole third ASc when the third basoman could in scored the winning run. in !ayoffs will commence im- iatel'- after the G M.C. bhol- periodi is ovor with Bowman- 1 a e meeting the top teans which________________ i tr More About Beav'ers A Professor of Biology at To- riLo lias s ~ word that our marsý, Willow Lake, is the point farthest south where beax'ers have located. As these creatures are specially privileged by, the game laws, wve rnust apply ta the Pro- vincial gamne warden to have them removec i n order to protect our trees. The ChapeI-on-the-Hili Look again at last week's front page picture of the Chapel S.S. That unmistakable smiling face in the unper right-hand corner belongs to Mrs. W. H. Carlton, the organizer of the group banded together for Sunday recognition. in eleven seasons, except for two short holiday periods, she has failed only once, owing to sudden illness, to be in hefr Place at the children's service. Even then her son, Noble, swung up the road, prompt to the minute, and took over the job of holding the at- tention of forty squirming juve- nules. Wità the long memories of childhood, young men of to-day still rememiber his presentation oi Christ stilling the tempest. No one would dare stand against Mrs. Carlton in a popularity contest conducted along the shore, frorn Cedar Crest to the harbour. Next Sunday sne wili conduct the an- nual open session and invites the oldsters to join the youngsters at 1ar. And rnothers. here*s a helpful hint from Bobby: -1 thought 1 1st my' collection, but I didn't. Mom Put it in nMy sock." The grasE ilong and chiýdren's fingers are slippery. What makes over fiftY cottagers usy with their weekend guests rrange their house-keeping ;hedules so that they may join i the noon time service. Does an. ncident such as this help explair. t? For the last few seasons 86- rar oid Mrs. Eastw.%ood has mide x'rto the Chiapel1 a s' reat. Last Sunda,ï an the period LIME JU ICE IR s..tome1 5c FRESHLY *ROUND INCkLIS.' OREANFAS iSTYLEI LACKC IRITISH COLUMBIA-PANCY PACK COHOE SALMON &LUE SONNET MARGARINE CRtOSSE ANtoILACKWELL NUT BREAD IBOWMANVILLE GIROWN ALWAYS FRESH -Siake Toarro Potatoes * Cucumbers Deiivered Twlee DaIly from riemant View Gardens, Bowmanville Pk@. 45jC 36c - JI" 24C Lb. 35( TIR 1 9 T'. "HOLIDA4Y FE4'URES" CHAMPLAIN IRAND..4WI MIfRb PICKLES I. av i a459c NENLEY-FANCY *UALITY TOMATO2 . JUICI 2 'nte DOMINION-UAL NUT PLAVOUR PEANUT BUTTER -37 A GvOOD %VAEOIIYOF PLAVOUIS JE24191 VALUES~~~~~~~~ EFFECTIVEo %HlDYPIAT AUEAJUYi 2i1 We P& hioh.ttmrket pr;ce, fole' 5 ir; 1 ta$sa;Iabl. a# Our £4.,,.,. WANTED YOUNG WOMEN YOUNG MEN for Harvesting Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Grapes, To- matoes and other Fail fruits and vebetables. Accommodation in P1armn Service Force Camps AuÊust lSth - to - Nov. 15th Campers must bring blan. .ketq, sheets and piiioîv cases For futher information write:. Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street, East ,Toronto 1, Ontario .Alspiccs:- 'Domnlon-Provineial Farmn Labour Committee S tOp Bealing About The Bush Wilh Sporadic Adv ertising. . . Reffular advertlulng, like the steady drlp of wter on ma telne, aiewly but sureiy emates a lmtlng impression; îwhereas the oecealional advertlsement mnaY sPlih a bit, but soon disappears, leavlng littie or ne trace. Insure th&t those impressions are lini and favorable with a consistent and cars- iully pimnned adverUisingrcampalgn ln The Canadian Statesman 77, e. ý TUE CANADIAN-STATESMAN . BOWMANVMLE . 0 Roycils Win Anothe From Port Hope an Saturday, July 25th, Royal, pounded Port Hope'. pitcher, Ironarm Woods, to tune of 16 base hits. Sonny Ho er led the way for the Ro3 with 4 hits including a home r Bill Bagnell had 3 hita as ~Don Gilhooley. Gord Sturrock was on mound for the Royals aliow 10 bits but keeping thens m scattered. Sturrock tired in ninth and manager AI Osbci sent in Doug Furey alter St rock had allowed one bit, bitc batter and allowed a walk. Fui bad the side retired in sh Is p nt 1 Èunch Beefs E R t'* à V à M à m cor à ompffle A I& ONTARIO PAGE ElEVEN orlLkeb Oshawa Brewery COURTICE was given by Nancy Brown anu Moines, Iowa,; ul and ,r. Bownanill tem i mae ~ . .Myrna, Ricky and Paul Peterson Short and son, Norman, Ajax; 4 f Ace Richards, Harry Snowden, teBert Snowden, Go d Chant, Paul Services at Ebenezer on Sun- were gven by Marion Muir, Rae Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ait Jeck. the hant Ralh Mc VieBu-day znorning were in charge of Pickell, Carol Courtice, Denny son and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. ace dai, P h 1r ey, nreettKing,, Rev. F. Yardley with a good a- Gay, Brian and Krrep or-,,*Fcj-. Garry Jackson and daughter, th.Ed. Walker, Bob Bird, Ev6rett tendance. lower service was Betty Goyne and Virginia Brown. Toronto; Mr. James MNea, Tory ~Op. Finney, Percy Werry, Ewart observed with the Juniors march- Miss Lyla Osborne told one of Hill. )yals Bragg and Carl Schwarz. ing to the front of the, church hier fascinating children's stories. Mrs. Hale and daughter Jac- run. and placing flowers on the Cross. The children were then enter- queline are holidaying wÎth her Suitable mnusic was provided. tained outside by Mrs. Henry andj sister, Mrs. Norman Adair. did (with one week to go> Evening Auxîliary of W.MS. Mrs. Tubb. During the devotion- Co n r.Jhso r Oshawa Brewers__ 9 7 2-.777 I e.adMs Jhso r met atitthe home oýf Miss Ann al period, which was in charge of holidaying al Toronto and Wasaga !lhe Oshawa C.O.F. 9 7 2-.777 H I W h Mrs.Will Wade arîd Mrs GlenPekl on SufrJBc. iingPieerigc..F. . - 9 3-667Mrsç. aly McKnight in charge. Little Children" a vocal sol ws A fire of unknown origin des- .vel e .O.. 93 6.3~Mrs. Herb Nichols. President Mrs. rayer by rrs. Blake Courtice.1 Crystal farm on Sunday after- rne Whitby C.O.F ------ 9 2 7-.223 S. Muir opening in the usual form. A icnic suoper was enj oyed unno.Theighajst ee tu-Paof EEMusical selections were given by the church lawn.1 completedonStra.Wh o n e st e a m n d t h e a n iM r s E d r a P ri e * n d M s . i ll H a r r y a n d M r s . O sb o r n e a n d s tr a w s o s c a r c e th is s e e m s a p lt y . rey 2nd Team and ýth Team Wade Refreshments were ser- son Dîck. Detroit. are enjoying hort 3rd Team and Oth Team C V ved and a social time enjoyed. holidays with relatives. Many English taverna trace Woman's Missionary Society Best wishes to Alan and Mrs. their origins to monasteries, be- 14 We are &.gain indebted to Sally met at Ebenezer church and was Dow'n on the Rrrival of a little cause monks built rest houses for iusC.O.F. Girls" fE-T-lS and Adrienne of the entertainment ofteBb auhe tOhaaHsia. pilgrims or. their way to sihrines Le-t Daisy Dell, our outriders, for the Band. Presîdent Mrs. Gay open- Best wishes to Raymond and at Rochester and Canterbury. the BAtn 2eag s olowing items of neighbourîy eI the meeting with seripture. Mrs. Barber on their marriage on Possibly the most famous tavern tenews. verse: "Suffer little children to a h asng ti h aadIn eertdi A d Statistics A un ur-r n nom" floe ihSaturday t heproa tisheTbdIinclbae n At uny uro-r.andMr. ore nt me fllwe wthCourtice. the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. 8 9 Russell Sutherland, Judy and children's hymn and prayer. The I ussa h hm fMs coat o an riaiyi 11Battlnt Averages and Statistics Leonard and Mrs. Lee Sutherland. Baby Band Supts. were in chargej John Short and sons xvere: Dr. f rom one to three thousands of an 2 3 Player AB Hits Ave. Cottage 129-Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. K. E.- Courtice opened andMs rhrSot e nhtik E D. Larmer 52 31 596 George Leslie with Billy and Gary with the roll caîl and presentation and_________Arthur ____Short,___Des__inch__________ 1 B. Budai 62 34 548 at the Letlie's Sr. of gift boxes. The children sang 5 G. Willatts 50 23 460 El-Ti-Di-Sa-Mr. and Mrs. J. "Jesus Loves Me." A vocal solo E. Shred . 61 26 426 O'Neill, Betty and Kenny; Mr. and N I A J. Stacey .~ 61 25 410 Mrs. Oeoff Clajîk ail of Port Hope; ofýfree choice hymns, in a quaver- , BO G VE P. Goulah 55 20 363 Mr. and Mrs. R. Hammond, Mr. ing voice she called for No. 522, D. Kilpatrick _ 22 8 '363 Art Franklin of Montreal. Alhewym Saiulad D. Joll------ 48 1 34" l At thy aiorled J. Perfect----- 52 17 328 CAtonhe Carlton's-Mrs. Tuck Me"'. The under-current of feel- C a'lo Joan and Richard. i ng was noticeably climaxed as e d K . P o t t e r 1 0 3 3 0 0 L a f - - o - i s D r s C o e l e s n i h t e t e s i n r u p d C . W r ig h t - --- 2 0 5 2 5 0- - L t M s D o i C o p r s e s n w i h h e t h s n r u ýase M. Hennings__ 14 3 214 of Oshawa wïth the McTavishes. contralto "This is my song through Sot a 20, B. Ellis........---43 9 209 Cove Cottage-..Mrs. Charles endless ages, Jesus lead me ail thei S prsD ta Runs Batted In:- Bernice Budai Burîs, Miss Hazel Burîs, Gordon way".y 14e 27;Doi Larmer, 25; Emma Shred White. When youthful but white-hair- A a4 23. In "The Wing"-Mrs. Arnol1d, ed Mr. Alan Caatsworth, Sec.- A a Home Runs:- Emma Shred, 8; Miss Phyllis Arnold, Mrs. Harold Treas. of the Upper Canada Tract les, Benc.uai ;Drs ol Robinis wîth Mr. C. P. corners. ; orsJolJ and Bible Society got in the D aJean Perfect, 2; Dorothy Kilpat- At Happy Hutch-.-Mrs. . Arm- speaker's cre with Mr. McCart- 1B w a v n e c Downaniie 2.~ :ieic,2 strong with the Jack Hutchinsons. ney and Mr. Harrap on each side,1 nd Bowmanvjlle C.O.F. Girls top At Chequers-Mrs. Duncan and more than a few of the atuhiencel W S I E le- league with one week to go be- Major iErskine Duncan of New- must have thought back t0 the ('S I E d-fore play-offs., castle.. Bible picture books and the pic- Leatue Standings Cottage 117-Mrs. Barrett and ture where Moses, in order to ini Won Lost Per. Donny of Toronto with the W. H. prevaîl had his arms upheld by ICH OD A r's Bowmanville ---- 6 2 .750 Canltons II. two follovers. Whatever did it, or Salem ----------- s 3 .625 Cottage 119-Mr. and Mrs. Hur- Mr. Coatsworth gave a memorable r- Maple Grove ... 5 3 .625 son of Quebec with the Barrs. talk in "The Philosopher's Dii- Of Oshawa ------------O0 8 .000 At the Harrap's-Mr. Alan emma", reading as a preliminary, h, Remaining games in schedule: Coatsworth. Christ's conversation with the Mlon a A g s I t DMnaJuly 25th- On Thursday "Braeside Cot- Jewish philosopher, Nicodemus.nd yA gis l t ell* Maple Grove vs. Oshawa tage" was the scene of a Pickard In a scanty haîf hour by definiteA 'le Thurs.. July 28th- family picilic. Those present were reference to outstanding philoso- , 5 Bowmanville ait Salem Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Mr. phers of the past and present, ho Ac in ~~~~~~and Mrs. Stuar't R James, Norman showed how the real seeker after OnLdi aead yBt in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a and Douglas, Mr and Mrs. Howard trutîî must accept Christ's pro-OnL dnXV trc dbyB a r-Salemn Girls Defet A. Pickard, Eleanor, Margaret and nouncements. He gave'his intent frada dyu g th ~ ~ ~ 201 Betty, Mrs. Louis M. Dewell, Ran- listeners both yôung and aild "a ' roda dy u g 1at aple Gjrove201 dy and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Jack reason for the 'faith that is in heDunn. Bobby and Jamie, Mr. John them". - O T S O L Y E y, On July 14 Salem and Maple Martin, ail of Bowmanville; Mr.OTHS 0F ALLSimTYPESn - . - r. Grove played their last game of and Mrs. R. James Pickard, Mi- to insistent'requests led in'an an- Plan t attend afl f ~r ecr i n the series on the Mapie Grove dia- chael, Steven and Paul, Toronto; nual feature, the sonig and chorus, t in mond and Salem won 20-14. It Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickard, Sue and Pec Sil.Ahogsehaan fun tteW st ieB a h wasaseven-inning game and ev- Janet, Cleveland, Ohio. d "easofeeiI". alou gsbo-d funa h lstSd ec 4 enly matched. Although Salem Temporary Absentees: : prarsof experielnaslen sont onCivi Hoiay 3 got in four runs in the first inning The Grey Sennen people, GýeY choir, she. neyer lets us down ýs te coe eesaedunilte 5th atein, r mn, ilim n when the calis for one of these BIG DANCE AT NIGHT Grove's lead of 3 runs, taking 4 Dave Barr at Ball game in Bar- day. You may need it frthe Corne Early Everyone Welcorne s; more in the 6th and 7 in the 7th. rie. Children's special service taxes f; Joan Craig pitched fine for Salem Mrs. John H. Fox and Holly at aur seating capacit.y. ; with Rluth Yeo relieving for the Gore*s Laî'acing with Miss Char- last two innings pitching fast bal, lotte Wood. Sylvia Bucknell took the mound Gardon Parties for Maple Grave. Winter lias iis parties of ail Ak z .orts:: dinner, bridge, skating and I S len Grl wskiing but summer dlaims for its Sae ilsW nown the Gardera Party. On July FrornOsha 15-4 20 Royalty threw open the Buck- FoiO hwa 1 . ingham Palace grounds for one of these open-air fetes and on the 7 On Juiy l8th Salem won their saine day Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ot 9third league game in a row by placed their interesting bright 1defeating the Oshawa team 15-4. .ummer home at the disposaI of o : 9 Athogh shaa ackd acoule heWomcn's Association of St. 5of their regular players that was Josepîvs Chiurch -for a tea and 0no excuse for the errors the resi sale of work. Booths of fancy ( ' 5of thom cbalked up, especially work, candy, touch-and-take, A r\ 5when Mapie Grove came all the home baking, aprons and infant' s ' 5 vay out ta see Salem get tnimmed. wvear were on 'bath sides of the 1The game got off to a 1ate start back lawn, and card tables in the so that we only played 5 innings shade of silver maples were ail which were characierized by ma- used by enthusipnstic players. Pro- P ny errars. Oshawa's pitcherdd' fessionaily prepared refreshment s thave much backing and the Salem were servcd on the gallery and in girls seemed ta be able ta pick alI the modern ariistic living room PIE HE ERYSU the weak spots for their bits. Joan Father Coi fey and his sister en- *l Cri pthd h hoegmefrcouraged the workers with theirAI merch 25cR Salem and didn't allow very many patronage. One clderly dame with ~by your 'D~InnIO ht.a Queen Mary parasol of the vin- onlof ONSERT-STO. 9UALITYG@OLDIN CUT h it s. ' S to r e BROWN'S th u-t-te-int ally guarIantedto i W AX B E ANS 2 T'in 1 7c 13 O NSbright summer silks of the smart V100e,,O~ satlfcîI DEWKIST-CHOICm QUALITY-NEAVYYRUPtu assistants: Mrs. P. Grant, Mrs. r2uI002T. L tonsils remaved in Bowmanville Cowvan and Mrs. Marrie pour.-d hospital and is progressing nicely. tea. Amang the 180 guests, besides HEITZ-AATE A few from bore attended the those from town, were some fromntN-UR s shawer for Mns. Jack Crago (nee Montreal, Port Hope, and Toron- IVIVI IV lKETCHlUP loi.'..24C VALUil EFFECTIVE THUtSOAY, Flt'OAY, SAYURI)AY, JULY 28 - 29 - le FOGS WANTED

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