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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 12

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,PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIMS STATESMAN, DOWMANYTLLEC. ONTARIO BRING YOUR PYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE r« Uf ÀEMNMI 12,000 READERS - OT3cPRA - * ~ AVUU BIRTHS COCHRAN-Mr. and Mrs. R. Cochran, Peterboro, are pleased to4announce the birth of twin boys at, Bowmanville Hospital on Wed- nCsday, July 20th, 1949. 30-1* KENNEDY-Annle and. Jim Ken- nedy are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Marie Louise, at the Bowmanville Hos- pital, July 21st, 1949. 30-1* NEWELL-Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Newell, Bowmanville, wish te announce the birth of a son at Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto, on July 26th. 1949. 30-1 WELSH-Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wesh (nee Margaret MvcDonald) are pleased to announce the birth o! their son, Robert Douglas, at Býowmanville Hospital on Z'ues- day, July 26th, 1949. 30-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Huras announce the engagement of their ohly daughter, Dorothy Anne, to Mr. Donald Alexander Mairs, Kitchener. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mairs, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on August 6th. 30-1* The engagement is announced of Frances Marie Moise, daugh- ter of Mr. B. E. Moise and the late Mrs. Moise to Donald Gordon S Ferguson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson. The marriage' will take place on Saturday, Aug. 2th, 1949, in Trinity United Church. 30-1 The engagement is announced of Florence Mary, daughter o! Mrs. Fred Burns and the late Mr. Burns, to Herbert Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 6 at 3:30 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. 30-1* DEATHS BRUCE-At the residence, Caes- area, July 2th, 1949, Samuel Thomas Bruce, husband o! the late Mary Jane Mitchell, aged 81 years. Funeral from bis late re- sidence, Nestleton, for service on Saturday, July 23rd. Interment Nestleton Cemetery. 30-1 JEWELL-At Newcastle, on July 25th, 1949, Herbert W. Jewell, be- loved busband o! Winnifred M. Fielding, aged 82 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel on Wednesday, July 27th. Inter- ment Bowmanvil]e Cemetery. 30-1 Notices Miss Hodgins' office will be closed until August lSth. 2943 Dr. Storey's office will be closedi June 27th to August 7th inclusive. 23-8*1 COMING EVENTS. Haydon Community Picnic wîll be held at Orono Park this Satur- day afternoon, July 30. Every- one welcome. Corne and bring a basket. 30-1 Newcastle O.B.A. Basebail As- sociation are sponsoring' their Annual Field'Day o! Spo;ts and Enýertainment, on Monday, Aug. lst. At 10 a.m. girls' softball game between Bowmanviile and Newcastle. Admission 25c. At 1:30 p.m. an O.B.A. basebal game between Bowmanville and Newcastle; 3:30 p.m. basebali game: Kendal vs. Newcastle. Admission 35c. At 7:30 p.m. bingo and other games will be played, rain or shine; at 9 p.m. dance with music by Rus. Creighton and His New Dance Band. Admission 50c. At il p.m. draw will be made for the 37 prizes. 30-1 IN MEMORIAM TINK-Cherished memories of a kind husband and father, Herbert Edward Tink, who passed away July 3lst, 1943. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 30-11i ANDRUS-In loving memory o! a dear mother. Jennie Andrus, who passed away on July 29th, 1947: Her genial smile and belpful ways 'Remembered fondly al aur days. -Ever remembered by Oscar and Phyllis. 30-1* ELFORD-In memory o! a dear- mather and grandm other, Anna Maria Elford, who passed away July 29th, 1948: In l! e loved and bonoured, In deatb remembered. -Sadly missed by Norma and Lamne and family.. 30-1* KENNtDY-Sacred ta the mem-l ory of our beloved son, George Kennedy, killed in , action in Sicily, July 25th, 1943: We often sit and think o! you, Things you used ta say and do, And wonder wby you had to die Without a chance to say Goodbye. -Fondly remembered by mother and dad, sisters and brothers. 30-1 RUNNALLS-In loving memory o! Lillian R. who passedl awpy in Port Hope Hospital, July 2Oth, 1948: Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and kind in heart and mind, Wbat a beautiful memory she left behind, --Sadly missed by sisters anc brothers. 30-1 CROSSEY-In loving memory of our dear busband and father, William C. Crossey, who was killed on August 2nd, 1947: A shadow rests upon our home We miss bis smiling face, Where'er we turn, where'er we go We see bis vacant place. His life was earnest, bis actions kind,- Dr. Rundle's office will be A generou5; hand and an active closed from July 3lst ta Septem- mid, ber 5th inclusive. 29.2* Anxious to please and loath ta _______of end Wana'sBeaty hopwil be A loving dad and a faithful closed from July 23rd ta August fri %e cn; ral 6th inclusive, for bolidays. 29-2* Or A nd 0 te nnrealizewh IAman witb so mucbh ife abead Palmer's Barber Shop will be[ Sbouhd sa soon bave to die. closed from August lst to August Withîn our hearts we'hl always 3rcf inclusive, for holidays 29.2* keep A special place for you, Dr. Harold Ferguson's office And try ta, do aur best in iife will be closed from June 30tb ta As you would want us ta. August 6th, inclusive. 30.2* -Ever remembered by bis wi!e and sons. 30-1* Swain's Seed Cleaning Plant is now open for the faîl run. Swain Bras., R.R. 1 Burketan. 30-1* Eveleigh's Cleaners. Oshawa, will be clased for holidays fromn August lst ta August 6tb, inclu- sive. 30-1 WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases ta Bow- manville, Enniskilien, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-t! RUDDER White and Coloured CERAMIC WALL TILE TILE TILE - TEX FLOORS (eIastic) FLOORS Work By Experts - Reasonable- PHONE:Gaate lie GeREAL 2902 BOWMANVILLE Est. in Toronto 1924 new B.R.1I HAMPTON (beia CARD 0F THANKS Tbe !amily o! the late Mrs. John Darch wish to express sin- cere thanks ta their many friends and neigbbours for their acts o! kindness. beautiful floral tributes and cards extended ta them in their recent bereavement. 30-1 Wewish to extend our h'eart- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts o! kindness, messages o! sympatby and the many floral offerings received from our many friends during our sad bereave- ment in the death o! a dear wife and mother. We also would like te thank Mrs. Willetts for loving care and comfort, and Rev. Hen- derson for bis consoling words. -Wm. Thetford, Hubert, Flor- ence, Edward, Arthur and Harold Hooper. 30-1 Wanted To Rent HOUSE or three or four rooms by September. Write Box 284, Statesman Office. 30-1* OUTBOARD motor, to .be used for !isbing Aug. 2 to 5. Write Box 286, Statesman Office. 30-1* YOUNG professional couple re- quire a bouse and grounds (if pos- sible) in Bowmanville. Ref er- énces. Will sign lease. Phone 907 or write Box 283, Statesman Office. 30-1* Wanted To Buy BICYCLE, used C.C.M. girl's, must be in good condition, Phone Oshawa 3423w4. 30-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Room and Board F t WANTED-Room and board by a) August 8th for a young man working five-day week in town. WriteBo 285St.atesman Office. __________ -80-1- y Articles For Sale FINDLAY Oval stove, in good condition. Phone 2485. - 30-1 1942 HALF-TON Fargo truck, with rack, in exceflent condition. Phone 2711. 30-1* THIRTY acres of bright wbeat straw on No. 2 Highway. See Bill Fairhead, Phone 2831. 30-1* MODEL A Ford, radio and heater, good condition. Apply 154 Well- ington St. 30-1* 1933 CHEV. sedan, $180.00 cash. Apply Ray Wiggans, R.R. 4 Bow- manville, Phone 2855. 30-1* SIX acres standing grain. Appiy A. R. Simcock, R.R. 2 Oshawa (nortb on Town Line East). 30-1* ICE box, nearly new, holds 75 lbs. Apply H. Wilcox, Hampton, Phone 2395. 30-1 1941 SPECIAL Deluxe Chev. coach, a good, dlean car. Phone 924. 30-1* ICE refrigerator, 32x45, in good condition, reasonable. Phone 2218. 30-1 EGGS fresh from poultry farm, graded and candled. delivered in Bowmanville every Friday. Phone 2720 between 4 and 5 p.m. 30-1* ELECTRIC rangette with oven; also Gurney cook stove. good con- dition. Apply Mrs. E. Passant, 122 Duke St., Phone 2774 30-1' '39 BUICK convertible model 46-C, radia. heater, defroster. good tires, excellent throughout, Phone Orono 83r4. 28-3* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measured and installed. Free estimates. F. F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 25-tf 1941 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, new tires, good condition. Phone 2436, Lavern Clemens, Hampton. 29-tf 1935 FORD coach, radio, seal beam lights, good tires, reason- ably priced for quick sale. Selby Grant, Phone 2674. f 30-1 OUTBOARD motor, 3.6 b.p., Scott Atwater. Clarence Gibson. Maple Grave (second house west o! Northwinds Snack Bar). 30.1* 191() BUICK -aseer-tdn BRADLEY Furniture Co., 401 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. ailover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- fîiled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $4950; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271- 6-tf a Livestock For Sale TEN pigs, six weeks old. Apply W. Cooper, Middle Road. 30-1* PIGS, eigbt weeks old. John Baker Jr., Solina. Phone 2472. 30-1* YOUNG Clyde mare and colt, price reasonable for quick sale. Howard Farrow, Phone Clarke 4130. 30-1 Help Wantedl YOUNG woman for part time work.. must be good at fiigures. Apply Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers. 30-11 SOMEONE to work in refresh- 1 ment booth at Cream o! Barley Camp. Apply at Booth, Cream o! Barley Camp., 30-1 WOMEN or girls, xwanted, light factory work, no Saturdays. Ap- ply Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co., 160 Church St., Bowmanville. 30-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanville. Permanent conection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Raw.eigh1 Dept. ML-G-140-131, Montreal 27.41 REFINED woman required as companion bousekeeper for lady living alone, outskirts of Toronto, splendid opportunity for person requiring good home with remun- eration. Write Box 282, States- man Office.,0- BE SURE o! a wortbwhile income! Operate your own business! This CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf FOUR building lots, or one acre o! land, sewer and- water, on Lambs Lane and Prospect St. Phone 2648 or apply Arthur Jones. 29-2* ONE brick Duplex, 1 %/ miles east o! Port Hope, on No. 2 Highway, all conveniences, 2 acres o! land. Immediate possession. Price $5.500 or nearest offer. Apply to 42 Barrett's Terrace, Port Hope, Ont. 29-2 JAMES NIXON Frame bouse, 2 rooms. new furni- ture, full basement, hydro, stool and extra lot in good location. Possession arranged. $3,500. Frame bouse and lot, hydro and stool, one block from Main St. One of the best locations in Bowmanville. $1,200. $1,250-Brick and cement block house, 12 rooms, with one acre dlay loam, spring at bouse; one mile from No. 2 Highway, or can be purchased with more land and creek, close to Newcastle. $3,500-5-room insul-brick house, attached garage, water. bydro, hen bouse. 5 rds. frontage, 8 rds. deep on No. 2 Highway near Maple Grove. Taxes $20. Con- venient to Oshawa or Bowman- ville. Waiting clients for houses, $5,000 to $6.000. JAMES NIXON, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 612 Bowmanville 3o1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $l,200-full price, 5-room frame semi-detached, garage. Immed- We also bave farms. general store, snack bar, and building lots 'in and near Bowmnanvîlle. $6,000-five-roam bunaglow, h.a. furnace, garage, insulated, large kitchen, large verandah, nice garden. Located on one 'o! the best streets in town. HAMILTON & SMITH $2,200-Farm, 100 acres north o! Kendal, 75 workable, balance Pasture and bush. Barns 50x30 and 22x35, steel roofed. 2-storev frame 6-roomed bouse. Good val- ue at above price. $2,200-50 acres near Orono. Barn 20x4O, metal roof. 4-roomed £rame house, cernent foundation, garage, cistern pump in bouse. Consider- able repairs required, still excel- lent value. $2,000-Farm, 27 acres near Pro- vincial Highway No. 35 and vil- lage store. Barn 50x30, two-car garage, hen bouse 20X20 all steel roofed and rodded. Good trout stream, 6-roomed, 1%1/ storey bouse, frame and insul-brick, good cellar and well. $4,800-Farm of 100 acres, close to village of Kendal, north-west of Port Hope, corner property on the 7th Concession. Good land. Wide year round stream. Steel roofed barn and garage in good repair. City style home of six rooms in spotless condition. elec- tricity, verandah, an excellent property. We specialize in farms in the prosperous County of Durham, north of and on No. 2 Highway. Price range from $2,000 ta $12,- 000. HAMILTON & SMITH Brokers Orono. Ont. Phone 32rl0 - lr16 - 39r2 TENDER301 United Counties of Northumberland and Durham TENDERS FOR TIRES SEALED TENDERS, Plainly marked "TENDER FOR TIRES' will be received by the under- signed up until 12 o'clock NOON FRIDAY, AUG. 12, 1949, for the supply of Tires of varlous sizes for a periad of one year. Bidders must use Tender Forms which are available frorl the of- fice of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J. M. JORDAN, Countiès' Engineer and Road Supt., CobQurg, Ontario. Chirop30-I ýf laijnui%,n -pasengr seanis easîîy none oy cistributing auri $3,900-with $1,000 down. 5 large VNDSCCiooit all new tires, excellent, condition. numerous varieties o! Guaranteeci raoms semi-bungalow, brick, 3- T. M.VNDSChipdst R. LeGresley, Phone 1130 Clarke. household necessities from door pce. býeth an King St. East, with specializin.g 1" diseases o! the foot 30-1 ta door. Splendid territariès avail- imnmediate possession. and leg. General chirapody work. e' able in the city, also in the sur- $4.200-seven-raam frame bouse. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa. BABY'S white pram and large, rounding rural areas. Start Now! chickeîi house. garage, large lat Phone 3947. 24-6* jwooden, painted crib, încludîng Write for Free Details and Cata- 66'x454', bathroom, hydro. Terms. mattresses. Phone 68r1, Orono. alogue: Faniulex, 1600 Delorimier, e ar 30-1 Montreal. 27-4 We handle only exclusive list -_________________ NO AE lflaby u ings. FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed 1 by. th caLoDAd a ae mony. atdBowmanviîîe Real Estate service, dyeing and custm work, Waly the rlFrand Bowmnie. _________________ 78 King St. West try the Neat- Way Shoe Repair Watr rnk owavilJ. Shehvn . D. Maclachiani Shop, King St. West. 9-t! Phone 2403. 30.1* DEAD borses and cattle for free Phone 326 - 2017 30-1 REAR'oalmae frfg 1pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3.636 EAR toalmksfreig 1932 ROCKNEY sedan, nice dlean or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone eraters, domestic and commercial car, 4 practically new tires. Ap- charges. Gordon Young Ltd. C(>OKE REAL ESTATE Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., ply E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. 13-tf S18,000-Uxbridge area, 200 acres, phone 438. 26-tf _______________ 30-______- 150 acres ricb loam, 50 acres bush. DEAD Stock! Free Service. We Ideal tractor farm. Large barn COMPLETE brake service, brake 1940 INTERNATIONAL haîf-ton will pick up aIl dead or crippled 100x55, sila, chicken house, driv- drum lathing, grinding and hon- Pickup, racks, canopy, heater, etc. farmn animals free o! charge. îng shed, garage, l0-room brick îng.. Brakemaster cylinders and Bargain if sald this week. A. Highest prices paid for aId horses. home, modemn bathraam. land- wheel cylinders honed and polish- Alexander, Courtice, Phone Osh- Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. scaped lawn, hard and soft water ed. Permafuse Raybond brake awa 77J3. 30.1* 20-tf on Pressure in bouse and barn bonding, no rivets, Raybestos FINDLAY cbok stoverms.Fal brake linings. Brakes shaes ex- FINDAY bokstoe, ike new. WE would ike a good home for Hyosstoughagoutnstck Terms.o.Bo This stove has only been used a small, tan, short-haired dog. possin cagi tockG readytaho. Bob three seasons. and is in excellent Clean arounci the hause, excel- $,0-nNsltno AHgBwavle 2t condition. Priced ta sell. 25 lent with chiidmen. Well trained$S0-nNettnon7Hi-Bovavle2-f Chumh Sree. 3-1 anda god wtchdog Beoreway, twa miles from Lake Scugog, ChuchStret 301 nd god ath dg.Befrea verv lovely 8-roomed brickB AC TRADE-IN-coal oul stoves, gas- Aug. 1 apply 25 Church St. 30-1 home. Nearly new Hecla fumnace, BL C STOCK oline stoves, rangettes, electric WANTED-Improved farm, 100 to hathmoom. upstair balcony, ver- ranges, wasbers, cbesterfields, 200 acres, apply giving particu- andabs. Wire fence with cobble- Joan Vcnning, Ruth Hamilton, occasional chairs. Murphy's, lars witb description o! buildings, stane posts enclose an attmactively Shirley Hamilton, Doreen Coch- Phone 811. 30.1* land, price, etc. No agents. landscaped haîf-acre lot. Good rane and May Werry with Clara 16' BOAT and Champion out- Write Box 279, Statesman Office. garden, ai5f]es, plums and small Marhow and Doris Hamilton as board motor, used about two 30-2 fruit. Immediate possession. Leaders are attending the Girl monts. ppl D. oppngCot $23000200acrs ner UbrigeGuides Camp at Nogies Creek Beach, Bly . owmnviCt-$3,0l00aree. xrig, Miss Doris Weich, Toronto, Miss tage 63, East Bech Bwmnvll.Ls 140 acres A-i land, balance bush Marion Lavey, Woodstock, with 30-1*________________ reforestation and sping Stream. Wiima and Jessie VanCamp. FROST FENCE-now available, LICENCE plate 4W773 (1949). New fences. orchard, barn 100x40, Misses Mabel and Helen Van 8 line in 30 and 40 rod rails, med- Finder please phone E. G. Power equipped for daimy cattle. CementCapndM.nd rs the ium weight hog fence in 20 rod 56r10 Orono. 30-1 milk house, electric coolem, grain Saywell an~d Margaret are at Oak rails, 5 ft. pouitry fence, 4 ft. REWARD offered for informationeear two silode s, poultery boue, ae umr ap poultry netting, 1 16-ft. farm gate, o! wbereabouts o! one-year-old edtw bodesatery, alom ihet- Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp, barbed wire, brace wire, 7 ft. dark red steer with bomns. Dis- home, modemn bathroom. bard- Audrey Swain and Jimmy, and stel pst. Pon 240, 30.1* S appeared fram ranch in June. wood floors, hot and cold water rs. Geiy, Lîstowell, wîth Hampton.301 Please notify Harold Larmer, R. on tap, hydro. Fali possessionr Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mr. TWO Holstein beifers, freshening R. 3 Burketon or Phone Port Terms. and Mrs. Wm VanCamp and other soon; new International two-!um- Perry 78-12. ' 30.1* Contact relatives row trac$om plow; 1/2 and one 3/ Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Mr. and Mms. Ray Bradburn and bp.ele tic tos. va Mont- Teche V Taned Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 Mary and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Brad- joy, Burketon, Phone Port Perry ___________________3-1b an aand ri n were in 78rl3. 30-1 TEACHER for Bowmanville Pub- - r.i and BrronSuanand SPECIAL Offer o! Cattle Feed- lic Schools ta teach Home Econ- Auction Sales Mam. aspn Ms HerbinSwavand Ground Mixed Grain, $52.00 per omics one day per week. Work- with Mm. and Mrs. Oakley Carley. ton; Champion White Oat Chop, bas been done ipreviously by mar- SOLINA SALEý EXCHANGE- Miriam returned home witb them. $52.00 per ton; Malt Sprouts, 24% ried woman with teacher's cer- tBkrFrs oia omr isPylsSrn svstn protein, $50.00 per tan. . G . tificate, with good knowledge oftBkrFrs oint-o- Ms hllsSrn svstn Wicet, Pon 212.Pot o. swigGn.ooig. S ya row evening, Friday, July 29th, hem cousin, Miss Helen Curtis, Ca- Wicett Phne 912 P 30-Hpe.scedule indeffctoi. Appy Br[at 8 p.rn. Usual o!!ering o! !resh bourg. manvilhedle iBoarde o!. Education dcowspigs, etc.. witb specials o! Miss Diane Blair, Oshawa, is BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, Stuart R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. cedar posts and choice bamvest holîdayingd'Wîth ber grandmother no rivets. In stock eady ta go; 29.2 apples. Terms cash. Ted Jack- Mrs. George Fowler. Che., ode, iyout, hry .son, auctioneer; Jack Baker, Durham County Swine Club sle,Dolds., Pticmouic, (drmyorR n manager, Phone 2180. 30-1 spent Friday in Peterboro where lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, ________________tbey were guests o! the Canada Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-t! FURNISHED oom. Write Bx Having sohd her home, 1 have Packems and Quacker Oats Ca. On BO been favoured witb instructions Sunday the Junior Farmers en- ALL kinds o! meat, good quaîity, 281, Statesman Office. 301* from Miss Hattie A. Mason ta seli joyed a picnic at the Federation smoked bacon and hams, sausage THREE unfurnisbed rooms avaîl- by public auction on Saturday, of Agriculture Grounds, north o! [and hamburger. Darlington Abat- able August lst. Write Box 2801 August 6th, at ber residence, Kirby. toîr, Hampton, Phone 2836; also Statesman Office. 01 George St., Newcastle, modern A number !rom bhere attended customn killing, pickling, smoking and antique fumniture. dishes, the bard bail game in Bowman- and sausage making, endering SEMI-detached bouse, for, couplej garden tools and many other ville on Monday evening between lard. 13-tf without children. Apply 210 King items. This sale will include Bowmanville andi an ah caloured St. E., Bowmanville. 30.1* several pieces of good, antique team !rom the States. 1938 6-cylinder PACKARD sedan, furniture. For further particulars Mm. and Rüdd Heaslip, To- motor completely overhauled hast Personal see bills. Terms cash.' Sale at rno aebe oiaigwt year. Tires as good as new. Seal ________________ 1 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer r. mnah end hoWalicedaringwit beam ligbts, deluxe heater and SKINNY Men, Wdmnen! Gain 5 30-2 Mm. ad Mrs. Wathlac alow.r !og light. Will exchange for to 15 lbs. New pop, too.S Try 1hv eevdisrcin alta ett ilro o cattle. Sacrifice for $60 0. Phone famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for Ibv eevdisrcin atheamecoedtpaffgMllbrokfo Orono 62rlb, G. Kayacs, Tyrone. double results; new healthy flesh; 1Ifrom Miss Elizabeth Allin, fimst tescn lyofgm.Te 30.l* new vigor. New "get acquainted" bouse north o! Newcastle Com- woyn i 6-3.Net gameisTus FLOORCOVEINGS- Ne de-size only 60c. Ail druggists. 30-1 munity Hall, to sell by publice a vnn tBtay FLOO COERIGS-Nw d- -auction on Saturday. July 3Otb, A large crowd attended the signs in Inlaid, Mouhded and Gran- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber, at 1 p.m.. ber entire bousehold third game between Janetville ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas goods) mailed postpaid in plain 1e!fects, bedding, dishes, floor and Bethany which was at Our back Linoleum, Congoheum and sealed envelope with price list. coverings. garden tools. modern Agricultumal Groundis on Monday Rexoleumn yard goods now in Six samples 25c, 24 samples $,0 and antique furniture. For fur. evening. Janetvulle won 4-3 put - stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide.--Bring in Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ther particulars see bis. Temms ting Betbany out. Janetville wil j youm measurements for quotations ber Co., Box 91, H.amilton, i-. cash. Jack Reid. auctioneer. plav the %vinners o! the Millbrook at Y. F. Morris Co. .25-t.t.i.--27-91I -30.1 i-Blackstock &et. ,. Articles For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate for Sale More than 30,000 acres o! sugar beet are grown in Southwestemn Ontario each year. A local refin- ery cantracts for 'the crop and keeps farmers posted on growing techniques. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Oshawa, Mr. George Fer- guson, Mis. Robert MacFarlane, Mt. Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. .Mr. IW Adiams, Bruce and Briani Mrs. F. Adams and Eunice Ran-' dal, Hampton, Mrs. A. Graham, and Elaine, Conn, Mis& Shirley Elis with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams. Mr. and Mis. Earl McNàlr and family are holidaying ut South River. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gregg and Donald, Monterey, Cali!., are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mrs. MacFarlane, Mr. George Fergluson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fer- guson and Shirley, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Shirley, Burke. ton, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family attended the Ferguson- Adams picnic at Geneva Park. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Aldread and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy West- lake and family and Mrs. Char- latte Stephens had a get-together at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson's after the picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whitta- ker and Eva Ann, Hamilton, with friends in Bowmanville and Mrs. MaryoGriffin, Enniskillen.' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family visited at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn, Lorna and Susar, at her sister's Mrs. H. Western, Guelph, and with Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge. Mr. Adém Sharp bas returned fromn Springside, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, at an Ashton family gathering at Mr. *and Mrs. W. J. Bragg's, Providence. Ivir. E. C. Florey, Niagara-on- the-Lake, lias returned home after visiting friends in Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil visited with friencis in Oshawa. Mr. J. Nicholson and Mr. R.' Nelson, Holstein, Ontario, Mr.1 and Mrs. Lamne Lamb and Ruth with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Misses Gioria and'Carol Wright, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry, Rachester, N.Y. Mr. and ]ý4rs. Frank. Gilbemt, Solina, with Mir. H. Annis. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mrs. C. Pethick and Patsy with Mrs. G. Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, White Pine Lodge. Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. James Smales and David, Hampton, Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, with Mr. and VIrs. J. Sniales. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson~ and family, Toronto, with Mr. and VIrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mm Ross Sharp is recoveringj fromn an appendicitis operation in Bowmanviile Hospital. Mr. D. XVolffers with his parents Mvr. and Mrs. R. Wolffers, To- ro nto'. Master Donald Wearn with Mas- ter Joe McGill. Mr .and Mrs. Will Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and fami- ly. Enniskillen, Miss Helena Mloore, London, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Burton, Nestieton. Bqslc in the bright suni Moke the most of every golden minute this summer. Turn a healthy, glowinà'tafl .j . eosily . .. naturally *poinlessly ..,. w lth wonderful Sun Preparations. They'lI help keep your skin sofe and lovely whl. yocu brown. ARDNA IDEAL SUNTAN OIL. i for on even, naturel, deep tan. the ikin supp. and ullky end ts flot a bit stick',. Two shodes, honey end col*..2 oz. 1.0q04 0e. 1.» ARDENA SUNPRUP CRUAM te filter out th. suns burning r"ys helps protect ogainît over-eMposuro. Ton 1If yo-j wish by rsgulating applications ... 1.25 ARDENA 8 HOUE CREAM; la smooth and cool your skin end I ips oiter unwise exPosure. Excellent for sun.dried hair end sclp .. 1.85 end 3.10 JURY 0 LOVELL TrOUR REXALL DEUG STORE Wben W. Test Eyes Et la Don. Properly PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE HAYIDON 1 Mr. Fred Ashton has the hydre installed ini his cottage. Church service was held Sunday evening under the ausp es o! the W.. President C., Slemon took charge of ii service. Miss Doris Miilson. re- turned Missioriary from Bolivia, gave a very interesting talk on her. work. Miss Marie Ashton rendered a solo and Mr. Ross Ashton and Miss Marie Ashton sangý a duet. A Sunday School meeting was beld to make, plans for our an- nual picnic et Orono on Saturday. See Coming Events. One hears a lot o! fish stories, many of them far stretched, but here is One that is authentic. Lloyd Ashton went fishing south o! bere the other day and caught a trout 20lî inches long, weighing 3v I bs. whicb tops the record O! the. city fisherman in last week's Paper. Many say the creeks are ýgetting fished out but here was one !ish that had -eluded rthe fisberman's bait for a long stime. Mrs. Bert Ashton and !amily are at the cottage while Mr. and 1Mrs. Fred Ashton and famnily are holidaying at Lake Cecehe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and family. Oshawa, Miss Shirley Garrard. Toronto, at Mrs. Chas. Garrard's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rankine in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Liptay and family, Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Savel, Toronto, at Mr. John Liptay's with Miss Mary Savel staying for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson, Toronto. Mrs. W. Thompson, Newcastle, at Mr. Roland Thomp- son'F. Miss Jean McLaughlin, Burke- ton. at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. Jack Stuart, London, holi- daying at Mr. Don Cpmeron's. Mrs. Mary Philp, ToroPto, at Mr. R. Sanderson's. .Karen Thompson at Mr. Earl Thompson's, Bowmanville. Mi'. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian at Mr. M. Blackburn's, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson, Tyror'e. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sle- mon, Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Mr. Chas. Briggs, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E Skinner and Phîlip, Oshawa, Mrs. Theo. Slemon, Enniskillen, at Mr, Cecil Slemon's. Mrs. A. Read and Clayto t. Toronto. t Mrs. Earl Luke andfmi Hampton, with Mrs. Bert A s ho Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker and granddaughter. Aileen, holiday. ing. at Owen Sound. Canada's national radio systenr a "'Inrdinator o! Television", but no television. The Statesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store. Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen P. L. 'Ryam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyïrell, Orono W . J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovell J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. e . W.; j

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