"Durham County's Gèeat Family Journal" VOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, V'HURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1949 6c PER COPYNUER3 Ladies Give Vivid Accouit- Rotary Anns Present O ut standing Pro gram ,ý.Of Rotary International- 'Convention at New York City In one of the most interesting Grimsby what will happen in N.Y. and brilliant meetings of the year We reached Canandagua the the Rotaridns at their luncheon first night and stayed at a motel on Friday noon sat back in their near the lake. They have an arn- chairs and listened ta four Rotary- usement park there and the Ri- Anns give informative and wit ckards were introduced ta Tom sparked reports of the bighligbts Tbun-b Golf. The next morning of the Rotary International Con- Howard and Moirley couldn't get vention which tbey attended in us up ear y enough so they could Madison Square Gardens, New spend &h mornîng at the lovely Yark City, last month. The four Golf Course. They sent us inta g stpseakers, Ms .B ar o breakfast and they Rundie, Mrs. Morley Vanstone, snatched an orange juice and were Mrs. Melviie Dale and Mrs. Gar- off. In a few minutes we saw net Rickard were introduced by themn pacing up and down the Chairman of the meeting, Morley strec4. They were barred fromn Vanstone. the course. It seems they are par- Each of the four speakers chose ticular i,~ the States as ta whomn At their weekly luncheon ,on City. It was the first time in and the sideiights than did their assigniment with considerable a different aspect of e conven- they let play golf. One thing they Friday at the Balmoral Hotel history that the wives of Rotar- busbands who had made their ability. From left ta right are tion, with the resuity!at when have at Canandagua is good cough Rotarians were privileged ta bhear ians have been asked ta make formai reports a few weeks pre- Mrs. F. Morley Vanstone, Mrs. the speeches were over a splendid medicine. I had a bad cold 50 1 four lady speakers present their such reports and everyone agreed viaus. Each Rotary Ann chose Melville Se Dale, Rotary Presi- nveraîl repart had been given. had ta get a remedy. It contained vîewVs of the recent Rotary Inter- that they presented a far more one portion of the convention for dent Walter DeGeer, Mrs. H. B.i Theaddesss wre o iterstig,40 er entalcholandyousholdnational Convention in New York interesting picture of the program hler address and each handled ber Rundie and Mrs. G. B. Rickard. entertaining and informative that have seen the others drool each they are pubiished in full in the tim'e I took a hooker. Mr. & Mrs. Fergusori fluhuin. j W order in whicb tbey were given. Our next stop was at Watkins Mlemorial Pr kai W omnen's Aux. B r s i ie MrR H. B. Rundie Glen located at the foot of Seneca Honoured Bef ore A k n G m It is with great pleasure that I Lake. This us one of the larger A k n G m of aur round trip to New York. temperature the year round of 70Levn o1rckil o D o me tM eig T es.- Hits H eadlinesý The last talk I heard of this type degrees ana according ta Garnet The members of Group No. 10 In a commendable effort ta pro-eSrc n IhPloTi artw nteps a was at the Rotary Convention in this tempeiature wouid prevent it of the Women's Association of mate co-operation throughout the tikn wt oi hs-artw nteps a Toronto at the ladies naon enter- from fezn over, although it Tr-i-nat United Church were en- town, BovýmanviIle's Memorial ahee aefrmn tan tainiment. We had a lovely address. has been known to do sa. tertained at a tea at the home of Park Committee, at a meeting Bowmanville Girl ments but last week it was publi- balayo e ore rud We journeyed on to Elmira on Mrs. Aubrey Smith an Mondyeday night, urged ail citizens 'u -. cized in a new and unexpected the hemng ive. Emir isa ateroonwhe Mr. E S.Fer InTorntoHosita wa.y in one of Toronto's trash th ol.A 'ic hntethe Cbemng iverAEtira s aaftenoo when trhe.S.Fe-ta make use of the park facilities 40____wele orbigtefrttw meeting was adjourned one haif city of 50,000 people, and it con- guson was guest of bonour and which are constantly being im- ekis!rbngtefs ow tne ladies bad vanished and the tains the sum.rer home of Mark was presented with a beautiful proved. Stricken wîtb poiiomyelitis in Canada ta have a nudist coiony remainder of us could hardly Twain. He and bis wife are bur- china cup and saucer as a parting -Up ta the.present, the Memor- while vîsîting the home of her on its doorstep. walk out under aur own power. ied bere. From Canandagua on, gift from the ladies of the group. ial Park bas been termed. South mother in Bowmanvile over last Under the beading "The Naked 0f course ber trip was arounci the geograpby of the country was On Wednesday afternoon, the Ward Park by many -people, weekend. Miss Jean Rundle, em- Truth" the grim fact was revealed the worid and by plane, ours just compietely changed. We were Past Matrons Club of the Order of whereas it is a park for the entire oloyed in Oshawa was rushed ta ibat a nature lovin' Toronto ar- to New York and by automobile struck with the beauty of thebils the Eastern Star beld their an- community', said Norman Ahli- Riverdale Isolation Hospital in tist bad secured 50 acres of land behind car No. 1, the Vanstones covered with dense forests. nual picnic at Mrs. Jack Miller's son, newly elected president of Toronto on Monday. She is the near here and was ahl set ta op- and Daies, car No. 2 contained the Our journey took us through cottage on the east side of Bow- the park executive. "We plan ta fourth persan of Oshawa and dis- erate a back ta the bare facts club. Rickards and Rundles. the valleys with mountains tow- manville Beach. Affer an enjoy- contact th(- Ministerial Association trict ta be stricken with polio Up ta the present aur investiga- Our trip had been carefully ering on bath sides. We stopped able afternaon was spent, a delic- and other groups ta encourage within a week. Two persans ii; tion of the report bas met with no planned by aîî parties at a very at a mountain restaurant and bad ious picnic lunch was served. Mrs. tbem taboîi tneir picnics andi this district have already died of confirmation that such a club is or enjoyabie evening spent at the a wonderful view of the Chemung D. R. Alîdreaci, on bebaîf of all other affairs here so that more the disease. bas been operating in this area Vanstones-including lunch. We Valley, and can readiiy under- the ladies, presented Mrs. Fer- People will become interested in Complaiing of a severe bead- on an organized basis. But, it left Bowmanville sharp at 9:30 stand wby this spot is used for guson wit-h a gold bailerina wafch the park and will realize that thîs ache Saturday while spending the mnigh't be well ta look into the con- a.m. Tbursday. Our plans were gider enthusiasts like Bud Hay. 'rclt park is a wonderful asset to the weedwhbrmteMs sequences of such a Praject. ta leave at 9 but I don't know yet If was bere I noticed our car rad- A social afternoon in the form town." Sherwood Runcile, Miss Rundle Possibly the Chamber of Com- where the Rickards were. Dinner iator was boiling over, but I was of a tea was held on the lawn of One of the features which was retireci Saturday night. Sunday she merce mighit be interested because1 wa f b a tegogeusret assured that this was because this the home of Mrs. A. S. Baker on discusseci at the meeting in the awoke with what appeared ta be of the tourîst attraction possibili- aurant near Brock monument at priua automobile was show- Thursday afternoon in bonour of maiout adScoolws the i--ry a case af the flu. ties or if the story is true if will ing some indignation at the pace Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. A. S. Baker Dr . .R40 t t cidt e one i oneeneprsn 1îuenrsyetim arN. ecey reahe et by Morley. About this time and Mrs. Reg. Cramp were hast- Over 40citzens were present and igoetecs n pncn oldentavriehvrn linr ytetm hyrahdsal were enthusiastic when tedgothe hecs aduohcn eoloesnt ivtise orn Â'roronto and sfarted passing cook- we were beginning fa think about tesses and served a deliciaus lunchsugtia rseTh auiar sulting Dr. O. G. Milîs, Oshawahhcperfibs Uiesfrom one car ta the other wbiiea place fo spend aur second night ta the forty ladies present composed af ladies from ail pariif was discovered Miss Rundle haci moving. At Grimsby, Gladys be- so we journeyed ta Bingbamton On Sunday afternoon, the of tne town, would aperate ta polio. came so hungry we bad ta go into and found a beautiful motel. bridge cluk, of which Mr. and Mrs.rse unsta pnorvis Ieyruseedffabplo Swine Clubs Visit the town for dinner. Tbey served One fhing that attracted our af- Ferguson are niembers, motored ty-pes of ev'ents in the park ffhd ta but >,hen she appeareci sick I cali-Ca daPckr a lovely T-bone steak with ceJery fian was the ..different signs re ta Bewdley, and were guests of arganize sa that there would be ed in Dr. Rundle ta look at her, a a d akr hearts and trimniings, home macle chickens eil along the higbways. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar on their praper supervision of the chîlciren Mrs. Rundle said. Apparently thle Plant at Peterboro pie etc., for 75 cents. We left the I reaily didn't know there were motor launch. The affernoon and during playing hours. it was Cie- first symptams came Saturday-___ restaurant and loaded Up with so many ways ta have chicken, eveniiig were spent on an enjay- cided ta bolci an auxiliary organi- morning. The East and West Durham cookies ta take over ta the States. chicken in a basket, cbicken in a able boat cruise. As a parting gift zatianal meeting in the South Hospital officiaIs reponted Miss Qounty Boys' and Girls' Swine I guess we thought we were going nest, chicken on the hoof, chicken from the members af the club, Ward school next Tuesday even- Rundle's condition slightly im- Club members enjoyed an educa- ta starve while there. Leaving in the rough, but neyer our o!d Mn. and Mrs. Ferguson were pre- ing at 7:30 and aIl ladies af the proved on Tuesday. tional tour on Friday, July 22. Grimsby, Morley becamne com- fasbicined southern style fried sented with a beautiful sterling cammunity are inviteci ta attend. The tour, in charge of E A. Sum- pietely lost and we bad ta wait chicken, until we reached Bing- entre dishl and china cup and Duning the evening, mention mecs andi his assistant Sydney for bim. We thoughf, imagine, in, (Continued on Page Six) saucer. was made of the impravements Fire Brigade GiveS MacDonald, includeci thirty-six On Juuy lth, Mr. and Mrs. Aub- which have been made ta the park of the forty-thnee members. This rey Smith, Mr. and Mns. L. D. duning the past Week. A fil ty foot Quick Response wvas considereci an excellent show- Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. lunch table, camplete with canopyigsnehretn Ju irF r e slo d S r ieCramp, Mn and Mrs. A. S. Baker, has been startea andi other tables To Grass Fire n.scearstg was in full Mrs. R. T. Hoskin and Mn. and Mrs. wîhl be erecteci as soon as possible,.____ swing. Mn. Gardon Marshall af the AE.ew G naaSaC mp S te Fergson motord Lyid Because the Park commnittee is A grass fine of undeterrnined or- Canada akrPtboa- At ew Ca ar sk C mp Sie rok Prk nrt o Wity orvitualyvthutfuds tes po-igîn broughit frmn n action rn ar-av h gopinpc ________apicnic. Affer the picnic supper, jeets have been assisted by Snep- on Tuesday aftennoon andi threat- the Quaker Oats Plant during the Durham Junior Farmers in- was found doing a credibie job Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson wene pre- pard and Gilu wha donateci the ened the wclfare af two hanses augurated a new feature ta their when Julius Caesar ianded in 55 sen'ed with two sets of crystal iumben, -by Goodîyearn'.ire & who were grazing in Wes. Caw- mornnng. At noon the group was vaned rorame hena un-B.. Te oysprsen wre n-saît and pepper shakers. Rubber Ca., who gave the commit- ken's field in the nonth end Of entertaineà ta an excellent lunîch- _____prgrmm____aun_____hebos_____ wreen tee the rubber topping for a very on eon by the Canada Packers Plant day Evening Service was beid cauraged ta become the best la wpnîce and by many voiuntany t îtc h iewsMs where the oppontunity was afford- on the Durham Federation of farmers possible as a wonderful L1* l -,vrker who have supplîed their FFii'st ontcthfiewsM . ed ta see thc actual killing of the Agriculture Camp Ground on heritage bas been passed on ta Pui.Ac IJcAoo~ lUl own tools, paint, nails andi other R. Kcrslake, Concession St. isThprcsngotevaou Sunday affernoon, July 24. This them. H ve LhR o esnil- imn. oderwho phoneci the aiarm ta Mr. pigs. he of estsin a er variaus camp which wiil eventualiy be The programme concluded with ~aivo donateci the 6 ail drums which Cawker. n th e senGeotrge thraugh ta the smokcd praducts, Fed eratiorsode sed bmore theanksidta al wo hdin asisedhave been paintedand wiîl be used Cf id arrived nth ci tethe cutting and wnapping of side muc bttr eveopd y hetheprsien etenin sncre A modern lunch roomn is being forrfs.ield vas abuaze andi the two hors- Federtionshoud beusedmorethans toall ho hd ssstedbuil in he Cntra Publc fo refse. s Wee bebaconfrathe romanufactureanuact fe saus-s extensively by the various farm witb the service foiiowed by sing- buiit in the entral Publices aweneabecoming fnantiche fnom groups. However, mucb more ing the hymn "Day is Dying in School. Long needed, this lunch Many rnosed ncy raiing arjetg the smoke, George was able ta waeursaniien o ears tcTh group suitabie accommodation such as the West" and the Nationau An- noomn will be a welcome addition wr ugse nldn a lead them ta safety andi firemen womasnpr:lsed talesan ta hi fables bences, ec, areurgenly thm. ta Il th studnts wh are nableday which will take place.as soan and other citizens soon had the cmayas adsasbtn nabes eceearugeded. he. .toalgothomtue fn thoeirdinr. e bethe necessary permission cnblaze under contrai. ta muto rs ri n needed. ~It is expected thîs Sunday ser- wiîgoîhe fateri their cer pat ba btained from town counicil, etals ann ll drawca vegetabhe salealinar, Fire Chief Lucius Hoopen sug-vetaes aoThep.rameit acaen- affvice IibeasotexpectanaI gestec thata citizens geleebangoEach memben is feeding and aot heprmme t acmened v-ice wibeaoe as andfthe ofthe basement. M. W. Tamblyn êaoking sale andi bazaar, rummage gsoulci b tveny caeu aou ghtengforapi alpr be ger bunt." Individual picnic lunch Executive aofthe Junior Farmers has been employed f0 do the nec- sale, affernoon tea, field day and hoIberyceflautig- was completed shortly before 61 Association wilarac the essany aiterations. If is expected fair, the sale of membership tick- ing-grassfires. Due ta the extreme- Yorkshire sow pigs that wiil be p.m. wben an appeaiing religiaus Execufive of the Federation and that the lunch room will be com"- ets and a request ta businessmen ly dry weathcr, they will get oufthw tPr oeFi o h service was held. Over one bun- offer their services ta plant trees pleteci by the tîme school opens and industries af the tawn, for a Ontaivryfucoyunes athClb' ncMeckt .Ta Fai drcd junior farm boys and 'girlIs and assist witb the improvement in Sepember. donations. Community singing rigidiy sur.ervised and cvery pre- fap n e oWest rou. Teuabiov supplemented by a substantial of the grounds in any way pos- The second floor of the school andi other pragrams were also caution sho)uid be taken, he statei. alip is anc of the sman cdubin riumber of welcomed senior folk sible. îs also being modernized with a discussed. al featurs of te ummerocub gatheî-ed on the natural siopîng The capste ictd o h new hardwood floar. Bud Hay is The fo'iowing committee were wl egvnjdigpatc paetso w egoiswere spealan- e boundary between Clarke and laig h for. appointed fa acf on the suggest- Car-Truck Collision wuil be gien ding ptosrac badth ercspafrkedàiongsieHp onsaotmidwy A face lifting job is 4,eing donc ions: bdigeveig iis aseea vie ro theias vanfapont.s(e- between Kçendal and Elizabeth- an the High School by S. G. Pres- Tag Day: Norm Ailison, Mrs. Results in ThreebrersDa the group and enjoyed the sr ville and north o h boundary. ton & Son wbo are painting the Cecil Mutn, Mrs. Ailison,, Mrs.PopetoH sia Thsisa eclln lctinfô xterior of the gchool. AePLyeplseJak Lrg, Hsospital Bg po T virray ord, s aI ampbio tviit yo..-own__camp-site? j__Draw: Nov rm Allinek , %ipMissAdai nemenandfw-woen.re- a year. eryin September. Hetflriflgn, kR.N., Camp Nurse; s01 OI1 uI tbc& b uljmlin ins.iii."neaivroiiecannivai with baotjýs af everY des-' The guest speaker, Mr. R. C. Mrs. A. Coveriy, Quarter Master: nec eiNed. The master numben was truck was unhunt. ciptian incîudingj a fish pond for Banbury, Agriculfural Represent- Miss lorna Stewat' rneMd 99 and Mn. Kirkton won the beau- No WRESTLING MATCH HERE Police bave nat stated if any h idis ative for Northumberland County, allist o! the Royal Life Saving tiful ring with fhli h1 y guess of!hre ilb li.tekdis usdatx rmteArcutrlScey wmig75. Miss I3eckett's gi,:ýs was 65. The Arena Cmmittee whichchre lîelad The climax of the evening wil usd txtfrm heAgiuiuri ocef, wimigInstructress. __________ had hoped to present a wrestling .came with a big dance ta be beld Expeniences o! Moses. He traced Camp vJsitars day wiil be heidmacinBwavleAn t- M.nd rsHrodCbunnthvnng agriculture through the many on Sunday. Juiy 31sf and ail wbo Rex'. J. dePencier Wright, nec- ngm atch In Bow abeareona thorMnond Mo vers. nol C aurn, inte ue tht oîng.ll stages o! development including wouid lice to attend will be wel-I ton of St. John's Anglican Chunch. project when it was found that the ried, visited bis parents. Mr. and Beach is your destination on Civic our forefathers, the British farm- corne A chartered bus will leave iwîîî pneach bis farewell service grunt and groan boys% wanted $325'Mrs. H. Casbourn, wbiie on their Holicî9' x,%bore thpne will be a er two thousand yearsa go, whO I Qrtona BUS Station at 11 amn. on Sunday at Il ar.. _ j. 1 make an appeai-ance here. __ honeymoon.- 1 day's fun for the whole iamily. Royals Play Stellar Bal To Shade Colored Giants In Floodlight Came 10-m 9 (Gerald Morris) Good weather, a good crowd, son and the other speed-boys had and a good game combined to beaten out several bunts, stoien give hasebail under the ights a nhlmerous bases, and otherwise rousing introduction in Bowman- shattered the complacency of the ville, as the local Royals display- Philadeiphians. the Giants' catch- ed their best bail of the season er' became so discouraged that ho in knocking off the classy barn- practicaliy ceased trying to pick- storming Philadeiphia Coiored off base-runners in the late inn- Giants 10-9. The few towns- ings. people who failed to see the game Bowmanville came up with a really missed a treat. spark]ing defensive combination The festivities got off to, a start which drew favorable comment by 7:30 Monday evening when the from the Giants, who said they two teams arrived -for practice. had seen no other Canadian teamn This alone was worth the price with as much hustie and pep as of admission. Southern drawis the Royals. Outstanding player and "yo' aIls" mingled with the was "Sonny" Hooper who look- harsher tones of AI Osborne ex- ed briliant at shortstop. Gilhooley horting bis charges ta greater ef- played his usual good game at forts. The Giants awed the crowd second, and Ewart, the Oshawa with a dispiay of siugging power ! catcher, added a lot of steady and a fancy infield drill, whiie play. the locals tried to convince them- Umpire Jim "Ticker" Crombie selves that they were just as drew an outraged howl of pro- good. test from the cro-wd iby - lio-v- The game was not started until îng in stentorian tones, "You're 9:10 p.m. in order ta have corn- out!" as Hooper stole home and piete darkness which would add 1slid across the plate in obvious to the effectiveness of the Giants* safety. To prevent an on-the- portable lighting system. spot umpire-iynching it was nec- To offset the Giants' power at eFssary for Bob Kent to assure bat. Royals' manager AI Osborne the hostile crowd by raeans of assembied a powerfui pitching the ioudspeaking system, that corps which inciuded southpaw i "Ticker" was merely informing Bill Dadson from Peterboro Sen - 'them that the batter. Ewart, had iors, Lefty Gord Sturrock. Doug struck out, retiring the side. Furey, Junior West and George Some observers voiced the opinion Piper, ail of the Royals. Manager1 that 'Ticker" was so intent on IOsborne himself -wvarmed up, pre- b'is imitation of a big league um- paratory ta hurling a f ew innings pire that he didn't even see but at the last minute hie decided1 Hooper steal home. his starting pitcher would be Paul 1Ail in ail it xvas a game with Michaeis who pitched with Bow- ' everything. The fieiding was manvilie two seasons aga. and1 generaiiy good, the pitching was who was imported from Oshawa! excellent, the base-running was for this game. AI Martyn, Bow- ciever; Bowmanvilie's bunting at- manvilie's regular catcher, was tack xvas sensational, and there repiaced by another Oshawa im-1 were just enough bits, distribut- port, Ed. Ewart a capable receiv- 'ed eveniy among the players, to, er who is accustomed to catching make the game interesting. While side-armer Micbaels. Bowmanvilie garnered mainly Giants vaunted speed was wveil-timi-d infield hits and Une sbown in the first two' innings isiniges.the Giants reiied on long Iwhen Collins raced ail the w4' drives ta the outfield. Tbey rack- to third on a drive to right field1 cd up a home run, a triple, three which would have been a double doubles, and five singles. Jor- for most men, and when Peters dan was their big gun with a walked, stole second. moved toi homer and two doubles, but Coi- third on an infield out, and stôle lins was close behind with a triple home. and two singles. The boys from Phîladeiphia R H E. gaped open-mouthed,, however, Philadephia. 110 220 102- 9 10 5 when Dacison, Bill Bagneil and Bow'ville 022 021 03x-10 10 3 Gilhooiey, who are as fast as any Lineups: you'Il meet, put. on an exhibition Giants-Banks If,, Colli ns. ss, of base path speed wbich eciipsed Jordan 2b, Randolph .3b, Peters that of the dusky Giants. Yet cf, Boativright rf, Coefièld c, Rab- the greatest burst of speed came inson p. p rnson (6tb) pi Jones l-b. from none other than Ted Bag- Royals-Gihooley 2b, T. Bag- neil when he wvent ail the way neillIf. B. Bagneli cf, Dadson lb, ta second on a dropped fly in Hooper ss. Piper 3b, Cox rf, Ewart short right field. He fairly flew c, Michael P. in a manner more ta be expected Umpires - plate. Crom6ie; Ist of him a decade ago. After Dad- I base. Cale: 3rd base. Murphy. Holstein Breeders Twillght Meet Held at James T. Drown's Farm The second annual Holstein Breedens' Twiligbt Meeting for Durham County was held on the farm af James T. Brown, New- castle, R.R. 2, an Monday even- ing, Juiy 25. A most interesfing programme was arnangeci by the Executive af the Durham Holstein Bneed- ers' Club assisted by Rov Ormis- ton. Brookiin, District Fieldman for the breed. To open the meeting Mn. J. E. McCague, Ailiston, awner o! Glenaffon Farms. used one of Mn. Bnown's good cows ta demonstrate the truc type. This was followed by the judging of classes af aged caws and tbnee-year-old beifers. Interesf in this Icatune was keen as there were sepanate pnizes for men. women, boys andi girls. Prof. Gea. Raithby, Animal Husbandry Dcpartment, O.A.C., Guelph, dis- cussed and gave bis official piac- ings on the classes. Roy Ormiston eiabonated on the two herd sires, Glenaffon Reliance and Glenaffon Futurity which wene paraded. The first nameci buil, a three-year-old owned joîntly by Everetf and James Brown is proving himseif a reai breeder af goad typed caffle. He was Grand Champion Bull at Peterboro Exhibition iast August. The younger bull owned by the Centrai Durham Bull Club con- sisting of Hanry Jase. Cedardale Farms, Everett Brown, James Brown, Carias Tamblyn and Wil- fred Bowman, is a typey son af Marksman fnom the excellent cow Little Rock Pabst Coientha. This yaung bull is showing the ver- fine type af the former pro- geny of this cow as be was all Canadian Bull Cal! last year. Harvey Brooks, in ch ange nI the programme, called on Prof. Raithby, guest speaker, who gave an excellent talk on bis recent judging trip f0 New Brunswick. He was greatly impressed with the large tvpey Hoîsteins that are being bned in that Province. Otnien visitons who were given the opportunity ta say a few words were J. E. MeCague. Gea I Henry Jr.. and Gea. Jackson, York County. Hugb Colson, cd- itor aI the Holstein Journal, also spake briefly.j E. A. Summens, and bis assist- ant, Sydney MacDonald, were busily engaged manking the judg- ing cards while the speaking pro- gramme prognessed. The six winners ini eacb class wt-re: Ladies - Mrs. Murph: ,. Miss Dorothy Jebson, Mrs. Austin Wood, Mrs. A. Poliard. Mrs. Ella Bowman, Mrs. Jessie Tink. Men-Ross Stevens, Alex Muin, Mort Butchers, Hilton Tink, Wii- fred Bowman, Milton Tambiyn. Girls-Marion Tink, Dorothy Stapieton. Isobel Cruickshank, Marion Muir, Shirley Gibank, Eileen Jebson. Bays-Merrille Bowman. Noel Chant, Earle Brown, Douglas Cnuicksbank, Gerald Brown, Gar- don Wilson. The Fjxecutive is veny much indebted fa the foliowing who kindly donateci the 24 articles for prizes: Radio Shop. Higgon Eiec- fric, Saywell Graccry. H. G. Giil, Genenal Store; R. W. Nichais; Don MeGregon; Alex McGregar; Coxvling's Drugs; Kitson Bras.; Vanstone's Miii; Jury & Loveli; Mason & Dale; Palmer Matons; A. H. Sturrock; W. H. Brown; H. Hancock; Marlow Feeds; Stewart's Sced Store: F. Jamieson; Robson Farm Equipment; Sheppard & Gi;l H. Brooks: Quaker Oats; E. MeGergor; W. R. Greenaway. The meeting concluded witb a tasty lunch of cake, soft drinks and ice cncam. Lions Carnival Best Ever Held Net Around $6000 Tbe îintense heat on Monday night puit a dampcr on the spirits af the membens af the Lions Club at their meeting ini the Community Centre, but the reports of the car- nival proveci a wonderiul tanie. If is repartei that net receipts wii oe between $5,000 and $6,000i. Af- ter eacb af the heacis af the bootha had turnedi in their reports if was lounci that the carnîval af July 15 was be mast successful in evcry .respect even heid. Nels Osborne was cailed an in the absence ai J. J. Brown ta give a report af the Lions International Convention beld in Madison Square Gardens, New York City, two weeks aga. Lion Nels camne thraugb wifb a graphic account of many of the hîghlights o! the convention wîtb words af praise for the magnifîcent entertainment given ta the Lions who had as- sembleci in New York from all parts o!f the globe. The floodligbt gamne brougbt the remaînden of the meeting to an abrup' close and ail the Lions retired fa the iligh School grounds._ A ~'1