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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 6

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FAGE SIX TNE CANADXAN STATESMAN, BOWMAZIVILLE, ONTARIO U~flAY i??T#V e.é~ - ---- - - -- - *S, ***W I i I. The Newcasi ladmipu1n SEMau Lai . _r.. end Uri. Gond Cotteand Vicky, Sudbury, and Mis. Cotter'u mothen viiting Canada froms WaIe., callod on Mn. and Mno Ilruce Cotter. Mr$. Laure. Fisher la vlutlni )4r. and Mrs. Carl PUh« enta Miss Stella Blackburn and Mns Jfettie Colt stayed with fionda ti Bowmanville for a few dayo, Mns. E. C. Hoar, Miss Annie * Wragg and Mr. Fred Blackbun are holidnylug at Oak Lake Swii. mier Camp. The flowers a week' ago were placed in tise chaneel of thse nited Chunchin l lving mmoror 01o the. loto John Awdo. Miss Barbar a Bouathan, nurse. In-training at Victoria Hospital, London, lo enjaying vacation a.nd at present in hoMlayîng wlth a e frl friend tram London In ontreal. Misses Velma Aldroad and Olive Ubdegrave are holidaying with Olive's parents in Ganan- M.adMis. Jack Wadean hol'ig ith be paengwts, Mr. and Mis. George Gay. Mmi Mn. and mM. .W.Erightk onn iled Mlred, Me n. nMn Harold g he oisSrloe rn. Tomme andMn.o n dMilnsStrost EMisbe andGSay, are acaIo hong withgfwinds randreatvsin Sadhr. Gog ry Mn. and Mis T . EsBncrihd an o onnie and Chued r ads J. Hr.ard Hods s, rnd omngratulatind u. anRMis Jaclegonise fo rervacaton Pogwll, wbo ensarel atnivesin Netatl etudsy Midsos. W WPaensand h r. endittîtsn nt tepednhav Mrs. J. G. ack'ssonh sAnl TMpiss AuneyGbo.n n MunrauWaions ta ran, sn Pohtl, h weked inritownn gecst o! Su y o. Mit Ms. BWantn ats en av er i for lesoe toerbt itepla aurvoe rttre d mcfompanownise up andJasGoodJacsonew stingn wihM. and Ms. .CePonter su Brobbn aestreohirvcto MisseAdreyfortht ad fMr theund o! Niaar in . Whi M. Porek ray n. C. D. Plant o St. ClathaninesMll aSt. f ilhin u a hmanae at tise III fo! Comeme bte. ner % th arendhtcool aneof ip tg wleke at Gre': endiuwihMis. Mian s. Aecdnasn Mi He AMr. aedthMs. A.aC.sPrthern Clby ae ad ei vacaGirls Softball L ogue Ply-ofs avei Mr.tPonderwa et les. Lat.WD. a esayn tiseloltaordin'tofRt sLakle t ewtoLnvilbing hMs J.A.SihJaqeieadJt Holdawey sud Ahlan, Port Bni- tain. Mn. sud Mis. Lloyd Crago, àMaple Grave, Mr. and Mis. Ross Lant, Mr. sud Mn.. L. Lensberny, Lane, îll oi Bowmnville, Mn. and 1Mifs. John Lane àid Miss Ruby Lam. Mv.. L. Rtichards. Ty. roue, Mr. aud Mrs. Hilton Peacock, Port Hope, Mr. Wmn. Sangant, Taranto. Mis. Ronald Howehh, Mrs. Paul Shether aud Mr. Wm. Powell, OU o! Oshawa. Trelks who get temoer&meutaî siseu4ld reniensbe tbat it la USU41ly moire te""stku MntL d beatea 15 te 0. Rowever Inida 'a uight they fought right back 1 rtake a win front the same teai 110 to Il. Tis .Promise. te b a smash-up senies. 9 ig Ustuga are planned le [Civie Holiday, Monday. Aug. la, Are you ini the know? Manday morning Mis. Fia àRowe sud Hazel le!t ta visit fi: ends et Wolfe Island. Ahl thbs week tise towu ha taken on an air of desention a n botis factoris have closed dow for bolidays. It l.a ur bet ths employees didn't noté! any secon einvitation! e Weekend visitons w1th Mis. 1 yW. Cowan aud Nort sud Miss Odi Warren were Misse. M. C. Wex iren snd Kay Tisunaud Mus. Hei 1shey, Buffalo, N.Y., sud Mr. an dMis. Samt Cowan and JCatisy c aBelleville. n Sonry ta leain that younu Roni nie Pollard is laid up in bed wit ci au lnfected kue.. That's no wa gta &pend tise holidays, Ronnio You isad better hurry sud gi well! d Mn. Meliaw, Kingston, visite r. tre aven tise weekend. Miss Marlene Edwands is hall claying in Toronto. ô Mviss Joan .dýe-sey visited i ArOttawa aven the weekeud. Mis Peggy Stephenson waa hen tîav clling companian. is Mi. sud Mis. Albert Peerca an rfamily attendod tise Adam's pic uic at Geneva Park an Saturdaj t, Mn. Lauirence Marton, Texas, J sholidaying witb Mn. aud Mi cHarry Jose and family. ýg Mns. Arnold, Tarante, visite - harn niece Mis. Poey Temblyn. n Mn. and Mis. Orville Sinsor Ciseeley, are sponxding paît tc cithoir holiday: with Mis. H. f *Perirce and Mr. and Mis. Aiber Pearce. Mn. and Mns. Rau Withens ani 3babe, Paterbono, are vecatienin, jwith heu parents Mr. and Mi Perey Tamblyn. Mn. sud Mis. Howard Wilsor Linde and Kathleen, spent Sun rday witb Mn. and Mrs. R. S. John stoe', Newtonville. Mn. aud Mrs. Percy Sanuoh Mt. jj orest, and Mis. E. Patterson Oshsawa, visittd Mr. and Mns. AI beit Pearze. Messrs. Tom Spencer, Fred Ad air, 'lte~ Belsey and Harold 3rowi e njoyed a few days of gecRifiash ing anouud Bobesygoon. M nrs. Alfred Gray &pont th, weekend witb frieuds in Niagarn 1Falis. e Mn. sud Mn,. J. Smith, Toronto espent part o! thoir vacation wit] r hs mother Mys. Fvank Gîbsen. WEDDING CIRAGO-Y'OWZLL On Saturday, July 23, Naze Elizabeth Powell, daUghteo f Mi sud Mn,. Samuel Powell, Lgkè shoro, Newcastle, boclame th, bride of Jack KerinetisCnago, sel af Mn. and Mrs. £ber Craga, Pro vidieuce, in a pretty cer*mony soi iemanized in tise Gardon Grove o Sunny Lea Lods*, bomne o! mi sud Mi. Eric Wicka, tise bride' aunt aud uncie. 1 Against a beautiful back ground o! cuîved evengreens an( a profusion of pink, yellow, wii sud orange gladioli, rose phio, sud régal liii, Rev. W. W. Pat terson ofticiated st tise simple bu impressive cenemony. Loisengrin's Wedding MercI was phayed on sn. electnic recorde: lu charge o! Miss Audrey Adamî The bride, looklng radisutlî 'laveiy iu a Portrait gown o! fias white slipper satin, brocaded witi velvet and trimmed with guipuri lace with tinger-tip veil o! sill tuile illuson caught up . witi onr ange blossoaus, was given ln mai riage by hon fatison. 5h.e egriec a bouquet et Ameérican Beaut3 roses and we0re as han only jewell. try. a gald filled bracelet anc pendant, git o! the groom. SMiss Doriens Powell waî bo, * si&t*rne bridemmaid aud ware 4 of~ e blue delustre taffeti with shauiden length metchini veil and carried yellow talisman rases. 'rise fiowar girl, Miss Elaini Powell, youn4est sister o! tisa bride, wore a aown oi Pink de. luýs tic tattota witb matching cap veil sud earried an @Id tashioned nesegey of red roses. Mn. Ronald Crago, brother ai GIFTS FOR WEDDINGS A."» SHOWERS New Shipusent. ct Pictures Round - O'nl snd Oblong complote rango et "Laurel" Crysial Large Aaartienl t cfFine China, Cups and Sauten* "Lustre" Glassware Beautifully C.lue. e4, . Randed, au Entlwely tDinnerware 1 n Sets and Open stoek. J. W. JEWELL t "BIG 2Ir PBale B au MAPLE. GROVE -Mrv. and Mr&. Ken gummeruioric accompanied by Mr. and Mri Charlie White, Oshawa, are on motor trip through the Sâ.tes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Browi, Bily and Betty, Hamilton, ar wîth her parents Mr. and Mrs. C H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis ar rwith Mr. and Mns. Clarence Bel at a cottage at Apaiey. miss Nellie Ridehaigh, King Mton, spent weekend with Mr. ani Mrs. Wmn. Laird. Miss Jean Craig, Toronto, i iguest of Miss Dorothy Snowden. Mr. and'Mrs. Ray Topping, Is 1 iington, spent Sunday with hi R parents. Thein son Jimmy return 1ed home with them after viuitini his grandparents Mr. and Mrç P red Stevens. e Mr. and Mrs. Roy McIntyre anc .Mary, Toronto, spent weeken( .wlth Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mis 1Miidred and Mr. Bob Snowden. Mn. an.d Mrs. Gordon Martin Mns. R. L, Worden visited Mr. anc Mns. Duncan MeRay, Mn and Mrs Howard Wesley at Beaverton. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. McCormick (nee Lîla Sonya) and two sens tNew Westminster, Mr. and Mrs Sonya, Vancouver, cailed on Mr and Mn,. Fred Stevens en Fniday A number of people will nemeni ber Mrs. McConmick as a gues soloiat at our anniversary a fem ye#rs ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. McGommery Peterbora, Mrs. H. Vickery, Mns E. W. Foiey, Town, spent Sunda3 with the latter's sister, Mrs. R. L. Worden. Rev. F. Yardley held a flowei service on Sunday when ail tht *small Surday School childrer marclied up to the front with smal bouquets which were handed t( Misses Greta Snowden and Jear *White, who then fastened them or the cross. Mrs. Roy VanCamp san, the solo "Beautiful Garden o Prayer" which was enjoyed b3 ail. Lake Shore, Clarke Lake Shore School on July 2( was the scene of a shower tender- ed Miss H-azel Powell and Mr Jack Crago by their many friends A humorous reading extoling thE qualities of "Man" was given b: Mns. Jim Tamblyn, Orono. Mns Anchie Brown, Brawn's accompan. led herseif at the piano in a voca. solo "For Ever and Ever".' Mrs. Gea. Skelding calied thE prospective bride and groom for. ward ta beautifullyý decorated chairs while Miss Audrey Adam- p]ayed appropriately. Miss Adam. read an address after which bas- kets laclen with gifts arnived. Ha. zel and Jack spokie their thanks HAzel saying that it wasn't sc mnuch the gits but the spirit behinc themf that was appreciated and then. bot>ý proceeded ta open thei: gifts. Everyane sang "For They are JoIly goad Fellows". Lunci was served by committee in charge, Mrs. Bgv. Jaynes, Mrs Gea. Skelding and Miss Audrey Adamis and a happy time was en- joyed. Two beautiful baskets el 91ladIoli were thoughtfully seni y Mn. and Mns. H. Jose, New- Mn. and Mr&. Gardon Ashton, St. Anne's, Quebec, with Mr. anc Mis. W. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville and family with Mr. and Mrs. Star .Allin, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Inglehart anc baby, Masters Bud and Bob Mc- Kay, Bronte, with Mn. and Mis. Robin Alldred. Mn. and Mis. Robin Alldred anc Lois and Master Jim McKay en- en.ioyed a picnic at Cobourg. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago on their marriage. Mr. and Mis. Don Coulter anc family. Downsview, with Mr. anc Mis. Sam Powell. Miss Audrey Adams attendec the Crago-Powell wedding ir Newcastle. Mr. and Mis. W. Adams and family attended a picnic at Co- bourg, Mn. amd Mrs. John Hendry witlh Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray, Stir- ling. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, To. unden the trees. bîinging a Most enjoyable attennoon ta a close. If mnen were as anxious ta do rigbt as they are to get their "nights'", the woîld would soon be righted. SPINAL REFLEXES MASSAGE SNTZ BATH Sinus - Enisrged Tonsils Ze- Ear- Nose - Throat Troubles ROBERT COLVXLLE Dreguas Therapint 93 Liberty St. North PHONE 338 i im f *WESLEY VILLE d, Sundey Scisool wu hehd at 11:0 s. with Ma Muriel Austin in th à absence o! Miss Muriel Masoi acting as orgaulat. Chuncis wa n, held ln thse evening wlth Mn. Lisi re ton, a Temperance ipeaker frai SToronto, givug a very interesuin talk in tise absence ai Dr. Oke wlh luide aOk Lake Camp. A gardon Party was heldid Wesleyville Cisuncis Wadesda evening watb a succesaful turuau SA hoee- ooking table, !ish pon ýd and sewing table, ice-cream an soft drink bootisa contributed t au air a!f estivity. Pragream wii consistod cf piano sud vocal solo an as readiug was follawed b' lunch. Mn. and Mis. J. Canal, Tarantc gS witb Mr. aud Mn:. Lau Ougistrec SMiss Muriel Mason attended th, ýd weddng ai bei cousin Miss Pneus d in Chremont on Saturday ss Ms.E Gable retuneid to Roch nMns. Snell wbo will remain for Sfew days. Shàrorn Aun Thoindyke had thb Smisfortune ta feul upon a sisarj a, bject wisici cut the roof etf A ~'moutis, nacessitating four stitcheà ~'Mis. Bert Binsted sud tamnil; r.are holidaying et Onilhia. Miss NoieHlaay oot Twitishanermot dMr.YL Hld Sway. st Mn. andi Mis. Ken Leugmas and family, Tarante, witis Mn. ani r Ms. Perey Snell. Mn. and Mn:. Don Corby an( two children. Tarante, with Mr y' and Mis. Harold Austin. SMis. Grahsam and daugister, Tc Srente, with Mi. sud Mis. Te .in Mis. W. T. Nichohîs and A ber SPont Hope, witis Mn and Mis. Car r oll Nicholîs. Sunday taillaiset Mn. sud Mn: n Harold Barrowchougb's wene Mr nand Mis. Lea Merlin sud gils 9~ fornir residents o! Wasieyvillh sud Mr. and Mn:. Was Barrow clougis, Oaswa. y Mn. and Mis. Seville and family MontrealIcald on Mn, and Mnf Richard Best. NICJIOLLS-ANDERSON ISweet peas: and hollyhocks went -tise setting at tisehomne of Mn. anc Mns. Peter Anderson, Westmeeth for tisa manniege o! Dora Aun An e derson te Clarence Roy Nicholix Y Rav. L. B. Smnitis o!ficiatad wit] . Miss Ruths Anderson providinl -tise music, Tht brade wore a ste Ilength powder blue dia:: with« corsage af yellow rases sud illes e Han attendant wss Miss Grect -Anderson who wane a nase ail] d dia:: witis e corsage oh creamrne s ses sud sweat peas. Mn. Bill Val. " liant wes tisa groomsman Aftei th tia eceptian tise couple leht onj - maotaitip ta tise United States d KENDAL y Mies Kathleen Jackson la houi i daying witb Mn:. Wm. Honey ant i Mary et MViliken. 5. Mus. Mary Luxan sud Merlan y Mis. Stan Gray sud Miss M. Pet, -tenson 'wereaet Lake Kusisog. t Miss Myntie Falls, Patta-banc ýt witis han motiser Mis. Fred Falls -Miss Ada Wilson, Mn. G. Palm. an sud Mu. sud Mis. Art Mercer i, t Or-Narrows, nortis o! Minden i Tiseresa Counoux, Cacisi Bey, accompaniad Mn. and Mi: e Eddie Couroux ou tiseir nelurntc ai Kendal, ta spend tisa summer hart Mn. aud Mrs. Norman Thertell J and Mn. sud Mis. Norman Elgeai - t tiseir surmmar home. Mn:. Milton Robinson sud Mis, Wilby mot.onad ta Tarante. Mis. 1 Tremain and Miss Mary McLear -came bacis witis Mn:. Robinson for e visit. Mu, sud Mis. Dan Little and son, Toron ta, witis bis mnother Mis. Ne- I va Little. 1 Mn. and Mis. Gao. Clarke, Te. rntça, were aSthlisummer 1 Mu. and Mis. Don Oke sud tam. ily, Toronto, aie with hen tather 1 Mu. Jas. Hoy. - Mn. Alec Little, Toronto, spen' tise weekend et home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jet Jilisen suc -Mn. aud Mis. Martin Mandeix spent a few days fishing et Hall'& - Lake. Mise Marilyn QuanîniII su!teîad e savaee -haking up sud badly lacerated kueet wisn thîowu tram ber bicycle by e dog nunning lu front oh il, on Eiizabetivilit Hill. Sisa.was !'aken te Peterbono Hos- pital for axaminallon sud tîtat- ment but is home agein. Last Tuasday evening tise Pal- isard bail teams played tisa finsl o! the play-of f games lu Poît Hope wilh Keudel winning 8-6. Second gama eat Kendal Thursday provtd very exciting to tise lange cuowd prasent. Port Hope secuuad 2 nuns in thse first inng. Keudal ont run lu tiesaescond andi anethen in thse seventis te tie il up et 2-2. As It was tee hale to play another inn- iug the game is baiug replayed i Sert Tuesday. Finet fox fanmiug lu Canada 'was caunied ou et Tifuisis, Prince ZEdward Ilanadt, ovor 65 years ago.i The Orono News Mr. Fred Lycett, Woruhlpfui Master of Onono Masonlc Lodge, Mn. Chas. B. Tyneli, D.D.G.M., and several past masters attended Grand Locige in Toronto. Mn. R. E. Logan w as honoured by beîng. appointed a Grand Stewart. Mrs. Gea. Yorke and Margaret are in Lindsay vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. Sid Yorke. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe and Ginnie, South Hlampton, are visiting Mn. and Mr&. Clarence Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Collins, To- ronto, spent thse w.ekend with his sister Mrs. J. J. Mellar Mn and Mrs. Virtie Wilson and farniiy leit Sunday for Montreal where they wiUl spend the holi- deys- Anne and Merle Stapleton are visiting their qnandparents Mr. and Mis. C. Cooper. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Don Duncan on thse arrivai cf their daugister in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mns. Glen Tamblyn, Belleville, are hoiidaying in U.S. Their baby daugister Diae, is with her grandparents Mn. and Mis. M. J. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mis. R. E. Logan and BURKETON Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and Mâss *Raya Hughes, Tronto, with Mr. and Mis. A. Hughes. t Mn. and Mn:. J. Hunter. To- *ronto, wlth Mr and Mrs. J. Tomp- km:s. Congratulations ta two couples of newly-weds-Mr. and Mrs. Ha- *rold Demille (rite Agnes Vaneyk), *and Mn. and Mis. H. Trick. Mn. Lloyd Slingerland, Niagara- on-the-Lake is visiting Chster *and Bill Hosk.lns. Mi. A. Stuart and Mr. E. Stuart, Niagara Falls, with Mns. E. Caug- hili. Mr. and Mis. B. Booths, Toron- to, Mn. and Mis. B. SlingerlançI and Lynda, Oshawa, witis Mn. and Mis B. Hubbard. Ross Hubbard has motoned ta Nottingham, Sask., ta visit hi: uncle Mr. Howard lubbaid. Misses Helen and Effie Glenule were home on Sunday. Marion Haines and Jean Gat- chaîl are working lu Tarante. Mn. Ceeul Coates aud June, Ta- ronta, are hoiidaying with Mr, and Mis. J. Carter. Mis. Westlake, Salins, gave a demonstretion a! brusises at tise home o! Mis. B. Hubberd. Mr. and Mrs. H. Musirce and Bob, Taronte, with Mr. and Mis. J. Porter. Mi. N. Hudson visiting friends in Bowmasavilie, Newcastle and Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. H. Macdonald aud famiiy, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mac- Pnnald, Bowmanville, with Mn. artd Mis. T. Bailey. Fred Carter bas been visiting Glen Aldred, Noîwoad. Mn. and Mis. Ed Cochrane, Oshs- awa, with Mr. end Mrs. E. Adeams. SOLINA Visitais: Mn. and Mis. Ervan Ferguson, Mis. Carmen Dicksou and son Bnian, Mount Forest. at Bruce Montgortery's. Mn. and Mis. Wes. Yellowiees and Harold witb Mn. aud Mis. Jack Marks and Marilyn et Car- thew Bay, Lake Simcoe. Misses Evelyn Taylor end Paul- ine Pengelly, Peterborougis, at E. R. Taylor'.. Mis. Harry Westley, Bowmeu- ville, at J. W. Yellowlees'. Mu. and Mis. Charles Johsnson, Philip and Elizabeth, Peterbor- oughs holîdaying witis their par- ents, Mr. and Mis. Jackç Baker. Mi. and Mia. J. Black, Wood- stock; Mis. J. E. H. Devis, Os- awa: Mn. Herold Reynolds, To- ronta, at Ralph Devis'. Mi. David Broome, Hamilton, with his sans, Lloyd and Norman and familles. Mis. A. Blewett, Mr. Leonerd Blewett. Mr. sud Mrs. George Boutillier, New Toronto, at A. J. Balson's. Mn. and Mis. Henry Benham and hamily, Inglewood, et Ernest Hockaday's. Mrs. Harvey Wighst, Hugisenden, Alta.; Miss Ada Wight, Edmon- tan, Alta.: Mis. Chas. Wight, Bawmanville, at Jack Baker's. Mis. John Baker Jr., Tonry and Linda with her parents, Mn. and Mn:. Chas. Morris, Bowmanville. Rev. James, Secretery o! tht Ontario Temperance Feleiation, was guest speaker et tht church service, Suuday, lu the absencet of Rev. Linstead, whe la on vacation. Next Sunday Mr. Vic- tor Bowin will conduct tise ser- vice. *Thene ane more tissu 125 troc species in Canada, o! which 33( are conittns, cormmonly calledt .softwoods".1 Most men work abcut Que-quar-t ter as bard as tbey sey they do,à and about anc-bai! as isard as theyr think they do.r Knox Honey (1949) -ON SALE AT - Honey Hollew Restaurant CHAS. R. KNOX Newcastle Phone: Clarke 3504 1Mrs. C. .Wood visited thse latter's sister. Mne. W. Young and her .fanily at thoir sunrmer homne on Chomnong Lakce. Mn. Wmn. Rowland is a patient in a Tananto Hospital having un- dergone an operation for appen- dicities. His mnany fniends wish hlm a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Jack MaffRt on the binth o! thein son in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Charles Walken and daugh- tons, Francis and Barbara, Tren- tan, are holidaying with Mn. and Mn,. C. Cooper. Mis% Shiniéy Porter, RXN, wha is enjoylng a manth's aveation frcm Oshawa Hospital, la visiting in ]Buffalo. Mr. Dick Morten and Miss Adele Morten with their parents Mn. and Mrs. Albert Morten. Congratulations ta Mn. mnd Mns. Gardon Winter an thse arrivai cf thein 3nd son. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, Malcolm and Ian, are an a three week's vacation travelling on their yacht, thein finat &top will be Smith'& Falls. At tha Park St. Chuncis service on Sunday marning, Rev. A. E. Eustace gave a heipful message on "Hîtch Hikers". Mrs. Geo. Canson sang a well nendened solo. Miss Elsie Rowe, Newcastle, visited relatives hert. Mns. J. G. Jackson,- Newcastle, is vlsiting Mis. H. Walsh and Miss Fiona Cobbledick. Mr. Jas. Middleton is homne from Bowmmanvihle Hospital after an operation for appendicitis. Mis. J. J. Mellar was in Toron- ta last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood wili celebrate their 64th wedding an- niversary quietiy with their fam- ily on Saturda y, Juiy 30. Their many friepds wish ta congratulate them. on this occasion. Mns. Wood althiough confined ta 4ied for aven a year is bright and cheenful and enjoys company. Miss Connie Tyrreil had her tonsils removed on Friday in Bowrnanviile Hospital. Rotary Club (Cautinuad fîomn Page Oua) hsamton. We were vary surpriEed wisen Melville ondeied his South- arn Fried Chickan and it came witis two tails. Garnet wes fontun- att enougis te get a souvenir from tise Motel wiih ha shows sparing- ly to his ciosest friands. Also ha ceused quite a commotion wisen ha get lu tise tub and begen te reg- ulate tise shewer. He jumped back se fast ha faîl with a thud. Poen Garnet and ne ana could get te hlm! Annabelle rusised te tisa owun and thay bad ta unhock tise doar aud nescue hlm. We toured Bingisamton in tise eveuiug aud ieturned home tired eut. Wa left car Na. i haoking for an eating place. Appanently sautisern fried cisiclçan is net very filliug, parti- cularly wheu it has two tails. Tise next moruing we traetihd thnough. Hancock, Rdscoeand Li- berty te Monticello whane we were clirectad te tisa best restaurant lu town. Everytbing would have beeu fine if we hsd beau c! tise correct nationaiity. It stems that we picked an Italian restaurant whicis is quite naturel as they are ahi Italians lu Mouticello. Garnet enjoyed his extra piaca o! pie tiseugis, but Jean lest ber appetite natisar abrupthy after encounten- ing just au crdinary bouse fly in han dessert. From Monticeiho te New York it wes e short run pass- ing tisiaugis Middhetou, Gosisen, famous for its bannas: naciug and ne&r Suffein we enteîed the state o! New Jersey to came lu a littie istavler tiaffic tte a Ldson Ri- ver wiscb wc cressed by way ef tise wondeîful George Wasisington Bridge. At lest we were in New York. We lait New York Friday main- ing, minus tise Rickends, via tra- velling up tis a tst side of tise Hudson Rivai on tise express bigis- wey. Wa stapped at Presidant Roosevelt's home att Hyde Park and saw threugh it. Thsis home bas batu left uncisenged witis mauy o! tise Piesident's personel belongings in view. We had din- uer et Rhiuebtck and tisen cnossad the Hudson River by tht Rip Van Wiukle Bridlge rigbt in tiseiseant aftie pictunasque aud welh knewn Catskili mountains. Tise sceuery egein was beautiful aud we were fontunata eneugis te bave a cen- did camera fan, uernaly Howard, with us te teke pictures o! tise beauty spots. From baie wa pais- thieugs Albany, Saratoga Springs, Glen Fells, aud atopped at Lake George for tise evenang. Hera we wene foîtunate ta obtein lodging et a private home. Leten wc were pltesed te leain that aur heat pnoved te, be a bauk manager and tise treasurer efthtie Lake George Rotary Cluib. We teel that our stay lu Lake George waE eue o! thea iighisîgisao! oui trip. As usuel tht bespitality sisowu us %vas outstendiug. A boat rida, cohouied mavies and au early moruiug ride made oui stay more pleasant. Early Setunday uxoining we stanted fan tise border, via Lake Phacid, Seranac Lake, Tupper Laeand tisen aéiasa country te Alexander Bay, and tht Thousend Island Bridge. Weareiivtd et Ivy Lea et my father's cottage just as Garnet wss driviug lu froan Bow- mauvilla. Car No. i showad up several heurs later. We stayed liera until Sunday nigist wisuw retunned ta Bowmanvilhe. Mrs. Morley Vanstone I rpally enjoyed oui vasit lu New York until now. and I can't ima- gine isow 1 becama invohved in any thing like tii. It la very ,difficult te select a faw bighligists tram tise five glorlous day: o! tise convention. It bas beau said tiset wo are imanufacturing memenies ail tise time. We wiillr.ever fengat tise in- spiring speeches, tiese cores e! new frmends we made, th. waiting in~ hotel lobbies, af tramsping Up sud down Stis Ave., 42nd St., aud Broadway, a! tirtd feet »À night and eager spectations ln thse main- sxag, sud there were shows aud sightseeing and shopping, of course. Ratany's 4Oth annuel con- vention brcugist aven 15,000 Ro- tarions and members a! their fam- lies tram 64 countniea a! thse world. It seemed more interna- tional than the United Nations. Registrations began Suuday at 9 a.m. and delegates fiooded regis- tration halls. We isad scarcely eu- tered the Gardons betore ont o! tht members of tise hast club gteetod us ta se@ in visat way he could be oh assistance and ta say how happy they wene that we had came. What a wonderful welcone Fnom top officiais ta menest dola- gaètes ahl addnesuod tach othe- by thein first names, as is tise Rotary custons. We were givon aur blue aud white badges emiblazcned with tht golden cog-wiseel a! Roary, wiic was aur ticket cf admission, not only ta convention praceedings and concerts, but also ta the litant o! tise people o! New York. Maniy tinies we wero toid by po- hicemen, by Boy Scouts, by cheiks lu tise stores and people on tht subways, how wonderful, Rotani- ans wene and isow glad they were to have us in New York. They wene veny surprised and pieased that there were no parades aud demonstrations typicel o! go many conventions. Everyoue was lu a gey mnood as they pouned into tht Gardons Sunday evening for tht concert given by Fred Wening and bis Peunsylvanians. Tht orchestra peîfonmed on a stage fhanked by blue drapes and suîmounted by tise cogwiseei embleni. Seveuteen flags o! blue, white and gold hung from the roof. Fred Waring was a pricel"s master of ceremonies with his wit and good bumor. Tisent wene sev- eral late arrivais and they were gîeeted by him with "'We just couidn't wait for you. I ho Pt you don't mind aur going aiseed," and tise spotlight was turned on tht latecon1ers amid a gneat deal cf laugister. Folhewing the musicale, Fred Waring introduced Dr. Norman Vincent Feahe, minister o! tht Merble Coliegiate Churcis and a memnber of tise New York Rotary Club, who delivered a very ian- pressive addîess. In strasaing thc importance of positive tisinking, Dr. Peale said "If politiciens cen- net obtain a worhd o! good-wilh sucis organizatiens as Rotary cen.1 An arganizetion that can so effect- ively get men togatiser at tht coan- munity level can weld them at tise international levai." His eddes concluded the progîami for tise ev- ening. Two veiy colorful revues wr ai:angad especielly for the Rotary Convention. Manhatten Cavalcade -a musical tour o! New York was presented Monday nigist by sing- ing stars, a celebrated dance tean. a violinist, an acrobatie taam, a choir and orchestre with Lowell Tisomas as narrator and on Thuns- day night Ben Grauei, noted tela- vision star, was masnter o! cane- manies with Gladys Swarthout, Lenny Ross and Jane Pickens ameng tise ententaintna. It was aIl se wondentul and very thisll- ing. Tise Rotary Anus viewed and sigised over a style show Tuesday noon. Feshion Extievagauze waç piesented by tep-flight designers ta show tiseir latest citations and I wish you cou id have heard tse abs and tht ohs. Tisent weie two invitations o! special intenest tisat week fou the ladies-ana was te viait the labor- atonies of Good Housekeeping In- stitute and tise othen was s toui' o! Reader's Digest. Rotary's traditional House of Fuiendsisip was locatad in tise i Brylcreem IVill PRIE COMU 49c tube se Bright! Feel Right! TAKE "FRUIT New Trealmeni Duke Fingard Oulfiti Bathlng Caps 19e te 95e Bathinir Shoes $1.25 pr. Water Bails .- 29c-69c-51.39 Tangel for Sunburn ---- 5e Unguentine -----_.. 50e Nivea Cream 0e- Si .100 Mater Juge, 1 gai. -, 3.75454.75-46.25 Pt. Thermos. 1.50-1.65-2.35 Qt. Thermos 2.50-2.75-3.25 Marksman Camera --55.95 620 Brownie Camera S6.72 - Baby Scales "4HONECOWLING'S OR Grand BaUrooni of Motel COMMa. dore and was decarated with flag of the countnies in Whlch tises. are Rotary Clubs. Hor. as met friends, renewed ali acquaintan. Cesansd made new an«e. *1% youngsters were not tongottgm either-their Hub otf nriendshlp at the Hotel Roosevelt conrespoas. ded with thse House oif ieas. ship rnd they wero doing sanie. thing every minute with people of their own age and simia i. tenests. Wednesaay night the Conve. tion Hall was thse setting for thse Reception Bail in honor o! thse President and ail other officials o! Rotany International and thein ladies. Madison Square Gardens was picture-flags tram nearly evony country in the, wold-womenit f evening dresses-men in sumuser fanmal-and ta add stili mare, col. oui, were the shawis of the Sout.h Amnenîcan ladies-the fezza front the nemi East-the saris tram In. dia and the monstrous sun-iio%% ers in the lapels of the men front Kansas. It was a lovely danceo sud wili long be remembered. After the "Night of Stars" Tbunsday evening, President An- gus Mitchell gave bis sincere thanks ta Rotarians everywhene Who had done sa much ta mnake his year in office a memanable one. He then introduced Presi- dent-elect Percy Hodgins and bis charming Rotary Ann Edith, who wene greeted by the cheens and applause of everyone. With the singing of the tradi- tional "Auld Lang Syne" Rotary'& 4Oth Annual Convention %vas ad- journed. We have so many happy mem- ories: we saw things we hadn't had time ta see on prviu visits, made new friends; heard all about the lnnerwheel organization of Rotary which I hope we will be able ta faimn here and it was such fun ta watch the delegates frem India eating that American deli. cacy "tht bot dog"l. Wben it is time for the next Convention we will ail be îeady ta go again and 1 hope you will al jain us. (Ta Be Continued Next Wepk) JOHNS - MANVILLE RIOGFINIG INSULATION SIDING We w'ili be pleased te show you gamplea and gli'e you an estimate. Saturday Specli .Viceroy -MOTOR OIL Bradford P.E,W. 011 (Sealej Cens) 1-GAL. CANS - REG. $1.15 Special - 93c gai. DON McCREGOR HARDWARE CQ. Phone Ses KinIg St. W. Cor ux Blades WhIz-Pak Dispenser il Blades 49c INSECTICIDES Rtepel Insect Repellant Soc 6-12 Repeliant---...59e Skeeter--Skatter -- . ----49e Fly Tox jpj4j D.D.T. 25c-45c-75e Fuit wlth D.D.T. 23c-39c,-69c Fly Sprayers c-5 RELIEF FOR MAY FEVER Lantigen E $6.00 Allergtabs -$ 1.00-$2.50 Razmah Caps 60c-1.25-551 Ephednine Jelly 50e Dyspne Inhal Outfit --35.50 for Hay Fever $7.95 - Refil $2.00 l3owl Pl I S 23c o49c i, for Reni- WUG STORE=É;11 PAISI: six THE CAMADUN BTATESU", nowidANVUJJEI ONTAitzo lInMMAY. 3trUY lath- l"s

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