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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 7

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Mrs. W. C. Rowe fis hlidayint et KXeswick. Miss Betty Brooking ia holiday- Ing with ber parents in Hal1bur. ton. Mr. J. W. Martien, Peterboro, ia vis îting bis brother, Mn. Hanny Martien.t Miss EdnaiBottrell, Toronto, was guet of her slsten Mis. Mas Bottreil. Mr. andi Mrs. Bob ICent are )e entiingc few dayo vacation ini / Mntreel. Miss Canal Arn Finnigan la holtdaylng with ber grandparents in Napance. Miss Gladys Jemieson, Wind- sor, visiteti ber mothen, Mn.. R. M. Jamieson. Mn. Jini Paterson has been svending the summer et Komnac Camp, Haliburton. Dr. Dorothy M. Jamesui Toronto, is hoîidaying with ber mothen, Mm:. N. S. B. James. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cole are holitiayirig et Oakview Lodge, Hall's Lake, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Wilson, Wes- ton, were Sundey gueit. o! Mn. anti Mrs. Gea. W. James. Miss Majanie Rundle andi Mar- garet Stacey are anjaying a week's vacation et Lake Simncae. Mn. anti Mns. W. Axford have neturnad tram visiting hie sister ln St. Petersburg, Flonida. Miss BeVérly Smitibi' h speatiing a weak's bolidays witb ber surit, Mmi. Joseph Kentrier, Actori. Mn. andi Mn,. S. M. Scott have returned tram twa weeks' vaca- tion et Elgiri House, Muekoka. Mr. anti Mrs. Allen Knight anti son John. Sarnia. are visiting bis mother, Mns. Wesley J. Knight. Mn. anti Mrs. AI. Osborne bave retumneti tram their holidays apent Ia Clevelandi anti New York, Mestes Danny Brannigan, Billy Estes anti Bnien Tnimble have returried home tram a week et camp. Rev. George Nicholsqp will be is change o! St. John'. Anglican Church for the remairiter o! the summer. Mn. anti Mrs. Schuvîer Edsall, ,Hartford, Corin., ara 'visiting bis sisters. Miss Anri Edseli anid Mme. ,C. Clark. 1Mn. anid Mn%..Oscar Jarnieson, Allan, Bobby andi Rous, Peterboro, visitati bis mothen, Mmi. D. lR. e Jamieson. Mn.. Lew MeGilI, Peterbaro, and Mme. W. C. Peerce, Brighton, i sitcti Mmi. J. E. Eiliott anti Miss Moéuntiey. Miss Helen Pritchard of Thse Stetesman office staff t: attend- ing Executive Leadiership camp et Oak bake. Mm. and Mrs. borne Kicinstiven Y, Washwood, spant the weekeri wtth her parents, Mr. and Ms.. Fnrank William,. Mr. anti Mme. Reg Cramp, Don * anti Tetidy are vacatianing with ber parants, Mr. anti Mi-. A. E. Robinson, Medford. Mn. anti Mm.. H. A. Milison anti Margaret, Omono, Miss Jane Camuthers, Windsor, were gucats at Mns. L. J. Banton. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Hutchinson anti tiughten, Toronto, were weekenti guests af bis mothon, Mm,. M. J. HutchNnsoon. Mn. and Mn:. Herry Osborne anti son Dick, Detroit, Mich., are holideying witb bis parents, Mr. anti Mrs. R. E. Osborne. Mr. anti Mn,. Morris Joncsi anti Arthur are on à inotor trip ta Fowler's Extract of Wlld Stnawberry 60e Frultatives ~25c-48c Mayton -------0 Hy-pa-cids--------------2.00 Imdrin 33.00-$5.50-$10.00 Murine --- - - ------- 55c-95c 1 Soft - Saf. * Neat 1 2 si*... Regular, junior box of 1235 *mpkl.s 35 Alexo We Deliver TNTJIBDAY, J'KJLY I SOCIAIDUPEISONAL 1;~~bo SOILài. "<isy,3 a cRai», -----Du -u Mecca OIntment _ -______ e--3.19 -h1 Gillefto hBue FLASHLIGHTS "Allbrlght". 2 celi, $1 39 DIn Prefoeussced, with batteries ____ ipne FIRST-AID KITS ---- 89c, $ 1.50, $2.75 upi PICNIC ;IUGS e $3.75 and up $2OVl. THERMOS BOTTLES Pinte 1.50, 1.65 " 2.35ý FOR HAY FEVER QUARTS - - -- .---- 82.50 - $2.75 - 33.50 LANTIGEN E- ----- N 1 1 COMING! Watch For It Augusi 3rd - 141h Inclusive GOSPEL TINT CAMPAION SJpmoored br DAPTIST GOSPEL SERVICES helM Sonday Evemlngt 7:36 P.rn. tu the Union Hall 10 Division Si. TM~ CANADIAN STATEIMAN, BOWMANVEL.LE. ONTARIO Stettier, Alberta, te viait bis father, Mr. Ir. H. Janes.. Mina A. Semple, Toronta o nus- enlY 01 Bawrnenville. la holiday- ing et Bowmanville Beach and visitedti nrd in town on Wed. nesday. Mmi. Alex Colville, Toroanto, spant thse weekend as usual ai hem home antid isa ttcnded the funeral of the icte Mn.. Wm. Thetford. Misses Patricia Germais and Jean Athworth, Brantford, anti Miss Bernîce Mantyn, Riplcy. wene weekend guests ai Mis. Collette Frerguson. Bowmanville Mitiget Basebal teani play a semni-final gaine agaInst Orann at Bawmanville Memoial Park, Saturday, July 30 at 6:30 sharp. Mn. andi Mn.. E. C. Evans andi Mn. andi Mn&. R. b. Evans have returned tram a pleesant twa weeks' moton trip througis Quebec andi the Maritime provinces. Mn. and Mrs. b. J. Ilichols, Town, and Mrs. Alf. Nichols and daugbten Fera., Wbitby, are spending their holiday: with Mn. anti Mn:. b. B. NichaI:, Calabagie. Mn. Fred R. Heel, Toronto, was i town Wedncsday visiting his sister Mns. Chas. Heai anti othen relatives. It is aven 40 years since Fred le!t town andi ha is as spny as a cricket elthough in hi. 82nti yeer. Mn. anti Mn. Fred C. Venstorie, Mn. and Mrs. Morley Venstone, Mn. andi Mrs. Byron Vanstone and Mise Rama McCeady attendcd thse Stelling-Vanstane wedtiing in Timothy Eaton Mamoniel Church, Toronto, on Saturday Mrs. H. D. Wigbtman, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Wigbtmen, Napanea, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. H. Fisben (nec Margaret Wight- man), Bob andi Joan, St. Cati- arines, who are holidaying et Mn. Garnet Symans' summer e- sort. Mrs. J. E. Eliait and Miss Mourtjoy ie!t Thurstiay ton a trip west where they will visit their brother, Mn. J. A. Mount- SoChourin, Alberta, and nap- ewyýs, Mn. Fred Mountjay et Heward. and Mn. Everet Mount- joy et Fraude. Mr. anti Mm.. Josephs Kentner, Acton; Mr. and Mn.. Clarence Kentnen, Toronto; Miss Imme Ken- trier and Mr. Hatley Cales, Ac- ton, were weekenti guets o! Mm. andi Mns.. }any Smith, Quecri St. Miss Irmna Kentiser anti Mr. Hart- ley Cales are staying wlth Mmi. Siith fan a fcw dAys' vacation. Miss Eleanoor Wight who is a member of the Leolie Bell Sing- ers, Toronto, whicb createti sucb a bit et Use Lions International Convention in New York City, caulti be sean in same of the pictumes Usat were publisheetinl the Tomanto papers. Miss Wight us a deughter af Mn&. Chas. A. Wight of this tawn. R.W. Bra. William DavidIson of Witby who wgs lait week electati District Deputy Grand Master for the Ontario District, et the annuel Masonic Grand badge meeting tuelti in Toronto bas announceti the appointmant of W. Bna. Bey. A. Chote o! St. John's Church, Pont Whitby, as District Chaplein anti W. Bro. W. G. Auguatus as District Secnetary. Jemuselem G.R.C. No. 31 Lotige, Bowmanville, wes epresenteti et thc Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada anti Province o! Ont.ario held et the Technical School, To- ronto. lest week hy Ut. W. Bna. E. H. Brown, Veny W. Ena. E S. Fer- guion, W. Bras. A. W G Nath- cuit, W Bra Jsmes Marm, W. Ena. Harvey Joint, Bro. Fred Mitchell, Bro. Lawrence White, Bra. Keni Werry, Ena. Owen Nicholas, Ena. Harv Sutton, Be. D. Buckspan anti Bra. Art b. Blanchard. Amoag tUsai wha are or have been guest.. o! Mr. anti Mmi. Dean Hodgson et their summen rasant Glenvendean, ia Haliburton, we finti many holidayers. tram Bow- manville. IncluietiaeaMn. anti Mrs. G. F. Jemieson, Larry anti barman.; Mns. Herb Jamiesou; Mr. anti Mn. Laurence D. Godi- dard, Tenya anti Teddy: Mn. anti Mn,. S. R. James, Nonm anti Doug; Mr. anti Mns. 0. J. Pros- son anti David,; Mis. Audrey Ventais; Miss Gertrutie Dewell; Miss Nellie Parker; Mn. anti Mm,, W. R. Etiger, Peterboro; Mn. anti Mys. Harry Cowling, Wayne anti Marilyn, Londaon. me thet isathe ti-uti et hi. heant iseeti neyer tsar thse want of persuasion an his tangue.- John Ruskin. 'Why dogi thse editor caîl hlm- sl! 'we"' "Se the tellsw wha dcent 1k.what ho aay willi think there ens ta. many et him te lick." I~ee tQ4rncI Moruing Service - 1l a.m. Contregfatious et Mt. PAUi'g anti Tiaits' Sololui - Mrs. Lloyd Âyre Cemarif y Evomlmg Service C@Bgreigmtlm. Ot SU. Je.'s, St. Pauls aud Trinty Soloisi - Miss Mary Âlldrsad wlth U&.We wui weleemeFo.. ITRINTYUITDCgURtCI liv. 8. R. Hesxderson, B.A. B.D. Mr. I. G. Harle, Minuster. Organist. TYRONE Mr. and Mns. Harold C1emens, WilliarnuviUle, N.Y., Mr. ansd Mis, Rusaell Litto, Alan andi Quluton, Harvey, III., vislted Mn. and Mo.. R. J. Modgion andi cefleti on Mr. andi Mr&, Raymond CI&p Mr..and Mrs. Zarn Goodman andi chiltiren, Toronto, wlth Mr. andi Mns. L. J. Goodmun. .Mr. anti Mra. Waltr Buiey, Mepie, Mr and Mr* A. Ironaudes, Stoutviil with M. andi Mr. r. yn lqÔg EgarR.onovear. Miss Detrkeë andi Maýr Johný Lightle, Port Hop, visîteti Mr. andi Mn:. G. Rosevear. Miss Metha Macdonald, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mia. IHowardi Philo. Ronnie Philo la vlaiting bis cou- sin Bille Philo at Morganaton. Mn. and Mr&. Fred Goodmaen, Mr&. B. Goodmaen, Peterboro, with Mn. and Mma. L. J. Goodman. Mn andi Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Pet. erboro, Mns. C. Awde, Orono, Mrs. M. Silver, Bowmanviile, with Mn. ad Mrs. F. Werry. Mn. andi Mn.. W. Walker, Miss Ima Walken, Greenbank, with Mn andi Mrs. W. J. Miller and Miss Bath Miller. Mary Brown, Lakeuhore, is bol- ideving with Lillian and Helen Cole.. Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Merch andi Stephen, Durhami, celled on Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoan andi Mr. andi Mrs. A. Hoar. Mn. andi Mn,. George White andi Jean, Bowmcnville, with Mn. andi Mr$, A. Hoar. Mrs. V. Millson visiteti with Mr. anti Mn.. L. Moore. Mn. and Mmi. Russell Virtue, John anti Paul Moore, with Mn. and Mr&. Tbeo Down et Laketieid. Billie Down return.irg home with thein for a holiday. Mr..and Mrs. G. Rosevpar andi !amily visiteci Mr. and Mns. Len Smith, Miilbrook. Miss Onace Haywand, Bowman- ville, il holidaying with Miss Vel. me Taylor. Mn. and Mn:. Murray Tabb et- tanded the furieral o! thein uncle Mn. Emcny Lee, Lindsay. Mr. Milton Virtue andi Ms.. baume Virtu. viuiteti Mr&. William Virtue, Oraria. Mrs. Howardi Fintilay and Dean, Unianville, visiteti Mr. andi Mmi. C. Bigelow anti I4rs. 'T. H. Rich- ards. Mr. and Mm.. W. Rabin. CIcm and Doreeri, visiteti Mn. and Mns. George Rehm, Sainttield. Mme. M. liamîlton, Mn.. K. je- cobsori, Pont Credit, Mn. and Mns. C. Wilson andi Pet, Mm.. M. Me- Knigbt andi chilcinen, Newmarket, Mr. andi Mzo. J. Wtsmer, Eddy andi Frank, Mn. A. Hunt, Donald and Kerineth, Islinfton, Mr. and J. Colbery, Brook [n, with Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbany. Sevenai tram b.ere chartered Taylor's Bus and enjoyed a trip to Hall's Lake and calloti on Mn. andi Mm,. C. D. HotigoA cand cUti ealled on Mr. anti Mrs. Henry )MIl- ler et Ralibunten. Mn anti Mm.. Wlli4m Dobson, Toronto, with hem sister Mn:. Mina Hugbmon. Mme. L. Slichter, Suzanne and Jimmie, Pont Credit. Miss A. Ma- dull. Toronito, werc guests of Mn. andi Mn.. L. Annis. Misses Helen andi Joyce Murray 4nM Mn. Don Murray, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns.. en Hry Mrs. Errol Hughson, Mrs. Bil Hugisson andi chijdren, and Mna. Wlse, Toronto, visited M rs. Mina Htighson. Mr. and Mn:. R . Scott with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Matrtyn, Blackstock. é Mr. and Mmi. Thomas Tabi are visiting relatives et Godeich. Finst Oshawa Boy Scouts are camping nt Mn. K. Colbary's. Mesurs. Wesley and Ralph Hils motoredti t Ottawa fer the. week- end. Mn.. M. B. Hannis, Toronto, with henîiee Mis. R. Stainten. Thneshing andi combining la the action of the day et Tyran. andi vicinîty. Mr. andi Mn,. Foiter Snowden and Ana. Kedron, visiteti Mr. anti Mn.. 5. Jewsll. Family Reunions CRYDERMAN - RUSE PICNICI The annuel gathering o! the Crytiemman - Ruse Fernilies was helti Saturday, July 23, et Gea- ove Park. About 80 inenbens rat tiowa to a sumptucus dinnar. During the a!tennoon saine more of the family jaineti us. The sports 'under Use able leadership o! Allen Crytierman Jr., New- market. were veny mueh enjayeti. Another intcrestiag part o! tic a!tennoon was thc Amateur Pro- #!am conducteti by Frank b. maoOshawa. Altisough nat many eontestet iis year we hope there will be moe next year. Tiree o! Everett Crytierman's tieugiters won lit pize with 2 fultars anti a uke, and Allen anti aon Cryderman, Ncwmarket anti Tarante, won 2nti pnize -lith violin anti guitar. These .,, alter thé content joinedti tgether endi gave a gooti pmagram a! music besidies leading in a sing- sang. Tic chiltiren', content was solo by Donna Crytierman, Toron- ta, lit anti JimndtiCarias Cmy- tienmen, Maple Grave, 2nd. The jutiges wemc Mn,. Atia Tamblyn, Orono: bonne Cryiemn, bang Brancis, anti Melvin Crytierman, Toronto. Altera gooti suppor Mervin Crydermai callisth ie meeting te ontien in tise absence of Preaident Mmi. Chas Smith who won on a trip ta tie watt comat. A tels- gram tram ber anti hem cousin saiti they sent best wisies, etc. anti oxpectedti t be with us next yeam. Lettens were receiveti tran Mrs. Wm. Ruse, Cobourg, anti Mn.. J. J. Har s. Rasetown. Thc fal.lowing o!! icens weme opponteti ton 1950: Presitient.- Canlais Temblyn, Onono; Vice- Allen Crylermn Jr., Newman- ket; Sec.-Trou. - Mm.. Frank Cryderman, Bowmanville; Lunch Com.-Mrs. Lewis Crytierman, Hlampton; Mmie. Hanmy Cryderman, Bowmanville; Sports Con, - Mervin Crydernan, Oshawa; Han. old Pasco*, Hampton; Recogtioîs Com.-Frank Cryderman, w rnanville; Mrs. Charles Smith,j Oshawa; Nom=4tn« Cocm. - Iý Nam yCryderina, Eowmanviflh; MUn. Harold Pasco. Hampton; ECntutanmt Con.-Mra. Fredi Tamblyn, Orono; à4elvin Cryder- man, Toronto. FaUawvAng inthe - ireault oftheii sports: ubutte race, If t10aS-aide, aide led by Mary Cryderman; women'a Jumble shoe race, Olive Cryderman, Mary CryderMain; mens umble &ho@, HamryCryden- mni, Carl Tamblyn; wliaelbarrow race, Mervin Cryderman and Bea Muon, Everatt Cryderman and Clio Cryderman; dodge bil ganse, Carios Cryderman, Allen Cryder- man Br.; candle race, Mr&. Shir. iey Blackburn, Harry Jase; three- iegged race, Shirley and Howard Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Black- burn. -Races: under à yra., Sharon Tansblyn Wayne Miller; 4 and 5 yrs., baievd Cryderman, Grant Cryderman; 6 and 7 yro., Donna Cryderman, Douglas loue; 8 and 9 yrs., Jimmie Cryderman, Joan Crydennian; 10 and Il yrs., Canlos Crydenrman, Shirlie Cryderman; 17 and oven, Olive Crydermen, Mr&. Shirley Blackburn. One who carnelongest distance, MrÉ Wllrt Cryderrnan, Flint, Mich.; youngest child present, Kenneth John Cryderman, son of Howard andi Florence Cryderman, Maple Grove. Everyone had a goed time and were qulte in fevor oi gethering for the noon meel. Alter a gaine o! baseball al nepaired to their homes looklng forward to meet- ing egain next year. ADAM-FERGUSON PICNic The Adamis end Ferguson 7th annuel neunion was heid et Gen- eya Park, Seturday, July 23. T'here wesâ c grand crowd out, about 100 for supper which waa enjoyed by aIl. A few more came citer to en- joy the oening sports. Alter supper wes e bal gaine and races, winners were: 2 years and under, Marlene Raridie; 2-4 yeana, Bobbie Taylor; 4-6 years Eunice Randle; 6-10 yesns, Allen Adamns; 10-15 years, Vaughan Stephenson, wornen'a race, Mns. Pearl Rancle; men'& race, Ivan Cochrane; fat ladies' race, Mrs. Verna Adams; a race 12 yeers and under, Joan Adamns, Vaughan Ste- phenson; Shoe kicking contest, ladies, Mrs. Pearl Randle; shoe kicleing, mner'a, Keith Ferguson; Oldeat lady present, Mns. Ella Ad- ams, Hampton; 42 or a little over, in the abîence o! Mrs. Dinah Ad- amns, who is weUl over the 80 mark and usuelly wins the prize; oldest man rienrt, Mnr.Will Adams, Rogeneatb; Youngest baby, Judy Cochrane, Nestleton. Officers elected for next yean are: Presîdent, Henry Adams, Hampton; secretary, Walter Fer- guson, En.niskilisŽn; treasuner, Keith Ferguson, Enniskillen; Lunch Cornrittee, Mn. anid Mrs, Verdun Lethengue, Ballyduf!, and Mr. anid Mrs. Berwin Aclams;1 Sports comittee, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee, Mr. and Mns. Murray Adamns, Oshawa. Vote was canriedt t have picnic the fourth Sgturday of July et Geneva Parkç. A neai old turne iamily dance in the pevilion brought the day toae close and anyone not - having a good sweat, cari ley the blame on themsves. Relativ.fnom a distance wene Mn. and 4Mr. Oscar Adams, Ken- rieth, Paye and Bonnie, and Mn. Will Adems, RO$eneath, Mn. George Fenguson, Mr. and Mrs. bob Ferguson and Shrley, Mn. and Mns. Penny Samuels, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams, Betty and Bobbie, Mrs. Alex Grahami and Elaine, and Mrs. Bob MeFarlane, ail o! Corn,, Mr. and Mns. Irwin Fer§uson, Mns. C. Dickson and Brien, Mounit FoPret, who are remaining for a few holidays. We were sorry thet Mrs. Dineh Adamsu was unable to b. with us this yeen. We hope t &Ili meet ain next yecr. SOBITUÂRIES 4 MRS. A. RUTHERFORD IMn,. Alexader Rutherford, nec Jennie MeeKerizie, pessed away on July 12, 1949, et Use home o! ften daugbter, Mrs. Chas. M. Car- uthons in Bowmaavîlle. Mrn. Rutherforti hactibeen In failing bealtb for the pat 3 or 4 years andi batimade hem homne with hem iugter for tbe peut yean anti a bal! o! hem illneuî. Bornin Clarke Township, Oct- oben 4th, 1857, sic was the eldest tiaugbten o! John anti Jonnie Mac- Kensie, natives a! RosSbire, Scotlanti. Thy moveti to Haidi- mendto twnship et an early ae anti a few years laten ta a fammn west of Coiborne wbeme she ne- ceivati bar education. On Jenuary lot, 1884, she was mnarriedti taAlexander Ruther- ford o! Haldimandtiotwnship wba predeceaseti hem in Novensben 1932. She was a niember of Olti St. Andrew's Pncbyterien Chumcb, Coîborne, aimaiît ber entine lita ant inl 1930 was matie a lita main- ber of tic Womans Missioary Society o! the Presbytenian Church o! Canada. Mm:. Rutherford la survivet by ons siatar, Miss W. S. MacKcenzie o! Coîbonne, one daugbten, Mn.. Charles Carruthens (Jennie> o! Eowmanville and tour sons, An- dmew o! Vancouver, MacKenzie anti Gordon o! Heldimandto twn-I ship anti Wilfred J. o! Taranto. Ona son Bruce having predaceeseti hen la Septembor 1948. She aisa leaves ta moura ber lacs 15 grand- chîltinen. Rer oldeit grantison "'Sandy" mode the supneme sacri- fice in June 1944 while !lyirig aven Holland. Hem tuneral wus helti Juiy 15 tram tic homne af ber son Mac- Keriu Rutherford, Haldumanti Township, conducteti by Rev. A. Newton Reid, Coiborne, cssisted by Rev. Camnenon Quisley o! Bow- nianville. The inteninent wes et Union Cemneteny, Coîborne. Thse pal beaners were Meurs. W. D. Haig, Homer J. MacKenzie, Walter R. MacGregor, Charles S., Arthur J., anti Fraser Rutherford. Fnierida tram a distance attend- ed the f"'vnel tram Ottawa, King- aMn.i 'y Anuto. Petuboro, Belle- ville, Bowmnanvifle, Port tjope, Cobowg~Mrmor,-CMpeiord, I CampbeUcerott, Courtice, Tyrone, Manlkillen and Warkworth. "Lit*'& work well done Lie's race wreU run Utfe's crown well won Relit cornes et lest". OBITUÀRY »Bi. WM. THETFORD On Wednesday afternoon, July 20. Mns. Wmn. Thetford passed aw y et her home at 36 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville, atter a pro. longed illness of three years, Mns. iThetford, the formecr Gertrude A. IHecdon, wais born et Bath, Eng- land in 1895. Mrs. Thetford led a full and active life surrounded by her familyr and many friends. She waa very fond of flowerg anid 4pent many happy hours working in her garden and looking after her tropical iish and canarieg which, provided ber with an ex- tremely interesting hobby. The deceased took a very active part in sleveral organizations. She was lst Vice-P:-esident of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion and a member of the Beehive Rebekali Lbdge and Trinity United Church. Always the life o! the party, Mrs. Thetford loved to entertain pnd wes neyer happier than when surrounded by ber many friends. Mrs. Thetford was married twice. Her first husband, Her- schel Hooper, passed away in 1937. She leaves to mourn her pass- ing ber husband, Wm. Thetford, one daughter, Mrs. J. Giffen, Niagara F'alls, Ontario; four sons, Hubert, Brantford; Ed, Napanee; Arthur and Harold (Bud), Bow- mariville; two brothers, Bob Hea- don, London, Ont. and Ed. Hea- don, New Toronto; and two sis- ters, Mrs. Olive Finnehy, Mimico, and Mrs. Hilda Burke, Toronto. Her funeral service which was largely ettended, was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on July 22nd with ber pastor Rev. S. R. Henderson officiating. She was laid to rest in Bowmanville Cerne- tery. Palibearers were Norman AI- lin, Clif! Sarnis, Reg Harding, H. Ormiston, Jim Woodward and George Purdy. The rnany floral tributes were received from Goodyear Depart- ments 232, 233, 237B and 205D, Canadian Legion, Canadian Leg- 1 ion Ladies' Auxiliary, St. John's PAGE SEVEN Meri's Club, Napan e uaball1 Club, Officers and Membera of Local 180, Staff and Members of Binch Industriel Fsrm, Brantford, Bownuanville Teni Club, Bee- hive Rebekah Ladge, The Boys from Orono Fonestry audý the Circle and frienda of CarlBale Ave. ZION si Masters rlUchard and Piip Gerry, Toronto, with théir Bunt Mns. F. B. Giaspell. Mn. Tom Currie, Toronte, et Robent illen's. Mn. and Mr&. Gordon Veniiar viv54,,by his only son Victor, who and Lien, Pickering Beach, et resiUt. on Duk. St., Arnold Venncr's. Mn. Jeifrey was an ardent ang- Miss He'en Davidson is holiday. 1er and hunier and spent many ing et homne this week. happy months in recent yeams et Measter Larny Mctcalfe, Oshawa, his cottage et Lake Scugog. it may spent a few days et Eoyd Ayne's. be truthiully said that he wes the Mn. and Mn.. Ruasell Perkias, outstanding n'emben o! Florence and Margaret, et Lorenzo Trull'a, Nighingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F. Willems Point. With a membenship o! 66 yeare he Mr. and Mrs. Leo Molfatt and had the remarkable record o! only Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams niissing four wcekly meetings in and'family, Osawa, M. andMr&. 50 years, two o! these were due Russell Cochrane anid fanwly, to his attendance et Grand Ladge Bunketon, et Percy Davidson'a. and two on eccount o! sickness. Mn. and Ms.. Harvey Balson, H. was Noble Grand in 1899 and Glenn anid Douglas, Oshawa, et for many yeams occupied the Wan- Robert ]<llen's. den's chair and throug4i the ycars Mr. Keith Stainton, Miss Muriel by bis close association and Moore, Mr. Clarke Moore et Sun- knowledge o! Oddfellowship be derland.- gave greet assistance to many No- Rev. Victor Bowinj will b. the bic Grands during their terni o! speaker et Zion Church service office. He gneatiy pri'zed bis Past on Sunday. July 31. Grand Jewel o! 50 years standing. Congratulations to Mr. and Mn3. H. was a member of Steb John's Ross Camneron Stainton (Shirley Anglican Church and a egular Stephen) on thein marriage which, attendant at St. John's Men's Club taok place in King St. Un-ited as long as heelth penmitted. Chunch, Oshawa, on July 23. They The funenai was held Sunday are honeymooning et Grand Rend. afternoon fromi St. John's Chunch Kenneth Dent, infant son o! Mr. with bis nectar, Rev. J. dePencier and Mns. Henry Dent, is in Osha- Wright conducted the service. An wa Hospital efter haviftg an oper- exceptionally large number o! atian on Mondey. W. wish him a Oddfellows ettended in a body ta speedy recavery. pcy their lest respects ta a broth- en who wes held ti such high as- nT YInTteoin. The impresive dflo' O DJ.,UAX1I service wes conductcd et the grave i1 Bawmanville Cemctery by No- WILLIAM J~. JEFFREY bi Grnd, Gardon McMunter, as- sisteti by Peut Noble Grand J. E. One of the oldest and well Anderson, as Cheplain. A repre- knowni residents o! Bowmenvilie sentative o! Grand Lodge was in the penson o! William J. Jeffrey prasant [n the persan o! the Grand paîsed away in the hospit.el on Ju- Wardan, Dr. J. H. McKinney, ly 22 after two week's iliness, in Brooklin, who paida well mcnitcd bis 87th year. tribute to the beloved deceased He was the son o! the laie Jo. brother for hi& outstending exem. seph Jef!rey and was associatcd plification o! Oddfellowship. Be- with bis father for many years ia sides local membeirs prescrit there the teilaning business. His wi!c, were meny frain Oshawa, Port the former Florence Joncs, pre- Penny, Or:)no and Port Ho pe. deceai3ed him in 1943. He je sur- Pellbearers wene Howard Cowle, Walter Hackney, Sid. Little, A. M. Hardy, Mac Moore" anti Len Berion. Mariy beautifgl floral tnibutes sumroundeci the cesket as tunthen evidence of the esteemn in which he was held by 4 wide cincle o!fnientis. Family Reunion @LAMB REUNION Tne sixteenth neunian cf Use Lamb famiiy was belti et Lindsay Park on Saturday aftennoon, July 23, with anc bundreti and thirty prescrit. The aIder members spent the ai- ternoon renewing acqueintancas, whila the young people cnjoyed sports. Aflen a few word: o! wel- came tram President James Lamb Jr., the reading o! the minutes at- the lest reunion by secnetery- treasuner Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Canon P. Morland Lamb reati messages of gaad wishes tram ab- sent members. Pnizes were given as follows: Couples marrieti the longest, Mr. anti Mme. Robent Hetherington and Mn. anti Mn. Norman Lamb; olti- est ladies present, Mmi. Nellie Brandon a.nd Mns. Eliza Ark- wright; Oldest gentleman, -Mr. James Lamb; Largest femily pre- scrit, Mn..dfld Mmi. Allister Lamb anti family; Youngest baby, infant daugbter of Mr. anti Mrs. George Akister; Couple coming the fan- tbest, Mr, anti Mmi. Roy Fenguson,_ Saskatchewan. A ceightfuI picnle uupper was enjoyeti. New officers electeti are: President-Mrs. Gordon Harrison; Sec.-Treas.-Mrs. Bruce Hernon, Guelph. It was dacidedti t holti the next eunion in Guelph Park. A ana-foot measurement was et anae time actually estimeteti by CometiFUUrPrim oud Personal Service SPSCUL VALUJES'AND NEMINDERS for Thuraday, Friky, Saturday We uoeffle *0 dot te uwt quaiiUUS WITH BRYLCREEM Camoda's hoir o0smort weII. *roomed look, a ne vrol oI.amine lustr. NO QUIAe NO SOAP e NO ALCOHOL a NO S7AflCH HANDY TUBES,.. 290 9 TOILET TISSUE 750 Sheets [>~J Roll 3 RoilS ~ 32c BATHING CAPS ------ 19c, 45c, 60c, 75c HOWLAND BATRING CAPS --------1--.2-------- FOR FOOT COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER M 1 Absorbine Jr,.______ 11 23 Marathon Liniment So___-5c $ 1.00 Marathon Foot Pewder25 Blue Jas' Corn Pleaters Soc j-~s Mennen'. Quinsana 59e %. Dr. Schols Zine ?a&s . 25e - 35e I.DA. Corn' Resusier, reg. 8Si@___-__17e -. WAX PAPER, I.DA. Brandi, 10ILf - ---Speelal 27e ATTACHMENT SETS, & pi...--------.- Speclal 30e POWDER PUFFS, extra soit velour . De - 3 for 25c OLIVE OIL, I.D.A., 4-ou,.. reg. 35eC -- 9 i MLK 0F MAGNESIA, reg. à33, 55e 22e - 39c, COLD CREAM, Evolyn Howard, 1-lb., reg. 69e -------- -5 4c I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local LD.A. Drui Store Pho~ 7~2 Drugs Noxzema Skin Cream 2le-49e-ISe-31.39 Noxzcnis.Suntan 01orit etGam e 3e-îùc Tan-gel ,------------------- 850-31.615 Velvetta Suntan Creaus ------ 39e Unguentine - *Oc-$1.20 MftK. 1949 rolieve SICK HEADACHI ACID INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION 'FRUIT SALT RECORD YOUR VACATION Allergitaba .-S.0-25-70 Baby's Own Tablets ---- -----3eo Bromo-Seltzer ---- --25c-49e-95c' Chase's Nerve Food--69c-$1.791 Dettol Antiseptic -- 59c-$1.95 Dodd'u Kldne' Pille - --- 49e Ex-Lax------------------- 15c.33c 1: UPETSTOMACj 0IDIGESTION -e1 'Warget Brownie Camseras $.. 17 8.12 Baby Brownie. ------.-$.- 3.00 Brownit Reflex $11.76 fluaflex ----314.56 liodak Tourista -------- 3-ý-- --- 25.25 up Markaman box Camera $~ 5.95 Anse Shur-Shot --------------------- -$5.45 Ansce & Kodak Films 32e-37c-4ge-etc.1 SUNDURN CAN SE PAINFUL $6.00 PAGE Um >

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