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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1949, p. 10

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PAGE TEN 5RSAAGS 4,14 The( Mr. and Mrs. Don Tennant are on amotor trip to the west coast. Mrs. C. Caverly and son Billy are visiting relatives here. -Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan are spending a week's holidays at a cottage at Gore's Landing. gCongratulations ta Mr. and gMrs. Laurence Harris an the birth of a daughter in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. C. F. Awde is visiting hcr sister, Mrs. E. Silver, Bowman- ville. Mr. Charles Wood is holidaying at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allen visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Na- panee. Miss Shirley Myles is spending two weeks' holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrz. Del- bert Myles. Pleased ta hear that Mr. Del- bent Myles is p-ogressing favor- ably after an operation in Toron- ta. Our best wishes ta Mrs. W. C. H. Mitchell who is i11 in Western Hospital, Toronta. M.sHelen Lewis had her ton- sils removed recently in Bow- manville H-ospital. Mis-- Joan Ingleson and Mn. Heinr,- Lsfcmei,sient ';,o Jor, AFTER your home burns, you may find the contents are senlously damaged by fine and ivater. You may have to stand a sizable Portion of the loss unless you have sufficient Insurance to, pay for the dam- a-te. Ask this agency to check Your Insurance NOW! Stuart R. Jamnes INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 681. Res. 493 Bowmanville )rono News Mrs. R. E. week end with Mn. and Mrs. W J. Leamen. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leelie, Peter- bora, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. E. R Irelanti, Smithfield anti Mn O. D. Collins, Calfionnia, visited Mrs. J. J. Mel- lon and Mn. and Mrs. S. B. Ruth- .crford. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Leoriard Irelanti, Peterboro, spent the holiday wce end wîtliMn. and Mrs. Rutherford. Mn. anti Mr. Neil Porter visi- ted relatives in Bobýcaygeon. Mn. anti Mrs. H. E. Milîson ne- turnedi Friday fnom a two week's holiday near Ottawa and ofi a camping trip ta Temagami dis- Itrict. Mn. Jack Davis, Newmarket, visiited Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles. i\Ir. Wn. Neal, Montreal, is visiting his daughter, Mns. Wm. Empleyees of General Matons, OShawa, and aisa cf the J. A. Smith Co., Newcastle, wene an holidays last week. Mrs. Calvin Hamm is holiday- ing with Mn. anti Mrs. E. J. Hamm. MnI. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren and Don are spending this week wvith Mn. and MVrs. Hanry Clarke at theïr cottage necar Prescott. Ar- chie netured on Montiay fnom al week's vi.sît at .rsot Unitedi Church service an Sun- day monning if the Township Hall was well attentici and Rev. A. E. Eustace preached a veny in- teresting anti helpful sermon on the subjeet cf the games we play, refenning mnainly ta the game of religion andi connecteti the thot w'ith the Bible neference 'Whene- unto shahl I liken this generation'. '\,I. (-. Taylor favoneti with a vo- cal solo. in the evening the ser- vice was behd in the park and opened with a number cf musical selections by Orono band and a group cf favorite hymns sung by the congregation accompanieti oy the band. Rex'. Eustace gave an appropniataý message baseti on nature. The service was plainly heard ahi oxer the park by means of a P.A. sy-stem annanged by Mn. E. R. Woodyard. There will be no service the' next two Suntiays for the Unitedi Church here. Mn. and Mrs. G. Crowther anti son Charles, Newcastle, visited Mn. and Mns. C. Wood wlien ne- turning from a few days visit at Lakefield and Chemong. Mn. anti Mrs. Archie Watson and Betty Ann and Mn. R. Archer of Toronto, visited Mn. andi Mns. Alex Watison. Miss Etina Myles, Hamilton, spent Civic Holiday at her home here. Misses Audrey Billings and Shirley Porter are spending this week at a cottage in Muskoka. Mn. Howel Rowland is ill anti confined ta bed. We hope he will soon be well agairi. Mn. an i Mns. Howard Hoskin anti children, Mn. Cephas Hoskin, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Gardon Werny anti Boyd anti June called TREATRE - DOWMANVILL.E£- COMFORTABLY - AIR - CONDITIONED. THURSDAY - AUGUST 4 Jean Crain - William Holden "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" In Technicolor Technicolor Cartoon and a Short FRIDAY, SATUIDAY - AUG. 5 - 7 r(BA TTLE FOR EMPIRE ... AND A WOMANI_,, -ý Technicolor Cartoon andi a Short MONDAY, TUESDAY - AUG. 8 - 9 MG-M*â MUSICAI TREASURE IN TECHN'lCOLORI Movietone NewsCato WEDNES., THURSDAY - AUG. 10 - 11 .4 R «r 4 £/AA 4MJ Pe0:' - HAMPTON W.M.. Juhy meeting a! Hampto n W.M. S.- was.helti at-the home'o! Miss Luhu Reynolds. Mrs.. Daw, 2ndi Vice-Presitient, presitied, in the absence a! Presitient Mrs. Lin- steati. Miss. Lulu Reynolds reati the minutes; Mrs. Salter, -Trea- sunen, neported $98:82 ,of 'the al- location hati been fet. Tweèlve calîs were neported.: .. .1 Mns. Blanchanti's invitation to have apicnic at.hen summer cot- tage was accepteti. It would be aur regular. August meeting. Mrs. Blanchardti a- set the:dte. In event o! nain the-meeting wil be helti in the churcli school om. Mrs. Daw vohu-nteered to take charge af the pnagram. It was annangeti to have an open îpeeting in Septemben in 'the ev- ening. Miss Doris. Milison ta be special speaker. anti if possible music by the church choir. C.G. l.T. anti Mission Bandi, also Young People ta be specially-inviteti. Sevenal members wanteti copies of the Blue Book anti Study Book sa Mrs. M. Mountjoy, Lit. 'Sec., was requestedt ta rden same. Theme o! the wonship service was "More Misionanies" and was --nducted by Mns. Daw. Mrs. Adcock hati charge o! the pro- gram, those assisting wene Mns. Nititery, Mns. Purdon. Miss L. Reynoldis. Mrs. Cale, Mns. Salter, Mns. M. Mauntjoy and Mns. J.R Reynolds. Number present1. Uner a national mvement, Swedtish housewives, from 20 ta 60, are enthusiastic in gymnastics. 1 Australia has crosseti Canadian w t e with Gurkha wheat an gat increased, mare depend- able yields, and betten breati. TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO"TANVrLLE. ONTARTO Ncane This Apron and Win $100 on Mr. and Mrs. R. If. Wood on Sunday.11 Orono Band led by Bandleader M. J. Tamblyn played for a cele- br-tion in Peterboro on Civic Hclieay. HAMPTON Mrs. Garnet Flynn bas return- ed to Montreal after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Clara Jeffrey. John Virtue, Toronto, visited friends in the village last week. Mrs. John Rogers is spending a while with her husband who is employed at Wawa, in northern Ontario. Mr. and Mns. Bill Doidge and family, Oshawa, visited relatives here. Miss Madlyn Wilcox spent the weekend at Oak Lake camp. Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn are with thein son, Dr. Wallace Horn and Mrs. Horn, Montreal, for a couple of weeks.: Miss Yvonne Williams; visited iwith relatives in Oshawa, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cryder- man and daughter,.Norma Jean, St. Catharines, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and with relatives.' Mr. David Broome has neturn- ed to Hamilton after visiting his son, Mr. Norman Broome.' Mn. and Mrs. James Simpson and family visited friends at Trenton. Miss Minnie Horn visîted Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H-arold Salter spent a couple days at Chemong Lake with Mn., and Mrs. W. R. Young. Mn. Fred Payne and Bruce Caverly enjoyed a trip to Detroit where. they *attended the reg'atta. Mn. Ed. Moyer and Miss Mary Moyer, Kitchenèr, wîth Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Miss M. Horn. Miss Ethel Gilbert, Toronto,- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. Misses Dora Purdon, Alliston, Margaret Purdon, Marie, Purdon and Kenneth Purdon, Toronto, spent the weekend at J. Purdon's. 1~ Mr. and Mrs. Barton :and son I1, Herbert, Toronto, are with Mr. h~ and Mrs. N. Sherba and.Michael. a Mr. and, Mrs. Hilton Peters. and F Ralph, Toroonto,.>spent. the.week- end at T. Salter's., Mr. and Mrs. Will White visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Mc- Bride at Peterboro and Chemong a Lake.& Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Manilla, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B Hogarth. V Mr. S. B. Houston and Mn. Tom Clifford, Toronto, were visitons IV with the Salters.i. Mrs. Howard Lindsay, Glasgow, Scotland, and daughtèr, Miss Jean T Lindsay of Montreal. Que.; Mr. a] and Mrs. Wm. Brodie, Toronto, w were guestts of the former's cou- aý sin, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Mn. P Reynolds. Mrs. Geo.. Gilbert Y (fonmerly of Scotland) was a tea ci guest at the home of Mrs. Rey- nolds and their visit together was ai very enjoyable as they discussed 1-Ï changes brought about by the W Labor Government, and expier- iences of plane trip aven, includ- pi ing a stop at Iceland. Ir Mn. Victor Bowens, Bruce Pen- insula, occupîed the pulpit ac- f ceptably on Sunday evening. hi Next Sunday evening lMlr. Ted di K ersey will be in charge of the S& service, in aur pastor's absence. Heavy thunder showers were ai prevalent in this locality on Fr1- di day accompanied by àome hail. All were glad to see. the rain and th~ to enjoy relief since, tram the ta heat wave. The Mountjoy family helcl their il: picnic- in aur park on 'Wednes- day and the Ferguson family hi gathering was also held at Hamp- ar tan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman, ta Miss Gladys Chapman and Ray- M mond Petit enjoyed a motor trip east and a boat trip through the M Thousand Islands. M Glad ta know that little Gien A Clarke, son of Mr. and Mns. B. Clarke, is imnproving. from in- Bi juries received when he fell off Ti the tractor. M Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds -Ri and Fae and Mn. and Mrs. Jim ne Reynolds enjoyed a motor trip to R( Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stafford, M Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. C. C. TruIl, Gi 18C E. Mi ah wi nel 0i yei roc tinf ci dei atn( Mn fan We Mn Mn wri dor Mn at Mn, bak A I h. Ric hon and Nv mis Am ton' M Howard and Eleanor, Bethany, were Suntiay visitons at J. R. Or- miston 's. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, Boyti and June, Toronto, were weekend visitons at J. R. Ormis- ton's. Master Gary Moon, Toronto anti Master Ray Ashton, Haydon, are holidaying at J. R. Ormiston's. Mn. and Mrs, Joseph McKinney, Mn. and Mirs. Henry McKinney, Weston, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater and Mn. George Reid. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mn. and Mns. Norman Austin and family, Sudibury, with his sister, Mrs. Fred Tufforti. Mn. Grant Lowrey, Toronto, who visited his uncle, Mn. aný Mns. Edwin Ruthven, returned home with his parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Lowrey. Mn. and Mrs. Bannisten and family, recently from Englanti, who have been staying with his brother at Bunker Hill, have movedti taPart Hope. Mns. J. R. Irvine, Toronto, visit- ed Mn. and Mns. W. J. McCul- lough. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Harris, nee Marjonie Bennett, Canton, who wene married ne- centhy. Mrs. Harris has been cf- gaged ta teach at Bunker Hill schooh. Mn. andi Mrs. Max Moore Bey- erley and Rae attended the Moore family picnic at Banford's Bridge, Peterbona. Rev. anti Mns. Henry Bunt, Newtonvilhe, visiteti Mn. and Mrs. Harold Caswell Monday evening. Mn. and Mns. Dilwyni Clack, Bill, John and Dil; Mrs. Haroldi Caswelh ar'd dqughters, iccam- panieti by Miss Prescott, Canton, attendeti Bewtihey Annual Re- gatta. Miss Lorcen Young, Morrish, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Brown. SOUTH NESTLETON ENNISKILLEN Mn. anti Mns Irwin Ferguson, Mrs. Carman Dickson, Mt. Forest, Mr.' anti Mrs. George Lee anti Miss Joan Bevcrley Adams, Osh- wa, with Mr. anti Mrs. Waltený Perguson. Mn. anti Mrs. J. Smales with Wr. John Baker, Sauina. Mrs. George Bratiley, Mary .deline 2nti George, Burwash, ire holitiaying with relatives. Misses Retta anti Joan Cann, .owmanville, are with Mn. anti [ns. John Oke. Mn. anti Mrs. Floydi Pethick, [ns. Verna Wood, Toronto, with [n. anti Mns. S. R. Pethick Mn anti Mrs. Jack~ Olde, St. rhomas, with thein son, Garth riti a frienti after holidaying two 'eeks in a trailer visiting points îs fan as Algonquin Park anti 1eterboro. Stayeti avernight with [nr. anti Mns. J. A. Werry anti alieti on other cousins. Mn. anti Mrs. H McKinney, Mn. Lnd Mrs. J. McKinney, Weston, én. anti Mns. J. Osbarne, Oshawa, 'ith Mn. anti Mrs. A. Leatibeaten. Mn. Doui Wofflers with his )arents, Mn. anti Mns. R. Wofflers nToronto. .Mn. anti Mns. E. McNain anti amihy, andi Miss Kay Thompson lave netunnet i omne aftcr noli- iaying with Mn. anti Mrs. Ven ;hell, South River. Mn. A. L. Pascoe visiteti Mn. id Mrs. E A. Werry on Satun- lay. Mn anti Mrs. F W. Werry spent he week-end with frientis at Lis- *wel anti London. Mn. anti Mns. P. Ellîs and fam- [y were holidaving at Buffala. Mn. andi Mrs. Camenon Oke ýoIitayeti with his parents, Mn. nd Mns. A. Oke. Mn. anti Mns. Arthur Brunt anti amily with Mn. anti Mns. W. larks, Part Perny. Mn. andi Mrs. Irwin Fenguson, nrs. Camon Dixon anti Bryan, t. Forest, with Mn. and Mns. lbert Oke. Mn. anti Mns. Eanl Trewiii anti laby Doreen anti Mrs. Minerva ewin, accompanieti Mn. anti nrs. Lonce Lamb, Ralph anti .uth ta visit Mn, anti Mrs. Ken- eth Lamb, at their cottage at ýse Dale Mn. Howard Oke, Oshawa, with r. anti Mrs. W. Oke. Mi;sses Elva anti Lavenne Or- hanti, B'.wmanvilhe, with Mn. ti Mrs. Milton Stainton. Mrs. Sulas Tnewin, Taronto, th Mrs. Minerva Tnewin andi Ir: anti Mrs. Eanl Trewin. ,Miss Jean Harris, Bunketon. pent, Monday with Miss Mona runt. Miss Witînifred Cale, Mn. Wand ýbent, Toronto; Miss Ethel Cale, o«'manvihle, with Mn. anti Mrs. -A.. Werny. Mn. anti Mns. Bill Jewell visîteti Ianti Mrs. John Oke. Mn anti Mns. Cliffonti Pethick ,d baby Patsy, Mns. E. Strutt thW Mrs. Ry Dickie. Mr4. anti Mns. Gardon Whitta- rand -Eva Ann, Hamilton, have ,urned Poime after visiting Mrs.j ,ry Gniffin anti other relatives. !niday afternoon we witnessed% lé af the worst storms of the ýa with wind, nain anti a littie il, blowing down trees, taking éfs off -barns anti even upset-j g hoatis of grain anti blowing 1 iiren eut of barns. Apples andv en.' fruit wene damageti a gý:eat Mrn, andi Mrs. Lloyd Goodmana, Alberta, with Mn. antiN r.Russell Aunger.a Mn. anti Mrs. L. Wearn antiE rîliy at Mn. anti Mns. A. M. h earn's, Clanemont anti Mn. anti s. Earl Parrott's, Chalk Lake. ~ Mr. and Mns. R. McNeil visiteti randi Mrs. F. Cowling, Cant- h- iglit. b Mrs. Howxant Stevens anti Gar- n visiteti hen daughter, Mn. anti s. C. R. Walton, at their cottage jv Kingston. cg Mr. and Mns. A. Leatibeater. %anti Mns. L. Leatibeater anti b by Murray with Mn. anti Mrs. a] Leadbeater anti Mn. Geo. Reidi. Mr. anti Mns. R. J. Weaving anti B ,key, Toronto, have retunnet i me atter hohitiaying at Bancroft hg dEnniskillen. Wiss Doris Milîson, retunneti e sionary frorn Bolivia, South ti enica, wîlh be guest speaker at hs M.S. meeting at Mns. M. Stain- ho s homo? an August 9. visit Rev. and Mns. R. Merle Thompson of'Kennedy, Sask. KENDAL Miss Doreen Langstaff with Mrs. Norman Therteli at her summen home. -Mn. anti Mrs. Gea. Wilson and Ethel anti Miss Marilyn Mercer, Garden Hill, visiteti Mn. R. Wil- son andi Ada. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Martineil and family, Peterboro, vislted Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Martineli. Mn Wm. Darlington holidayeti wîth ýnienâs at Ottawa. A number tramn here took in the regatta at Rice Lake. Kendal's population increased last Thursday when twin daugh- tens arniveti for Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer and a son for Mn. and Mns. A. Stevens. all at Bowmanville Hospital. Heartiest congratula- tions! Mn. and Mrs. P. Thampson, North Bay, are visiting her bro- ther, Mn. Eddie Couroux. Miss Marilyn Quantrill suffer- ei a' severe shaking up anti a batily lacenateti knee when she was thrown traom her bike by a dog running 'in front of lier on Elizabeth Hill. She was taken ta Peteboro hospital for x-rays and treatment but she has neturned home again. We are pleased ta see Mn. Thos. Hiltiitch home after being in Sun- nybroak Hospital for some time and also fo see him looking so well.à A special meeting of Kendal W. A. wa3 held July 27 in the Sunday schoolroom when a graup of ladies from Oshawa, friends of Mrs. C. Tebble, put on wonderful pnagram which was greatly ap- preciated by the large crowti present. Those taking part were: Mrs. Moncur, guest speaker; Mre. Liason, soloist, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Trick, and Miss Lockhart who gave some very en- tertaining readings. Mn. and Mrs.1 Hagant were also present. Guestsi DON'T SELL YOUR BONDS IF YOU NEED QUICK CASH ville W.A. Mns. Wm. Rob*non and Mrs. B. Alexander wEee has- tesses on this occasion and thti lunch and social half houn were much enjayed. As Kendal won the two gamcG from Pelicans, and Camborne ai- sa wvon from Garden Hill, these two teams will now playoff for top honors. Kendal played in Camborne Thursday with a goad number of supporters who jour- neyed ta Comborne with the team. The first game which was rather one-sided, ended 14-4 in favour of Kendal. The second game was played Tuesday with a large number present. They played most of the game in nain which made it quite hard ta play. Camborne took the lead in the first inning ta make it 1-0. But in the second, Kendal scoreti 2 runs ta make it 2-1, where it stayeti t811 the last of the f if th when Ken- day sconeti 2 runs and in the sixth scored 2 more ta make it 6-1 in favour of Kendal. We wish to cangratulate the teamn on takîng top honauns in aur league. Ken- d.-! basebaîl team held a dance after the game Tuesday evening and a large crowd attended andi hati an enjayable time. SOLINA Sorny to report that Mn. Frank Gilbert is suffering from a badly dislocateti ankle. Mrs. Isaac Hardy presided at, Sunday Sehool for the temper- ance prognam which includeti a story by Dorothy Hardy, neading by Donna Vice and vocal solo by Pearl Leach. Mn. Victor Bowin, mînister cf Cape Croker Mission, was guest speaker at the church service, taking as his theme: "Living the victoniaus life." Carolyn Balson, Bowmanville, is holitiaying with lien grantipar- ents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Balson. Everett Cryderman anti Ross E. R. Taylor anti Bruce, A. L. Pascoe, Bruce anti Lame Tink and Jack Cuickshank attendeti Like hundretis af thousantis of Canadians in nece'ît ycars, you probably have bouglit a nest-egg o! bonds for yaur future. But now you may necti money ta meet an emergency or appontunîty, anti the questian is whether ta seli those bonds. G. E. Mootiy, the Bank of Montneal's brandi manager at Bawnianville strangly ativiE:es against it. "~Bonds represent money you've alneatiy saveti," lie says. "If yaur proposition is sounti, yau can keep youn nest-egg intact by simply borrowing against yaun bonds at the B of M. When you've repaiti your loan in easy instalments, you'll still have yaur savings in reserve." You'll be in gooti campany if you take Mr. Mootiy's ativice. Many thausantis of people, lie says, use thein bodts ta borraw at the B of M eveny year. The ent ire cast o! a loan against Government Bonds is exceedingly small; indeeti, it is little' more than the intenest you neceive an the bonds them- selves. CHAMPLAIN BRAND MIXED PICKLES SWEET LYNN VALLEY-sTD. BING CHERRIES AYLMER-TOMATO JUICE CO0C K TAI1L 2 AYLMER-SHOESTRINGu CHOICE BEETS PRIDE 0P THE VALLEY-STO. GREEN PEAS 3 DOMINION PEANUT BUTTER Jar lâoti3 C o1.jr 45C 20 O:. 2 20 O f T0: slo-25c FRESHI NUTRITICUSI DELICIOUSI BLUE 8B MARGJ Ib.3 i 1 Bowmanville Grown FRESH DAILY Golden Sweet Corn Stake Tomatoes Bunch Carrots Bunch Beets Cucumbers Cabbage Potatoes Farm, Gormley, on Wedlnesday last. Wesley Werry has been busy baling straw. If you want a good job done cali on him. The Yellowlees family had a get-together in the school yard here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruick. sharik and Soan, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jackson, Murray and Robert and Mrs. W. A. 1«'ýrook!in, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Tink, Gordon and EM. zabeth of Cincinnati, Ohio-, Rev. E. W. Tink of Michigan at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Oshawa, at Mr A. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crowe, awa, at Mrs. Chas. Blanchard~( Miss Nora Werry, Kedron,% S. E. Werry's.ni1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilbert and Donald, Sarnia, at Russell Gil. bert's., Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Glyn East- wvood, Greenwood; Miss Doreen Pegg, Oshawa; Mr. Bill Hunter, Toronto, at A. J. Baison's. Every winter, the seal herds from the Bering Sea desert the icy blasts and head south to Cal- ifornia. After lazing around in the sunny southern waters for three or four months, they swim north ta the barren Pribilof Is- lands to spend the sumnmer. for Holidays f rom NONDAY Augusi 81 h SATURDAY Augusi 131h inclusive JACK DROUGH %Jmbing & Heating Bowmanville Il- Fruit anid Vcgetab le: Fon a cool refreshing drink Italian No. 1, Jumbo Sîze 300's LEMONS - - - doz. 45c California Sweet and Juicv Sunkist Size 344's ORANGES - -- ecz. 27c Fresh Trirnmed, Grecs' CELERY HEARTS- ea. 19c Local Grown Large HEAD LETTUCE ea. 10c O NN E T R HEL CNDA CLU RNEOLD CHEESE Lb. 47C CHILI SAUCE so:i 2 lc 5c JELLY DESSERIt, JELLO0 POWDERs 2 l'k.1 9c *ICHFMELLO--ORANGE PSKOR TEA BAGS Pfit34e rkf 67c FRESMLY GEOUND AS SOLD RICHMELLO COFFEE Lb. 55C OGIL VIE GINGERBREAD MIx kr30c I VALUES EFFECIffl JTHURSOAY, FRIOAY, SATURDAY - AUGUST 4 5. Al mercbendis. sold of your Dominion Store is uncondition. aliv guianteed te give you 100% aafisfaeflon. EGGS WANTEO W. pay bighest market prices for eggsý Shippng tags avail- able et ou r Stores, Se#mars. ager for parficulars. Reg. gr.d- 'ng station 0.29. U ýo Im! P ION 6IBdflh <-l*1 1-». .. . ....-- Phone: Office King Street, TMURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1940 The C.N.E. Women's Division offers $100 prize for best name for apron, especially designed for the Exhibition and worn hene by Mary Beck. Entries must reach Mrs. Kàte Aitken, C.N.E. Women's Division, Toronto, by August 12. Made of red, scanlet, green and royal blue, the apron shows French-Canadian figures dancing in a country hoe-down. Around the border brightly hued maple leaves give an aIl-Canadian atmosphene. Mn. anti Mns. Jas. Payne anti family, Toronto, at Mn. anti Mrs. K. Burton's. Miss Rogers, Mn. J. White, Mn. anti Mns. J. Tompkins anti Jim- mie wene at the Tompkins' cot- tage. Mr. Brentan Farrow, Stark- ville, calleti on Jas. Emeston. Mn. 1i'onrance, Lindsay, visiteti his daughter, Mrs. Ivan Pnoutt. Mn. anti Mrs. Philip Langfelti anti Rose Marie at their home. Mrs. Ted Colley (nec Miltireti Langfeld, Oshawa) anti baby tiaugliter calleti on Mns. K . Bur- ton. Holiday visitons with Mn. Wm. Beacock anti Miss G. McKee were: Miss Myrtle Beacock, Toronto; Mr. Clifton Beacock, Peterboro; Mr. anti Mns. Hugh Taylor anti grantison Billie Martien, Lindisay; Mns. Winnifred Oliver anti Mrs. Sharlanti, Onillia. Misses Helen Bowers and Mar- ion Thompsan, Toronto, at their homes. Miss Florejice Fair, Toronto, with Mns. J. Fonder, Master John Pnoutt celebrateti is birthtiay on Suntiay. Mn. anti Mrs. Ross Lansing anti Joan, Oshawa, with Mn. anti Mrs. L. Lansing. Lorne returneti home vith them. . Mn. anti Mrs. Maxwehll Fallis, Betty, Jean anti Douglas, Toronto, and Mrs. Fallis' parents, Mn. ayti VIrs. Pike of Londion, Enr!7ýndi, alsa Miss Chrystal Falhis, RN., 3owmanviile, calleti an Mn. andi Mns. Donald Thompson. Frientis o! Mrs. Harry Philip. wîi be pleaset Ito learn that she is making steatiy progress since her seriaus iIlness, anti hapes ta be out of hospital in anothen week. We are pleaseti also ta report Mrs. Donald Thompsan has ne- overeti from the flu. Master Douglas Marlow, Whit-' by, with his grantipanents, Mn. nd Mrs. Nelson Marhow. Mrs. Hicks, Shirley anti twins, Betty anti George visiteti in Mihl-: rook. Shirley remaining for a oliday with Mn. Francis Hicks. Mrs. F. White suffereta stroke' arhy Saturtiay morning. Hen aughtcn, Mns. Harolti Beacock. ,svith hem anti frientis wish for ler a, speedy recovery. Mn. ;r.d Mns. H-arv-- Thomp- zon anti Lynda lcft by motar to il ui Closed

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