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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1949, p. 12

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10%( & EIL -MTADE BRING YOUR AYCSÀN MESSAGE BE FORE ,efè1tir AVErINMU 12,000 READERS BUCOT3cPRD ALLIN-Biil and Irene Aflin are pleased ta announce the birth of a son. William Hugh. in Bow- manville Hosptal on Wcdnesday, July 27, 1949, a littie brother for Bruce. -31-1 DAMANT-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Damant (nec Lillian Clara Jcb- son). Hampton, are pleased ta annaunce the birth of their son, Dan& Lloyd, at Bowmanvilie Hospital, July 31st, 1949. 31-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaugh- lin announce the engagement of their yaungest daughter, Audrey Irene, ta John Francis Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Walker, Havelock. 31-1* Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bac of Seagrave. annaunce the engage- ment af their anly daughter, Faye Lucille, ta Mr. John Ross Dow- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson. Part Perry. The mar- riage will take place an Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1949, at 3 o'clack in the United Church, Seagrave, Ont. 31-1* Mr. and Mrs. William Kozub, of Biackstack, wish ta announce the engagemenf af their eldest daugh- ter, Doreen Jean, ta, Kenneth B. Lee, of Bowmanville, son of Mr. Cecil Lee of Keswick, and the late Mrs. Lee. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 27th, in St. Andrew's United Church, Osh- awa, at 3:00 o'clack. 31-1* DEATHS 1 BAGNELL-At the Toronto Ger eral Hospital on Manday, Augu lst. 1949, William J. Bagneil, bE loved husband o! Mabel Daveý aged 63 years. Funeral from th Marris Funerai Chapel, Bowmar ville, August 3rd. Interment Bow j manville Cemetery. 31. BIGELOW-At Tyrone, an Jul 30th, 1949, Theoda Elizabeth Big elow, widow o! Charles Anthi. Bigelow, aged. 81 years. Funera fram the residence o! ber daugih ter, Mns. Howard F. Brent, Ty rone, August 2nd. Intermer Bethesda Cemetery. 31- GRAY-In Clarke, on Julv 29t1i 1949, Mabel Law Gray, widow c Robent A. Gray, aged 79 years Resting at ber late residence, Lc 31, Con. 2, Clarke. Funerai frorr the residence on Sunday, Jul; 3lst at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow. manville Cemetery. 31-1 * IN MEMORIAM REYNOLDS-In loving memon: of aur cousin, Maud Reynolds who Passed away August 7, 1948 Nane kpew ber but to love lier Nane named ber but in praise. -Always remembcrcd by Jack Isabelle and family. 31-1 VIRTUE-In loving memary af aur dean brother, L/Cpl. Roy Virtue, killed in action in Caen, France, on July 25th, 1(44: We often think we sec bis smiling e As be bade is last good-bye, And be left bis home forever, In a distant land ta die. -Sadiy missed by Ralpb, Ruby and Evelyn. 31-1* THOMPSON-.n loving memorv o! a dean brother, Pte. NormanE Thompson. killed on active ser- vice in France. August 9th, 1944: As anc fares forth for just a wbile, No tbougbt o! staying in the mind, So fared you forth and left a smile O! hope and confidence behind. Yau bave not died; there is no dcatb! Your soul took fiigbt -intbat last breatb, But weil we know who closed. your eyes, We'Il meet again in Paradise. -Sadly missed by Brothers and Sisters. 31-1 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. C. A. Jarrett wisbes ta thank bis many friends and Masonir bretbren for thein fine gifts and messages while he was confîned as a patient in Oshawa Gencral Hospital. 31-1 Mn. Thos. Barr wishes ta thank bis neigbbours wbo sa kindiy loaked aftcr bis hay; also the Tyrone W.I. and bis many friends for their thougbtfulness during his necent illness. 31-1* Jean Bragg wisbes ta tbank j Dns..,Austin and 1Rundle, the Sup- eintendent and nurses o! Bow. manville Hospital, Rev. Quigley, Mrs. Squair and the neighbours fan thein tbaughtfui words o« in- quiny and cards sent during ber illness. 31-1* The family o! the late Mrs. Robent Gray wisb to express their sincene tbanks ta their many friends and neigbbours for cards. flowens, gifts and kindnesses re- ceived durnig ber illness and at the -time o! her death. 31-1* Personal SKINNY Mcn, Women! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs. New Pep, fao. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets fer double resuits; new healthy flesb: nýew vizor. New "et acquainted" size oniy 6r. Al druggists, 31.1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber gaods> mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38. Nov-Rub. ber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Onit. 279 COMING EVENTS Decoration Day, Lake View Cemetery, Newtonville, Aug. 14, 2:30 p.m. 31.1* Ladies' Auxiliary Canadjan Legion meeting at Legion Hall, Aug. 8 at 8 p.m. ta discuss plans for Legion Carnival Booth. Please attend if possible. 31-1 Notice to Creditors 1and Others ALL pensons having dlaims against the Estate o! TENA AN- NIE MARIE FRANCIS, late of the Township o! Darlington, in the County of Durham. widow, who died an or about the 30th day of May, 1949, are rcquired ta send ta the undersigned at Bov#. manville, Ontario, full particulars a! the same on or before the 6th day o! September, 1949, after which date the assets af the de- ceased wili be distributed having regard only ta the dlaims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 4th day of August, 1949. George Albert Ruiter, Administrator. by Apha I. Hodgins, his Solicitor herein. 31-1 Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate o! W. LEN ELLIOTT, Dccased ALL persans having claims against the Estate of W. Len El. liott, late o! the Town o! Bow- manville. deceascd, wbo died on or about the 3rd day o! July, 1949, are hereby notified ta send in ta W. R. Stnike, solicitor for the Executrix, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the lst day o! Sep- tember, 1949, full particulars of their cdaims. Immediatcly after the said lst day o! September. 1949, the assets o! the testator will be distributcd amongst the parties entiticd there- ta, baving regard anly ta dcaims a! which the said Solicitor for the Executrix shahl then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 2nd day of August, 1949. W. R. Strîke, K.C., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. 31-3 Lost VALUABLE fishing rad and reel, hal! mile south o! Hampton. Reward. V. Peacock, 341 Rich- mond St. E., Oshawa. 31-1* PAIR of grey trousers, lost be- tween 150 King St. East and Bowmanville Cleaners. Phone 2704 31-1 Wanted MOTHER spanici and four pup- Tpies need a home. If interestec cali at 22 Silver St. 31-1 DEAD hanses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone charges. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-ti DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up ail dcad or crippled farm animais free a! charge. Highest prices paid for aid hanses. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. 20-tf WANTED-Improved farm, ion ta, 200 acres, apply giving panticu- lars witb description a! buildings, land, price, etc. Na agents. Write Box 279, Statesman Office. 30-2 Help Wanted GIRL or waman for housework. Phone 835. 31-2 HOUSEKEEPER, ta live in or out, $15.00 per week. Apply Mrs. M. Bresiin, Phone 854 or 436. 31-1 WANTED-Rcliabie man as deal- er in Bowmanville. Expenience not necessary. A fine opportun- ity ta step inoa ad profitable bus- iness where Rawieigh Products bave been sold for years. Big prof its. Products furnisbed on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-H-140-163, Montreal. 31-4 Wanted To Buy BEFORE seliing your iive poultny tny us. Our pnices anc higbcn. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13 reverse charges. 17-t! For Rent SMALL bouse on Simpson Ave., immediate possession. Phone 2382. 31-1* THREE unfurnisbed raoms, cen- tral location. Write Box 288. Statesman Office. 31-1* FOUR-roomed bouse, full ceilar, hydro, some acreage, anc mile fromn business section. Write Box 289, Statesman Office, Bow-' manville. 31-1 For Sale by TENDEIR - SERVICE STATION, Booth, Cab- in, 22 acres o! ipnd, 5-roomed apt. over garage. Batb, hydro. an 35 Highway, 3 miles south a! Pantypool. Land suitable for tabacco grawing. Tenders close August 15. 1949. Highest or ansi tender not necessarily accepted. E. A. Leamen. R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. 31-1* Articles For Sale DOUGE sedan, 1932, in good con-j dition, Phone 2633. 31-1* BEETS and carrots; potatoes $1.50 bag, medium size $1,00 bag 4 Phone 2680. 31-1 1940 HALF tan Pick-up Truck. Goad condition, good tires. Orono 5-r-1-5. 31-1*4 FRAME building, new lumber, approximately 30x16. Apply 140 Wharf Road after 5 p.m. 31-1* 1933 CHEV. sedan. $150 cash. Ap- ply Ray Wiggans. R.R. 4 Bowman- ville, Phone 2855. 31-14 RADIO phonograph, cabinet style. Appiy 87 Elgin St., Bowmanviile. 31-1* BLUE Baby Stroller, like new, $25.00. Apply 67 Temperance St. or Phone 771. 31-1* BRIGHT, piump, Cornel Fali wheat, $2.00 per bushel. A. John Baker, Phone 2472. 31-2I - 1 TWO-wheel trailer, neariy new, 500-19 tires, wiil seli cheaply. Apply J. H. Aildread. 31-1* MASSEY-HARRIS 3-furrow trac- tor plow, narrow bottom; also DeLaval 12x30 silo. Phone 2341. 31-1 McCORMICK corn binder. in good working orcýer. Apply John Nichols. R.R. 3 Bowmanvilie, Phone 2168. 31-1* GAS range, smooth top, heat con- traI on aven; aiso gas water heater. Apply 15 Carlisle Ave., or Phone 329. 31-1* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measured and installed. Free estimates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 25-tf ICE refrigerator, white, holds 75 lbs., extra large storage space. Len Richards, 65 Church St., Phone 549. 31.1* -11943 INTERNATIONAL dum f1truck, in gaod running conditior egood tires, best offer. Len Dow sney, Phone 423. 31-1 COAL ail stove, with aven, thre burne4's, nearly new, may be seei between AVg. 6 - 14 at John Tom kins' cottage, south Nestîcton. TOLEDO Camputagram 30 lbs scales, practically new, anly use( ane year, price $175; aiso electni Pop cooler, in good condition $125. Phone 2890. 31-' 1935 FORD coach, radio, seal bean lights, gaod tires and paint. Rea sonahiy priced for quick sale Selby Grant, 6 Mill Lane, PhonE 2674. 31-1 BONDED Brake Shae Excbanges no rivets. In stock ready ta go Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. sien, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (druim latbed). Bob Stocker's Garage. Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-ti ALL kinds o! meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hams, sausagE and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; aiso custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf FLOOR CoV7ERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods naw in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bning in your measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf STRAIGHT from the show-room -is how yaur car will look if you give it a dry-dlean with "TARNOFF". Simple, easy ta use. 16-oz. tin 60c; 36-oz. tin $1.00 at Alexander Motors, Bowmanville; Newtonviiie Garage, Newtonville. 31-1 NEW Case VA tractor; new Case VAC tractar; new Case SC trac- tan; new Case forage barvester; new Case forage harvester blow- er; new Case 41/2' double tiller; used Case Model C tractor on rubber; B.T. and DeLavai pres- sure system. W. H. Brown. Case Dealer, Phone 497. 31-1 BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bcd Outfits, compiete, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colons; 3 pc. alioven veloun chestenfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filied mattresses, $24.95; tri-iigbf Iamps, complete, $12,95; nangettes, ranges fromn $59.00; 3-pc. alioven veloun bcd cbesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49-50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything fan bhe borne at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-t! 'EPAIRS ta ail makes of nefrig-' eratons, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-ti COMPLETE brake service, brake rum latbing. gninding and bon- ig. Brakemaster cyiinders and %vheel cylinders honed and poiish- d. Permafuse Raybond brake aonding, no rivets, Raybestos brake linings. Brakes shoes cx- 7langes in stock ready ta go. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. Bowmanville. 22-tf F SE ei H Pl c Sr A Real Estate For Sale HAMILTON & SMITH $2,200-Farm, 100 acres narth o! Kendal, 75 workable, balance pasture and bush. Barns 50x3O and 22x35 steel roafed. 2-storey frame 6-roomed bouse. Good value at above pnice. $2,000-Farm , 27 acres near Pro- vincial Highway No. 35 and vii- lage store. Barn 50x3O, 2-car garage, ben bouse 20x2O, ail steel roo!ed and rodded. Good traut stream. 6-roomed. i 'ý storey i bouse, frame and insul brick.. Good ceilar and weil. $l,700-Ideal summer home loca- tion on good county road within anc mile o! village o! Kendal, iess than 10 mile triangle from Bow- manvîlle and Part Hope. 50 square acres wîtb about 20 c lear for residence, iawns and gardens, balance weii wooded. fine trout streamn and beaver dam. Ample timber on praperty ta build bouse. Sacrifice sale. Taxes iess than thirty dollars. Hamilton & Smith Brokens Orono, Ont.! Phone 32n10 - 1r16 - 39r2 JAMES NIXON 5-roomed brick bungalow] hydro, bath, good location. or tcrms. bouse, $4,0001 Frame bouse and lot, hydro and stool, anc block from main street. One o! the best locations in Bow- man-ville, $1,200. $3,000-Frame bouse, partiy fin- ished, new furniture, full base- ment, hydro, stool and extra lot~ in good location. Would accept sterling in part pay. Possession arranged. $3,500-5-room insul-brick bouse, attached garage, water, bydro, hen bouse, 5 nds. frontage, 8rs deep, on No. 2 Hîghwayneî Maple Grave. Taxes $20. Con- venient ta Oshawa or Bowmari- ville. $l,200-3-roomed frame bouse, 1 acre o! land, long shed, stable, garage and loveiy garden. About 4 miles fromn Bowmaniviile. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanvilc 31-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE YES! Wc can seli a bouse within twanty-four hours. Not always -but it is becoming a habit. If yaun praperty is priced right,' w' cao seli it. Came in today, and we wili do ur utmost toa mae a pleasant transaction betwecn buyen and seller. $4,000-Four-noomn bungalow, sun- raom, 3-pce. bath, bandwood floors, gaod basement, nice lo- cation. $6000 - Five-roomed bungalow, garage, nice garden, ail furnace. A very camfartable home in every respect. Quiet resideo ti al street. Big kitchen and full ver- andab. $ 12,650-A home o! refinement for graciaus living, nicest section in Bowmanviîc. Ideal for large family, or guest home. Attractive grounds,' every variety o! fruit, beamed ceiiings, two fireplaces, h.v,. stoker beating, twa-car gar- age and worksbap. Mortgage arranged. $1l,500-Farm, 100 acres. modern five-roam brick home with at- tached garage, autamatic ail furnace, a real city home. Ever !lowing creek. Orchard. Good terms. Immediate possession. Good barn, very large, drive Oed and cbicken bouse. Bawmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shebvn D. Maciachlan Phone 326 - 2017 9I-I Real Estate for Sale CHOICE building lot on Brown St.. 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additianal garden plot at the rean, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS $9.500.00-lst time a!!ered. Large solid brick bouse in goôd centrai location with spaciaus lawns and gardens. il roams. încluding separate 5-room apt. 2 new furn- aces. Hardwood floors. Double garage. An excellent opportun- ity ta secure a splendid revenue producing property. WANTED FOR CASH Toronto client wishes ta purchase a niedium sized lot, weli situated, north o! King St. in centrailIo- $7,500.00-Owner maving to Swit- zerland wishes ta dispose o! splendid 10 room, soiid brick bouse with attacheci garage. Hot air heating with ail. Ful1y in- sulateci, storms, screens, etc. Centrai location. Immnediate pos- session. $8.000.00-Situated an large, weil- treed lot, solid brick bouse, con- taining 9 rooms, kitchen and bath. 2-car garage, storms, screens, etc. Twa entrances suggest apartment $3.750.00-Solid brick, semi-de- tached, 5 rooms and bath. New furnace and roof. Low down payment, balance like rent. $50000-Large barn 35x66 in good condition for wrecking. 6 mas. for removai. Cal Bowmanville Representative Telephone 2456 Fergus E. Mornili No Sale - No Charge We have a number of clients ]ooking for farms. large and smali. For courteous. fast and efficient service contact: J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Reaitors 156 Yongc St. Toronto, Ont. or Bowmanville Representative Established aven 50 years 31-1 Auction S ales Having sold ber home, I bave been favouned with instructions from Miss Hattie A. Mason ta seli by Public auction on Saturday, August 6th, at her residence, George St., Newcastle, modern and antique furnitune, dishes, garden toals and many other items. This sale will include sevenal pieces o! good, antique furniture. For funthen panticulars sec bis. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.rn. Jack Reid, auctioncer. Livestock For Sale 23 PIGS; also Massey-Harnis seed drill. Phone 2388. 31-1* 28 LAYING hens, anc year old, $1.50 each. Mrs. Harvey Corden, Phone 324.* 31-1 CLYDE gelding, 5 yrs., 1400 lbs., goad worker and sound. Eanl Dorrel. Blackstock. 31-1* 2 YOUNG registered Holstein heifer calves. Apply Schwarz Bras.,- Maple Grave, Phone 2895. 31-1 JERSEY and Holstein cow, five ycars aid, due ta freshen the sec- ond time about Sept. 7th. Apply Robert Mutton, Phone 352. 31.1* DAPPL4D gray marc, seven yrears aid, weight 1600, sound and right, single or double; black horse, eight ycars aid, good single and double. Phone 2952.j 31-1* Chiropodist T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, spccializing in diseases a! the foot and ieg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 24-6* Work Wanted CUSTOM baling (twine tic), stationary or pick-up. W. Wesley THE CANADIAN STATESMAN CIassifjed ilAdvertising Rates EFFECTIVE .IANUARY 23. 1948 BIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES4 CARDS 0F THANKS « $1.00 Fer Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per insertion NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTEIi - ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must bd, pald before Insertion Jf Charged: 3c a word' (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additlonal Insertions at Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order with order ta get iow' rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvile Take notice that: 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowman.zville intends ta canstruct as a local improvement asphaît pavement on Elgin Street from Wellington ta Third Street, an Liberty Street from King Street to the Base Line and on Ontario Street from Queen'l Street ta Liberty I5treet.1 2. The estimated cost of tJhe work is $25,000.00 o! which $lJ0,00. 00 is ta be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot front- age is $1.50. The special assess- ment is ta be paid in 20 equal annual instalîments and the es- timàted annuai rate per foot ii, 10 cents' 3. Application wili be made by the Corporation ta the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval o! the undertaking o! the said work and any owner mav witbin twenty-one days after the first publication o! this notice file with the Board his objection ta the said work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may apprave o! the said work being under- taken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections ta the said work wiil be considered. Dated at Bowmanviile, this Third Day o! August, 1949. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. 31-2 Don'tforgJU-Z STARK VILLE hel atth SaesBarn, Orono, on Sbiiob church is being decora- Tbursday, August Il at 7:30 p.m. ted and Mn. R. Bolton, Toronto, is sharp. This sale wiil include the in charge o! the work. farm stock and impiements o! Mn. and Mrs. M. Tnimbie and William Drew O! Manvers Town- familv, Oshawa, visited Mn. and ship as weil as a large number Mns. M. Shutka. o! milk cows, fat cattîe, caîves, Mrs. F. Howse, Toronto, and pigs. brood sows and dozens o! Mrs. L. Jamieson, Bewdley. visi- other items. Remember the date, ted Mn. and Mns. J. Halloweli. August 11i, the Sales Barn, Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Savery the place wbere ail farmers meet. and Betty attended 'the diamonci Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- wedding o! ber parents, Mr. and enr. 31-1 Mns. A. Muldrew, Eîizabetbville A heavy downpaur o! nain on 1 bave neceived instructions Fniday reli'eved thc bot speli but fram Mrs. George C. Foster ta did mucb damage in eastern sec- sell by public auction on Satur- tians. day, August 20, at ber Glenn Mn. and Mrs. C. Yule and !am- Lara borne, 264 King St. E., iiy, Osbawa, witb ber fathen, Mr.I Bowmanviile. This sale wiil in- Wm. Savery. clude dining-noom and living-room Miss Dorothy Farrow, Toronto, furnîtune, beds, dressers, puilout spent the holiday at home, couches. cbests o! drawens. sew- Mn and Mrs. E. White visited ing machine, angle mron, extension Mn. and Mns. Sheppard, Eliza - iadder, lumber, bricks, stoves, betbville. coaking utensils and many other Mrs. S. Brownlee, Toronto, vis- items. For- funther particulars ited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. sec bills. Tenms cash. Property Shutka. sold. Na nesenve. Sale at 12:30 Mr. and MrF. Lamne Todd visi- sharp. Jack Reid, auctioneer. ted Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapieton,il 31-3 Newtonvil!e. NE WTON VILLE e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley ae- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey went ta Windsor on Sat- urday for the boat races. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade are on a trip ta Ottawa and Montreal. Mrs. Mary Stevens has said her cottage ta a local buyer. Miss Gloria Lane has rcturned from. visiting relatives at Platts- ville. The foliowing were necent vis- itors with Mrs. Tone and Mrs. A. Langsta!!: Mr. and Mrs. E. Brasser and Mrs. Wm. Staples, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Allen Glover, Oshawa-, Mrs. Pboe- be Holdaway, Wcsieyville, and her daugbten Miss Nola Hoida- way, Toronto; Mrs. C. Reid and, Mrs. J. Reid. Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Herb Glover, Peterboro. A freak accident which sent Mr. Percy Farrow and Mr. Bou- ghenaf! ta hospital occurred at Newtonville Garage on Friday. Mr. Farrow was able ta return home in the evening although suf!ering coonsiderably, but Mr. Bougbenoff is stili confincd ta bospital with severe burns. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thrasber, Hamilton, are at their cottage. Rev. H. A. and Mrs. Bunt le!t an Manday to spcnd same time at their cottage at Rice Lake. Miss Alice Ncsbitt, Toronto, was home for the holiday. Miss Crowburst, Port Hope, is visîting ber sister, Mrs. Jas. Day- nard. Mr. Earl Walkey has purchased a new Chev. car. Ray Stapleton. elder son o! Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Stapîcton, is in a Toronto bospital, threatencd with polio. Miss Margaret Ovens is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Ken Ware at thein cottage at Caesarea. Mr. Ernest Stephens is'imprav- ing the appearance o! his pro- perty, the former Simon Porteous home, witb a !resh coat o! paint. Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Chas. Reid land her granddaughter, Miss Mi- Idred Wood. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrcd Wood. Mrs. Hazel Stringer, Newcastle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wllis Farrow. A !amîly gatberlng was hcld at thc summer home o! Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb on Saturday cvening when the folawing guests enjoyed a buffet supper on the lawn: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Os- born.e, Marion and Allun, Wel- came; Miss Canai Brooks. Mrs. Alice Sîceman and Arnold, To- ronto, Mr* and Mrs. Alfred Red- knap and Douglas, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, Joan and, Johnny Wa]key. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe. Fred Douglas, Ed and Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer, Jim and Phil. Decorttion Drv wil be l"1id as usuai on Sunday, August 14. The talent o! success is nothing more than doing what you can doé well; and daing weli wbatevcr you do. witbout a tbough o! fame. -Longfellow. Lake Shore, Clarke 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois, Master Jim McKaY and Mr. Les Allin with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Newtonil14 The Gardon Martins enjoyc1* motor trip through Agon~ Park caling on friends on tf way. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskervile and family with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and family with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Giiank. Pontypool. Misses Blanche and Alice Tay- lor, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Powell and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes attended the Diamond Wedding Anniversary celebration o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Muldrew o! Elizabethville, a re- ceptian in the aftcrnoon and community presentation in the cvcning, wvhere they had an en- joyable time renewing school day acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding visitd with Mr, and Mrs. W..H. Brown, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs E. Tonkin and David, Oshawa, and Mr. Milton Searl, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris, Chesley, wvith Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hendry. Miss Aucdry Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gray, Perry- ýown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak ac- campanied by Mrs. W. Hoimes visited in Cobourg. Mr. Archie Hendry was home from Welland. Miss Jol ce Poilard, Brampton, wit-h her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. V Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevenson and Douglas. Toronto, Miss E. Hoimes of Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak visited Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bowen at Washburn Island, Lake Scugog. Trade winds always blow from an easterly direction toward the equator. YOUNG DMAN WANTED Between 17 and 21 ya'ç., iro learn men's refait ready- to-wear business. Must have neat appearance and elean habits. Appy In own hand- writint statng ame, educa- tion, etc. Ail replies con- fidentil. Write Box 287, The Statesmau Office, Bowmanviile. EVERYTHING YGUI BABY NEEDS JURY &LGVELL Stork Nursers, the complete f eeding unit. 39c each - 3 for $1.09 Rexail Extract of Wild Strawberry 35c Mead's Percomorphumn, 10 c.c. --- 85c Infant Syringe ---- -- -3-oz. 60c Castor Qil Nursing Bottie Funinel Stork Nipples - 3 for 25c Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Cream Deodorant jar $1.50 Elizabeth Arden Nedra Deodorant Licjuid $1.00 Helena Rubinstein Heaven Sent Deodorant Cream Antiseptir .jar $1.25 Bachelor Deodorant Cream --- - --iar 45e Arrid Cream Deodorant -- .....39e-59e Tussy Crcam Deodorant 75c-$l.25 1Fresh Deodorant Cream .39c-59C îOdo-Ro-No Cootne Deodorant 5ge Etiquet Deodorant Cream ----39c-59c JURYY TOUR REXALL When We Test Eyes1 PIIONE 778 ------ 20c -35c -60c 25C Special Limted Time Ony! Revion's New "Lin-Kit" the lipstick wardrobe! 2 Special 60e Liptiks Colognes for Summer, Hq*rriet Hubbard Ayer Goden Chance Calogne -, 52.00 Y*rdley Lotus Cologne .---51.50 Chanel Cologne No. 5 ..$5.50 Eizabeth Arden Blue Grass Calogne . ...51.75 1 Helena Rubinstein Heaven Sent Calogne . 0- - I5 Adrienng Eau de Cologne 95e LOVIELL DRUG STORE It tu Done Properlý BOWMANVILLÉ Notices Miss Hodgins, office will be closed until August lth. 29-3 Dr. Harold Ferguson's office will be closed !rom June 3th ta August 6th, inclusive. 30-2* Dr. C. J1. Austin's office will be cioscd fromn August 6th ta Sept- ember Sth, inclusive. 31-5 Webcr's Fabric Centre wili be closed from August 8th to August l2tb. inclusive, opening again on Saturday, August l3th. 31-1l The office o! W. R. Strike wil be closed for bolidays from Aug. l3th to September 5th, inclusive. 31-1 Law Office o! Lawrence C. Mason, closed August 8th ta 3Oth inclusive. For completion o! cur- rent business up ta August lOth phone 688 or 553. 31-4 WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases ta Baw- manvilie, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Arcas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bawmanvilie. 22-t! The postpaned football game, Hampton vs. Courtice. schedulcd ta be playcd at Hampton, Satur- day night. Aug. 6tb, wiil be play- cd on Enniskilen field instead at 7 p.m. due ta a picnic at Hamp- THE CANADLAN STAMMMAN, BOWMANVUiLE. ONTAIUO TWXLVZ IIMItra'IrAv- ATmitom É q&A.& Deodorants

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