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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1949, p. 3

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE. ONTARIO -, Averagir.g 65 miles a day, our names o! Canadian women whoY. jcyclist eats in restaurants, but come close to resembling it. From -seep in the open on a bedroli. among themn will then be chosen T imtes - N e w s TI cHe Pdaims that there is notbing the lvlet By Cllete erIso opics j iie this type of travelling and The woman sa honoured is ta By olltteFeruso jthat more people should try it. be invited ta cme to Toronto as the guest of the Exhibition and NURSING ASSISTANTS' course, over 500, are now employ- TthN- emaifr. Ui etir prio o COURSE ed in at least 65 hospitals in On- MAGAZINE COVER GIRL tario and demonstrate that the T-N-Tnem Due to the shortage of regis- nursing assistant can contribute Dorothy Vanstone, daughter of - THM tered nurses throughout the pro- to the nursing care of patients in Mr B. S. Vansone, Vice President THE HOUSEWIFE'S DREAM fliRW MM vince, the Departments of Health a most acceptable way. of the Bark of Toronto, and niece ad Education have instituted a If you wish further information of Mr. Fred Vanstone, town, i At last an inventor bas came toe____ ~N ursing Assistants' Course. This regarding this course, W rite the the charm ing caver girl for the th o s w v r cu wi ap - Hel H m m k r! T is y r' ~course is for the young woman Director, Division o! Nurses Re- August issue o! New Liberty Ma-tehosiesrcuwihapr HelHmmkrsTisyr' wbo is interested in nursing and gistration, Dept. of Health, 455 gazîne. table dishwasber that seems ta be Woman's World at the Canadian gîves training in practical nurs- Spadina Ave., T;oronto. In the story covering ber pic-th aswratisdly oueNiolExbtonsidedec ing to be ra ti ed nd r t e u-duty. This c ntraption wases, trified. 'me prducts o! the range ervision of a registered nurse. T - N - T sture t ais eote that MislVan nth' draton s dsiged o TURIG VA BCYCE te Arilmagzin whch as necomplete service in four or five spotlight. Men, alang witb teen- Thecusowihi of nn ORN I IYL the rlmag puarehcovers pun- minutes. It is powered by home, agers, and you, the women, are triig'pn aifcoycom-Some peopie jusancan't stand lished. The strp oe nt water pressure through snap-onw invited ta enter the competition. 'combinetheorelial and racticas portdth tory is o a re-J hoses connected toa afaucet, thus' You wil !ind the food contests pteioingof h ourats teraduate being cran-ped up in a car whenpotha rtyis1anlok eliminating danger o! electrie'"as easy as pie." Honest]y wll ecev etfction of0f orsbhegaaer they do their tauring during the as strîking in persan as she does shock, where contact with water. tbough, you may win $100 cash qulificationcastafiuriong'sssof um onhs ndtket tein photographs. She likes to wear1 cialas ecegize uner Povi- I ighaysonthbicndycle tauhea sitsad eii rsssa pipes is possible. A special bas- for your apple pie on September qaian t io s ousig- si td haooenhuiayst S as gred emniedrese adket within 1the dishwasher is ro- 7th, or by submitting a week-end regulations.uof Hattery ta n te oor e a tated by four jets a! water. Dishes budget for five people on Sept- Financial assistance is available, Oui- first meeting with Mr. orite magazines are Saturday Ev: aresthr n oughy waed hate 50 emb efor.the, amand thri ta students in the form o! an ai- ateyooplewhn esw ening Post and Mayfair. She's prsueaSsaigato.'e 5 rz o h a n w Hattry ookplac whn w sawfon ofall ype of cat exeptunit weighs only l3ý, lbs., is self- eggs you can cook for the Juldg lowance of $6000 per, month himi enjoy;ng an ice cold bottle fn !al yeP!casecp clean.îng and is made o! rustproof on August 31st, or the salad plate while attending ane of the train-iof milk on the Glen Rae Dai ersians, cecause she dlaims theymeas ihbkd-n nmeyucnpraefo tem n ing centres. This rnonthly al- steps. Parked in front o h a.tmk red.Hrfvuieoutside, It aiso feaueatrn-Spmb 8h By hew , lo w a c e c nt n u c d u i n g th e s u c ci iry w as a F r e s o n e bic cle sp o rts a re g o lfin g , s w im m in g a n d a u e r n - S p e b r B h y t e w v loce n imnts of rctsc- a ith 'basoon irestaneaboufcte50skengparent pyrex cover. In other there are second, third and fourtb .eeingsixmonhs f pactcalwit baloo ties nd od Swords the housewives dream. prizes toa. training in hospital, but is sub- pounds of luggage. Miss Vanstone was married onV ject ta certain deductions for liv- In answer ta questions Mr.'Hat- July 23 in Timothy Eaton Church, While on the subject a?house- Here is what you do:S ing accomodation which may be tery stated that he had started out Toronto, te Mr. Donald Stellings Wîves, perhaps there is anc bouse- Send the letter stating competi- 0 pvided at the hospital. In-addî- on bis tou~r of the United States wvho is a laboratory chemist in jWife that would have welcomed tions you wish ta enter before b tiont th'., allowance, the cost o! and Canada on April lst and had Toronto- such a device as the portable August l5th. The address is Mrs. railway or bus transportation to net misse'J a day yet. His starting New Liberty is nlot the onîy dishwasher ta help make ber days Kate Aitken, Waman's World Ex- ti the Traini ng Centre is re!unded point xvas his home in San Diego, maigazine ta realize Miss -Van- an earth a little easier. This par- hibition, C.N.E., Toronto. and uniforms are pravided at the and later crossed the States to en- stone's attractiveness as a cave ticular housewife died sometime Qn the day of the scheduled tinie of enrolment. ter Canada into the province o! girl. She aiso graces the August in the l8th Century and ber cpi- competition in which you wish ta, The Training Centres, which Quebec. Here he had same diffi- l.5th cover of Maciean's Ma R_ taph perhaps can best express compete, you will go ta the second C are locatedi in Toronto and King- cuity becatise he was unable ta zýine. the housewi!e's tale o! woe even floor in the Coliseumn ta Woman ' ci stan passess classrooms, demon- speak French. After visiting Tnth - N - T .. '. hek ou rgit atoa stration wards, and diet kitchens Montreai he set his course west-T-N-T Here lies a poor woman who ai--f name and address on application,'r( wbich art: modernly equipped. ward ta Toronto and then on te a NAASLVL TLD ways was tired; and e a vaerta taki e ovr eye Instructors are Registered Nurses Sarnia zvhere he wili cross the CND' OEIS AYShe ie in a bouse where help goet with special auali!ications. harder. He expected ta return was not hired, for you. There will be an electrfcw Those who have c'cmpeted the home on Nov. . The search is on for Cariada's Her last words on earth were: range ready at the flîp o! the c( Joveiiest woman. Who wiil shel 'Dear friends, I am going 1 wth n i the necessary be? Where washing ain't done, nor equipment, as well as the ingred- f The Women's Division o! the sweeping, nor sewing lents.M rc n ' c tr c jCanadian National Exhibition te-~ But everything there is exact ta The competitors will be judged e. da egn aDoiin ie ywshs o h sedo!esmby hees search toa find the country's most For where they don't eat, there's of handling the equipment, the in gracioîs laY, a woman who as a no washing o! dishes, quality o! the prepared food, and j Phone 55-r-i1 Jror1r> wife and mather provides for ber Pli1 he where loud anthemýs wiîî the artistry o! the dish. Forex FARM ND HO SE WJING amil a rich and interesting life Butalays be ringing, b la ample: the hamr should be iifted Fà% M ND BOU E IRNGyet i hersel! aviaan lovely Buha'"ving n voice,I'1b la into the pan with the fork, the pan v. persan. o the singing, should be carried on the level, R pir ndA teaio sCanadian women, the famed Don'tf mourn for me naw, don't the grease should be drained Off b: Rep ir a d ltraio s ..British phatagrapher Cecil Beatan mourn for me neer- before the end o! the cooking, or e ba ad re among the world's I'm gaoin g t onti free the bami should be lifted ta a mr . .Pole Liflès a Specialty most beautiful. Canada's photo- adee. piece o! paper towelling on a- graphier Karsh has agreed. Sa plate, ta drain off excess fat. ..Frse Estimates.. now ta find who among ber is then an egg should be broken ini- _______________________________________________Women's Director o! the C.N.E. New Bulletin On tara saute-r dsippedinto the ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ C anada's loveliest w om an, lead - ~ the other. R educe the eat ta in atitsagee soudhave iosn&yAse Low and cook with a caver or by samething o! the stability and the atn frequently. Transfer ta! D R NG O A A TO Rgraciousness of the wornan No one reaiiy wants tabe on plate with ease and ae of t e M rit mes th ,- ay pea ing ter is ith poi on vy. In regard ta the salad, the in- DARL NCTO ABA TOIRvivaciousness a.nd a bit o! the But it is net a bad idea ta be gredients will be in the refrigera- IHAMPTON ONTA RIO chic of the French wmen, the able ta recognize it, ta know what tor for you. Trim and prepare L ~alertness and good diathes sense -ta do if you come in contact with quick]y. Think o! your colour PHONE - BOWMANVILLE 2836 a! the woman o! Ontario, the free it, and ta know how to get rid o! combinations as you shake the ___ __ __ __ __ __ __spirit o! the W esterner and the the plants. It as a habit O! wasied greens loosely in a towel. warm beartedness o! the well grawing in the least expected Give consideration ta food value groamed lady o! British Col- places, and unless it is recognized as well as the quality o! the salad A R min erTha Vi SiliDoumbia. immediately, the consequences can ingredients. Do your job just as A Re inde Th t WeStil DoTo beip in the search o! this be most unpleasant. Saime people you would at home and enjay it. CU T Moutstanding woman, the C.N.E. can work in or with poison ivy Wish you ail could win. KILLING - PICKLING h~as asked the top Canadian fash- for years. or even handle the Ontedyw nthbipre CUS OM ILLNG ICK ING ion artist, A lice Bradshaw, ta plants without ili effects, but ifOr buedget menshyauigointo SP4 KIG - SA SA E M KIG raw a composite picture includ- sooner or later even these appar- theforobmdgithmenusy ewdea in REN ERIG L RD ng as many as possible o! these ently immune individuals become qualîties. Miss Bradshaw's draw- susceptible. But these people are mmnd. As you are gîven your REND RIN LAI, w'*àentry blank and a price list o! îngs will then be ptiblished in exceptionable, and to the average, the seasonal foods, check them __________________________________________________newspapers across the country it is just what its name implies aover and write down menus for and w ith it w ill 5o a request for poison. an g t s p e , S n a Poison ivy occurs in ail pro- breaksdne n pr vinces o! Canada, but it grows ini Economy is the key note. Con- greatest profusion in Ontario and sider the .following points: Jwestern Quebec. It adapts itself Amelsudbeifrntn taavariety o! growing conditions;' elsol edfeetI wet or dry, shaded or sunny, anci texture, that is, salad with custard to almost any type o! soul framn dessert - neyer, creamr soup and pure sand or rocky ground, ta blanc manage on the same menu. 1'allyprvaen o hoes aan-foods, that 's. raw tomatoes and ia yprea en onshoes, lon appe pe -neyer, tomate juice in rocky situations. In farm landan ra tmtes it is can!ined chie!ly ta undis- A meal should have a differencej turbed borders. in flavaur, that is, a Spanish 0m- S e e s u a it Apamphlet bas been peae elette and a fruit cup - neyer, Agrctre iing earthent facs A ieal should have variety in oison e ivy ganl the becst caau, for instance, glazed carrots mtosfor its eradication. andfim jey-nyrcu- may be obtained by writing ta the ,lower and bread pudding. Department at Ottawa, and ask- Ama hudhv oddgs tive foods, for example. roast ing for Publication 820. chicken, and coddied apples - neyer fried pork chops and spicy pie. The days' meals shouid include ture wît a pastry blender- or . two 7knes.t The pastry should e semblebcoarse oatmneal wben pro- TLAN this year ta Vigit Toronto'o eMyben e. Sprinkle in ice r Shw wodo of he atin"- water gradually by spoonfuls un- the Canadian National Exhibition. tii a soft dough us formed. Chili ... Last year aver twa million enthusiastic Niitors fiocked to thi-getstana dough for about one bour. Turn exhibition in the worId. Filling thle on to a lightly floured board and wekR just before, and immeditn pat the paîtry inta rectangularj after Labour Day, this annual event shape. Rail up like a jelly roll, ha& something fareverybody. Whether ie ut iin bal! before rolling out. Yau're interested in induatry, com- This is sufficient pastry for your zec.agriculture art, science, w-rs -nhpe educat ion, music, pageantrv or sparts, th you'll find plenty ta se and ta do at Fillllng Smèad k ente a hn the "~Ex"'. Write to Toronto Conven- 6 mnediumn-sized tartape tion and Taurist Association, Toronta, 1/3 cup granulated sugar Ontario, for information about accom- 1 tsp. saIt MMadation during exhibition weeks. 2tp.lmnjc 435 WANT :O COME BACKI 2 tsps. butter d S S ~ " <~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ . . * . . . .S i n c e t h e t i mn e o ! H i p p o c r a t e s , AutorIedboM OfC«'CO unOrcOnrOC wth ocaCoe Ld.2400 years ago. a wound a! te A U t I O I . Z O ~ b o t i e r . f o c a C o l u n o r e n t a i t w l t C . a - C I a t d .- -h e a r t h a d b e e n c n s i d e r e d f a t a l . , TodaY, not nly have hearts with stab wounds been successfuily Harbly's Carboinated ]oeverages utured swdbtoeain gHOEs 755sewed), rfrrbuto OSHAWAcorrection o! cngenital defects. UTrT'I'ITTPpart-ment, General Motors. Osha- the Wonien's DiviEion- of tht IILaDJJ..LG wa, and by members of St. Paul's Canadian National Exhibition. Choir. Bowmanville, at the home Mrs. Ray Lawson, %vife of thE WRIGHT-MCALLISTER of Miss Olive Barton, George St. Lieutenant- Governor, is giving i Misses Donnie Creaser and Carol coffee party at Queen's Park ir Pink and white giadioli provid. Martyn were hostesses at a mise- their honour, they are to be giveri ed a striking background in Simp- ellaneou shower and Misses Peggy a civic reception by Mayor Mc. son Avenue Church, Toronto, for Giroux and Ejilen French, Osha-. Callum at the City Hall, be taken the afternoon wedding of Violet wa, also held a rniscellaneous on an escorted tour of Toronto Louise McAllster, daughter of Mr. shower for the bride. and see Niagara Falls. and Mrs. Sam McAllister, Bow- It is expected they will be of. manville, and William Albert fiially welcomed to the Exhibi- andgh theso ate Mr. JmsL, Two Brilliant Pupils t,in y the President, Col. K. R. W right a d t elae M .W right,Mas l. i o t e ar t b Brampton, Monday, July 25. Rev. For Each Province sMars all. aiso the are t e W. F. Banister, Toronto, perform- speakersa l ucheof in tei ed the ceremony and Mr. Houston To Be Guests of CNa'E honour mIn be Midwaoy. att played the wedding music. Miss ____Cnklin in tftheixdavelng. Donalda Creaser was soloist and Twe" ty of Canada's brightest bEnt ie cst of the traellngI sang "Because" and "I'il Walk young students, two from e4 ch of __________ Beside You." the provinces, includingNew- Given in marriage by her faà foundland, have an exciting time Haile Selassie claimed descefit ther, the bride wora a îovely pow ahead of themn during their three- from Solomon and the Queen of der blue sheer afternoon frock day visit to Toronto as guests of Sheba. with rnatching accessories and a pow der blue bonnet shaped hat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made of tiny petals and a shoul- der lengthi veil. She carried a white Bibie, the gift o! Rev G3eorge Mason, and a bouquet of American Beauty roses with white rde satin streamers. Mrs. George Caw-y ker wasîsster's only attendant and wore a dusty rose nylon sheer afenonf tcf1ashined in theoid t e r s wvhite accessories. Her headdress was a hand crocheted hat o! white When the late summer "coal rush" starts, straw and she carried a wiIî a i forar red of pink rosebuds e n osrcegay tthere wllbe abgdemandfo ure blue and rose tinted asters. trademarked FamousReadingHard Coal. Mr. John Wright, brother of 0f course, we'1I do our best to meet ail he groom, was best man. After the ceremony the recept- cals but- ion was held at 'The Old Miil", Why flot order you- supply now-ancl be Toronto. The bride's mother re' ceived wearing a pale blue fa- sure of getting genuine Famous Reading conne crepe ensemble with white - that better Pennsylvania anthracite - accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother assist- trademarked with tiny red spots to pro. d in a brown moire taffeta gown tect you against substitution? with matching accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. At the AVAKDWITIi reception telegrams were received S eDSPT [om friends in Kincardine and Je % Windsor. For the wedding trip to the east- 11 1ilfl ?rn United States, the bride chose àgrey gabardine suit with match- ng hat and powder blue accessor- Jright will reside in Bowman- Onle tereurMranMs. OWEN NICHOLAS, FUELS Previous to her wedding the ride was bonoured with a pres- PHONE 410 or 2249 BOWMANVILLE itation o! gifts by fellow office1 n em b ers of th e S tan d ard 's D e- ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE SMART BLACK DRESS Wonrk wully Wecnuble Any Time of Yecu' M95 t Especially Smart for Early Full! ABOVE-Trimly designed in soft block Celanese jersey-twa wonderfui styles to choose fram - both so Iavely you'II want bath! Sizes 11 ta 19. RIGHT-Your choice of four styles in fine crepe, featuring bock interest with saft unpressed pleots, the sensational new flying panels, plunginq necklines, short sleeves. Sîzes i 2 ta 20. k/aL6e4 Slo4ect <milec/ PAGE TMM 15 A "-IR fflleýý e a n Lb r m Outsta'nding Value! ONLY

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