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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1949, p. 5

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TRUR&~AY, AUGUST 4, 1949 TH~ CANADTAN ~TATI~MAN. flOWMAWVTT.T.W flWrA~Tn U A #~V ut,,,- ~&y~ Juvenile Clinch Firsi seventh Innings. hreJmH Place by Defeating kept Bowrnanvilie's. big bats aile for the first four mnnings, but t Cobourg 5 - 3 boys from Bowmanville dragg ________out the heavy artiliery in t When plaY-off time rolis around fifth, and rang up five runs off about two weeks hence, Bowvman- triple, two doubles and thr ville Juveniles wiil be calmly singles. Bowmanvilie's scori sut veying the scene fromn the top xvas confined to this nning, bi of the Lakeshore League. This as in flumerous games this seasc has been increasingly apparent for they needed only one big inni, a month but is now a mathemat- in which to wrap up the game. Kai certainty. The Juveniles re- A gratifyîng note was t .jMved ail doubt by roaring into marked improvement in Boi !Mbourig, Juiy 28, and returning manviiie's infieid play, which h from the county town with a very been aimost weird in rece definite 5-3 victory. The local. games. The picture play of ti now have an eight point lead over evening was an unusually fa their closest rivaIs, with oniy double play, short to second three gan-&es remaining before the first, which broke the back of leage pay-ofsCobourg rally in the fourth. BE "Lefty" Jack Buttonshaw wascahoftegm sDikW Bowmanville's starting pitcher, sofl running 'grass-top catch but soon ran into trouble. AI. short centre field, while t] though he allowed only three hits sýtrangest came when Falls, pie in three and two-third innings, ing left field, ran back towai his sualexcllen cotrolwasthe fence, stretched his hand u lacking. Pitching from a poor in fbail ofhih oand cu adlot mound, and dircctly into the set- lhis arm for few momens beo ting sun, he could not locate the hstti o fwmmet bfi target and walked seven men. His seting into his glove. erratic pitching, aided by his Dick Wilson hit the longe teammates only three errors of bail, a 350 foot triple. West wý the game, two poor throws to f irst close behind with two doublE base and a passcd bail. accounited He was the only team memb, for one run in each of the second, to gain two bits. Line score: third and fourth innings. RH Altoug ButonhawwasnotBowmanvilie 000 050 0-5 7 ialthoughBiutosaionwas notCobourg 011 100 0-3 4 tine achDonserius ston dat the Earned runs: Bowmanviile tîme, cach n ergoeficded oyCobourg 2; 3 Base Hits, Wilsoý Fall brin in relieftpitnhtheoBase on Balis-off: Buttonsbaw Falis whntwo Falre utin th e Falls 1; Hart 1! Left on Base tired the next hatter. and pitcbed Cbseg Hits West(2; ie;u scoreIess. one-hit bail for the re- Ouet: WButonsow); ailst maining three innings. retiring Hat yButnhw4Fal the side in order in sixth and Hat Double Plays: Bowmai ___ville. West, Hamilton, Rice; H by Pitcher: Hart 2; Falls 1; Wi Pitches: Hart 2. Line-ups Bowmanviile: West ss. Mastei 3b, Falls If (p in 4th), Galiagh( c, Buttonshaw p, (If in 4th), Han S ilton 2b, Wilson cf, Sellers r - (Heath in 7th), Rice lb, Moor( craft (ran for Falls in 5th). Cobourg: Fisher 3b, McIvor 21 Hill ss, Lingard lb, Bevans (Dawe in 4th), Cane c, Bakerr McSporan cf, J. Hart p. Juvenile Pitching Records WLER H SQ BB Ave. Pe 1i 25 50 74 26' .875 -4.( Buttonshaw I?lltie lài Lèg lté u 7 'O 20 50 53 28 1.000-3.1 Falls lt» emen gray Royals Win Holiday Mie #Yutsegweek-e#ld Game at Newcastle à#l&dg. By Score of 14- 6 Bowmanviile Royals entere Dursue new (ies suve into the gay, fesive spirit thE you Mr woe Holiday celebrations and becam peu biswee so excited that before they kneý it they had fashioned a 14-6 vic -~ tory. At least we think it wa UCIe ~# liei aew14-6. The score wvent up so fas it was hard to keep track withou I àeei' peug.. an adding machine. Royals started off with.a jug gied line-up. Two juvenile play ers, Falls and Buttonshaw, playei GARBE'S îeft and right field for three inr SUPERTEST STATION ings. In the absence of "Sonny Hooper, AI Osborne took ove Bgowmanviile - Phone 679 first base, and managed to pia: «'Yous Fo Servcelt three innings before retiring ii ~'Yous Fo Serice" favour of Doug Furey. Exhaust ed and out of breath, AI con Se- s dpm nted: U'rngettng too oidfo he was discovered sitting quietl: on the bench. renewing his energ: S with a nîckcl,'s worth of ice creanr The other bardened veterans o the diamnond watched him er t I viously, and the team treasure I~îIt I wondered audibly whether A I wouid charge the ice erearnup t, Nursing a sore arm, Ma: Yourth switched to his oid stamp ing grounds at second base, whil ýGjihooley played shortstoo. Tih 90 change was taken in stride b: i2Oboth, but ïMaxie looked especial good. Inspired, no doubt, by the' Jusi Off Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 WEST OF TORONTO 2 P.M. MON., AUG. TO 0 8 THfUR., AUG. 18 ADMISSION - . (includinci tax) $1.20 Children Under Sixteen Nol Admilled Ample First Ciass Parking Space Lunch Counter art, ent he ed he ree ing eut' ing the w- las ent the ast to 1a' est il- in the ird ut ng vn )re. est ras 1E 3 4 5; 7; 2 lit id SportsWriter We are pleased to announce that The Statesman ha. se- cured the services of Gerald Morris as Sports Writer dur- Int the summer holidays. Gerald bas afready contribu- ted to these columns in a mnost Intcresting style'and we are sure our sport fans will be gladtiat know he will con- tinue in this capacity during the baseball season. He lu a brilliant student at B.H.S. and ls the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Morris. thought of the post-gamc refresh- ments to be obtained in the ira- mediate vicinity, he starred both afîeld and at bat. Gord Sturrock, who is rcally hurling good bai this season, stîarted the pitehing duties for Bowmanviile, and gave up only three singles and one waik in seven complete innings. Injurcd in the seventh inning Gord wes rcplaced by West, who aliowed three hits and one walk in two innings. Line score: RH E Bow'vilie 104 142 110-14 17 7 Necastle 002 002 002- 6 6 4 Triples: Cox, D. Walton; Bases on Balîs off: Sturrock 1, West 1, Alquist 4, Graham 1; Le!"t on Bases: Newcastle 4, Bowrnanviile 14; Struck Out by: Sturrock 4, West 2, Aiquist 6. Lineups Bowmanville: T. Bagneil cf, Os- borne lb (Furey in 4th), Gil- hooley ss, Yourth 2b, Piper 3b, Falls, If (Cowie in 4th). Button- shaw rf (Cox in 4th), Martyn c, Sturrock p (West in 8th). Newcastle: G. Walton 2b, Mc- Cullaugh rf. Gray lb, Alquist p (Graharn Sth). Southwick 3b, Creamer ss, D, Walton cf, Winters c (Rickard in 6th), Gilmour cf (Kimbie in 7th). ýeTrenton Sets Torrid r'f Pace to Beat cRoyals 10 -8 lb, if It was just too hot to play base- L.~... rf bail on July 29th. Wîth the tern-.i perature hovering at 90 degrees, When Canadian Pacifie Air the Royals couidn't play their Lns mrs fVnol r. best hall. therefore they lost aLne'msso Vancouver, ullefoiauut ,01 tough one 10-8. Trenton, baw- ancoter, July's13, ting- ever, seemed singulariy unimrat aii ere opaydsnewAutras- ý16 pressed by the heat. Maybe they ac iacSn rvictosdne, HAurl- couldn't read a thermometer, but,iavaSnFrnscH ouu while the Royals gazed longingiy at their shady dugout the air forcei Courtice Tops In boys took to merrily knocking the bail ail over the park (and out iRural Sof tball of it), in a maniner unsurpassed by thern ail season. It made thei For Second Time spectators hot just watching their _____ exertions under the biistering For the second consecutive y7ear d suri. Courtice are league leaders in at Doug Furey started on the the Darlington Softbali Leagiue lec mound for Royals. He gave up and Mapie Grove once again are ie two runs in the first inning, and unr-p ýw after Trenton's big catcher, Me-runs-p c-Certhy, tapped a borner over the Courtice won first place when as left field fence with a man on bey dcfeated Mapie Grove 9-5 st base in the second, Doug sudden- on July 25. This xvas a see-saxv ut ly deeided he'd like to play first batthe with Maple Grove Ieading base, where the action was less 4-1 in the early part of the game. g- strenuous. Accordingly be trad- Courtice moved ahead 7-4 but y- cd places with Gord Sturroek, Maple Grove came back with ane d who retired the side without fur- run and hiad two runners in scor- r.. ther damage. mng position lyhen the rally was i I Sometime in the third inning eut short. Jack Gay pitched good r Sturrock departed from the garne, hall and bad excellent infieid y rnopping bis brow. Apparently support. For Maple Grove Harry in manager AI Osborne couid flot Snowden was too generous with t.. persuade anyone cisc to quît the walks and was relieved by Ted r.. cool of the dugout for the mound. Hoar in the sixth inning. Ken r because he finally appeared hlm- Hutton hit the only borne run of e self, and began ta pitch. He did the gai-n. ~ qit wil to, ora elow his In other games Maple Grove Iy age. Relying on bis fast bail, ýdefeated Tyrone 29-3 and Eben- n. Ai iimited Trenton to four runls ezer 9-8 and Shaws defeated of in five innings. Salem 15-6. .- It xasn't until the seventh inn- Play-offs Start Aug. 2 r 1 îng when the heat abated slightiy Play-offs commence Aug. 2ndi ýthaÉ Bowmanviiie began a belat- x.ith Courtice and Ebenezer meet- to cd raliy. At that time the score jing in the first round, in a two jwas Trenton 10, Bowmanville 3,lott of three scries, and Maple ix but doubles by Galiagher and1 Grove m2ciing Shaxs also in a - Hooper, singles by Furey and Gil- tivo out of three series. e gave Royals five runs to make Shaws at Maple Grove )y the score chose, 10-8. Don Ma- Ebenezer at Courtice ly Ianev, Trenton southpaw, man- Friday, Aug. 5- aged ta bear down and.snuff out Maple Grave at Shaws -Royals comeback and Trenton Icft Courtice at Ebenezer the field praud passessors of a Tuesday, Aug. 9- 10-8 victory. 3rd game if neeessary Local fans generally appearcd Friday, Aug. 12- only slightly downcast at the re- Finals begin suit. Thcy enjoyed seeing the Final Standing nurnerous extra-base clouts, even Caurtice 8 2 0-.800 at the expense of RayaIs' chances, Mapie Grave 7 3 0-.700 and the wits among the specta- Ebenezer 7 3 0-700' tors were glad of the rare oppar- Shaws 5 4 0-.555 tunity ta huri insuîting remarks Salem 2 7 0-.222 at manager Osborne when he Tyrone 0 10 0-.000 came into the game. As long as Maple Grave won second place AI wiii oblige by striking out a by virtue of winning fiip. Game fcw times, the crowd gocs home between Shaws and Salem flot happy. pîayed as wouid nat effeet stand- Bawmanville are becoming ing. adept at crossing up oppasing fielders. Against Trenton they bit three doubles and thrge Royals Play Errorless singles ta the wrong field, Wil- liams sbowed a return ta his form Bail to Knock Of f of previaus scasons by htigaWh byb Scr 41 ground-rulcs double throughth ityb Scr 4- ight-centre field fence and two singles, while "Scooter" Gilhooiey Baeked by a solid inficid, Junior had a double and single, with a West scattered ten harmless bits waik thrown in. Line score: to biank Whitby until the ninth 1 R H E inning and rack Up bis sixth win Trenton 222 012 1-10 14 5 without a ioss. Bowrnanviihe Bowmanviiîc 011 100 5- 8 10 2 scored anc in eacb of the first, Home Runs: Trenton 2 (Me- fourth, fifth and sixth innings ta Carthy, Gagnier); Triples: Tren- dlaim their 4-1 decision. tan 2 (C. Ehlis, Maloney); Doub- Enough goott basebali for two les: Trenton 3 (Coe, E. Ellis, May); garnes was eontained in the nine Bawmanville 5 <Gilhaoley, Haop- innings. The pitching, while flot er, Williams, Cox, Gallagher). spectacular, was consistnti1y Bases on Belis off: Mahoney 1, steady on bath sides. Erretie Sturrock 1; Hits off: Maioney, 10 ficlding aiid bonehead piays were in 7; Furey 4 in 1 1/3: Sturrock canspicuously. absent. The only 3 in 2/3; Osborne 7 in 5. errors of the game were two cam- ILeft on Bases: Trenton à" Bow- mitted by Whitby's first baseman manville 6; Hit by Pticher by: White. Osborne i (McCarthy); Struck West displayed an excellent Out by: Maloney 4, Furey 2, Os- ebiiity ta bear down whcnever borne 6. necessary. Eight times Whitby Line-ups had runners in scaring position, Bowmanville: Gilhooley 2b, W. on second or third base, but were Bagneli cf. Piper 3b. Hooper ss, forced ta Iceve thern there, as Furey p (lb in 2nd), Williams West settled down ta business. rf, Cox If, Sturrock lb (p in 2nd), Wbîtby were neyer allowed more (Osborne p in 3rd), T. Bagneil then twa hits per inning. At sueh in 7th, Martyn c (Gailagher 4th). a juncture West would champ the ITrenton* Cae cf. C. Ellis 3b, Iid on and retire the side. Early Maloney p. Hastings ss, S. Ellis' in the game he struck out five rf, Haystead lb, Gagnier 2b, May 'oflsecutiie batters, possibiy just If, McCarthy c. ta pro\'e he eould do it. Line 1Score: Little known 15 the fact that a 1 Whi tb.v 000 000 001-i 10 2 Canadien. Dr. Abraham Censer. 1 Bow'ville 100 111i OOx---4 6 V 1of Cornwalhis, N.S., discovered Triples: Gilhoolev: Doubles:! kerosene. 'Cox, Turansky, White; Lef t on' New Canadian Air Mail Service to Australia rand Fiji, a new Canadian air mail Turner, of Vancouver, shortly be- tservice to Hawaii, the Fiji Is- 1fore take-off. Inciuded in the 150 -lands and Australia was opened. pounds of mail *were 8,000 first -Captain A. Vanhee, captain of the'flight covers sent by philatelists -aircraft took officiai delivery of f rom ahl over the world. 1:the first mails frorn Postmaster J.. Bases: Whitby 10, Bowmanviile 2; Bases on Bails off: West .5, Neal 2; Struck Out by: West 6, Neai 5; Stolen Bases: Bowman- ville 5, Whitby I. Lineups Bowmanvillc: T. Bagnell If, B. Bagneil cf, Gîlhooley 2h, Yourth ss, Piper 3b, Osborne lb, Cox rf, West p, Martyn c. Whitby: Turansk ' ss, Hurlcy cf, White lb, McDonald 2b, Spencer If. Neal p, McKloskey c, Dafoe rf, Shea 3b. It's queer you can't drive a car' (ncw) down the street without meeting everybody you owe. Local Mail Service Mail Closes Going East 10:30 a.m Going local Rural Routes 11:00 arn Goîng Part Hope only 1:30 p.m. Going East and West 6:30 p.m. Going West 10:00 p.m. Mail Arrives From East and West 8:30 ar. From West 12 noon Frorn West 3:15 p.mý. Fromn East 8:00 p.m. Cut this schedule out and peste up in a handy place for reference. h C.O.F. Playoffs Commence On Wednes., Aug. 10 The Canadian Order of Forest- ers have made final play-off ar- rangements and .Bowrnanville are playîng in the first round with Oshawa Brewers Warehbfuse in a best two out of three series. The winners of this series will get a special pass into the final round. The first game is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. on Aug. 10 at Mernoriai Park. Bowrnanvilie tearn started the season off very poorly but with each garne they have been defin- itely improving their calibre of play. Although the fans have not been turning out it is suggestcd that if anyonc is interested in sce- ing real good softball thcy should be at Memorial Park on Aug. 10. The Oshawa Brewers team is the ciass of the league and during the reguiar schedule Bowrnanvilie did well against them, Iosing only 12-11 in extra innings in the lit game pîayed. 00OF. team from Bowmanville expects to have 14 or 15 players on the bench ready for action and everything passible wiii be done by manager Harry Snawden to win this ail important first game. Ahi that is asked for now is a few of the town softhali loyers to corne ad support us. The return game is booked for Bathe Park, Aug. l8th, and if a third game is necessary it is scheduled for the same place Aug. 25th. Come bout and support the Bowrnanviile C.OF. bail team. Peapods were once useci to stuff I irls Softball Game There are more anta ini the world than any other type of creature, says a writer. We know because they ail corne to out picnic. LUMM "-but 1 don't want a cute litti. drawei in it.» DO WMAN VILLE CmOF. VS. WHITDY BELLES %FINAL GAME - BEST 0F 7 SERIES Memorial Park FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th 6:45 p.m. DRAW WILL BE MADE FOR RA DIO Newsp aper if,-i Advertising Brings You PROFITS Three Simple Rules Io guide your advertising program ADVERTISE REGULARLY Kecp your name before the public eye. Do what success- fui salesmen do - eaul on cuistorn---r and prospects con- sistently. GIVE NEWS AND FACTS Make your advertising copy easy to read, friendly and informative. People read newspapcrs for news. Give them faets and nems about your mercharidise and services. BUY SPACE CAREFULLY Protect ',our adverti5zng hY nsistirig con audited circulation reports that give accurate accounts of circulation. The Audit Bureau of Circulations, a National Co-operative Association of more than 2,000 publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies, has established and maintained definite standards of circulation. Annually the Bureau's trained auditors make a thorough audit of our circulation. The verified f acts and figures thus obtained are issued in an officiai ABC report, which gives a complete account of circulation, distribution, and many other f acts you should kn ow when buying newspaperadver. tising. The Canadian Statesman 12,000 Prospective Customers Read The Statesman Each Week TITU 3DAY, ATJGUST 4, 1940 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Il. P'Aar .. u 's 1

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