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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1949, p. 7

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TUR8AY, AUGUS?4, 1949CAAINSTTSA.BOMN!LE NAI that public failure to sustain themn in heir necessnary work, even where that phase of work as dis- tasteful to us, is as dangerous as toprmit them the added powers ~1anarcof the o tter leads t e Pf I e Police Sta te. eleads tes mpotasm. mP l UD socIAUN 1 ' Miss Patricia Clarke is attend- isig a Sunimer Course in Toronto. Miss Anita Murphy, Sudbury, Ia guest of her sister, Mns. Wmn. Pro wer. Mr. Dudley Deeley is holiday- ing at Wigwassan Lodge, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. Dr. Olive Cale, Winnipeg, Man., was guest of ber aunt, Mrs. John Perey. Mrs. Beatrîce Hall and, son Bary Toronto, are guests o! ber éher, Dr. J. C. Devitt. -Mn. and Mrs. Charles Weekes, Toronto, spent the weekend with his sister Miss Edith Weekes. Miss Shirley Moore, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Moore. Mr. Don Venton is spending 10 days' vacation at Saubel Beach, Lake Huron. Mn. and Mrs. William Maynard spent the weekend in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Irene Cramp. Meaford,1 spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cramp. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Harrison and Jack, Niagara Falls, visitedt Mrs. Fred Nelles.1 Mr. D. Ferguson. Akron, Obio,t is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Catt; an. Mr. Richard Loucks, Napanee, bas been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Finnigan. Miss Loi-raine Lecishman, To- ronto, is visiting Miss Marion Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone, Believille. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rusk, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jewelh of t.he "Big 20" Book Store are holi- daying at Bowmanville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gra-t ham, Sr., have returned after va-V cationing at Cedarcrest Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Short, To- ronto, were weekend guests ofn Mr. and Mrs. Blake Short. V Mr. Frank Todgham, Ohio, isÈ visiting bis sister, Mrs. EdwardE Large. l Miss Wilma Rundhe and Mrs.e E. W. Rundie, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.a P. E. Greenfield. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas, PappineauL and Loftus Pappineau, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Pappineau. b. J.-M ROCK WOOL INSULATION Ji ln CSSy to matai cornes ln handy Super-Feit battu that fit snugly between N Wall tuds or celllng joists. 1H Inexpensive. t] BATTS 2" THICK M 5c sq. fi. d BATTS V" THICK bi 7c sq. fi. et Bý SATURDAY - fr Foundaýion T Coatingré Excellent for waterproofing new or old cernent m foundations. Te roc 5 GALLON TIN tel Regular $5.65 an Special - $458 st an DON McGIREGOR VV HARDWARE Co. an LPhe ne 3 86 King St. W. 1 D a 'Mi mi TH3E TENT August 3rdl 1 PERSONAL Mr. Gerald Bonisteel and Misý Jessie Knight, Belleville, wejý guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fret Allin. Mrs. E. S. Nayhor bas returned !rom visiting in Noranda, Que. bec. Miss Isabelle Nayhor accom- panied ber home for a brie! visit Miss Dorathy Evans, Torantc General Hospital, spent the bhi day weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Miss Bannie Hawley and Miss Mary Humphrey spent the holi day weekend in Gananoque anc Alexandnia Bay, N.Y. Mn. C. A. Jarrett, proprietor, Balmoral Hotel, bas returnec home after a successfuh operatiar in Oshawa General Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. William Watson, Toronto, were weekend guests af ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. William Culhey. Mr. and Mns. E. J. R. Mason, Brian and David, Woodroffe, Ont., are visiting bis mather, Mrs. T. G. Mason. Dr., and Mrs. C. W. 'Slemon re- turned home last week after their very enjoyable trip thnaugh Cen- tral Eurooe and the British Isles, Mrs. J. Sonne and childnen, Mrs. W. Dorks, New Toronto, visited tha- latten's parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Finnigan are spending a week in Napanee with the latten's parents, Mn. andi Mrs. R. Loucks. Mn. Bud Nichols, Engiehant. nas returned home aften visiting bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Nichais. Miss Vivian Nichais and Mn. Jack Hoar and Mr. and Mns. Green, Oshawa, enjoyed a week's motor trip in the United States. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard bas ne- tunned home iàfter holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Fredenick Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Grum- mett, Susaon and Jennifen. Otta- wa, are vacationing with ber mo- ther, Mrs. Francis Charke. Mn. and Mrs. P. R. Cowling, Beverly and Barry and Miss Wil- la Ward suent the holiday week- end at Hall's Lake, Haliburton. Mn. and Mrs. William A. Clarke are in Toronto visiting bis sisters, Misses Cecihia and Veronica L4ng. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant were guests at the Bryant-Mc- Dougalh wedding in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church 'in Osh- awa on July 23. Mn. and Mrs. Norman ENger Toronto, have been enjoying hall- days in bis native town while ;tayingat the Cream o! Barhey Camp. Mrs. Cara Aihin and daugiter tIrs. Florence Robinson and baby Sandra have been visiting the formen's pisters in Rochester, Misses Joan and Jean Chitten- den, Ottawa, are visiting tbeir aunt, Mrs. John Ahdswonth and nre guests o! Master Michael Jar- ett, Balmoral Hoteh. Bihl Dadson, former Bowman- vil pitcher, hurling fon Peter- aora Marines on Civic Holiday, shutaut Oshawa 3-0 in a Sr. "A" basebahl game. Mr. and Mns. S. R. James, Non- mian and Douglas, Mrs. N. S. B. James spent the weekend xvith MIr. and Mrs. E. L Oliver at Loon Lake, Apsley. Mrs. Fred Nelles, Miss Helen Nelles, Town, and Mr. and Mns. Howard Nelies, Belleville, spent re weekend at Sudbury with Mr. and Mrs. Harny Symons. Mn. and Mns. Ted Rogers and aughter. Lorraine of Toronto, wre weekend guests with bis rother. Mn. and Mns. Robt Rog- ýrs, Liberty St. Mn. and Mrs. L. J. C. Langs, Bothwell, we rn town aven the eekend and visited Mn. and Mrs. [orley Vanstone and Dr. and [ns. R. G. Cowie. Mn. Robent Nçble bas returned rom a six day Saguenay cruise. bis is a return trip between To- >nte and Bagontvilhe, Qupeec Fishing at the Har: Attracts Anglers 7'/2 lb. Pike Lande For the first time in sev ye ans, fisbing in the harbou Bawmanville Beach bas been cellent witb the biggest caec date being a 7 1_' lb. pike. QI nearly thet size have been pi, out fnequently by local fisher standing an the veniaus wha or using vaniaus types o! cra Word of the gooci fishini spreading througbbut, the dis and aeimost eveny evening, fift more people will be founci ing their luck casting andi i îng. Amang those who have]1 mast reguhar are Frank Boti 'Josh' Stacey, Bill Sleght, Depew and meny othens. Roy Needs bas been daim- land-office business et the Ca wbcre be rents boats. seils and takes pictunes o! the suce fui anglers. The First Year of Saunders Wheat Saunders wbeat was license( 1947 andci frst distnibuteci for ci mencial useý in 1948. It came fi a cross mai:1 e in Ottawa betxvet Hope x Rcwand hI brid and TI ciher. Saumîdors is an earl'yi turmng, stçŽm rust, andi loose si resistent v'anietl , developeci ares whcre eariy maturity importa nt. At the Urne of hiccnsing o 252 bushels of seeci wene ex able. This quantity wes incni -d that summer under conti at Beeveriodgce end Lacombe. cnop of 5,700 bushels of seed harvested and distnibuteci ta fermons andi growers in Ceni andi Northprn Alberta. Meny b drecis o! farmens were disappoi ed, as the dermand was fan in cess of the suppiy. To make seeci stocks go as fer as possi nat more than six bushels gnowen xvere ellrwed. I* xviii be recehleci that spring of 1948 wesx'em-v late. inany ai-cas the season reinait caid andi wet until June. Farm were unable ta seed until late May andi some did flot geta wheat seedeci that season. spite of tbese drawbacks, it is timeteci that approximately 10 000 bushels of Saunders wene hi vesteci, sea s J. G. C. Fraser, Ci eai Division Centrai Experimen F'arm, Ottawa. Reports receix'ed from aven per cenît o! the gnowers of Set iters wxheat indclaeteci that th .vere xveli pleaseci with their fi 'car's experience with this ni ve-iety They wene impness w'ith its carliness and yieli mbility under nether adverse cc litions, andi considereci it a ve promising x'aniety. A number1 narked upon its ability ta nes dnought, shettermng, and fnost, ei its,s uitebîi;ityý for combine har'eý ing. A funther distribution o! abo 0,000 bushels ta 1.300 gnowe aao kpiace in 1949 from the Dor inian Experimental Stations Beaverhodge, Laconbe, and ME fort. Saunders is flot being recai mended fan the "Open Plain ireas o! Saskatchewan and Mar riba, but a limited distribution mmie 3,600 bushels ta 625 ferme 'as made in the northenn sectioi )f these two provinces in h949. TI Dominion Experimental Statmoi Aere unabie ta suppiy aven 5.3( )ersons who applied for seed bi a s expecied that those who wi yrow at an 1949. shouici be able1 neet ail demands fan seed mn 195 The restits ta date indicate thi sunders is definitely weii adap Id an the Peace Rmver area.1 aitabîhity for the Edmantor ,acombe enea and for parts( irtbenn Sioskatchewan is indice di but further triais are require o establish this wath centamnty, Steps are now under wav ioduce Foundetion and Ehi tock Seed o! Seunders at 01 wa. Wben available. the distr iltion o! Foundation Stock See ii be handhed by, E. C. Staee .iperintendent. Domimor. Expe: lentai Station, Beavenlocige, A] erta. ar t mt W , nt gr ta PI e 'w -il Young and old together numbered :or 120. The service took the !onm a! a Quizz on July's study o! ife in the time a! Jesus. Sucb a de- Iightful in!ormality penvaded the d whohe meeting that outsiders f elt tbey had been admitted ta the venal charmed efrele. r at Three-quartens o! thETint iex- Church Ladies' quartette most, ýta kîndly came down ta show their bhers interest in aur efforts. They pro- .lled vided the highigbt o! the seasan's men music. Tbey wvene Mrs. Stuart rves R. James, Mns. O. Richmond and ft Mns.ID. R. Aldread who gave ig isan unusually fine setting o! stit TH E "Nekrer My God ta Thee," and tyor I sPeciaaly for the cbildren at the tîy-I end o! the service twa negro ,rail- jcflOV E spirituals "Swing Low Sweet been Chariot" and "Nobody Knows reîî, the Trouble V've Séen". A pro- Tom Heeaetenmsatha- fessional mnusician who happen- Her ar th nanesof he t-ed ta be there as v'îsitor when tractive visitons that brightened asked for an opinion on the g a the laWns and beaches aven h oko teti.ue the on sm Civic Holidayv weekend. Our word: "Remnankable." hait embnyo social' editors, Sally and TeSOS htwn u ess- Atiëinne. thank you!Th S.S.ta e ot ' At Bunny-Burroow - Mr. and couple o! weeks aga for belp in Mrs. James Baxten. pnoviding !lowens for the Chape', At El-ti-di-Sa- Mn. Reymond and shut-ins duning this season l. nanr, I., .i.~adMn. a! drought was nob]y responded V.d r. ichrdOt, Bwmn'ta Saturday nigbt by Mns. H. W.t ville . RcadOt.Bwa-Simpson, Grandma Meyers, Mn. At Laf-a-Lot - Mn. and Mns. John Martin and the Barnicks ci in Gardon Bunkhant and Judy. Mn. who brought a basket a! Geon- m-and Mrs. T. H. Coppin, Miss Doris gian Bay greenest o! greens and ýrm Copper. Oshawa, witb the Mc.-1SUmmer laurel. en aTavihes.The Squire o! "'Back - Acres" ha- At Gale Cottage-Mrs. J. Slater M.C .Rbnwe ede a-andi Lvnn rbturning ta Torontoi attention ta the impnovement in me- after seven weeks' holiday. the seats o! the benches, failed fomutis el-r.adMs ta mention the many other aches At DWn.Mcay DcJ-Mn.n Mr.s he had had as bie pulled utSIX- * jWm. Wcay.aJr.. Mn. and Mrs, inch spikes fram the ohd ouncmt Humber Summitt; Mn. Duncan fral os )nly 1 MacKenzie, Mn. and Mns. Adam Next Sunday Mn. McCantney ail- McKay and Ray. 1 takes aven again himself, bis ýu b- ~es- At Happy Hutcb-Mr. and Mrs. jeat being "The Land of Migb t-, nact Charles Mount, New York, for the Have-Been.' Mrs. George Han- A weekend; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. rap will be in change a! the S.S. wes Sweitzer, Bill, Jack and Cari, 887 New York, fon August. tral At Chequens -Mns. James A. The Harmnless, un- Walker. Mn. Ted Walker. MajorN cesr Poi ma I ýint- and Mrs* Coney, Susan and Peter, e sar Poie m ex- ahi o! Lambeth.j the At Petunia Lodge .- Mrs. J. A. (by Joseph Lister Ruthedge) bhe Carlton. Mrs. Hall, Mn. and Mrs. Few pensons have any great en- per G. Smith with the W. H. Carh- îhusiasmn for policemen. in thel tan's, main the public attitude toward the At Summerhaven - Mr. and them is a iice mixture a! awe and In Mrs. T. Pannish and Dianne. Miss distaste. That probabt r esuits icci Phyýllis Genge with the Simpsons. fr fm an occasionally mihrnb rush ers TAt The Ehms - Miss Helen with themn resuhting in Snnoyance in bhornton, Mn. Jas. McCantney and inconvenience. We reahize aySr., Mn. Jas. McCartney Jr., with that a parking ticket, or an argu- In the W. S.McCatney's, ment over stop-lights is nothing e- At the Corner Cottage -The le colour aur whale attitude, so 00,- fifth genenation o! Stewarts ta we fall back on aur necoihection o! an- caime ta the Bawmanvihle Beach the record of Police States, witb 1-are here for August. Mn. and thein Gestapo, their Ogpu, their er- Mrs. Jas, Stewart, Mn. and Mrs. Brown or Black shirts. tai Len Stewart and son Jimmie. It nemairis for us ta nememben At Braeside Cottage-Mn. Thos. howeven i'at if police power can 60 F. Martini, Nonanda, Que,; Mn. become dangenaus, it is not be- un- andi Mns. Jack Dunn, Bobby and cauâe o! the aggressiveness o! the hey Jemie, Bowmanvilhe. police but because a! the laxness rst The ladies tria which sang at or venality o! the people. A Police lew the Sunday service o! the Chapel- State neyer emergéd from a ne- ed an-the-Hill wene entertainéd by tion whose actions are determined ng Mrs. Howard Pickard, Braeside by the thinking of its people, but on- Cottage. onhy !rom those wbo are ready ta ery At tbe Harrap's - FamniIy ne- delegate private responsibilities. ne- union o! the entire living ToI- That being sa, we migbt cansiden ist bunst family. Frances E. and the relation o! aur own thinking ind Mns. Arthur Holman, Toronto; ta the police power. g st- Mns. S. D. Deans o0f Morpeth; There ià the attitude that as- Mrs. A. Bawen, South River; Mr-. sumes that the rights of the crim- ut T. G. Tolhurst, Moose Jaw, Sask.; inally-minded are o! marc conse- ers Mns. Harrap was formenly Ev- quence. than the rights a! the ave- rn- elyn Tolhunst. rage citizen. Therefore frequentiy at A brîght spot o! the mid-week when the pOlice pawfer arnests eh- was one o! Mrs. Bihl Cariton'à cnlnminals, mawkish pubhic senti- deight!ul evening partiço in hon- ment und1oea the work. There is ni aur o! Mrs. Hall and Mns. Jim the belle! that the police should Is" Carlton, visitons fromn Toronto. be on the side tbat we personaily ni- Albert Simpson is reiaxing at favour. Theretore thein use dur- a! Summerbaven a!ter a 2.250 mile ing stnikes seemns ta us ta establish rs spin on bis motarcycle througb a partiality toward one side or )ns te States ta Virginia and the ai'other. Now pohice have no 'h Canalinas. rigbt ta adjudicate the rights and ns Mm-s. Enz o! Cedar Crest ne- wrongs o! any issue, Their bus- ,)ponts the arrivai o! ber finst iness is ta maintain orden, ta )ut gnandchild, Linda Canai, another make law effective, ta pnotect jîl great-granddaugbter for Mn. A- pnoperty and persans, and ta as- tbent Bail o! Poplar Lodgc. Sure a&l catizens the orderiy en- * *joymnent o! their rigbts and pni- 0. The Chapel-on-the.Hîîî viheges. That la truc, wbethen it When Mrs. Carlton ioaded with the law they pnotect is ta assure Dt- hymn sheets, S.S. papers. regis- everyone under ail circumistances ts ter and satchel o! odds and ends undisput.d access ta bis home or ,n turned ta the Chapel Raad she bis job, or wbetber it assures the 01 found bier £as ahead o! lier worken in bis legai nîght o! pick- i- grouped around a gaily painted eting. ed windnîiii designed and made by The use O! Police power bas no- '.Mn. Kennetb Hopkins of the Base thlng ta do witb the wisdom, im- ta Line. Donny Green. anc of the partiality or justice of ]aw but te youngster who aiong with the aniy with its enfoncement, with tothens had dug into bis uavings as little violence as is necessany ibank made the presentation o! it ta maintain it. No anc iikes bigbý- d and an envelope containing a banded police tactics, and evcry- Y, couple o! buis ta pay flor coid ane recagnizes that police, being r- drinks on ber way ta Halifax [buman. wi]l samnetimft overstep iIner, were guestz of Mrs. F. C. IIColmer. Mrs. Fred Hellyar and. daugh- Iter are vacationing with her uncle, Mr. Harold MeBean, Brig- den, and also visiting friends in Port Huron, London, Lambeth and United States. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cator and son Bruce, Windsor, were guests of his mother, Mrs. F. Cator. While here they had a family pic- 'nic at Cobourg and Orono. Mrs. Cator is returning to WindsorI with her son for a visit. Mr. A. W. G. Northcutt had the honor of being appointed a GrandI Steward at the annual convention of the Masonic Grand Lodge held 4n Toronto last morîth which of- fice carnies with it the designa- tion of Very Worshipful Master. MiArlySureyWestern aHosas Mhisy Sudrey Vestornandsissl Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ven- ton. Miss Venton bas just re- turned from vacationing at Hall's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Worden, Connie and Judy, and his sister, Miss Irma Worden, Weyburn, Sask., have motored here from the west and have been visiting numerous relatives in Darlington Township while guests o! bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pickell at Ebenezer. Mrs. Wïdter Woolley returned to Bowmanville on July 22 after ail enjoyable trip to the Old Cotintry. She left on May 16 and flew to Preswick, Scotland and from there travelled to Blythe, which was ber former home. She aiso visited Somerset, Bristol, London, Kent, Chatham, Lincoln- shire and Yorkshire in England and then back to Scotland to spend, a few more days at Blythe. Raspbuiry and the border of Scotland before boarding the plane at Preswick for the return journey. d Check Your Summer Needs Il Gaing away? Be sure you look after every need in advance. Check this list for things you might overlook. YouhIl find theni a]] at our stores at economical prices. SUNGLASSES GRANTLI' 31.00-S1.953-etc. POLAROkn $2.50 POLAROID SPORTGLAS $1.95 AVIATION TYPE .J.5up SOLAREX - --. 59e to $1.39 6-12 Inseet Repellent 59# Tantoo Repellent Cream .57e Velvetta 622 Repellent 49e Black Leaf "40" 33c-95c-S2.15 Green Cross Fiowcr Spray .,. 30r-90e S6.72 - %8.121 - --- -- ---------- $11.76 1 - -l --- -- ---$14,56 ----------$2 2 5 Up f IDASAL 200's Reg. 89e VITAMIN B-1 Frultati'es ..25c-48c Reg. 37e .---.----------23c Siendon Tablets -- Dodd's Kidney PF111 Mllburn'a H & N Pl Hy-Pa-Cidq. Nature's Remedy2 SI .00-35.00 s .,...,,49e illa ... 65e 12.00 l3c-45c-89c 300 Tablets, Reat. 79e . - ------- PENETRATING LINIMENT Reg. 45c 33C Ladies' Dresslng Cambs loc Value . -8c 2 for .......15C MERCOLTZED Wax (rcam . . .87e ABSORBENT COTTON Hospital Grade, I Pound --- -- ------73e 49c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX, McGREGOR KLEENEX' If SOPTIR STRONGER 300 tissues 6 3/"~'f x r CHASES RE31EDIES Nerve Fond iKldney Pilîs iParadol .69c-S1.79 43e 43c-Sl.23 IDOL-AGAR. Reg. 79c, $1.59, WITCH HAZEL CLIEANMNG FLUID, .D.A. Brand, I.D.A. Brand, 4-oz., reg. 25e 19e Regr. 25c, 45c 63e-S1.23 59C Health Salt9 I.DA. ENGLISH STY1LE - 1-oz. 59C Buy Today! Box o! 1? 33<te 2 for 65c Your Local I.D.A. R D rugglst We Deliver Phone 792, BATHING CAPS choice af colouns 19e - 45c 60e up FIRST AID KITS 89c - $150 up FLASHLIGHT "Allbright" with 2 batteries Noxzema 5kin Cream 21c-49c-69c-$1.39 Noxzema Suntan Cneam or 011 30e-60e Velvetta Suntan Creaini39e Bridgeport Aer-A-Sol Bombs $ 1.98-$4.98 d-Ter Insert Repellent -.- --59e CAMERAS TARGET BROWNIES -.- BROWNIE REFLEX - DUAFLEX - - ------- KODAK TOI'RISTS a 4th Brama elzr .25c-4gc-95e Location: HOSPITAL CORNER Special Music - Interesting Subjects YOU CA'T AFFORD TO MISS Evangelist; -Stan. Wright Speaking Nightly at 8 o'clock la the TENT MEETINGS Also ChilcJens Meetings 3 pin. Daily in T.zntf SPONSORED DV THE LOCAL RNAPTIST MISSION A.B.S.& C. TABLETS, I.D.A. Brand, Reg. 23e -ý - ------ -- A Young street musiclan iplays te a «efeOn a Naples plazza, whlle his crippled "partner" eoliects the. money. Slghts sueh as this one are common in postwar Itaiy, where iack of proper food and treat- ment is turning many youngsters Into profeusional beggars. To coun- eract this situation, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) la flow providing meais, elothing and medicine ta almost 1,000,000 children and expectant mothers. UNI- CEF is also inoculatlng millions o! Italians against tuberculosis. Canada's Fishermen j iij 7fP e ?s7 Take Million Pounds ,,ewz'. 0f Fish Annually I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ottawa: Canada's fishermen ________________________________ take more than a billion poundsj of fish annually from fishing kinds of fish swarm. Something Combines Increcise grounds which are perhaps the like 200 million pounds of salmon most extensive in the world, ac- alone are taken each year. The In Eastern Canada cording to an article on Canada's canned product is known through -____ commercial fishing industry. ap- out the world. pearing in the July issue of the Looking inland, Caniadian lakes In the ten years, 1939-1948, the Canadian Geographical Journal. contain more than bal! the fresh. number of, combine harvesters in "Harvest ot the Waters," by water of the globe with white- eastern Canada multiplied by Lorne Manchester, a writer em. fish, lake trout and pickerel - mare than le times, to reach a ployed with the Dominion De- ta mention but a few species - partment of Fisherieà, gives a in plentiful supply. Haîf the total of 6.637 in 1948. The pro- broad picture of the industry ta- catch cames from the Greatj vincial break-down of that total day, the problems facing it and Laktes. shows Ontario with 6,187, Quebec the steps being taken through Ahl in ahi some 70 kinds of food with 260 and 190 in the Maritimes. scientific research, conservation fisb includîng shelhfish are land-In13.tewo feaer and development ta salve these ed by Canadian fishermen. Cnada939. toleof! est4r1 problems. But the fisherman reaps a bar- Cnd oa *Li!e for the men who reap the vest about which very little was That is impressive pragress, but harvest of the waters is fraught known uritil a few years ago. The there are stili twa threshers to with hazard, whether they are very nature o!fîfsb existence in every combine in Ontario, and 25 engaged in gill-netting fo al- deths hidden from the human per combine in the Maritimes. mon, trolling for the swift alba- eye poses many baffling prob- In Quebec. where there is a smal cor tua. inefisingforccdor ems Caadas sientiss hvegrist mill for eveny five farms, coretun . lne- * shi g f r c d o le s. ana a's sci ntits avethere are 160 thre ghers for every spearing swordfish. been able ta probe into the pri- cmie Thus Canada's fishermen have vate lives of fish but there is cmie developed inta a sturdy race of stili much ta be learnt before Combine problems In Eastern individuals, inured ta cald wea- the guesswork is e liminated from Canada have been in harvesting ther, bitter winds and rough seas the fishing industry.1 lodged crops an seeded landr- and capable o! working cheerfuly Detailed knowledge of the1 green weed infestation, storage of under arduous conditions, habits o! any species of fisb as damp grain and forage seeds, and The fact that the Bay of Fundy, a prime requisite if adequate con- the recavery o! combined straw the Gulf of St. Lawrence and servation measunes and efficient and weed seeds. other Waters contain more than fishing methads are ta be adopted In areas where combines are four-fifths of the total area o! the ta obtain a annual steady yiehd mast firmly established in east- lantic gives some idea o! the ex- The lobster and the salmon dergrowth from forage seedings tent of Canada's fishîng grounds fishenies are excellent examples bas been eliminated by seeding on the East Coast alone. -Between of what can be done to reduce down a! ten harvest. The dame 250 million and 300 million the element o! nisk, the author grain problem has been Improved. paunds of cod are taken each year states. Ranking high on the best or overcome, by dloser attention from Atlantic waters by fisher- seller list. lobster and salmon are ta the condition of the crop being men from the Gaspe, New Bruns- intensively fished. But conser- harvested and by holding dame wick. Nova Scotia and Prince vation measures and cantrols, grain or seed crops in bags f rani Edward Island. Atlantic hobsters, developed by Dominion Gavern- twa ta several days befare bin. famed as a sea delicacy, form the ment authorities. go a long way nîng. basis for another lucrative fish- towards ensuring sufficient re- Fairly economical recovery of ery, while haddock, sardines, production o! tbe species for a straw has been effected by the smelt, herning, aysters are there cantinuing maximum yield. use of hay loaders. buck -rake.9 for the taking. and straw cutters or by the use On the west side o! the con- Smallest boat even ta cross the of a pick-up balen. but much of tinent, British Columbia bas a Atlantic Ocean was a 14-foot row- the chaff as still being lost. Re- 7,000-mile deeply-indented coast- boat in which Ivar Olseni and covenîng weed seeds tram thé line, Mr. Manchester writes. In John Traynor rowed fnom Bath, combine. nather than spreading the waters off this caast. salmon, Me. ta Le Havre, France, in 1881.I them back an the soi] remains ant balibut, herning and many other 'The trip rok 53 days. urgent pnoblem in ail areas. Friendly, Courleous Service TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO 19c-37e PAGE.qlmrm

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