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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1949, p. 6

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PAGE STX THT CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV~LLZ, ONTAMO ~THURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1045 The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Mrs. F. J. Allward, Toronto, visiting hls neice, Mrs. E. R. spent the weekend m-ith Miss Sa- Rainey. die Brown and visited Mrs. Neil' We are pleased to report that Smith. Mr. H. Rowland is making satis- Mr. and Mrs. I,.eland Keat and factary progress after his ilinesa, daughter Eleanor. Toronto, are although stili confined to bed. visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Davy. About txuenty employees of the Mrs. G. Rassiter, Ludington, Forestry were laid off an Satur- Mich., who recently visited her day, including bath ladies and brother Mr. W. Watson here. men. passed away at her home shontly Mrs. Neil Porter and Shirley after her return. We extend sin- are visiting Mns. Oliver and Jirn cere sympathy. at Bobcaygeon. Mr. J. G'Ifillan. Montreal. visit- Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch visit- ed his mother Mrs. J. J. Gillfillan. ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole, nean Mr. C. Gamey's mother, Toron- Port Hope. ta, is spending the summer with Mn. and Mrs. Harley Billings, her granddaughter Mrs. H. Ly- Andmore, Penn.. visited his bra- cett. ther Mr. Carl Billings and Mrs. Mr. C. Wood returned ta Kitch- Billings. ener after spending a week at his Miss Jula Billings and Miss home here. Mrs. Wood and grand- Alberta Laing, Ardmore, Penn., daughter Deane Phasey accom- are on a motor trip and are this panied him for a week's holiday. week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper and Mr. Billings. and Mrs, Ernie Bupon and Jack MNr. and Mrs. George Morten visited at Coe Hill. and Mr. aria Mrs. Everton Staple- Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and ton are on a motor trip ta the west fami]y. Ottawa, visited his par- ta visit the former's daughter, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dun- Muriel and her husband. can.___________ Miss Lillie Logan. Belleville. is visiting Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Nothirî_g but Christianity can 'Mr. Neil Rainey s pent the eventually Fecure the world's weekend in Rochester. peace-Lord Bryce. Mr, and Mvrs. Pau, Snodgrass I man has a right ta be proud and David, Rochester, are visiting of anything. it is of a good action relatives here. donc as it ouglit to be, without Mr. Pope and daughter-in-law anY base interest lurking at the Mrs. McCready. Winnipeg, are bcttom of it. Sterne Nf The George White Avery Mo 4.1 'A' Tractor The Model "A' 's a tractor designed for its impIe- ments -with ample power and, weight ta pull them, thus gîving maximum economy under ail oparating conditions - The buiît-in hydraulies rernove aIl labor frorn fanming. IVe have this tractor on display and %vili ha only tao %villing to dernonstrate Its outstanding performance. A f ulli une of Tractor Equipment is available through us. ORONO ELECTRIC E. Dent Phone 55-r-i Orono H. Duvali G. Duvali SPECTIAL 49e Brylcreem iiec.NMen's Comb FR-.. REVLON SPECIAL 2 Special 60e Lipsticks FOR $1S.0 ('1TEX SPECIAL 39e Polisb Remov'er 25e (utiele Removen BOTII FOR - 49e TONI Home Permanent with Plastie Curlers $2.50 relieve SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION wfth "FRUIT SLT* 590(le980 Kerslake's Sweei Pickle Mixture NO COOKING NO SUGAR 1/2 gai. 20c 1 gai. 35c WITH DRYLCREEM Canada's largest.seliIne hoir dressing groont.d look, a natfurel glooming lustre. Nu GUÏ NO SUA? e NO ALCONOL e NO STARCH HANDY TUBES ... 2Pe, 4 Pint Thermos -----.-----S1.50-$1.65 Qt. Thermos $2.50-$3.50 Gal. Jugs - -- $3.75-$4.2,5 FOR THE BABY Formula Pitcher--------- 75e Glass Funnel .-------25c 'Baby Thermometer ... $175 Rigo Bottles ------ 3 for 25e Evenflo Nursing OuBfit 39c Pyrex Botties.........----25C Battie Brushes -- .--------20e Aqua Seal Baby Pants 35c Snapette Baby Pants --59ec Certif led Health Saits 1-lb. -59e Kkovah Salt.s 29e-49c-79e Andrews Saits .39c-69C Enos Salts - 59c-oge Wampoles Grape Salta -- ---5c-1 - Baby Scales for Reni - PIIONFI 695 'CO WLING'SDRUG STUKLT'USE Clarke Council Sets Tax Rate for 1949 At 35.3Milii Clarke Township Council met Aug. 2 with Reeve E. R. Wood- yard presiding and the fallowing members present: Deputy Reeve -J. H. Lowery, Councillors-A. McKay, J. T. Brown, J. H. Davey, Clerk-H É. Milîsan. The following letters were ne- ceived and filed: Latter of ap- Spreciation fnom Miss Mary Bow- en; Onono Telephone Company: Letter fnom Mrs. D. E. Mellor. Dept. o! Municipal affairs; War- ble-Fly contrai Act; Mrs. Neva E. Little. C. Tarnblyn, H. Best, M. J. Tamblyn and R. Forrester, repre- seating Orono Band, met the Council, and braught forwand tbree major points for approval: (1) That band receive usie o! .Twnship Hall for band practice withoUt coafliction ta Township Hall Rentai By-Law; (2.) That a key ba issued ta president of band; (3.) If financial assistance could be gnanted it would be much appreciated for the pur- chase a! new uniforrns. Aften an open discussion, the Reeve mentioned that fan years the band had been great efforts and accomplisbrnents in music education and appreciation but that little or no public assist- ance had been offened. The Coun- cil funther agreed that this Township bas for years pnoduced a large percentage of musicians who apparently received thein graunding fromn this source. This discussion was fonmally conclud- ed by granting the band free use of the hall for reheansals and also grant $50 ta assist on purchase of new uniforms. A delegation composed o! Mrs. R. S. Johnston and Mrs. F. Gil- mer pnesented a petition compas- cd of names of 90r, ,of population o! Newtor.ville and a bluepnint fan the location o! street lights ithe haîniet. On motion o! Davey-Lowery: Information from Newtonvilie street light delegation is ta be filed and clark instructed ta, fol- low procecdure as laid down by Hydro-Electric Power Commis- 5ian o! Ontario and the Municipal act for applying fan street lights fan Newtoriville. Wm. Riddell and C. Miller. represantatives of Orona Police Village and Onono Chamber of Commence, bnought two matters of mucb importance and long standing before the Council for discussion. Concanning repair and opening of Hanvey Milîson Raad allowance the delegation wene instructed by Reeve that STownship could nat increase its construction this year as the max- jijnum appropriation for 1949 had already been approved by Dept. of Highways. Funther, it was considened advisable for the rep- resentative ta correspond with Dept. of Highways in order that, if the construction could be grant- ed this yean. the Township might possibly realize subsidy. le matteîr 0f ganoage disposai for the Police Village of Orano was discussed and motion passed ta form an agreement with Wm. Armstrong ta use a portion o! his pnoperty fan garbage disposai; agreement ta be dnawn up by R. R. Waddell. Mn. White's side road, located in Old Fishenies Property, was considered for nepain and the actual construction left ta discre- tion of Road Supt. So'Liciton R. R. Waddell infonm- cd Council that report concern- ing a decision ia Madili-Armour cattie poisoning case would not be ready for presentation until Sep- temben meeting. Sum of $200 was gnanted Dur- ham Central Agricultural Sa- ciety for 1949. Ion eply ta Clinton Fanrow's letter o! August 1, 1949, Council agreed ta scîl the Champion Rock Crusher (including any existing parts on nand) ta Mn. Farrow for $300. Council granteil $10 ta Durham County Piowman 's Association. By-Law was passed ta raise the necessary rates in the Township for 1949 as follows: County Rate- 12.2 mills; County School Rate-- 2.3 milîs; Township Rate-13. milîs; Township School Rate- 6.1 milîs; Bowmanville Memanial Hospital Rate-1. milI; Ganaraska Watershed Rate-.7 milîs. By-Law was passed ta levy a Jaynes Culvent . 853.09 2nd payment an Bridges 3rd payment on Bridges The Statesman Sold At Following'Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Nawtonville T. M. Slemon. Enniskiilen F. L. Byam, Tynone G. A. Barman, Hamptan Wm. Hackwaod, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. £. Tynnell, Onono W. J. Bagnell, Jury- & Lovell J. W. Jevvell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. CADMUS Mrs. Bob Vivian is bolldaying with ber sister-in-law Mrs. Bill Vivan at Agincaurt. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna are home fnom Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne McKee en- joyed a trip Sunday ta Bancroft and Maynaoth with Mn. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa, and Lloyd Henry, Bowmanville. Mr. Ronald Williams, Mark- ham, Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Mullen. Oshawa. with Mn. and Mns. Clarke Williams. SOUTH NESTLETON Mrs. Wrn. Rouiston and daught ter Betty, Toronto, with Miss C McKee. Mn. Chas. Briggs. Toronto, witt Mn. and Mns. Lorenzo Mountjoy Mrs J. Farder, Mn. and Mrs A. Pollan spent Sunday in Betht any. Dr. Lloyd White, Toronto, i visiting bis mother Mss. F White. Miss Donothy Bowcns visitec Wednesday with Miss Jean Wer. ny, Enniskillen. Mrs. J. Watson visited ber sis ter Mrs. J. Fonder before nesuir ing ber position with Miss Star Bethany. Mns. Olive Brown is assistini Mrs. Harold Beacack in the carE o! Mrs. Beacock's mothen. We arE pleased ta report Mrs. Whiteai making steady progness. Recent visitons with Mn. anc Mns. Grant Thampson wene: Mns W. H. Johnston, Pefferlaw, Jobr Johnston and Bruce Man-genun Ottawa, Mn. and Mns. Normar Warmington and Jill, Mn. anc Mrs. Milton Fontaine and Mr Ivan Crnrsbenry. Toronto. Mr. Walter Sharpe and M. Robent Riddell spent a day at Mr Sharpes !arm nean Ida. The Tompkins' are at their cottage. Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Gray visitec in Windsor with Mn. and Mns JOHNS - MAN VILLE READY ROOFING 3.-M. REGAL ROOFING smnth surface, 108 sq. ft., 45 lbs.. wlth nails and cernent ..8-- . 2.25 3.-M. PILOT ROOFING srnooth surface. 108 sq. f t., 55 lbs., witb nails and cernent $2.95 3.-M. SLATEKAT ROOFING-slate surface, 108 sq. ft., 90 lbs., wvith nails and cernent $3.69 Colours - Red or Green 3-IN-1 STRIP .ONS - MANVILLN 3-in-i Asphali SHINGLES 8 Colouns and Blends to choose from PER SQ.- $8.29 J-M ROCK WO OL INSULATION is easy io instal Cornes in handy Super-Feit batts that fit snugly between m-all studs or ceiling joists. Inexpensive. BATTS 2" THICK Sc sq. fi. BATTS 3" THICK 7c sq. fi1. "Rolbrik" s 1IN c Red or Buff witb Black Linas Easy to Apply ROL - ----.-.--- $2.35 DON McGRE GOR HARDWARE CO. Phone 386 King St. W. th Y. s. -d tI. ig 'e 'e is id 'S. in n, in 1d r. -r . ý r AIr. and Mrs. iueben Ashton, .d part Hope, Mrs. J. Kennedy, Mns. 's. R. McINeil, Enniskillen, at Mn. -Leslie Gnaham's. SMn. and Mrs. Jack Potts and ai ]y, Mns. W. Martin at Mn. Walter Oke's, Enniskillen. Shirley Rester bas retunned ta, Toronto after visiting Marlene' Ashton.* Mn. and Mns. Lan Bradley and amily. Hampton, at Mrs. Herb Bradley's. Mn. and Mns. John Maek and claughters, Mns. M. Touzel, Mn. Donald Touzel and friand, Toron- ta, at Mn. Jim Hanna's. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Blaad and lamilyv, Mrs. Wm. Conigan, Miss Olive Rankine, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Rankcine's wîth Miss Olive. Rankine stayiag for a holiday. jMn. and Mrs. Art Youngman'ý and family, Tyrnn, at Mn. Frank Denby 's. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Garrard Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Miss Mahel Brown, Toronto, at îVI. E. A. McNeil's. DnHobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bak and family, Oshawa, at Mn. Dlan c 'sw BueBlack Mn. and Mrs. AI! Richards, -Mn. Lloyd Richards and Donald, Sa- lem. at Mn. Cccil Siemon's. Mn. and Mrls. Frank Moore, Malvenn, Mr. and Mrs, Caci iRahm, Union, at Mn. Alymen B eech 's. Sevenal irom here attended the Legion Deconation Day Service at Bowmanville an Sunday. Chunch Service will be resumed again an Sunday at 7.30 p.m. W.A. will meet at Mn:. Chas., ýGanrard's on Thunsday. (Intanded for Last Week) The Community picnic was! held at Onono Park on Saturday afternoon. About sixty sat downj ta a well laden table and enjoyed a deliciouq suppen and ice cream.! Aften supper a prognam of sports was held, the winnens beiag:- Beginners Race-Canal Black- b urn and Eddy Ashton; Junior girîs-Lynda Potts and Ina Beryl1 Read-Junior Boys-Bob Rich- ards and Maurice Richards; Wheel Barrow race-Bruce Black and Ganth Olesen; Cbild- ren's race.-Carol Blackburn and Katie Olesen; Young Wamnen's rc-Vivian Cowling and Dora Black: Open raca.-Vivian Cowi- i ng and Jean Tomns; Man's Nail ID ivng-Russell Gilbert and Jack Potts: Women's Nail Driving -Mns. A. Read and Mns. R. OIe- sen: Womnen's Walkin race-Vi- vian Cowling and Mrs. R. Rich- i ards; Men's Walking Race- Lloy d Slemnon and Henry Ashton; Ladies Snoe Kicking-Mns. T. Cowling and Vivian Cowling; Men's raca-W±lbun Blackburn and Clayton Read; Needle race-1 Mn. and Mns. Jack Potts and Mn.1 and Mrs. Ross Richards; af ter the: sparts mary aenjayed the league game of football, Orono versus; ITynone, which was played at the park. Mn. and Mss. Chas. Gannard at- tended the Mauntjoy family pic- nie at Hampton Park. A very bad wind storm swpt things thnough hera Friday after- noon doing considemable damage; and upraating trees al aven the, place. Mn. M. Bentrim's was ap-. panently bit the wonst as it tare lange hales in part af the roof on his harn. Mn. and Mrs. Don Carr and family with relatives at Codring- tan. Fnankford and Bighton. Mns. Sulas Trewin, Toronto, at, Mn. Cecil Slemon's. Mn. and Mn:. Donald Mountjoy,j Jan and Lý oda, Mn. and Mns. An- drew Launie, Toronto, Mn. and: Mrs. Andrew Stephenson, Grims-i oy. Mrs. Jean Jenkins and Mar- i garet, Edinburgh, Scotland, at Mn. Frank Denby's. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Locke and son. Part Hope, at Mr. Leslie: Graham 's.i M.Elwyn Dickie, Cadmus, at; Mr. Dan Black's M.and Mrs. Cecil Slemon,' Mns. Silas Tnewin at Mn. Tharnn Mountjay's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Corrigan,, Mn. Wm. Cornigan, Miss Olive Rankine, Toronto, at Mn. Chas. Rankine's. Eîgbt ta tan weeks is the aven- Sage life af a housefly. Jack Gray and attended the boat races. Weekend visitoYf with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray wdre: Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Chadwick, Beatrice, Patay and Bobbie, Cookaville, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Nakoff, To- ronto, Mn. and Mrs. Marshall Maltan and Mrs. Anna Clark, Kincardine, Mrs. Clarke ia ne- maining for a holiday. Workrnen are busy putting up a new fence around S.S. no. 5,1 Cadmus. Mn. and Mss. A. Pollon, Tre- benne, Man., are visiting bis sis-' ters Mrs. J. Forder and Mrs. J. Watson. Mn. Wm. I. teacock wbo bas held the position af Clerk of the Township of Cartwright for the last forty-foun years. has ten- dened bis resignation, effective the end of the year. We under- stand Mn. Beacock will continue ta carry on bis othen clenical work. Mn. and Mss. Dick Davison, Margaret and Douglas were in Oshawa. STARK VILLE Miss Helena HaIlowell, Toron- ta, spent the weekend at bome. Mn. Percy Farrow is improving nicely aften bis accident. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Halloweil and Jackie were in Toronto. Jim Stark sold .his residence here ta people from Welland.. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, NeWttonvilie, visited friends here. Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson were in Port Hope. Rev. and Mrs. Bunt are enjoy- ing holidays at their cottage at Rice Lake. Mss. Bertha Raid and Mns. J. Reid, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs, W. Wood. HAYDON \ Y.~) Customers, Corner < A P advertisements anc designcd ta hielp you do your food budg-etingr and f ood shopping. This means tliat tlley must l)e both informative andi accurate. We flot oilv list Ille cor- rect price of each item ; but %ve see ta it that information regarding grades, sizes, brands and x arieties is hion- est information in everv w av. And x-'bile it is bard ta an- ticipate consumner demand, we trv ta stock adequate suipplies of each advertised itemi. If at anv tiîne ou should find aour advertisemnents con- fusing or misleading. or If the food or service in aur stores shotuld ever fail ta lîve up ta wliat we sav ini aur adi,. we banc xou wIll let us know. Please write: Customr Relatiens Dept., A&P Food Stores, 13.5 Laughton Ave. Toron ta, Ontario EVERY ITEM PRICE -MARKED TO MAKE YOUR SHOPPING EASIER RIGID INSPECTION GUARANTEES A&P FRUITS - VEGETABLES NOW AT THEIR BEST-QT. BOX SOc ELUEBRRIES Buy Them By The emeh 36 ORANGES No. 1-344't >OZ~230 New Crop Duchese Fresh Palv APPIXSDomestic Grade v~uanve mported Freui, Verdelli 4 in Celle 5 V ILEA'AANS No. '"' k * CELERY STALKS No. 1Pasal2 bl.19e -~GREEN PEPPERS Large Sweet N. I1oa&eh 54 k COIN VelIow Sweet No. 1 Don. 35e 1' POTATOES New Crop Ontario Ne.1 10 Ibo. 29e NOW AVAILABLE AT LOW PRICES: NATIVE CROWN CANTELOUPE, YELLOW FLESH FREESTONE PEACHES, AND PLUMS. t - .- -_________________ TOMATO SOUP ANN PAGE FAMOUS SLICED WHITr MURK BREAD A & P CUSTOM GROUNO DOKAR COFFEE ION A TOMATOES - ANN PAGE FAMOU MAYONNAISE- FRENCH'S MUSTARD 6-oz iàr 10c WELCH' GHAPE JUICE 16-or bîl 21C 32o. bt 39c 11-ox Min toc *24.ozi 1l2c lb *54C 228-o: tins 29C - S Sonjar 19C CREAM STYLE CHOICE COINK REAL VALUE DOLOGNA OKRN A & P CHOICE PITTED-NEW PACK RED CHERRIES NEW PACK RASPHERRIES HI DOLE FANCY PINEAPPLE JUICE A & P CHOICE CUT WAX DEANS - MAKES DISHES SPARKLE CHECK THE TRIM 0F VOUR MEAT AT A&P. NOT ONLY DO YOU .llI ~ GET THE BEST THERE IS BUT MORE FOR VOUR MONEV AS WELL. BUY CANAOA'S FINEST QUALITV. RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF DONELESS ROUND STEAIK or RGAST lb 69C a 2 20crz tins 35C 12 oz tin 29C a 1S-o tin f21C )ICE 15-o orîn 29C 2 20cr ltins 35C 2200oz tnsZlc 3 c giant pkg 66C BLADE BONE OUT RLUDE ROAST FIRST 5 RIS PRIME RIB ROAST LAM LEGS*' LAMB FRONTS MILK FED GRADE "A"-4 TO 5 Ibs. ROASTING CHICKENS SIDE BACON SIE SMOKED SHANKLESS POIK SHOULDERS PEAMEALED lb. 49< COTTAGE IOLLS MAPLE LEAF lb. 55e SLICED DOLOGNA lb. 69e SKINLESS lb. éàeWIENERS SFRESH OR SWEET PICKLED lb. 55ç 01 TONGUES 0OHE Ilb, 59< SALMON STEAKS F RESH l53e COD FILLETS lb. 63e *lb. 32< l b. 42o - b3S4 * lb. 554 b- 290 f(UT-UP CHICKEN BUY THE PARTS YOU LIKE BESI luLegs, Tk qIs and Breasts lb 89c Wings lb 49c N<s Md Backs lb 33c S.S. N. 9, larke Hope she willbe better soon. arnongst us. ad Holiday with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fred and Mr. John Pisk attended Miss Lynda Gibson bas been Rice and April at "Sandhurst," the Decoration Day Service at visiting her grandparents, Mr. and West Beach, Bowmanville. McRae's Church on Sunday. Mrs. Art Gibson while her par- Mns. Gea. Barchard spent Civie Miss Claramnae Fisk is holiday- ents were awvay an holidays. Holiday atU "Rusty Nook" with ing wlth her aunt and uncle ini Miss Helen Turner has been Mrs. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Law. Trenton. Fred bas juat returned visiting her aunt and uncle i son at Bowrnanville West Beach. from two weeks' holidays with Lakefield. Mn. Calvert Banchard and Miss his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Misses Arvilla Brunt and Wan- Doris Lawson, Toronto, with his Russell at CarnPbellford. da Malley spent a week's vacation mother. Miss Marie Kent spent two at a cabin near Fenelon Falls. On Mr. Alex Ritchie has been trans- weeks with her aunt and uncle the weekend they motored ta ferred ta this sectt)n on the C. inl Oshawa. Kingston and took in the Thous- P.R. sa is living at home with Mrs. Frayne and son Don, Osh. and Islahd cruise and report an his family. awa. with Mr. and Mrs. Bob enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pedwell and Kent. Mrs. Wallace Gibson, Gerald Doninda spent the long weekend and Russell visited her parents, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Henning in Osh- Mr. Dennis Gibson is staying N IL awa. with bis aunt. Mrs. Fred Bowen,____ Mr. W. Henning bas completedwhiewrigiNecsl. r.Egr ecott the lovely' new addition ta Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. Joan and Wilbert Smith's, Toronto. and Mns. Wallv Gibson's home. Fiance, Toronto, spent part of the MranMs.TR.Bw nan Mrs. Bih lluln has returned xveekend at their home here, Rihr.Banni Mrs. T. R. Bow- n home with her new son, William wbile on a week's mnotor trip to man, Blackstock, at the Bow. Hugh. Congratulations Bill and Montreal and across the border. man's. Eileen. The finst corn roast of the sea- Allan Cunningham, Toronto, is We are glad ta sec Mr. Roy son was held at Mn. and Mns. vstn at W. Pascoe's. Bnanch out and about. Expect Wally Gibson's Saturda., night.vstn bim in ta sec us any time niow. Evenyone enjoyed it and hope i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. To- Mn. and Mrs. Bill Barchard and is just the beginning. itonto. are visiting at Talmage Mrs. Barchard attended the mar-1 Pedwell's and Barchard's were Tayisloro'L$.Wîbisvst nJage and reception of Miss Mar hreshed out before the first of MiC aFmrlLe WiTisvs tha Belch and Mr. Don Budd on Ags n eotafi rp Miss Ruth Prescott apent her July 30 in Grace Presbyterian Turners and Glennevs started but balidays with relativeâ iL Cburch, Millbrook. Miss Belchl the nain hindered finishing. We orest and Palmerston. was the former teachen at No 9 yar. * mnhaea fls A. J. Tambly, Mr. *and Mrs. school. Best wishes from the 1 I ýJîm Tamblvn and family. Mr. cammunity to Mr. and Mrs. Budd No. 9 Ladies' Club met at the an r.Iio Tmln nto who will make their home on alhomeaod Mrs. WavGbsnon 'i adMs. rln Tamblyno, farmn at Dale, near Port Hope. Thursday night. Despite the coolMran s.FnkiTmby Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson, weather anly a few turned aut. and Bobby ,Hamilton, at Wilfred Bill and Mary have retunned home e ope everyane wi]l get busy Bowman's. after an enjoyable holiday tour- on the next bazaar in November. Mrs. Milton Samis visited w'ith ing northern Ontario and the One of the main items discus§ed her sisten Mrs. J. C. Webstes, To- States. They called on Leslie was the changing of aur club's ronto. wha is working up north. name. It was decided on "The Mr. and Mrs. Fengus Abernethy We are sorry vta lose Mr. and Sulent Sisters." No comment, and family, Oakwood, at the Mrs. Don Bernard front aur dis- please' Next meeting, Sept. lst, Samnis homes. trict. They have moved ta Orono. ab el tMs.Bn' +-e Don Samis and Miss Alice Misses Doreen and Donna electian of afficers will take Dua.Ms ayClTrn Youngblutt, St. Catharines, age place. taI, at Milton Samis'. holidaying wîth their aunt ard Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glenney 1 uncle, Mn. and Mrs. Ma urice Ped- have received thein Dutch couple Compound interest and advér- well and cousin Barrv. and litle girl Nellie. We welcome tising are veny similar; the longer Sorry ta hear Mrs. Harold Ped- them ta aur community and hope they are continued the betten the well has been under the weather.1 they will make their home re!zuits. mow THE CANADIAN STATZSNffl. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO ' THLTRSDAyý AICGUI«T il, 1949 PAGE SM 3 M 'al, @ .-J 1 . ,

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