TRV ODAY, AtTGTJST 18, 1949 Demaonstration Guelph, will look after the land. Lk hrCak To Modernize Farrn Women' Institute Branch of the ~ ~~î OtroDepart.ment of Agricul-'Mran Mrs. Glennie ce; Doe n, Single Day ture, wll have charge of plans Winnipeg, Man., with Mr. andj Durham County farmers will lower portion of the farm home. Mr. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes with be interested in the one day pro- Premier Leslie M. Frost and Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear, Eliza-I gram that wili involve complete Col. the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Mi- bethville. "f'ac-lifting" of a farm which is nister of Agriculture are both ex- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Turner, flanned for September 8 on the pected to b.e speakers at the for- Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. farim of Heber Down, two miles mal opening which takes place at Chas. Alldred. west of Brooklin on Highway 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Sam Powell and family Seven. Sa that everything may be car- with Mr. and Mrs. Don Coulter, It-- will be Canada's first soul ried out according to schedule, Downsview. consevation and farm improve- much preliminary work will be Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred ment field day and activities will done in advance. and f amily with Mr. and Mrs. begin sharp at 9 arn. The unique A large audience is expected to Keith Ormiiston, Bowmanivîlle. uridertaking is sponsored by the be present for the unique dem- Mr. Jack Laverty, Oshawa, Ontario Crop Improvement Asso- with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell m inco-operation with theosttin Mrs. A. Pethick, Toronto, with -0 Department of Agnicul- Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams e, Ontario Agricultural Col- Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, lgOntario Department of G aa te e Mr. T. M. Couch, Timmins, with Lads and Forests and the county rnsG o rp Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. crop improvement associations. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Bedwin H'oward Harper of Goodwood and family with Mn and Mrs. H. is general chaîrman with H. Registered and Certified seed S. Taylor, Courtice. Lynn Fair, Ontario county Agni- are seed stocks graded by an Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neal and cultural Representative as secre- Inspector of the Plant Products tamil:, Bowmianville, Mr. and tary. A large and representative Division, Dominion Department Mrs. Ken Pallett, Dixie, with Mr. committee is working with these of Agriculture. Each container is and Mrs. Bill Lake. two- individuals. labeiled with an officiel tag and Mr. Alf Brown visited his mo- A hue fnceof orkrs îthis sealed with an officiel metal ther Mrs. H. Brown at the Queen mechanized equipment wiîî as-se. Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto. sembJe on, the Down Farm and What are the advantages of Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Butson, the day's projects include fence such seed to the user? They are King, Ont., w1th Mr. and Mrs. Aif row renoval, contour pîowing, many, for the gnower of the seed, Brown. divrson terrace construction, onl with the inspector guan- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Clarke, drainage improvement, manure ajitees:*- Toronto, Mrs. J. Baskerville and st=ae barnyard improvement, (a) Pure as to variety as deten- Mrs. Middleton, Newcastle, with pitigthe barn and other build- mined by the recorded ped- Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. ings: and strip planting of fail igree and by inspection of Regular bi-weekly meeting of wheat. the growing crop; K.S. and C . Club met at Mrs. Gor- Not anly wilI ail buildings be (b) That utmost care bas been don Martin's Aug. 3, with a record b repainted but the grounds will be taken while it was harvest- attendance. Discussed this and 1 kitdencompl nes eul ndnie ed, stored, processed, to pre- that,,mended some socks 'n stuff Y( kian cmped eces rmebi ad e vent contamination; and generaliy cnjoyed ourselves in An al il e on i te (c) That the seed has been with a deliciaus lunch, the chul- a single day.' cieaned very thoroughly to dren being served outsidc on thee remave practically ail im- lawn. Had a lovely afternoon. a The huge unciertaking has beern punities and gràded to uni-tr carefulfy planned and is beiflg formn size. and that if is W et ild1oo doile ta show Ontario farmers free from noxious weed h a YelsGod w maefhods and practices they can seeds; w adqpt on their awn farms to pre- (d) That the seed has a safe East Needs Rai da vent soul erosion and maintain percentage of germination; Milk Production Low W] fetility and productivity. (e) That the seed is grown from di!___ Actually what is to be donc in selected stocks and is safe Wheat yicld hae been much foi thèêýone day, would ordinarily re- from the standpoint of dis- better thari anticipated in most fij gire five years. Experts irom ease. acso naitewel rps e OtajoAgîcltra Cl1~e If always pays to use good seed. report, from Representatives of in, the Ontario Department of Agri- rn culture indicates. tlz Haldimand reports that the an- yield is "considerably better than iný flfVA1JT fl'I'I ~anticipatcd" and oat yields are fhý 1111 ANT ,TOB SA E expected to go 30 or 40 bushels wo o the acre. In Middlesex oat hei DON BRYANT, Proprietor yields of 65 bushels are reported ins and wheat 50 bushels. w.l In Lincoln the report indicafes fer wheat yields of 40 bushels to the ai FERG111SO TRAC OIRSacre fromn Corneli 595 and Daw- hui FEG SN TR CO Sn's Golden Complete Line of Implements Now on Dlsplay:- hreshing completcd with excel- MOLDOARDPLOW FIED CUTIVAORSlent yields. Many farmers report inc M OLD OAR PLO S F ELD CULT VAT RS ood crops of alfalfa seed. G rey w ] ROW-CROP CULTIVATORS TILLERS reports 90 per cent of harvesting ahl SPIRE TOOTH HARROWS SPRING-TOOTH HAI,-O1",S completed. w], ï. A much larger future acreage in TANDEM DISC HARROWS HEAVY DUTY MOWERS o alweti nia dpat-e SOT.SOOSCORDWOOD SAWS caily everywhere in the province. Th( «Corn is repart cd to be making tim - PHONE WHITBY 2250 - phenomenal growth" in Lincoln a 1 49caunty and Norfolk says "«corn moi neyer laoked more promising"l. nesi _______ Norfolk also reports the tobacco aloi __________________________________cnop f0 be heavy.A ____________________________________________________ In Eastern Ontario there are stoe reports of cattie suffering from whi lack of pasture. Yields in harvest- disl ig in Carleton County are said corr VikingEliectric Hammermilli obe vfhiappinin.Dundas ta promising are detcniorating from stau day ta day". Pastures are also ne- mar ponted pon and milk is falling dey New and revolutonary- off. tain Glengamry says that "thus caun- wif( this direct drivEè' Hammer. ty is suffering from the worst in- acfr festation of grassiioppers in his- ani iii saves power, time and tory." Yicld of oats have been trist reduced from 20 ta 40 per cent "suc effort. Overload and ther- because of the grasshoppers. pafi Y )Grasshoppers are reported an I mal cut-outs give double the increase in Grenville County, char whulc Leeds says that "supple- wife 'Protection to the 1 HP. mentary feeding is necessary ta ren walmost ail milking herds."1 unpi inotor.Prescotf and Russell report pay motr.that ±armers are hurrying their lowz harvesting in onden to cut down meai Grids ran o côn t a avrae cst grassiiopper menace. More nain ate n Grin s gainor crn t a avragecos li neded or ornandpotatoes. cd t of 1 cent per 100 pounds Temiskaming ln the nonth ne- hypr parts that since the bumnper crop ber of -ohay was harvcsted "the wea- so OROr.uErEITRIwug: n has been a little more necd 1catcby". Fali wbeat harvesting (4) Phpne 55-r-i Orono bas resulted in some excellent bier. yields but pastunes are badiy in iki E. Dent H. Duvall G. Duvali need'0f nain and milk production her lis neponted ta be "failing off It THE CANADIAN STATESM!AN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO U.N.'s International Tubercnlosis CamPaign, protecting the health of the rlsing generation, reaches Into a Czechoslovalk town te 'vaccinate this boy agalnst TB. Soin. 100,000,000 youngsters are te be tested and those foimd Untouched by TB vaccinated. 'Dog Day Stories BY Lewis Miligan If bas been said thaf the line befween comnedy and tragedy is 'erY thin, but thene arc many instances where there is no Une and the twa gef mixcd up. An xample of this was containcd in arecent news item wbich toid a tragic stany of a mamnied couple wbo had falien-out aven who Eiouid wash the dishes. If is a oeil known fact thaf - for a few Jays, at leasf - the bridegroom nui insist upan wasbing the Ilshes, affen which hie becames ess and less insistent, and finally ngets about if or nemembers haf be bad forgotten ta attend ta rnmetbing cisc. But the couple nthis case werc nof newly- narnied, and if might be assumed bat the husband had na langer inY eager desire fan dish-wash- ng. If might also be assumcd .at the wife, weary of the slaps, ïouid gladiy hand aven the job ta ýen husband. But no; they each sisted upon doing the dishes ithouf any assistance or inter- r2nce fnom the athen. Thene was violent quarrel, and wben the usband proceeded fa do the job, ce wife, in a buff, wenf upsf airs .d shot herseif. On the face of if, tbaf is an iredible story; but if is nof the iole sfory. The couple prob- ily bad othen fallings-out aven ,o sbould wasb the dishes, and onden ta avoid tbcm. had decid- ta buy a dish-washing machine. he machine bad arrivcd just in mie fa wash up the dishes affer house party, and-tfle husband, ore ouf af curiosity than kind- ss. insisted upan apcrating if one... Another ncws item tells the *ry of a matrimonial smash-up hich had natbing ta do wifh bhes - except that anc of flhc iiplaints of the busband was if bis wife sIcpf uinfil noon and Shad ta caf bhis meais in a ne- urant. The couple bad been rried aniy two monfhs, on the py aff cm the husband bad ob- ried a divorce from bhis first de. The wife was a screen tress, 23. and thec busband, 53, infernationally-known psycbia- st who was famous for bis ccessful freafment of mental tienfs with music." l'lie docf on sued for a divorce, arging that bis Young actress fe "refused toalalow bis cbild- fat visif thoir apartmnent, used mintabie language, nefused ta y housebald bis ouf of an al- vance," and would not cook bis als. In a cross-suit for separ- maintenance, the actress cbarg- the doctor wifh: (1) Tnying ta pnotize hen. (2) Trying fa drive .insane. (3) Attempting ta ift ber with a bypodermic ucl for experimentai purposes. Threatening fa tbnow acîd at (5) Knockins, hem down and king ber. (6) Refusing ta give .an automobile. twiil be noficed thaf the ac- ;s did not accuse the doctor of ing ta tame hem wifh music. .profession bad probabiy dered bier immune ta the rms thaf soothe fthe savage asf. Affer frying in vain fa iofize ber, he resorfed ta mare tic treatmenfs, and in desper- ýn finished up by kicking fthc int. She couid hardly cxpecf Sta give ber an automobile rthat, alfbough if miglit have rthe best way ta get nid of Ai of which gaes ta shlow psycbiafnists cannof cure nselves, much less an intract- Swif c. et anothen news item, which :1 fan a big beadhine in these lays, told the story of a ed argument bctween den- and psychiatrists an the ques- of tbumb-sucking. The den- affirmed that fthc chuld wbo .aowed ta suck ifs fbumb wil vup wifh a mis-shapen face. Psycbatrists, an fthc ather . contended thaf f a child Heres fuller, richer flavour. Here's day-long, vear-round smoking satisfaction. Swing over ta the cigarette that aever tires vour taste . ia the batanced biend you've been Iooking for; TrY a week with Winchesters and Vou'il wan:ta atay wfth thern for kecps. To TBCCSWi nchester VIRGINIA CI GA RETTES SURLEY TURKISN is forced ta get ifs thumb out of its mouth if may feel fnustrated and wind up with psychological troubles. If scems the argument estanted aven a pamphlet issued by 'the Department of Health af 0f- Ytawa, wbich advised against us- eîng mechanical means fa stop nfhumb-sucking. Health Minister Paul Martin was appealed ta, but the Department stuck ta its thumbs and said if was "prepared ta stand four-square an ifs thumb- sucking views." If migbf be a good idea ta have the whole mat- fer thrasbed ouf af the next meet- ing of thec United Nations. THE PERENNIAL BORDER Pail is the time ta prepare the gnound for the perennial barder. It looks besf placcd aiong a boundary af the lawn with a back- ground of shnubs or evergreens. If sbould be where if wiil get pIenty af sunshine and same pro- tection from the prevailing winds. The majarity of perennials should be planted in the spring. Iris and peanies, however, are best maved during Augusf and eanly September, and many other perennials may be planted a little laten. No protection oiper than snow is necessary. In situations where snaw blows off the barder, brush may be used ta hold the snow, but usually, such a spot * 7oday we Lire i*ný a G'reâtor Canada SHIIIRLEY Bethel Sunday school picnic was held lasf Safurday, Aug. 6., af Geneva Park, Columbus, and was very well attcnded. Perfet weatber prevailed and formed the background for an enjoyable af- ternoon. The attendance was flot as large due ta, the facf thaf three thresbing machines were in op- eration in the community. Several enjoyed 'swimming while other interests tumned ta bail playing. The cbildren espec- iaily found the games and races rnast entertaining. Later in the day the ladies dis- playcd a weli-laid picnic supper About fifty people.saf dawn and ail joined in singing "ýGrace." Whcn appetites wei-e satisfied and fables cleared evcryanc found time for a friendly chat with old and new friends. We hope everyane will belp ma4re next year's events as suc- cessful as this and special men- tion ta those whose efforts in the churcli wark are responsible for organizing and canducting the games and races wbich resuited as foliows: Girls and boys free for ail, 8 yrs. and under-Rabent Duff, June Fowler. Age 8-13---Sinclair Robertson, Betty Moore. Boys, 15 and under--Sinclair Raberfson ' Tommy Duff. Bean race, 8 and under-Rabent Duff, Jack Moore. 8 and aven- Jean Bray, Joyce Grah~am. Ladies' shoe kicking race-jean Bragg, Betty Moore. Gents skoe kicking race--Robt. Duff, Tommy Duff. Slow Race, 8 and under-Mary Lau Robertson, Jackie Tripp. 8 and aver-Harvey Grabam, Tom- my Duff. Bail Throwing, 8 and under- Jimmie Fowlen, Jackie Tripp. 8 ta 12-June Fowier, Jack Moore. Boys, 12 over-Hlarvey- Grabam, Sinclair Robentson. Girls, 12 aven-Jean Bray, Aleta Steele. Gents-Melville Lambe, Roas s Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mahaffy and famiiy, St. Marys, with bis parents af Purpie Hill. Mns. Rcbent Coates and ber father, Mn. C. Wilson, were in Brooklin guest of, Miss Mary and Mn. Bill Martin and thein sister, Mns. Vancoe, Toronto. Misses Aleta, Wiida, and Muriel Steele, Jean Toms, Joyce Ven- nings and Betty Lambe, enjoyed a maton trip to, Lake Simcoe and Balsam Lake. Miss Mary Gnaham, British Columbia and Mrs. Lamne Duff wcre suppen guests of Mr. and Mfrs. Ross Duff and Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Grabham on Monday. Knots in pine logs are almosf NAR VIN, HOLLENDERG OFFICE HOURI Monday to Saturday - 10 &.m. teo 6p.m. Ciosed Wednesday Ail Day - EVENINGI BT APPOINMENT - 22 DIVISION ST. PHONE 2024 Th,re is a field for almost anything one can think of, .- and anvone w ith a %villinanvss for bard' %vork lias a goo)(IChance to achie 've sBucccss", Bays Donald J. Oee «cpedb Smith, President of Ilornet Industries Litnited, Osc oispsfdb IlorVet Industries Lirnited, wvhich was founded in 1915'. lias in this short tirne achieved remarkablc success in the rnrnufaeture of chain saws and combustion engines. More than haif the production of the plant reaches markets ommside Canada. From a staff of only a half dozen mininii 19-15, Hornet Industries Limited bas expaudcd to three plants in Guelph, employing 296 workers. te gwo4 a mu rruizalu hy Cumd 1CuisPMI' , PAGE MN thh L liheOn Who'f. p o vorlok Jlathau, lni tht Public Owners? main, the public #edyowns -these corporations. This publie i Jose ,h ist r R tle ge> it ls set enough on if, can dia,. <by oehLse uld) charge management and operbte t One of the favorite themes of the businessea themamive. ,ifor the socialistically-!ninded ls that their own benetlt, which ia juat the ownership of usef;ji under- what the government promises ttakings by private individuals to do for tnemn. The shares of somrehow manages ta change mast businesses and Industries of their chanricter and make them the kind are on the open market. reprehensible. Tbey would trans- you and I can buy them mad fer the ownership ta the public. ahare in the profits, when we wiUl eWhat fhey overlook, of course, is and ta wba tever extent we wlll. thaf the public, that is just you S u l e o n r h p h t i and teardisposses them ould sgovernment control and direction, adlyeta aur bosensteit. dsimply ifleans that goverment has hardy b toour beefi. 1 decided ta take aven the busi- According ta the taxatian sta- ness that your individual thiif t tistics there are in Canada some and .nergy and faresight have 45,00'0 individual primary pro- made of value. On it means that ducers, farmers, fishermen, hunt- the secunify. you have tried ta ers. There are 92,000 individual provîde by securing a part owncr- proprietors of businesses, and shîp in same large business wiii twenty thousand professionals. ln be iessened by the gavernment's addition ta these 157,000 admit- determination ta distnibute bene- tedly private undertakings thaf fits for which you have paid. did w eiI enough ta gef into a fax o ur m n , t e S a i ob i bracket, there are prabably as ae o kaurm ,ter tati den ori mnany mare individual under- icaate t o aiindientoer- takings that didn't do quite inapal, ifs old anuteven, pr-l weil. If is bard ta se wbcre the baps,tifs azy.put tif isnhandar peaple as a wbole would benefit obh gtheta putthem oa n epr- b avng gavemc n Butteyae gyand fgresigbt have made ach- nve ygowene anBtathis wate levement possible. These are the pthel acaîif i aun aais ht. public owners naw. Shail we diè- the ocilis isargung gaist. possess them for the benefit of the These same sociaiists, of course, ineffectual and the ne'er-do-weli?. would prababiy say that whaf _______ tbey are talking about are the large, pncfit making corpora- Colgate Clock in New 'York tions. Tbey propose ta take these b arbon, with an iliuniinafed dia] aven and share the profits, if un- 1 38 feet in diameter is the largesi der the cincumsfances tbere wene edock in thec world. 1 là . - -- qu lEtES EXAMINED GLASSES m D