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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1949, p. 6

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- -------.-----------.- - -- - -- - - -1 - * **4 I JJJ . T 7rJI AV' AU Tr? R' ltai --.8 Miss Grace Bellamy, Montreal, visited hem grandpanenta Mr. anc Mrs. Loftus Bellamy. Mr. and Mns. Ross Corbett, postmaster of Smiths Falls, speni two weeks with Mm. and Mmm. Percy Tamblyn. Since Mn. Tamb- lyn was also on haidays they enjoyed motor trips to Midland, North Bay, Haliburton district, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hess, Wind- son, and Mns. D. Nugent, Oshawa, wero guosts of Mr. and Mns. I. J. McCullough. Mm. and Mns. Geo. Wade, Mi- mica, and Mm: O. Macado and family, Dartmouth, N.S., with Mm. and Mrs. Jack Wado. Mn. Charles Janvis, auditor for Canadian Canners and his wife, Strathroy, called on Mn. and Mn:. T. Enwright. Dr. and Mns. Jack H. Haro and Susaîî Jane, St. Thomas, spent a fcw days with bis parents Mm. and Mrs. P. Haro. Mrs. E. A. King, Mn. Reginald King and Mns. Rhinehart, To- onta, weno Sunday guosta witb Mn. and Mrs. P. Haro. *Mna. Sam Smith, Newtonville, spent a few days with Mn. and Mns. Gea. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Caldw-ell and Newcastle people are in for a real troat Saturday cvening, Aug. 20, when Dr. L. B. Wiliams, a former President o! the Durham Club o! Toronto, will present in the Community Hall hore, a Technicolor Rcview of Durham County's Centennial. Particular emphasis ini this program of coloned vi ews will bo given ta the Newcastle district and Lake On- tario shore. An inkling o! the de- hightful cvPning ta ho expected will be found in thia issue in a repart a! an entortalament given rbY Dr. Williams at Williams' Point, Ceesarea. last Friday even. ring. Sa don't fail to be on band Satumday night. bring the whole faily, fan it will ho an occasion o! local histonical significance long ta ho remembened. The on- *totairiment is unden the auspices * !Newcastle -n.thelake Rate- payera' Association. KENDAL li.Elmer Patton s: visiting hi: sistens inPeterbono.. Af.Bb Alexander, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Miss Joyce Bunbey visited rela- tves at Newtonville. Miss Helen Selkirk, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. M. Robinsan. Mn. and Nr. Jack Glaver andi family. St. Thomas, accompeniedi Mrs. Dalington homo Saturday and attonded the Newtonville Deconation Day Services, 1 Mr. and Mn:. Lamne Martinell, Loula and Betty, were holidaying1 at week.1 'About 45 ladies of Kendal, Shi- ioh and Newtonville W.A.'s heid1 a veny pleasant, thaugh s.howeny,1 picnic Wed., at the summer cottage o! Rev. and Mm:. Bunt at Rice Lake. whene they jounneyed viat Bunley's Bus.1 Due ta Rev. Bunt being an his t holidays nia chiurch service bas been held la Kendal these past two Sundays. However this Sun- day evening a graup of men fnom the Christian Business Men's Associationî o! Oshawa, are bey-i ing charge o! service here at 7.30. Kendal bard bail fans .iaurney. t j ed by bus and car ta Jaretvilles Friday evening ta support thein 9 team in the second gamne o! the play-o!fs between the north-and c sauth beagues. Janetville got the E early lead this time again, leading iv 10-4 et thii-time. In the lest two innîngs Kendal were getting inta si their stridoeand the Lame ended k 12-11 in favor o! Janetvilîe. e, Kendal bas had no ain o! much value since Ju]y 9, we just watch- C ed the showers pass around. The a tempenatures have been la the a] UOs and anc day close ta 100. tl However, . Thunsday we were lucky and gat a reml down-poun h, o! nain which has revived tobacco ir pastunea, gardens, etc., to somne extent.L Some a! the to>bacco farmers -M have started priming, while oth- N ens whose tobacco ha: been stand- in,, still or burning will ho later a, as thein cropa are turned a dank G green atter the ain and are Mgrowing. - PAGE SrK 1hem two aiters, Toronto, Epcn, d Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Gea Smnith. Miss Donothy and Master Lau- t rie Stapîcton spent the holday îwith their aunt Mns. Gea. Smith We are sorry to leann that littie ï Glenda McMullen 's in the Sick Chlldren's Hospital in TorontU but are glad ta hean she will be home agaJi real soan. *Mn. Harold Hoar, Toronto. -spent the weekend with his moth- en Mrs E. C. Hoar. Miss Betty Gray and Mn. Busteî Harris, Chesley, spent the week- iend in town. Mrs. Harris, Tilley, Gerry and Boyd, who have been nolidaying with Mn. and Mrs. Alf Gnay, returned home with them on Sunday. Mrs. L. Deline bias retur.ed aften spending a wcek with hon sisten Mns. Anchie Riddell in Shon- 1bot Lake. Mrs. Ed Fniedlanden and Dean, Toronto, have been spending a few days in town. We are glad ta hoan that little Carol Gibbs, daughten of Mn. and 1Mrs. P. Gibbs, Queen's Hotel, who has been in hospital is well again and visiting hon grandmcth- or in Mimrico. We are sarry ta learn that, Mns. J. Scott Howard la ili in Toronto Hospital. We ail wish ber i speedy recovery. Newcastle Ladies Softball Club didnt fane so weli when they jaurneyed ta Newtonvilie or Sat- urday. It was the last semi-final i play-off game between the two teams and Newtonville came out on the top o! a 11-8 score. Congratulations ta Mr. and MnIs. Ted Hoar, the proud parents o! a baby girl, borri in Bowaîan- ville hospîtal, Aug. 15. Mrs. Gea. Stephensdn, Mrs. .'rrna nuthven, Mý-rs. Irene Dut - ia.-, Mr-. R. Dickinson, Mrs. G'. Waltoî.. Mrs C. A. Cowan, Mns. John Rickard, Mns Cecil Fergu- s on, Mrs. Ken Wenry, Mns. Aus- tin Turner, constittited the local de.'bgation w-hich nttende& the Eastenn Star Cor.venticn in To- r on ta. aRev. and Mrs. W. W. Pattenson and infant son visited Mrs. David Drain, Peterboro, Barbara, John and David emained home wilh Miss Margaret Patterson. Miss Evelyn Allun started ber holidays this week and pians ta spend a fcw days in the States wlth Miss Agries McNab a! Co- bourg. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MacDonald, Toronto, wcne gucsts o! Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bitton end Neil. Congratulations anc in orden for on their upper schooi results which woro pubiished last week. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Chris Barchard on the binth o! their little daughten in Bowman- ville hoapital an Aug. Il. Little Misa Elaine Pow eilI. luch .fnom the study book, by s J. A. Johnston. Miss BenYî nmer played the iovely instru- rital "'Glow Worm"'; Mn,. C.j Il nead an &yticle on World ace. )ut-of-town callen, at the Roc- .v included Miss Brown, Place- ýnt Supervisor, Girl's Tnaining lo],. Cobourg: Mr. and Mms R.; ciestone, Sudbuny, and Mm. The Newcastle Imdsp.mdozd ' Mu Margaret Aah Lakeshare, has been viaitirig hem sister Mrs. Jack Crago. Mrs. W. H. Gibson has returned home after anl enjoyable vilt with fniends ini Meilord. Misses Dorothy and- Laumie Stapleton, Newtonvlllo! holidoyed with their aunt Mri. Oeo. dSmith. Sommy to hear that Bill Storka is in Oshawa Hospital for an op- emation. Wc hope ho will be an- ound again abon. Mrs. Chances Warren, Seneca Falls, N.Y., is visiting Mn. and Mns. Ross Dickinson, M ns. Y. W. Cowan and Miss Odie Warren. Mms. James Campbell has been vîsiting ber daughter Mms. Fred Thomias. Mn. and Mmi. Bert Coldwell, Mms. Browa and Mrs. Harding, To- rennto, spent the weekend wlth Mn. and Mmi. Gea. Smith. Mmi. Beatrice Thonr.s is hall- daying with her son Rev. Lamne Thomas st Iroquis, Ont. Little Alfred Alldread, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread, had a narrow escape Manday ai- ternoon. Alfie was pushing a wheelbannow acros the No. 35 highway when he was @truck by a passing car. Thanks te good brakes and the driver's cool head, Alfie escaped with only bad brui- ses and a goad shaking up. How- oves, the wheelbanrow which me- coived the brunt of the crash was smashed ta amitheneens. Mms. Sam Smith, Nowtonville. visited Mm. and Mns. Geo. Smith. Mrs. Harold Barwoll and Don-i na. Oshawa, called on Mrs Gar- don Ash and girls on Tuesday. Admission ta Bowmianville Business School for the fail tenm wili be on Septemben 6 and Oc- toben .1. Mns. C. A. Bantlett wilI' give your problems ber careful, personal attention. Sec ad on nage 6.-Ad vt. TYRONE August meeting of w.)4.8. was heki ait ho nie of Mrs. Von Sta&nton. A splendid program, was presented by members of Win One Clams of S.S. The chair was taken by Patsy Phillips. Velma Taylor gave the devotional. Read- Ings were given by Lillian Cole and Marie Taylor; piano soIoà by Marion Wright and Lillian Cole. Patsy very kindly thanked the ladies for invitîng them to take part in their meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Goodman and gro up. Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toron- to, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard McRoberts. Mrs. Wallace Miller is spend. ing a week at Hall's Lake owith Mrs. C. H. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue and Mrs R. Hathcrly attended the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nomman Byers of Toron- to ai their cottage at Bowmanville Beach. Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toron- to, and Miss Yvonne Byam visited Mrs. Jim Colville, Bowmanville. Rèv. Cresswell and family are spending the week at their cot- tage near Bala. Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith ancd Grace, Long Sault, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook. Mrs. W. Wright, Newtonville with Mr. and Mr. Russell Wrlght. Mrs. A. J .Souch, Bowmnanville. Mr. J. Beckett, Mr. Bert Jacks, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. John His and Jacqueline visited at Niagara. Hlamilton and Buffalo. Mrs. H. Couch and Marjorie. Bowmanville, visited Mr. andi Mrs. A. Hifis. Mr. Dudiey Deeley spent a kew iaYs at Wigwissin. Mr. Jack Phare and fniend, G1idden, Sask., has returned home after visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Osh- awa, Mr. Jack Phare and chum, Glidden, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Brent. enjoyed a trip Io Ganianoque and a boat trip hrough the Thousand Islands Mr and Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hampton, Mr. and Mr$. Bert Hawkins, Toronto, with Mr. and M4rs. G. Brent. Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Queens- ville, Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham and Douglas, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright Lnd Marion vislted Mr. and Mvrs. E.B. Cook, Port Perry. Mr and Mrs. A. Huils spent the veekend at Carnarvon Miss Bessie Huis returned home with them. Don't forget the Mission Band 'icnic on Aug. 19 at S.S. room at .30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. L. MeKnight and j hildren, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson nd children, Newmarket, Mr. nd Mrs. A. Hunt and childre,,. slington. Mr. and Mrs. How. r Bagléy, Etobicoke, with Mr. arii Xrs. K. Colbary. Mn. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Burke-i tn, Mr. and Mrs. H-. Hall andi 1rÉ. W. T. Worden with Mr. and Xrs. Stanley Hall. 1 Miss Phyllis Maynard, Mr. 0.Y Andrews, Bowmanville, Mr. andt Irs. Henry Wood and childnen, Long Sault, with Mr. and Mrs. s .oy Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees ind children visited Mr. and Mrs. Rundle Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cation, Toron. ,o, called on Mr. and Mrs. N. Yel- owlees and Mr. and Mrs. F. Yright. Miss Deanna Wills, Toronto, is isiting her aunt Mrs. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shipman, Ayl- h ner, is holidaying with Mr. and a Irs. George Alldread.F Mrs. M. Tabb attended the fun- ýal of her cousin Eddie Prescott 1Bobcaygcon on Tuesday.V About 50 friends gathered at me home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Col- )arv in honior of Mr. Colbary's B rt"hday on Saturday.IV Mn. and Mrs. Ted MeBride and hildren, Brampton, with Mr. id Mrs. J. Cook. John Cook ne- el urned with them for a holiday. Don't forget the Harvest Home Irvices and supper on Aug. 28 nd 31. ai MVr. and Mrs. Hroward Philp. M Mr. and Mr&. R. Gardiner, Nia. gara Falîs, N.Y.. with Mns. E Caughill. Mrs. H. Rahm accompanied Mn and Mns. W. Rahm and Domeet and Mn. and Mr&. S. J. Pedlar t< Salmon Lake for a wcek. Mn. and Mns. Cecil Rahm and Mns H. Ralim visted Mrs.'8 sisten who is ilI in Little Bintain, Mn. and Mnr. S. J. Pedlan, Ta- onta. Mn. and Mrs. George Rahif and~ Ruth, Saintfleld, with Mrs, H. Rahm. Miss Mable Webb, Toronto, with Mn. and Mn:. J. Carter. Isobellp Carton with Miss Bar- bara Coates, Brookln. Misa Jean Coulten and Mm. Wes McMahon, Pontypool, visited fripnds in the village. M ns. Bill Johnston was hostos: ta the W.A. Thunsday-, when a community picnic was planned for Augusi 2.5. Mn. and Mrr. C. Avery at Sain tfield. CADMUS A number tram heno attonded the Black Knight's Walk at Mill- brook Aug. 13. Mn. and AMns. James McKee xith Mn. and Mns. John Green, Omemnee. Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee with Mm. and Mns. Harry Hall, Lindsay. Miss Joyce Larmer and Don Larmen. Toronto. wene home. Mr. and Mns. Tom Pemnigo anîd family, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. David McMullen, Oshawa. Mn. >Ronald Williams, Markhamn, with MnI and Mrs Clarke Williams. Airs. Bob Vivian and babe arc home fmom holidays, Miss Eleanon Pankhunat, Osha- wa, Mn. Gardon Hanna with Mr and Mrs. Bob Vivian and Mn. an; Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Miss Manie Hanna Aras home and attended the Wotten picnic at Oi-ono. Mns. Win. Philp is in Tononto. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Herrick and daughter, Tononto, wvith Mr. and Mna. Arthur Hanna. W.A. was postponed Wednes- day night (en account o! the stroot dance at Blackstock. It will bo at MvrÊ. Norman Mountjoy's, Aug. 24. Mn. anîd Mrs Larmer Heyland hiave sold thîcin fanm. ta Mn Non- mnari Rohre, Nestletan Mn. and Mrs. Hyland will ho mnissed fnomr oui community. We welcame Mn. and Mra. She- milt and famnily, Our new store kooper o! Cadmus. ta aur com- inuiîityý. We regret the lass ai Mrn. and Mrs. Wall, as they have been faith!ul for a numben o! yeans. We ail wish the now-camners the 1l.est of luck. Mr. Samuel Niekleson took the¶ envicea at Cadmus on Sunday with a very good attendance. Mns. Gea). Johnson's two grand-j ýhildnen from Bowmanville spent ýast w eek with theni. BLACKSTOCK Mn. anid Mns. Richard Wall. aving sold thein atone in Cadmus. j ne residing with Mr~. and Mrs. 'rcd Hamilton uîîtil they buiîd a orne a! their awn. ~~M55 Clara Manlow' left last ,vokend with the Sea Rangers an a train trip ta Halifax . Mns. Jtm Harvey, Moncton, N. ., are visiting hen sistcn-in-law qrs. Wm. Craw!oî'd. Mns. Donald iVacKirnoiiî and an Douglas are visiting ber par. ýnts Mn. and Mn:. Richard Stijl - ýon, Mr. and Mns, Harold Swain and lamily, Mrs. Luther Mountjoy ind Vernon McGill wîth Mn. and 1 Ira. Lawrence Mountjoy, Mon- ýanston. Miss Shirley Collins, Scugog land, with Mn. and Mn:. Percy ,ollis. Mnis. George Fowler with Mn.j nd Mrs. Morland Andersan.j ýowma nvi 'le. Mnis, John McKee is visiting ini )shawa. Mn. and Mn:. Johnî Veniîing nd Joan holidayed at Wilher- m>ce. Misses Norma Hooey and Fia- >nce McLaughlin are at Geneva onference at Lake Couchiching. Merlin Baîley and Jack Bnooks, eterbornwith M-s owr Oshawaz ANNOUNCES thc wcckend at Mr. Leon Moor.'à Mr. and )4r. Jack Gibbs ani Michaèl and Mrs. T. Gibbs vlsitd Mrs. S. Mortlock of Ottawa whi was visiting hen daughter Mis Joan Morflock ât Picton. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Wood an( family, Bowmanville, vlalted Mr andi Mn,. Don Davey. Mr. Harold Skinner Je attendin, Belleville Fuir this week. inked the ladies for- inviting an enm ta take elrt. Lunch wag cal 'ved by Mrs. Goodman and oup. Ra Mr. and -Mrs. Otto Virtue ac- ac npanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pency à >,rs. Courtice, visited Mr. and Unr s. T. Findlay, Thornh:ll. at Mrn. and Mrs. Alex Perger and Vi( n. and Mns. Gardon Whitta- me ,and Eva Ann, Hamilton, visit- Pro Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm. of Mlr- and Mrs. Theo Down ami Fa; irýyn, Lakefield. visited Mr. the d Mrs. Russell Vintue and Mr. gri d Mrs. Leon Moore. Billie re- estý rned home with them. duo Mrn. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman Fei 'e retunned home after holiday'. Chi raround Midland Mr %r. and Mrs. George Stephens. Lai ug Brarich. visited Mr. and meý S. W. F. Park and called on Hi] .and Mrs W. H. Taylor Pea Ir and Mrs. Harry Joncs, Mr. ( dMns. J. Goan. Miss Mar:b tor )n, Toronto. with Mn. ana mei «. G. Rosevean. Sci 9ns. V. Million, Toronto, spent Ecc witlî Norman and Mrs. Clemens. Besse Blackbumn; Secnetany- House Warmning And Presentation To Mr. and Mrs. L>yer On Wednesday evenng, Aug. 1lOth, 1949, eMn . and Mns. J. S. Dyer were pleasantly surprised by a number a!fienda who drap- ped ln on them in their beautiful new home in Mill St. The ploasant cvening in the form o! a housewarming, was brought ta a climax when Mn. Jack Wade read a vomy suitable addresa in which the boit wishes o! ahl prosent wore extended ta Mn. and Mns. Dyen fan many more happy years ta cnjoy in their new homo. The presentation o! a beautiful sot o! brasa fine irons was made by Mn. Imv McCuilougb. Mn. and Mrs. Dyen welcomned the guesta and gaciausly thanked them for 'ho lovely gl!.. The ladies served a daintvO lunch ta round out a ven3- en- joyable cvening. Dr. Wilfiams' Famous Technicolor Pictures MHer, Saturday Night AT THIS TIME NEIT YEAR You can be well established in office work, carnlnt a good salary, with plenty of lUme for social activities. Good Secretaries, Stenographers, B.ookkcep.. crs and General Office Workers are uiways ln de- miand. At Bowma.nvilie Business School this fali Mns. C. A. Bamtlett will be ln charge ta give spe- cial attention to Individual problems. Appiy now for onroiment September 6 or October 3. Dow manville Business School 152 King St. East Phono 4.34 Kerslake's New Sweet PIckle Mixture 1 oiSi ue No Cooking - No Sugar Tn pnCre For Beets and Cucubes Cosubination Kit------------ 2.79 1 gai. -.35 q Faii-.2 efis 12 ArdDEODORANTS .95 -- ---------------- Etlcauet .39-.59 ~W W V Fresh ----'.9-.59 DULLNESS e SICK HEADACHE ACIO INDIGESTION«* CONSTIPATION Vt 1-3-5 CAm SHAMPOO Preili ------ .29,.59-.89 Rayve .33-.55 * FRUIT SAIT" Toni ----- 33-.59-.95 Trelli ------------------1.00 *I i* Hudnuts Egg Cream -- 1.25 Helen Curfis Egg J Shampoo ---------- -- .69 1Certited Engiih Style Health Sats, 1 lb. RAY FEVER RELIEF Allergltabs -------1.00-2.50 Estivin ---------------- -- 1.19 Razmnah Caps .60-1.25-5.00 Lantigen E ------------- 6.00 Gluco-Fedrin .85j Duke-Fingard Inhalator - ----- 7.95 Inhalit ..75 Pnivune Noie Drops 75 CiBies Nerve Food.6-1 Alka-Seltzem -, .29-.571 Bryreem ..29-.49 Tangel for Burns .65 BR glui NaMU NO $ou eNo ALCOI! HANDY TUBES ... 2 -------- - .59 ýET AHIAD WIIN RYLCREEM Canada% rdreshlng @ives wemmd look, a naturel ot 0 NOiYSTCH M2 0I FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER Beaufiful rich oriental rug reproductions will be given aw- ay ahsoluiely free to the lucky custorners who place an order for the re-upholstering of a suite of furniture. These lovely 4' x 6' rugs are irnported direct from Bel- giurn and corne in a selection of colours and patterns THE REGULAR VALUE 0F THESE RUGS IS $22.95 EACH HERE'S WHAT YOU DO- Cail Oshawa Upholstering Company-Oshawa 3344 and let us send a factory trained specialist to your home to qive you a free estimate on your job. Remem- ber you are under no obligation. With every suite we recover you receive absolutely free a lovely 4" x 6' oriental rug worth $22.95. HERE'S WHAT WE DO- Pick up and deliver without charge - old covering and f illing removed. fiames repaired, reinforced and show wood polished. New webbing and sprinqs replace old. Ail new filling used. -Covered in your choice of fabrics from a selection of hundreds. Two week's delivery. Every Suite Carnes a Guarantes ACT NOW- PHONE Oshawa Upholstering Co. OSHAWA 334 Baby Scales For Reni PHOni;pCOWING'S DRUG STORETRSE à. Crawford, COPP.rcllff; Rov. BEmni Toronto. id Sigston, Kinmount, Rector-elect Blake and Mrs. 0k. were Sun. fC of St. John's, Bowrninvlle, and day guests at the Arnott home, 10 Mrs. Eigston; R.ev. and Mrs. J. T. Maxweills. gs Hooton, St Phillip's Church, Ha. Norman and Mr#. Griffin were milton; Miss Lily Phîllipa, Toronto Stinday guesta with Mr&. ,fE. dEastern Schoal of Commerce and Hutchinga, Kedron. her sister Miss Edith Phillips, Mrs. After a pleasant month spent John Hoilman, Girls' Worlc Sec- with her parents, Mrs. Gardon retamy of Diocesan W.A., Miss Mantie ana little daughter,~ who IMuriel Jackson, Deaconess, All were joined by her husband for Saints' Church, Toronto; Rev. two weeks, are returning to Nova and Mrs. George Nicholson with Scotia on Wednesday, where her Mns. Nicholson' mother and sis- husband is stationed in the R.C. ten who arc visiting Canada fmom A.F. On Tuesday Doneen cele- Lincolnshire, England; Mns. J. brated her bîthday with her Ewing, Diocesan W.A., and Mr. parents, also Anson a.nd Mrs. Ewing. Phair. The many friends of Mr. Gus Oke, Toonto, will be orry to hear o! his being confined in Toronto nCOURTICE Hospital, having suffened a heart 0____ attack while holidaying at hua Evenng uxiiar me atthecottage on Lake Simcoe. Evdn u iiay m t a h Miss Galbraith, Detroit, Mrs. 9home of Mrs. Herb Nichais with A. Pinch, Oshawa, and Mm. Willie an attendance of 18. The meeting Pinch, Cleveland, visited Norman was in the form o! a pot-luck and Mrs. Griffin. supper and was served about 7 Mrs. Howard Spring, Windsor. o'ciock wtien ail that could be is hoiidaying with her mothen, *desined was On the table and Mns. Robinson, and also at the much enjoyed by ail. Commîttee Cedric Robinson, Cecil Adams, in charge had plans for gaines and Fred BaIson homes. which ail îndulged in later, and Sorry ta report Mrs. Ella Bal- *were followed by the business son not enjoying too gaod health. carried out with Miss Ann Hait Ail hope for speedy improvement. sin charge of the theme "The Spirit Mi. Henry DeMilie who has -of Jesus at Work", and was closed tuhta inSho o ut by Prsidet, Ms. Mir, ome time, will take over as Prin- W.M. Society met in Ebenezer cipal at No. 8 Courtice, when th" S. School in charge o! Mns. Esli Faîl tenm opens. Oke, Mns. Alan Down and Miss Bob and Mns. Countice have Margaret Pollock. Devotiona! moved into their new home west was conducted by Mrs. Blake of Countice. Countice and closed with prayen _______ by Louise Osborne. With Mrs.tPV~~ si Oke as leader, assited by STARK1VILLE Mrs, Sam Vinson. Mrs. A. J. Gay and Mrs. Il. F. Osborne represent- nfrlJobson Sr., Penny Sound, ing three German and twvo Cana- is xisting his son Mn. AI! Dob- dian ladiez. we wene eminded of son. the great need for food and cia- A number fnom hene attended thing fan overseas work for the the picnic at Rev. and Mrs. Bunt's many homelesa and hopeless, who cottage. axist toda ' Workens try ta e.Nf, t Miss Beulah Hallowell, Torop. as much self help as posible %vith ta, with Miss Normna Hallowell. the slogan "Many have sacnificeci 'Mn. and Mrs. J. Elliott, Duns- aIl, You ought ta sacrifice some- fard, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. thing". A special collection wil] Dobson. ~oe taken at the Sept. meeting for Shiloh W.A. met at the home of food pancels and members wene Mrs. Carl Todd. Mrs. Ewart Ro- remin,ýsd about missionary binson wi's iin charge o! the meet- nenewals. Meeting was closed by ing. A fine lunch xvas senved. President Mns. Gay. Mn. andi Mrs. Stan Falls, Toron- Courtice gil-s' softball team ta. with Mn. an-d Mrs. Llew Hallo- pla3-ed the finst game o! the i well. nas Monday night at Mui's field. Miss Helena Hallowell, Toron. Having won from Onono in the ta. spent the wveek at home. semni-fînals they now have New- Mrs. Rusk, Part Hope, xisited tonville to play. Score was 12-5 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. iin favor of Countice. At the Gladioli Society show' n Faor1 euin Aug. 12 held at Petrboro, Ms. a iyR u on Gardon E. Osborne obtained eleven finsts, thnee seconds and FOLEY PICNIC four thirds. mceiving the T. Eat- The fourth animual pienic a! on Ca. Tnophy for mast points [lie clesendants af tho late Wal- sconed as a special award, also ter and Ida Foley was held on the Canadian Gladioli Society cup Agý tOoo akwe for the best six spikes o! differ-. u u t 5 a n n a k w e nt vaieties. rittle Miss Lynda labout 40 members enjoyed a Oshone lsoobtineda frstanahearty supper and visit togethen. scord n lothed unir secîandAften suppen, races and a poaiîut seonderin2t0eJinietin.hescraniblc were cejoyed by th e Ther wee 20 ehibis i th0 1children. Prizes were won by Ir- gladioli show, camprisiîîg 2,00 wV1n Colwell, Bobbio Blackbunn, spiks. CngraulatonsRavmiond Twist anîd Shinlie Cny- Miss Ph.yllis Adams has netunj- dermail. Mrs. Bort -Co1weil won ed aftEcn a pleasant weck speflt the lucky'spot prize. w ith relatives in Windsor and De- Presideîît Farewell Blackbunî ~noit.conducted business and these of- Mn. and Mrs. Fei-gus Kinsrmaîî. icers %vere elécted for 1950: Hon. Mns. G. Trevail and Alan and Pres-Ennie Foley; Past Pres.- Mrs. Trevail, were SUnday guests Farewell Blackburn; Presidoint- I 1 ru%ýrui3j le, judu e r Et 3.-M. ROCK WOOL INSULATION fI easy to Instal Comem iln handy Supen-Feit batts that fit snugly between %vall studs or oeiling joists. Inexpensive. IBATTS r TIIICK Sc sq, Il. IBATTS V THICK 7c sq. fi. DON !McGREGOR J HARDWARE CO. Phone 386 Ring St. W. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING CO, 8 Church St. 333-,Wýý Miq TEM CANADL4x STATESM". BOWIL&XvrLtýr. ONTAMO 1 Wilbur Blackbu.rn; Trois-Mis. Clarence Bel-Sport Con=~.- Mr. and Mns. ed o1ley. The Proaident called for a mo. ment of silence lnn memory et Bert Colwell who had passed. away sudcienly several weela previous. Also missed were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn an~d Anne who now reside in Edmnon- ton, Atla. Guests included Mrs. Fred P. Foley, Rocky Rilver, 0hio; Mms. J. D. Stevens, Ma ple Grave, and Mrs. T. Cowling. Haydon. "Cedar Grain" Asbestos Siding SHIN-GLES IVithout obligation let us show you qamnples and igive y ou a Fret Estimait WaJls of Beauty that neyer grow old Fortified gaalnst: FIlE, WEATHER and WEAR Ceédargrain Stdinjt Shingles are made of asbestos and portland cernent. CANNOT BURN The walls of your home can now have maximum beauty and fire protection ivith minimum upkeep expense. Per SQ.- ------ - ----- '12.95

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