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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1949, p. 10

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TUE AXAf!AN TATX2i. OWMAVULE O~TOO ?URSDAY, AUt7ST 11m leu f'ALE TERm&Mý-- -- The Newcasili We were very sorry to learn of Jean Robinson's accident ]ast week. When Jean was trying to help lier mother one niglit, herd chickens into the coop, she trip- ped and fell and broke lier wrist. We hope it will lie out of that cast very soon Jean! Mr. and Mrs. John White, To- ronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albiert Naylor. Mrs. Fred Adair and Mrs. Ted Belsey enjoyed a motor trip ta Orillia. While there they enjoyeci a cruise on Spanrow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and famnily are being moved to the Ontario Training Scliool at Bowynanville, whene Victor will be in charge of farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and family and Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Mvc- Cullough and family holidayed at Fenelon Falls over the weekend. Master Albert Graham has re- turned home after liolidaying with friends in Campbellford. Glad to hear Bill Stonks is im- proving after his openation in Oshawa Hosptal. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. WANTED Young Women for Rarvesting Peaches, Plums, Pears, Appies, Grapes, To- matoes and other Fail fruits and vegetabies. Accommodation In Farm Service Force Camps August 15th - to - Nov. 15th Campers must bring bian- kets, sheets and piliow cases For further information write- Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street, East Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices>- Dominion-Provincial Farm Labour Committee Go By Train to the TOR ON1TO0 Canadian National EXHIBITION August 26 to September 10 LOW RAIL FARES From Bowmanvilie $2A.25 coach Good going Thunsday, Aug. 25 to Saturday, Sept. 10 inclusive. Return Limit-Sept. 14 Full information fnom any agent NEW NAN LEAGUE PRESIDENTSY TO ARRA.NGE LEAGI Trophy wil be alven by without one for annui compet NOTE-NO INCREASE IN BOWLING PRICE Watch Nexi Week's Advertisq Vor Opening Date Geo. El] WAR SURF 24 DIVISION STREET 1) A1 ALL COLOURS INTERIOR $3.25 pi Army Boots Reconditioned New Soles a d e Special $3.95 Blankels Army Special $3.95 Men'. Gabardine PANTS $6.95 BOMAVLL ac EL s i hi oldsworth,Osa ,Mran OW NVLE vicinity is til el up by thc LCTRIC Mns. Bruce Lunney, Bowmanville, tobacco being nat yet sufficiently W at Havey Harris'. matuned to cure propcnly. It was Mn. Raiph Davis and Mn. Wal- I N -T held b ck.byte dou adW IR IN G ter Parninder are beautifying GUARANTEED grow. Priming in general is We are glad ta report that Mn. :R EXTERIOR about two weeks later than last J.Cnuckslank is impraving nice- ycan, whicli, with a possible mid- House and FÇarni y from lis illness. ami1September frost, could be serious Mr. and Mns. Gea. Poster, ar gaon for the tobacco growens. WJjrjng Belleville, Mns. Tennyson Pere- GENT'$man, Misses Eslie and Mary Dyer, TheT'5 're m n t1PI Columbus, Mn. Gardon Hoskin, .L.~ LAL1~OUUUIJULAPole Linos and Aiterations Harmony, at Mn. Lamne Hoskin's. E~xpanlsionlE Misses Ethel and Lille Gilbert, AtFloi ng Stores____ Toronto, at Mn. RselGlets Bracelets Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Harris stiluselDyer's Drug Store, NewcastleRAGS WSER and Billy visited at Mr. Harold RANGESesa Steel Mowbray's, Brookiin. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Mn. and Mns. RussellGilibert Wilson & Brown, Newtonville and APPLIANCES visited Mn. Fred Toms, Purple Special 98C T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen Hill. F. L. Byam, Tynane Sales and Service Owing ta the absence of Miss - G. A. Bannan, Hamupton Ileen Balson, Miss Gladys Yel- Newton Taylan's, Bunketon.loes presided at thc organ for Airorc SHRTS Wm. Hackwaod, Pontypool th Ltycurhsrie A irorc SHRTS H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Everett Cain heSndwdhnh"evie C. B. Tynreli, Orono Spscial $295 W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovdl Ooo Poe rn 61 Copies o! Statesman are now on J. W. Jewcll, W. J. 2B.mry and sale at Newton Taylon's store, The Statesman Office Burketon. othez' numbers on the program ________________________ ]consxsted of wefl-rezzdered cornet iI d e de tduets by Earl adGrl rw e d p n e tand piano solos by Mins Joyce The___United____Nations________________ rutAm.hI-t~ertefamly hadby invita- I I ImI( IU f1 IfÉ"Ii tion, oetth lto ,aco-: sage was pinned on Mrs. MeIIow V Stan Brown, the pnoud parents by littie Miss Barbara Patterson0 of a baby girl born in Bownian- and a boutonniere on Mr. MellowL ville Hospital last week. by wee Doris Muriel Martin. The ~ Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Paterson sanie pleasmng service was prettily and family are holidaying at Oak perfonmed for Rodger and Keithj Lake Summen Camp. by Misses Mildred and Hel en ~ ~ Mr. Ray Murray and friend, Allin.t Kitchener, spent the wçekend Mr. Gordon Martin rcad an ad- with Mn. and Mrs. D. R. Murray. dress in which regret was ex- presscd that the ties that had bound the Mellow family to New-, c astle churcli and comxnunity over The Mellow Family a period of years must law le - evered. In eulogistic tristhet Prese ted ith G ft liappy relationship that had cx- Leavig fo Kington sted between Mn. Mcllow and Leavin for his customers were recalled, as wefl as lis fine contribution to An event of unusual interest the work of the churcli and Sun-t took place Saturday cvening, Aug. day school. 20, in the United Churcli Sunday Equally worthy have been Mrs. Sehool Hall when a farewcll party Mellow's untiring efforts in Sun- and presentation wene given Mr. day School, Mission Band, Baby and Mrs. A. E. Mellow and sons Band, W.M.S. and W.C.T.U. She pior to their departure this week will also ie missed' in the schools for their new home in Kingston. where she lias frequently acted . Af ter a large crowd had as- as supply teacher. sembled Mr. and Mrs. Mellow The boys will lic missed in S.S. were escorted into the hall by and Y.P.U., al& in the Higli Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, School andi on the local hockey while Alex and Lloyd Martin ac- and basebail teams. The family companied their friends Rodger were assured their loss would lic and Keith. Rev. W. W. Patterson, deep]y feit, collectively and in- humorous and capable chairman, dividually. explained the nature of the gatli- At the appropriate time mem- It's the first new pair of shoes he's ever had' This Austrian boy ering. bers of the committec prcsented is a picture of joy with his gift from the American Junior Red The proceedings were intro- to Mr. and Mrs. Mellow, on lie- Cross. Other millions of children now receive adequate ciothlng duced liy a dclightful sing-song haîf of thein mtny friends, a tri- only through U.N.'s International Chldren's Emergency Fund., conducted in his own inimitable light floor lamp and two occa- manner by Mn. J. S. Dyen. This lie sional chairs; and to Rodger and prefaced by complimeinay ee- Kcith each a leather wallet con- ence to Mr. Mellow, lis first ac- tàining a substantial nest-egg of quaintance in Newcastle, from what they will hope it may hold business, and ta the family. Replies o! sincere appreciation Mrs. R. E. Logan Mrs. C. A. Cowan accompani- wene made liy ail four necipients______________________________ ied the sangs. This nelaxing wlio voiced their pnofound son- exercise tendeci to put ail guests row at leaving Newcastle with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Burns man was at the piano for the ser- at their case with the possible ex- its friendships and happy memnor- and children, Peterboro, visited vice. cepionof he uets f hnou. es. Mrs. Mellow expnessed the lier parents M and Mrs. E. J. Visitors wîth Miss Mabel Davy cepia o th gess a hnor.sentiments of thc entine family Hamm. were Miss Ruby Fraelick and Miss in the modified words of Tiny Mn. J. Stevenson, Montreal, lias IReta Curi, Prince Albert. Tim, "God Bless you every one". been visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardr'on LET'SCUT TThey assured each and all that Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. and family, Tloronto, are holiday- LE ' C TTa warm welcome awaited any wO Ross Stonehouse, Tooronto, on the mng wth her parents MVr. and Mrs. -~might find it possible ta visit birth of tlieir daughter, 'Marsha Mds H -all. MIELM I I the.n at 314 Collingwood St., Amber, a gnanddaughten for Mns. Congratulations ta Mn. and Kingston. Fred Truli. Mrs. Lawvrence Malcolm (nee Refneshments wene senvcd af- Miss Gwen Phasey is holiday- Gwen Brooks) on the birth of ter which, with hand-shakings, ing with Mr. and Mrs. W . Young thein daugliter. au revoirs and liest wishes thc at Chemong Lake. Mr. Huoert Cobb]edick was in gathering dispersed. Mns. E. Grady, Hamilton. and town and took his parents, Mn. Mrs. Wilson, Ottawa, visited their and Mrs. W. Cobbledick ta hib ?71~~T1I,?brother Mr. Wm. Armstrong and home in Leamington where tley Let's get riglit to the point. KLN hALA other relatives. will spend their holidays. Your Property represents a. _____Mn. and Mrs. McIsaac, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John ±berry, Mr. great many dollars. And Master Rager Colon, Hamilton, and Miss Stelle, St. Catharines, and Mns. Roy Berry and Mr. Sam are at their summer home hene.' Berry are on a motor trip to the disaster may, at any time, visited Lamne Matneil.PakS.cuhseveswr 1tweetey ilvstter rob you of these dollars .. Miss Benyl Thickson, Elizabeth- incPargSt.fdrsevrv icsonere ethe e.Ja.hey rry.istthi ruhfnnalbo ville, oiae with Phyllisan ofBw nvleonS dy r- Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and Takîng as lis theme "First Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls visited That's where we come In! Misses Ada Wilson and Helen thinrgs First" lie preadlied from in Ottawa. Boyd. Fred Wilson and George the text, Se efrttekn. MsFedTml vie n Let us provide you with Palmter, visited Mn. and Mns. Art dm-o o"eek. ye ans tc inpi- OwenSounrd ambln vsitd i the best protection against Mercen and f amily Sunday, and idamessodangaeane.Mr-Wnspi Wrk- MO.Wen Soud htw etu suc alos .. deuae n- Master Leslie Mercer was taken în --essae.-M----E.-C- Wo- - hme rs. shawd hwiturned suh lss. aeqat l- ta Peterboro, and later ta To-whom enom Oshwa hop ita ns surance. Cali on us or phon ot Hospital on Monday. We eekveymuh mroed and have us cali on you to- wish hlm a speedy recavery. fodBo. Mrs. Harold oe is apain day. Flying Officer D.on Cil and in Oshawa Hospital. Vve hope lor Mrs. Child, Trenton, visitcd her S i a speedy recoveny. aunt Mrs. Wm. Mencer and Mn. MYoumental VVUAI Visitors with Mnis. Fred Tamb- Mercer. Miss Violet Mercer, Ta- Phone Whitby 552 lyn were Mn. and MVrs. Russell ronto, was home for the week- 38DndsS.EWty Van Horn, Whitby, Mn. and Mns. end.318Dunds S. E. Whtby Watson Winfield and son, George- Stuart IR. JaMes Mr. anld Mrs.Alvin LoWes, Gr- MONE UENT ANDhn, UMbr.'eand M .Ro ab dnadoaad. a nd FI M NUENTSUANTY tn, UMn. eand IMrn. Ryandmb- IN'SURANCE - REAL ESTATE Milton Lowes and Rannie, Peter- Miss He.rrkin on, oroantviite d bora, with thein parents, Mr. and MARERSk. Akinon, T o ntmanvie Phone: Office 681L Res. 493 Mns. N. C. Patton and took in the Precise workmanship and her niece Mrs. Grenehl over the picnic in Orono Satunday. careful attention ta detail weekend. King Street, Bowmanvillo Mrs. Mary Luxon and Marion anc your assurance whcn Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. are visiting Mns. Stan Gray at you choose from thc wide H. Wood wvere Mr. and iVrs. W. Meryn.n Mn.Jh Tops selection of imported and Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mand Mre JoAnn wce gus domcstic Granites and Hoskin, Shirley and Gerny, Osha- aM rgitn Daringuto f n abesi tc.wa, and Mn. and Mns. Marwood MissGeogin Daringon nd arbls i stck.Heard and children, Enniskillen. Bill._________________ Orono's Street Fair held Aug. Alley Bowlers M.andlBoMs.Baiie, or.and 17 was highly successful in every Mrs. Don Oke and famiiy, Toron- the evening the spirits of the NA TY SHoy and called on their grand- E vetroughin and all the booths wene well pa- parents Mn. and Ms Henry Hoy tronized. Proceeds wene around ]W I GA A E YMiss Geongina Darlington, wh o nouse or B r $800.00, just one pnize remained IWLJG AC DEMY has been assisting henlirothen Billar here, the rifle won by Mn. Hesper ithstr uigtesummer Dean, ahi the others went to Bow- wilI De under hloidays, las netunned ta St. manville and Oshawa. Marys and will visit her sister FunaesMn. and Mrs. Milford Sherwin Mrs.Jac Gloer t St Thmas.ANDand !amily enjoyed a holiday at Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Corouz and Minden. AGEMENT ~~Ray with Mnr.and Mrs. AvnFurnace nenaiirs Mran s.JcStpeoad Lowes in Feterbono. Mn. and Mns. Harold Alhin took - A hilaniaus bail game was Pesr a moton trip to the Thottsand Is- I SEE OUR STOCK 01 .BOYS *GIRLS JUVENILE BICYCLES This ycar ride to school on a ncw C.C.M. bicycle and save time and effort. Sec aur sparkling newv inodels in a size, colour and style you want. -Cali in teday and pick yours out befone school stanis. MINE OSBORNE'S IMPERIAL OIL SERVICE STATION 84 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 897 TYRONE HARVEST HOME SERVICES Sunday, August 28th 2:30 P.M. REV. H. S. COBB, ST. ENOCH'S UNITED CHURCH, TORONTO Toxt - "Christ'. Appemi te Our Day" 7:30 p.m. BEV. COBB Text - 'Consecratint Life's Remainder» Special Music ln the Evening by the Ennisklllen Choit Wednesday, August 3lst spent thc weckend with U[rf. and ivîs. Keith Joînston at Carryi,ý Place. Glad ta know tlat Miss Thelma Ferguson is necovering nicely from a tonsil aperation. Misses Pearl and Dorothy Wright, Miss Audrey Mountjoy and Norma Malcolm, Toronto, with their parents. Miss Bertha McNally, Toronto, %vitl Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Miss Eva Parr, Mrs. S. A. De- vitt and Mrs. David Hill visited Mrs. Mark Wiidon at hiem cottage on Georgian Bay. Rev. and Mrs. J. McKibbin, Marga,net and baby John anc holi- daying for thnce weeks in thc Halîbunton. The ladies of W.M.S. report a splendid sale o! home-made bak- ing at Caesanea on Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Maîcolm are holidiaying with fniends in Michi- gan. Mmr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- coîni are taking change in tncir absence. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with Mns. James Henry. Mn. and Mrs. Cccii Hyde, Patsy: and Linda and Mn. and Mns. Hyde fnom England, have been holidaying on the McBrian Farm. Miss Kathleen Bailey visited Mrs. Amnott Neals in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Russell Lansing, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Rer- man Hooey. Ladies of W.M.S. wene very fortunate in securing Mns. Chas. Dawe, Hampton, ta take their ser- vice on Sunday. Mns. Roy Fergu- son and Mns. Cecil Hill assisted. Mrs. Dawe gripped the attention o! hem audience (which unfortu- nately was not as lange as miglit lave been) from the lieginning, taking far hem subject "Words Fitly Spoken". Those o! us who were privileged ta hean 1er will rememben 1er talk with pleasure and profit for a long time. Mns. Robt. Sadien sang a beautiful sala. Congratulations ta Upp e r Sdhool pupils wlo did s0 weil on their exams, also thc middle and lower fonms and the teaclers who deserve mucl credit. Thc Domestic Science noomn at thc Continuation School was me- decorated necently and should prove ta lie a neal inspiration wlen classes nesumne. M. St. Clair, Epsom, decoratcd and W. R. M. Leggette, Oshawa, sanded thc floor Thc ceiling is white with medium green walls and thc cor- nice -box aven thc windows gns, n. The f annitune was al ne- varnisled. Mrs. Edith Butler, Home Economics teacher, took a special course in Taranto this summer. Blackstock Women's Institute Dance and Bingo Friday evening was a decided success. Due to un- settled weathen the affair took place at the Community Hall.-The Institute is vcry grateful toa al the local people and aur good !iends fncm thc Lake wlio hclp- cd make the cvening go aven big. Ruth Wilson's Band provided the good dance music with callen Bob Fowler officiating for the Square Dances. Thc yaung men nan the bingo and Henny .Thampson pre- sidcd at the door.. Tlianks is due ta Howard Sayweli wlio donatkN a basket af groceries won liy Mrs. Earl Dorreli and te Harold Mar- tyn wlio donated a basket of gro- cenies won by Norman Dysant, Caesarea. Doon pnizes wcnt te Harold Beacock, Nestîcton, and Grant Thompson, Nestîcton. Thc Canadian Statesman donated a ycan's suliscnîption and Stephen Saywc]i donated an electric toaster. Due ta cnowded condi- tions in the hall, wo plan te sel] tickets Fair Day on these two donations. TliaQks again te aIl who liclped. Suppr-Adults, S1.00; Children 50e BURIETON SALEM Local Mai Service Don't forget the Community Salem Wemen's Association idi clos.. picnic here in the school yard met at Mrs. Blackburn's aon Aug, o at10:30'aj. Aug. 25th and entertainment in 81. Mns. Barrie openod the meet- ~rgEs the evoning. Dr. L. B. Williams ing. It was decided to get 25 «>rng local Rural will show pictunos iii technicolor, books of tickets te sell on the Routes 11:00 amn. on the Review o! Durhami Century qult. Mns. Ross Lane lad change Going Pont Hope only 1:30 p.m. in the Church shed, under aus- o! the program. Reading by Mrs Goijg East and West 6:30 p.m. picos of the Women's Association. Bob Collacotit; MIrs. Hertzbcrg' Going West 10:00 P .m. SCongratulations te Mn. and Mrs. favoured with a piano solo; Bob Mail Arrives J. Frankuni and Mns. K. Biflett,. Craig favoured with a solo ac- Prom East and West 8:30 aur music teacler, on arrivai of campanied by Mns. Buttery. Mns. Fnom West 12 noon thcir daugîtens. Ken Werry gave an interesting Prom West 3:15 P.. Mn. and Mrs. Bennett, Oshawa, talk on a boaok she las been nead- Prom East 8:00 p.m. witl Mr. and Mrs. H. GiU. ing, "For Goodness Sake", by Cut this schedule eut and paste -Mrs. R. Edwards, Taranto, with Nancy Joncs. Reading by Mirs. L.uinahdypcefreeec. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. Coombes. Mrs. Liane and ber u nahnypaefrrfrne Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams, Mn. N. group senved lunch. Attendance Hudson and Mn. and Mrs. R. Car- 20. ter visited Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton. Mrs. E. Caughill accompaniedE FELA Mn. and Mns. R. Gardiner, Niaga- ENFEL ra Falls, N.Y., on a weeks' vaca- tion ai Cherry Valley, Picton. Mr. and Mns. Johin Malette and Mn. and Mns. West and chiidren family, Salem, at A. W. Pnescott's. and Mnr.and Mns. Bert Wright, Mrs. Nona Davidsan, Owen Cobourg, with Mn. and Mns. K. Sound, at Harold Ormiston's. Rabhin. Mn. and Mns. Frank Lycett and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hantlonn famiiy at Mrs. H. Cowhing's, visited Mn. and Mns. C. Frances Wîitliy. at Gilent.MayHlnBwa, aro Bobbic Hantlorn witli lis uncle Mr ee omn ai Mn. R. Hantlionn, Fenelon Fis and Evelyn Pascac, enjoycd holi Mrs.PresonOshaa vi"s-days with friends in Oshawa. rns PretnOsiaavsitcd Mn. and Mns. J. Cunningham Mrs. K. Rablin, Mrs. Osborne and family, Toronto, at Wallace and grandsan Paul, visiteci in Pascoc's. Millbroak. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Toronto, Mrs. B. Hubliard cnterîained Mrs. R. Best and Mns. George Car-a the smail girls, Saturday, on the son, Orono. at Wilfned Bowman's e~ the occsio o - er raddaghtr, Miss Lais Ormiston witl Miss 0JV occa sin o.ernand thbidahenRuth Ashton at their cottage, L r.inda ligrlandusell7thitetdyCaesarea. eu Mn. dreMornstousl hte mand W.A. met at the lame o! Mns. hîrenTo ronto, ihav. e med -A. W. Pnescott. As this was a ma- N E W chealiv it n.Pt at th and daugliter day tîcre wcreN .i Mri. F htlTaotwt ven thirty present. Miss Dos~ Mn.F. hitle Toant, wt- Milîson, Missionany fromn Bolivia, lis daughten Mn. and Mrs. Doug- gave a description o! thc hife of C 1 E I L las Taylor. a mothen in Bolivia and answered Taei .a Miss Ann Farrow, Miss Ruby a multiudeo! uesion reard BailcyT.OBawawil ing lier work. She also displayed oid tires ut M.adMs. T. Baingeyn materials and craft work, pro- n. tand Mr. m. SulinL ndn'ducts of Bolivia. Everyone pre- OUR BIG Eng., wenc gucsts o! Mn. and Mrs. sent enjo3'ed lier tahk and it was OrvlleGrer.o! extra intcrest ta those who HOLIDAY Mrul r.ed r. RgTtobwere aid acquaintances. We al Mn ad ns egTicob. hope ta hean lier again soon. Rose A E (nec Pearl Taylor), Vancouver, Marie Pnescott playedapin B.C., visited her parents Mn. and solo and vocal numbers were gi- Mn.s. Talmadgc Taylor. yen by Lois Onmiston, Mary Helen Bowman, Kathleen Smith and Evelyn Pascoe.MAEI Mns. W. Bowman and Laura BLALdSTOCU K and Miss Myntie Tambly, Toron- CND ta, with Mrs. Jas. Hoskin, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. A. N. Manson, Alex The road west o! the village is G. F. JAMIESON and Nona, Montreal, with Dr, and chosed while a new bridge is be- Mrs. J. A McAnthur. ing erected aven what lias licen Mr ad rs Enet arerknown for yeans as "Niddeny's TIE-EN Mn. dad Mrs. Emnes Lamerai Creek". This wiil be quite a change honad wat Hl LaeHalgi- from the. hales and flying tim- Car. King and Silver Sts. bunonandwkt.og Agn bers which las passcd for a Bowmanville - Phono 467 quin ark.bridge fcr many years. Jack, Green and, Donrell __ . -_________ 1 MM C"ADUX- BTATZMUN. BOWMANVMLZ. OWTAM SPORTS DURING AFTERNOON Supper, 4:30 p.m. until ail are f ed 6:30 p.m. - Football Gaine C. G. E., PETERBORO vs. PICKED DARLINGTON TEAM A variety programn of motion pictures in the evening BO

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