PAG TWELVN ' TEE GAWAD!AW WrATUWAW EOWWAWVff LE. ~TARIO T!!T3RBDAY, SEPT. mtn& YfU Durham County And Canada's First Prime Min'i=ter (By James P. Lovekin) Between Bawmanville and Newcastle thore is a little stneam variausly called the Fisbeny Creok, the Uppen Mansh and Bald- win's Cneek. It is a shame that the latter name is nat more cam- inonly used ion it marks a con- nection between the locality and the family oi Canada's i irst Prime M1inster. In 1798 Robent Baldwin, grand- father ai the future Prime Minis- ter, toak up land in Darlington aiong the Jake shore and immed- iately west ai the Clarke town- ship line. Like s0 many menbcrs of the Angrla-Irisb gentry, he hâd been compelled ta leave his native Cork by the disturbances accom- panying the Fnench Revalutior1 and the agitations ai Wolfe Tone. Attnacted 'by the offer of a town- ship of land,the Baldwin iamily emigrated ta Upper Canada and, aften spending a few days in a tent at Muddy York,- they went on dawn tho shores ai Lake On- tania ta jain their iniend, Richard Lovekin, who had settled in Clarke the pneceding year. In Ire- land, the estatc*s ai the Lovekin and Baldwin familles, Kilcolman and Summer Side, had been side by side and bath families had been fonced ta emigrate at about the samne time and for the samne nea- son-fear ai a French invasion combined with an Iish insurrec- tion. Robent iBaldwin soon acquinod aIl the local honours going. Sim- coc nominated him Lord Lieuten- ant ai the County, Justice ai the Peace and Colonel oi the Militia. This last office proved to be too aneous. On the first annual "training day" same two ta thre hundred mon turned up to bo fed and ontertained by the colonel. "They had great sugar kettles ful ai venîson soup, roast meat and pies, and ail sorts af things," the Baldwin girls wroto, "and these boons drank terribly and stayed ail night and zbout twenty of them stayed ta 'oeakfast." Ser- vants proved difficuit to find and the family found farm wark un- familiar and objectionablo. The eider son, William Warren, al- .nast imnmediately retunned ta the capital and began the praéticeofa bis profession, medicine. The rest ai the family soon joinod hlm there. In Toronto, Dr. William Warren Baldwin scon made a name for himself first in medicine and thon in law. In 1803 he married Miss Phoebe Willocks, heiress af the Hon. Peter Russell and fnom her otained an estato that by 1828 amounted ta 51,000 acres mostly in the vicinity of Toronto. This enormous wealth, bis will was pro- bated at ovèr a million, assured Dr. Baldwin's sop, Robert, a com- manding Position in the society of Upper Canada and facilitated, if it did not make possible, bis subsequent caneer. Like Simcoe, the Baldwin fami- ly sought ta croate in Upper Can- ada the "image and tnanscript" ai British society but in their case the model was flot some unrcalistic Tory aspiration but the best Jn the Whig tradition. Through tho Hon. Peter Russel the Baldwins were related-ta the Bedfordshire Russelîs and like that family they brought ta public life a scorn for vulgar populerity and an unselfish ideal of public service. They have filled with distinction the highest offices in ATTENTION LADIES Singer Sewing Machine Co. WILL SERVICE ANY MAKE 0F MACHINE FREE 0F CHARGE £111 out this Coupon and mail or drop it Into the store NAME ADDRESS -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PHONE _______ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 47 Walton St. Port Hope Phone 3060 - THANK YOU --WHZATRE » OWMKANVILI.- THURSDAY - FRIflAY - SEPT. 22- 23 g7msb LA UGi-gAr / ever-tovn into ent ! IONAM RFA6AN JACK GR EWR AN S ~ RI~A N DAVID BUTLER March of Time Short Color Cartoon the nation-Prime Minister, biah- op, admirai of the Royal Navy and curator af one af aur great galieries ta mention but a few. Durham has every reason ta re- tain hon cannectian with this groat namo. BROWN'S Mn and Mrs. A. Moffat, Dundas, Mr. Herrîngton, Part Arthur, Mr. Warner, Niagara Falls, Mr. John- stan, London, were visitons with Mr. and Mns. Geo. Stephenson on nturning from a Hydro Conven- tion at Ottawa. Sovenal fnom here attended the funenal af Mrs. George Rickard. A fow fnom here attended Osha- wa Fair. .Mn. and Mns. W. Nivins and Jimmy, Mn. and Mrs. H. Nivins spent the weekend in Tononto. Mns. H. Toms, Newcastle, Mns. Harny Mencer, Toronto. visitod Mns. Geo. Lair. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Stephenson spent four days in Ottawa and visited thein daughter Betty, who is a nurse-in-training at the Civic Hospital.1 Mns. W. Farrow vsited Mn. and Mrs. Stan Allin, Orono. Several from here attended thp- showen for Mr and Mrs. Don Jase (nee Marian Crawford) on Saturday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pnessley Sr.. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea Stephenson on Friday evening. wbile on thein way ta their cot- tage at Rockcliff e Island on Jack Lake, Apsley. SOUTH NESTLETON The Hick's twins, George and Betty, clebrated thein first birth- day this week. Miss Inene Marlow, Whitby, at her home. Mr. Arthur Hulbent visited in Peterboro with his daughten and iamily, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Free- love, Teddy and Gloria. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Langfeld, Bowpanville, are holidaying at their home hene Miss Jean Maskell spent the weekend at her home in Oshawa. Mn. Grant Thompson with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tbomp- son and attended Beaventon Fair. Miss May Noon, Toronto, visit- ing hon father Mn. Jas. Noon. Mn. and Mns. Bort Finney, Clanemont, visited Mn. and Mns. Gea. Bowens. Mn. and Mrs. Dean Lansing and baby, Oshawa, with Mrs. Norman Lansing. Mn. Henny and Miss Ethel Thompson called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Sonry Donald has been on the sick list. Mn. Dick Davison attended the telephone meeting in Blackstock Fniday afternoon. Miss Elva 13radley, Oshawa, with Miss Jean Bowens. Sympathy is extended ta the wife and family ai Mn. William Van Camp, Blackstock, also ta the famiiy oi the late Mns. Flan- once Crawford, Blackstock, bath of whom passed away this week. Mn. David Finlay, Toranto. visi- ted at Don Thompson's. The Pioneer Speaks By Joseph Lister Rutledge One sametimes wonders what wauld be the thougbts ai those pianeons, an whose efforts rests the Canada ai today, if they could netunn ta watch and listen? What would tbey tbink, those mon ai France who daned se greatly, or those ioyalists wbo tbought their worid well lost fan loyalty? What would they think, those pioneens in a primitive land, wbo asked nothing 'but an even break, an those men wha took the fiist un- certain stops in industny, an wbo widened aur frontions and pro- sented us aur rewands ai land and minerLis and fneedom? In their time, they tbought- these mon and wamn-that the chance was wonth the taking be- cause the newand for those who would wonk a littie har.der on a little botter than his fellows, was sure. No one of ail these people would have though ai denying ta the mare devoted warker his right ta a langer reward. It was from this campotitive spirit that aur nation was bonn, and by this spir- it flourisbed. It took mon from behind the plow on the work- bench or the caunter and placed tbemn in soats ai responsibility. That was aur glory, that part ai the reward for superior effort was a langer responsibility and obli- gation. It is strange that with such dlean examplos and such obviaus results 'befane us, fnom every walk ai lufe and eveny family histony, that certain individuals and gnaups still have been blnd tealal the evdence They have triedito make it appoan that there was something wnong in the thinking oi these pioneens, samething discroditable n the belief that the bost effort was a title ta the langest reward. Instead ai the effort and daring and wide incentive that made this country great, they would ofien us socurity and equality They would have us beg for equal shanes af the efforts ofai ahse0that ho who daned greatly, who lay awake nights dneaming of new endeavor and was neady ta suifer and endure fan them, should be entitled ta no more fon hixnself on bis family than ho wbo lazed in the sun and thought only ai how little effort would assure his accustomed reward What wouid these pioneerf have thought? Ponhaps if they looked back ta today they might think this: "As anc day we must alI die, lot us die for the vintues and determinations that are in us, not ion aur lacks or aur defic- iencies Lot us put into lufe the best we have and take aur indi- vidual chance that it will bring a just newand But lot us not ho mendicants ofi lue begging for benefits we have not evon wished ta earn"', Of nineteen out of twenty things in children, take no specal notice; but if, as ta the twnietb, yau give a direction or cormmand, see that you are obeyed.-Tryon Edwards. NESTLETON- Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Jé>hu Williaxn Sept 14 with meeting in charge of Mrs. John Grieve's group. 'There were 15 ladiési Rev. Hutten and some children present. . Scripture was read by, Mrs.* K. Sameils.. Te- pic was taken by Mrs. L. Mal- colm. Report of W.A. Rally 'meet- ing was given iby Mrs. M. Emer- son. Ladies decided te pack bale and have some doings in October. A]so to give $75.00 te the church treasurer. Program: Duet by'IMrs. J,,Wil. liams and Mrs. Wm. Steele-Sun of My Soul; Reading by Mrs. R. W. Marlow-"Precepts". Reading by Mrs. Tripp-The Freckled Face Girl; Reading-Mrs. W. Jackson "Wha't Religiaus Experi- once can do for you". Reading- Mrs. L. Joblin-Tomorrow. Read- ing-The New Day by Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mrs. Williams and group served a dainty lunch. Ail were given a hearty vote of thanks for another pleasant and profitable meeting. Mrs. L. Malcolm very kindly invited us to her home for the October meeting in charge of Mrs. M. Emnerson's group. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis who cele- brated their l7th wedding anni- versary on Sept. l7th. They cele- brated by filling their silo. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Win. Steel in the passing of hier sister Mrs. John Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lind- say. visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis. Mrs. Jas. Williamson and Mr. Arthur Jackman visited Mr. Ivan Wright, Janetville. Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Miss Eva Badley, Oshawa, visit- ed Miss Gladys Emerson. A number of people from Nestieton attended the reception at Rev. W. C. Hutton's, Black- stock. Don't forget the Rally Day Ser- vice in the United Church Sunday, Sept. 25 at 3 o'clock. Mr. Wilmer Fitze, Oshawa, caîl- ed on friends. Sympathy is extendod to Mrs. Wm. Van Camp and family, Blackstock, in Mr. Van Camp's sudden passing. Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs., Alex Agnew. eEducation commences at the mother's knee, and overy word spoken in the hearing of littie childron tends toward the forma- tion af character-Hosea Ballou. How To Cash War Savings Certif icates B of M Can Save You Time and Trouble Cashing War Savings Certifi- cates yourself involves sorting Your Certificates every month, endorsing and posting each one to Ottawa whon it matures, and then cashing or depositing the cheque for it. Why not cash them the easy way? You can skip this monthly bother by simply bringing al your Certificates to the Bank of Montreal. As each one falîs due, the B of M wvil1 cash and credit it to your account. Cost of the service is trifling. Mariy people find this B of M service holpful in saving toward better things, points aut G.. E. Moody, manager at Bowmanville. They're less inclined to spend the monoy, because it goes straight into their savings accounts without passing through their hands first. Put your Certificatos into B of M safekeeping tomorrow, and arrange for their credit upon maturity ta an account in your name. You'll be cutting out a chore and at the same time look- ing after funds that will speed the day when you can buy those things you want most. IN THE HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS If you like ta get aut on the lake for a sail-lie in the sun on a sandy beach-ar fight a small mouth base on &, racky inlot - Halibunton's for V u, and the Taurist Information Bureau at Nfinden, Ontario will help y ou with the details. There's hoteI. lodge or cahin accommodation- and Halibunton is only three or four hours by train, bus or by car on highways 2 and 35 from Trenton or Toronto. Every yean thausands of visitons enjay ourOntario Holiday. -it's up ta us ta sec they have fun. !'LET'$ MAKE DHM WANT TO COME BACK'! PrIze Winners At <rano Fair (Continuel from Laa4 Weeâ) BORSES Clydesdale-Yeld mare or geld- ing-1I, W. Boyd & Son; 2 and 1, T. R~. Hall. Mare and Foal-W. Boyd & Son. Féal af 1949-Boyd &-Son. Colt 1 yr -Jas' Stark. Filly or Gelàing, 2 yr.---Boyd & Son. Span, Horsos and Wagon- Boyd & Son.i .Agriçultural-Mare and Foal- W. Boyd & Son. Foal, 1949-W. Boyd & Son. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr.-Rus. Cochrane. Fily or Geld- ing, 2 yr.-Boyd & Son, J. Stark. Filly or Geldmng, 3 yr.-T. R. Hall. Span Horses-T. R. Hall, Boyd & Son,. 1Belgian, Percheron & Punch- Yeld Mare or Gelding-l, T. R. Hall, 2 and 3, J. T. Brown. Mare and Foal-Mel Skelding, J. Stark. Foal of 1949-Mel Skelding, Jas. Stark . Colt, 1 yr.-Les. Cocirane. pan, Horses and Wagon-T. 11. Hall, Les. Cochrane. Mare and 2 Foals-Jas. Stark. Single Horse in Harnss-T. R. Hall, J. T. Brown, Rus. Cochrane. Span Hor- ses-Rus. Cochrane, J. T. Brown. Bost Horse from 1, 2 & 3-T. R. Hall, 1, 2, 3.1 Carriage Horses-Mare and Foal -Thos. Brown & Son, Rus. Coch- rane. Foal af 1949-Rus. Coch-. rane, Brown & Son. Filly or Geld- ing, 1 yr.-Ralph Saddler, Ray Cochrane. Filly or Gelding, 2 yr. -Lorne Hoskin. Single Horse in Hanness, 151/2 hds, ovr-R. Sad- dier, A. R. White, Geo. Cawker. Single Horse in Harness, under 151,1 hds.-R. Saddler, H. R. White, Geo. Cawker. Pair Horses in Hanness-R. Saddler, L. Hos- kmn, H. R. White. Roadster Horses-Mane & Foal -T. Brown & Son, Boyd & Son, Roy Cochrane. Foal, 1949-Boyd & Son, T. Bnown & Son, Garnet Cochrane. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr. -L. Hoskin, R. Saddler, Boyd & Son. Filly or Gelding, 3 yns.-R. G. Cowie. Single Horse in Harn- ess, 151/2 hds. and over-Ivan Coch- rane, T. A. Reid, Mrs. Wheeler. Single Honse in Harness, under 151/2 hands.-I. Cochrane, 1 and 2; 0. Cowan,. 3. Pr. Horsos in Har- ness-I. Cochrane, Mrs. Wheelen, G. Cochrane. Single Pony in HarneNlunder 121/2 hands-L. M. Blight, 1 and 2. Pony, under saddle, under 121/2 hands-L. M. Blight, R. Coch- rane, R. Saddler. Team Ponies- Mrs. L. M. Blight. Saddle Horse-Geo. Cawker, 1 and 3; Grant Henry, 2. Gentle- man's Turnout-Mns. Wheeler, I. Cochrane, Geo. Cawker. Special, 40-41-1. Cochrane, G. Cochrane, Mrs. Wheeler. Special, sec. 42-I. Cochrane, 1 and 3; Mrs. Whoeler 2., Reid Rolph Special: Lady Driver -Mrs. W. Cawker, Mrs. Wheeler. Breslin's Spocial-Douglas Hey- land, Billy Hooey. Four Horse Team-T. R. Hall, 1 and 2; Rus. Cochrane, 3; Les. Cochrane, 4. Pony Race-Ted Hooey, Ruth Michoîl, Jimmy Micheill CATTLE Shonthonns: Bull, 3 yrs. or over -W. F. Rickard, Rus. Osborne. Bull, 2 yrs.-C. M. Lewis. Bull, 1 y.-W. F. Rickard. Bull Caîf Jr.-C. M. Lewis, W. F. Rickard. Bull Caîf Sr.-C. M. Lewis, W. F. Rickard, R. Osborne. Milch Cow- W. F. Rickard, R. Osborne. Heifer, 2 yrs.-R. Osborne, C. M. Lewis, W. F. Rickand. Heifen, 1 yr.-C. M. Lewis, 1 and 2; W. F. Rickard, 3. Heifer Caîf Sr.-C. M. Lewis, n. Osbonne, W. F. Rickard. Heifer Caif Jr.-W. F. Rickard, R. Os- borne. Herd Bull and 4 Females- C. M. Lewis, R. Osborne, W. F. Riekard. Henefords -Bull, 3 yrs. and oven-Geo. Stapletan, Clarence Turner. Bull, 1 yr.-J. A. Rose- vear, G. Stapleton. Bull Caîf Sr. -G. Stapleton. Bull Caif Jr.-J. H. Rosevear, G. Stapleton. Milch Cow-G. Stapleton, C, Turner. Heifen, 2 yrs.-J. H. Rosevear, G. Stapleton, 2 and 3. Heifen, 1 y.- J. A. Rosevear, 1 and,2; G. Staple- ton, 3. Heifer Caîf Sr.-J. H. Rose- vear, G. Stapleton. Heifen Caîf Jr.-C. Turner, J. A. Rosevear, G. aged-Boyd Ayre, 1 and 4; H. Skinner & Son, 2 and 3. E*e Shearling-Boyd Ayre, 1 and 3; H. Skinner & Son, 2 and 4. Ewe Lambs--Boyd Ayre, 1 Wd 2; H. Skinner & Son, 3 and 4. Oxford Down & Hampshire Downs-Ram, aged-R. B. Glas- polI, 1 and 2; P. Snowden, 3. Ram Shearling-R. B. Glaspoîl, eI. Skinner & Son, F. Snowden, 3 and 4. Ram Lamb-R. B. Giaspel. 1 and 2; F. Snowden, 3 and 4. Ewe, aged-R. B. Glaspeîl, 1 and 3; H. Skinner & Son, 2; F. Snow- don, 4. Ewe Shearling-R. B. Glaspeil, 1 and 2; H. Skinner & Son, 3; F. Snowdon, 4. Ewe Lamb -R. B. Glaspoîl, 1 and 2; H. Skin- non & Son, 3; F. Snowden, 4. BACON HOGS - Boan, 2 yrs.-Geo. Stephens. Boar, 1 yr.-G. Stephens. Boar, under 1 yr.-G. Stephens, 1 and 2. Boan, unclen 6 mas.-Geo. Ste- phens, 1 and 2; Bob Hancock, 3. Sow, aven 2 yrs.-Gea. Stephens, 1 Ignd 2. Sow, aven 1 y.-B. Han. cock, 1; Geo. Stephens, 2 and 3. Sow, under 1 y.-Geo. Stephens, 1 and 2; B. Hancock, 3. Sowv, un- don 6 mos.-Geo. Stephons, 1 and 2; B. Hancock, 3. Sr. Herd Boa and 2 Sows-G. Stephens, B. Han- cock. Get af Sire-G. Stophens. Best Brood Sow-G. Stephens, B. Hancock. Best 3 Sows-G. Ste- phens, B. Hancock. Sr. Champ. Boar, Jr. Champ. Boan, Grand Chqmp. Boan, Sr. Champ. Sow, Jr. Champ. Sow- alI won by Gea. Stephens. T. Eaton Ca. Special-Pen oi 4 Hogs-M. H. Staplos, 1; Jack Reid, 2 and 3; Stan Bail, 4; Ernie Green, 5. Champ. Cancass-M. H. Stap'les. Resenve Champ.-Jack Reid. POULTRY Barred Rock - Cack - R. M. Brown. Hon-A. Ayne, 1 and 2; R. M. Bro xn, 3. Cockoel-A. Ayne, R. M. Brown. Pullet-A. Ayro, i and 2. Plymouth Rock, White-Cack- R. M. Brown, 1 and 2. Hon-A. Ayne, 1 and ý3; R. M. Bnown, 2. Cockerel-R. M. Brown, A. Ayne. Pullet-R. M. Brown, 1 and 2; A. Ayne, 3. Wyandotte-R. M. Brown won ail awands. Rhode Island Red-Cack-R. M. Bnown, A. Piggott. Hon-R. M. Bnown, i and 3; A. Piggott, 2. Cackerel-R. M. Brown. Pullet- R. M. Brown, 1; R. Piggott, 2 and 3. NE WTON VILLE Mns. Mary Stevens was in To- nonto on Satunday attending the funenal ai hon uncle Mn. George Brown Ray StapletQn who was in a hospital thneatened with polio, neturned home iast week. Mns. Alberta Layman, Bowman- ville, and Mns. Peter Laing, Oro- no, spont Thunsday with thein brother Mn. Wilbent Hancock and Mrs. Hancock. Mn. and Mrs. John Tate, Cay- uga, and Mn. and Mns. Hallet, Hamilton, with Mn. Gea. and Miss Bertha Thompson. Mn. Cleland Lane accampanied by his son Billie, took his mother Mns. Wm. Lane ta Piattsville an Saturday ta visit hon son Mn. Hanny Lane and family. Mns. Thos. Burkhill was a passonger as far as Tononto on hen way to Hamil- ton. .Mn. Ethan Jones' family has been bard hit with sickness. Kel- vin has been in Bowmanville hos- pital. Mns. Jones and Allen and Mary wore sick at home. We un- derstand they are ail on the mend. Mn. Andy Bandy bas eemmenced work on his new hause. We are sanny ta bean that Mns. Cocul Robinson is under the Dr's. cane. Mn. Anthur 1Redknap has com- pletod the outside of hi's now rosi- dence and is naw warking on the inside. Bort Bunt and Bud Jones ef t on Tuesday for Kingston to con- tinue their courses at Queon's. A short time ago Mn. Wilbent Hancock completed the levelling and seeding ai the park. Naw with the recent nains the grass is be- ginning to show green. it.-Rousseau. Sait content of the Great Salt 1t- la the aild iesson- - a worthy Lake is high because- there -la fao purpose, patient 'energy for -4ts outiet. The lake loses water only accomplishrnent, a resoluteness through evaporation, leaving only undaun'ted by dilficulties, and the sait. then success.-Punshon. GUEI 1NSET SALE' Wednesday, Sept. .28ih ai 1:00 p.m.' AT THE FARM 0F Jack Stewart, Peterborough, R.R. 7 (2 Mlles East of Peterborough on No. 7 Hlghway) 40 FALL FRESHENING COWS AND HEIFERS Pure Bred and Grade T.B. and Blood Tested A GOLDEN OPPORTUN1TY (1) To Improve your mllk quallty! (2) To ralse your butterfatl (3) To Increase your incomel (4) To buy Golden Guernscyst A. E. MCCRECOR & Ca. HARDWARE KING ST. E. BOWMANVU.4LE P. J. NEWELL' Newcastle Ontari4J Have a Coke 51À Ask for it oither way . . . b'0"' grade-marks mean t/he sjm tbi-&g»'r *»-no;ized bottleof Coca-Cola und«o ...act with Coca-Cola Ltd. KAMBLY'S CARIMNTED BEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 755 drews, 4. Ewe Làmb-F. S9now- don, 1 and 4; Farder Bras, 2 and 3. Southdowns & Shropshires - Ram, aged-Boyd Ayre, 1 and 3, H. kiner& Son, 2 and 4. Ewe Shearling-Bayd Ayre, 1 and 4; H. Skinner & Son, 2 and 3. Ram Lamb--Boyd Ayre, 1 and 3; H. Skinner & Son, 2 and 4. Ewe, 3TOP TOBACCOS VIROINIA BURLEY TURKISH Wlinchester CIGARETTES 4ý SATURDAY - SEPT. 24 MON.- TUES. - WED.- SEPT. 26 - 27 -28 ~ DurNs UTEST is mis URIATESTI JHOWARD HAWKS' «~uo TECHNfICOLORM Movietone News 1- & PAGE TWMLVLR \ TM eAIqADM - - , -BOWNAN MLB- MTAMO , Trio MAT, S"T. Und, 1041 1