T N m I M , A Y , S E P T . 2 2 n d , 1 9 # S S .~~~T E a a - - - - - - =.f C A LN A I f tI« T A T E S M , H W A V I L L . O N T A R O F 1 1 1 f V a luee o fB.e playdown a AuPorara m mey cfthe. local police force and unnecessariy go.Ony w e alte co em C te rtwsdefeated in the first round to investigate the activity cf And if we can work otsc uafyaetraeel i., fl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aking Bowm=nville Zone Cham- neighbourhood children in a vac- asnil xhnei iwycmo uaiyo o . pons. Cardinal and Bowmanvjlle ant lot at' Liberty and Carlisle asnil xhnei (ContnuedfromPageOne>Junor-Managed by Dr. H. B. ment and furnish supervision.an skil duing-theproongd srn- Coninud frm Pge ne)Rundie and sponsored byt the Voleybali uprights were erected, High Score Prizes ski uigL~poogd~m Tefioîgrprso a-Itr rvdvr aable Iead- Community Council, this team net and bail previded, horseshoe m ekyF atr ttetoayof.theJiNewrmn cmew ius activities and recommenda- ers for this activity and yourg received an independent bye in orsli etwt qimen t C A Weekly Leature at he7tpaenthe istfrmeCî~ tins are submitted by Vince men and women receved beneft zone playdowns since it is the Lumber for benches and vlerau YO~U AN' iINc WI aOnet 37 ad ViCooelisng Mathewson, Recreation Direct- under their guidance. O'l uir""ta i u oe alurgt were donated to 0f lly B wlng too far behind as she won the Thyorrwwatigfo ocuncil for use here by SheppardYOU WANT IN A CAR ladies' prize with a score of35or which wil give our readers BADMINTOr N CLUB cto elare o aiinefr GZLuornopae T The ailey bowling season is wth These two scores were madeacTpeehumriesh po is a very active organiza- -nem<ltManaged by AI. ltiste rpet c r.BrW Us again and Martyn's Bowling during open bowling since the gramns carried eut. nemda ltithpretyoM.Bry Academy opened up iast week league bowling doesn't start untîl Saturday Morning Club tion wîthmembership of approxi- Osborne and self supporting the and through bis kindness many . W Frîdy, henthebus-legue On arc 5 hîsciu~ ~'asmately 125. The club owns their team was eliminated in the Lake- children derived eni ooy m e n t U~~I ~ ~ M offering a new stimulus to the commy wen e praios. îaau n ach 5wth 107.cludren own bail and operates îndepend- shore League semni-finals by Lind- tbrough these facilities. Joan~ gm devotees of the sport. George Ei l- omneoeain.luce wiil17.cidrni ently. AI Osborne is President .aY. Hutchinsonws mloyed here liott, manager, bas informed us attendance. This club is for chul- and Robt. Kent secretary., It is worthy of note that for and ber or was erystifc that he is giving a prize lor the dren 8 years of age and under. TNI LBtefrttm nBwavlestr.G okwsvr aifc high scores each week in both Juveniles Swamnped They arrive at 9:30 a.m., play TrsiENNISrt CLUB tude irst hela im e n B males tr.Gounds opened Juiy 28 and temnanlaisdiiin.games, learn folk dances, sing Prsdn r opradSc itr hr r ietasin tbe 29 were registered. Last week the two winners In First an o songs, listen to stories, see movies retary Mrs. J. MNlyaeofc nai lyon.TtlRgsrto o l ly 97Py ot ahowd tey hd lst nne f thir asten Ttleand weather permitting go on ers with a very active group of SOFTBALL grounids- 287.Beufudakbefnsh Miaele ha1,00 small hikes. A grand Easter 8.Tf in lu eygnru- C O.F.-This team sporiored by SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Former ownersnm nrqeti.bleeti party was held on the Saturday ly provides the facilities for the Canadian Order et Foresters Summer Playgrounds to be an exepoalby Juveniles Swamped ini First Game foilowing Good Friday, with an courts. This group has done very now holds top honours in their (1) Instructional SwimmingPrcd- 175G for Eastern Ontario Championshlp egg hunt and surprises for ail weli this ycar. The Director bas league. It is a girl's team capably Ciasses-These classes were héld ai ci who attended. Skipping competi- assisted by supervising the main- managed by Lorne Haynes andatheramfBaeyC ppolomitieqledwhcsom etr, insei It was a case of tee many errors tions and races were aise hcld tenance of the courts. Tbe mem- coacbcd by Walt Poiley. ac he eM oy a Tbursaymeroolwashers, etc.i as the Juveniies were deteated during May. This group is onîy 'esi oe nnmul e Girls' Banta4m-During May and ing, runni'ng for six weeks. Trans- by Cardinal 9-1. The Juveniles in part self-supporting but the support and be a member et the June, 39 girls et this age group otto a upidb h oa Q2Pnic2Do collected as many bits as Cardin- smali cost.te counceil is weli worth Community Council.patcatdigme - 4 teams.oRd Cows s Uît. E. G.ther-cal ai but committcd ne iess thari the price. A great deal et credit LAWN BOWLING CLUB One team was selected and playcd spoon instructed in swimming Ecletapaac.Mtri ue n cnmcl seven errors. They would have in making this endeavour a suc- This club eperates independ- Orono and Newcastle, lesing te hl ExDrctrintute eeent ouh hs cr a a t nte p n suffcred a more severe defeat cess gees to the assistants whe antiy with greens just opposite Newcastle and beating Orono. watcr safety. Assisting were Joan checked it from tmt tr o n in frsig but for the steady pitching et Jack gave so freely et their time, te the arena. They beld a member- Boys' Bantam-During May and Hutchînson, Colîcen HutchinsonWefudnesweaeeergthscrt o Buttonshaw and the streng throw- Misses Jean and Colleen Hutchin- ship drive this year. President is June after school games were andMr. EicColel. Abu ing arm et bis battery mate Bob son and Kay Jones. Deug Carter, secretary Dave played tcams were chosen each anled Ms cldre ro.CtAlbusas being In bte hnaeaecniin laé talemed o thetstllat Sat-Teens Buckspan and treasurer Mr. Fred time. In June a team was select- Schooi an Liberty grounds at 9 and defroster. temptd thfts.On Feb. 12 this teenage club Cole. Several succcsstul tourna- cd te play Newcastle beiting them a.m., and at Memorial and South Cardinai's main power lay be- was formed with this executive- ments have been held. both times. Ward Scheol at 10 amni. 56 were Pricai -$ 40 ____hind the strong left arm ot their Bob Galiagher, Lois Fisher, Vivian BASEBALL SUMMER PLAYGROUNDS registered in two classes. This pitcher Coons, who claimed 13 Prout, Norm Allun, John Cattran, Pee Wee- This team was or- Personnel-A letter was sent te course proved vcry beneficial. Q5- h S Estrikeouts and incidentently Pat Cole, Pin Morris, Marion Di'p- ganized by the director in July. Mr. L. Dippeli efthte High School Whcre the majority Iearned to 93 Dodge Seda Th SprEfceb pitched Senior baIl this year aise. pell and Greg Friend. Dances and The tcam was managed by Jack anouncing summer staff require- swim thc remainder evercame Trunk, good trs opeeyr-iihd moh GILO NAGIC Hamnilton, Gailagher, Wilson, social gathcrings werc beld, and Knight and coachcd by the Di- ments. Applications wcrc rccciv- water fright. quiet motor. W elv chv n fl.bs OIO- A I Masters and West collccted the enjoyed by about 60 individuais. rector; sponsorcd by Local 178 cd from the foliowing: Joan Hut- (2) Recreational Swim Play cars of this midlotial nwhr.Rcniin Juvenile's hits. Tnfortunately only a smali group et the Canadian Legion. Receiv- chinson, Colicen Hutchinson, Mar- Periods- Hcld at West Beach ed and guarancd D eaigTîhe rtur gaine is slated for et the teen-agers were intcrested ing the Ontario Basebail Asso- ilyn Lcask, Kay Joncs, Connie (lake) and Cream et Barley Camp$5 .O Oi H atngths atrayatth HghScooin sharing the work and responsi- ciation piaydowns, the teain de- King, Virginia Hopkins, Jack Mc- about 300 childrcn enjoyed a re- Price a MAE YU REET commencing at 2 p.m. bility et such an enterprise. It is feated Whitby Pce Wccs in thrce Coy, Bob 'Gailaghcr and Bob treshing clip on a warm atternoon. MAE YU REET Coach "Dutch" Osborne is con- feit that for the next ycar an exhibition gaines. Since t'here is Martin. There was ne response Ail the playground assistants as- nnr' ,r v HEATING EQUIPMENT fident that the Juveniles can still effort wiii be made te point eut no A and B classification in Pee te an advcrtisement for a traincd sisted in this activity.I hJuer eiac - TWICE AS GOOD take this series se be sure and te this group the type et program Wcc hall the tearn met Peterboro nursery werkcr se counicil decid- (3) Boxing -Elemcntary in- 13 hvoe TIEA GODbe there te give the boys your and methods et self entertaininent in the lst round et the playdowns. cd te send thre et the staff te tuto lse eehl nteGo per support, through participation, which are Winning the first gaine here tue training camp at Brantford. Jean sroucin lssewrhfdo the Liood apptylie earacE3 admcaia cniin ie Line Score R H E enjoyable. This dees net impiy teain wcnt te Peterboro, a flood- Hutchinsen, Marilyn Leask and Cerunet the io n omitPr11. cw.'xeln rks etr Saves You Money on Your Bowmanville 1 6 7 supervision but rather guidance light gaine, and lest. The third Kay Jones went and were aidcd basic rudiments wPried ai - $375.O Fuel Costs Cardinal 9 6 1 by competent assistants. This game was playcd in Peter-boro, censidcrably by the instruction Ford . 50 youur Uboys. Phone or Consuit Levett If, (Heath 6th), Hamil- Starkîp Club bore. This is the first year these tollowing are werthy et recoin- ()Sotal ndBsai-192A 1,,., ton 2b, Creamer lb, Gailagher c, This group with J. Presson as boÇ7s have played basebaîl and it mendation: Jean Hutchinson, Mar- inter-playgreund games were play- Nesaca JACK Buttonshaw p, Wilson cf, Falls s president and Ralph Maclntyre is frît that the team did excep- ilyn Leask, Celleen Hutchinsen cd cach wcek. JACK ~asters b Crook rtf<. West 9th). scretary meet in the Lions Cer- tionally well. and Virginia Hopkins. (5) Plnies-Each Tuesday a this car runs wi rw' esukwt t B R O LJ G El son-Baes. ii-Pate, Patter-mnt Cnrsneh hidWd Bantam-During May and June Centrai School-Opened July 4 busawas chartered and members Y usfr-$150 ______son-Baes. _______Cetrm Snpthme hrd eMay, Stud mornngs two teams which centre proved very suc- etal the playgrounds went oY u PLUMBING - HEATING inclusive. This grgup consists et were picked and gaines ensucd. cessful fer the tirst threc weeks. Orono picnic grounds for a day et Could sadacul ftrs Division tÇt. S. Phone 2384 BTS. oy twenty members* and is self- Somne fifty boys in ail participated Softball, horseshoe pitching, vol- swimming races and gaines. Aver- BowmanvilleB... oy Wi supporting. during this turne. waeiybaîl and varieus active gaines age attendance was about 60. IuA w, __________Second Place Leathercraft sred by the Memrial Park As- Hutchinson and J. MeCoy wre members of the tiny tots grounds IO I At Oshawa Meet This greup of about twenty sociation, managed by Bill Mut- cmpleyed here. Miss Hutchinson boarded a bus and went te tue POEOOO8-- RN IH A At Oshawa Meet ~people ineets cvery Tuesday even- ton and coached by R. Bates. Re- was transtcrred on July 28 te the Creain et Barley Camp for a day POEOOO8-- ing under the capable leadership ceiving an independent bye inte grounds at Carlisle and Liberty et fun and gaines. Average at -_______________________________ LUMBER A group et young athletes frein et Merle Slute. This greup is fin- the playdowns the teain entered with registration et 112. tendance 30. _______ the Ontario Training Schooi for ancially selt-supportig. Severai a league with Orono, Newcastle, Memorial Park -This centre Weincr Roast-July 28, fitty- - _________________________ CUM9 Beys wound up in second place articles made by this group were and Port Hope. In the first round was prebabiy the most difticult te eight playgreund members met at at the aniual Oshawa and dis- reccntly entered in cempetition et the OBA playdowns Markham handie, attendance was unpredict- the High Schoel grounds at 7 p.m. trict Track and Field Meet held with excellent results. was deteateci declaring Bowman- able in the older ages. Virginia and proceeded te a crcek back et C.IM b- the Shamrock Athletic Club, Soap Carving ville Midgets Zone Champions. Hopkins and Bob Galiagher were tewn, where a splendid time was _____ Saturday, Permission was grant- This greup began in March and Cardinal deteated Bewmanviîîe in charge here. Basebaîl, dodge- had. Weiners and chocolate milk cd, by Asst. Supt. J. J. Brown, te bas about 8 yeung members in te beceme Eastern Ontario bail, sottball, seccer football, sing- wcre previded. Due te circuin- the teain et ten boys te compete regular attendance. Mr. Slute Champs and ousted Bewmanviîîe. ing gaines and quadrilles tormed stances beyond central the cbild- in ungle o der15anlua-s-ear aise instructs this graup. The Director aided Mr. Mutton a part et the prograinme. Regis- ren did not rcach home until late DikAmrAe uts-o MO VIES by acting as liason between the tration et 64. and severai parents werc werried. Dic Amer Aex uts, obclub and OBA and in setting up South Ward Sclîool-Tiny tots SPECIAL EVENTSIM Gardiner and George Maracle Movies were shown by the di- the initial local league. with Colleen Hutchinson and Mar- 2tb ay-SotDy-1.5 receivcd silver medals for their rector with the assistance et E. Juvenile-This teain was man- ilyn Leask did a very geod job amHg colgens Inter- tirst-place effort in the Public G. Witherspoon te many et the agd bmA. Surrckgcechd bhhee itharoudstaleattnd Schiool 440-yard rclay, at the organizatiens in town including; 'agdtch (Ab rr Osbo ed Donanccrec aordQuarilesatenkmediate Basebail, Lindsay vs. sain tie rtaiingtheClitf Liens Club, TrinityYPU.St Ferguson, and sponsered by the dancing, active gaines, singing BgwonvGls' 3 i.m. Hi h Sce Bennett Trophy for this event for Paul's Men's Club, Saturday tonmrhns egewsgiepatcn eelnCol-grudGlsSotaMpe f> anthr ea.Morning Club, Girl Guides and formed incîuding Whitby, Oshawa, ouring, sîng songs andl parte Grave vs. Bowinanvillc 9 p.m., ___ ~ ~~~~The under-12 relay teain, coin- High School. During the inonths Cobourg, Port Hope and Bow. were soine et the activities. Re BditnCuana 4he --prised of Dick Wilson, Rick Har- et March and AIpril 15 films werc manville, ahl "B"' teains with the gistrto May dance with Al Fletcher and ma__tn, finishe a nclse ecd n a directed684tewards raisie.ng money37 Nei an T d Srat s own te 84 ditere t eope. exception et Oshawa which is "A". Com m unity Centre-Tiny tts. orchestra. These activities w rc ti*___acosecn i VOLLEYBALL The Director was elected Secre- this centre was opened anc week teor the pregramme. Financia, hard-feught race and rcceived The Goodyear Recreatian Club tary-Treasurer et this league and later than the rest and lacked B bronze medals for their try. aided in premeting this activy executed the league business. the advertising gientersetgi was inaibuhnhuis __Dick Wilson toek peints for the but due te the rotating shift work Bewmanville hcld top honours for the programme. Programme the as high. 1t1'J1WTi2T OFF QI second-place teai with bis stand- at whîch many et the participants points in the schedule with Osh- saine as above. Registration 45. DTOSJS F ins nth oloin vet; u- ee mloe i etwtholyaa eon."B"' finalists and Kay Joncs supervised. Swimming-Number et instruc- ANIDHGH AY 2 "" lb. shot-put, 2nd, 43'2"; open BASKETBALL titles wdl carned by the juvenile rector was approached by Mr. More emphasis shouid be placedT "Co uetsed te be fun until hop-step and jump, 3rd, 36'2".* Wle eer n ap e squad, which were now entited te on play swim perieds.W ESOF Jimmy get his horse." Individual efforts in the under- WatrDGranRap Mc' Picnics-Should be hcld once 15 class shewed honers going te:_____________B__ usiness Dietr evcry twe wéeks with a ditterent Bob Gardiner, lst, high-jump, e' setting each turne. beaidTR OT 4'4"; Dick Armer, 3rd, high-jump, e ' Bowling Lge. L G LPagons-Dcnrlzto 44;Alex Butts, 3rd, runn.ing WC_____WC_______ important. Routine to b vi-T j Inoa upeetIsrco ilA I,..4... U-,.- W. R. STRIKE, K..cd and varicty strcssed. Appar- o u i Bagneli bo std the B.T.S. totals £ A 4 L L ~ £ L ~ _ Barrister - Solicitor - N otary at s p ci l y e gn d ur h s .2 P. M te 50 -points with tbree seconds; ~Solicitor for Bank et MontrealSciiatvissoudbin rnning broad jump, 19'3"; hep- The first meeting et the Men' oet La .Phn79 Spclatiteshudb n ___________________step and jump, 37'1"; running Major Bowling league was helMnytdon hn 9 creased. ____________________BENEFIT THI Bowmanviile, Ontario Staff - Applications made i high-jump, 5'4". at the haine et President Jc ARNEC AOBA writing, stating salary requiredU The other two members et the Brough on Wednesday, Sept. 14. O D N W and skillcd supervisers ernployed ET2 teain Dudley Daniels and Jerry Plans were made fer the coining GOOD steLAWR cit. or, N , HA.yPbi sitdb osiniu tdns Sumrs, i o ulf fo esnadilok keabgr COMBINATION King Street W., Bowmanville Finance-Annual budget sbould medals but, nevertheless, were and better one than last year. YU OlTW Â. hne fie68-Rsdne~ egbuho t~adm( Vdng ax tr p , we e e rtl c ng a u- P e ie J a bo n ug as th t s o ingH M On Wh Nr yo i E. Bonerr i e 68- Sol ictor -3 e heNotary S uM! 1 rho d o nated grouse or prairie ben. tien, aleng with teains frein S nls hed.Inheen mreo essan The non-regulated townships et Blackstock, Port Perry, Yelvcr- -Ofienhihoeesbuyprdcstshant " BATTERIES open season on grouse in Nevem- bore and Pontypool. Janctviîîe Office Heurs: be moved along the bigh cost es beSh t n th. The bag limit came eut on top et this league by ________________ 9 arn. te 6 p.m. daily and west trade routes ta have A T SUP [ES at this turne is thrcc a day with defcating Blackstock in the play- 9 a.m. te i2 noon WNednesday been opened parallel te thena " U OS P LE hoting time tram 8 a.m. te 5 otts and thereby earned the right tienal boundary. But natural pro- p.m. (EST), te play the winncr in the SoVth Safr rs Clesed Sunday. ducts like ail, ceaI, lumber, cattle, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S t a ff o rd__ _ m a t t e s hho teLe a0u 73j In tm tet ofpneasant sot Durhamin au for tue CountyPoe60 fruit, vegetables and similar tbings ing, the open dates in Durham Charnpienship. In this case Kendal N ...a.111. have tound the long cast-west are November 4th and th. Ne was the opposition and once more Monfumetaa l orks MO UMENTSI haul rates expensive and saine- G RBE'S berlad. The bag lti urham the wins. wso h ogede hn ht~52The Rutter Granite CQompany Nowthe new. surplus et western is three cock pheasants per day. The dinner at the Bensen House, 31 Dundas St, E., Whitby Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Canada ail promises a key. Iti SUPERTEST STATION Se far as is known the only town- which wiil commence at 7 p.in., FINE QUALITY Port Hope, Ontario--- would seirn te be only cemmon ship in whicb a license for phea- is for all members et the Janet- MONUMENTS ANDREAL EsTATE sense te let this flow north and Bowmanvillie- Phone 679 sant shooting is required is Dar- ville teain and managers efthte MARKERS R A S E sauth. The western United States- lington. There the required license other teains in the league. At the- is a natural and cager market for -YOUR'S FOR SERVICE - can be obtained frein the township dinner, windbreakers and league Precise workmansbip and BOWMANVELLE ail ceming frein6r trough thp clerk. crests will be presented te the careful attention te detail REAL ESTATE Eastern and Central United States. _________________winncrs. At 9 a.m., the celebra- are your assurance when 78 King Street West To adopt such a policy would put ir WsU-ita. Evcry man wiil have somnetbing tien wili meve on te the C.O.F. Yeu choose frein the wide Properties Soid, Rentcd this valuable preduct in the hands te do for bis tricnd and sorne- Hall at Janetville, wbere inembers selection et imported and Managed and Appraised. et the nearest censumers at thp 'Now, you loafer-geupadtethtriot the sober man can do the first; dal teains and their lady friends domestic Granites and Menbrsoieat at e anadiananr-oesTHposibeAcstIIOweinis anfrhelate,_atene__________tsTh care orthJ. Shehyn Dh Maciachian der the cost te censumers on both requisite. general public wiil be 50 cents. OfLAg - 326 Residence - 2017 sides ot the border will be bigher, TRU MDAT, S"T. 22nd, 1049 , qmý ÉqiLIMALIwAým "MALý Jpàdw - .-- - 1