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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1949, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT _____________________________________________________ --~ ~ ~J W NBAA1V A.jaLJIE ITAILL WEDDINGS MORRIS--HAIG In a quiet ceremony in Trinity United Church, Eowmanviile, at .3 a'clock, September 23, Dorothy Helen Haig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Haig, Coîborne, was United in marriage with Frank Donald Morris, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardon Marris, Bowmanville. Rev. S. R. Hender- son officiated. The couple was attended by Miss Rena Mutton and Mr. Bob Williams, Bowman- ville. The bride wore a navy blue gabardine suit with navy and white accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. Her bridesmaid wore a paddy green gabardine suit with dark green accessories and corsage of talisman roses. Aiter a trip ta Niagara Falls and Buffalo returning by way ai Quebec and Montreal, the happy couple will reside in Bowmanville. Flying backward is a stunt anlyk ane landb*rd can do-the hum- mingbird.t The marriage of Beverley Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Payne, of Orono, and Charles Wil- liam Disley, Junior, son af Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Disley, of Bow- manville, was solemnized on Sat- urday, Sept. 24, at Orono United Church with Rev. A. E. Eustace officiating. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a street- length dress ai puppet blue crepe with matching accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Her only attendant was Mrs. Donald Tennant, who was in a dress oi brown faille with match- ing accessories. A corsage af yel- low chrysanthemums comprised her corsage. The best man was Donald Ten- nant. For the reception held at the home ai the bride's parents, the bride's mother received wearing brown crepe. The bridegroom 's mother, who assisted her, wore grey crepe. For the wedding trip through the United States, the bride chose '-i i. 'i 4$ ~F .5 .5 .5 -5 -g .4' .5' 5. .1 .5 .5, .5, '5 5' *1 5, 't .5 '5 .5 .5. 5,5 5' '-w,- -su -u "-4 i -I4 g m e. -er '-00 'as. -50* -Uc -s -55* -~ -"s 'Sa US au -'t 55. .,. s -s. -~ r -s '-4" 's-a "'i "5' 1.1 -au .5 'q -u -au w j I j -e. lit 28 KING ST. W. PHONE 747 alu gre gabardine suit wfth r uetp coat and accessories. Mr. and Mns. Disley wfli re, in Orono. d IUOFF-SCHOLL Miss Mary Katherlue Scholl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charle Frederick Schah aiCharlotte, N C., became the ebride ai Jaint Seward Ruofi, son ai Mrs. Chaur. cey Francis Ruait- and the latt Captain Ruf aif Johnstown, N.Y in a ceremnony ai beauty, Sept 17th at 4 o'clock at the chape] of Colgate-Rochester Divinity school. Dr. William H. Hudnut minister oi ThIrd Presbyteria: church, ofiiciated. Arrangements ai white ilowers, paînis, and candelabra' holding white tapers formed the setting for the ceremony. Lloyd Averili, arganist, present- ed a pragram ai wedding music and played the wedding marc! irom "Lahegi, by Wagner as the pracssoal. He playet Mendelssohn's ma.rch irom "A Midsummer Night's Dreani," as the recessional. The bride was given in mar- niage by her father. Jules Lob- sitz ci Upper Montclair, N.J., was best man. Ushers were William B. Gates ai New Yark City an< George Scholl of Washington, D. C. The bride'ware a gawn ai ivory faille iasbioned with a wide nuf: collan, fitted badice, bustle anc boop skint with a train. Rer match- ing gauntiets and the necklace ai the gawn wene outlined with lace. Rer full length veil afi m panted illusion bad a 10-inch bon- dem ai ivany alencan lace, and was warn with a beant-shaped bead- dness af stiifencd illusion trimmcc with seed peanîs. She cannied a bouquet ai white roses, stepbanotis and fleun d'amour. Miss Chanlene Schahl, maid ai bonar, ware a iigbt green taffeta drcss fasbioned with a basque 'bodice, bigh collar, and gatbercd skint. She wone matcbing gaunt- lets and canied a bouquet af American Beauty nases, She aise ware rases in the bain. Mrs. Robent J. Roman and Mrs. Louis P. Peterson ai Rochester, NYwere bridesmaids. They wore dark green gowns fasbianed aiten that ai tbe maid ai bonon and carried bouquets, ai Ameni- can geauty nases. The bride's mothen wane a gown ai orchid lace and chiffon with a grey feather bat. She ware a shoulden bouquet ai camellias. The bridcgnoom's mathen wane a gown oi ashes ai rases chiffon and a deep wine velvet bat. She wone a pink camellia shoulden bouquet. A reception was held at Wood- side 485 East Avenue in Roches- ter, aiter tbe ceremany. Later the couple leit fan a wedding trip ta the Pocono Mountains, Pa. Fan travelling the bride wane a neya blue gabardine suit witb gney ac- cessonies and a shoulder bouquet ai bronze anchids. Aiter October 1, they will be at home at 94 Oli- ver Street, Rochester, N.Y. Tbe bride was gnaduated inoni the Charlotte city scbools and Duke univensity, wbere she was a member oi Phi Mu, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsilon. Since ber graduation sbe bas been employ- cd as a cbemist with'- Eastman Kodak campany. The bridegroom received his B.S, and M.S. degrees from Mas- sachusetts Institute ai Technolo- gy, where 'ho was a member ai the dormitory board, the Dorcian, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Alpha Chi Sigma. He was an officen in the iniantry and senved in Europe. At present hé is a chemical en- gineen witb Eastman Kodak coin- pany. The bride is a grand-daug1hter ai Mrs. Gea. A. Stephens, Bow- manville, Ont. Miss Ida Stephens, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Misses Muriel and Helen Langmaid, Hampton, wene Canadian guests at the wedding. -Capied fnom The Charlotte Ob- server, N.C. D. E. Robinson Wins Veterans' Beauty Home Award D. E. Robinson, 541 Veteran's Road, Oshawa, and son ai Mr. and Mrs.. Milton Robinson, for- merly residents in the Hampton- Sauina district in Darlington Township, bas been awarded high honars and an award in the Domdnion-'wide Competition in the impravementt'nd beautifica- tion ai the home and grounds, spansared by the Veterans Land Act Branch ai the Dept. ai Veter- ans' Aifairs. Mr. Robinson receiv- ed iirst prize ai $20 for the dis- trict and a plaque in recognition ai the award as a permanent ne- minder ai bis success. Mr. Robinson, who is an ex- R.C.A.F. clerk, bought ane-balf Iacre ai land aiter returning fram o verseas in 1946. He bad served Ifor three yeans ovenseas and is naw employed at Duplate. On the land around bis bouse, he has a nice lawn, a large general garden, ilowers and shrubbery, naspberries, strawbennies and same apple trees. He also has 200 white legharn chickens wbich are producing well now. A portion ai the letter irom the Department te Mr. Robinson reads as fallows: "It is indeed a pleasune for us ta award yau this pnize for youn autstanding ability and interest in yaun home and grounds. When cansidering the many bundreds ai vetenans established in thîs territory it is certainly a com- mendable effort on your part ta have made such a splendid show- ing. Besides being a standing ad- vertisement ai your own and your iamuly's ability and effort, your small holding sets a fine example ta neigbbours and those passing by Due ta the many favorable coin- ments passed by the judges when they inspected yaur pnaperty, we are well aware of the thought and labor involved in carrying out the numerous improvements on your amall holding." The Famous ""QUEBEC"# (SIDE OVEN) 11RENOWN99 m m $70.0 The ""145 GIUEBEC" Heaier - only $29.00 The ""155 GUEDEC" HBeaier - only $34.0 ##ROYAL ESCORT" Top af Heavy Cast Steel, Large IReservoir, Porcelaju Finished lExterior, Porcelain Back Shelf. - 78"x44'" wide, 4-9" llds. a - m $9-0 Very similar ta Encart lu slightly smaller style. See These Today * The Radio Shop PHONE 313 BOWMANVILLE SR KING ST. E. - M $163.00 'FN! r!~AIA>*ara i'~aiA W lP~R at,,. a -THURSDAY SEPT. 29% 'y ENXISKILLEN Tont.d CRY ]RapidlY le The Service .Club Met a h Taklng Shap>e borne ai Mr&. L. Weamu, on Sept. In Brant COUflty 20. Most ai the eelgwas. spent discussing prepartin for' work Installation ai utilities for the Lta be. doue this term. Lunch was "Tented City", a two million dol- es served by Mrs. H. MiII,, Mi~s. F. lar, display oi farm machinery ~Beckett Mrs. E. McNàlr, and the and equipment, bas started at ~hostess.Nelxt meeting at Mrs. H. Buriord scene ai the 1949 Inter- 1 ii'Ot . nationZ1 Plowing Match. The te Our Junior Choir supplied the event this year apens on October Cmusic again in the absence oi the Il and continues until October 14. Senior Chair who went ta Hay- Population of the "City" will reach el don, on Sunday evenlng.. more than 100,000 inhabitants at ,y Mrs. Floyd Beckett entertained the beight ai the Match. t, 16 children and sanie ai their ma- Clark Young, treasunen ai the n thers ta 'a binthday panty for Ontario Plawmen's Association, Garry and Wane an Monday aiten- under whosc auspices the Match 8noon irom 4 ta 6 o'clock is held each year, and N. E. Mac- 1 Misses Gloria and Carol Wright Plierson, representîng the Ontario g spent Sunday afternoôin yith Miss Hydro Electric Powen Commis- Ellenor Heard. Fan Dnad sion, are supervising staking out Mr. an Mrs . rankDorandthe unusual city. They repart it - Mn.and I-5.will lie;the langest cammunity ai [c attendcd i4be Alldread-Welsh its kind ever built by the Associa- h wedding on Wednesday at Baw- tion and the display ai machinery ,r manville. will be the largest in Canada's d Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and history. A, Larmy with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buriord is situatcd eight miles is Oke. west ai Brantford and it is on Mn. and Mrs. Fred Billett and the farm ai H. W. Amy at Bur- -family, Scarbora Bluffs, at ber! fond, that the big Match is taking -brother's Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- place. Eacb year for the past 35 sGill's. yeans the Ontario Plowmen's As- i Mm. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and sociationi bas sponsared this world d family were Sunday visitons at famous match. This year, thase in Mn. Floyd Brawn's and Mn. Ray- charge say, will outclass aIl others. mand Bottnell's, Newcastle. Mn. Young reports that applica- Y Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeat- tions for space in the unique min- îer and George with friends at iature "'city" bave already exceed- d Castionvilie, Ont., and Fisherville ed last year's nequirements by ten -for the weekend. per cent.' Still others are expectcd Mn.andMrs Alste Lailiandin the next few weeks. e aM r.y bca ygMr.Alen Lm. and lmh "city" will bave neanly a fMins. oeygo, r admile and a a hai mf ontage fan Mr.William Lamb, Nestîcton, exhibitons and over balf a mile *and Mrs. Johnson Brandon, ai restaurants -and a similar area sGuelph, witb Mr. Lamne Lamb. ai educational exhibits by govern- 1 Congratulations ta Mr. and ment departments and other agen- aMrs. Henry Adams, Hampton, on cies. sthe arrivai ai a fine -baby girl, a Hydra power will run down sisten for Bruce and Bnian. eacb street and be available ta f Mn. and Mrs. I. W. Parrott and each exhibiton. Fresh water will Jean, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns'. flow througb special aluminum *A. L. Wearn. pipes along the entine length ai Mn. and Mrs. William Bnagg, the- streets. Adequate supply ai Providence, with Mn. and Mrs. water always presents a pnobiem fHarold Ashton. but this bas been overcome by the Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Wenry, Osh- unique driving ai sand pointsf awa, with Mn. and Mrs. J. A. tbnaugh the bottoni ai a well on %rrny. Mn. Amy's farm. An excellent Mn. and Mrs. Lenoy Hamilton, euPPIy ai water bas thus been Onono, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mc- abtained and unden test for sev- Gill and Don, Toronto, with Mns. enal bouns bas shown a yield ai John McGill. 1,150 gallons per haur. AnalYsisn Mrs. Hanny Ashton, Haydan, shows the wvater ta be ai top quai- with Mn. and Mrs. Russell Aung- itY accanding to Department ai en. Health standards. Glad ta see Mn. and Mns. Rus- In a few days mare lots ta lie0 selI Aunger are getting around uscd by exhibitons wiil be stakeda aiter thein bad accident in Bow- out and fromn then on this quiet t manville a few weeks aga. bit ai country will litenally hum t Mn. Gardon Fleet, Toronto, witb with activity on a par with that ir his parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Fleet af any good sized municipaîity. t and at Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Every facility faund in a mad- ' Wearn's. ern cammunity will be availableh Mn. and Mns. R. Hope and in the unique "Tented City". Theh family and Mn. C. Milis, Port anly thing lacking will lie paved a( Penny, with Mn. and Mrs. L. roadway and sidewaiks. How- ec Stainton. even, goad substantial surface is a Mn. H. Adams, Bruce-and Bnian, being pnavided fan aIl waiks and a Hampton, Mr. and Mns. J. Fallis, naadways but the sidewalks will Cadmus, with Mn. and Mns. j. be sait, Mr. Young says. Adamis. Mr. and Mns. F. E. Pethick, Mrs. Venna Wood, Toronto, with thein Necessity Mother of parents Mn. and Mns. S. R. Peth-Efotmd net n ick. M r n neto Mn. and Mrs. Wili Tonkin, Mrs.____ J. Tonkin and boys, Oshawa, Mn. (The Seene imam Shingwauk and Mns. W. Rahm, Tynone, were Farm) Sunday evening callers at Mns. The peapies ai the wonld wha Mary Griffin's. bave pragressed intellectually, Mns. J. D. Brown, Onono, with m'aterîally, and spiritually are Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. thase who bave had ta work bard Laoking mare like Fall, since ta aovencome thein difficulties. the sligbt fnost Saturday night, They grew by effort. and with silos getting aIl filled Eveny means wbich men bave up forwinter. The farmers bave devised ta gain thein own case at had plenty ai nain fan their fail the expense ai athers bas been wbeat, would have been betten a boomerang. Their awn deteriar- if we bad bad saine during the ation aiways bas defeated expiait- summer. 1es Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor- Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 791 Bawmanvihle, Ontania LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnisten, Soicitor, Notany Publie King Street W., Bawmanville Phone: Office 688 . Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barristen - Solictor - Notary 9 1/ King Street E. Bown<anville, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - House 409 The mQst popular fallacy is that men can achieve their own happi- ness by gaining group control ai others, rather than through the cumulative collective result ai their individual efforts. The current problems ai the British clothing industry illus- trate the mass mistakes which are rrillde when men attempt ta es- cape the necessity ai persanal ef- fort. Necessity is the prime in- ceitive which has moved men ta achievement. Mr. Harold Tay- lor. Kettering Clothing Society, wniting in the Co-operative Re- view, Manchester, gives an ex- ample af the deterioration ai bath workers and their products in an article entitled "Clothing Enig- ma". He descnibes one aspect ai the complex problems in the pro- duction ai quality textiles requir- ed ta maintain Bitish leadership MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barnisten, Solicitor, Natary Public Successon ta M. G. V. Gould Tempenance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DFVITT & RUDELL Graduates ai Royal Dental College, and Faculty oi Dentistny, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg. King Street - Bowmanvillc Office Houns: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesdày Clased Suinday. Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt . 325 Dm. W. M Rudeil - 22 DR. E. W. SISSON, LD.S., D.D.B. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., l3owmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. Phone 604 MONUMENTS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 .Pont Hope, Ontaia REAL ESTATE BO WMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properies Sald, Rented Managed and Appmaised. Memnbens ai the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachian OMM - 326 Residence.-2017 SBENEFIT DY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION VouRt HOME TOWN PAPER lives v..complt. démdable local newa . eedte kwow mli éhel le eiontemewhm ew ..liv. WORLD w=we hio vents abar* io the mokin - evente whlch ceB machit.Y teyOI.yout lob, vouv base, y.., utUre. For constructve re Bd d lterpre- moi. ntins lmed interne- tima e"ul. there la ne substitut. foc THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Eniey the bamefiftsof beis$ bast infmmed-4ocmly, mltimallyr, itmiel. #y - with yeur local r:rend The CbhwIeoie Science LISTEN Tuudw uibbs» ABC stations te "The. Christie» Science oitehw ime uNews.,# And usé lii. eme lreduclery * m ugle.$oela y" e Ch.ui .Suoen t. OeNom".ySt.,sem1e. l, u.,.S.A.. leemesea"me e tdh«. 24 hev- i ess, j jsue ;'Çr <-bfl 7 cEesel alut in export markets, as follows: "An impantial, observer, with only an elementaîry knawledgc oi the .clatbing industny, on visiting a factory these days couid sec large gaps in production and bottle-necks in specific opematians, mainly caused thirough the short- age, ai skilled workers. The few Worklers who bave entened tbe industry since the cessation ai bas- tilities are genenally reluctant ta undentake any task wbicb ne- qui.nes. a considenable amaunt af understandà-ng, patience and dcx- terity befone becoming expert. It is nelatively easien fan the young entrant ta eann certain rates in a very much sharten time an me- chanical sequence apenations.. "The value defined in tbe utili- ty schedules during the war years bas supplied the majanity ai maies with a much bighen standard than that obtained in pne-wan days. Is it therefone reasonable ta suppose that they wiil now lie prepaned ta transier their affections froni wansteds ta woolens unless fonced ta do so by dine necessity?" Harvey Bros. Win 12 Prizes on Gurnseys With a total entry of only seven ai their purebred Guernsey herd, the Harvey Brothers' Ravens- worth Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmanvjlle, took a total ai 12 prizes at Osha- wa Fair. In addition ta six firsts and two seconds, four top awards were taken by the bevy af bovines. These were: Senior Champion Bull in Reserve, Senior Champion Female in Reserve, Grand Champ- ion Female in Reserve and Jun- ior Champion Female in Reserveý Possibly with an eye toward duplicating this feat, the Harvey Brothers will be taking anothér graup of Gulernseys to the fair in Markham on Friday.. 'IIF ANY WOULD NOT WORK, NEITHER SHOULD HE EAT". When the Early Christians found that their communismn pro.. duced disorderly and idie ele- ments, they were commended to 'withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disordenly." Regarding the idie they were re- rninded that, '4even when we were with You, this we commanded You, that if any would flot work, neither should he eat." The dis- orderly who were "working not at ail, but are busyboaies" werc told to work with quietness and to "eat their own bread." Regard- ing those who would not obey the gyood advice, the 'brethren w'ere told ta "note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed." The final aimonition should be most heed- ed today: "Yet count him not a s in enemy, but admonish him as a trother". Canadian fashions and fineWoo1 show which opened at te, woollen and worsted fabrics were Savoy Hôtel, London, Eng., ou exhibited at the International1 Sept. 20. From Faciory fo Wearer!1 YifJIŽS Complele Fur Servit RepairiRg Remodelling Siorago Complete range of new coats at factory prices, Next time ru are ln Port Hope you wilI be a welome guest at our modern fur salon to look over our complete Hune of fur coats. If you cannot get ta Port Hope, write to us lu reference to your fur problems, by mail, and we wii gladly give yau the Information you desire. - COATS WILL BE STORED UNTIL WANTED - Durham Fuiriers Limited PORT HOPE PHONE 2128 'r, ATTENTION Coal Consumers Make your dollars go f arther. Place your orders now - for a trial ton of ALBERTA COAL. This is the Genuine Alberta Anthracite, mined from a depth of 1500 ta 2000 feet. This coal neyer reached eastern provinces during the war, owing to government orders. - SAVE CANADIAN DOLLARS FOR CANADIANS - Owen Nicholas Funels Phone 410 Bowmanville r, LADY'S 17-jçwel GLADSTONE WATCH- LADY'S 17-jewei GRUEN WATCH SET- GENT'S GRUEN WATERPROOF WATCH- 17-Jewel lu stalnless steel case. price $52.50 GENT'S GLADSTONE WATCH- ln smartly styled yellaw gold case, 17-jewei .price $24.50 HOOp E R 1'S JEWELLERY AND JIFT SHOP Remember last year's resolutions not to get eaught la tic last minute rush ai Christmas buying? Now's the time ta live up ta them! Came in and make 3rour selectians at yaur leisure. Our prices are low, our stock complete, aud yau'Il enjoy prompt and undlvided attention. A amaîl down payment wil do, and yen eau pay for your selections lu easy in- stailmeuts. McClary Stoves FOR COAL & WOOD Fainous for Qualify for Over 100 Years -u i -N j -e. -'w -w h .5 '.4 1~ 1 Signpost of Satisfaction lp it 10 f4:ý ý4Ci5ýw 1 - TUE CAIÉAI)TAM -qTAqlM-UAV ewnlàlDTo% PORT HOPE PHONE 2128 Bowmanville PRICE PER TON - $16-50 Phone 410 DENTAL

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