OFFERS YO'" -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EBOWM4ANVILLE, ONTAIO Loaçai -W. L Heco TIk o -n Maritimes By Ed. Swnmers Memnberg cf the Bowxnenville W61hée1's Institute were treated to ili'finainary trip ta the Mari- Uirel at ,their October meeting on ýOcobecr'27 et the Union Halli when *bf r, E. A. Summers, local represeritative oi the Department of liricultirre, spoke ai bis recent "G od-Will' Patato Tour". Mnr., S14rMers, who was accomn- Parýed, by his wlfe an the trip, waa ar çf the 65 Ontario farmers atid- Dçpt. of Agriculture repre- sezit'tives who participated in the tour.' Most af the tourists who carne -from 14 different counties, weé je o 'foncentres west' ai To- mot where patate growing im a major .Industry. Cansiderable work donc by the Department in Durhain Ç with the pota- to W'àét sepeiàlly with the d5oOBu~e Club". Lest year thetb wère .15 - menibens of the c1ul1) but due to the extremneiy dryi -seasan only 6 succeeded in gaÜdng s ebership this year. Tlie first official stop of the p a r i, ' w a s et th c h is to ri e a n d pict ~ esque citadel f Quebec Citytr Prom there, they travelled ja1o1 the sauth shore af the beau- tiuix St.. Lawrence River, down to 9-rarid lails, ?X.B. This lovely littlie town which is largeiy pop>flated wlth French-Canadians, recewed its name from the natur- ai ciacRt which-- as cut a 100 foot gorge through the centre of the town. This miniature Nifgar§É supplies ail the electrical power for the town, «ândalrg district surrounding it.Apr frQm its-, cenlc attractions, the visitors were interested ini the town because It la the centre of a large, and productive poteto beit. Mr. Surners statcd that'on these "potato" ferms there art no other crops, and no livestock of any description. From here they journeyed south of the border ta Maine, where in one county alone more potataes are grown annually than in ail of Canada. In this particular area the farms show ail the signa of prosperity-they are well kept. with neat, freshiy painted homes and barnns. The visitars tcok par- ticular lnterest In an experinien- tai farrn which Is testing varieties cf potatoes and different types of sprayems. Back te, Canadien sailiagain t.hey vlsited the little town of Perth, situated on the St. John River, where the party was ad- dressed by Han. Mr. Taylor, Minster cf Agriculture for New Brunswick, who gave an informa- tive taik on the patate Industry. Rere Mr. Summers introduced a humorous note to his talk by relating their first experience with sea food, and in particular lobster-apparently these viciaus looking creatures were too much for somie of the travellers. On they went to the charming city cf Fredericton, where there is a starch industry which looks aiter any surplus« potato crops; along the 100 mile scenîc St. John River drive ta the port of St. John, city af the famous Revers- ing Falls. Travelling by ferry the tour arrived at Prince Edward Island 1-or "pretty every inch" as ane native called it-the province of red soul, fertile crops and lovely homes. The ladies in the group wçre privileged to vîsit the home- a nd 'ow ho cornes to see me every evening, ine. THFE RADIO SROP repired our rad1% P stead cf Elle 1%. Montgomery. writer of the beioved -"Anne cf Green Gables" seriez of bocks. Those who were interested in potatees leemned the secret of preventing ove-grown potatoes by kifling the tops by the rnethod ai spraying. The speaker closed him most interesting travelague, by givlng the ladies some ttkmely advice about purchasing patatees for the winter months. Mr. Summers was, intraduced by Mrs. Leddy. October prcgram. canvenor, and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard contributed twa lovely. solos. Preceding the address the regular business meeting was conduëted by President Mrs. L. S. Dumas. Lunch was served and a social heur enjoyed. New District Deputy Installed by C.O.F. Officers and inembers of the Canadian Order ai Forestees frozn Toronto, Whitby, Bowmanville., Pickering and Oshawa gathçred et an open installation ceremcny at the Forester's Hall, Oshawaà, Oct. 24 for the installatfon of Bro. Charles Ferguson as the District' Deputy YLigh Chief Ranger for thé Oshawa district. Bro. Ferguson succeeds Bro. H. B. McCabe who had held the office for fourteen years. and was presented with'iris jewel as Past District Deputy,, and with gifts from the courts cf the District. Bro. M. Mcntyre Hood, president of -the Peut Chief Rangers' Association, uigder whose auspices the function was heid presided over the gathering, et which the ladies were also pre- sent. Bro. W. J. Bourke, Toronto. High Vice Chief Ranger, installed Bro. Ferguson in his new office. presenting him with the badge of District Deputy High Chief Ran- ger. Bro. Lionel Jordan, Toronto, member of the High Court Execu- tive, presented Bro. McCabe with the Past District Deputy's, jewel. and paid trîbute ta the serviçce which the recipient had given ta the order. Presentation of a smoking jacket and a set of pipes was made ta Bro. McCabe by Bro. Ed. Hen- derson, P.C.R., and Bro. Walter Tippett, C.R., on behaîf of the District Courts and the P.C.R. Association. Bro. McCabe, ini ne. sponding, related some af the past history af forestry in the district. showing how the order had grown in this amea duing the period he had held effice. Bro. George Gre- amn, C.R., Bowmanville, and Bro Hepburn, C.R., af Court Whitby elso spoke ln eulogictic terms ci the work of Bro. McCabe. Presentation of a Past Chiet Rangem's jewel ta Bro. Irvin Phil- lips, Court Whitby, was aise made by Bro. Boufke. A program of motion pictures. through the courtesy ai the Osh- awa Film Council, was presented. and refreshments were semved bv members oi Court Oshawa. Bro Cal Braun, district organizer, gave an inspiring talk on the value af fratemnelism as a meens ai creat- ing good fellowship and brother- hood throughout the country and the world. CRISTMAS SPECIAL!. m I TUE BALMORAL HOTEL, DO WMN VILLE Thursday, Novemnber 10,ý 1949, from 10 ANM. UNTIL 5 P.M. - FOR CHILDREN 1 P.N. UNTIL 10 P.N. - FOR ADULTS. AND FANILY CROUPS ITAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS SPLENDID OFFER N 0 W 1 Wedding of Burketon Interest MR. AND M1RS. HAROLD McLAUGHLIN whose marriage took place recently et Blackstock United Church. Formerly Miss Marjorie Eileen Tomg-, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllbur Toms and the bridegroom is the ton of Mr. and« Mrs. William McLaughlin, al of Burketon. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gezette NESTLETON Anniversary services ln the United Church were quite a suc- cess. Over $100 was taken in. Mrs. Butler, Blackstock, vlsited Mr, and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Marg aret Steele, R.. Sunnybrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns., *Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Glen and Deanne, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskiri. Mrs. Cook, Brooklin, Mr. and *Mrs., Neil Malcolm, Blackst.ock. Mr., andi Mrs. Willard Cook, Osh- awa, visited Mr. andl Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.. L. Joblin.. Mr. and Jvlrs. *ilson. Mrs. Lockyer, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Suggitt, Toronto. on the ar- rivai of a young son. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family visited Mr. and Mns. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton. Congratgi1ations to Mr. an~d Ms.. Lompe IYeKee. . n ýtie arrtval of àr young daughter..: -.1 Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon THanna have'retuitned tram .their honey- moon; 7.Wa wpICome Mrs. Hanna to our' coâ=munitg,. Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth .Lamb. Clark1spn, Mr. and Mrs. Lomné Laný-b-.,ante faiy Enniskillein. visif ni vIrs.Wm. F. La mr" Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm ajd T Gail visited Mr. and Mrs. iYossèVanNest;Newtonbrook. MrJ 'arid Mrs. Marvirn Nesbitt, Mr. !'tx.d Mrs. Wlbert Malcolm. Mr. And Mrý. Jerry- Bristo* and Garr:,r visited Mr. and Mrs. Law- rencg. Malcolm. -, Me' and Mrs. 'Victor Malcolm and family. visitedf Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. BROWN'S Mrs. Cyril Alery had her tonsils BowrianvllleHospital Saturday, and- is pragressing fa- ývrably. Bobby Knox has been a patient in Oshawa- Hospital but ls up aild going -again. Mr. and Mrs.' Richard ]Davles and j7revor have been visitlng her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Fleming in Oshawa. Miss Blanche Wattcn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowland, Walter and boy fr lend, Jordan Station, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier on Friday while, on their way to Ottawa e nd Notb Bey. Mrs. H. Riechrath and Beryl visited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Har- ris in Cobourg. Has the aena, really been started? One can.hardIy believe that it's true. Congratulations to Mr. and Mmi. Clarence Simms (nee Ruth Honey) an the arrivai. of their wee son,-aý littie brother for Catherine. Last year 29 milion ffeople tra- velled, by air.. YOUR EYE S and ve an -Rewrittcn frcm previcus copyrights of C. B. TUCK Optometrist D~isney BIdg. Ir (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phone 1518 Ne. 78 It was thought et one tîme that cyctraîn was'ciiefly e matter cf advancing age.. It la praven, however, tiret more than half the defects have natiring to do witir citiret' ad age or even middle .age but are due ta defccts comn- mon ta thc cycsA nd may be found IAI the eyes ai the child as in the eyes ai those ai marc mature yrears. OBITUARY ALBERT E. TROM1'SON Albert Edward (Ned) Thomp- son, 48, af 351 Park St.. Peter- bao, died suddenly etii resi- deace an Wedncsdey, Oct. 19. Hpé- was a well-knýown neal estatA broker la the city for the pat 15 yeans and former owaem of race hamacs. He was bora in Cartwright Township, son of thre late Johr? Thompson and Adeline Holmes Mm. Thompson weat ta Petemboru 20 yearsaega; he was not married. He leeves a 'ister, Mrs. Donald- Jordlan (Della) and a brother Ce- cil Thompson, bath ai Peterboro., anîd wes a member ai St. Paul's Preabyterian Cirurch. Funeral service wnas held- et the Kaye Funeral Home on Oct. 22. Rcv. Cherles G. Boyd officiated and burlal was et Cadmus Cû.me-, tery, Blackstack. MES. THOMAS H. GARVIN The death ai Anna Gilîson, wife ai Thomas Hamry Garvin oi 227 Ray Street Northr, Hamilton, oc- curned an Saturday, Oct. 22, et 4l.'e..Hamilton General Hospital, iolro1bwing a lengthy-lllness. Mrs. Garvin was bomn at Bow- menville 75 years ago and irad iivcd in Hamilton Sor the pat 31 years. Besides hem bhusband she ,leaves: three brothers, George Gilîson, Charles , Gillson and William Gilîsan eal-i aiToronto-, three sisters, Mzüs.: Fdience Harri- son ai Toronto, Mrs. Clara Bowea and Mrs. JoL Bowen, bath af Alberta and four nicces in Hamil- ton.1 - The funeral serviee wes held tram tire Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Home.- Hamnilton, an Tuesday attemnoon. Interment was miade in Woodland Cernetery, Heamilton. Better Ventilation In Cattie Barns At Royal Winter Fair -A new -ventilation systema will lie testcd in tire cattie barns ai thre Rayal Agricultural Winter Fair this year. The xnew 'installations will lie mfade as a resuit ai an examina- tion oi tire barns by tire Depamt- ment of Agicultumal Engineer- inig et O.A.C. Provided for under the new plan are a series ai fans, which will lic bath thermostaticaliy and manually controlledý Air will lie suckcd ln et tire nortir end and pushed out et tire south end of thc berns. Tire plan aise provides for sev- eral degmees difference in tem- perature between the twa ends af tire building-aonc for bcdf and the other for dalry cattie. Work on the new pmoject la ta proceed immediately, and il la çxpected that tire system wil lie iristailed for thre 1949 Royal. FALL PHONE r7m The Tcaxes *e Pay <By IL J. Deachman) I received lately fram the- Tex Foundation Inc., 30, Rockefeller Plaza, N.Y., U.S.A. e booklet en- titlcd "Tire Hand la Your Pockct". It refers ta the ubiquitous hand of Uic tex collector. This excellent pîcce ai reseancir was Uic work ai .Earl Richent, Staff Writer of the Scripps-Howard Ncwspaper Alli- ance, an American ncwspapcr synidicate, whch puts faith in Uic slogan, "Give ligirt and thre people will' ind tircir wey". In this -effort Mr. Richent had tire support of Tex Foundation lac., which fecla tiret Uic hand in your pockct is langer than you think it is and thet good work would tie donc by rnaklng us consciaus cf thc unseezi and - therefore un- noticed taxes whlcir we pey. eWoquld yau believe that e car selling in the United States for $1,897 in 1948 carried a tex bult ai over $466.? 'Yau would have been somewhat imprezsed wouldn't you if Uic dealer irad said. "Tire price i.s $1,431 and $466 for the taxes? Here are Uic details: Direct Corporation taxes -------- ---- $ 36.00 Incarne taxes paid by employeca ai car mnanufacturers 81.00 taxes ai employeca ai parts suppliera -------- 110.00 Taxes paid by deaier andà .his employees ---- 96.00 Federal excise tax 91.00 State. sales tex _____- 50 $466.00 Consider the . taxes on a bat your wîfe Is going ta buy et Eas- ter. Sire la a goad girl and de- serves -a new hat. I know you will think tire price la pretty steep but you will say notiring about it, sire'a youm wiie! If aire only knew 'she migrt 'tell you that there are 150 separate taxes direct and indirect on that hat .before il passes imb ber bands. There are 8 Federal taxes paid by Uic ib-bon maker, tire trucker wiro movcd the materi4ls tram anc place ta another, for Uic nigirt te do so, pays taxes and passes tirem on ta you. The flower man- ufacturer paid 6 Féela taxes; the eelling importer, paid, 8, la- ciuding customa duties and 25%/ on cables;, Uic straw importera paid the sâme, 8 Federal taxes; tire general express agency whicir hauled the bat from tire jobbem ta the Connecticut bat sirop paid 5 Federal taxes and tire rebeller paid 5. There were 43 stete and 41 local taxes from tire New Jersey ribbon miii ta tire Connecticut bat sirop. I shall nol press tire case furtirer. Thia,oai;course, was Ia tire United States - aad well - we are neyer se lied as tirey vire aver tirere - let it go et Uebl! Smokes are a horrible exemple. Tirey touched the smoker for a contribution oi $1.2 billion at year. Tire amoker tiraugbb ire was smoking-ire wes busy paying taxes wiieire smoked. I'rn not particuleriy worried about tirem, I arn not a ireavy smoker. Wiriskey is still womse. If you are an Amer- ican you pay $2.10 ia taxes on yaur bottie ai whiskey. 'It is a matter ai no concema ta me, I ireven't had a drink since Tru- ma was elected and upon tiret occasion, as you probably know, I took lb wiren tire resuit seemed doubtful-I tirougbt il migrt irelp Truma. It did! Here's enother for tire record. There is' et least 100 taxes in- valved in bringing an egg te your breakfast table. Tire gracer- tins was in Cicago-paid 14 Federel, state and loc al taxes, but, he didn't count' tiem ail. Tirere are a number ai insignifi- cent littie items wiricb pyamided maunt in tire end to a very large sum. He paid a 20% bo ax on light buiba eand a 10% manuiecbumer's excise tex paid an iris reirigera- tion ad addiag machines. The trucirer wiro dcivered tire eggs contributed about 20 taxes in ail. Tis included Fed- eral taxes on bis employeca' social aecumiby, iris telepirone bill and bis saf e deposit box. Since bis iirrn was iacorptmated ire paid Federel corporation income taxes and he paid stabe taxes and fees [Pensions; femily ullowances: free cholci In the spendlng oony medical services-411 thes. and core-but h. doesdt, » heaven tco as the fruit of Indirect Ho bas flypflotied f taxes. believing that, in smre He wouldr't pay for these governrents can sped bUl things, not on a bet-if the taxes without sticking, a 'hand lai were stated plainly in his tex- pocket. Poor chap! Will he ev bill--so many dollars for this, so leamn. I shali not guesa about' hý many for that. He would defend distant future-it's herd to undee' the consumer's right te a free stand what's happening today. 9 jr7 la :, 3Lneàt Q~&~e V3W s Mf i MOINTREAL - There's something about d stm- in owl cf savoury soup te make officeetired lirs- bads sit up and take notice at-dincertime 1 That's why HIEINZ CONDENSED SOUPS are se popa- lar with so many wives who likè ta delight tSicir ~.. ~* . husbands! For AL ai Heinz Soups are savoury to Sthe Iast Eip - sa wleu you sefye them -Creamr of ~ omato, Vegetable, Chîcken Noodle -better ae the serving extra large I And dîd you know- Reinz versatile Soups add exciting flavour ta dozens of dishes - dre: _ mngs, meat loavcs, casseroles!1 Sirnply write go me - Barbara Brent, 141 Crcscent St., Montreai, P.Q. - or your irae copy .1 "57 IVaya agoIUse Reins Condonscd Sou ps"I o Cii,. Yourself A Chri#tmaa Present NOWI Give yourself the piea3ure cf having a "treasure trove" af Christmastime recipes on hand for your family's and frienda' de- light . . . Simply drop a boSe to PaulineNHarrey, liI P.O. Box 6400, Montreal, P.Q. -FOR YOUR FREE COPY 0F« PAULINE HARVEY'S SPE- CIAL CHRISTMAS RECIPE BOOKLET, X~ "Christmas Cookzinq with Five Roses Fiour>'! It'a "chiuck-full" ai festive ideas for holiday ineals . and wonderfut recipca like this: Pluni Pudding with Fruit Sauce" - Mince Meat Tarts - Fruit Cake 1 Now's the lime ta write for it f . please be sure your address is clearly written! Just Shopping "Around", V've notieed recently how good restaurants' everywhere are featuring tasty afternoon tee speciâls. Herc's rny tip: When next yau'rc out, drap in. for a refrashini cup ai aiternoan tes, with say-assorted ý fi finger sandwiches or toasted muffins ,<,) >i ý pastry. Whether I'm alane or with coimpany I de, enjoy this friendly custom, alter the movies or alter> shopping! Most restaurants take special pains to, serve good teft. Thcy warm the pot, use furiously boiling water and use gaod tea. But, just as at hvme, maire sure the tes, brews a full five minutes for full enjoyabie flavour. -î Whai Desserts " LU.Venetiau Blinds,1a "J Are Creamy 9 reader wriles, "but Smooth, full ai 1 had a terrible rich -Teal aid- im eeaning Jashioned fflavor ji.t hÇ- .,- them, 'til a friend and easy as told mec te try __ ABCOtomake? ~JOH N SON'S~w -Why JELL-O PUDDINGS, ci CREAM W A Xl 1 caurspl l'Il cheer any time, ait the 110w ,I. dean them. tîme for these wonderfully de- in a fraction ai liciaus puddings - aIl seven cf the time it used te, themi Mellow, buttery Caramel take - and they stay eleai"so and Buttcrscotch, deep-down, rich- mucli longer!" Yes, with "John- taating Chocolate, delicate-flavor- s0fl'a Cream Wax", Venetiari cd Vanilla JcIl-O Puddings... blinda, furniture, woodwork, re- adthose delightful JelU-O Tapi- frigerator - can ber bath ecaned oaPdg-andla hclt and polished ia a matter af min- acdaungs-Vacnille, 1cate uteal Special cîcansing ingred- and rang Coonut I an'tuay ieats in it remove dirt and stains whieh is my favorite-I love them. when you apply it . . . and, be-! all And ta think they take but cause »ts a genuine wax ia quick-' a few minutes ta make,! Plan to buffing form-it pute on a polish. serve nourislzinq Jell-O Puddings quickcrt Wbat'a more, it's non-' ta, your family oftL4a. They'll lave oily, se, it drys campletcly dry it-and sa will your budget! and dust particles can't dling! "Thre .1IRiggest Little Thing lIn Baldn g" - that's what baking powdcr woften' caliéd. It's à amali part of any recp but what a vastly important raie it playscl That'a -4 -why 1 nevcr takze chances whca I bake - I altvails 15 use "doublc-acting'>" CALUMET BAKING POW- DER. For Calumet's twa actions -the firat in the J mixing bowl, the second ia the aven-are so per- tiu etr, usadnI fine result in ail my baking. I find it's real economy ta bake with Calumet -ne nisks ai bakng ailresfor me! Gettlng Away From la Ail with your husbaxrd is a grand idea. But with e Fowing iamily, it's sometimes difficuit te arrange, isa t il? Best way I know ta maire this dream of a ,r_>"Second Haneymoan" corne true is 1<> begin saving for it now. O en e "Sunshine AccouaI" at t he BAN OF MOTRE ...ta, send the'yaungsters ta camp, had for many and many e moon! High Praise and lots afitil. .. for the gai who serves this Feather Spice Cake! Delicate, frne-textured, se, moist and tender be- cause it's made with SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, the cakze flour, you knaw, tlhat'sifted again and again 'untii 27 limes as fine as ordinary fleur. FJIATItER SPICE CAKE 2 1/2 =upi fted Swanh Down 1/2 teaSpoafli Calumnet cuBbttr r thD g 1/4 teaspoan sait hrtenln i tespoa cînamai ,1 cup sugar 1 teaspoannme 2 eggs, unbeaten 1/2 easoon ace1/3 cuzp malasses 1/4 teaspoan claves 1 cup mllk Sift flaur once, measure. add baking pawder, sait and spicey. Sit 3 timeu.. Creamn butter, add sugar gradually; cream together until Iiight and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time. beating thoraughly atter each. Add inoIaissçé and blend. Add flour. altenately wlthmilk, a small amaount at a tUine, .. beatirig ater each addition until 'smaoth. Bake in: two greased 9-inchA layer pans In maderate aoven (375 deg. 1.) about 23 ta 30 minutes. VIz 4%eoý mm in 1 li~ w'l AT THE , 7mam DRuG STORE AL -. Fn. - Bat. NOVEMBER'3 - 4 - 5 JlURY AND LOVIELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE BOWMANVILLE & HORNSDY 0F OSHAWA - 8 x10" CHILD'S PORTRAIT' (4 POSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE) IN ATTRACTIVE FOLDER AT HALF PuICE $1.25 (SORRY ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER) PRONE 122 BALMORAL HOTEL, IGWXANVILLE FOI APPOINTNENT IXORNSBY 0F OSHAWA will Le in Thur. G'EMS of. HUMOR"! ;à-- ORANCE. ýPEKOZ-