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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1949, p. 14

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- - ~... -. TEE CAKADIAK STATESM, EOWMANv!LLE, ONTAPIO Hoeme & School Club Hear Informative -Address on Communicable Diseases Sy Head of Counies HealIh Unit The October meeting of the Bowinanville Home and School Club was in charge af Mrs. L. C. Mason wha is the club's Heaith Convenon. The speaker was Dr. D. W. MacCharles, Senior Qificer with thc United Counties Heaitb Unit. He was introduced by Miss Jennie Tabacki, nurse with the Bowmanville office. The speaker, who at anc time iectured at the University et Manitoba, had senved as Senior Medical Health Officer with the Canadian Navy Overseas before receiving the appointment with the United Counties Healili Uni In September, 1945. Dr. MacCharles spoke an the' contrbl of communicable disease. This- contrai is the reasan that HealQh Departmcnts are formed. The contrai af communicable disease 18 handled in three ways: by the creatian ai an environ- nment where thc disease will nat break; by the increase otý the act- ive resistance ai the people; by the improvement ai the methods of trcatment. Continuing, Dr. MacClarles discussed the recent improve- nients in the control of some di- seases. In the history af typhoid1 has been the municipal contrali of water and food production.1 Thus was cneated an environment wlcre the disease is less likeiy ta break out. Improvement in the treatment ai dipîtheria lias reduc-1 ed the -number ai deatîs from the disease. Prabably the most effect- Ive contrailihas been the immuni-i zatian *programmes canried an in1 the schools. Wbenever imrmuniza-1 tian is not given, diphthenia again breaks out. The death rate from whooping caugh is decreasing. As fan as is known the present vaccine ls ef- fective stated Dr. MacChanies. The citical stage oi this disease is between the years one to five. Imniunization during the first yean is advised. Thene is na im- niunization against measles. Measies complicatons have been lessened by the inoculation of wvbole blood befone the fifth day. Although an outbreak of this di- sease cannot be prevented, spread- ing can be checked by secluding the cases. Tuberculosis is probably the niost dreaded of present day communicable diseases. In 1946- 47 through the sale af Christmas seals. surveys were started and the number of x-ray clinics in- creased. At that time the survey revealed an extrenmeiy leavy load ai cases. When a similan survey was made iast year only anc ac- tive case ai tuberculosis was dis- covened. Foliowing up the original survey with monthly clinics ta which each case was referred was responsible, stated Dr. Mac- Chaanles, for this contrai. The success in the contrai cof these communicable diseases the speaker conciuded, is due ta ex- tensive medicai research and the coaperatian ai the people. Fur- tIen contrai wil came in the same manner.. Musical numbers were supplied 13' Rev. S. R. Henderson and Maicanne Jciiery. Bath solaists were accampanied by Mns. Albert Cale. Mn. Henderson sang "With- out A Sang" and "My Task". .Maieanne chose an amusing num- ber, "Oh, No John!" Mn. Wm. Lycett tbanked the speaker, Dr. D. W. MacClanies and those who had entertained witî music. -He congratuiated on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amont... for a term of S five years . ... guaranteed both as ta principal and interest .... Interest cheques mailed te reach holders an due date, or, at holder's option, may ho aliowed ta accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, eom- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street; Toronto 1 38 Yb««sIn Butin..t ....TBEATEE t IOWMANVILLU~- THURSDAY - FRIDAY- NOV. 3 - 4 Interesting Short Technicolor Cartoon SATURDAY - NOV. 51h Technicolor 1 i m b;,i ~ ' otMSIA PtcTUU MONDAT - TUESDAY - NOV. 7 - 8 I 4ovetone News Cartoon Short Mns. L. Mason on the successful programme. After a necessary recaunt of the parents present, the teacher's prize was given to Miss J.. Turner. Lunch was served by the mem- bers of Mrs. Masan's group. NE WTON VILLE Mns. Hattie Langstafi Is vlslting her cousin Mns. Haney ai Miliken. Mr. Jas. Nesbitt who las been visiting lis sister M.IC Annie Nes- bitt has leit for his home in West Vinginia. Mn. and Mmi. W. C. RaIl,, Mon- treai, are spending a few days at thein cottage. Mn. Robb las been iii and in tbe hospital recentiy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dones and Miss Katherine Burton, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Marris. Mrs. Milton Kimbail suffened a painful injury an Monday whcn she fell and fractured hem wnist. Miss S. Crawhurst and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Port Hope, with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Dayward. Rev. and Mms. H. A. Bunt spent the week with friends at King- stan. Mrs. Agnes Darlingtan and son Bill, Kendal, baving dispased ai their grocery business are moving ta oun vliae and 'hril reside in the houa owned b y the late Stan- ley Glover. On Tbunsday night. Mn. Len Banton lad an unfontunate acci- dent with bis car. He wvas meeting a truck at the Newcastie'subway and appanently the truck kept ta the centre ai the road. Consider- able damage was done ta the car. At the conclusion ai tIe Tele- plane Convention in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones drove ta Plattsviile ta visit Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Lane. On Thursday Mn. and Mns. R. S. Jolinston ententained at the tea hour the men who lad lielped with thein last year's turkey han- vest, including Clintan Brown, Jack Hatlerly and Fnank Gilmer -alang with others fnom Balti- more. In tIe evening Mrs. John- stan invited the wives ai these gentlemen ta be ber guests at tlie Pont Hope theatre. There lias been na service in the United Church for two Sun- days awing ta anniversaries at Shiioh and Kendal. Service wiii be resumed next Sunday. Mn. and Mmi. George Fonsythe and niece Joyce o! Toronto, Mn. and Mrs, Raymond Gibbs and family, Bowmanville, Mrs. Bill Fonsythe, Port Hope, visited bis mothen Mrs. J. Forsyth.e and sis- ter Mrs. R. Stacey. ZION (Hope Twp.) A veny successiul Bazaar was bcld in Zion Church Fniday even- ing. The event was opened by Rev. Dm. C. Oke and President ai Women's Association, Mns. M. Ir- win. The weil-stocked stails ai candy, baking, fruit and vege- tables, necdiewark, knitting and othen cnafts wene soon depleted, as buyens fromn a wide district snapped up bargains and sbnewd- iy appraised the wanes. The baz- aar propen was followed by a pro- gnam. which, opened witli com- munity singing. Miss Miidned Peters, Monrish, with lier .accam- panist, Mrs. C. Langdon, Canton, sang sweetly a sala fromn "Rose Manie". An amusing skit "The Radia Bnoadcast" was given with the announcen - Miss Launa Hamilton; Dr. Ponous Plaster- Mns. E. Ruthven; Major Knap- sack-Mrs. C. Oke; Mn. Cable- Mms. A. Waiker. An orchestra fnam Pont Hope, camprising Mn. Chas. Doney, banj*o-mandahin; Mn. Ken Mc- Cutcheon, guitar; Mn. Chas. White, Mn. Cecil White, vialins. Mn. M. Inwin, guitan, favouned with se- lections nanging fnom aid time music such as "Old Faithful" ta modern "Foneven" and "Four Leai Claver". An amusing came- dy. "The Rummage Sale" was presented by the ladies. Those taking part were: Misses Marilyn Bebee, Helen Morton, Canai Cas- weil, Launa Hamilton, Mrs. Genow, Mrs. Tufiord, Mrs. R. Morton, Mrs. C. Raby, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Oke. Mrs. Ruthven. Miss Peters again favouned with the apprapni- ate "Smiles". Aiter a short inter- val the orchestra piayed sciections and genenously filled requests made by the appreciative audi- ence. Reinesîments cafeteria style, bnought the sociable even- ing ta a close. Symnpathy of the neighbourhood groes ta Mn. Fred Brown in tIc J. H. Jase & Sons, Ne wcastIe, received $725 for Gladibnae Eil- cen Posch, a bred leifer, at the Ali-Canadian Holstein Sale held Octoben 24 at Toronto. The pur- clasen was Chas. Strodli, Suiiieid, Conn. Milton J. Tamblyn, Qrono. re- ccived $510 for tIe bred beifer, Cedar Dale Pietje Cleora. SIc was purchascd by G. W. Fraser, Strectsville. Ontario. A total o! $79.327 was eaized on the sale ai 73 Iead ior a gen- enal average ai $1.086. Top pnice was $10,100 paid by the Waterloo Cattie Breeding Association, Waterloo, Ont, ta J. J. E. Mc- Cague, Aliston, Ont., for Glen- afton Trademark a six-manths- oid son af the six times Ail- Cana- dian "Marksman". Second high was $6.800 received by Eimcnoit Farms, Oshawa, Ont.. from thc Oxford Holstein Bneeding Asso- ciation, Woodstock. Ont., fan Eimcroit Papularity, a son af tIe "Extra Sire" Montvic Monogram. No less than 21 lead soid fan at least $1.000 with six ai thc bulîs bringing $2,000 or marc. Ten bulis averagcd $3,192; 8 rniikinR females $780; 47 bred 'heifers $729; 3 open yearlings $966 and 5 heifer calves $765. The Newcasi Indepemdsn9 ma5n Mb- The appeal fan volunteer work- ens for the new nink an Saturday met with a fair respanse. About. 15 men . tunned out with thefr round-mouthed shavels ta beginý work. Because ai the short notice several interested feilows misscd out on the Operation. Rink Na. 1. Next Satunday aftemnoon yau can bet they'll be there! Mrs. George Jamieson visited her cousin Miss Carnie Frain in Oshawa on Saturday, Mn. and Mrs. George Gaines Jr. and littie sone Oshawa, were guests ai Mrs. George Gaines,, Beaven St. Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber sis- ter Mrs. Gordon Ash and girls. Postrnaster Jack Wade is en- jnying another holiday. Mrs. Lois Pollard is lielping out at the Post Office during his absence. The Saturday evening shows put on in the hall by Frank Mc- Mullen and Brenton Rickand are meeting witb evenyone's approval. It is a wonderful thing for the1 younger dhidren- and the aider folks get a kick out ai the pic- tures, too. Mrs. George- Jamieson is visit- ing in Cornwall with lier niece and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Cari Fisher and littie son Bobby. Guests Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wight were Mr. and Mrs. MeCoy, Bow- manvilie, and Mn. and Mrs. Mc- Coy, Brooklin. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Joli were Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jail, Giidden, Sask., Mrs. Lloyd Practor, Dr. Melvin Abel- seth, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joli, Bawmanvilie. Mrs. Wm. Cowan visited lier daughter Mirs. Lamne Kerr, Bow- manville. Mn. Hanny Cowan, St. Cather- mnes, visited lis parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cawan. Mn. Cowan re- turned ýta St. Cathenines with him fan a visit. Mrs. Brad Kay bas closed lier home and left for Ocean Grave, N.J., where she wiil spent part af the winter, and the remainden in New York City. We are sorny ta ieann that Mrs. Gea. Crawther is in the liospitai. We hope she wil l e out soon. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Canners, Oshawa, -spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brant and Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley, Miss Mabel Oidfieid, Mrs. Reta Embiey, Miss Evelyn Stapleton, Mn. Tracey Embley and Mn. Tracey Manes were guests at the wedding ai Miss Bettï' Gray in Oshawa. The ladies ai Evening Auxil- iany ai the United Chunch at thein Octoben meeting shawered one ai their grateful members with jars ai fruit, jam, etc. If youn fruit sheli even falis and breaks hall a SUMmen's liard wark, yau can well imaginé 'how thia iucky housewife * feels.,-Wonderful Home M~isson workb lIýdies1, --A!ke4's ApPiarice.Shap la no àmare!. Mr. Aiken w1th the help of friends, sperit ýai weekend clearing the premises and naw the store is close&. un#i1 a later date. Mr. and Mro. Cliff Flintoff, Mr. and Mis. Ed Powell,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Mn,. and Mrs. Sam Powell and Mr.. and Mns. Bey Jaynes were, guests et Mr. Bil Laverty'à wedding in King Street United Church, Osh~awa, on Sat- urday. Mrs. L. Pemberton 1,q back with her daughter Mrs. Herb Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright, Trenton, visited Mr. George Wright, Mrs. Wright remained ta visit friends. Hcdlowe'en Party A Gala Aff air Goblins, Elves, Witches, Ghasts and ail the wierd characteriza- tions associated with Hallowe'en seemed ta gather at Newcastle Community Hall ta take part ini the huge Lions Hailowe'en party on Monday night. About 7:30 p.m. the affair got under way with a big parade ai hoboes, aid men, fainies, etc., led by a group ai B.T.S. Bugle Band, Bowmanville. These youngsters paraded round and round the spaciaus auditorium ta wierd hdcots and howls ai the vaniaus characters. Under the din ai the noise, the judging got under way with Miss H. Màson. Rev. D. R. Dewdney and Lion Chanlie Knox doing the honors. With the great vani- ety af costumes theirs was no en- viable job. The aider folks wene there too ta sec ail the goings-an. Even with the confusion and noise, there was ta be expected by sa many young people, it was a mo- ment for enjoyment by ail. After the judging was complet- cd Lion Neil Stewart led in a few moments ai relaxation for the schaol dhidren by supervising same folk dances. After this, with ail the young folk squatting on the floor in front ai the stage four men fram Oshawa put on a concert with ail the kids joining in on the populan sangs they knew. Hon- estly, there was na holding the young ones back, they just had a wondenful time. As the youngsters paraded out ai the hall, led once more by the Bugle Band, they were ail given a large bag ai candy and a hor whîch oniy heiped ta add ta their enjoyment. The evening cnded with al those in costume paradlng up and Modern Wallpapers Give Your interiors New Sparkle by Re-decoratlng with the new Canadian or English Wallpapers Consuit us now about these Fine Papers that are so easy on the budget. S.C. PRESTON & SON 48 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2417 'Hospitality.. A Il Over Town 4 IOX HANDLY'S CARDONATED BEVEDAGES OSHAWA - - PHONE 755 down the front atreet ln front of the hall. And dan't think the nippy wea- ther bathered them either! They wouldn't have noticed if it was pouring ramn. The fallowing is a list of the prize-winners: 2-4 yrs.-Virginia Osmond,--a fairy; 4-6 yrs.-Rickey Rickard,-. a frog; 6-8 yrs.-Betty Branch,- an Indian maid; 8-10 yrs.-Peter Belsey,-a pirate; 10-12 yrs.-Ca- rolyri Friedlander,-a Spanish Senorita; 12-14 yrs.-Marlene Ed- wards,--an aid crippled lady; Best Boy--George Rickard,-Mr. Peanut; Best Giri-Muriel Gib- son,--a hobo; Best Couple- Steve and Gary Barchard,-Cow- boys; Best Costume on the flor- Little Virgînia Osmond. The Lions, by holding an annual Hallowe'en party, are doing no end of good to eliminate the usu- al destruction. Many citizens re- port they only had three or four "Sheil Outs" ail evening. Bouquets ta the Lions on their enterprising work Dr. Osgoode Stevens Lovekin, B.Sc., M.A., M.D., visited several friends in Newcastle and vicinity. Dr. Lovekin is son of the late A. C. Lovekn formenly af New- castle, and is well known to the readers of the journal of the American Medical Association as the editor of Squibb's advertising. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Hunter, Mr. F. McCargar and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ranson and son James, Toronto, called on friends in town recently. Popular Bride-to-be Showered With Gifts Miss Mary Toms, bnide-elect of Novemben has been the recipient af good wishes and useful giftsý on two occasions. On Tuesday, I Oct. 25, a few of her many fniends gathered at the home of Mrs. Herb Toms to wish lier well. Mary was escorted to a seat af honour and presented with a corsage of white mums. Her mother, Mrs. Howard Toms, and the groom's mother, Mrs. J. E. Boyd, Toronto, were both presented with lovely mum corsages. After Mary had apened ail her gifts and graclously thanked everyone present the hostesses, Mrs. Herb Toms and Mrs. Ethel Fettes, held a wed- ding contest. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. On Friday, Oct. 28, Mary was again surprised by a number of friends at the home of Mrs. Jim Smith. Mary was led te a pink and white streamered chair to the music of the Wedding March played by Mrs. Earl Fisher. Miss Jacqueline Smith then presented the honoured guest with a corsage of pink roses. Mary with the help of her sister Manjorie. opened her gifts and graciousiy thanked everyon*e. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Smith and Jacque- line.? STÂRK VILLE Mn. Ross Hailowell was ln Peterbano, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tadd, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Todd visited Mrs. W. Todd, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. W. A. Halloweil, Newtonviile with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mn. Arthur McKay with Mn. and Mns. G. Norton, Orono. Mrs. M. Sbutka was in Oshawa. Mn. Gardon HaUlowell, Forest, with Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Hallowell. Mns. Ross Hallowell visited ber aunt. Mrs. J. Henry, Taranto. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family lad dinner witb Miss Nor- ma Haliowel an Sunday. SOUTH NESTLETON Miss Rase Mountjoy, Mr. and Mns. Lorenzo Mountjoy attended thc funeral ai Dr. Gannet M. Trewin in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. S. McKee visited their daughten in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Leanard Bradley, Mn. an~d Mns. Cecii Slemon, Hay- don, and Mn. Hilliard Truscott, Toronto, wene Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze with Mr. and Mns. Grant Tliompson. Miss May Noon, Toronto, visited ber father and sisten Mn. Joseph Noon and Mns. Emerton. Misses Helen Bowers and Mar- ion Thompson, Toronto, Miss Elea- non Thampson, Port Ferry, at their homes. Mn. and Mns. S. McKee visited Mm. and Mrs. Har McKee Osh- awa. Mr. Wm. Beacock visited his daugîten Miss Myrtie Beacock Toronto. Mmi. Stapies, Cavan, with ber brother Mn. Walter Shampe and Mrs. George Farder. Mn. and Mns. Lamne Thampson and Jean spent Tuesday cvening with Mn. and Mrs. Donald Thompson and Mn. Wm. Thomp- son, it being Mr. Tliompson's birtlday. Mns. Lloyd Hunter, Pont Ferry, and Mrs. Tom Perigoe called on Mms. K. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and Jimmy, Toronto, at their cottage. Mn. and Mms. Lloyd Hunter and family, Part Penny, at'Mn. John Proutt's. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Pnoutt and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Vie- toot Malcolm. We are sorry ta report bath Mms. John Mountjoy and Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt are under tle docton's came. Several carioads ai local folk attendcd the Public Speaking Contcst in Blackstock Fniday. Congratulations ta Douglas Davi- son ai Grade 6 who received hon- orable mention fon lis taik an "Forest Fines". Mn. Ernest White is busy these days wonking an the new homne le is building in Pont Pcrry. Sunday visitons with Mn. Wm. Beacock and Miss G. McKec were: Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Sanderso n.f Pont Perry, and Mr. and Mn s.1 Morley Greaves and iamily, Lind- say,' ENFIELD Miss Ruth Prescatt Bownian- ville, Jack Pearce, Ebenezer, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Eddyvean, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Mallette, Salem, at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins and family, Toronta, at F. Lycett's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Oriniston with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis and family at F. Abernethy's, Manilla. Mrs. J. McKenzie and pupils en- tertained the mothers and wee toteta a Hallowe'en Party Friday afternoon at the school. The party commenced with a parade afi cl- dren ail in costume. The cos- tumes were judged and pnizes awarded ta Evelyn Pascoe, Dellan Lycett, Donald Lee and Jerry Ab,- bott. The children gave a fine pro- gram of choruses, recitations and readings. Mrs. McKenzie pravided cantests and games followed by lunch. Everyone had a mast en- joyable time. Congratulations ta Evelyn Pas- cae on winning second pnize in the Essay Contest, a feature oi the Junior Farmers' Day, held in THTJRSMAT, NovzmE i iëý 1 released. The New. Contour, Hair Cut Something New in Style and Comfort Short hair is smart ... and ladies you niay be hiding the beauty of your hair by not havlng a properly shaped coiffure. ]Periodic bain shaping will ailow your new permanent te better dispiay itself. Corne in m or Phone 2851 for your Appo i ntreni now ai IWandla's Beauty Shiop 80 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 573 38 Ring St. PL Bowmanviiie UT PAYS TO PLANT DEKALI. 30,080 Farmers average 96.95* Sushols per' acre wlh DEKALB HYBRID CORK *Fr@m 1939 through 1948 ln the. D.Kalb National Corn Growing Contst on S.I.cted go 5-Acre Contsf Plots. Order Your DeKoIb Cor,,frm P. J.e!4EWELL Newcastle Ontaria PAGU OYTE i. -~ - .~ ~ - ~ THE RADIO SHOP 6-Boftle Carton 250' Pies djnsst .10pDak .uathoria.d bottier of Cca-Cola unde, omtract with Ceea-Cola Ltd. ýj 1 C- Bowmanville, Saturday.. With Uic season of ¶hankoffes% angservices coming ta a close wqq are laaking forward to regular Chunch and Sunday School withb- out interruption fnom naw on. We appreciate a full church se came and do your bit. Rev. A. E. Eustace. Orono, will conduct service on SundAy. Those whe have heard him will be sure to came and hear him again. Hallowe'en passed with the usual juvenile pranks. We shoulci flot be toa severe in oun criticism of these pranksters, but shouldl stop and realize that any indivjd. ual's sense af humOur ls PrpOr- tunate ta lis intelligence. 'ie of aur youth seem ta be .',' wn irresistibly ta those ar3Jatie miniature superstructures, peý. culiar to rural lufe.. This cati easily be understood by observ. ing how the honey bee is drawrt ta the hive. He isn't interested in the building either. Ethiopia is modernizing its po- lice unden British and Swedish afficers. The film record af the Nurem- berg trials of top Nazis has beeji -1 à a Ontario

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