PAGE SMx ie, with Mr. and Mr&. Donald TYRONE DMr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brawn, lir. Ms oc o4ewt r Charles and Miss Helen -rrowf, %iri. Floyd Woo5ley, Trenton. Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs.R. Mr.'and Mrs. Gardon Tria» and B. Scott and Mr. and MrS. Wilis Bruce, NewtonvilUe, were dinner Stewart . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mille, lapp, Sunday. soulas arshall and Davn. Miss Jean Philp wlth ber aunt Halibuùrton, wit.h Mrs. Wzllzcc Mr. i. Philp, Pictan, who is qulte Mifle~r. anir d Mrs. Jabez Wright, Mr. and Mixs. Herbert Burgess, Miss Acta Wright, Oshawa. Mi" Mrs. Viola Smith, Orono, with Ida Stephens, MU. Laurence Mri. and Mrs. R,. Burgess. Squair, Salem, Mns. James Ste- 'Mr. and Mrs. Stani!ey Mahc:ncy, yens, Balcarres, Sask., vlsited Sutton, with Mr. anid Mrs. W. Ë. Mr. ï-nd Mrs. Frank Werry. Park. Iiss Ada Wood, Toranto, wlth Mr. and Mis. Thomas Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp. with NMr. &nu .Âs B. .,iort!cck,, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Maedon- Ottawa. Mis. Gibbs rcfiained to aid with Mr. and.Mrs. Jim Gra- care for her daughtcr who ba< ham, Bowmanville. returned home from the hospital. Miss Marie Taylor with IMis Mrs. W. 1-7. Park with relatives NcHlen Binstead, Wesleyvilc. around Stton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner Linda, Mrs. George Drew, Miss have moved to Bowmanville for Nellie Scorgie, Oshawa, Mrs. Ed. the wifter. MeRae, Miss Velma McRae, Ta- Visitors Mih'.%r. and Mrs. R. roato, called on Mrs. W. T. Wor- .1. Hodgscn were: Mr. Evart Mc- den. Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton - Misses Bessie His and Arvilla Werry, Osilawa, Mrs. Margaret Beckett were tea guests wlth Rev. Woodle3', Santa Monica, Cal. and Mrs. Cressweili n Sunday. Mrs. Carrne Ct:r'Is, 1%-r. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Embur- C. D. Hod..glon, Mr. Glen Hodgson, cy, Toronto, visited bis mother at Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayward. the honte of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall. Bowmanville. There were a goad number of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, mothers and chldren at the Hampton, Mr, H. A. Stevens, Hallowe'en part>' in the schaal Palmerston. with Mr. andMr.Friday afternoon. The children H. R. Burgess. igave a splendid program of con- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner tests, public speaking and other and children, Mr. W. F. Park, entertainment. A grand lunch was visited Mr. and Mrs. Eari Steph- served by the pupils. ens and other relatives at Sutton. OSeverai from bere attended the Mrs. Park returning home after Darlington Oratorical Contçst at visiting at Sutton. Hampton Friday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hackney Graydon Cresswell won first and family. Miss -Jean Davey, To- place in a class of thirteen, bis ronto. Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Miss- subjeot being "The Weather". es Helen Armstrong and Muriel Congratulations Graydoa! Edmonston, Mr. R. Allin, Bow- Mrs. H. Findlay, and Bruce, qnville, Mr. Keith Davey, Dix- Unionville, Mr. Dean Findlay, BULOV& M84.00 If, Ec.iI.ey AA For famous timepteces like times like tiiese, you can't haci lin:,, values anywhere! Corne ln and seceout choicc collection oi Bulova watchez foday! Ternis available. ~Marr s Jewellery PHONE 463 BOWMANVILLE D IVIDED PAYMENTS AT No EXTRA COST QUAKER SPACE HEATERS COME IN AN")SER. THE NEW QUAKER OIL HEÂTERS You'fl be prend te have one la your home. Reasonabi>' prlced and oeonom1ea1 te operate.' DON'T LUG WATER ALL WINTER PUT ]IN A PRESSURE SYSTEM We Have - Beatty Bros. and De Lavil Sysiems on haud for Immediate Installation. a W H.neDROWN DEALER 1I'OR Case Farm Machinery - Finstene Tires DeLaval Miikers and Separators Beatty Dros Stable Equipment KING ST. W. PHONE 497 MEMBER OF O.R.F.E.D.A. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ON'CARIO ?RT3RSDAY, IqOYEaER 3, lUI Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bige- low, Mr. and Mmrs.Clar. Allun, Robert and -John, Bowmanvil., wlth Mr. and Mn.. A. lLêwkey. Mr. and Mr&. Ken Hardy and baby wlth Mn:« and Mis. Ace Ab- bott, Oshawa. Messrs. Robert and George Hynes, Toranto, vislted Mn. J. Hynes. M.(. and Mn.. L. Willlamson, Pontypool, cafled an Mr. and Mn.. R. Hathenh>'. ,Mr. John Hatherly, NeWtan- ville, Mr. Frankh Hatherly, Lakte- Vien,. Mr. Harry Hatheni>', Dixie, Mr. Clarence Hatheri>', Aider- w<ood, with Mr. and Mra. R. Hath- enly. Mr. Nanman Beckett, -Edmon- ton, visited hi. brathen Mn. 0. Beckett. Mn. and Mrs. A. Youngnian and bays at Mn. G. Graham's, Bow- manville. Mr. Laurence Tabb, Part Penny, vislted Mn. and Mrs. Murray Tabb. 'Mn.. S. Duval is visiting fniends ini Peterboro. Mr. and Mns. E. Lillicrapp, son and daughter, Toronto, vislted Mn. and Mns. FI. L. Bymm. Mn. and Mnr. C. Cooch, Toron- tto, called an Mn.. L. Hooper and Mn. and Mns. F. L. Byam. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldnemd, visited Mr. aad Mn.. Irwin Col- will, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Murnay Tabb visited Mn. and Mn.. Robert Cal- vert, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnmcott and Ross, Dixie, Mrs. Launa Virtue, Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bow- manvihie, with Mn. and Mrs. E. A.- Vintue. Mn. and Mrs. J. Edwmrds, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mn.. F. L. B>'- amn. Misses Lilhian and Helen Cale with Mrs. S. T. Dowoa, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. Raîpli Glaspel and childrea visited Mn. and Mn.. Roy Scott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tnim and Bruce, Newtonviile, with Mn. aad. Mn.. Neil Yellowlees. About f' *fteen ladies atteaded the hmllowe'en part>' at Bethesda scbaol Monda>' aiternoon. A short pragnam wms givenanad a costume parade with Mr.. H. Brent and Mn.. W. Miller as judges. Douglas Delane>' was judged best dnessed boy and Glennis Cresswell best dressed girl. Games were enjayed aad a grand lunch senved. C.G.I.T. girls enjayed a Hal- lowe'ea part>' in the vestry Tues- day evening., Mn. and Mrs. S. Jewell visited Mn. and Mrs. Fosteç Saowden, Kedron. Thursday ev@ning a large group met at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton, Salem, aand chivaried the newly weds, after which a social time was speat. Executive ai Y.P.U. met at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jewell's Tuesdmy evening' ta elect officers. A great deal of damage was dane in~ the village on Hailowe'en. W.M.S. meet at the home oi Mr.s L. J. Goodman this Thursdmy. Mn. F&ed Moore, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Russell Vintue. BURKETON Parents and frieads are asked ta attend the "scbeme niglit" at the Pubic Scbaal on Monda>', Nov. 7. Mns. N. Hiads, Chairman of the Ontario Federation of Hoe and School Association, will address those lnterested in the formation ofaia Home and School Club. Yaun presence wil be vital and a positive indication af yaun intenest in the work oi the schaol. Mn.. H. Galle>', Oillia, visited Mn.. E. Cmughill. Mn.. E. Caughull, Mrs. H. Gal- le>', Mn. Wm. Haskin, with Mn.. R. Brown, Scugog. Mn.. Wm. Argue, Pontypoal, visited Mn. and Mis. Leslie Argue. Mn. and Mn.. Bert McMullen, Janetvilhe, with Mn. and Mrs. Al- bert Adams. Mn. Nelson Hudson with Mn. and Mn.. W. Bndbura, Black- stock. Mn. and Mn.. H. McDanald and famil>', Bowmaavillc, Mn. Wm. McDonald, Toronto, Miss Doreen Pernatt, Hampton, wlth Mn. and IE Mrs-.*Ile>. Carol, Mns. Leila Cochrane, To-' ranto; Ms. Maoy Grahian and fanil>', 11aydon; Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahmn and Dareen, T>'- rafle; Mn. and Mrs. Cecil k~ahm, Union; Mn. and Mn.. Alfred %Grace, Bownianvilc; Mn.. E. Fiee, Oshawa; Mrs. Peter Mofatt, Oshawa. Mns. H. Rabm visited Mn.. J. MeLauglilin. Union. Married in Ebenezer Church MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM McKNIGHT whose marriage was solemnized recentl>' at Ebenezen United Church. The bride, formerly Miss Joan Elsie Antil, is the daugliter af Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mns. Anchibald McKnight, all of Courtice. -Courtes>' Oshawa Times-Gazette S.S. No. 9, Clarke This commuait>' was saddened Thursday ta leara oi thc passing af a former nesident Mn. HoW- ard Bowen. It was oni>' a iew months ago we said faneweil ta Mn. and Mrs. Bowen who left us ta take up residence in Toronto, Mn. Bowen returning ta bis form-' er job. 'Although he had been not ta wellfôr some time it came as a great shock ta ever>' one. He wiil be greati>' missed in this communit>' but we wili always remember bimn as a good nelh- boun, and a kind friend. Sympati>' goes ta bis wife and son Bill who liv. in Toronto, alsa ta bis sister Mrs. Aiden Gibson, Oshawa, and his brother Mn. Bert Bowqn of No. 9. Mn. and Mn.. Art Gibson and Muriel with Mn. and Mn.. Adams, LakeeThone. Miss Reta Gibson with ber sis- ter Mrs. 4{arold Hughet. Oshawa. "Silent Sisters" meets thus Tbunsday at Mrs. Gienney's. Everyone bring aiong bazaan worki Suada>' visitons witb Mr. and Mrs. Ro>' Brandli wene, Mn. Ta>'- lor Sr., and Mr. Anson Taylor, Mn. Bruce McClure, Miss Pauline Brandi, Peterboro. Mn.. Cowan, Orono, witli Mn. and Mn,. Austin Turner. Messrs. Lloyd, Keith and Rus- sell Pedwell with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell. We are sorry ta hear Mn.. Han- old Pedwell feul on Saturday niglit and spent Sunda>' and Monda>' in Bowmanville Hospital getting arm x-ray'd ta fiid she bas a bro- ken ici t wnist. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunt and famhil>' wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon at Newtonville. Miss Arvilia Brunt bas returaed to work mter having ber tonsils removed. She spent a few days with-ber sister Mrs. Bill Gardon. No. 9 was weil repnesen±ed at the Lions 1-allowe'en pmty in Newcastle Manda>' night. Muriel GibsQn won a prize for ber cos- tume misa Betty Brandi. Mr. and Mn.. Chas. Fisk, Fred and Cianama., visited Mn. and Mn.. Harold Nic'hols. Guests with Mn.,and Mrs. Chas. Fisk were Mn. and Mrs. Mos.s, Bowmmnvillc,' Miss Peggy Moses, Ryerson Press Publishes Book On IAndy Clarke & Ris Neighborly News" DECEMBER 0 <B>' Gregory Clark) The late Andy Clankc's "Neigli- baurly News" broadcasts Qver a period of cuglit yemrs on Uic CBC network piled up oven a million writtea wonds ai sheen deight ta a ver>' wide audience. These muiion word. have been rmked and sifted down ta 60,000 wonds fan a book-"Andy Clark. and Hi. Neighibouni>' News"- which bas been published b>' Ryersan Press in Urne tu be a Christmas gift ta someonc i ah Uie thou- sands ai homes that wceeJoyousiy invmdcd b>' Andy's voice ever>' Suada>' morning for so man>' ycans. Whea Aady died, bis widow, Vi Dickens-Clarke, berself a newspapcr woman l ber life detenmined that Andy's work in rccounting the humerad gaod- will oi Canadian rural 1f., shauld be prescrved in a book. With the heip ai lr fienficd, Mns,.Ma>' Hal- land Cax, an expcnienced authon, Mrs. Clarke spent a wbole year extnacting fnom those million wands oi Andy's filcd maauscripts the ver>' cream oi the stories lien husbaad .bmd culled from Uic weekly newspapens 'af Ontario and Quebcc. Last winter, she en- litcd from among the hast ai Andy's friends in tic newspapen and radio business a cammittee coasisting ai Gihlis Purcell, gen- eral manager ai Canadian Press, Dan McAthur ai CBC, Frank Macintyre, ai the Dundalk Her- ald and Greg Clark of the Mon- treai Standatd, and mter a meet- ing with Dr. Lamne Pierce oi Ryeran Press, thc task of as- scmbling these into book fonma was begun. Thoreau Macdonaald wvas Uic artist ciosen ta illustrate the book with drawings for -each chapter bcmd. The resuit is a book s0 éssent- iil>' Andy Cirke's that yau can almost bear tic tone oi bis vaice as you read the pages. Ail the gremtest stonies Aady told arc iacluded la the book. The fana» into whlch itbas been assembled us b>' mônths. Each chapten is a month of tic yean, from Januan>' ta Decemben, in wiich are graup- ed thechcoiccst items that Andy broadcast in that month during thc cigit years ai bis "Neigli- bouni>' News" on the air. Grcg ClarIc bas writtcn an introduction in tic farn ai a biognapli>, thc intenestlng stor>' of And>' Clark.'s happy and friend-maluing lie. On. af the features ai Uic book is the Index which enables Uic aId Andy Clarke fan te look up thc tale ai Uic pimna-plmying dog or Uic bean that treed tic bunter, without a moment's dela>'. It is a unique book, uniquci>' con- structed and certain ta be an mbiding sweet memor> toi a multi- tude af pecopie. The Canadian Weekly Newspapcra Association whicb, with thc CBC, was re- spansibie fan putting Andy> Clarke on Uic air, is ca-openmting with CBC and tic publishers in pub- licizing "Andy Clarke and hi, Nelghbounl>' News" and steps are being taken ta make it cmii> available t alal wia desine copie. for Christmas. Tic pnice is $2.50. Hamiltan, Mr. and Mrn. Gerald Flsk and famuly. Pontypoal, and Mr. and Mrs. Rager Penton, Hamilton. Mr. Harald Gibsan and Mn. Wally Gibsan spent Sunday with their brother Mr. Herb Gibson at Toronto Western Haspital. Mýs. Wally Gibson, Gerald and Russell i th her parents Mr. and Mns. Wm. Hcnning. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson were in Toronto Saturda>'. Mary and Jobn returncd for the weekend. Saturda>' visitors with Mrs. Fred Bawent wene Miss Mary Boweii, Cornwall; Mrs. H. Bow- en and 18ill, Toranto; Mr. Charles -Downing, Part Credit; Mn. and Mrs. Pd. Reddick, King; Mrs. A. Glbson, Mr. Elroy Gibson and Dennis, and Miss Vivian Hagle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibsan, Mrs. Peter Kiclika, Mr. and Mrs. Claec Wickett, Oshawa; Dr. Wand Red- dick, Mns. Clara Poale, Mr. and Mn.. Will Downing and Mary, Mrs. Mary Downing, Mrs. Mary Barraws, Messrs. Gordoli Gostick and Joc Galvin, Miss Dorotby McGregor, Mrs. Rogers, ali ai To- ronto, Mr. and Mn.. Brown, Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Davies, Orono. Home and Schooi Club rneets next Tuesday evening at the school. oEitaph for a Matn By Joseph Lister Rutledge As death cornes at hast to us al so it came the other day ta a veiýy simple man. There is little ta tell af bim. He had been in the first World War. He bad been a good soldier, suber, efficient, but with- outdistinction or a hint Df6glam. or. Few People, save those one- time comnades whom he met on his rare visits ta the veteran's ball, knew even that he bad once served his country well. He had accepted service as an obviaurn obligation, did bis best, just as he handled other unpieasant jobs. and then forgot. Tbat was the pattera of bis lufe. Thene was nothing notable about it. In bis dail>' task he met maay People, -but he badn't the quahi- ties ta attract easy friendships and certaini>' none that made him con- sPicuaus. Hle. seemed almost a neg- iigible figure. With limited capa- city lie could commapd no position of significance; a solid, uninspired, unimaginative, dependable man. There is nothing in ail this to' give even a hint of color to those brief obituar>' paragraphs that tell oi the passing Of a man, so lie missed even this small glory. Yet the churcli from which lie was' ~uried was filled with perhaps 500 People of al degrees-more peo- ple ta regret bis passing than wili be the case with most of uS. At least these people seemed ta want ta talk of him, and from these scraps of conversation from manv lips there emerged a man who in one panticular stood tall and erect and not wholiy unworthy of the image af God. Over and aven again in awe and wonder and grudglng admiration came thc same thaught. He was a. pon nman but everything wau paid; no worry at hi. passlng, no hint of fear i thase reniaining. He had planned bis funeral and paid for it. His wife and family werc laoked aiter, flot opulently, but adequatel>' in the continulig pattern af their lufe tagether. They wene as seciure as anybody can be iri this wanld that we have helped ta make. That was the substance of the talk. Everything was looked after as hehlad wanted and clesigned it. He' was Inde- pendent. Whit an epltaph for days like these, with sa rnany of us trying ta believe thc unbelievable that samneway, ather than thraugh aur awn effort. we will te loaked aiter. Sa, five hundred people gathered at # simple «funeral of a man because they sensed quali- tics greater than the outward seemlng-a man wha had the high and priceless detenmination, at ail casts, ta awn himself. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Wilks, Norma and Janice, Mn.. Ollivier, Messrs. Ronald Masterson and Douglas Brennari, Toronto, at Ray Carneran's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, Mankham, at Russell Perkin's.- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, John and Marie at David Hutch- eon's,, North Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alec McMaster and famil>', Mn. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and famil>'. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ray Scott's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Aady Waugh, Mrs. .ýas. Mille, Saskatchewan, visited at Wes Cameroa's and Fred Cameron 's. Mr. aad Mns. George Knowlton P 'm 1 King St. W. CA£~H Bowmnanville - TRADE 1949 METEOR COACH - Dark bine. Heater and defrasters and undencoatint. Brand ncw car condition. Oni>' 2,500 miles. $2175.00 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN - Black. Heater and defrosters, .slipcovers and chrome wheel rlms. For only------1750.00 1947 OLDS. SEDAN - Maroon. Heater, defrostens ané $250.00 worth of tires and tubes ----- $1975.00 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE - Blue. Undenneath heater and defrostens, Built-in radio. Like ncw $2850.00 1942 CHEV. COACH - Llght green. Heater and defroster. A real buy ----------- 1195.00 1940 NASH SEDAN - Black. fleater and defrosters, nuns gaod and looks better ------- 1050.00 1940 BUICK SUPER SEDAN - Black. Heater and defrosters. Mator newiy overhauled. $ 975.00 1940 PLYMOUTH COUPE - Black. With heater, a neat Ilttle car - $1050.00 190LA SALLE SEDAN - Black. Radia, heater and defrosters. A besuty -.-..-.------- 1050.00 1940 FORD COACH - Green. Heater and deirosters. Cican car _-3950.00 1940 CHEV. 1 6%-TON STAKE TRUCK - In perfect condition, new niotor gone only 500 miles $795.00 1939 DODGE COACH - with heater and detroster, -----------------3$795.00 1939 DODUE SEDAN - New paint Job. A level>' car $_________ 950.00 Phone 2148 EASY TERMS 1940 INTERNATIONAL % -TON PANEL TRUCK - ln A-i condition .-- ---- ......-- $575.00 1938 PIERCE ARROW COUPE - with, heater, radio and new paint Job 3650.00 1938 PLYMOUTH COUPE - Heaten, in p.erfcct condition. Clean car $ 795.00 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - Clean car------------- $3775.00 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN - Clean car ------------.----- 3 675.00 1937 LINCOLN ZEPHYR COACH - 1Good shape - --- ------ 3 --- 550.00 1937 FORD SEDAN - Radio and heater, a beauty $------675.00 1938 PACKARD SEDAN - heaten --$575.00 1937 FORD COUPE - Clean car throuthout - 675.00 1936 HUDSON COACH - Runs good and looks good $ 475.00 1935 OLDS. CAB. - with radio and heater, ln good running order -3550.00 1934 BUICK SEDAN - Clean car - $350.00 1934 FORD COACH - Clean car $375.00 1934 OLDS. SEDAN - - - $__ 295.00 1933 ROCKNE COACH - $___ 195-00 1932 BUICK CAB. - $. 175.00 1932Z MODEL B FORD COACH 'Runs good $~ 250-00 1930 STUDE. COUPE - Clean car - $175.00 1929 DE SOTO SEDAN. ......... - $9900 Want a tood iaugh? Corne up and scm thia brokea heartedl izzy?7 WATCH TRIS SPA CE. FOR IMýPORTANT NEWIS NEXT WEEK ART'S CAR MARKET ALL CARS ARE WINTER CHECKED & WINTERIZED j For your listening pleasure tune in an CKDO - 1240 an your dial, Saturday night at 7:30 ta 8:00, for some aid time music. and family,, North bshawa à Ray Camerans. Mr. and Mr.. Christian Sta,. Bruce and Jacquelinie, Torontp, at Hans GeLssberger'. Mn. and Mn.. Henry Dart and sans at William Dantm Scartor-o, News of To-day a Record To-morrow 94-- When readers ai The States- man send ini their personal. items and account. ai hap- penings in their particular famul>' or vicinit>', Uic> are net oni>' supplying worth. while news af the day fan othen readers ta scan, but Uic>' are assuring a record i The Statesman files for Uic future. Thc Statesman bas in its af- fice the files af thi. ncws- paper bmck to fie yemr 1854, witli a few file in bctween niissing. This chronicle af events fnom day to day, and week ta week, i this district, meanf that the public bas a diar>' ta wbidh refenence can be made ail down thnough the years. These files are kept for the canvenience of this newspaper's staff, and for the public, and man>' persans wlio are in seancli ai some details af a happenings of long aga, came ta the office and look Up these same files. Record- iag al the happenings ai this district is the abject Theý Statesman seeks ta accomp- lish. You, dean reader, cmii 'assist i tbis work. Millions ai trees wiil protect Soviet railways from driftîng snow. The Danes ane putting electricai equiPment, in Greealand homes. TUE CANADLALN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=X, ONTIMO -TRU mmir, rmvmmm l'lie ' 1