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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1949, p. 9

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~7~ .-.-----,-~--~- - -4.-. ..-. ... - --....... .,-,-.- - -w-i -w -~ -, -h,. WEDDING 125th Annivesr BT ÂR O R IEjoyed a pleasant huntngtpa 1 ufltutay n e ii.Newcastle Iudependent 0f IUnited CJc orieUntdCuc ee a ck 'aud BrooksnS _ 0 ALC- OS]OWARD N. BOWEN Harvest Home services of th their ister Mrs. Smih adhtgt J M Mairgaret Ach Mr Grace Tomsdaùfgter of Very Rev. Dr. Jesse H. Arnup ThrePassed to hs reward onfl die Unded u C.The uce spak- ade retn Mr. and Mrs. Haar J. Toms, wlli preach et Newcastle, Sudy Thursday, Oct.2ta ibondeddsues Tegs pak Newcastle, became the bride <of .1,mrigte15hAn 7h thahm er was Rev. Frank Whitely, Osh- esr.Gee Milton, Wm. Jack are and Susan, St. Thomas, Thomas Clarke Wallace, son af versary af Newcastle United 148 Waver1eyý Rd., Toronto, HOW- awa, and the music was provide on' Xeene ad Joe Holland who were who called in on t en w y t n . E e et B y , T r naChurch. eNI N. B wen, aged 66 years. b h h i, n e h ieto u l E t I etdh n rOmmates With Mr. CaroSpita, Potsdam, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. and the late James H. G. Wallace, Onl thc 5th day of November Bornz on the farm in Clarke af Mr. Frankc Walter. Decortbas q.) sie In-orno etenHoptaCapp, MontreaL. in Newcastle 'United Church o 1824, the irst reguar Mto Township where hMs brother, Fred were in keeping with the Autunn mlotored from Tronto ta see him We, the Eager Beavers were Friday, Nov. 4. Rev. W. Wallace preaching was begun in New. W. Bowen, died in July, Howard season and added muh ta Uic en- oo*a last Tursday. out at it again Saturday lter- Patteson officiated. - castle, thn known as "Major WBs Uic yungst af three sons jument and the fine weather Phoneat5-s' Sunday With friendsi n Cooks- Uic Memaiai Arena. They work- Smith. was accompnid by Mrs. ng the history of the present Susan Hrner. Until about eght that could be desired. The turkey F I Ville. cd so weli that now thc ground Earl 'Fisher, who provIded the Unitedi congregation began. The years aga Howard had farmed et di.nner servcd an Nav. 2 certainly M ns. R. A. Milligan la home is ready for thc bulldozers to tke wedding music. Wand R icma n ,! Rs larem y of ea leye w h v ed gthmsevesR ep aira and t i r t on once more ater rsting P.C. Ed. ver. Their efforts were reward- The bride, given In marriage bydsp ito and chmony . i le won of e op portunity tah arsve salP l i o n c a t and Mrs. Milligan and Carol in d by hot coffee and do-nuts be- her father, wore a period gown dfsoitlmnmany fhrysndaon.f h poac bi-cake, caes andl Minden. Miss Verna Milligan ing srved by Mrs. Douglas of blush satin with a mtchng f r m ay ins Hoar pis ervd bte lo- a dicaes whnd and Mr. Eric Johnson motred to Wright and Mr. Bryce Ward and ful-length veil, caught by a haloFo neariy four years owrdpes snothing wathneladties cp-e.*Fe.âho,.5* Minden on Sunday ta bring Mrs. very kindly donated by anc of of pearis. She carricd a whitc Bd uffered from an Incurable lf ohn atn nti aa Milligan home. Uc rsarns l a n rc ryro k ad a csae a malady which caused hlmn Intense City.1 Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, pourcd wearing Uie latestIn la U white orchids. Marjory Toms and cuc.Rv rn adc ýetthe weekend with her mo- hats for men. We think they miss- Jean Toms, her attendants, were Cstifrin wih e bre lh Curc e .GranT. me la U thrMrs. . R. Pearce. er Lloyd Stephenson on Saturday, gowned in magie shadaw and He leaves ta maura his loisbis in attendance and was ia charge ]Kr. and Mrs. Percy Rare have because he sure bolstered their wlhing star blue, with matching wdow, omeofub edik a a tudy group concerning iriturned from a most entertain.. morale two weks go. halo hats, and they carrld blue and anc on, m . c., als Redi c huc ebrh.Teegrs ng as well as reaxing holiday. muns. James H. G. Wallace was brother Albert and a iter Ida wat er leaersEarFA MOUSin They motored ta Montreal,Irpanisman, and ushers were <Mrs. A. Gibson), Oshawa. He ok thouh heAdrodaksSya-ReepiocGorge Rust D'Eye and cari was burled under Masanic rts ewloet u omnt cue lrnyîtes, WcBto. eze.Mr wadlcs omytaau cun iteley IINA L M. and Mr. Rare marveiîed at Mrs. Howard J. Toms wlll hold Mns. Toms recclved ln Uic Sun-vilwohe ucadte te pofusion of color still on Uic "Open Rouse" ta relatives and day School in powden iblue, with................ ..RICHARD CRAWFORD house recenty built by Douglas trees. n their return trip ihey friends on Wednesday, Nov. 16th a corsage ai red roses. The graomr's A weil-known resident af Pick. ilbunrasoMr and ttiela cill d i on r. nd rs. ack fro 3-6 p.m an 8-1 p. . t e moher assited in gra en Wibur nd itte Mis S aro RarI~e and Susan et St. Thomas. occasion being in honour of her semble with a corsage oi pink enng township, Mrs. RichardTutn h hv cae ,Duning Mr. Hare's absence, Mn. daughtcr and son-in-law, Mr. and roses. The couple will lve inCrawford p.aShed wyl hty buildings and 25 acres o! land )Gordon Kirby was the rellevlng Mrs. Thomas C. Wallace. Newcastle. thfonMrs. Crword wsbr yptyfoni Tei an 'Iâtatia n agent. S m ah r t e an a isitors with M . and M rs. P r- Pickering township, M ary Agnes find ai he at M . Fr kNO N DI P A cy Rare, bath before and aften Sec More Newcastle News VV.C.T.U. J./plorO Wnay, dauofterei the laie Mn.nk thei vacation, w ere D r. and M rs. , O n A nother Page W a ,d u h e f t e l t r w lo , M p e G o e h ug u sand Mrs. Joseph Way. Of recent aloMpe Gvwo __________Spent on Liquor roots of the other section ai the been on the Ajax plant roadK Mr.and Mrs. Oral Chapmn, congregation, coming in out o! the north o! Highway No. 2. 'Kry issMnunt n rby MisesMagueitean The regular meeting o! Uic Wo- Prcsbytcnian church, go back ai- Surviving besides her husband, andDoreen Trevail and friends, _______________________________________________ men's Christian Temperance Un- mast as far into Newcastle's past. are two sons, Albert, R.R. 3, Osh- Wilbur. ion was hcid in the Board Room Sa on Sunday lasi, and an Sun- awa, and Raymond o! Whitby; viitnrw. Aa and Mrs er r nsd an Oct.; 27 with a very good et- day next, Nov. 13, the congrega. and ane daughtcn Mns. Gailagh r .adM.JerGeian tendance. Not having a presideni tion marks a century and a quan- (Bernice) ai Ajax. There are tree Bni n il r n r.Go o e since Mrs. Mellow's reioval, aur ter ai her lufe, with special ser- brothens, Arthur Wray Rf RR ,Wright wcre recent gucsts wt En o ra e Y u nIg P o l first vice, Mrs. M. Rickard, was in vices. Oshawa; Russell aof.BowmIanvile, Douglas end Mrs. Oke. the chair. An excellent program For $unday, Nov. 6 Uic congre- and Isaac of Scanbonaugh and one Mrs. G. Trevail, Fergus and was pnepared by Mrs. Bnitton and galion featured the ne-opening of sister, Margaret Wray o! Oshawa. Mrs. Kinsnian visited Norman ande1 r1 'Jo IIrik fj1~contaîfed scripture reading given the church auditorium, and ils Funcral service was held Mon- Mrs. Cleniens, Toronto. byMs rto n eylv-rededicatlon frsce uses, wîth day from the McEachnic Funenel vran Ms.LliHack ly duet, "The Ninety and Nine" Rcv. W. P. Rogers, Bowmanviîîc, Rame in Pickcring. The pel,- visited Mrs. A. Niddrie, Manches- teens somadetimesMr.wh ere te ogrgtin ereswbecomeileGerg er ole or hism 'Young people la their Wakclin frorn Port Hope. from 1929 ta 1934, as guest pncach- Rackney, Rarry Bayes, Allen Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. roblem now ad setibi ten oeie eoe K E L W "The Lisiening Post canductcd er in Uic morning, and with Rev. Lishman, Fred Crawford e n n Coty (nec Marilyn Ruadie) whosequIy.bî cfrorou à tlu suddenly and thefr F E Nb Mrs. Bemairuh oui the R. E.Notn who served 13-5 Teesdale. Burial was l in hurch ws olenie4 howteutifil u. growing bodies demand S U NzJ NHOF satigfaci that la 1948 In Can- as the evering speaker. Frind's nezer Ch ho o. 4. Soers oe aybat nutrtiv fod ohl d, $630,000,000 was spent la On Sunday nexi the cngrega- e hlfo Marilyn by Miss hosedstlso them 4evelop properly. STEMS EACH DAY,' noxicaing dinks-$48 for evry ion has been frtunate in secur- Gwca Osborne, Miss Joyce Rb- Prcd ram $79.50 ta 19.0 Thcy should be encour-- m an, womanaend chiid. ing Vcry Rev. Dr. Jesse R. Annup,FR N I W L OIno , M s W.H Ma h ll ndt eu n tom z aged to drink milk. Glen b . . The Clip Sheet was bascd upan ,secretary, Board ai Overseas O o.3 99 fe re a communiîy showcn ai Uic home ilhdacarfo 0.. neviwwt urM hOnie hrh nsfrN ov.3 14,afiehrrnabnio! her parents Walter and Mrs. dl!!hoda harfo ynsta Rac's mlik antai s ail- - - General Secretary, M iss Du !, and nd Mo 'a to f thrhch ee p th eurdfo -oe bof h adcesî dnervieofth aa Misionso! e nit oeofCuc, nes rn-ooayUrmoiRni.Lvl uswr eev eiey - nc ! ic antndrs ! te ark 94446.dr Arnupfs anh aiCa vile Reassed ta rest in Bawmaa- ed by the young peaple. mth reqitad fo d c-e- _IIville -Hospital, Francis Swallow, Mn. and Mrs. Rerb Nichais me t it m n1 P a a R I on cocktail bars. I an da' lein nt "W o ld Citizens", ag d 7 y a s H a minerais - ta guard the - reply ta the question "what has for neanly fony y arbsoia d iie h ne n l 192- A ihr re e r, wit île Lk. from faulty nutrition and been he ublic gain from Utihe the world uteach af t ~ehee oe aMpeG Ave. tDuglas nd rs emLake. 3l dei fatigueO r de r Glen- coctail bars?", Uic answer wes church, and recently a delegate 0a id tan cidrnO en SoundadT Ia ' ik t - a n ta ocia l d inkers now have al to i W ndCoun il a! Chu ches R nlm 900iîî t a Adn h ri ed wh Md is dyte White visited M . and 6 i g S . E sev I s eatnec e oav dik eor in t hirfrs eeig din-er olevil t 3nsPhpKingMs EyheW beverage. er beomethig they cauld neyer dam. Propheis declare thai when survives hini. One son, Clifford, Mrs. Esîl Oke. 0 h w sL fore. Mis Dufi came back the history of aur century is and a daughter, Edna, elso sur- Messrs. Glen Plckell, Jerry yth"That'sth most dangerous willenteigabv ail cisc vive ta cherish many happy mcm-. Peterson and Syde odc a tme--o drink on an empty stam- ta a taken place ta date îJais ach ' because the alcohol goca di- be this hisloric meeting a! the Ia early lice he joincd the recify m i c tebiaod stream ad representatives a! worldChit church-and has been a loyal and quickly affects the brein. The ianity in Amsterdam. Dr. Arnup faithful member. Ris associations bartender said thene were about wll speak an the Amisterdami ai Mapie Grave church meani 60 or 65 cocktail bars la Toron- meeting in the evening. Ia the mfuch ta hlm. tand that il wes a legal business marning bis tapic will be, "The Of unusuel mechanical ability csteblishcd by the Ontario Gov- God of Yesterday and the God he was kepi busy doing many 1gn ë *'0 ernment and shouid nai be citi- ai Today". and venied jobs and was never AN DDAPUC F cized mare than eiiy other busi- The congregatioa bas sent out happier than when he could do ness. Miss Du!! said Uheicana- ivi 'iosta former nesident something ta help -lea ee - -SODA TO THE WATER. duciion af the sale o! bard liquor and membens and are hopig ta WMIlbe gneatly niîsscd by thase -N.A. D by thc glass wiih Uic extension of make nexi Sunday a great day a! who kncw hlm. sales hauts until 2 a. .Ias hamecoming. The funeral service was con- z0 aroused many vaiens, themsele'es ducled .-by .-his .pasîon .11ev. --. drinkens, ta sec. the danger of Yardley ai the funeral chapel o! wide-open liquor sale and bas Christian Education Northcuti & Smith, Bowmanville, supp~ ort ci e t m e a c Topic of W .M .S. Mount Pleasant Ce mnetery, To-R I S A D E E A~ E A lelter had been received pub- i - A.ein ronto. The bearers werc Messrs.FRISADVGTiE licly cammcadiag Uic action a!fLY.ofthly M eîin Allan Parker, Alex Cneighîon, .8elected Washed and Trimnmed l-z el a G L IEN A JE. D IR fthe Newcastle Council in appeal- Leslie Rook, W. R. Vaughan, C. FRESH '1,N SII- - ing ta the Liquor Contrai Board W.M.S. met Nov. 2 with Presi- R. Snowden, Stuart Morion.'F E H~ i~..r PN C 5 ta have the beverage roonis clased dent Mrs. W. W. Pattenson pre- Quite a number aifaid friendsceoba e arlien an Saturday nights, aira siding. The quotation "Spirit of and relatives in Taronto were ai 1U.S. No. 1 anc to Judge Robb, who gave his Uic living God feul afresh an me" the grave-side ta pay their re- CAPE COD CRANBERRIES - - - 7 decision lan favaun a! such action. was the key-naie for the aimas- spects. phere a! Uic meeting. Ontario Gnaown 1-b e If ma hs atedrihthe as Mrs. Lillien Toms nead the q 1P T OE If a man bas act d nght he bas Scripiure, iSih Chap. ai St. John'sB U K E O P o e 4 -4donc well, though alone; if wrang, Gosplwer Crstteî Rs i, e nthe santi on o im - ldm in d W il disciples "I a n the vine a d ye R P - notju ti y im. Fi ld agarc the branches". Friday evning a capaciy R P TO M MHr~ ESau Ia lieu a! a prayer, Mrs. R. crowd filled Enniskilîea Hall ta *ize 96'.kh, Jic Ranccck rcad e siory la which honour Mn. and Mrs. AlbertSet hn ka uc the emazing value and power o! Adams (nee Lais McMullen) wlîh FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT . . - 3 or25 ftprayer was tlinl a wey ta bring a presentation. Cara Jack Ontaria No. 1 Selected H O .~~~~~ strength and courage ta any faili Smith, Blacksock, prsented Mr. P P E Q A H *- - n e. 6 DOES ~~~ig heari. and Mrs. Adamis wiih two purses EPRSUH Fnom the Christian Steward- ai money-on behali a! Black- *ship Secy., Mrs. C. Hancock, stock and Buketon communlîes, >AIE D UIIVcame another rousing appeai for esp ectvely. After Uic "Uink SCEE--.4I OR ? 9 .N. t.ho.ught . * P I S D A r , , 0 ? . 1 0 . 1 9 4 9 J V Â A 1 L U . . , U Ç U I I nrisr cgs OYCU OSO hiehis anc of the main _ agencies for is advancemenî Mrs. Lena STRNoN..UL Nl LAO R..CNLD JAoN T Roar -and Mns. R. Aluin carriedST A B R y J M 4 onithe sudy by elling how theVy UnldChurch Providced scbools O! al types in Canada, Jaýaa, P AU U T Ri ~ 7 China, India. Africa and Triai- YOURS TO ENJOY ded. YUSNENO Mrs. Dyer gave a personal note- The BARRED OWL is a spec- ta the presentation a! the Study tacular feature of our forest . . - * eâbjy sTe io r , Book by speaking o! ber own pen.,.rjt0"D-UIg# soaliknawîedge ofDr.Ke eth scene, lIn dense woods and f*nfcL L#jrBeston, the author. thickets. At a distance, his SLICID #,41 A ~solo "Somebady Needs Hlm hootlng sounds like the bark o )Mao "or A EA'TO4A Too" sung bY Mrs. C. Cowan, Of ca big dogi1 Aithough ci- c.*, cmeas aofiMs.tteronlson wta large bird, lic is quit. weak, -411%. #h rem nerk o uMs Pttesnwe and feeds moitly on mnice, kncw when someanie was weiîing lnsects, lizards and froga. He kWfor encouragement and help, ad should always be protected. .TUSA ROY STRA M AR St}et perbaps sarne amaîl word o!f OR O RTC ours WoUld f111 their need. Y UST R TC temben, 1949, is placed ai 228,319, TH1E CARLING *REWEEIESUMffEn 1'j000 pounds, a decrease of 1.5 perWAELO NAI cent irorn the total ai 231,694,000 pounds for Uic same period aof fio c4Rnieo 4' 'v THE CANADIhN STATESMAN- Rnvxu A mu.. i ip ý i

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