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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1949, p. 13

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't 'J 4. g, 'b 4, lae 17,nlel-' 04W Z-W_ gramn inRIural Aieas of Counties :2 Health unit 'Carrnes the age off ane year. The resulth 'lISeealth Unit staff carrnes out that there is a relativeiy large at- X!lunzaton programme de- tendance off infants at these im- uato caver the United Coun- munization clinics in rural schools efectively. Clinics are held Infants are immunized by giving rinants 'pre-achool children three doses off a combination cl ~ hool children. In the rural* diphithenîa, whooping cough and the -clinics' are held in the lockjaw. Once this immunizatian la, and parents bring pre- has been done, these children wil 1i ch' ren and infants ta require only reinfforcing doses at càCfs-.Sinc th Halth inte.rvals thereafter. There are a clinic has been also many more infants and young einevery rural achool at least childi'en being vaccinated against two years, and in addition, smallpox than was forrnerly the 8 ae eldatstrategic points case. yar, so that the Unitedi It is essential that clinics in the 0 rties area is effectively cov rural areas be. held during the r _ autumn and spring while tie SWiteh te Younger Age Groupa roads are in good condition in %len the Health Unit first arder that parents may bring in- ta d immunization, many par- fants and young children ta these nt2s hdteiprsinta clin.,cs. At tbe present time, im- e rrect thing ta do was to wait atischon cldrnic oria n t s n -the children started scholeshool children agh n she e ne having them en hedith or eampl, in1946t~'oschools in the Townships of Cav- oarid smpehoon1946almost tw ;n. Hope, Haldimand, Manvers, 1 initi l h iled ne u i red C lark e and A ln w ick . T h ese clinic s eUadsho intil hre d n es o iter-wd toxold. By 1947 this figure was brecmltdb t oe edjiced to 310. This year, there r re'lyery few children in sehool Sanitary Inspection off Schools ho require their initial immuni- A sanitary inspection of eaclh 'atidn. Most of them merely ne- school in the Health Unit area is luire neinforcing doses. Parents cornpletede during the auturnn .10W realize that the proper time This in.spection off the school -build- o aVe chiidren immunized is not i ng includes examination off the hen they start school. but water supply, heating and ventila. liiethey are still infants, un der ting system, lighting, and ail other In Durham County SA report from the Ontario De- Ipartmont off Agriculture shows that the number of swine in the county off Durham has increased by over 11,000 this year over last. In Northumberland the increase is a littie less than 6,000. The number off rams in Durhamr bas decreased by a]most 3,000 ir the past year from June lst, 1948, ta June Ist, 1949. In Northumber- land the decrease was much low- er, teing in the neighborhood of 400. Also in the decrease column are horses, there being over 300 1lpss in Durharn this year and almost 800 less in Northumberland. The, number off cattie in Dur- nain has increased since last year, there now teing over 700 more in the county, while in Northumber- land there are 1,200 less. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister- Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MAýSO)N, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie King Street W., Bowrnanville Phone: Office 688. Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister- Solictor - Notary 9 1,jKKng Street E. Bowmanville, Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DFVITT & RUDL Graduates off Raya] Dental College, and Faculty off Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street - Bowmanvjlle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. tu 12 noon Wednesdayi Closed Suinday.t Office: Phone 790 Residence. Dr. J. C. Devitt . 325c Dr. W. hl Rudel] - 4i'ý27 1 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S, D.D.S. 1 Office in bis borne a 100 Liberty St. N., I3owmanvjlle Office Hours:1 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily0 9 a.m. ta 12 noor. Wednesday Closed Sunday. Phone 604 MONUMENTS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 _ P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario REAL ESTATEI BOW;MANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties SoId. Rented Managed and Appraised. Members et ttue Canadian and Ontario Itea] Estate Boads J. shchyn D. Maclachlan 0111e - 32'i Residence - 2017 j AUDITING MONTrEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E.. Oshawa Mr. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A.. resident partner. Scme folks ihave an idea tha the road thnough Algonquin Par is unpaved. On the contnary, if i a splendidly paved noad. We ha( ta secure a travel permît ta g( sthrough the Park. Tbe permit iý issued free. The game must hav( 1heard we were corning and ne. mained hidden. We only saw on( doe, one partridge, one beavei house and dam. The scenery enroute is wel worth the drive. Renfrew is a fniendly manu- ffacturing toý*n, bas one show, stores stay open fi ten p.m. on Saturday nights. Sunday rnorning, on throug} Ottawa ta Cumnberland, where we were luneheon guesta off "Red' James' Hydro gang. Judging by the war whoop oui son Fred Jet ouf when wc drove into their camp, we imagined he was plcased ta see us. Affer lunch, Fred, Mother and I motored back ta Ottawa ta sec the City, including the Federa] Parliament Buildings. Didn't sec air local M.P. Johnny James, aî'ound. Being Sunday, guess he was taking if easy. Leaving Ottawa, we headed for Montreal, but stayed overnight at the Prince George Hotel in Rockland. The botel's sign read, G. Fraser, Proprietor. With a gaod Scotch name like that, we dîd not anticipafe any language diffficultv. Mr. Fraser may be the owner alnîght, but, French Can- adians run the joint Which meant that I had ta pull the aid "parley voos" ouf off the maoth halls. Afftcî' thirty years, guess i't sounded pretty horrible. However, every- tbing turned out O.K. Wbile in Ottawa, we were told that a Hydro belicopter had made a ffarccd landing near Pantypool. The drive from Ottawa ta Mon- treal, beside the Ottawa River for most off the way, is not only picturesque, but is notable for only baving haîf a dozen hilîs in If's entire distance. At Lachute, we crossed into the Province off Quebec. Lachute is where Bob Scbon lives. We were anly nine miles ffrorn bis home but decided against visiting hbîn in case hc thougbf us pre- sumptuous. For the same reason ive refrained frorn calling on Gre- gory Friend, curnently attending MeGili University in Montreal. Which proves that, the prolelar- at remembers their manners some fi mes. We like the street cars off To- ronto better than thase off Mon- i'eal, where most people secm to speak English and French vifh equal facilify. The "Bobbies" don't seem ta be as ta]] and stafely as Toronto's ffinest. The business Lî'ansacfed along St. Catherine Street is enormous. Monfreal is truly a metropolitan city off one and a quarter million people. If is, we imagine, anc off very few cities in the world, situated n an island and having a moun- tan in it's very centre. Cars are SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO1 ROYAL AGRICULTURAL TORONTO NOV. 15-23 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good golng -November 14th to November 16th inclusive. Retum-Leave Toronto not liter than midnighe.November 24th. l'al informjai.,. res,4aiamut. CAM A NATIONAL AN, PLWMAI LLE, ONTARIO PAGE TE 1 TEIM t is 'e c s ht a n t ep fP C, a c tc nr isr si d( No. 19 Inability ta see in the distance a fading away on nunning together off print are so obviaus as signs off samctbîng wnong with the vision that no anc will neglect theni. But wben if camnes to tiredncss, biliousness, neuralgia and nervousness and soreness off the cyca these syrnpfors ane not s0 readily recognized as applying ta sarne unconrected deffect off the eyes. Tbey are bowever, danger signais, warnings that sarnething should be done before greater discomfort is experienced. (Copyrighted) h ig Dl id )n il] at re ig st le ie ie le in 1- ýe 1- SI DI ýe 'S is e features that influence the health ' . . . joff the school child. In genenal, progres i the improvement cf Ith e achool buildings ha& tended- ta be slow, but there are some en- cotiraging signa this year that " ""~ more work is being done in some......... s school areas, particularly In the - provision off adequate lighting in 1- achools. S. Health Inspection of Pupils ýg At the beginning off the achool Sterm, a visit is made by the nur- ýn ses ta every achool ta ensure that> ino childnen neturn to school suf- a fering fnom any communicable -e disease or any condition requiring urgent tneatment. One off the fac- 9tors which has at intenvals affect- ce d the attendance off a number off eschool children bas been the oc- ecunnence off pediculosis <head elice). A special campaign against c this difficulty bas been initiated nby the Health Unit this year, and -aided by the use off new prepara- G BADVN etions wbich have becorne avail- JUG BADVN -able, it is boped that it will be Judge Basdevant, famed French passible to reduce the number af jurist, la now President off the jdays last by pupils on account off U.N. International Court off Jus- ethis condition. tice-. The Court willI rule on Motherhood Classes human rlghts questions growing Arrangements nave been made out off the treaties wlth Hungary, Sta bold a Motherhood Class in Buigaria and Rumania under a Hastings this faîl. When beld in proposai adopted by the Fourth other centres, these classes Were Session off U.N. Generai Assembly. found t0 be well attended n pc preciated. S Public Health Veterinarian A Public Health Veterinarian PONTYPOOL bas been appointed ta the staff off____ the. Northumberland - DurhaVI (Editor's Note-Scribe Young- Health Unit. Dr. D. F. Darnudemasilglvntn shewts wbo bolds the diploma in V'eterin -mnsilglvatfsherts an interesting account off bis trip ary Public Health from the Uni- ta northern Ontario and Quebec). versity off Toronto has had a var- ieby off experience in this field. Affter leaving tne Barrie-Shan- He was at one time on the staff 'y Bay area last week, where we off the New Brunswick Depart- had visited the girls, whose pig- ment off Agriculture and also had tails we had yanked forty years experience in Veterinary Patholo- ago, ,X7e took the open road ta gy. Orillia. Dr. amud~s ork ith he Orillia is a lovely town, situated Health mUit will be irect hear-onLake Couchicbi ng. With sarne Healh Uit illbe dreced ar-20 different manufacturing firms, ticu]arly to investigation off prob. famous Y.M.C.A. summer camp lems associated with those dis- for boys, a monument ta the-great eases' wbicb may be transmitted French explorer, Champlain, plus hoom animais f0 man. Thig is a one off the nicest parks a persan ffield off Public Health which has couîd wish for, been receiving pzirticular atten- From Orillia, on a beautiful tion in recent years. balrny day, we drave the Austin The appointment off Dr. Da-1 through Gravenhurst, Brace- mude ta the staff of. the Health bridge. Huntsville, Algonquin Unit bas been made possible by Park, detoured about twelve miles a projeet under the National betiveen Killalae and Golden Health Grants, Lake, 'because off a broken bridge on Highway 60, f0 tie up for the Cczttn Sh~, ~night in Renfrew. not ailowed on the mtountair The police up there use a hors and buggy and saddle honses fo patrolling. Some off the city' wcalthiest citizens have beautifu homes juat a short distance fron thes very fine Kiwanis Hospita for crippled chbldren. In the wbnten the City Counei provides toboggan slidcs and to boggans, free. If a persan wcx( ta take thein own toboggan theni they would flot be allowed ta us( it. The artificial lake is used foi skating. Anyone is at liberty tc ski anywhcre on the mountain Everything is free. .Butch and I hirej a carnage and pair in Dominion Square and were transported in style, through Montreal's streets ta the "Look- out" on the top off Mount Ryal The day was bright and cool, visi. bility unlirnited, the view magnifi. cent. We had cofffee in the Chalet, 765 fee't above Montreal street level. Our cabby drove us throug] ~McGill University grounds, where tbey are supposed ta teach evcry- tbing in English. At the Univer- sity of Montreal everything is taught in French. Thus, an Eng. lish speaking boy, wishing to be. corne prafficient in French, would attend the French speaking Uni. versity and vice versa. Our guide, an amateur rnatural. ist, told us that they have bad a lot off difficulty wîth insufficient water in the Lachine shipping basin this autumn. He further stated that, if the Quebec Provin- cial Gvernment didn't soon put the brakes on the enarmaus pulp cutting activities, water may he. corne even mare scarce. Whicb fact proves that, farest caver is indeed a world-wide problem. Not just confined to a local area, We wish to go on record thus. We did not visit Lillie St. Cyr. The wiffe wouldn't let me. n.Old Newspapers IsGvnm i Be or Valua),!. for History 1 MisjudgingPeople? u1 Some interesting aId newspap- By Josp itrRteg M1ers from the Canadian archives 1 . opnpilstercuta e e- lat Quecn's University, Kigtn i eved - and, despite a fcw glan- ilwene displaycd at the annual con-I ing failuirca, the poils have estab- v'ention off the Canadian Weekly lisbed their authority-thdn more 0- Newspapens Association, which pol are interestcd in being e took place at Jasper Park, Alberta, freta are nterested in being ,e Septermber 12 - 14. lookcd after. ie Ar n g h eeto a n T a il b ti i g n o )r i s eonf the N sgaalect io s n 1 a t w ill bnts e sn o n rw s - L issue f "odNiagara M ailete aigvernets, phae bent or prs-l nthe Kingston Argus, 1862, Vol. 1. engaged in bidding for public No. 1; the Bathurst Courber and favor by trying to outdo one ýd Ottawa Gencral Adventiscr, 1841, anothen in the so-called securities ýd and other printed pieces off inter- they are prepaned ta offen. :est ta editors. The Canadian Institute off Pub- Pu1u n148fonBtw lic Opinion queried the public on lis a historic "extra" edition re- what they lîked best about living jpÔnting riots in Montreal and the in.Canada. It discovered that just tconsequent burning off the Par- one> per cent off he Canadian jt liament Buildings invoiving the h rotten-eggbng off Lard Elgin. .e H. Pearson Gundy, Queen 's -chief lbrarian, savs that visitons Pho no -ta the' University library arc sur- Spriscd te sec the long files off -bound newspapers in stacks stret- -ching the wbole length off the*s jlibrary building. 2 Why callecf and preserve aid newepapens?" they ask. To this,O -question Mr. Gundy replies:0 "Newspapers are bistory, tabu- l ated and necarded -frorn day ta day, weck ta veek. If alI the 9newspapens frorn the issue af the4 r Upper, Canada Gazette, April 8, t1793, ta Confederation, ad been hae ue mr acuae on, STO IKi OIL ception off aur gnowtb ta nation- hood."DELRFRSL T- Mr. Gundy points out thatALR moreEN-G *than 100 different newspapers ADRN were published in Upper CanadaFO PRMTDLER beffore 1840. In very few casesFO PRMTDLV I have even reasonably complete files been pneserved and for manyR off aur early journals, no knownB O T copy survýives.1 The Queen's libranian quotes GAR. Dr. W. S. Wallace, Canadian hiF- torian and Universiy off Toronto Corner Klnt and Brown Sts. librarian on the subject off early Canadian newspapers: "Tbey contain virtually the onlyr accounts off the debates in pachia- ment prior ta tbe establishment off the Canadian Hansard in 1872;1 thcy are alrnast the sole source off information with regard to the criminal trials off an earlier day; the advertisernents and market news cantained in thern, pravide1 the ecanomic bistorian with data' ta be found nawhere else. .~' "The notices off deaths, birt.hs 'Y. and rnarriages are essential f0 the! ....k .../ biographer and genealogist, unless he is prepared to search tomb- atones; and the bibliographer must:j rely on them nat only for noticesi or publications otherwise un- known, but alsa for an unýer- .. . standing off the general back- ground off bis w'ork. Oldnv' -lf papers yield place nei'1hcr f0 book-i MAR VIN Bo non ta manuscript maferials, as1 sources off information regarding the past." Optomel IEYES EXAMINED - Duteh Food Pnices OFFICE H Since devaluation off c'urrency, Monday te Saturday - prices off sorne cammodities inosd ednsd Holland are less than in Belgium. lsdW nes Dutch grocers are advertising in - EVENINGS BY A] Belgian newspapers inducing 22 DIVISION ST. Belgian housewives fa shop across the barder. Belgian 'shopkeepers are protesting this action. - EROSENE ÎLOW OIL SPACE REATERS 'E BURNERS. ,Y DAY OR NIGHT CALL >CKER'S' tAGE Bowmnanvllle LLENBERG GLASSES FITTED [OURS -10 a.m. te 6 p.m. ly Ail Day kPPOINTMENT - PHONE 2024 Coi L. Failis, Cadmus Sisson's Garage, Orono James Tripp, Port Perry 'SId. Lancaster, Newtonvlile Buriey's Garage, Newtonvllle E. S. Harnden, Bowmanvllie DEALERS Burketon Garage, Burketon Graham's Garage, Haydon Seed CleaninL5 -Needs Care In Eradicating Weeds Seed cleanîng, an important start in weed contrai, is not solely for the eradicafion off weed seeds. The separation off weed seeds is important; grading the seeds is important toa. Thonough grading assures that only the bcst seeds will be sown. The job off efficient seed clean- ing resfs with the operator, and offen effficiency off a plant is three-quarters openafor and one- quarter machine. This is because off the judgment requlred'by the operator in selecting the machines and equiprnent, and in their pnap- er operation. This-judgment is acquired through expenience and bY a knowledge off the seed cha- racteristîcs. Due fo dîfference in seed sizes, and weéd seed content in particular samples, a specific procedure cannot be laid down but a general recommendafion can be made, says J. W. White, Field Husbandry Division, Cen- tral Expenimental Farrn, Ottawa. The most common machine used in seed cleaning is the sieve and air blast type. There is a wide1 l'ange .aof this type, from, the fa- miliar fanning mill ta large ca- pacity machines wvith such im- -portant featunes as variable air control off bofh the suction and blast, force feed hopper, and van-c db le pitcb control off the screens. Efficient separationwîth this basic miachine depends upon the proper selection of' the sieves or scneens. Poor or rnediocre results can generally be attributed tor impro- per selection off screens. In a two- screen machine the purpose off the top s' eve is ta scalp off everything arger than the seed required and to allow the desired seed and smaller particles to drap tbrough. ['be lower screen removes the malien seeds and broken or hrivelled kernels. The trial metbod of choosing he screens is an excellent anc off [etermining sieve sizes. Place a ample off the seed ta be cleaned on the selected screen, then gently hake or tap if until the arnail seeds have been separatcd froni the large ones. From the percent- ge off seeds abave and below the screen the operator wili know if e bas the correct aize on type off erforation. Thnee on four trials may be necessary ta determine. the correct acreens. The final roof is in the machine operafion. Auxiliary machines are requircd ,r specific separafions and grad- ng problems. Vanious pninciples ;ch 'as seed coaf charactenistics ;ecific gravity, seed weight and àape, colour, are used to efffect nare difficult operations. These Lxiliary machines are found in istorn and commercial seed 1eaning plants, but good work in be accomplisbed by the judic- ous use off a sieve and air b]ast achine if a wide range off scnecns 3available. Canada bas six and a quarter illion bank depositons. MOUR EYES and Vision Rewrîtten f rom pncvious copyrights off C. H. TUCI Optometrist1 Disney Bidg. (Opp. P.O.) THERE'S 'NO TIRE [IKE IHIS SNOWý TIRE! SLUSHY, ICY OUTTERS- UNPLOWED SIDE STRET INCLNIO DRIVWAYS - UNIMPROVD ROADS - au puU away asily with - c a n't bog yu dgWu sure traction is provid.d Winter-Cleats are made W;inter-Cloats. with WntezCIata. b7 Wint.-CIata. ta GRIP in mud and mirs. 'JISTRMUTOR G. . amieson Tire Shop 9ÀNe-m E er King & Silver Sta. Bowmanvile Phone 467 rifELE '111b UA.NAI11AN STATESlVL people mentioned social securi ty- measures-old age pensions, lami. ly allowànees,. etc.-as their rea- son. Living and working condi. tions wene given by 12 q. and 14%. But 43%, bn a cross section off Canada, wanted first Uic free. dam that Canada had ta offer- freedom off speech, press and re- ligion, but mostiy "the right to do what "'e want." Perbaps govcnrnents who have been tbinking that they know better what we want than we do ounselves, and wbo are provbding secunities by limiting aur persan- ai nesources, might give some ses'- ious tbought ta this finding. Last ycan the federal govern- mnent's purchases off butter abroad and buying off the domestic sur- The GE NE RA L ESPICIALLY FOR REAR WHEELS Grips Hard'in Soft Going SNOW aSLUSH eMPUD You can't imagine what a cifference a pair of General WINTER-CLEAT Tires on your rear wheels makes. The. tread is douhle-thick and cleated. It grips liard ini soft going-zips through where others slip, spin, bog down. Put a pair on your rear wheels now and save yourself the risks of faulty j traction.' The nuisance of being stalled. I The expense of being towed. I FREE. SERVICE I You need WINTE-CLEATS for snow, J slush, rnud. We'11 store your present rear tires and switch them back when tthe tùne cornes. wi Fr& ïï plus ofatocrop ast Cnada' TTTr. rAiliAnTAW zIrAlprrlýrà" tpr%,UngAlý,Tqr",r lm Phone

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