PAGE To~~< - -. ~ *~ ~ NpW.> i N2Miv L., CI&TALUU *IRU1PMAYNV 8 U AI ~Ag0~'~'i~I EI~DAtI ~OtLYOURPR~~jy c 1 c c c c n 8 p J1t G i fa' mi sei on Gf a 0V C fin sev o1 tf yen ra o go! such overcharge o mr-BDOM Sie rn eSbop, King St. West. 9-tf Wanted ýr assessment on or before the floor sample, modemn waterfall t day o! November. 1949. and style. Greatly reduced, te clear, REPAIRS to ail makes o! refnîg. DEADhborses and cattle for free HO ýu camplaint shall be tried hy $65. Wilson's Furnitume Co., 20 enaters, domestic and commercial pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 tenar esaid Court o! Revision. Church St., Oshawa. 44-2 Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone 774 All persons having business at phone 438. 26-tf charges. Gardon Young Ltd. eCourt are requested to attend SPARKLING bathrooms and kit- 3f afomesnîd. chens wîth STYROTILE. Eacb CHESTERFIELDS completely e- A. J. LYLE, gieaming tule is set individually, built and re-upholstemed. Satis- DEAD or criPPled stock remeved - Clezrk of the flot a waIl board. For free esti- faction guaranteed. Have aur free o! charge. One boum service. Da te hsTown o! Bowmanvillc. mates and sample covers. Phone 1 consultant cail at no obligation. Highest prices for aid hanses. A.C. te hs4th day ef Hay & Hetberington, Bowman- Enquire at Weber's Fabnic Cen- Mnrgwili Fur Fanm, Cal Collect: Tnp vemnber, 1949. 45-2 ville 772. 45-3i tre, 10 King St. E. 20-tf BoRnu ll 9&.Aa-'4 St. Andrew'u Church baz Noveomber l8th, 3 p.m. Hc made cooking and atternoon BIIRTHS Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale GIlBSON-Mr. and Mrs. Cecil TWO steves and furnace, with iNDIAN brcadloom ruif, 0 x 12, FIVltrnom.od tirnga1ow, llghtm Gibson are happy te anneunce the thermostat. Phone 852. 45.1 Marasehino mcd, perfort condition,, ad w#itpr. Pnosegalon et onces. birth of thein son, Kenneth Cecil,- soiid oak gateeig table, uaeful for Phions 408ý 45-1* at Bowmanviîîe Hospital, on Oct. '29 DODGE sedan, ln good run- 8mai! diiii ni-room. Phone 430. 27th, 1949. A baby brother for ning condition. Phone 2403. 45-1 Mrs. M. Breslin, 45.1* IMMEDIATE pomeaion, new 4- 'Anne. 45-10 mro d bungalow, ail conven- CHEST cf drawers; dresser. ONE new 30-3n Winchester car- lcencOs. R. J. RAckham. 0 Voer- RUNDLE-Mr.. and Mrs. John Phene 2889. 45-i* bine with seven boxes of shellsans A o.45-10 Rundie (nee Young) wish te an- one 7.69 m.m. Mauser with ihelim. FU-ome n1-rlkhue nounce the arrivai o! a son, TWO snow tires; 600.- 16. Phtine Phone 4631J Oshawa or appi3' 351 fiily Inifflâted, bâthroom with brother for Rickey in Bewmýa 56r12, Onono. 45-1* Arthur St. 45-1 electrir hot water tank, 1s-acre ville Hospital. 45-1 '38 FORD coach. Appiy 54 We- 1934 FORD car, wlth 1940 motor, land, $3,300. Possession Immod- ~~-~---------ington St., or Phone 310. 49. 1 * heater, snow grip tires. A goond iately. AppJy Russell Brown, 87 a il in No. i running order. Ap- Liberty S t. S., Bowmanville, DEATHS '40 PLYMOUTH sedan, new paint, ply James Hall, R.R. 5, Phone Phone 819. 45-i * CRAGO-In Darlington. on Tues- crtcasmcaia cniin 42 51 HOUSE For Sale -Solld brick1 day, November 8th, 1949, Freder- C Payne, New~castle. 43-1 YOUR a ppies custom pressed. cottage, 9 rooms and bath, wlred; ick Albert Crago, beioved husband LARGE size Quebee heater, in Sweet eider for sale. Fred La-. for electric stove, garage, goodJ of Isa L. Osbomne. in his 8lst yèar. good condition. Phone 2488. Salle, Harmony Rd. north, f irst size garden, good location. Apply Resting nt bis home. Damington, 45-1* rond east. Phono 3430JI Oshawa. on premises te owner,-Mns. A. L. for service Friday-, Nov-. 1l th, nt 42-4 Nicholls, 9 Concession St., Bow- 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilie QUEBEC eook stove. in good con- mnil.44-2* Cemeterv. 45-1 dition, priced to seli. Phone CHESTERFIELD Suite, rlch, good- mavle 22.51. 45-1 * looking velaur, smart, design. TWO semi-detached, six-roomed SWALLOW - At Bovinn%,1eFIT N thuad od, j Brand new, ta dlear at sacrifice, houses, each with garage. Near Hosîtl.onThrsdv.No-ebe biFTks Phoe 391 ondpply 103$140. Wilson's Fumniture Co., 20 Public School, Elgin Street, Bow- 3rd, 1949, Francis Swaiiew. age 1LierySt. N. Cuc4t.5s-1 ebrlt.Saldwnpyet 79 years, beioved husband of!Lîer -5- 4-2manvile. Pssessidon o! on Dec Agnes Phipps and dean falhen o! i 1942 PONTIAC opera coupe, radio, 13 p2 DELUXE sedan, good balance ental temms. E. and F. Clifford and Edn. Maple Grove. benter, geed tires. Appiy 18 Jane tires, heniter, new paint, good Sutton, 429 Kingston. Rond, To-1 Funemal from the Funemal Chape] St., or Phone 713. 45.1* mechanicaliy, winterized; also onta. 44-tf o! Nothcutt & Smith on Satu-' good top buggy and reg. Shmop. day. Nov. 5th. Interment Mount BOATHOUSE at Bowmanville ram. Howard Brent, Phone 2835. LEROY IRAMILTON c Pleasant Cenieterv-. Taronte. 45-1 East Beach. A. Darch, Phone 45-1* $5,000 - Orono residence, new, C __________________ 1_2890. 45-1 choice location, 4 ooms on ground9 - 1 ~NUMBER o! new steel oul drums, floor, electric fireplace and mani-r CARD OF THANKS ýKrTCHEN cabinet, geod as new. dlean and rendy far use for stove tel, unchrwo loig Z1.LLLb/ ~~~ I Appis Mrs. Joe Crawford, Hamp- oir or gasoline storage, on sale at funchdw d oaig The fnmii' of the late Mn. F. ton, Phone 2552. 45-1 $3.50 each at Bob Stocker's Gar- modemn decorations, large up- Swalowwis taexpegsheatfet -age, Bowmanville, phone 804. staîrs flot finished. An excep- Swalow ishla xprss harteltORDR yur CrismasandNew33-tf tionally attractNVe home. Immed-0 thanks ki all wiio were so .kind OREaR'sTuym ChristmEs and Newinte possession. 2 xvih -xre.z,'onc f zvnpth, ndPhone 2811 Bowmanville. 45-1* CHRYSANTHEMUMS, eut flow- S floral tributes at the «tinie o! their ërs. ail colours. Bouquets and $2.500 - Pon typool, on outskirts M sad beevement. 45-1* INTERNATIONAL Ih h.p. motor, floral arrangements for ail oc- of! village, insul-bmick residence cl in .running condition. Phone 410. casions. Grnham's Florist, n iwth large grounds and orchard, The fnmily o! the lnte Mr. 45-2 skillen, PhoneBomanile 246 te rooms, henvy electnie wînîng, Henry Hoy wish ta express their 4-*hrwo los el eoaee deepest gratitude ta the many.fmi- FINDLAY cook stove, six lids; 43*hnood lors, ewlydeornted, ei ends for their kind expressions small ice box; bath in good con-WSE ,Lomtie mpc sl.I eda ossin. T o! sympathy and floral tributes dition. Apply 80 Queen St. 45-1* WSES oooie ipi-slImdaepsesa. ' duig hirrcntsd eeve HOEMmmss 8 orVneinity. Available wîth water pump F Mrgg 6: durin ther recnt sd berave-PHON Morrs's 80 fo Ventianand electrie heater - heat your First Mrgg funds available. o ment.451 Blind estimates, we mensure and water right in the wnsher, from 41* install. 37-tf $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Marris LEROY HAMILTON ENGAGEMENT Ca., Phone 480. 37-t! Broker Orono, Ont. E '30 DURANT coupe, good candi- Phone 32mb 1- rl6 45-1 ri Mr. and Mrs. Peter Proskin o!' tion, new tires. Chenp for cash. NOW is the correct planting timne Vshawa, formerly o! Newdale, Frank Glbemt, Phone 2691. 45-1* for Giant Flowering Peony ots, BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE W Maln., announce the engagement in colons red, white or pink. Im- $4,200-Seven-room house, garage, sO of their dnughter, Kathleen Mur- ALUMINUM tmay high chair; boys mediate delivemy. Three for $1.89. large lot 66x454, modern bath- lel, o! Montreal, to Arthur George wagon; small tricycle; child's Bookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, oom nand kitchen, hydmo, water Clemence, son o! Mrs. Georgina wicken rocker; kiddie car. 25 Bowmanville. 40-7 and sewer, low taxes. Immediate Clemence o! Bowmanvilie, and Brown S.4- BNEDBak hpoxcag ssesson.Ternis. fi the late Mm. Wm. Clemence. The TWO double wick ail bumners for ne rivets. In stock ready ta go; i $6,200-New modemn bungalow, Scr marriage will take place on Sat- mrange, glass container fan ail, rea- Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chmy- fîve roams, modemn bathmoom and Nc urday, November l9th, at 10 a.m.. sonable. Apply 156 WellingtonsIOdsPnicBuk(dms ichn hev wingho ar hiSt Gegm'sChrc 45s-w1 S. Bwmanville. 45-1* lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, furnace, piidture window, newly su] _____________________ 41 BUICK sedan, in beautiful Bowmnnvilie. Phone 804. 22-tf 1 decorated. Terms. Immediate 1 NME O AM condition, completely equipped ALL kinds of meat. good quaiity, possession. _____ IN EM RIM nnd recentiy averhauled,$75soebaoan as asg ,00 rraoal fetheh, COLILL -I loingmedown payment. Phone 2981. 45-1 and hamburger. Darlington Abat- $9 ,500-a riesonbul offr, thee h aur dear brothers: Flying Officer 1934 PONTIAC sedan 8, in goo toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also aprmn rikbidn, god0 a ood estoo k revenue, on King St. Ideal for Fr. Alex Calville, Flying Officer Bill condition, cheap. Apply R. HO uto ilhing, pickling, smkng business location, extra lot in- F Calville and Flying Officer John Dunkin, c/o E. G. Leaver, Suo and sausage making, rendemîng cluded. Terms. Ho Colville, killed while serving with Rd,, 2 miles from twn. 4e1- ad 2-!___ _On the R.C.A.F.: '4 OTA och is ls DRY Hardwood, Beech nnd Maple. We have several farms from 50 -Lovingly emembered by their 4 OTA ocfrtcnsPrices: at far-m-$12 per cord or ta 300ace with immediate pas- sisters, Margaret, Cathaine and condition, motor recently over- 1 e0odbze.Dlvee:ssinanresonbetrs Cni.hauled, priced right for quick $1_e_______d elvrd:ssio n eaoaletrs Phone 2639. 45-2* $15 per cord or- $17 per cord, buz- -zed; single cord, $5. H. M. Kyte, FOR RENT COLVILL-In loving memory o! CORDWOOD--cut n foot iengths, on Scugog Rond between Bunke- Five-room bouse to ent. Wil] I1 rny three sons, Alex. Bill and îmaple anld beech; twa cards ta ton and Blackstock. Phone Port give leasq. Possession Nov. lSth.i Sandy, kilied serving in the R.C. load, $1750.per cord. Phone 2952. Perry 193r14, Collect. Inquiries $35.00 per month. Do not phone. TA A.F.. Flying Officer Alex Col- 44-tf invited by dealers and trucîkers. Information given ait office onîy. Ccl ville, Flying Officer William Col- 4-f BwavleRa sae vl ville and Flyiog Officer John LADY'S black winter coat. size 78________4KiBom n St. estat i.g Colville: 40-42, excellent condition, too GIFT HEADQUARTERS-Waînut J. Shehyn D. Maclachian the I am tbinking o! you today large for awner. 75 Scugog St. coffee tables, end tables, smokers, Phone 326 45-1 E]e dears, 45-1* occasional chairs, sewing cabinets, 5th Thinking of you in the past; hnssocks, wool blankets, bed- JAMES NIXON Picturing you ho my memory APPLES, grade 1anod coakers, spreads, desks, pictures, lamps, Sahid brick bouse on large lot. Just as I Saw you last. wvinter varieties delivered indBow- mirmors, etc. You cao save money 6 ooms, 3-piece bath, hot air And, I who Ioved you dearlv 'manville, any quantity, cheap, because we are out o! bigh ent henting, electmic water henter, Have shîed many silent tears; Phone 2720. 45-1* district. Our prices are lower. storm windows, cambination doors, ' tcherish yourmemmory always Nlo' uniueC. 0Cuchsres obegaae 530 n To brighten the drîfting years. N~EW Wingham cook stove with SWil sn a.-2PsFunteCa,2Chrh sesioublranedgaag, 5.00 -Lovingly remnembered by o'en, six plates, bumns wood or'S. shw.4-2Psesinatngd r Mohr 51coal, chenp. Apply Simpsons, 242 NEARLY new Model S tmacton, NEWCASTLE AREA W]' Vthr451Church St. 45.1* bargain for quick sale; new Case 3 1/2 acres good land, sping Stream, by MOLLISS-In ioving memory o! a 1938 HDO eaecletrtactor spreadem; new Case offset 6-oomed fame bouse, hydro, Put lear husbarid and father, Thomas condition, 4 new Goodyear tirs dssPe ae -urwtatr arn, pig pen, hen house, plougb- Toý es, disc Plow; oew Genemal tractor ing done, berry bushes. Around AN. ;ý o h , w o1947:e N v m h f g a d u e , e t r an e t spreader; B eatty and D eLaval $ , o . P s e s o r a g d h 'rom aur happy home and circle covers.Phn58,8am-5 . $00. oseinarngdte er Ot, 147 Phne585 8a.m -S pm.water systemis, snow fence; steel ____ adv God bas taken one we love;, ss se ube et rs;Fame house, well decomated, mer 3oame away from sin and sarrow1 MAN'S camel hair overcont, fit used Coleman Oul Henter; new bath, hydmo, floor coveings le!t, ope To a better home above. lize 36-38, in good condition, e- steel wheel wvhee1barrow. W. H. attached garage, good garden, per- the I-Ever remembered by wife and ceiitly dry cleaned, rensanable. Brown, Case Denier, Phone 497, ennlai rock garden, $5,500. Poss- sia: armily. 45-1* IApply 156 Wellington St., Bow- 45-1 ession nrrnnged. TH] manville. 45.1* - TEEciln-eatd n deREYNOLDS-In loving mem- 1ISTHBrick hharedan Sy o! a dear father, William Mc- 1946 FORD 1/-ton Pick-up, body genemous citizen in Durham Brc ouse, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, of eypaids who passed' away Nov.1 and motor in excellent conditiorn. County who bas a piano in their fumnace, bydro, heavy wiring, F0I tb, 1941: B est offer accepted. Apply P. home and have no !urtbem use for garage, hamdwaad floors, large lot. 1 In loving memory o! a dear Warnem, Newcastle, Ontario. it, and would donate it ta the $5,000. icipi îother, Lillian McRevnolds, who 45-1 Boys Training School? The schoal Ot ýassed away June l2th, 1948:- HSEF LDsie w ines badly in need a! a piano for GROCERY STORE tion CHSEFEDsie w ieone o! the cottages and the Rotary Goeisa noc rc;as g In loving memory o! n dear sis- car it lechsefelCu bsbe npocedt e e. store invcectin. Cloe m zaar, mre- Don't ferget the Durham Coun- ty Community Auction Sale te be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday, Nov. l7th, at 1:30 p.m. There will be offered 1er sale al kinds o! livestock, machinery, furniture and dozens o! other items. Rememben the date - Nov. 17th - the Sales Barn, Orono, the place where ahl farmers meet. Temms cash. Pleasé note the new change o! time - 1:30. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 45-2 The undersigned has received instructions from William Mby- nard, 65 Scugog St., Bowmnnville, to seli by public auction on Sat- urday, Nov. l2th, the foilowîng:- studio couch, mantel radio, diri- ing-moom suite, 3 beds complete, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, kitchen stove, chest o! dmnwers, kitchen cabinet, dishes, garden tools and numerous other articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. F. Stir- ro 7 n e 1. 2 0 Notice TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE 'AXE notice that the Municipa. uncil of the Town f Bowman. ilie intend to sybmnit the foilIGW ig By-Law for the approval o ie electors at the next Munjcipa. Jection on Monday, Decembei By - Law No. 1491 of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmnanville A~ By-Law to provide for piac- ýthe management of the sew- age system under the Public ilities Commission. 'HEREAS the Corporation did 7By-Law No. 1252 set up The blic Utilities Commission of the )wn of Bowmanville. N'D WHEREAS in the opinion of eMunlicipal Council it may be Ivisable to place the manage- ent of the sewerage system now ýrated by the Council under esaid Public Utilities Commis- )n. IEREFORE the Municipal Coun- of the Corporation of the Town Bowmanville ENACTS AS )LLOWS: 1.That pursuant to The Mun- Pal Act, Revised Statutes of itarlo 1937, Chapter 266, Sec- ýn 414, Paragraph 10, the man- ement of the sewerage system, luding the disposai plant, be âced under The Public Utilities omission of the Town of Bow- inville. 2.It shall be the duty of the ýmmission to manage the said xerage system, including the ;osal plant, with the full power dauthority now or hereafter sted in the Corporation and the d Commission to act with al Spowers conferred upon it by ePublic Utilities Act. 1.This by-law shall take effect the day of the final passing weof. Rend a fîrst time: November 7th, 1949. Read a second time: November 7th, 1949. hereby certify that the above true cop of By - Law No 1491 ch was given its first and sec- 1reading on November 7th, A. J. LYLE Clerk, Town of Bowmanville. wmanville, Ont. al .1- r- 'f 1l 45-3 Wanted To Rent US5E or apartment, meliable ants. Phone Lander Hardware, 45- 1 Notices incing Classes ini Ballet and )taught by Irenie Harvey, -C.on Fridays, 19 King E. 41-tf jingo and draw, Saturday, Nov l. 7:0 pm., at Sons o! Eng. land Hall. Proceeds for Memoria: Park. 45-Vw Reserve the week o! Novem. er 28th te Decemben 2nd for thE Bowmanvllle Higb Sebool Com. mencemer4 Exencises. 41-"d Dance and eucbre, Enniskilier Hall, November lltb. ValuablE pni7es. Pmoceeds for the hqspita1. Admission 50c. 444~ Newtonville United Chunch .Thank-Qffering Services, Sunday, November l3th, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. A. E. Eustnce, B.A., Orono. 11 Bazaam and sale o! home-made cooking in Ennîskilien Chumch, Wednesday, Nov. 16th at 2:30 p.m. Afternoan tea will be served. Unden auspices o! W.A. 45-1* Blackstock Continuation Scbool Commencement Exercises and Concert featuring the play: "The Wbiz Kids," Thursday and Friday, Dec. lst and 2nd. Admission: Adults-50c; Children-25c. 45-3 Hampton United Cburch Tbank- Offering services, Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Special speaker, Rev. C. Malcolm, M.A. Whitby. Special music by the baoir. 45-1 Plan ta attend Hampton Wom- en's Institute bazaan, being beld in the basement o! the cburch on Thursdny, Nov. l7tb. !momn 2:30 te .:30 p.m. Theme will be a variety f booths and cafeteria tea. 45.1* Third Concert Depnrtment o! Educntion Series, featuring Mau- ice Solway and Mary Syme, oprana. High Scbool Auditorium, Wednesday, November 23md, sporn- ored by Bowmanville Lions Club. 45-1 A shooting match wîll be held br Turkeys at N. Bothwell's, 1 1/2 niles north a! the Boys Training ;chool, at 1:30 p.m., on Saturday, ov. l2th. Brng your own 12- ,auge shotgun and .22 rifles. Shelis pplied. 45.1* The Orono Junior Hockey Club 948-49 Ontario Champions are )lIding their fourth annual dance id draw in the Omono Town Hall, riday, Nov. llth. Mr. J. J. Mac- 'ayden, Pres. o! the Ontario lockey Association, fmom Gaît, )nt., will be thý bonoured guest. Livestock For Sale TEN pigs, 8 weeks aid. Phone 2377 Bowmanville. 45-1 TWO good Holstein heifers, due in December. Phone 2275. 45-11 JERSEY COW. Carl Bradley% R. R. 1 Hampton. Phone 2904. 45-1 EIGHT pigs, 6 weeks old. Austin Wood, Phone 2388. 451* SIX pigs, ten weeks aId. Frank Denby, Phone 2313. 45-1 TWO Registemed Hereford bulls, one and twe yeans. J. A. Rose- vear, Tyrone. 45-1 YOUNG Yorkshire hag, rendy for service. Apply Clarence Burley. Phone Clarke 1613. 45-1* 21 YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks old. Apply Harold Crawford, Hampton. 45-1 FOX *bound, black and tan, maIe; 7 fox last season, 3 this season; good on deer. Warren MeQuade, R.R. 1 Burketon, Phone 195r4 Port Pemry. 45-1* AiXTELL Domino No. 260890, one- year-old Hereford Bull sired by Domino Axteli. Herd sire owned by Burton B. Wamnica, Stroud, Ontario. Apply ta Gardon C. Mar- Wanted ToBuy 25 TON, or more, of manure. Phone 690. 45-1 SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf ELECTRIC brooder for 500 chicks, Warner preferred, Phone Bow- manville 2720. 45-1* POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We cali at your door. Phone TORK horse, dependabie, sound, )out 13 cwt. Phone 2315 or rite P.O. Box 163, Bowmanville. ab wr tr3 Fil SCOTCH pine for Xmas Trees. Apply Box 338, The Canadiani Statesman, Bowmanville. 45-1 THREE outstanding registered Holstein bulls; 1 Grade Holstein bull, ail one-year-old. Walter Frank, Bowmanville R.R.5, Phone EFORE selling your live poultry 'y us. Our prices are higher. M. att, R.R. 1, Bethany, phpne 7 r NUMBER of Holstein heifers and spring calves, few Purebred Jer- seys; aiso a number of ment horses. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193rl4. 452* WANTED for Export-Grade and Registered Holstein cows, freshen- ing November and December. Walter Frank, R.R. 5 Bowman- Work Wanted FOR estimates on concrete and mason work, Phone L. Turner, 2834s Bowanill. 5 I HAVE clients for farms in Dar- lirigton Township, on or near paved ronds. Write or cali Bert Peyton, 13 Bond St. E., Oshawa, Pho el 399t 45- WANTED-Reliabie man as Deal- er in Bowmanville. Experience flot necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rnwleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits.1 Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-K- 140-163, Montreal. 44-4 1 COMn;G MRWS THREE keYs on ring. Finder please leave at 58 Wellington St. or Phone 350. 45-1 AYRSHIRE cow, with horns, lost Oct. 27th. Finder please Phone Clarence Gilmer, Clarke 1533. 45-l* TRAILER racks, misplaced on Haliowe'en. If anyone knows where they may be locnted, please Phone 800. J. C. Alldread. 45-1* Several from here attended Ra]ph Virtue's sale on Moinday and report it a good sale. A chartered bus load from here attended the Ice Capades at Maple Leaf Gardens on Tues. night. Congratulations to Marilyni Philps on winning first prize of $12.00 in the essay contest at the Jr. Farmer's Market helci at the Bowmanville Arena. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers, Salem. and attend- ed Anniversnry Services at St Paul's United Church, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Cookson, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Gele- viue.. Roc hester. and friends from ,roronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Nor. man Woodley.j Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern, H..- Auction Sales Mr. and Mrs. S. Daw, Bowman- e, visited her parents Mr. and s. J. His. Nov. the 3rd the W.M.S. met at Lhome o! Mrs. L. Goodman th a very good attendance. De- tional by Mrs. H. Sknner. The dy Book was gîven by Ms. D. e. Mrs. J. His gave a Tem-. rance reading. A dainty lunch iserved by group in charge. We hope for Mrs. Walter Park, ,a speedy recovery from her less. he Tyrone W.M.S. ladies visit. the Ezîniskillen Brnnch on v. 8th at the. parsonage, imuwmanvwe mm. 41*41, THE CAlfAr)L4X 9PATMUkM- 1 - - - 1 Court of Rovision COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL NOTICE is hemeby given that the first sittings o! the COURT 0F REVISION for the Township o! Darlington will be heid in the Towvnship Hall, in the Village o! Hampton, on TUESDAY, NOV- EMBER lSth, 1949, at the hour o! 2 p.m., ta hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the yenr 1950. ALL Persans having business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. J. D. HOGARTH, Township Clerk. Hampton, November 2, 1949. 44-2 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON TENDERS FOR TRUCK SEALED Tenders, clenrly mark- ed as ta contents, wili be received by the clerk iintii 12 o'clock noon, rTuesday, November 15, 1949, for lhe supply o! either four-ton or five-ton dump truck, fuily equipp- ed with body and hoist. Tenders must include complete specifica- tions and state approximate date o! delivery. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily nccepted. W. L. Miller. J. D. Hogarth, Rond Supt., Clerk, Hampton, Ont. Hampton, Ont. 45-1 For Rent FIVE moomed, hented apartment. Phone 2494. 45-1* RÎOOMS - conveniences, separate entrance, heated if desired. 103 Scugog St. 45-1* FIVE-roomed house, possessiont December lst. Write Box 336, c Statesman Office. 45-1* FOUR-roomed apartment, central location. Write ..Box 36 States- ~i man Office. 45-1 STEAM heated apartment, 2 bgd- rooms, dinmng-raom nand living- room, modemn kitchen with bult- in cupboards, tule bathroom And ' shower. Hot and cold water sup- plied. Rent $52 a month. Appiy Bowmanville Cleaners. 45-1 - V IHAVE accommodation ta ment F in farm home, for suitable marmied I couple; convenient distance to Bowmanville, Newcastle nan d )rono. Companionship means P more than ment asked. Write giv- -4 Ig meference ta Box 337, States- k man Office. 45-2f P Personal il IV. qYGIENIC SUPPLIES - <mubber d :oods) mailed postpaid in plain r. ;aled envelope with price list. 1 ix samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. [ail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub-a )er Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. L 44-9 di ONTPAiON Sufferers-Why A cperiment with harsh, griping. I axatives when you can help me- S ieve your condition with the ai vhoiesome, gently laxative cereal, loman Meal? Here is a tried and mc ested formula, developed by m tobert G. Jackson, MD., that J ombines the naturai food values r -id delicious fie vors of whole i heat and whole rye with the Intie, laxative properties o! flax- S *Iir4 and bran. Thousands of su!- M mrers have written ta us pmaising Pl he laxative qualities o! Roman fa Jeal. You, too, may find relief R ith this valuable energy food. Si £sk your grocer for Roman Meal. v Write today for FREE Booklet, b Nature's Way ta Good Health" Li y Robert G. Jackson, M.D., ta M r. Jackson Foods Limited, Dept. 1 Willingdon Blvd., Toronto. ch 45-1 pc Chiropodist an M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, ch Decializing in diseases o! the foot Bc d leg. Generai chiropody work. uite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa. av h00e 3947. 35-tf AI nony r adMs Jack Corbett, O 1haa, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mrs. George Arnold, and Ma§ter Tom Arnldy Mrs. Bill Hughson, Mauma, Toronto. were r* tors with Mrs. Mina Hughson. Miss Ruth Clement, Kingston-, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kleinsteuber 1and Lois, Picton, were weekend. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis in Toronto oh Sunday. W. 1. will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Woodley on Wed.. Nov. l6th. Report of Institute Convention wîll be given by Mrs. Rosevear. A very pleasant time wns held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lis Stewart on Tues., Nov. 8th, it being the occasion o! Mrs. Stew- art's 84th birthday. Those who at- terided were: Mr. and Mrs. James Temlin, Mr. and Mrs. Dowson Timnlin, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tim- lin and daughter Catherine, Rose- neath; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tim. lin, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burrison, Mrs. R. C. Staples, Deanne and Judy, Gore's Land- ing; Mrs. Eric Kelley, Hnrwood. This community offers congratu. lations to Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yorke and baby, Mr. D, Yorke, Mrs. Everett Yorke and Miss Eileen Yorke, Keswick, were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ewnrt Bragg and family, Bowmnnviile, were also visitors at the Park home. Miss Dorothy Skinner, Toronto, spent the weekend with her pa:k ents, Mr. an-d Mrs. H. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Marilyn and Ron, and Miss Jean Phîlp visited their aunt Mrs. T. Phiip, Picton, who is seriously ill. Mrs. H. Philp entertained about 40 teachers o! the women's Fed- eration of Bowmanviile, Darling- ton and Cartwright at hem home on Monday evening. Mms. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, gave a very interesting talk on her trip abroad and also showed pictures whigh were taken on the trip. Mn. Donald Yeliowlees, Kitch- ener, with Mr. and Mms. F. Wright. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear is attend-.... ig the W.I. convention beini .eld in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Yorke and baby, Mr. D. Yorke, Mrs. Everette Yorke. Miss Eileen Yorke ~ wick, and Mr. and Mrs. 4 Park were tea guests of MrV4V. !rs. Lloyd Skinner, Sundny. , We extend sympathy to Mrs. Elizabeth Wight in the sudden assing o! her brother, Mr. Robert Awde, Toronto. We are sorry to now that. Mrs. Wight is quite ýoorly and confined to hem bed. We extend sympathy to Mr. and [rs. Harold Macklin in the pass- ng of his brother, Mr. Amos qacklin, who passed away Mon- lay morning. Mr. Mncklin had Lade his home with Mr. and Mrs. farold Macklin for severai years. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees id children visîted Mr. and Mrs. vani Ellicott, Peterboro, on Sun- lay. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett and ýrvilla accompanied Mr. and Irs. F. Beckett and children to 'cugog Island and visited Mr. id Mrs. C. Samelis. Mrs. McCabe and friend, To- into; Bill Hall, Solina; Mr. Nom- nan Bosley, Mrs. L. Emburg, rmmie and Billie Emburg, To- onto; Mrs. W. T. Worden, visited &r. and Mrs. Francis Hall. The Darlington Ministemial As- ociation met at the manse on donday, Nov. 7 with 14 members resent. It was nice to see new ces. The new ministers were L. Hutton, Blackstock, Rev. igston, (Anglican), Bowman. ile. The paper was pmesented T Rev. E. A. Eustace, Orono. ,nch was served by Mr. and Irs. Cresswell. Mm. and Mms. M. Elford and hildren, Mr. Laurence Tabb, ort Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Murray abb were dînner guests of Mr. d Mms. T. H. Tabb. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett and ldren visited Mr. and Mrs. O. eckett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas' Osh- Ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 1 - 1 1 - 1- 1- 1 1 ýA-GýllMUýRTMý F l' Don't farget the large auction sale ta be held in the Skating Rink, Orono, on Satumdny, Nov. l2tb, cammencing at 10 o'clock, in the mamning, where there will be offered for sale new and used cbesterfîeld suites, refnigemators, ment caunter, washing machines, radias, staves, vacuum cleaners, toasters, lumben, building supplies, plumbing matenial, nalis o! flan- nelette, bot dish mats, and dozens a! ather items, the pnapenty o!f Woodyand Electrie. Lunch will be servqd throughout the sale. Phease note - the sale wili com- mence at 10 o'clock in the momo- ing. Your attendance at this large sale will be greatly nppneciated.j For funther information contacet: Jack Reid, auctianeer, Phone 5r 181 F 7 9 F Y bý 0 ti