~we owles Throws a Bombshei !CUmy Couicils Be Aholished I felic of Horse and Buggy Days eW. G. Bowles cf Cart- flot meet at afl. The countY On it Township suggested last cil system was devised during the ~'Wokat the opening of the Nov- days when it was a two day trip session cf Northumberland from Cobourg te Toronto, but ch Durhamn Counties Counil at with modern transportation and Ch s Obsolete, frankly admitjing county counicil was a relic cf the t lM e dldn't caru his couneil pay horse and buggy days and after at thehid presumilng that others were ail it did but duplicate what was t getting paid for services j ust as easily done by township tcould be dispensed with. councils. ~ .~k IIreporting me session the Usefulness Outlived Fa 'it b ro Examiner says: Mem- "We as county councillors have Co flsfr.D the counicîl gaped won- outlived aur usefulness," declared rie$ fron~ whether the facile vecabu- Reeve Bowles. He went on ta Irab. curr#o ýhe reeve from Cartwright point out that hie received $70 forj Auraiia, c 1g dev ted te a littie kid- attendance and mileage at the States, spic Olnngth boys or whether session and hie didn't feel as if tramn Turki 1 earnest. he had earned his money. Most1 China, molass -B. Jandrew countered of the business done was cf a tri- Indies, sugar g that counties council vial nature, including a decisioni shotenngegglwark ot democracy. It once ta adjourn in order that theic shortennge c805e situation that de- members could attend some horsei frmour owfl immediate and effective races. .Today, Our. and se caundcil adjourn- "Give me one good reason whyi supplies for ý1 next day. county council should exist," de-r tend ta mal'reeve cf Cartwright is an manded Reeve Bowles.c favorite cakken man but.it is same- "I can give a reason," deciared3 last year, ispuzzling ta, distinguish Reeve C. B. Jandrew. "If you do1 ane of the an Iýe regarded as subtie away With county councils yous made. 1 fram what is dawnright weaken the whoie systcm ot ouru Favori ( Reeve Bowles aise has democracy." "'4ack of telling the right "You will stili have yaur town- s 2 1/2 lbs. se*t the right time ta illustrate ship councils," said Reeve Bowles.y 22 ibs. cY1ont but it is disconcerting ciIf you eliminate county coun-p 1 lb. c a round of laughter te be cithe next thing will be townshipî 1/i lb. ronted with a deadiy earnest councils go," contended Reever 1/2 lb. ýWrvation. Sa there is some Jandrew.0 14 bI ka1 ead shaking amang the "Move we adjourn came tram ë ' d14nembers about that man one member of council. Carried.b owleW Council decided ta take ne ac-r 'Durin 1fr course cf discussion tion in regard to a recomipenda-n »I the pýroposa *.at a wing te the tion cf the special committee onc i unties home ~r the aged be county assessrnent that a county 'uilt le pointeed %u that cauncil assessor be appointed. Reeve E. oten pressed faO time because R.Woýd ofCakTwnhp a -t matter is flot sdetéd -s one charma, f the special commit- s'o n it means At has to be-.de- tée on <ounty assessment, report- ...d fr sme onts umt~edth~ the commrittee had con- t cil sits again. It was sud. sultedg with the county assessor ted that council might inede,4-,h,1,4..th~.-... ' Ch pinea monc flour Creai wokwscride th Report of road superintendent eve Bowies said that instead iearned that there was a standard presented 1ast week ta Northum- 12e frequent sessions of coun- work sheet for ail municipalitis erad ndDma Counties counicil, counicil might ibetter and al the local assessors woffl Council revealed that up te the t - end of September the sum of e $282,557.87 had been expended on ily the counties road system. The pro- OOD) TOBACCO THIUS YEAR gram of womk during the year a AYS LBE TUS HEG ANS ibety oa No. in Darling- AYS LBE TUS HEG ANS ton township, Hampton, 21'/2 miles west--ceaming and grubbing, pale moving, grading, granular base- cost et $18,362.80. Counity Road No. 67, village cf Newcastle- rîgid trame reinfomced concrete bridge and appraacb fis, $5,944.-1 59. Connecting links in the vil- lage et Millbrook-11 / miles of mnulch pavement, $6,090,64. County Road No. 10, Hope township, Sxtnh of a mile granular base and muich pave-t ment, $5,452.86. County Road No. 65, Hope township, 114 miles-3 clearing and grubbing, remavai af tn fence, grading, granularh ~~'<base culverts-$3,657.60 (not com-d plete). County roads Ne. 60 in t Manvers, 10 in Cavan and 34 in South Monagban, construction cfj fîve reinforcod concrete cuiverts t and approach fis, $10,225.75. County raad No. 18, Hamiltonh township, draî1ge improvement i Ssub-grade drains and granular s Ms'AIbrtm Hgmas aboe) hon wtb len-gowntoacc crp.base, cost of $5,471.46. Couniy o MrIT . Ad MrtuHegmans cobcoe 'ogr iBlnroeranRRNo6 tSmo, ac "I ot road No. 9, Hamilton township, I -An Mr Heman, tbaco gowe atR.R No 6,SimoesaY. " 1o /2 miles, clearing, paie moving,u & goed cuap of robacco this year with weil filled out leaves from .tiW gading, granular base and cul-C .ý0 yoco shoulder. Benn is one of the besr plant faods 1 have used. I have just verts, $4,125.14. County road No. ub rtplaced my ful erder for plant food for 1950> and it is 100% Blcnn.' 1., township cf Hamilton, Gore's tl ituboriLanding diversion (flot complete) Lre gonjegetIans la another successful tobacco grower who $268.25. County road No. 18, c( e, Seti that the cholce of an appropriate plant food la township of Alnwick, completion a :0> 1in uimporM=lc.qnly te the choice of farm land if yeno og'sHl o,$2214.a ýngl be 'Vént rmak moeyou oftobaco. County road No. 62, Percy town- tî ship, $2,018. Village et Coiborne, ti And Swlft'a Blenn la the tobacco Percy Street, $4,026.78. County 3?plant food mrade in Canada te give raad Ne. 25 in Cramahe township, b( Sbest resuits In Canadian soil. It's $2,298.84. Caunty road No. 39 in a a slenifialy pepaedplat fedMurray township, complption eftb( a scentiicaly PePard pant ood1948 construction job, $2,253.35. A DW1E ~ made by Swlf t'a te produce a finer, County road No. 38 in the town- fulier-bodied leaf. ships of Murray and Brighton, 314th TOAAsk your Swif t'a Plant Food miles, $19,090.46. County road No. th 1erabot yur uppy e Blnn64 in Murray township, one mile in tnoDaaner abo mo r pofitblenbaundary between Nomihumber- ss oeop In '50. 07 (counties share of cosi, $2,- W SW 'ridTi nýyroad No. 64- in Murray of t PantFads "' otowshp, mile extension ta hi tbond yý$548.56. County raad C PLNTFOD IVSINNe. 3 1,Seymour township, $14- 'be PLANTBox OO9, DIVISTOmNt. 082.84. County rond No. 38. Sey- R P.O._ox_39_Neworont,_Ont mour twnship, $14,082.84. This TOP TOBACCOS VIRGINJA &URLEY TURKISN Durham Counly 1. IlkCow-"9 h1 Unifegi CouieCuci if StaîmissPreeed Are Correct New $60,000 Wing Planned For Counly OId People's Home WOrk la co-opertios1wâ h countl, ausessor. Thero would b. a record of ap- peals, record of purchase prices of property and the benefits' would be a fair and uniformn as- sessment with each lçcal assess- ment forming part cf the genera1 picture of equalized asmeshbts. The committee urged appoint ment now cf a county assessor. His job and office expenses, would be approximately $6,000 a year. Reeve -Bowles said that thel standard assessrhent sheet appear- ed confusing te him. It was fine in theory but would require a great deal cf education and he would like te nee the kinks froned out iby some other couzity before these counties took it on. Forosees Mdle Appeals Reeve Alex Stephen of Haldi- mand Township saîd that if coun- cil didn't act now, it would face more assessment appeals. Reeve Roy Dedge of Cobourg aise urged prompt acceptance of the plan of a county assessor. It was not fair te the urban muni- cipalities ta have ta, absorb the extra assessment granted on ur- ban appeals. Warden A. J. Runnaîls cam- mented that the county assess- ment wouid flot te used as a basis of equalization for? four or five years yet, as it would take time ta .1 put it inta effect. Reeve Dodge saîd that when Cobourg was re- assessed there were revealed some instances of peculiar assess- ment situatians. Reeve Wood- yard said that the assessment de- partment of the Dept. of Munici- pal Affairs feit that Cobourg's new assessment would save a lot of wark for a county asssessar. .Reeve Frank George of Brigh- ton Township suggested that thei reportbe received and fiied and ne action taken. Ris motion was carried. $282,557 Spentr To End of September On County Roads t Décision ta caîl for tenders for building a new wing ai the coun- tics home for the aged, foilowed a quemy tram Reeve Roy Dodgc Monday at the Novem'ber session af the Northumberland and Dur- hamn Counties Council about the delay in getting an inmaie into the couniies' home. Referring te a resolution'in the June session in which it was ruied thai a médical examination would ýhave te precede admission ta the home (in order toecut down on tbc number et bcd patients wbo should be in hospital) the Reeve of Cobourg asked why it iaok s0 long in one particular instance of wvhich he knew atter the medical O.K. had been givc'n. 'We just didn't have room at thé' time," explaincd the Warden. Reeve Dodge said that the case conccmncd a man who was using a needcd bcd in Cobourg Hospitali and he had been passed as able oe become an inmate of thc coun- ties' home. "We have 17 in theme tram Co- bourg aione," We wiil sean need a spécial counties home for Ca- bourg alone," quipped Reeve G. A. Waiton et Newcastle. It ail boiled down te bthc tact1 that theme wcrc bcd patients in1 the caunties home wbo shouid be1 in the haspital. Drastic action ýhouid be taken but the question was whereta start," added Reevef WaIton.1 "Let the province assume camet )f aur aged people. If a hait mil-c Jon dollar can be buili for ai-a ýoholics, sureiy the aid people canv De be loaked after," declared ceeve Bowies.a "The province wil pay 50 per bas been construcied by the Dept. of Highways as a devcepment road. Caunty roaci No. 38 in Sey- mour township, $8,390.26. Com- pletion af land purchases and fencing on previaus construction jobs on No. 8, Clarke; 10, Cavan and 10 in Hope township, $446.09; culvemis, variaus locations, $3,- 462.08. Total constructian, $129,- 636.63. Maintenance total ta the end af September amounted te $108,- 884.79; new machinery, $25,128.- 04; miscelaneous, $14,633.34. Noes taller richer fie.'r Hon'. daY.lonz, yea-round' smoking saisfaction. Swing oves go tho cigarette that nover tires vourttatt thth alnced blend you"ve been looking fori Try a veek with Winchesers and you'li want to T a my wuth <hem for keepsi Winchester* ci GAR ETTIS- cent" said William Barr, counties clemk and treasumer. Reeve Woodyard recaiied that some years ago the Depariment et Welfame asked a meeting af the meeves of these caunties for suggestions. Pemhaps the caunties cauncl shoud 'holler' for some attention, he said. "If the bcd patients were cs- where and ne more bed patients came in, I tbink wc couid handie the situation," observed Reeve Waion. Theme were yeung people, oid people, sick people, well people, people with money and folks wihout a cent, in the cunties home for thc aged, Reeve Walton said. However, it wouid be too much of an eutlay ta build a new home. "We can ask that the govemn- ment take over the wholc thing,"1 suggested Reeve Bowles. "The minute the govemfiment took it over entimeiy, we would have nothing mare te say about the operation, of thecocunties home, warned Reeve Jandrcw. "Haw about the $60,000 wing which was suggested wben we had the architecis last yeàr. Our halt wouid oniy be $30,000,' said Reeve Bert Lingard et Port Hope. Reeve Dadgc sugUsted that it wauid do ne harm. 15 bp $30,000 rrom tbc road appropriation. Reeve Stephen pcinted eut tbat tbc last debenture wauld be paid off ibis year and this saving plus a hait miii bbost in the tax rate weuid take came of the $30.000. "What about the bed patients?" asked Reeve Bowles. "They cauld go te thc hospital ivheme they beieng," replied Reeve J. W. Wright of Millbrook. On motion council autbomized tho Board cf Management ta cali for tenders and present a repart at thc Januamy session. riNATURE 1 UNSPOILED '*YOURS TO-eNio'yr The SAW-WKET b only 'ght inches long, but he's a reol owl Iust the soin. IProtoct him-micq..form the. molo portion of his diet. But only bis smaUi size prevenu Mhm from being destructive, as h. wil not hesitat. f0 attack animais whidi to himm ust 9"m YOURS TO PROTECT CunagRLING'S THE CAfLING seIEENU uITE WATEAOO. ONTM.RO L to *5U CRL,.fl~t blOC j 'r' AIR SZCURÏTY * NATIONAL S!CURITY ~' j Write for funl particulars &bout tii. trade. row openi MAIL THIS COUPON TODAVI lu RC.A.'. Recrulting Stati on, 55 York St., a 0 Toronto, Ont. - Phone PL.5636 or 5631 9 e Phae a " aSme. wicom t ob fto. fun paticulars * edigenlltsent requirements and openinas now sa the bk mn lb .C .A .F .0 * AbtE (Pbes.Prie#~ " Vois are moîgi. and bhttee, 17 and 30 years.0 ". Vom bave a minimum 0( one year les& than junior * Magrsculatiom for Radia trades and ttua years for * Ulothmr. .. or equivaJent la bath cases. AF-32.'5A * «« ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE »» FI Theroughly trained in the maintenance and repair cf aircraft, he'a vital to the officient operation of Canada's Air Force. The trades within the. teclinical field in thre R.C.A.F. are many and varied. There are openings as airi rame technician, aerQ engin. 4 technician, mobile equipment technician or armament feclinician, te name oniy a few. Steady empicyrnent at good pay . .,a skilled trade that wiil b. valuabie ail yeur lie ... and a generous pension ai the end of ., your service. .. these and many ether leatures make the R.C.A.F. an excellent career for a young Canadian. You can find eut f ull particulars about the opportunities which exist for you in the SAN st ai t, Oshi Yit Evidence that the world la cer- tainly living in the atomie age was apparent at the sessipn of Northumberland 'and Durham Counties Council at Cobourg last week.11 First, on Monday, it was sug-i gested by Reeve W. G. Bowies cfi Cartwright Township that countyj council was a thing of the past and for al the good it was, miight1 better be aboiished. Secondly, on Wednesday, Reeve Ted Wocdyard cf Clarke ToWn- ship nid he would like to sce a committetram the government, acting with one tram the counties counil, look into the efficienc of the twe counties as a unit. While he declared he was flot ad- vecating that the two ceunties separate, the thought was stiil there aný was regarded 'in that light by the council. Last, and it is a question cf whether it is least, was word tramj the hotel where the warden's banquet is aiways heid, thaj. the management would' like things1 quieted down at midnight because of theit commercial trade. In'the past, the commercial trade didn't expect ta get much sieep on the night of the wardrn's banquet, because it is a custom among0 counties caunciliors ta partye around after the banquet until tý wve1l past midnight.b To the few aid timers stîli sit- ;ing in counties dc*uncil it is a bit fi disconcerting. C In bringing iat question the a unity of the two counties, Reeve iý Woodyard said that for some time P he had been turning over in his $; nind a course of action that was $ý stimulated by the fact that ihis fi rear the balance of the deben- a: ures wouid be paid off. The C quéstion was whether or not the $. 'ounties of Northumberland and ir Durham should continue as a ai unit, or separate and carry on as twa separate caunties. The deben- c( ture debt was one factor which hý miade any consideration of that tj iea improbable until the deben- fE Lres were paid off. P; Seek Unbiased View 2( "I arn not asking you ta jump I do the idea, but I was wondering Io .1 ta appoint a Commlittoe to wor with oe from thi. counties cour cil, and investigate the idea àn report at the January session. "Out et it wouid comL, the .'de cision ap te whether it would b practical te dissolve the couptie as united municipalities. The re suit might be that it weuld be re alized that it was best te carry ci the way we are. I think if we hai an unbiased investigation w would gain valuable intormatioi and atter it was obtained, thi ceunties couid malte their de cisien," said Reeve Wocdyard. Reeve W. G. Bowles of Carl wright said ho had feit for somi time there was something lackinl but he couldn't put his linger oi it. He feit that the dollar was no gaing- as far as it should. Hg pointed out that in Cartwrigh the township had ti.xed up tho worst road in the township and i had only cost around $2,000. "I don't think the cauntieî could have donc the job as cheap- ly. The more you centralize, th( less efficient and more expensiv( is the administration. "In looking after roads you ave ta nove your equipment ai] over the counties and the machin- ery is not ony dupicating but ripicating the work. Northum- berland is larger than Durham. "Loking into the records I found that in 1946, constructior on roads in Durham cost $13,687 as compaed with $19,000 in Northumberland. In 1947 the com- parative totas were $24,000 and $32,000 and next year it was $45,000 and $64,000. In 1949 the igure was $45,000 for Durhanm and $79,000 for Northumberland County. Total construction was 129,0M0 in Durham and $195,000 in Northumberland or a percêt- ge ratio of 40 ta 60 per cent. "The assessments of the two 2ounties are about the same, per- aps thmee per cent different, but ren we have an assessment dif- Ferential of three per cent cani- aed with mad differential of W%. That is fot very equitabe. 1think it is a question worth oking inite and we might bing OIUOIO- ve mm" 1»*-I*'l w wgpdwm obo.9wme* 1t.Ve owles snid. duced £rom appDrovod sources, and agi.o àf t, immati,t.duml isoeve C. B... .andrew of M=- found upon inspection of the ray Township said there had been growing crop to be pure as toeytmo ~a~n . built a counties road of onie mile variety may be Inspected and e Ytmof dn for a little ovor $2,192 of which sealed Ly an inspecter as "Regis.. showreaieY eMM $1,600 was for cruLshed gravq1. tered" of "Certified" seed, as the by the Advlsory Boardan Hoe,ddidat thlnk any township case may be. 1 keeping with the principle could do btter than. that. Grade standards for onon sets ed for marketing toe inveaugatlon Coeur were raised te limit the vercent- produicts. "We are flot in a position right rknow te discusa it.. We have te n- hve the figure, which the in- d vestigation would reveal,' Reeve E Woodyard said. Reeve Dodge said r n I e l I e- that such an investigation wouj.d bbe a very.big job and a costiy one. Phone 55r-i es Counties Clerk William Barr e- said ho would need a staff of F I N O S IfI eý- about ten to help him go into the td Pec onhpsid ta ews Rep-crrs and Alterations îeagreeable te the idea if Durhamn -Pl ns ~ -~- )n County would pay for it. Reeve Pole e Q 8aIj.JéaUity e Frank George of Brighton Town- ment te the motion that Durham Fr"e Estimates tCounty pay the cost of the on- ie quiry. Reeve G. A. Walton sug- ig gested that the ratepayers be con. ýn sulted first by the various memn- t bers. le There was considerable discus- t sion in regard te the wording of Le the resolution and it was finally it drafted as a resolution sponsored by Reeves Woodyard and Bowles that the provincial government -be asked ta set up a committee ta ework with a counties counil 'e comnittee for the purpose of n- vestigating an efficient manner uof operating these counties and Sthat the investigation be at no cost te the counties. The vote on -the resolution was 19 in favour 5 îof it and J18 opposed. Reeve Bowles said the personel ___ of the committee should nlot be appointed until the January ses- 0 Ision. It did flot mean the separa- 7tien of the counties as a united 1unit, he said. Woodyard and -Bowles were named members of 1the counties council committee, snobody from Northumberland cwanting the job. "We wiIl neyer get anywhere - with only two members on the committee," observed Reeve Wal- ton. However, nobody from North- umberland showed any inclina- Wt tion ta be an the committee and its Personnel remains restricted ta the two members from Durham New Form* Tractor raeet County. Two things yet unreveal- ed, are whether the goverment Three new Oliver tractors te fit your farm power needs! A will appoint a committee ta act ne»' 2.plow, 4-yidr"6 A ne»' 2-3 po,6cln without cast ta the counties and '7!Anw4ylderplowylicyinde w hat w ill be on the agenda of the<77 ! A n » 3 4 p o , cy nd r ' 8" investigation. Your choice of three great new engines for ail three! An e"HC"~ for gasoline, a <'KD" for tracter fuels, and a diesel Standards For that will be available later. Marketing Seeds Ail three are equipped with 6-forward-speed transmissions. The ekbe new direct drive power take-off is available At a meeting held early in for ail three. A choice of cast iron or stamped steel wheels August ta review standards for to fit your traction and weight requirements....nterchange. seed grades under The Seeds Act, able among ail three Row Crop models. the Advîsory Board recommended a number of changes which have Ail three are farm.engineered . . . incorporate the same since been appraved by the advanced new features. Oliver's fuîll line cf centrally Dominiaon MnsemfAgiutr. nounted and rear suspended tools are basically interchange. thef mog.teecane r able among ail three Row Crop models. Special seed grade standards Available in Row Crop, Standard, Row Crop with Adjust. for fibre flax seed and sunflower seed were added ta the Regula- able Front Axe, or Row Crp witli Single Front Wh 1. tians under The Seeds Act. See us first for facts on ail the modern, valuable farm fea. Standards for finer grasses and tures on this versatile new tracter. pasture mixture were adjusted, having regard te information secured from the Dominion De- partment cf Agriculture Seed V Laboratary on report of anaysis Y NE G RE of sampleg su'bmitted during the last seed year. For pasture mix- TYRONE, ONTARIO tures the type of red claver use- "double cut", or "sigle cutel- PHONE: BOWJMANVILLE 2882 N mnust be carrectly stated. Vegetable and garden seed pro- tO IM DIOC j TEZ CMADMW MATIMMUN. BOWM&Wvwxm ew»àý - -- e-- re