%ff ed, Speaker al« lie W à.A. Mee ng large painting of th* head of dom." D l_____Muicl .C ntag o JstCihed uit M8. Searle led ln th. readlng ci jatioli of the speaker and Mrs, hGvnatquSSfyJorhLit utd. stnkJetbboerr1d ook.- , the fIve purposes of the W.A. and H. McXlrnnîyr thanked «ach of sp iie9ut« Tscot*'0 Ib upires Lishulers on Fàrîher Effort Ilien spae of thm u eparatly,- hs epnil o h peddB oo t rit eoelce "We must help w th pastoral meetig. The sessiont closedwith -nor so mg o vsa i ho sn a a uude= &y wofaen mand it ut b n esa C na nt xil wo k w o r k . T h e W .A . l a a p a r e n t o r - th e s in g n g o f , h . T h e m e S o n g O Wo rs a N V , t o a gpe p l e e r u o r a mth e ir hd o m e uc a r e , Y w th a u t tria l, w i u p r - rs a r g e 1 2 e r c n t h g e r ganization In the churcli and we and the bénédiction by Rev. H. .ae the Boys à'raining School and familles and sent 'ta lbrn tection-mnd the laborious,te -orm e acibetxilwae je i " u r a s c op ra ea db :y np th b. Melo .lltened th rapt attention to a the m in . T ey werent liw. ered judical proctu that, j h Mitr Ci yo Se re w fe of Ce ta n thd f ed in t oc il, wh141ch was ciurch. Organizations in the tists fro mn Toronto led by M iss were priests and m inisters and sisted that. i the interests a i, ai n o h o n tri g M mC u ,n S r noia nta l U ited î r n d l e m e 9 1 t a church are the am iy ta w hich P e b t r a . .Y vonne G uiguet. The nim ble vio.. av r en o fi a s a d m r- t e ig t o! h. n ig te u m u b e m s o C n d an u d . pa~urh, Sania, vibant, iftedAil et H ds I p r nglinist, M aËia de Sotto opened the chants and prfessional men and iof W.A. work and a deep covc bath politicaily and spirituaily, ta know bhemn intimately. l wo- od nsiig programme wt ad iut nelcul.Tecoette 1ionandgretandh sasmforiteavehrotstatswmefaoroiict gavech Protehstannttng woOsawa Froa1h.momnt e pt men10coudecrne1tentioeelg area-y-y w - - -w potential W.A. m members Me-string, bis popularity With 9snwa haasmeb réa.i ~A topf be r lan iners wihzeal ve vie sproew t nt cludes support af churcli work. boys was assured and his render- "bourgeois" class wth isome littole> . t .t 7 A * spok b. Upe and go l mengsheai! Protestant w amen through W.A. is a training place for lead- A m at succesful meeting of the ing of "Perptul Motion" (N ov- b, lose, hey were presume tob_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of thMbO'..eeb terial Womnan's As- onc program looklng farward ers and should include îearning Oshawa Presbytery Woman's As- acek> roceivod outstanding accla- ou isupah ihamin orit lais hldl Nrtm strwith the total conviction that ten ta pray aloud. Let us try ta regain saciation was held in Northxnlns- mation, No less pppular was the gavernmient, whîch lied achieved ,;> ~h lnNrhise million women could change a the enthusiasru aofîrtgneater United Churcli on Nov. 3. It Barihone, James Milligan, whose power through violence and main- huch Oshawa, last nation. It was flot a vacation but tion Christians. Let us raweea a a soul-satisfying day ai Irish sangs dellghted not only the tained it the same way. There Her a dedication ta find fresh hope ta and accent aur héritage for God. fellowship and inspiration that sons ai Ireland but alsa ail thase were no warrants for their arrest, n o r g o n ~ o 1 Rersubject was "Our Task" learn ta love aur enemies in a A churchÎ or an individuel with: wiUl long be reniembered. Presi- who wish that they were sa! The. no habeas corpus ta pratect them, co r g and Included part ai the 4th con- deeper sense and ta cali ta thase out missions bas flot 1h. spirit af dent Mni. A. A. Crawle presided variety ini his choice af sang gave fia defence lawyers ta study their..W. lenmnce ai the United Cauncil ai who saw the need and hunger in Christ. Let us adapt systematic and Mrs. G. R. Booth was ah the ful Play to lis wide vaice rangecaeThy ersetcewt- O J.L LY N Il OChureli wornen which she attend- the wanid and ionged ta bolp 1h. visitation remernboning that "a argan. The address ai welcome -aud "Deep River" w a sung inat rase. t by offintciaisw h a md i Milwaukee a year aga. This The theme ai the conference was good member gives aiflier Incan. was given by Rev. H. A. Mla a style which camparedwell wîth raewhtlswr ncsryT1 coucilre~csets 44 rotstat Thy Kingdom Came" and these venient timne." ai Northminster church. H. spoke fer mare famous singera. "Short- cetdwa aswr eesr Aienominations and the conference words 4" high were on the back- "h h.piîc aotefnie thie advantages af women meet- nag' Bead"-tuaceacasie. ~Wsateddby 2,500 wamen. drap ai the platform with a very Church ta furnish thc parsonage. ing tagether, learning ta share was a great favaunihe ànd thé As this was happening eleven teens sometimses becomeU NN A The arsnag basan nti thework with each other aud audience laudly but poiitely de- confessed communists were tail suddeniy and the Tii2Pasangehasan ntmate hoIdingfs oChristian ideais. mne mr.charged with advocatingthie aven- growlnir bodies deman v I'ruo wAB since It la ofiten used for weddings, Mns. W. P. Rogers of Bawman- Miss Yvonne Guiguet follawed throw ofthie United States go%>. nutritive foods to hil baptisms, indîvîdual counsel and ville braught greetings from thie with a spect.acular Performance eruiment iby violence. For almosh îhem develoP Properîy NBRIC AU géneral meetings, Uts aPpearanco W.M.S. neminding members that ah hie keyboard. Sic played a tiai wiiie te an erenee hol e no reilects you and you are a u they achieve a maximum af Chopin study With Pranouncedtra hlteyndhi efc gdtornkmk.G * * . ~~~visible part ai your church hm.Chistian service iu a division af tenderness and cantrashcd with iela te res td nd aedand de-adtadikmlk i Ti.he uthpupae ulswîîhutesInte .Apad sM5. te oiteau "aliogCae-f edth peidngjugean dd Eas likontîn onNLtSREDST1s duie i te .A ad .MS. th biserus"Gllwo Cketheir utmast ta break him and th. requlred food ce- L'~ MOTEL o.1t hnawmn raiaing furds for local ciurch Treasurer reported a balance Walk". Her piaying was supenhmk rvsy itetil ots-vtmn n MON RE L, ov l7h Wh n wo au wok. The W.A. bas a great chai- ai $185.55 on and. during the whoe oaithe concert mEvery prtet ofai the taw ial.m ners - vtaminuardte saysshejus loeg a bke ou an e sre eng andopprtuity Itis ur Animpessve evoiona pe- ad te bys erever redy a Eeryprotctin o th la wa mieras -to uar th hesa good cooki You can be sure, too, that responsibiiity ta work. Let us lad by Pickering United Churci acknowiedge her supérior skili. wrapped about these eleven dîngy from fauity nutrition an ~A.sa s he ju t ov a b ke ya c n e ur ln ge allt nd app oun ty h 1 ur Au impresîve devotonal per- ndmthelio s fereiver.rcady taG le her success largcly depends an the best in- knwahinedaitchuc W.A. was led by Mrs. F. T. Fal- The neat and idy music o! the dollars was spent ta asr i a' ikt-a geins o1mnta l upie hn and meet thie new members- and lais. and Mrs. G. Bray an the Old Country Folk Sangs was anaeigîin ssurhe ta, srve à ilt s a mau gediwen teSalmenthea asrpried wihe encourage them ta work." theme "Prayer" and cosed with cleverly portrayed by Marguerite nAiteriose irnesmofhtriailcn- serverIas«t these woeN tCAE they alwadbae With To introduce therd and Sth the hymn "O Father Hear My Gigniac. Her voice controi was fethsni m tsofc- bvra. SWA~S OWNCAK FOUR Mae fom purposes ai W.A. Mrs. Searle Morning Prayer,." The marning perfect and wheu as luthie Sussex stant badgering,( Judgc Medina t,, ,hoicest maft winter wheat sifted over and aver until 27 times asked tue ladies ta jain in singing session closcd with a beautiful Folk Sang "Oliver Cromwcll"' stili could charge thie jury that SaS' fine ae ardinary flour, Swans Down makes every cake ligit, thie irst twa verses ai "Spirit af communion service lu charge aithie words chased each other in no0 prejudice and no différence ai ,tve-texure, exuistelymois an tener.God,' Descend Upon ur Hearts" thc Rev.-H. A. Mellowv assisted by rapid procession, each was as views could be permited ho quali- cccSaary.yed-that'a what you'IlIbe when you isee the brand-new af MY Soul Away." lyn, Mrs. William Murkar and ment was luthie modern arrange- He poiflhedly outlined hiese righhs FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE. Just imagine! Mrs. Searle said "0dm miatakcs Miss M. Luke. ment by Benjamin Brithen and lu ils charge. The rigit ta advo- added new ciarm ho hie familiar cate by peaceful and lawiul means The handsomc cabinet la finished iu gieaming-white are not tiase ai thie eart. Only. Lunch was served by thie North- hunes. tiechcanging afthec law and con- M r porcelain, with beautifuliy-designed chrome handles and the dimness ai the soul keeps us n1inster W.A. and an hour was set Tespnaitaiheppaesiuio;ociiiztcPrsdt . ~iio~!I mooiunbokn m th tp o te bckpan!, lenge been sa great. We must de- Atmonssso pnd witi iakarom Mm. J.hJ.Brwn, oAs-fgre;honieS atanhe gon- '~- V1acrosathiehrad co4 "'ýirface, dovn over tc vlo rtuahyeduatoalhe hymu "JesusTo o ssiaon Sperintndenttold i s enta waeploi thgornd awitcies. The Cook,-Ma \. )ntrol'cooks avenifl nneal ndfnncal."Lv n H eams andhoprayerb of~nsoya getcjyctwrh oresfrhebnfta ~~ ~ autornaticaîly while you're . ly - and its big dial s"We mustadeveanleuat.pesdn.Reot wr ecie iich wsupreipmtend hartily tsets d anpoies; hpoo aser PenHatOenIl ors ntcmRdinub eaig i- ly by taking an ifltcrest in al-e rmticfive group leaders a i y isG itw prcamdtiat World War II was an unjust '~ents. Theraiizer deep-well or element po sup instantiyl rgniaaossnhi amunn inheresting and helpful dîscuss-wa efc uinhe'os and imperialistic war, but tiat ai- extra surface element. Sec your Frigidaire Daler and admire thii. and, socially, by 'doing,' for, il we .n-Ms.M.Tabln orpasi m ee a d ienowc he ytrRsi a nae hbcm /,,, wonderful Frigidaire Electrie Range. SaY we have love and are flot ac- dentsMs .F.Bkrfoter-edejyeriyngadsngn us wa iey ad a iit a -Gridde. Cake# Or Pancakaa-eall thi what you Insyt -but 1'lFo1i1tniosa taries, Mrs. William Murkar On for te.di thatRssa dmcrc aur time,' Christianity bas the ie iesipriual epr-camta usa eor bot you've neyer tasted auch deliciously ligit and mlase nlv h rnsaCiieand siipic upanort fremr ________ _was superior ta American demnoc- tender ones as these! For CALUMET BAKING 1'OW-Pesianer ini lve incichalnglneanysig upr frheracy, and that fia laws adversely fecly eavned een-extred alwy mut peac se md incially, wrae W.A. contest. Lord's Day Alliance Eci passenger automobile affecting cmmunism sould -b. feciyleaendeve-txtrD-aLE CA.RES fully, witi purpose, sacrifice aud aJdHTempérance Federation. Mrs. made lu Canadian plants uses passcd. The presiding judge cx- o / ups silted 8wan» Down Cake Flour vision. Let us praY for recruits .Mcinyortearngesm cgtyrdo!cthfretpesycagdhatutwed- £1/2 eson aue aig odri irhwr.committee cncouraged members covering and 'body lining-a total cided tiat thie accusedd no à/Iteaspoon sait hoiracisehieGolen i df ' egg yolks. slightly beaten1 "If our attitude ls rigit, tet ci theGode ule andof 800,000 yards a year. more than teach and advocate in 4t 3/tab lesansmlt90/trncto aateistncngthaf ane society luthie pride ta fee.podo their parsonages. Japanese textile workers are tic realm ofiIdeas tiey must be ilit lou ocemesur, dd akng owerand sait; sift &gain. Combine sa tiat we can grasp wiatever work o!thie visiting cammithees lng ho a recent survey af économie no reasonable doubt tint thé ac- tg yolke nilk; %add gradually to f jour. beating only until amooth. cames and ordain 1h ta the work and aunounced tire. new mcm- and social conditions in Japan cused had piotted and intended A dshotenng. Pold n egg whites. Bake on bot, greased griddle. Serve af God. If you have tuis picturebesoth rbyr cnnie.maeyteItrainlLburtovtrwtegvrmn y bertontiaPrsbyerscamite..maleay iesutanaoonut abur a ocriroith gvarkes.b ~uê..Qth.ua~1syru. ~Mkes bout9 grddlecakefaihie wark aud bave a couse- Mrs. Siortrejd ai Pickering, Mrs. Office. This is equai ho $9.00 in force, and as specdl si ii "gai a xy" a f ~minfster you wiîî bave a farce Jmsa saa H El IN JUN- ;1ý that nthiing can stop.", Greetings weme given by the He0nZ F0nor in~ The speaker decribed the clos- prsident of Peerboro W.A. aud t. Heiuï Juniorsin sceries afthe Milwaukee con- a reprt o! the Dominion Council Daw ft I IT¶IPO le HT. cfrence wen a Negro soprano meeting was given by Mrs. Frnk Such agodidSHI sang "Werc You Tiemé When James. I Such goodideaThey Crucified MY Lord". "We, The devotional peniod was con- 94 1 Cou Wind For Shop., from every point o view a0 too," sic said, "answered withln dcc yMs ilcn uea pI g toiayâ t ro I l'y.an atied s efii pt enfa ruly vaYounbg- ourseves and rembed with con- Simcoe Street Churci, Oshawa, "ro a eo y iat roe re lad ba eing tr tc det as gowiqse n d youne viction and ten with a résolve who read tw o sections of M aiat's deiiu tronta sp ias.equîalent of beefin value ta the ho surrender aur ives ho HiITL, translation ai I Cointhians and gere'a my suggestion:* Today 'wiy bloodl Ta.sting la behieving iow Hem simple directness and sin St. Mattiews' gospel. Thé ral 'a' etcop at hie'corner bakesiap good Ai u. so haste for your- 'ceritir filled ber listeners with euwsasee y1 oa' andpi k p onithng a o wth self the new Heinz Junior Veg- emotion sud a deep resolve as aie Associations. yaur afternoon tes? W ho docs't etables containing wite fleshed clos ëi.with prayer that "Tiraugh r.Ji ca a oos enjoy a good ctîp of tes especialiy ses fisi! M-mm! l ..deliciaus! us, we may bming u Thy King- andsa n bautfuly " Sah Noot araund four o'clock wien those Yes, this new Hleins "Fridayadsn batfly" hl o =xid-afternoon droops set in? I Special" for Junior has every- . Pass Agalu This Way" by Brake. certainly do-especially with dain- hn!-utioalvuetst Business uîrectoryy tics like nul macaroons, sugar app cal snd 1A gives hima a rcallyLEGALP ret Inl ne oookes o any of thoee taaty balanced dinner. .Ask for this new snacks fresh every day at your Jno oda ordae' ________________-F mlrF o eracer's or baker's. A tes i p: AI- snd ask for Hein z Strained Bahi .R SRKKC.zH bt Waya warm the heapot fr Fos s klu!ycoe aBritr oiior-Nti Peety Food Habitsar ning your tes. baby-ready digestibility 1 Irse olctr-Ntr by he lae .. whacvcrSolicitor for Bank af Montreal asn tcmdclpoeso Yareway Places or the gsummer cottage byou'ell 1¶ndhatesvrng is Maney ha Loan -Pian 1 ucinc'tcemédstalsrhiesPubicn plans for nexh yarorie Boma7i91 thie Royal Road ho the perfect vacation. Sa wîy nt omavllOntario Health Bulletin, pbiaina bei yu june ie.hosOpen your pCBl LWEC .MS ,BA Toronto Department ai Pub- '- - Savings Accountnahthie BAN OF MONTREAWRNCE licASeai Tien, once a week or once a month 'tiilidy Barnister, So!icihor, Notary Publice Bt dissdclde r tîrne, put saide a flxed amount. Tic courteoumi, King Street W., Bowmanville eaigarhomca tc oe ' - friendly people at your nearcetba iticBfM Po. fie68-Rsdne53expnsîfarenici, ofshet od will hecg lad ha help yau Open your "Sunsiinc Ac- Rsiencak3exes pasri e can ds si coun".1Keephto 1h and You'l1 make next vear'a W. F. WARD, B.A. cae,' sre, adesf va«tin th'one ou'i alwys reembe. Bariste - Slicto - Ntary drinks, etc.," says thi. Bulletin....... v a c a i o n h i e o s e y o u ll l w s s r i n e b e r B a r ri t e r - S li c o r N a a r y " T i cs . a r e th e f o o d s w ic h s u p - WIà. Cen Reasas ligit, fluffy eoufflé like tuis! Par- 9 lh King Street E. ply energy onîy, wîich îesd ho M ticularly if iL q a Chocolat. Soufflé made 'with BAK- Bowmanviiie, Ontario ovemweighh and enter into tic ERSUNSWXEETENED CHOCOLATE. Sa richly .~ Phone: Office 825- Houso 409 seiaus modemn dental pictur.a flovourful, satin-Emooti, Baker's hisabeen a famous wi.Te aeepni e mras . , tiame with generations of ciocolate lovera.MS H . HDIS waya Theare on..i oe .;.: -1ý: e OHOCOLATI BOtTFFLE BamnseSolIfALcitrNatryPlic "OTtc hir.au,.iec.ap. I ~ -IMUMAY, 140V. l7tli. 1049 ___________________________________________________ Liscuslng averweigit, -'hie - 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Bulletin says that medical autiar.. i» fin Increase of air traffie: today9am ho1no. Wd sayies scbehicnitnamst'" ' iarri ar 9~~~Cnd omri am o 2>t' >'sa tisacib hs cniin lotg,. v it ~4, .5 Closed Sunday. invariably ta ovcreating, especial- mareada& fommrci imes t cambr "o ><r /,,,,ý'eQ iwîDI 1 Pianoe,604 ly ta tic overcating af wrong , opaa:P.s ud ir. ims het, MONUMTS--~ iaKe sueusta ii~iIuh amotint of mail they did in 1939. ~>d>.>* ~ s "They furhher asue s ha I ~ Ra io T xis The Rutter Granite Co nmn verweight enters very dfinitely j'4'g~ep> N Port Hope, Onihaxio conditions, higi blood pressure, On$ et a mus prmnt. by y#.>,i , 0l~ FAST RADIO PICKUP REAL ESTATE bebees ec".s1.: Means No More BOWr«MIS TeStlsmnSoddtd j - , REAL ESTATE d, Oe, % s LONG WAITS FOR 78 Kig StreedWes AIFollowing Siores e (filet »' A TAXIMangd and Appralsed. inte 4t *ew ji. ~Is'J , b ith cene' - Members of the Canadian and Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle te preils a failer méinzaon by Cansaint gt,,,, et. jn 'ee f0j0'pI»8tlj 2 l0UI RY1CEOntario iReal Estato Boards D. G. Walton's, Newcastle9iùspue gtu 4jetPui-'>.odu 24- O R E R V IC E3. Sbehyn D. Macachan Wilson & Brown, Newtonvill e W Cd..,itJj90>d'Idd <t 3»ec1,. Phoo:Day56 Niht 56 -707- 22 Offce - 328 Residence - 2017 T. M. Semon, Enniskllen ' " i't4e 907~O.e FhI:BY51 Ngt 6 0 2 . L. Byam, Tyran. 'aif Y7' < Six Modemn Cars AUDITING G. A ,Bmo,.a.ptn ien>.':;;g U1o * *Ail Passengers Insured . . ONTEITH & MONTEITE Wm. Hackwood Pontypool~- ~ 1~~f " Prompt Efficent S rviceChartred Accountanits H.L T. Saywell, Blacksock ~~~ y s C.B. Tyrrell, Onono..- . O ratedrbmLthaficigtueBr.ce King St. E., Oshawa W. J. Bagneil, Jury &Lavel*"*.-*'... . . ".'r4ê' Mm. ardn W.Riei, CA.,J. W. Jeweîî, W. J. Berry ana * resident partner. Thle Stahtesna Offime 1 OMM "AVA"Iàv OMAMmumrAw v 10 owmàmmmm