2TRE CANADIAN STÂ'I'1LWAW OWMAHV!LLE ONTARTO TI ~OLNURPROM - nV~~m?,'q I ~ m I - - - - I I>ýOÈXELL-Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrel (nee Kathleen Wright) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Nancy Lynn, at Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, NIov. llth, 1949. 46-1* MASON-Mr. and Mrs. William Mason (nee Joan Longman, form- erly of Bownianville) wish to announce the'birth of their son, Stephen Hambleton, on Sept. 29, 1949, in Birkenhead, England. 46-1 ROBINSON-Mr. and Mrs. Ouif- ford Robinson wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Beth Lorraine, at Bowmanville Hos- pital on November 12th, 1949. A sister for Dianne. 46-1 DEATHS 13ONNYCASTLE - At Bowman- výille Hospital, on Sunday, Novem- ber 13th; 1949, Gertrude Kent Bonnycastle, beloved wife of the late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie and clear mother of Dorothy (Mrs. Maitland Gould), North Bay. Rest- ilhg at the Morris Funeral Chapel until Wednesday noon. Service in St. John's Anglican Church on Wednesday, November 16th, at 2 parn. Interment Bowmanville Cernetery. 46-1 LUXTON-In Buffalo, N.Y., on Satumday, Nov. l2th, 1949, Alan E. Luxton beloved husband of Lena Bird, dear father of Frances (Mrs. R. Fogelsonger) arid son of Wil- liam Luxton and the late Mildned Luxton, Bowmanville, and bro- ther of Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, and Kenneth Luxton, Bowmanville, and Mrs. L. Shaw, Alton. Fuxeral from Rapin Funeral Parlons, Genese Street, Buffalo, on Mon., Nov. l4th. Interment Ridgeiawn Cernetery, Buffalo. 46-i POOLE - Accidentally at Bow- nianville, Thursday, Nov. ioth, 1949, Tommy C. Poole, beloved youngen son of Mn. and Mrs. Don- ald Poole aged 6 years. Funenal from the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Sunday, Nov. 13th, at 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 46-1 REICHRATH-In Oshawa Hos- pital, on Tuesday, Nov. isth, 1949, Maretta Law, beloved wife of Henry Reichrath age 35 years. Itesting at the family residence, Newcastle, for service Friday, Nov. leth. at 2:30 p.m. Ixterment ]ýakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. 46-1 IN MEMORIAM ASH - Memory's tribute tea dearly loved husband and father, Gordon Frederick Ash, who left us suddeniy on November l9th, 1938: Think of me as withdmawn Intc the dimness, Yours still, you mine. Remember ahl the best 0f our past moments, and forgel the rest; And se, ta where I wait, came gently on.# -Wife (Mary Wethenelh Ash) and daughters, Helen and Margaret. 46-if McGIL-In loving memory cf my parents, Mm. and Mrs. Chas. McGill, who passed away: mother, Aug. 28, 1935, and fathen, Nov. 14, 1941: Thy wiil be done, seems bard ta say, When cnes we loved have passed away; Some day, perhaps, we'll understand When we meet them again un that betten land. --Ever remembered by daughter, Mildred and busband. 46-1* MARTIN-In laving memony of a dear wife and mother, Jean McNaught Martin, -who passed away on November l7th, 1945: -Ever remembered by ber bus- band, John, and daughten and son- in-law, Vivian and Howard Pick- ard. 46.1* CARD 0F THANKS Miss May King of Blaekstock, wishes ta thank hem friends for the many expressions of sympatby by flowers, cards, persoxal visits ta ber at the time of ber ecent accident. 46-1* Words cannot adequateiy ex- pres ur deep appreciation for the help rendened by se many ,individual citizens of the towx and district, the Police and Fine Depatmexts, rnerchhnts who sup- plied gas and batteries, the women who se generously supplied cof- fee and sandwiches, those people who used their cars, the radio stations, tbe telephone operatons and ail who gave of their time and their best efforts in searcbing for our son, Tommy Poole. Our heatfeit thanks, aiso. ta ail who extended comforting »ympathy and helb in aur necent Bad bereavement. For tbe beau- tiful floral offerings and othen kindnesses, we are deeply grate- Mm. and Mrs. Don Poole and Family. 46-1 S.Strayed BLACK and white Holstein heifer stmayed ta Lot 18,Con. 5, Darling- ton. Phone 2436. 46-1 STEER stmayed on mny premnises, ownen may have samne by Provixg ownersbip and paying pasture and advertisixg. Wellington Ad- ams, Newcaatle, 46-3 St. Andrew's Church bazaar, November leth, 3 p.m. Home- made cooking and afternoon tea. 45-2* L.O.L. Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Nov. l9th. Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Admission 50c. 46-1*, Dance and euchre, Enniskillen Hall, November 25. Valuable prizes. Proceeds for the Hospital. Admission 50c. 46-2 Reserve the week of Novem- ber 28th ta December 2nd for the Bowmanville High Sehool Com- mencement Exercises. 41-7 St. John's Church Gulld after- noon tea. home-cooking and num- mage sale on Friday, Dec. 2nd, from 3 ta 6 p.m., in Parish Hall. 46-1 Women's Canadian Club, Parish Hall, Monday, November 2ist, 3:30 p.m. Speaker, Miss N. Alice Frick; subject, Radio-Canada's Theatre. 46-1*. Blackstock Continuation School Commencement Exercises and Concert featuring the play: "The Whiz Kids," Thursday and Friday, Dec. lst and 2nd. Admission: Adults--sc; Children-25c. 45-3 The Salvation Army Home League Sale will be held Satur- day, Nov. 26th at 3 p.m. apened by Mns. Major Roberts, Oshawa. Aftennoon tea, sale of fancy work, aprons, home-made eooking and candy. Ahl are welcome. 46-2 Hampton United Chuneh Thank- Offering Services, Sunday, Nov. 2th, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. C. Malcolm, M.A., Whitby. Special music by the choir, assisted by Mn. Donald Wil- liams, banitone, Bowmanville. 46-1 Turkey Shoot-Saturday, Nov. 19, at 1 p.m. sharp, 250 BBB. Turkeys ta choose from. At the farm of W. H. Tate, R.R. 2 Bow- manville. 2 miles south of Shell Gas Station, Maple Grave. .22 and 12-gauge shelîs supplied. Bring your awn guns. Arrangements made for boarding birds won un- tii Xmas. 46-1* For Rent TWO bright rooms for rent, heat- ed. Apply 6Centre St., Bowman- ville. 46-1*1 FOUR-roomed apartment, central location. Write P.O. Box 459, Bowmanville. 46-1 FIVE-roomed house, not suitable for children. Possession Decern- ber lst. Apply 210 King St. East. 46-1* TWO rooms, furnished or un- furnrished for housekeeping, or rent separateiy. Write Box 343, Statesman Office. 46-1 HOUSE-five rooms and bath, garage, near sebool and chureh. Write Box 342, Statesman Office. 46-tf IN Bowmanville-four downstair rooms, partly furnished or un- 1.furnished, venetian blinds, shared bath. Phone 2770M, Oshawa. 46-1* I HAVE accommodation to F'ent in farm home, for suitable married couple; convenient distance ta Bowmanville, Newcastle a n d Orono. Companionship means more than rent asked. Write giv- ing reference ta Box 337, States- man Office. 45-2f Work Wanted CUSTOM cider grinding done. W. Cooper, Middle Road. 461* WORK wanted for baîf-ton pick- up truck. Caîl anytime. Phone 850. 46-1 WHITEWASHING - Barns, etc. Write Coady Custom Sprayçrs, 38 Glynn, Ajax, Ont. 46-2* BY girl, any kind of work except restaurant. Preferably factory or caring for cbildren in Bow- manville. Write Box 341, States- man Office. 46-1* EXPERIENCED woman desires any kind of work, preferably car- ing for invalid, or factory work, pr restaurant. State full partic- ulars in first letter. Write Box 340, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 46-1* Articles For Sale NEW tarpaulin, 12 fi x 12 ft. Phone 2707. 46-1* CEDAR rails ni- wilI cut into stove wood. Phone 2138. 46-1* CLARE Jewell range. Phone 2379. 46-1* LADY'S coat, size 14, light blue with fur coilar. Phone 2485. 46-1 ELECTRIC train, slightly used, $15. Phone 689, Bowmanville. 46-1* INTERNATIONAL % h.p. motor, ,in running condition. Phone 410. 45-2 '34 CHEV. truck, stake body, 1%~ ton, fair condition. Phone 870. 46-1* BOY'S tweed overcoat, good as new, size 14 - 16. Phone 483. 46-1 * 1940 CHEV. % -ton pick-up truck, for particulars Phone Bethany Ilr32. 46-2* GREY folding baby buggy, un good condition. Phone 603 Bowman- ville. 46-if PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, w4e measure and instaîl. 37-tf FOUR large Sun porch windows, about 42 x 56. W. Pascoe, Phone 2881. 46-1 SET of Silver Fox furs, good condition, very reasonable. Phone 827. 46-1 1933 DODGE sedan, winterized, good rubber. Apply 26 Jane St., Bowmanville. 46-1 SIINE-piece beautiful walnut din- ing-room suite, $180 or best offer. Phone 2035. 46-1 DODGE '39 custom coach, heater, gaod tires, reasonably priced. Phone 833. 46-1* NEW Beatty Washer, introductory offer, save $20.00. Enquire Masan & Dale, Phone 408. 46-1 1935 MASTER Chev., in A-i con- dition, low mileage. Apply 115 Church Street. 46-1* 1942 PONTIAC opera coupe, radio, heater, good tires. Apply 18 Jane St., or Phone 713. 46-1 THREE storm windows, size 343/4 by 633/" and 40Y2" by 6 ft. 611,4"; also hall rack. Phone 840. 46-if BOY'S brown winter overcoat, like new, 8 ta 10-year size; boy's skates, size 3. Phone 2247. 46.1* GENERAL Electric car radio, with four push buttons. 1947 model, good condition. Phone 2809. 46-1 * MIXED limbwood-2 cord sawed in foot lengths, $25.00 a load de- livered. Write J. A. Carseadden, Orono. 46-3* PORTABLE steam radiator, eight.' sections. safety valve: Electric Rangette, plug in. Apply 15 Wel- lington St. 46.1* VELOUR 3-piece ehesterfield; Axminster rug, 611/' x8'. Write Box 344, Statesrnan Office, Bow- manville. 46-1 '42 PONTIAC coach, first class condition, motor recently over- hauled, priced right for quick sale. Phone 2639. 45-2* CORDWOOD-cut un foot lengths, maple and heech; twa cords ta load, $17.50 per cord. Phone 2952. 44-tf GOOD mixed baled bay. Special deiivened pnice on large quantity anders. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville R.R. 5, Pbone 2403. 46-1 N<ÈW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and al haby's needs. See these specials at Morris Ca. 37-tf YOUR apples eustomn pressed. Sweet eider for sale. Fred La- Salle, Harmony Rd. north, first road east. Phone 3430J1 Oshawa. 42-4 TWO open burner, heavy duty range, slightly used; also large ice box in A-i condition. Apply 182 Church St., or Phone 327. 46-i * 1938 HUDSON sedan, excellent condition, 4 new Goodyear tires, lifeguard tubes, beater and seat covers., Phone 585, 8 ý.m. - à p.m. - 45-3 1934 HUDSON sedan, good tires, \Vanted To Rent new battery, excellent mator, slip covers. A real buy at $395. Ap- HOUSE on apantment, neliable ply W. P. Inwin, Orono, Phone tenants. Phone Landen Hardware, r 7n. 46-1 774.46-1WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplie- FIVE-room bhouse with acreage. ity. Available with water pump Write Box 339, Statesman Office, and electric beater - heat your Bowmanviiie. 46-b' water rigbt in the wasber, f;orn $117.50. Easy tenms. F. F. Morris Room and Board Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf NEW-for sale-7.8 cubic foot ROOM and board accommodation electrie refrigerator, 5-year guan- for two gentlemen. Agply 89 antee, $359. Immediate deiivery. Liberty St. S. 46-b' Liberal trade-in for ice box. Terms if desired. Murpby's. Phone 811. ROOM and board available for 46-1* two people. Mns. Walter Murphy 6 Jane St., Phne 2707. 4.1' NOW is the correct planting time ROOM and board accommodatiox for Giant Flowening Peony noots, for gentleman, un Newcastle. Iix colons red, white or pink. Im- ply Mn. D. . Bemard, it mediate delivery. Tbnee for $ 1.89. E., Newcastle. 46-1' Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville. 40-7 Lost ROLL back sink 18" x 30".like -new, $10.00; well pump, bnass FLASHLIGHT - iost Thunsday cylinden, $8.00: kitchen cabinet, night, Nov. lOtb. somewhene near oak, $10.00; dining-room side- Town Hall. If found please board, $10.00. Phone Bowman- Phone 641. 46-1' ville 2888- 46-1' Articles For Sale ONE 7-year-old grey Percheron mare, wt. 1600 Ibs. Set of brass mounted«double harness and rub- ber tire wagon, short «and long tongue, and 6 horse p5ower Lister engine and saw complete. Phone Clarke 2530. 46-1 1940 FORD Deluxe coach, '46 motor, good condition, good tires, new paint, new clutch and brakes, heater, winterized. Phone 2147 before 6 p.m. or 104 King St., east side entrance. 46-1* BONDED Brake Shoe Exehanges, no rivets. lIn stock ready ta goý Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. sien, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (dnumç lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tl SPARKLING bathroams and kit- chens with STYROTILE. Each gleaming tule is set individually, not a wall board. For free esti- mates and sample colours. Phone Hay & Hetherington, Bowman- ville 772. 45-3 ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and bams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf DRY Hardwood, Beecb and Maple. Prices: at farm-$12 per cord or $14 per cord, buzzed. Delivered: $15 per card or $17 per cord, buz- zed; single cord, $5. H. M. Kyte, on Scugog Road between Burke- tan and Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 193r14, Collèct. Inquiries invited by dealers and truckens. 45-tf TRADE-IN - steel beds, like new, $7.00; springs, $5.00; rangette, 6 months aid, $25.00, guananteed; Westinghouse washer, cost $154.00, ix use 6 montbs, $99.50; electrie frigidaire, Frigidaire, guaranteed for a year, $175.00; four-burner, Westinghouse electnie range, used axe week. regular $230.00, for $190.00. Murphy's, Phone 811. 46-1* IS THERE a kixd-hearted and generaus citizen in Durham County wbo bas a piano in their home and bave no further use for it, and would donate it ta the Boys Trainixg Sehool? The sehool is badly in need of a piano for axe of the cottages and the Rotary Club bas been approached to see if they can secure one. If you want ta play Santa. Claus ix this connectian please natify Ratarian George James at the Statesman Office. 45-i IMMEDIATE Delivery - Electric Refrigerators, 7 and 8 cu. ft., Kelvinator unit, $35.00 down. Simplicity Washers, $12.95 down. Shun-Heat Space Heaters, $11.50 down. Feit base Floon Cavering, per sq. yd., 49c. Christmas gifts galone:- dail prams, wagons, sleighs, desk and chair sets, kind- ergarten sets, pool tables, Kiddie cans, tricycles, tni-lights, table Lamps, bridge sets, fine trucks, rocking hanses, card tables, min- rors, satin spreads, blaxkets, radios, satin cushions, comfortens. Elozens of other beautiful gifts for ali the family. Bradley Funnitune & Appliaxces Co. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 46-6 BRADILEY Furnitune Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorrn suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base blon covening, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colons; 3 pe. allover veloun chestenfield uites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; 'spring- 'illed mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $1 2.95-, rangettes, ranges fnom $59.00; 3-pc. ailover velaur bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green on wine orienta] designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; able lamps, $6.75. Everything for te hume at Bnadley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Auction Sales Havixg soid bis farm, Thomas Skipp, Lot 18, Con. 5, Cavax Twp., 2 miles east of Milbrook, will selI by public auction on Friday, November 25th, at 12:30 p.m. sharp. D.S.T., all bis fanm stock, implements, hay, grain, poultny and furniture. Terms cash. No reser've. Furniture sale wiil com- mence at 2 p.m. For funther par- ticulans see bills. Jack Reid, auctioxeer. 46-2 The uxdersigned bas received instructions from E. W. Dowxey, 223 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, ta selI by public auction on Sat- urday, November 26th, at h p.m., ail bis farm stock, implements, feed and somne funnitune ixcluding a 3-Piece mohair cbesterfield suite, dining-room and kitchen chairs, extension table, buffet and many other items. Termns cash. No resenve. Jack Reid, auctioxeer. 46-i Don't forget the Dunham Coun- ty Community Auctiox Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, iTbursday. Nov. l7tb, at 1:30 p.m. There wiil be offered fan sale alI kinds of livestock, machinery, furniture and dozens of ather items. Remember the -date - Nav. 17tb - the Sales Barn, Orono, the place where ail farmers meet. Terms cash. Please note the new change of time - 1:30. Jack Reid, auctioneer.- 45-2 Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C.. Chîropodist, specializing ix diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Osbawa, Phone 3947. qâ-tL Court of 1êvis101 ~:'~ 'I Notices Dancing Classes in Ballet and Tap, taught by Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M., on Fridays, 19 King E. 41-tf Contrary ta certain rumours cireulating in Bowmanville and vicinity, I am in excellent health and bave no intention of selling my practice. (Signed) Dr. Keith Slemon. 46-1 * Notice TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE TAKE notice that the Municipal Cauncil of the Town of Bowman- ville intend ta submit the folio;w- ing By-Law for the approval of the electors at the next Municipal Election an Manday, December By -Law No. 1491 of the Corporation cf the Town of Bowmanville A By-Law ta provide for pîse- ing the managemext of the sew- enage system unden the Public Utilities Commission. WHEREAS the Corporation did by By-Law No. 1252 set up The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville. AND WHERFIAS lin the opinion of the Munilcipai Council it may be advisable ta place the manage- ment of the sewerage system now openated by the Couxcil under the said Public Utilities Commis- sion. THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvjlle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That pursuant ta The Mun- icipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937, Chapten 266, Sec- tion 414, Panagraph 10, tbe man- agement of the sewerage system, including the disposai plant, be placed under The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bow- maxville. 2. It shaîl be the duty of the Commission ta manage the said sewerage system, ixciuding the iisposal plant, with the full power and autbority now or heneaften vested ix the Corpanation and the said Commission to act with al the poweî-s coxferned upon it by The Public Utilities Act. 3. This by-lawv shail take effeet on the day of the fixai passing bhereof. Read a first time: November 7tb, 1949. Read a second time: November 7tb, 1949. I bereby certify that the above is a true cop of By - Law No. 1491 which was given its first and sec- ond reading on November 7th, A.949.LE A.J.LYE, Cown o omvle Towx of BowmanvOnt. BNowmanville, 194t. p c n c si d a v S. ti T 01 ti is w 01 i£ Farms Wanted I HAVE clients for farms in Dan- liuîgton Township, on or near paved roads. Write or caîl Bert Peyton, 13 Bond St. E., Oshawa, Phone 3399. 45-4 Help Wanted WANTED-Reliable max as Deal- er un Bowmanvilie. Expenience not necessary. A fine apportunity ta step into aid profitable business wbere Rawieigh Produets have been soid for years. Big profits. Produets furnished on eredit. Write Rawieigh's, Dept. ML-K- 140-163. MontreaL. 44-4j Wanted SHEEP wanted on shares. Phone 2804.. 46-1 HIGH School girl would like room and board in exchange for help after school and on Saturdays. Phone 2804. 46-1 DEAD horses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay Phone charges. Gordon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD or crlppled stock removed free of charge. One hour service. Highest prices for old horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Cail Collect: TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE is hereby given that the first.sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of Bowman- ville will be held in the Council Room un the said Town on Mon- day, November 2lst, 1949, at 7:30 p.m., to bear and determine the sevenal complaînts of errors and omissions un the Asses§ment Roll of the said Munieipality for the year 1950. And further take notice that ail ratepayers who deem themselves avencharged or otherwise impro- perly assessed rnay notify the Clerk of the Municipality in writ- ing of such overcharge or impro- per assessment on or before the 2ist day of Novemben. 1949, and your complaint shahl be tried by the said Court'0f Revîsion. AIl persans having business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated this 4th day of November, 1949. 45-2 For Sale By Tender SEALED TENDERS, manked "Tender for Shovel" will be re- ceived by the undensign'ed up until Twelve o'clock, noon, Thurs- day, Dec. 1, 1949, for the sAle of a used half-yard Sargent Over- head Shovel with dozer blade. This machine bas been recently overhauled and is in running con- dition. It may be ixspected at the Counties' yard, William Street, Cobourg. Tenders ta be aceompanied by a marked cheque for 100% of the Tender Price. Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. Jordan, Counties' Engîneer and Road Supt., Cobourg, Ontario. NUMBER of Holstein heifens and spring calves, few Purebned Jer- seys; also a number of meat horses. H. M. Kyte, Bunketox, Livestock For Sale TAMWORTH boars, serviceable age. Stan Grills, R.R. 2 Burketon. 46-1 FIVE pigs, eight weeks, old. Leslie Combes, Phone 2581. - 46-1* FIVE L~eicester ewes and three ewe la mbs. Phone 2211. E. L. Giibank. 46-1* TURKEYS-Bronze and Whites, Purina flavor fed. Phone 2710. Mrs. W. J. Macdonald. 46-4* REGISTERED Leicester ram, 3 years old. Ross Hallowell, New- SERVICEABLE registered YVork- shire boar, bas good breeding. Phone 2485 Bowmanville. 46-1 QUALITY Turkeys, raised an wire. Orders taken on Christmas delivery. Call 2019, J. Trudeau & Son. 46-3* THREE outstanding registered Holstein bulis; i Grade Holstein bull, ail one-year-old. Walter Frank, Bowmanviile R.R. 5, Phone 2403. 46-1* FIVE Holstein heifers and two young Holstein eows, all due in December; also number of young sows. Reford Cameron, Phone 2537. 46-1 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-roamed bungalow, lights and water. Possession at once. Phone 468. 46-1 * FOUR-roomed insul-brick bouse, fully insulated, bathroom with electric hot water tank, ¼/-acre land, $3,300 - $2,000 down, balance in term payments. Possession immediately. A p ply Russel Brown, 87 Liberty St. S., Bow- manville, Phone 819. 46-1 TWO semni-detached, six-roamed houses, each with garage. Nean IPublic Sehool, Elgin Street, Bow- Imanville. Possession of one Dec- ember lst. Srn-all down payment, balance rentai terms. E. and F. Sutton, 429 Kingston Road, To- ronto. 44-tf I HAVE several good building lots for sale on High St. with aecess ta waterworks and sewers; also fine brick residence, ix ex- cellent repair, centraiiy iocated in good residential section of the town, on Lowe St., for sale. Ap- piy ta owner, T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanvilie. 46-1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guarant service, dyeing and custom w( tny the Neai-Way Sboe Rej Sbop, King St. West. REPAIRS toalal makes of nef. erators, domestic and commerc Higgon Electrie 42 King St. phone 438. 2 CHESTERFIELDS compieteiy built and re-upholstened. Sa faction guaranteed. Have consultant caîl at. no abiigat Enquire at Weber's Fabnic C tre, 10 King St. E. 3 "It's nice ta( be a peaceful s and not too bard ta please; the dog that does the scratch is the axe that bas the fleas. " 'l hate to be a kicker, me littie ix a show-but the kick in the chorus are the axes that the dough. "The art of soft-soap spre ing, is a thing that palîs the sa but the guy who wields the hi mxer is the axe who drives naiJ.s. Real Estate For Sale JAMES NIXON Frame house, well decorated, bath, hydro, floor coverings left, attached garage, good garden, per- ennial rock garden, $5,500. Poss- ession arranged. Brick bouse, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, furnace, hydro, heavy wiring, garage, hardwood floors, large lot. $5,000. 40 ACRES 30 bush, 2 creeks; 5-roomed new log house; hydro; on a good gravel road, % -mile from school, 2 miles from village; water in 90 ACRES 3 % miles fnom Bowmanville, on a good gravel road-, 2 barns, stable 35 cattie; milk bouse and electnic cooler; 8-noomed solid brick bouse, hydro, bot and cold water, 2 bathnooms. $10,500. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanviile 46-1* LEROY HAMILTON $l,500-,-In country near Poxty- pool, with' 10 acres, insul-brick five-roomed, 2-stoney bouse, xew asphait shingie roof, ban necds rebuilding of framne sections. A fne propenty for semi-netiremnent. Terms. Immediate, possession. $2,500-On outskirts of Pontypool, fine insul-bnick tex-noomed ne- sidexce with acre of ground. yean round noad, electricity, good cel- ian, new]xr deconated ahlini splen- did condition. Immediate poss- $3,500-In town of Milibrook, acre of gnound, spotlessly dlean framne bouse of 6 roomns and large paxtry with water in, electnicity, good cellan, veraxdahs, garage and sepanate work shap suitable also for chieken bouse. Corner pro- penty. Immediate possession. Terms. Leroy Hamilton Broker Onono Phone 32n10, 1ni6 46-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATrE $5,300-Brick bungalow, 6 xWoms, 1/2-acre, funace immaculatq, heavy wining, 3-piece bathroom, law taxes, near new school. Im- mediate possession. Terms. $3,500-Good farmn, 50 acres, 7- foom bhouse, barn, garage, bydro, immediate possessiox. Tenms. $9,500-or neasonable offen, thnee apartmext brick building, good revenue, on King St. Ideai for business location, extra bot ix- chuded. Terms. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 king St. West J. Shehyn, Realton D. Maclachlan Phone 326 46-1 HOSPITAL F FOR SICK *1 CHILDRE Stop in and see our 12 CARDS 12 ENVELOPES 12 SNAPSHOTS FROM YOUR NEGATIVE Vitamin Preparation Neo-Chemical Food Tonie A Pleasant-tasting complete and economical food supplement. Fluid for Children---- $.35-$2.95-$4.95 Rexail Cod Liver 011 Capsules', 100's.........------- Purtest Extraet of Malt and Coit Liver 011. New! "Miracloth" Cleans, Polishes, Waxes! Use wet or dry for ail your household cleaning - can be rinsed snow-white and .used agaîn and again! Each roil contains 10 ft. JURY.« LOVELL 1- TOUR REXALL.DRUG STORE i Wben We Test Eyes Itla~ Doue Properly PHONE 778 BOWMANV1LIA Real Estate For Ï COOlIM REAL ESTA"E $24,000-near highway 150 s good land, 7-roomed well palnted n rli fsm condition. Modern bath* in cupboards, hot air heatlng ' th oul. L-shaped barns 1001rir and 60' x 30', new silo, 2. drli Ù sheds, ail buildings newly p aînIi Good stables, steel stanchlp cernent floors, troughs and. f-e boxes. 22 acres fal wheat.lI acres seeded down, spring cre Hydro throughout. First Uel «f fered. Owner retirlng. I'Mmedi îate possession. $19,500-150 acres best of- à loam producing this year as h as 60 bus. of wheat ta the Large 2-storey frame home, 4-roomed cottage for help. l barns, good water supply, possession. $7,800-150 acres, -mile fro highway. large frame home, barnx, stream, adequate supply wood for succeeding generatip Owner retiring. Early pôssessi $4,000-Reduced for quick aa7II. 9-roomed frame home in e I castie, good metal roof, good cel. > front and back stairs, sink. Tr $2,000 cash, balance 3 % per cent. Contact Evelyn E. Cooke Reaitor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 46-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (ru -r goods) mailed postpaid un plain sealed envelope with pnice lust.; Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub-. ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 44-9 BEWARE of hansh laxatives - They gnipe and may harm del!. cate intennal ongans. Play safe. Help relieve your constipation. naturally. Eveny morning take Dr. Jaekson's Roman Meal ... the ceneal that's more than a ceneal . . - delicious and nutty ln flavor ... with a gentie 1 atxw action that bas won the- -tu . çl of thousaxds of gufferens friM! constipation. Roman Meai, die.,! veioped by Robent G. Jackson, M.D., combines the natural food values and delieious fiai ors of wboie wbeat and whole,-,e wlth tbe gentle laxative prof. Jjieg of flax-o-lix and. bran, A5 'ou gnocen for Ronan Meal today. Write today for FREE Booklet, "Nature's Way ta Good Health"O by Robent G. Jackson, M.D., Ad"~ dress Dr.:Jackson Foods Limited Dept. K, 1 Wiiingdon BIvd., To- ronto. 416-1 Local Mail Service, Going East 10:30 a.fhý Going local Rural Routes 8:30 aetn, Going Port Hope only 1:30 pnm. Going East and West 6:30 pflxi Going West 10:00 pi.a Mail Arrives 1,1 From East and West 8:30 a<m., From West 12 nSOOf.ý From West 3:15 p.m, From East 8:00 'pan.' Cut this sebedule out and pasMto up ix a bandy place for refeenxie. . - de signs today ---- --- - -- - Gifis of Beauiy SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS Elizabeth Arden Snowball contains 1 cake June Geranlum Soap ------ 1.00 Elizabeth Arden fleauty Box slmulated black alligator------------- -8 0 0 Cutex Nail Bnilliance Glft Set a coloured erescent-shaped , Plastie tray contamina'g Pouah,., Cuticle Remover, Polis mover, Manicure Stick, E-ý Boards and Cotton -... Helena Rubinstein "Baroqe ' Vanity Compact wlth Llpstick.,. attached, Envelope of Powder. lucluded, Black or ivory ------------ _---8-- e- o Helena Rubinstein 4-Color Keys ta Beauty, Four LipatlckC". ou chaîn with heart- shaped mirror - ------- Helena Rubinustein Cologne - Trio, Three Colognei, Eegveis Sent, Apple Blouson and Wanted To Buy BOX stove, for wood. Phone 2995. 46-1* PAIR of used skis, 6 ItL or 6'3". Phone 2ý690. 46-1* ANY quantity of manure and old straw. Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- series, Phone 345. 46-1 STANDING timber. Sam Sed- man, 1022 Br.ock St. S., Whitby, Phone 2534 after 6 p.m. 46-2* SCRAP batteries, Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We eall at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf TWO gramaphones, or phono- graphs, flot electric, with records, for recreation room. Phone 2889.j 46-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r Only YOU Can -Cive Your Own ""Personalized" Snapshot GREETING CARDS 1 COMING EVENTS . 1 - 1 "au 4 ulejý w4ble- - -, d A 1 . to % ;l