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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1949, p. 6

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'Wonan's Association of Park St. Chutch met in the ehurch Tuesday afterneon with a gooc attendance. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong -gave the devotional, an inspiring message giving plenty of food for thought. President Mrs.- M. J. Tamblyn conducted the business when furthçr arrangements for the bazaar were made. Mrs. J. J. 'Mellor's 1-eport cf the W. A. Pres- bytery meeting in Northminster Church, Oshawa, was given and was most interesting and instruc- tive. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awa, visited at her home here. Miss Gwen Chatterton, nurse-m.- training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterboro, was home. Mr. Cecil Jones has bought the house formerly owned by' Mrs. Flintoff. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Armour, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Miss Audrey Billings spent the weekend at her home. On Sunday at Park St. Church, Bey. H. E. Young was guest speaker. On behalf cf the Bible Society lie gave an interesting message, telling, of the great need of bibles in the war-torn coun- tries of the world. In closing he said, "ýLet us send bibles now as freely as we sent bombs in war time." Rev A. E. Eustace con- ducted the service and adminis- tered the rites of baptism on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duncan's baby daughter, Margery Rae, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat's son, Doug- las Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, New- market, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Myles. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Cooper were in Toronto Sunday visiting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bryson. Miss Mable Davy is visiting her nephew, Mr. Ken Fraelick at Prince Albert. Mrs. Henry Smith and children, Hornpayne, are visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Myles. Mrs. Wilbert Henry, Newmar- I $ Th e Orono News mm IL. E.Logan The Super-Efficient DILO - RAGEC 0O1 Heating MARES YOUR PEESENT BEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves Tou Money on Your Fuel Cosa tket, vislted Miss M. Davy. 1 Mrs. M. A. Duff, Spencerville, 1visited her daughter Mrs. Don Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogg and cblîdren, Leaside, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Visitors with Mrs. Han-y Bailey were Mr'. and Mrs. Wni. Bailey and Mi-. and Mrs. C. Merritt, New Toronto, Mrs. Addison Rickaby, Toi-onte, and Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Port Hope. Mi-. and Mrs. H. Barlow and Roger attended the wedding cf ber sister, Miss Louise Mallery in Cobourg on Saturday, when she became the bride cf Mr. Kennetb Rusk cf Niaeara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Barlow and children, Toronto, visted Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings 'were Mr-. and Mrs. Wes. Jewell and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Wight, Bowmanville, and Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Rickard and David, Newcastle. H ome. end School Club (Centinued frem Page One) Miss Farmer compared the im- pressions lcft by two teachers. Th eone teacher seemed te pull apart any strengthening faith bei' pupils had. She left them con- fused and uncertain while the other teacher sincerely led them each morning lu hymns and prayers. The responsibility which we as Parents and teachers have is thi-ce- fold: 1. Commitment te the moral values we would sec realized in oui- cbildren; 2. Commitment te the welfare of oui- childi-en; 3. Commitment and devotiozxte God. Mrs. R. Ewers moved a vote cf thanks te Miss Farmer and te those wbo had taken part in the programme as well as to Mrs. Cale for ber work in preparing an evening of fine entertainment. Miss Dawton won the teaclber's count with eighteen parents pi-e- sent. Mrs. Cale divided the members into foui- groupa and lunch was served. Everyone joined in sing- ing a few old songs after lunch. Tommy Poole (Continued fi-cm Page One) - Apparently a wooden doyen cf some sort was placed about twc feet from the top cf the weil ai one time and covei-ed with a layer of du-t. Over the years, the cover had rotted away and the eartli gradually fallen in until the well was ne better than a deadly booby trap. If seems that Tommy had lefi the home of Mrs. Roland Bates te go te bis owxi home for lunch, crossed the back yard and had fallen luto the well on the way. When be did not ai-rive at home for lunch nor appear at schoo] in Uic aternoon, bis parents be- gan the seax'ch which the gener- ous antd sympathetic citizens joined Into se hopefully and which ended se tragically. TOMMY'S FUNERAL !Phono or Consuit Hundreds cf ti-agrant blooms banked a amaîl blue casket at the JACK< Morris Funeral Chapel, when six- year old Tommy Poole, son cf B R O J ~ E Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poole was ]BR O U G laidte i-est onSunday afternoon, PLTJMBING - HEATING Novcmber 13th. The Funeral Chapel could net Division St. S. Bowmanvýije begin te bold the many sympa- New Phone - Office 615 thctic citizens, some of them mcmi- House Phone 2384 bers cf the search parties, who gathered te say a sulent fareweli te the little lad wbo for se many REGULAR PRICES LYs01l---------- ----35c-69c-$1.35 Bromo-Seltzer 25c-49c-95c Dodd's Kidney Pis - 49e Bryicreem x - 29c-49c Burdock Blood Bittersa- $1.25 Olympene 75c-$1.25 Gin Pili5---------- 49c-74c Eno's Fruit Saits-- 59c-98o Minard's Liniment -- 29c-54'c Thermogene 59c-$1.19 NYAL CREOPHOS Stops bronchial coughs Builds body resistance ' S COTT'S Lge. Bottie - $1.25 EMULSION Wizard Wick- 59eTh i Eeg Ai ------- - 89c-$l.19 Te~E~ Rtex Deodorizer $1.98Round $1.9- Fa miIy Tonic- Ozogrmo -- -15c-am Rich in Vitamin A LOW PICESand Sunshin. LOW RICE __ Vitamin D Lactogen 69c-$l *69Im Corega ---------- 23e-39c-69e BOc Tooth Brushes - 39e ad$1 9 .50c Value Facelie - 39c, - TON.! HOME PERMANENT NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD with New Spin Curlers Liquid - $1.35-$2.95-$4.95 $3.50 Value - For $2.79 1 Capsule. - $1.45-$2.6s-$5.95 LADIESi BRUSH, COrdE AND) MIRROR SETS New Shades - New Designa $5-95 - $6,50 - $8.95 - $12-50 - $17.75 PB"COW LING'S DRUG STORE "58SnT I. PAGE SIX (Continued from Page One) uals as God's creatien and placec man alene on a pedestal, then thi gap between enemies is bi-idgeé and the brotherod of man Ji the law." Lion Glen Martyn spoke foi the gathcring after their louc applause bad already indicatcc their feelings. Glen thanked Mr, Henderson for bis address anc was scconded by President Bob Ktk who added bis persona] Before the dinner, the assembi. ed Lions and their guests obser- ved a minute of silence in mem- oriy of their fallen comi-ades, and, following the aing-song, Lion Alex McGregor sang a solo befitting the occasion - the noble "Trum- peter." Two other guests of the club were Jack McNulty, wcll-known in local sports and spoi-ting goods cii-des, and Morgan Newton, placement officer at the Boys Training School. Congratulations were extended te Lion Gord Elliett for the ad- dition te bis family. A gift was presentd at the same time, in- tended for both bis wife and their ncw daughter. On bebaîf cf the group who went te the week-end party at Glenverdean, Lion Deac Goddard once again thanked Lion D.ean Hodgson and extended the thanks even further by giving Dean a lovely blanket for bis wife. Lion Hy Ormiston gave a final report on the financial gain from the Community Auction and the figures were cheerfully received. The final gi-oas was $386.95 with net proceeds amounting te $316.30. When the anonymous $250 dona- tion was added te this, the total gain for the Lions Club came te exactly $566.30. WESLEY VILLE Sunday Scbool was bcld at il îa.m. with an attendance cf 35. Church was beld at 7:30 witb a fai- attendance. Young Peoples' Union met Wednesday evening. Mrs. Char- ence NichohIs, Missionary cenven- or, spoke on the work of Dr. Frank Dickenson in China. YPU donated a dozen bymn-books te the Church. Several of the Womcn's In- stitute attended the convention in Toronto. Truman and Arnold Austin, Edgar Barrowclough and Bruce Dinner have gone deer-hunting. Miss Helene Barrowceou g b spent Friday in Toi-onto. Mr-. Allan Clai-ke, Toronto, bas taken up residence in Wesleyville and bas built a bouse. Frienda and relatives cf the late Mr-. Cyril Dai-ke attcnded bis fun- eral Wednesday afternoon. Paîl- bearers werc Messr-s. Stanley Har- - ness, Port Hope, Han-y Austin, Chai-les Beighton, Han-y Brook- ing and Edgar and Harold Bar-1 rowclough. Miss Jean Duff spent the week- end at ber home In Myrtle., Miss Laura Hill spent the week- end in Cornwall. Mesdames Clax-ence Nichola andi Arnold Thorndyke and famiiy spent Friday afternoon with Mi-s. C. Payne doing Bcd Ci-osa work. Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- i clough and Bill with Mr-. and Mi-s.1 Boughen, Stai-kville.1 Sunday visitors with Mi-.&ad Mrs. Percy Snell were Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Tufford and family, r Bunker Hill, Mr-. and Mx-s. Ken Dinnex' and family and Mra. Bruce Dinner. Miss Ruth Babbins, Bowman-C ville, and Mn. Jack Pearce, Eben-1 ezer with Murray Payne. c Howar-d Payne a:!ttended theJ Ice Capades on Thursday, in Toi--v onto. ' LONG SAULT- The ladies cf the çopimunity gathered at the home cf Mi-. and Mrs. Walter Van Eyk on Nov. 9 te foi-m a quilting bec. The quilt was vex-y neatly finishcd and Mr'. and Mrs. Harold De Mille ex- pi-css their appreciation te ahi the ladies who attcnded te, make it a success. Supper wasserved and a small fee charged which was centributed te the Long Sault Church for i-edccorating. The second meeting cf Uic Home and School Club was beld on Nov. 8, with an attendance of about fifty. Meeting fàened by singing O Canada accompanied by Frank Denby at the piano. A musical selection was piaycd by Frank Denby and Gordon Baker. Some intercsting pictures were shown by Dr. J. C. Devitt cf Bow- manville. Another musical sel- ection was played by Roy- Ash- [ton, violin and Frank Holi-oyd, guitai-. A duet was sung by Mai-y Van Eyk and Doreen Holroyd and musical selectiens by ge Long Sault Harmeny Group. Next meeting Dec. 6 in Uic Long Sault School at wbich a bazaar will take place.-__ TCAiADZMN BTATESM. EWMAXV=, ONTAMO____Tu______ IWSA?, lm 1t. s JScene -of Bowmanv Ile DrownigFtly The perfectly concealed and long-forgotten well which claimed the ife cf six-year-old Tommy Poole had apparently been covered with boards and approximately a foot and a haîf cf du-t at one time. The boards rotted and the earth graduilly fell away until it wvould net support the lad's weight as be walked across It lat Thursday. The projecting boards just under the brick top ini the above picture still have traces of du-t and ashes on them. In the lower right-hand corner can be seen a portion ef the old pump, from which a pipe cxtends down the full depth BLACIKSTOCK Elmner Beach is seen in the picture above, leeking down inte the well lu which Tommy Poole died. The garden which had grown ovex- the well xvas behind the house which Beach mnovcd into just a few days before the tragedy and he had walked over the spot himscîf just the night before. He could net understand why the earth bad held bis weight and then collapsed under 1 Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. Da -vid Hill have left for Richmoni sHill to, spend the winter.1 Mr-. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrx rFred Bailcy and Mrs. Roy Taylo werc in Toronto Sunday te se Mrs. George McLaughlin who i ilM. 1 Congratulations to Mi-. and Mi-x 1Dalton Dorreli on the birth of sdaughter at the Oshawa Hospita ion Nov. 11. Mi-. and Mrs. Eric Copstick 1Lindsay, Mi-. and Mrs. Hermax iWilson, Nestîcton, and Mrs. Gec DFowler witb friends in Winghan and Teeswater. Miss Mildred Archer, Sutton with ber parents, Mi-. and Mrs Wilbert Archer. Mi-. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn Oshawa, with Mrs. Luther Mount. joy. Mrs. Frank Carter and family Bowmanville, visited ber parents Mr-. and Mrs. J. W. Bi-adbui-n anc Mrs. Lewis Henry. Miss Evelyn Cook, Beaverton spent the weekend with Mrs. Wil. bei-t Archer. L Agricultural Society sponsoreé an entertainment in the Commun. Lity Hall Friday evening witb thE main attraction, The Brothcrhood Girls from Columbus. Some lo- cal numbers rounded eut the pro- gram. Mi-. Merle Bailey and friend, Peterboro, with Mrs. H. Bailey. Forty-four Young People met in Blackstock United Church on Nov. 1 for a joint meeting of Cad- mua, Nestleton and Blackstock YPU's. Howard Black, Audrey Lai-mer, Ruth Melton and Nina Johnson took part in the Wership Service for Cadmus. The pregram consisted of a vocal solo by Gla- dys Emmerson and a piano solo by Vonnie Grieves, Nestleton. Yvonne Chant, Lois Lai-mer and Stuart Doircell conducted several Hallowe'en garnes. Lunch, served by Blackstock Union concluded a pîcasant evening. Rememýbrance ýDay Service for Cartwright was well attended at Blackstock on Nov. il. The Township was well represented and we wex-c aise pleased te see Mr'. and Mrs. John Carter from Bui-keton who are always faithful in ceming te the Cenotaph. Rev. John McKîbbon and Rev. C. 'W. Hutton conducted the service at the Community Hall, then the gathering went te the Ccnotaph. Reeve W. G. Bowles read the Rell of Honour wbich is as fol- lows: 1914-1918--John S t ccl , Bi-uce Ferguson, Roy Swain, El- mer Mountjoy, Craig Tibb, John Wooton, Edward Mcody, Stanley Wbitc, Herbert Millard; 1939-1945 -Alfred Hall, Ralph H. Van Camp, Leonard Davidson, Harvey Mahaffy, Leslie Langfeld, Roy Carter, BalPh Emerson, Arnold Jobnston.' Two, minutes silence was obsei-ved and Mns. J. A. John- ston placed the Province of On- tarie Wreath. Rev. Hutton pro- nounccd the Benediction. The grounds surrcunding the Ceno- taph looked nice as some members of thec Blackstock Institute spent an afternoon cleaning up. Blackstock Branch of the new projeet "The Cereal Shelf" met ai the home cf Mrs. Hector Short- tidge Monday cvening. The lead- ers are Mi-s. Harold Wheelcr and [Vira. Shortridge. The club this yeai- bas te do with the value of ci-cals in food. Officers ai-e: President, Doreen Van Camp; Se- cretary, Jean Thompson; Press Reporter, Joyce Foi-der. They read from the book entitled "Ce- real Shclf"' and discussed the course te foflow. Next meeting Nov. 24. There wcre 8 girls pi-es- ent. The men cf the congregatuon wecie cntcrtained by thec ladies of the W.M.S. at the home cf Mr. and Mris. E. Larmer on Wed. evening. A very pleasant time was spent in spite cf the tact Uiat Mr. Oscar Brown, the speaker, was unable te be present. Miss Lois Larmer favered with a solo. Mrs. G. Strong an instrumentai, Mrs. Ralph Lai-mer and Mrs. Boy Fer- guson with rcadings. Mrs. E. Dorriell and Mrs. C. Hill arrangcd sevex-al contests. Roll caill vas answered bv "My carlicat recel- -Photos Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette lection" which prcved very in- teresting. Mr. and Mrs. E. Don-dll and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnstori visit- cd frienda in Dunsford. Blackstock Farm Forum Blackstock Farm Forum met at Earl Dorrell's with 22 present. It was decided that it was bet- ter that urban and rural people should mix for recreation. It creates better feeling between Uic people cf tewn and country. It is better financîally as avail- able funds may -be pooled and made te go further in such ways as providing a recreational direc- toi-, in providing equîpment and mnaking suitable buildings avail- able for recreational activities. In planning a well balanced i-e- creational program we weuld in- clude sports suitable foi- yeung people, aise for eider people, dra- ma, choral clubs, church activi- tics, community libranies. After a lively discussion on "All Work, we were cntcrtaincd by contesta led by Mrs. Carl Wright and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp. A genereus lunch was scrved by the hostesa. Meeting ncxt week is te ibe a comnbmned meeting cf Yelverton, Cadmus and Biackstock Forums iu the Commuuuity Hall. ____ TYRONE Mx-. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs. Thomas Philp at Picton on Monday. Mr-. and Mrs. Otto Vu-tue i-e- ceived word cf the death cf thei- uncle, Mi-. Jim Vu-tue, who passcd1 avtay Sunday at the home cf his daughter in Michigan. Miss Arlene Rosevear enter- tained a number cf girl friends Friday afternoon at ber binthday party. Mx-. and Mrs. A. J. Black, and Miss Helen Miller, Toronto, vis- ited Mr-. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday and Eiicen, Solina, visited Mn. and Mx-s. F. Wright. Mx-. and Mrs. Raymond Davey, Burkcton, and Mr-. Kcith Davey, Dixie, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Don- àld Davey. Mrs. W. Jenkins, Bowmanville, and hittie Miss Je Ann Hear are visiting at Mr-. F. Wenry's. Mr-. Harold Skinner is attending the Royal Winter Faix-, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Jean and Louise, Sutton, M-s. Clayton Brady, Cowle, Susan and Stephen, Jackson's Point, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mr-. aud Mrs. Frank liatherly r- as ie is )r id ITEraZd9 SISSONS' GARAGE NO. 35 HIGHWAY - 1 MLLE SOUTH 0P ORONO - %- - - - -M -- 1 During the summer and faîl, the ground ovan fthe weUl bad been plowed, but the weight of the herse and plow hacL net disturbed the earth or showed it was weak in any way. l' c 1 Lions Club Mi. an1r.HnyFiae.Oo Bowmnvile, Monday evening, the meeting Audrey Spicer, omnilt form a Home and Schoel Club with her cousin, John Virtue. xvas attended by a record group Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Good- of parents and friends. Guests. man and Judith, Bàwmanville, vi- Mrs. A. einds, Maple Grove, Mrs. sited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Jones, Oshawa, and Mrs. Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. John Goode and Courtice, gave an outiine of the daughter, Montreal, visited Mr. formation and aims of a club. and Mrs. E. Deeley. Officers will be elected on Nov. Mr. and Mrs. Albert St. Pierre, 21 at a meeting in the school. Give Joyce and Vera, Maple Grove, vi. your support by attending. sîted Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood and chul- and Diana, Oshawa, Mr. Douglas dren, Long Sault, Verna and Ross Brock and Miss Maxine Vivian, McRo'berts visited at the Maynard North Oshawa, visited Mr. and home. Mrs. D. Gatchell. Neighbours and friends cf Mirs. Mr. James Gatcheil spent Sat- Laura Virtue are glad te hear she urday in Lindsay. was able te return home after be- îng with her daughter in Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Ide Swinson and manville. Bill Brown, Kmnmount, were Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameroon, guests of the Gatchelîs. Haydon, accompanied Mr. and November meeting of W.A. took Mrs. A. Richards te Toronto and place at Mrs. Clarence Avery's. visited Mrs. H. Findlay at Union- Mrs. E. Caughill vsited friends ville. at Frenchman's Bay and Toronto, There was a good attendance at and attended the Armistice Ser- church Sunday merning when the vice at the Toi-ente City Hall Cen- Junior Choir provided excellent otaph. music under the leadership of Hydre bas been installed on the Mrs. G. Brent. farm of Mr-. and Mrs. Leslie Tay- Tyrone Junior Y.P. met Nov, Il 1or. in the S.S. room. Devotional was Mr, and Mrs. A. Tompklns and given by Bill Jewell. Election f officers resulted as follows: baby were in Toronto. President-Roîand Coombes; vice- Mr. and Mrs. A. Tompklnsa nd president-Doris Park; secretary Gordon, Toronto, with Mr. and -Marie Taylor; Treasurer-Wes- Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. ley Hills; Group leaders-Pp tsy Mi-. and Mrs. Herb Trick, Mill. Phillips, Wes. Huis, Bessie Yeo, brook; Mr. and Mrs. C. Trick. Johnny Coombes. Games were Syracuse; Mr-. and Mrs. Eail Car- enjoyed. Next meeting Nov. 20. nockan; Mr. and Mrs. C. dzerrow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sluggett, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mns. G. Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Carneckan. Wooton and son Frank, Whitby, Mrs. M. Morton, Oshawa, with visited Mr-. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mrs. L. Haesman. SEE SISSONS' FOR DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1948 Chev. Fleelmasier Sedan - Custom heater and defroster. Doctor's car. Perfect condition. Pricsd ai- $1695.00 1946 Dodge Coupe - A good car at a reasonabie price. Priced ai - $1245.00 1-q39 Dodge Deluxe Coupe - New motor recently, rood appearance. Priced ai - $795.00 1938 Ford Sedan Delivery - j Looks like new, . mooth motor. Pricod ai - $495.00 1937 Chev. Deluxe Two-Door - Spoties Inside and out, straight front silo. Art outstanding car lu every way. Priced ai - $745.00 1936 Plymouth Sedan - Good appoarance, reconditlened motor installed by u&. Pricod ai - $595.00 1932 Ford 4-cylinder Coach - Just an average car with a botter than average motor. Pricoi ai - $175.00 Ail Cars Thoroughly Checked In Our Own Shop ABOVE CARS ALL HAVE HEATERS AND ARE 1 Cash hoxùrs had been thec objec t of tbeir searh Rev. S. R. Henderson of Trini- ty United Church where To y had attended Sunday =horl conducted tlic simhple services. He reminded the bereaved, parents and friends that because there are many things in life we do not understand, it la best te concen- trate on that whlch we are sure about. Little Tommy la happy in the presence cf Hiin who said "Suffer the littie chuldi-en ta corne unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such la Uic Kingdom cf Heaven." ,Mournting bis lesa are bis par- ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Donald Poole; an older brother, Dick; and a yeunger sister Penny. Members cf the Bowmanvllle Cub Packs acted as flower- bearers and pahl bearers were six of bis friends, John Buchan, Neel Dudley, Bruce .Colwell, John Bates, John Luxton, and 'J I Markle. and family, Lakeview. wlth Mir. and Mr. R. Hatherly. Mr. and Mr&. W. P. Park, 1Mr. Lance Phare attended thec funeal cf Mrs. John Xountjoy at Nestie- ton on Monday. David Kronquist who lia been staying with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett left Fr1- day niglit for bis home at Leo- ville, Sask. Mr. and Mi-.. C. Shred, Mng. W. Rahmn and Clem attended Uic mis- cellaneous sbower held at thc S.O.E. Hall in Bewmanvillie Thursday night ln honer cf Emma Sbred and Ross Bragg who were maried at thc Tyrone Mans« on Saturday. Congratulations, Em- ma and Ross! Mr. Brian Ci-onk, Bloomtxit.'d, was guest cf Wesley Hulis. Mr. and Mi-s. D. G. Hooper. Mi-s. E. Storie and Mrs. C. %W. Awde, Orone, with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper. Mi-. and Mi-s. Howard Philp, Ren and Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Philp, Peterbore. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findley, Thornhill, Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and Gail, Langstaff, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Vu-tue. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Fanrell have gene te Orono for the win- ter. Mrs. 1. W. Lai-mer, Mr. Gordon Lai-mer and Mi-. A. J. Baîl, Mill- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brackenrîdge, Norman and Leena, South Monaghan, witb Mi-. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Toi-ente, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Robt. Bur- gess. Mi-. and Mi-s. J. Oke, Enniskil- len, with Mi-. and Mrs. Neil '- lowlees. Mr-. and Mrs. A. Youngman and children accompanied Mr-. George Aldrcad te Toronto and visited1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leach and Mrs. A. Sparks. Mi-. and Mrs. T. Tabb visited Warden Runnalis ]Recelves Watch At Annual Banquet 1 hursday night the Imembers of heC.untY Couneil Of North. umberland nd Durham gathered et the British Hotel, CObOýurg to honor their warden, Art Xun. nails, Reeve of Hope Township. It was tie annual Warden's din. àner and Art Runnails mgust be a .populr fellow becaus. over 150 sat down In hic honor. Rai ph Locke, Deputy Reeve cf CarnPbellford, presented the War- den with a beautiful gold wrist watch on behaif of the Coundil- lors, and George Waldron gave8 Mrs. Runnails a bouquet of r.d roses. Mr. Runnails responded very briefiy. He thanked the momnbers of Council for their fine spirit of c-operatien. throughout the year. He said this was his last year in County Council and that he would miss the pleasant associations of the past years. Ail the speeches were pleasing. ly short. Everybody was pleasant te everybody else and everybody was extremely happy. It was a really successful Warden's dinner. Hon. William Goodfellow, Pro- vincial Minister of Welfare, spoke reminiscently of his old days on County Counc il. Dr. Fred Robert- son, M.P., added his congratula. tions and Johnnie James, M.P. for Durham, made a happy littie speech. There was ne politics and ne one took long to say what ho wanted te say. Elmer Scott, Deputy-Reeve of Hope Township, was a capable master of ceremeonies. The money collected ln excesa ef the cest of the dinner is to be uséd te buy gifts for the oldi people at the County Homne. Terms

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