?RWtU~AT1949 THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA!<VM=LE ONTAMI DAftW rne'.~ - 'li know that Mr. Sturlcy Pake G od er m ly sai.an on d M. a nt SyNov. i, Cap it iniproving following a serlous G oyérE po e hywr ie hwra h m r operation at Bowmanviile Hos- Banquetted On Nd ion FrHali. t Nv. SOCIAL AID 'PERSONAL ptl 5Yas evc Pbn ~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hancock, 2 eIS evc B phm43Ottawa, Mr. and Mmm. Normal 1 recelv McGiII, Lindsay, wcme weckend Donald Campbell, blind piper, nuby Weddlng ness mnan Mmm O R Jflife Kngton o Sndy.guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. on time Canadian Mrmy Bagpîpe which coi bfs .R olifKnson nSna.James. Champion and former Goodyear %iiiiversary fiais been visiting Mmm. Harry Mr. and Mms. C. B. Widdawson, Weekend guests with Rcv. and employe was checred to the echo -I wofl< Noster. Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. Frank Yardley, Courtice, of the great gilt ceillng at thc an econai Lir. Irene Byr, Ottawa, spent their daughtem, Mmm, Frank Yard- wcrc Mm. and Mrs. David Sher- Roal rdyiHt, a ourohno o l.AD RS . ONfJ omats the ekend with Mr. and Mms. A. ley, Courtice. wood and Mr. Jim Widdowson, ASaaurday nîght, as fouphudre turo W. Pickamd.Mrs. E. Bnnett, Mrs. Charles Toronto.adcgt on oycaie t w hpp enngwa se a Mies Marion Rickaby, Toronto, Bail, Fred and Ron, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Allan, Mr. ToBt nyomnvlcgt-itershom e M. nd onrS.Murray Bsie Wua a weekend guest with Miss were Sunday gueits wlth Mm. and and Mrs. John Ailan, Lindsay, cmed ta pay tribute ta those cm- IByers1, tBurte te oncSasiondaydo Mary Jewell. Mmm. H. S. Bcennet. Miss E. Allan, Torontor spent the lompany fo whayve eams th of the 401h wedding anniversary up the id M.Jc utrTootwsweekend wîth Mm. and Mrs. Har- copn oiwnyfv er. ofMs yr'prns r n succeedb Mm JckBute, ornt, as Mm. Th9mas F. Martin, Noranda,veJon Don marshalîed the honourd BlaMr.n nothn g o a weekend guest of Mr. and Mns. Que., spent Sunday wîîh his fth- e n. guests at the annual twenty-five Mrs. Norman Mauntjoy, Bak Modemn b ta"m Cryderman. cm, Mr. John Martin, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Outidge, year employees dinner and evemy stock. that concý Mmm. MacKenzle Rutherford, Mrs. Howard Pickard, Port oi Spain, Tinidad, B.W.I., chest swelled with pride, every Their entire tamily and twclve it is clan Coiome, asweccn gustai rs A.J.LymrBul, ay ndand Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Cochrane thmoat held a. lump as the blind gandchildmen wcmc present: Miss profits mz Cbrnse, wsweedg to Mrs. . J. Smle Dula, shw, BilentRaSnd were recent visitors with Mr. and piper paced back and forth play- Hazel Mauntjoy, Branle; Mm. andonsl, Mr. and. Mmm. Charlie Hoar and with hem mother, Mrs. Mina Col- Ms .J hmsn ing "Cock o' the North" and "Doy- i Mrs. Lamne Wannan and tamily, reserves daughter, Toronto, visited his weIl and Mrs. Bert Colwell. Misses Muriel Stevens, Joyce ecote Park." The .G.O.V.C. pro-1 St. Catharines; Mm. and Mmm. lationship parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. V. Hoar, Hsmn red r ldt Read, Bowmanville, and Shirley vidcd a Guard of Honour for the! Frank Hoskin and tamily, Black. workersi Hi ayfred rega oGaheen, Newcastle, spent the piper. . stock; Mr. and Mms. Bruce Mount- business h ,Wu -------- weekend at the Open House ai Among the distinguished gucats 1ioy and ftamlly, Langstaif; Mm. old view Emmanuel Bible School, Kitchen- were delegates from all the Can- and Mmm. Ivan Mountjoy and fam- Century c S a 301 I S C1mUI le. adian plants; and tram South of ily, Bumketon; Miss Audrey in the 20t] ANLCNMr. James Kane vlsited Mm. the 'Border, Vice-President George Mountjay, Toronto. The mec <A~LIA)and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock in 01- Henshaw, and Don Hulcy, Head A fowl dinner was cnjoycd, the public mE taw a and hem friends here are ai Interplant Relations, table being dccorated with a want ta 1< Sunday * e br20h-vry glad ta hear that Mrs. Mort- Thirty-six new members wcme thrce-tier wedding cake, ruby car- earned b3 y~N vmbr~Jlock is improving nicely after hem mnitiated mbt the fraternity af nations and candies. Aftem pin- tion. Until "STIR UP SUNDAY" recent illness. teWmnsAx 25-year service pin holders. Mr. ning an the bride anld groom a unit ai 's WinnersofteWmnsAx Gemald Pamtidge, President ai corsage of red rases and button- The relat: 8 a.m. - Holy Communion iliamy draw on Nov. l2th, in aid the Canadian Company, pmoposedi aire, they were presented with a those wh< af Bowmanville Memorial Park, a toast ta the Graduates and uby bonbon tray caritaiiig a highly inr 10 a.m. - Sunday School were: D. Kemp, Mrs. H. Thertel Maurice Cook, Foreman ai the generous donation towards a me- something Mrs. T. Sellers, Lucy Lyle ancd Tube Depamîment, New Toronto, frigerator. Bath the bride and ship ta tti 11 a.m. - Matins and G. Edmondstone. replied. Mr. Orm Barett, Assist- groom cxpmessed their apprecia- products r Holy Communion Miss Rase P~almer and Isobel ant ta the President, was gucst tian, tant. Nt Johns returned from a motar trip speaker and in his address he The evening pàssed with games out ai mu 7 p.m. - Evensong thmaugh the Eastern States cross- stressed the necessity of team- and friendly chat, and ail express- about prol ing a Niaara Flls.Foll w a wrk in any successful enterprise. ed their appreciatian for anather a clearc ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ig atr i agara Fals. Fallain gh For m any, the h îghlîght o i the opp amtunity af the all-too-few fam - show îng t Haliburtondistrict.evening came when the chorus ily get-togethers. ft ott Halburondisric. ne left the stage and picked __________ There iý WensaN vm e 3d-8pm-.Col. and Mrs. W. W. Muitay, members of the audience as their understan( Ottawa, were wcekend guests of patners for an impromptu square '.rvnFT?.rI1 Sevc fIsiuinand Inuctioni Col. and Mrs. L. T. ýMcLaughlin. dance. This caused a great deal E N VXLEN alts. Wo ofMiss Eleanome Wight, Toronto, o memiment, particularly as Jac of profits THE REVEREND EARL SIGSTON' spent the weekend with hiem Daig, Supervisor Salvage De- A vemy pleasant cvening was out consid by mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight. parîment, was anc af the partici- spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. If a firmn THE RIGHT REVEREND A. R. BEVERLEY, St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Nov. 9, pants. J. A. Wemry, Nov. l4th, whcn they with relati BISHOF 0F TORONTO with Colleen Hutchinson presid- Afler the entertainment the cntertained nieces and ncphews no divider ing. The meeting apened with guesîs had tiheir fling at "Million- and their immediate families. invests th Sermon by a short sing-song followed by the aires Night." The money was THE REVEREND A. HARDING PRIE ST, B.A., D.D. j business meeting. Miss Creasser phoney, but the prizes real and took thc worship service. The many a man took home a fowl or - -------- girs then made sluffed dogs. basket ai groceries as~ proaf ai _________________________________________________Games and conlests were enjoyed. his prowess at the gamîng table. Meeting closed with "Taps." Those attending the Palmer- Allen wedding, Salurday, from'i Dr. Oke Delights out ai town included Mm. and Mrs. rnt Y. W h Ray Pierson, Mr. Claytan Palmer, riit YP. ih Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pierson, Mr. Talk on Beauty C Alex Piersan and Miss Jasephine ____ I Pierson, Belleville, Mm. and Mrs. C E N T R EDouglas Palmer, Mm. Howard Trinity Young People met Mon- Palmer, Consecan, Mrs. Ed. Jef- day, Nov. 7, with President Mar- fery, Mi. Winn Jeffery, Oshawa. jonce Rundie pesîding. Mis Dasy aig A..S..A. ~ The pogram was directed by ~ d - - flI canduinglass iAn inea sb-the Christian Culture group with IgSk Oniano DOclsse infineartsue Onaro t.Bo ma vile jects at Adelaide House in Osh- canvenors Anna Johns and Bob Alliance _____________________________________________________, Williams. Worship service was ____________________ awa every Thursday afternoan cnutdb naJhsasse and cvening. Miss Baig, at present, bjonde y Annaroos assisted. is enjoying a year's leave-of- Stacey. The heme ai the even- SP CA VALUES& BE absene irom hem position at the ing was "Beauîy."T Ifl lY SERiV IC ES Nova Scotia Cleeo Art in pleasing slcin played three THURSDmw;, FRIDAY monta.x ah d is alo in pst rug the low W setorm hepi n , AI0 wt SU DA 1 am. - ab ati cholstudy inportrait painting in T-namcly Nola, Wmn I inAaPlatlo t SUND Y 10a.m - S bba i Scoolevening classes in art at the Osh- The guest speaker, Dr. C. C. aw olgaeand Vocational In- Oke, Welcome, was întmoduced byF Il a.mn. - Morning 'Worship siue as well as conducting the Rev. Henderson who staled that adtoh u.rm Children's Art Classes aI the Dr. 'Oke had reccntly been chosen atek.is. cham 7 p.mn. - Evangelistic Community Recreation Centre in ta lecture part lime at Emmanuel lir a1ie Oshawa. College. ? . Service On Nov. 9, 2nd Pack Brownles Dr. Oke stated that art and met at the Lions Centre. Afler aur beauty weme two necessilies ai opening we had inspection with lufe b which everyone was en- the Fainies having the highest titled. He brought with him a S.points, s0 far the Gnomes are in selection af pictures from his .Reg TUES 8 p.ni. - Bible Study the lead wilh 23 points. Corne on greal collection and also some ai Brownies weam your uniformn and his mare recent paintings. As WED. 2 p.m. --W. M. S. look neat and make it a close he showed the pictures hie talk ed Reg race ta sec who will be at the top about the artisîs, their backgrud _____________________ when we close next May. During and their womk. His talk cenlmed FIR1. p.m. - Children's work period, Arlene Begley pass- around the womks' ai such people Twilight Hour ed hem parcel and Gloria Oliver as Michelangelo, Titian, Durer, Tour I.D.A. Drugglst offers adSheila Coverley passed Hem- Haibein, Reubens, VanDyck, Hals, ming and Buttons. The Brownies Rembrandt, VanMur, El Greco, these suggestions ta proteet FR1. 8 p.m. - Christ's then played a few games that Velasquez, Goya, Watleau, Char- Sylvia Coverley and Laralie damn, Donyais, Reynolds, Gains- your health and hclp pre- m Ambassadors HIelheringtan prepared. The meet- borough, as well as aur own Can- vent winter Ilinesses. Young People's Sei-vice ing came la a close repeating the adian arlisîs. WN Brownie Prayer and the singing Dr. Oke's awn womk was much 0A. 8pm -Pa e f "Tops." apprecialed by the members. St. Paul's W.b.S. met at the Most af bis paintings werc af , home ai Mms. Clinlon Lunney Nov. Southern Ontamio landscopes. He AYERST lOD 'The Little, Church with the Big \Velcome' 15, with a gaod attendance. We suggested that more people shouldCO IE IL---- weme pleased ta welcame Mrs. H. enmich lheim lives by keeping a c EDSOEMPR Patr .Jhio A. Turner ta aur meeting. Mrs. collection ai reproductions ai pic- LI MA' LU EC Pair .Jfnin Kenneth Werry opened the ser- turcs paînted by some ai the - Capsules ---- - - --- vice with prayer. Mmm. D. Armi- great ortists ai the wamld. Llquid.----- sîead led in the worship service. Anna Johns lbanked the speak- SUB O Mrs. E. Dilling and Mrs. J. A. em then led the graup in recrea- CO1IERO. - ~SALr P- 10au- BaIlle 792 Friendly, Courleous Service IINDERS FOR#O#AN HE SATURDAY NT R ANALGESIC BALM Reg. 25e - 19e WRITING PADS "Brownie" Special - 7e CALAMINE LOTION0 g. 25c, 45e - 19c, 37o CASTOR OH. Bayer Aspirin - 18c-29c-79c 22, rosts 17s -35c-75c-$1.50 T U WZ g. 25c, 45c2e , 39e rosts2l'a A- --- ----- - 75e - $1.75 'OMORPHUM: -------------- 75e - $2.50 -85e- $3.65 75e -$.75 60e- $1.35 -$2.50 S -----------$2.50 - $7.00 VIT. B COMP.: ---------- -- 1.25 - $3.75 --------- - 16-oz. $1.25 -APS., --------------$1.29 - $4.79 r& COD LIVER -------- 65e - $1.09 - $1.89 .T STOMAt GESTION tDouRN Brand Powdoe relief. lyl p SMALL ~28ý LARGE Î, -wV Save Hall ! NEW CHERAMY CREAMY SKIN BALM .Big Double Size - 12-oz.M $2.00 VALUE For a iimited time only $1.00 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE I.D.A. Brand Reg. 15e, 39e - De, 23e SODA BICARBONATE 4, 9, 16-oz. - 8e, 12c, 18c WHITE EMBROCATION Reg. 29e, 49e - 23c, 39o COREGA PLATE POWDER 23e - 43e - 73e 'RESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY IcGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store You're serene,5 secure . .. with Kotex, because k. s pecial safety centre guards you aghinat cuibqrrassing accidenta. 330 $1.23 Drugu" Phoneî ýa1LWnupon original investment may be Besides there is a limIt tb taxa,. cihmnhigh for the simple reason that tion. They are finding this out ln~ wing the investment has increased, the Eng]and. Said Sir Stafford Crippe business has grown through thc a few weeks ago: r ...Deachman> re-investment of profits. Corpor- "Total taxation, local and na- ' ations of that kind are usually tional in Great Britain, is now', ved from a western busi- re-capitalized later, those who more than 40 % of the nàtional ý ia few days ago a letter invested early make substantial income, and at that level the re-_ >ntained this sentence: profits but they took a risk, busi- distribution of income entailed 1er if you could give me ness is flot always profitable. in the payment for Social Ser-.' a )mic justification for the 1947 was a good year, but there vices already faîls, to a consider. ', ion of profits in tcrms were 304 business failures, liabili- able extent, upon those who are,- rather mhan in terms of tics exceeded $7,000,000, in 1934, Uic recipients of these services.' -n _met?'> there were over 1600 failures Socialists will flot like that, but" n ' Ivestmnts.wîth liabilities of over $20,000, it's true - socialism coseas more ss -in the old days was 000 Many point to high profits than it is worth. )n in sécret. There grew and blame the cost of living upon lea that business could the profits of industry. It is Im- best if thc public knew portant that we should recognize First shipment against an order of what was happening. the other side - those who put for 250 head of Holstein-Freisian business has abandoned their money into business and bred heifers, left for Italy from ýetion, it explains what get fia profits. Montreal recently. This order for ng, it tells frankly the Canadian dalry cattie resulted Ïade, the rate of profits Right there is a point which aur from the reputation for milk the dividends paid. the socialist friends forget. They are yields made by a previaus shlp. set aside and the re- going ta eliminate profits, in ment of 210 head of Holstein. of the company ta the crease wage rates, retire the Friesian purebred cattlc with pro. in its employ. Modern workcrs at an carlier age, provide duction records, placed in Italy has nathing to hide. The improved working conditions, last year. rbelonged ta the l8th reduce taxes and spend more on outlook - we are living Public services. If this were donc, Canada, as a source of breeding th. costs would rise, the socialist stock for Italy, is further cmpha- ~ors f usnes rea neyer counts the costs. This sized by an order for ten York- !cors ofbusnessare would be a task for gods, flot men, shire pigs. Two boars and eight iatter. We know, if We buit otîr socialist friends go on sows will be shipped in thc ncar lok themn up, the profits talking about it, as if there was future. )y almast any corpora- nothing on earth le~s difficuit of The fourth estimate of the Do- 1 late years, profits per accomplishment. There is some- minion Bureau of Statistics places ;ales were rarely stated. thing we should neyer forget. Canada's 1949 apple crop at 16,. io ns ho imnes to There is futtle that sociallsm can 766,000 bushels. The revisede fig- mprin sttir money is provide that ta flot attainable at ure for the 1948 crop is 13,404,000 gelse - the relation- a lowcr price under capitalism. bushels. 1ose who purchase the produced is also impor-, ing will take the sting ~1 ich of the current cant EM IN )fits quite sa quickly as '. cut statement of facts . the relationship of pro- M P E L tl volume of sales. iding in regard ta pro- FLOU have been going along i<l a generation speaking r ef4dp f' 1Y upon investmcnt with- Pl.. deratian af rclated tacts. i tatsina small way'OdVevrmo , tively littie capital, pays 493 rida for a time and reé i.~. he profits, then profits 9 «~*i.. tour of Canadian Home Mission Fields. unning aclose second. manÇfi le". b____ Badminton A receplion was beld at the 8i I ~ h ~ !vY MR. GORDON COBUN-la a layman, who holds an cxc- Satumday mamnings were kindly home ai Che bride's parents aiter "~ U ! f j ~ 4kJ~ cutive position with Contederation LiteIsuneCo_ offercd by the Badminton Club the ceremony for the immediate49 hchsbens ipcac ib h ntdurchCo- for pupils ai the schoal who wanî- families. Mrs. Malow wore a - lr l:!la he bs beiýso IpresedwiththeUnied Curc of ed ta learn how ta play badmin- navy printed crepe with a corsage Canada Misionary a.nd Maintenance Department work ton. Close ta faty B.H.S. students af rases. Mmm. Gamnet Symons tha h bs ffre to ddiat h& undyste tllng attendcd these Saturday mornîng wore a winc crepe drcss with oai tist e ia olerd 0 edcat hm unaysf0telilg sessions. If enough students arc corsage of roses. imooth1ing.... somrng other iaymen &bout IL intemested in badminton il is Tgacetra ovlthe tieda hape 1h1 aschol bdmitonwedding cake madé and decomated TEE MISSION FILM-toill the tory of a Mission Hospital club could be iormed. by Mrs. George Farder, Nestie- in China. tan. Pink tapers in silver bolders 4' This Friday commencing at 7:30 wemc an cither aide. D play an ail-star volîcybali leam three weeks' wedding trip. They DY POW OER N ? ai students. Last year in a sim- visited Windsor, Detroit and THE SU DA SC OO ,ilam game the teachers managed went acmoss Canada to British[ THE SUND Y SCHOOLta flukea win overth students Columbia, Uien ta Seattle, Wash., Wii alo ealwih tc ubjetof urta ur sa this game will be a eal gmudgc and home by woy ai the States. Pl Wil alo ealwih te ubJctof urresponulbiiities t u match. Il is rumoured that the They are residing an bbc groom's neigbbour. The film "Who la My Nelgbbour?" based on teachers have been pracîising for farm aI Bowmanville. Prior ta bhc bible stor7 eoffthc Good Samaritan wiIî be *hown. some lime and are expecting an hem mamiage Uic bride was pre- easy victary. To get in the spirit sented with a pair ai woollcn af Sadie Hawkins day this dance blankets by hem fellow womkems e x Miniater. Organlat, eyone expectcd ta dmess like Whitby. Af tem their retumn tram typical dogpatch choacter. Sa the wedding trip, the bride and WMe Deliver remember, girls, shop ealy and groom weme given a shower'by don't get ile t behind in tie rus" Bowmanvile friends at the home PAOIR U 'ý,,