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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1949, p. 8

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- rl9'ýF 'e,---'w -- IPAGE LFIG3T The Newcastle Indepeudeut ffus Margaret Aib THE!CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMdANVILLIC, ON7ARIO vi N H ;Mr. Frank McKewon and Judy, ditch for the piping. It 15 a bit tansing, spent the weekcnd with discouragiflg, though, whcn you t] Zr. and Mrs. Jim Dyer. ask for 50 voluliteers and get only t Mfiss hioreen Schwartz, Chesley, 25. Wc believe the men can do c ~pent the weekend with Mrs. Tomn better than that. Once again the e P5pencer. men's efforts were rewarded with .Congratulations ta, Mr, and Mrs. hot coffce supplied by one of the àioe Hockin. Ajax, on the birth of restaurants. lheir son in Oshawa Hospital on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. jdoriday. Gea Kimbaîl and Mrs. Marlow -Several from tawn attended the Hancock attended Farmn Forum at :.petacular Ice Capades in To- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade's, .ronto ast week. Lakeshore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Misses Evelyn Allin and Mar- Wade and Dougie vîsited Mrs.v e ret Ash visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mary Wade the saine evening. ~.Wright in Toronto on Friday. The Armistice Service held ini .Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, the Hall was well attended. A c .Hampton, Mr.and Mrs. Farewell number of the veterans gathered1s Bhack'burn, Grace, Glen and behind Toms' Store and ma rched 15 flobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ta the hall. The service was con- Shackletan, Salèm, at the Black- ducted by Reeve Gea. Walton,t -turn home on the weekend. Rey. D. R. Dewdney and Bey. W.1 Miss Audrey Gibson spent Fni- W. Patterson. R. H. Davies andc ýday and Saturday in the big city. Mrs. Sam Powell laid thef 'Many wishful hunters from wreathes and oy Forrester, Or-1. these parts have loat no time ono, sounded Last Post and Re-1 Utking part in the opening deer veille. :eason. Some have aiready found The "Silent Sisters Club" of -their target. To na4ie sanie of No. 9 are holding a bazaar and these hunting ficnd.ý there is: home cooking sale in the Coin- 'I'om Spencer, Ernie Spencer, Pete munity Hall, Newcastle, Novem- Gibbs, Rod Carveth, Howard ber 19, fromn 3 p.m. ta 6. A won- -Toms. derful opportunity ta shop for« * Others who have gone on hiint- Christmas. Everything h a n d Ing trips are Bob Stephenson, macle including aprons, slcepers, -Fred Adair. Ross Dickinson. knitted socks, mitts ancd other ar- Local 'younguns' gat a real kick ticles. Lunch z'nd tea 25c. Came out of the Happy Russell Cowboy in and look around. 46-1 show Wednesday. There were aid- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. .er folk there tao, but they found George Gray, who celebrated the show just a little too loud andthr thw dig nivrayi Tiaqe fo ther tates.Last week the immediate familyI Miss Johnston. Miss Mary Tuff surprised Mr. and Mrs. Gray by .and Mr. Percy Tuff. Toronto, vis- having a presentation at the ited Mrs. Frank Branton, Remnern- home of Mr. and Mrs Alf Gray. brance Day. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris and The men were hard at it again family, Miss Betty Gray, Ches- on Saturday at the new rink site. 1ley; Mrs. E. Mar jerisan, Mrs. N. On Friday Stornis' bulldozer Pinagie, Bowmanville, and Mr. rnade short work of digging a and Mrs. Jack Stacey. IBawmafl- BUILDING SUPPLIES CEMENT - LIME - GYPROC - BRICK - INSUL-BLOCKS CINDER BLOCKS - C,ONCE..TE BLOCKS DUN BRICK - CHIMNEY BLOCKS WEEPING TILE - Special Price for Full Loads - PHKONE 2845 C. RUITER BOWMAN VILLE 62 SCUGOG ST. Prepýare yourself for the stormY days ahead. Get your overshoes NOW I LADIES' ALL-RUBBER PULL-ON BOOTS wlth warmn thernippîle linlng, ln black or brown. Sizes 4 to 9 $6.50 Pr. LADIES' LEATHER FLIGHT BOOTS with rubber soles, Thermopile lluing, black or brown. didt AI Sizes 4 ta 9 -- MENS ALL-RUBBER KLONDYKE BOOTS in brown, warmly Iined wlth Thermopile. S es6 to il--- -- ---------- $995 pr. LLOYD ELLIS Shoe Repair 39 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE NO NEED TO WORRY About Your ELECTRICAL WIRING! Bring your electrical problems to us and gave Your- self te worry concernlng techuiral problems. IWe have had years of practicai experience handling ail types of.eleetrical wlrlng difficulties and feel confident that mwe eau handie yours go that you eau be assured of years of trouble-free service. MALL US TO-DAY IFOIR FEE ESTIMATES RIGGGN ELECTRIC Tour General Electrlo Appliance Dealer Phone du8 Dow anville 42 King St. B ville, were out-of-town guests. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dayman and Mr. Wheldon, Lindsay, Mrs. Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Heard, Oshawa. were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pollard and family visited Mrs. Ken Neal in Bowmanville. Wc are glad to learn that Mrs. Neal has jeft the hospi- tal. And wc hope that being home once again will speed ber recov- ery more. 125th Anniversary 0f United Church Inspiring Occasion Inspired by the wcll-delivered w'ords of the gucst preacher, Very Rev. Dr. Jesse H. Arnup, B.A., 3.D., D.D., Secretary of The Board of Overseas -Missions., New- castle United Church held a very successful 125th anniversary on Sunday. With a capacity congregation, the choir, capabiy directed by Mr. Neil Stwart, led in the singing of many well-known and wonder- ful hymns of praise. Added en- joymnent was brought about by the superb choir renditions of the three anthems. Mrs. Howard Al- lin and Mrs. J. T. Brown favoured with the lovely duet 'Beside Still Waters" at the morning service. For his morning sermon Dr. Arnup delivered a thought-pro- voking message on *The God of Yesterday and The God of To- day." His evening message, "The Miracle of Amsterdam," held his congregatian in the grip of a greater sensation than could pos- siyhav been brought about by m ere, ýord s. His vivid description of the miracle of all colours and religions meeting amiably to- getlher in on~e large body made one1 sit in admiration. His description of the leaders of the different denominations, the friendliness ot the Dutch people, a* quick touch on the habits, profusion of colour and customs of these peoples only ten.1ed ta carry one far away ta the very heautiful Netherlands. The anniversary was a day of home-coming ta many and miade a most enjoyable day for all who attended the services. Monday evening, to present the social side of the festivities, the women of the church held a tur- key dinner in the Sunday School. This proved ta be a success, even though At was not as largely at- tended as expected. There was no shortage or scrimping on food and everyone had a woderful tume. During the dinner hour Mr. Neil Stewart played the organ and after this wonderful repast everyone went into the church auditorium ta be entertained by a group of exceptionally clever artists. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rook, Toron- to. were Sunday visitors with Mrs. F. Swallow and Edna. Mrs. I-vison Munday and Mary Lau visited with her mother, Mrs. uancascc, £NewuIîvlue day. Misses Joyce Reid and Shirley Goheen. Newcastle, Mr. Glea Cale Port Hope, Miss Muriel Stevens, were ia Kitchener over the week- end attendiag the Manuel Bible Class. Mrs. Sami Dewell and Mrs. El- mer Wilbur, Hampton, visiteý Mrs. L. C. Saowdea on Suaday. SOLINA Mr. Jack Baker is again assist- îng la an official capacitY at the Royal Wiatcr Fair la Toronto. About 25 Womnen's Institute members went by bus to Toronto last week and atteaded the pro- vincial convention. Messrs. Bill Westlake and Deb Vice lcft this week for a trip ta Victoria. B.C. Mr, Bruce Tink is exhibitiag Holsteins at the Royal Winter Fair. No Church or Suaday Sehool service here next Sunday on nc- count of Hampton anniversary. The Women's Institute met at the Church Monday and quilted four quilts. Mrs. S. E. Werry is xisiting hec sister, Mrs. Harry Grooms, Tor- onto. Miss Muriel Laagmnaid, Peter- bora, was at home. Miss Mabel Harris, Whitby, has returnpd ta spead sanie tume with ber brothe~r and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris. Mr. Ralpb Davis is on his an- aLiual deer hunt. Misses Irene Bragg and Eileen Couclh. Toronto; Dr. anc Mcs. Narman Allia, Mrs. Seward Dow- son, Mca. How'ard Couch. Bow- manville, w'ece visitors at Mr. Jack Bakersý. Ia place of thc regular Novem- ber meeting, the Home and School Club will hold a card party a' the Sehool Wedaesday, Nov. 23rd. Mr. aad Mca. Stanley Cowling and Lavonne, Oshawa, at S. Hock- aday's. The name of sugar in modern Etiropean languages is derived f romi the Sanscrit "sarkara". ,neaniag gravel. il i. "Say Goodbye to Backache"'l -SAYS GRANDMAý Backache is a miser that strikes ma ny women in middleJiie. But if you couid see Mir,. W. IL. of Welland, Ont.,I a grandmot her weIl past 60, m-orkin i her neat littie home, day aft er Xav,1 yUt would really appreciate how much Dr. ChaseetKidney,-Liver PUis can do to relieve backache! That's beraust' this timt--proven Dr. iChase rtnîtedv, for backache treats two I cond itions aét c- , s pecial renedial ingred(ie-nt s for boitih the kid- ney and liver di.nirdî'ýrs which ofir cause backache. So dont suifer with painful joints and backache-trv his reliable remnedy proveti hy over hialf-a- centurv'S use- Dr. Chases Kidney- Liver PiIIs. At ail drug counters. le -U.N. Drafts Trciai Convention Tackling world road traffic problems, a U.N. driving permit which would be honored evcry- conference has agreed on an international road where. The above exhibit of driving permits traffic convention whieh eventualiy would help jssurd by 40 coujntries shows the necessity of inotorsts in ail covntries. The convention suvr- rei-T;1'7on- form of'r£, a'ifl greatcr gest.s the adoption of a simpliled international uniiormity in dfiîviîîg permit. requirements. NEWT ON VILLE Miss Alice Nesbt?, Toronto, was ho m. e. Sorry ta hear Mrs. John Barrie s on the sick list. Mrs. Jas. Stone, who underwent an operation in Oshawa haspital s umproving. Mrs. Leîîshaer, Niagara Falls, is visiting hec sister, Mrs. John Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savcry, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of MIr. and Mrs. Cleîand Lane. Mrs. Peter Laing, Oron% it Miss Isobel Laing. ,wt Several ladies attended the Ia- stitute Convention in Toronto. While thece a group visited Mcs. Hamnmond Brown who has been a patient in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for two ycars. Mr' and Mrs. Cephas Meader and Mc. Leonard Haywood, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marris. Mrs. Sami Smith is under the Doctoc's care. Messrs. Cecil Burley, Don Vin- kle, Elsw-octh Caswell and Stan- ley Powell are aw-ay dccc hunt- ing. Mr. WiIlis Jones and a group froni Warkworth are also away on the same mission. Our anniversary services, con- ducted by Rex'. A. E. Eustace, Or. oaa, assisted in the afternaon by Bey. Mr. Buat, were a great suc- cess. Special music was providcc by aur own chair assisted by Mr. Swaî-hrick, Kendal, and Mr. Dyer, Newcastle. la the evening. Mrs. Ro5s Hallowvell accompanied at the argan and Mcs. Gilmer at the piano. The front of the churcl w'as baaked with a profusion of pink, white, yellow and bronze 1 omrs tastefu]ly acraagcd. In the aftccaooa Bey. Etistace tool for bis thème "The Back Seai Driveor," infccriag in a clever and easily uaderstandablc wa>ý, thai ton often we are aIl prone ta usE the sanie tactics ia aur attitudeF toward the Christian way of life Twýo enjoy' able antherns were pre- sented bv tbe choir. Mrs. Melvili( Joaes taking the solo part in hei usual ple.isiag manner. Ia th( eveaing, with a capacity ccawd the text chosen by Mr. Eustac( Iwqs simp]y 'Saved"' and the mes. sage derix-ed froni it, was anc that will rernain w'ith us for sorc time. Tv.,o junior members, Fa( yJonpes aad Jini Gilmer, gave pleqsiag rendition of the due 'IovPalaces" aad last but no 1least, the solo "By Galilce" suný -with great feeling hy Mr. Dyer always a fav'ourite hece. Trul, tthose nat able ta attend thesi 1services mnissed a great treat. Newtonville F*rm Forum Ncxvtanxille Fanm Forum me at Mc. and Mrs. Hacry Wade' with ail atteadance of 24. It w; decided ta invite Newcastle Far uni Io join with us la Revieý ilight la the Town Hall, Newton ville. Moaday, Nov. 21, at 8:3 Questions were discussed: Is Shoiîld town and fanm people ge together for recreational Purpose? C flMTT Yes, towa and farm people should JJ'U~ get together for recreation and - in doing so would make a botter The Farm Forum was held at understanding. 2nd. If you ,verc Mr, and M.Vrs. Clarke Williams, planning a well balanced recrea- witb 20 pr2scnt. Thcy had a goad tional program for your commun- discuson on why the city and ity what would you include? Use counilîrv people should be able ta community centres and parks for i undcrstand ane another better. sports of ail kinds, the former foir The next meeting is review night wiater activities including bowl- and Cadmus, Velvertan and ing alicys and dances, ec. Thc Blackstock groups aIl meet at hostess served a dainty lunch. Blackstock. After the discussion luinch was served and the evening 1VT'IOkTwas spent in dancing. Everyone HJI.I.JUI enjoyed tlieniselves x-ery much vtbthe ncw callcr-aff, Mrs. W.A. was held at Mr,; Don Clarke Williams. Music was sup- Cameron's on Thursday. The de- plicd bY Miss Phvllis Williams at votional was talken bý- Rev. A. piano and Clarke Williams and E. Cressweli. Rev. Cresswell pre- Ilermani Watson with violin and sided aver the election of offîcer. gitar. for next year, which are: pîresi- M.adMr,-m Ace n dent. Mrs. Cecil Slemon; vice- Donald, Janctville, with Mr. and president, Mrs. A. Reaci; secret- Mrs. Bob Vivian. ary, Mrs. J. Patts; Treastirci- Mrs. There %-as a shower ia Devitt's Chas. Garrard; Organist. Mrs. Hall for MVr. and Mrs. Gardon Cha. Grrrd:asistntorganissH ina tnee Eleanor Parkhurst), Miss W. Trewin and Mrs. A. Read; Oshawa. There was a very nice card committee, Mrs. H. Ashton; <rowýd. Tbcy gave theni a purse group convenars - Mrs. D. Carr. o monecv hich contained over -Mrs. D. Cameron, Mrs. R. Olesen sxy dollars. Lunch was served *and Mrs. L. Grahanm. It wvas'de- 'and the ex-cning was spent la cided to take a special collection odanc n wcomshIe Elc4he eto aext meeting ta help towardscflîkadwcocEanrnt Xmas Cheer; also an exchange of aur commi n it. gifts will be held. Rcadings we c adnsWA n ...m given by Mrs. J. H. Walker and at the home of Mrs. Hutton an Mrs. Chas. Garrard. Lunch was Nov. 15~. Yserved by Mrs. Leslie Grabiam's Mi-, andMrs. Loi-e McKee and -graup. farnily' attended the golden wed-_ i Congratulations taIo adMs in fbrprns Mr. and Mrs. *P. Fargett on the arrivaI of a son. Wrn. Hclnry. Fricla igbt at Pur- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grabarn, PIe Hill1. Mr. Roy J-Henry, Osbiawa *Mrs. Russell Crosszman. Mvlr H. ead lhe iddres, Master Donald tAshton, Mr. and Mcc. A. Rcad and He nr-, _Oshala ren-d a golden e Ina Beryl at Mr. R. J. Ashton's, X\cding pocm, Mr. Melville i Port Hope. Hcnry,'ccnted themn )f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrard wxith 'l bo-ely ci 'cIi-ic table iamp :e spent the weekend with relatives fro m thoir nihoî~ Mr. Sandv. n in Toronto. Moore wnschiaimani and called ýk Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton andi on semlfor spcrch'2s. The t famiîyv, Toronto at '.\r. Henry bride and grnoomnwoce their love- ýd Ashtaa's. Iv cocsagc _ý;precntcd ta theni hy t Leagîte will he heId Thîirsday Mr. nnd MArs. Leslie T'nompson, eevenirg ai the Public Schooî. Mis.- Tvrne. A bovca lnch was emv-n sJune Anderson, Culture Convenor 1n nldigatre-te*wcdn e. is in charge of the program. caike, Glad ta report that Mcs. Clar- Teeeig\a njydwt e ence Avery is îrnproving afteî dancing and plavniig cards. There r her operation. She is in the Dun- were gîîcsts fcon Enficld, T.yrone, e lop Building of the Toronto Gen- Maî cter, Oshawa and Nestle- d, oral Hospital. ton. e Mrs. John Lipta * hadl a goitre ogatlt onstaMr. and Mrq. Sremoved at Toronto Western Hos- 1, ewis Stinson ana th(, arrival ai it pital recently.1 a l1;i!gbter in Obw Hospital. e Mr. M. Bertrini with his parents a s'strr for i- ,rîI n. ac at Crow LkMr-. Don and Miss Joyce Larmor aLke t week-enid with their par- et Car'adian sugar administrator cntý. )t S. R. Noble bas been appointccd Mrs,.Oscar McQuadle is; return- g chairman of a campaiga fa rai 'e iii'n borne afier visiting bier daugh- r, funds for construction of aad.- tMr, acs. Cour Kera y, ccci convalescent hospital for Mran .sCl:fc K rae secidren in Moatreal. epce home for the wintei ch - - fi-rn Fort William this weekend et I ~ ~ 46,000 Botties a s .. . Blood Collected r- By Red Cross ýw t1 More than 46,00() bottles c "' ,*. n st, ret1 Tiarnyard manure iç worth up to $5 a ton in increased crop yields. Get its full value hy spreading manure evenly with a sure-/ooled John Deere "W- Spreader. In Sood or hsd weather, the "Il" andies the higgest loads ef. ficiently and economnically... giving you maximum retumfls front every ton o( manure spread. Sce us for complete information. F. S. A LL ENI BOMAN VILLE Phone 594 44 Concession St. if the > ear, it was rc.pocted by H. -1. Lcratber, ebaimman of tbe Na- t onal Blood Donor Committee, atI he srni-annual meeting of the ioî¶sCentral CoLuncil. The prograin c<)mmcnceci operation la Oanaio],t manfh with the îpening of a suh-dcepat at Hamil- ton. As the opcration in thîs pro- vince stabilizcs-, the service will be execndcl ta other bospitals la the area. Bloari transfusion therapy, it was pointed ouf, sbortens the perjod of bospîtalization tbus in- crcising hospita I capacity* . - 1t i S interc,4în;g ta note.' stated Mr. Leather. "the increa ' cd us(e of ibhis frierapy in thie United King- wbcre use(, of blond tranisfu- sion is now forty fîmnes as great as hefore the wac. More blond was îîsenl la hozpitals in England and Wales last year than la 1944, the peak year of the xa. The Rcd Cmoýs Rh aife-natal in%-esi;giatin service w;Is ane grccýitly appreciateri b1 the medi- cal profe' z' ion, as evirdenced by increased use of tests. and the nUmber of reqîle-ts From pbvýsîc- ýin: for conFiiîtîxc a<ice froni Rctd C ro.-Smc l offîî crs. Red Cross bas bloori gzrolîped and Rh fvped large nîîmbrs from, the Amnicci Services perFonnel. Ia 1949, avec 6.5.000)Rh tes, ts were condîictcd. Bîood T'IranlSfus.cion' Service ha; already meant an un- told svî of life and redcdîion of .osi of ho- pifa I tare ta thoui- s anni; of peuple Ill over Canada.', ,Mr. Lcalbcc stafcd. The bends ta tbe breeze, wh lIe tbc- slui d' nak, wi tb form ;an'i i cli n3ior t ixp1. rat he turnado,.Mary Baker Eddy. THUBDAYNOV. 1'th, 1049 A1 Mi an lei Fi be in de w el DON'T PUT IT OFF!!a Soon Il wlll be December and the end of the year- the time when a large number of our subcribers are due to re-new their subscrlptions to The Canadian Statesman for another 52 weeks. So as not te miss a single copy, we suggest coming ln or sending ln your renewal now to avold the last minute rush and the posslity of forgettlng durlng the Joyous Festive Season. As you know ail subseriptions must be pald-in- advance, accordlng to the Audit Bureau of Circulations regu- lations. so we are prlnting this frlendly reminder now before the Christmas rush really starts. There is no increase ln subscription rates, you stili get a year's subseription for $2.50 ($3.00 ln the U.S.A.) and a half year's for $1.50. Clip and use titis coupon for your renewal or for a, GIft Subseription. To Thic Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ontario. Pîcase flnd enelosed $~ ~---for ~ ya' subscription to The Canadian Statesman. Address - ----- - - ---- 1 mould also like a tlft subucription to The Can- akdian Statesman along wlth a glft card for wh" 1 m ---------- ---------- 4ddress Subsertip 1 Year 52.50 Pleasei tion Rates to The Canadian Statesman include cy4hange if paying by cheque CHESTERFIELDS AND BUGS EXPÉRTLY CLEANED 3 - Day Service We wiii cal! and examine your furniture or rugs, under no obligation. NUWAY CLEANERS I 1Listen to ..*.. The Bowmanville Show a programme of music designed f or the busy housewif e. Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 ta 10 a.m. D.S.T. Over Radlio Station CKDO. S(1240 ON YOUR DIAL) Sponsored by:- HIGGON ELECTRIC and THE CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM I 'I.. t- t'ITflhTCarloS Tamnblyri; baritone solos b% KiLL& N À LGlen AllUn and piano solos b? Joyce Low. Mrs. D.arlington and Miss Mary Taylor and Mr. Robt. Bill were escorted .to the plat;. lexander with Mr. and I.S. fatm by Milt Robinson, and Gar'1 lake Alexander. land Cathcart read the addres& Mr. Alec Little, Toronto, with Phyllis Jackson and Kathlee4 [rS. Neva Little. Geach, in their flowing gowns, Mrs. T. Hilditch spent a few preserited the beautiful gifts, a lys in Toronto. five strand necklace of pearls. Miss Violet Mercer with Mrs. black purse and kid gloves to W. Mercer and Grace. Mrs. Darlington and a Masonia Sunday guests with Mr. and ring and electric shaver to Bil. Urs. Gea. Mercer were Mr. and A cup and saucer was hater pro. Irs. C. Elsey and Carol, Os hawa, sented Mrs. Darlingtofl from the ind Mr. and Mrs. Martin and El- W.A. Mrs. Darlington and Bill een, Toronto, very fittingly replied with Bill Mr. John Bailey was in Delhi also wondering if he should be Friday regarding sale of his te.. guided by Harper Carscadden to, acco. bachelorhood or by Lawrence Mr. R. Wilson with Mrs. Mavin Greenwood toward matrimony. in Bowmanville. After numerous Speeches re- Girls Rainbow Club met Tues- freshnients were served and the .ay evening at Miss Hilda Beh' rest of the evening was spent in with perfect attendance. "' dancing to music supplied by Jos Matiellan Dik artn-Mrs. H. Lowery at the piano. Jos Matinhi nd ickMarin-Messrs. Ive. Little and Charlie il were hunting at Tory Hill. Cooper, on violins and Stan and Don Vincle and neice visited HlnHyo h utrwt /Irs. Percy Burley. HlnHyo h utrwt Wm. Mercer, Reg. Elliott and Bijly Rutherford calling off the WV. Darlington have gone deer square darices. In ahi it was a hunting. It is hoped no one very pleasant evening toi remcm- hinks this locality is open for ber. leer hunting anS molesta theones cen around here this faîl. The chemical industry in Can- A large number of friends and ada values its annual product at neighbours of Mrs. A. G. Dar- more than $500,000,000 and em- lington and Bill gathered in Ken- ploys about 60.000 persans in al- ial Orange Hall Friday evening most 1,000 chemical plants across ta express regret on their depar- the country. ture and bcst wishes for their Chue, the Pacific coastal curý- future. try of South America whose Mr. Neil Stewart capably filled length la 25 times its width, hai the hair and introduced the ar- a climate varying from semi4, tists who put on a very pleasing tropical in the north, thraugh prgram. The program consisted temperate-zane conditions in iti of sing-sangs, with Mr. Stewart icentre, to Antarctic cold in thhè at the piano; trumpet solos by south. __________ *~ r S KI1N BLEMISHES Help clear vour skln this easy way, and sec what a big Improvement It can make in your appearance. "Doff for ihe Skin" lç a greaseless, invisible pre- paration that may he used any time convenient as an effective relief for skin af- fections. * Discreetly covers the blemish. # Splendid for after shave rashi. # Soothes. and stops the Itchlnz In a few minutes, then -larts to m-ork im- -mediatelv helping tb clear and heal your qkin, and make It softer, whiter and smoother. *An effective relief for Impetigo. pimpies. ecz- Pma, psoriasis, and such distressfui skln biemishes. * Leaves the qkin with that healthy clean appearane admired by ail. I'sed successfully for over 15 years. Distributed by D.O. SALES, (Reg.), Guelph, Ont. Sold BY:- Jury & Lovel Phone 778 Bowmanville ----------- 1 Sender sent te Half Year $1.39 0 (93.00 in U.S.A.) of 'ri ý - PHONE 4803 OSHAWA 174 MARY STREET -i t 1' '4' r!' i i --- - -- ----- 1 --------------- - - ----------- $5.55 pr.

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