Bowmanvile has always.been forbunate in having mon and 1 since retired from the Board. Th, women of.visionUanduuracion.lV. A.ieMcpregor,.E.RL.rOliver anc womcn cf vision nnd nr2on pt boards of Ed;.u~ .. ,,, -catio . . - - ,E L lve n Ladies' ýHa'd ýit not lbeeénlso, the new Ontario Street Publie Sehool woulId of the Board were present. for thi X neither have been proposed nor completed. During his opening tunate]y Mr. W. . Rundie, the Cc ,D~ '%~. ,.,j remarks, Board Chairman Dr. J. C. Devitt paiçl speciai tribute to before this picture was taken. T .LJrusI, LIUmI aflu A the work of the Building Committee appointed in 1945 tb undertakecto nlds rî ett ih g, the project. * The late W. L. Paterson who dieçi in 1949 was an J. C. Devitt, chairman; Mrs. W. A Mîrror Sets !active member of that committee, as was -A. M. Hardy, who has Forguson and Secretary-Trea-surer N3 al Bristled Brushes 3irig. Charues Carter Sr. extended Bevelled Glss Mirrors the appreciation of both Clubs C tz n x r s utfa l rd ~u~rn unnr for the stirring and challenging ~~595 ~~~address which. Mr. Fisher had m n p c n a i 9,. - ~ ~ - ~ A ye. Fisher proved that his in- - t e t S h o 9terest in Canada and her progressOp n g Ce e o s bee of $50 to the Bowmanvilie Canadian Clubs to be added to Baigahwigwn n etngcpct fnal 10 the pifi own MmralHsblindîng snow-storm, hundreds of Leavîng -the gymnasiuiiw 'FRUI parents and friends met at the hum 10o the right f0 i apect the ~Yuex ets $1.150-$ Ontario Street School for the of- compact lihtle kthen t hi RevIon Sets $14$250-$2.95 0NO ,S A T f ficially Opened ficial openîng on Monday after- cheery yellow xvalls an~d peari Eveîngin ars ______noon. During the aftemnoon and groy trim. Ample cupboard space Ladnies Setas evening the visifors were give-ui oict the kithen uhens is and $1.0-$ 5 $275 3 0 $ 50 ~ n r I(Continued from Page One) the privilege of înspecting the dozens' of gay floral uecorated Landie tis' Sewetor as rasie beautîful new building . If was cups and saucc s. ~hadraPerume asman fhnk.1h as eenun-the common opinion that tremend- Back to the bricked main corri- $1.50- ra- - -" F i mn es s ýA ercses cruythinv o t h eepart- 005strides have boon taken in dor we go again, to stop off ah thet Shandra ologne t ment of Educafion for some time,thpahfw ersnprvdg principal's olfice painted in shaclos an efeel that it is a change ntol uhbeacmdto of grey. This neat and tidy roorn $2.0 -$2.0 -$3.0 ~ fl 4FtuITAT ortebte.lh upf oi-fo the children, but in providing equipped vhit bookcases and I SLT" or elbe ry s hl o Hih Scool hhem wifh the finesh in modern cuLpboards is a farcry from one ~ Yardey Lous $150-S250 ~ h as been too large and manydeis10adhe interpo or two stulfy, dingy and iîsually Yardiy Lots - $.50-$.505d children ind it too difficulf to limircary education. messy principai's offices we have Yardey Lvendmeal$1.7 adjust themselves to the new Would you like to corne wihh us timioly entered.c E Nde 0 type of building, new teachers pow as we hry fo take you on an Across the hallway is the nurse*sb fl r ~~~~~h-~~~F-~~- ~~ and an entirelydfeetcurric-iaiaytu hog h ul room, also in sof t shades of guey, S_!ats . $1.25-$3.00 L ulum. Under the new systemn ing? complote wîth a coniortablo green t grade 9 will be in sequence 10 As we enter the North-wesh leather coucch. Hidden srom the Coone 1~ .25-$1.95-$3.00 5 9 'znZa grade 8,' ho said. door of the one-sfory brick ccli- oye is the cupboard xvîth the usual A Education should be but a pre- fice, bo the right we notice thc medical eqlîîpment. If is such a Sparafion for the education they large gymnasium. ploasant room it might eveni be wili receive when they leave The walls of brick should have fun ho be sick. M en's Sets school. 1h should cuitivabe the a strong resistance ho gnimy ing- Nexh door bo those IsO' -0 GETAHAD Woohu-~', ac$1194.4 ~mental faculfies so that the child- or prints: the floor, as all others il, the cosy teacherýs' sctfing roon]. GET HEA IV,,duryý, 6,.$.19Sl.5 4ren may tackle life's probiems, in the building. is covered with arc easy -chairs whcre, in their WIH Palunolive - --- 95c-SI.85 g and if should bring ouf in each hard-wearing rubber ile. Wlcid e quent spaie moments, the BRYLCREEM Coigate S1.75 ~individual child the hidden tai- windows onte wesf wall givestfmarea.hwodbepa- Caad'. Ayonses 9-79e g ents which are awaihing devel- plenby of light and the room 1b ant f0 linger bore a whiie, but Cociargst-ellg yardlets------- 9, opmenf. Mr. Porter fhought thaf sound-proof. Included in the there are Six ciassroomis awaiting hairgdesslng gIve dley g3 chiolîdren in a ciass couid be div- new equipmenf are tubular shool oui inspection, and we must hair a smart weII- îded mb tb ree different groups.schais awdfh comfornda crpian. ridon. graomed look, The first, ncludes those who aresasanibcsadapao Each roorn xcept the k1n, r a naturl SpCcIlît a the tp iof the class, and who which aiso make the gymnasium gatni iua rsinto glemig kfr. ighcr $30Os375-$5.00 usually turn ouh ho be "weli-paid a splendid auditorium with a of the wails arc pearl grcy, with Shaiîm j~profossors." Thon there is the onp wali n- a siahogcesao BCHL OT ruH'Shes. 3cS .0 aemg gou, re evemy chi]d seiathanks to the Board of 'Wîde Windows along the enhire Brusles 7c-S650 has to work bard. and in the end Education who have worked s0 lengf h of the ioom allow Plenty ~~A.OLHO.OTRH Remington Electrie 29_ probably gefs much more Out Of I ard for many monfhs, and whose of natural lighh bo keep the roorn Itazors ---- 19.95-$23-95 is educafion. They become the oniy eward would be thaf fhcy brighf. On duli wintor days such luiiig poheo isicinteledr ave rendered a public service, as those, the indirect lighhîng and Bni 6e-i00$125~in our communihies. and they are At the conclusion of bis addmess speciai chailk board spot lights HANY TBE...29, 4 (,lltte -.the ratepayers. The iast grotip Mm. Porter eut fhe xido white rnb- roake reacling easy for- flic young- RazoUBErs9 49429-3.79-5.oo contains the cbildmen who are bon whith sfretched acrosflie sters. The !ight groeen chalk-boards Razors ah the boftom of the ciass. Some front of the gymnasium, and de- -we can'f rail theni blackboarck, ------ of bhem may land in jail, some clared the school officialîx' NIpel. ally more-are also sperially de- WAEMï mav 0e millionaires and ofhers- Dr. J. C. Deviff, the 'kindly sugned ho case eyc-straiuî. At the WATERAN 2poiiticiais. Occasionally you may chairman of hhe Bowmanville back of the roorn are but-ii î4 fcnd al bhree in one oersonalit.v. Board of Educafion, was chair- ocekers and shelvos lfor the ch i- P en and PniVOMiefNSr. Porter stahed that ho hoped mani of ftie program and imîfro- di-eucs overroats and books,, aind MEN AD %OMENthe ne\v school svshem would in- duced Major the Rev. John Foote, ah one side of' tho rear wall us a -- ee oe flexibiiby, and thaf the V.C., M.L.A., who in tom pro- sihik and cuilt in work tablc. The $5.95 - $8.80 - $9,50 \~~~ ~' ~ ît need of the individual would be sented the speaker asbin n latrspitciiabrhto- $5.9 - $.80 - $950 considered ho a greaher extenf of fhe mosh disfinguished mon in frasting color tfli saîîîe as the fban ever befome. One fhing he fhe Legisiature. dloor. Movable dcsks and chairs $13.75 - $14.50 was cerfain of, thore wouid be Folhoxing the Minister of un polished blonde wood roni- more responsibility placed upon Educations address, Rev. S. R. photo bbe equipnnmt. c the tcaching staff and upon the Henderson offemed a dedicafory The kîndcrgartmi is any rhild's Slcal Board of Educafion in the prayer. A pleasanf interlude in par;îcisie, andl jrs stuated ah flic1 decuscons thaf would be made the program was a brio of songs extrome nrth cash cnd of thi concemning courses of shudy and sung by fhe Ontario Street School biuiodinig. Winidowsfr mii the morth -C O W L IqNbonFd'S '0 choir uodr the direction of the and cash wvalls ci Ibis mcciiamnd text boo s. s S per iso Of M usi, M . R. G . displby boards and a puct-sizcd 695 D U TO E TUSE essemt rath fe a someahing Brief messages of greetiuigs walls. This :0om too lias ticuy cup- ~ ~ thafis aliv and vitl."-He avewere exfendod bv Mayor L. .board sfoth ctecohigf -. -. Mason, Mr. 'r. R. McE\vcn. Iin-i the littHo folk, and cîbove thcmn arc ---- p c f Public Sebools: JohnuOii'siiv pcd\thuî- B. Parkin, Toronto, the archibect; reds of shoots cf brightiy colorco a i tH. M. Brooks, contrachor cf the PaPcr i- e~d ici the. kirudeugartomi mU~~ua. building, and John M. James, program. Fîiriishings iîld fiM.P. for Durham. Each cf thern piano, whirh us a neressity in kici- nI y New om fo t th s W i ter remarked on the soiendid .c- dergarten work, and smal babies opemafion which had been givon and chairs for the five-year-olcls,. by te Prvinial epatmen cfWe ncticcd on the babies boxes ci 'with an Educafion, the Town Council, thehilunlpatd oenbos Board cf Edtîcation, bbc architec anîd 'boads cf varying sizes anc and the confuacfors, even ho the saewîc h hlmnpa vemviashlaboer.with-whatfuin ho be jush fivc! ae~k m e Bfh r. Mson nd m. Jmes We menticned before that ecd are native sons and ih was an ro vsfimdi ifmn espçcialhy happy occasion forcor.M.Tmnisiyelw - Miss K. Ard's in olive green; Miss r O TAB E E ECT IC ~ ~a frbhr sep or-G. McNaughhon's in beai bloc;- PORT BLE ELEC RICward in the progress cf their Miss M. Purdon's in turquoise; HUMIDIFIER Immunity. Ms .Smons' in a deep royal ý,k 1 Thefinal speaker was the blue amîd the kindergarten, wifh Vreshwaterwashedair flling Principal cf the Public Sehools,,,/,.E lreadMs .Wd Fres, 'ate-wahedair. .- fIIlg AMr. A. M. Thompson, xvho intro- r rs.E Cicarkead iss H. ed-i y'our office, home, or schoolroom -.- ducedi the staff of the new schooi li n hage i timedi relieving tlhe dry dlscomfort of head as foilows: T. S. Turner, vce- mr eaue colds and addîng so rnuch to the PrniaGaesVadV;Ms whirh we have undoubtediv miss- corf:rt of indoor living! Il anb G. MéNaughton, Grades II and ed, overw have seen enough- yuswith a humidifier. III; Miss M. Purdon, Grade Il; Devuff's dlaim thaf Bownîanvillc No prmaentinsallaionreqire; ~Mrs. M. Svmons, Grade I: Mrs. E. mow possosses the finesf, mosh No ermnen Intalatin rquied; Clarke, Kindergai'ten; Miss H. up-to-date scbool in Onthario. simply plug int any base outlet. Can Weddeil, Kindergarfen; R. G. _________ be easlly moved n Harle, Music Supervisor. Mr. 'e other three members inciuded, Id Dr. H. Ferguson. Ail members he opening ceremonies but, unfor- ounty Representative, had to leave rhe balance of the Board of Edu- tE. L. Oliver, C. D. Hodgson, Dr. lClarke, D. A. McGregor, Dr. H. rS. R. James. are: Superintendent, Bruce Tay- lor; assistant supt., Wesley Wer- ry; treasurer, Rae Pascoe; secre - tary, Murray Vice; assistant sec'y.. Don Pascoe. The Y.P.U. held a crokinole party Monday evening with Mrs. t-orcaon Leask and Harvey Yel- lowlees' 'Wîninijg awards for high scores and Jean Crydermnan and -1wuy i1danis receiving consolation prizcs. '.he community Christmas con- cert dates are-Solina Sehool, Dec. 141h; Sunday Schooi, Dec. 16th; Bradiey's School, Dec. 2lst; Baker's School, Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mc-. alnd ivirs. 1Lverett Cryderman witlî Mrs. Florence Pearce, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yeiiowlees, H-arold and Murray, at Mr. Mur- ton Waltcr's, Maxweil's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at J. E. H. Davis', Oshawa. The children and grandchjidren of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake gathered at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Nelson Fice, Tauni- ton, to celebrate Mr. Westiake's and Marilyn Fice 's birthday anni- versaries. IN THE VALLEY Hie lhat is down needs fear no fall, He th1i is lov, no pi-ide: -le thut is humble ever shial Have God to ho his guide. Iai]' conlient with what 1 have, Little be it or much: And, Lori, contentment stili 1 cra ve Because thou savest such. Fulnless tu such a burden is That go on pilgrimage; Hore littho, and hereafter bliss, Ir bort from age to age. Buyers' Market is Here I1I MARTSISSON IS READY 1946 FORD '/2-Ton PICIK-UP - Was $995 1941 Speri"il DeLuxe PLYMOUTH SEDAN -A '0 One owvner since new, truly an- exceptional buy. ..... 94 mD Was $1,050. REDUCED TO---------- 1939 DODGE COUPE - Was $745 Smnooth motor, Deluxe Model. 1937 CHEVROLET DE LUXE COACH - Was ~~$745.s Cican inside and out. REDUCED TO ----- 6 l5 1937 FORD COACH - Buy It and weep! AS IS 1135 DODGE SEDAN - Was $545 Good motor, tidy appearanee. REDUCED TO -- -- PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN SOWMANVILL E. ONTARIO Canadian Club CContinued tram Page One) Britain impresses us with its flmatly clipped hedges, and France wlth its charm and romance Denmark takes care of its re- ïources and Sweden has an in- tense hatred of waste-and ail of them work together to produce a co-operative way of if e. The great fareign element in our land has been refused admission Into aur wvay of life, they have been unahie to contribute- from their great wealth of background. "Every time 'you create a woufdyou poke a hole of agita- tien which leads a way 10 Com- munism. Every lime you refuse le vote, or cheat your country, or mnock the Cburch another ccli cf demccracy dies", said Mr. Fish- er. "It what I arn doing good for Or cause? Wculd Christ do whatc I am doing?" these are questionç %ve shouid ail ask ourselves. Con- cluding, he declared "We necd a more Christian spirit! Let us soul democracy-and let us sel Canada" Mrs. H. Gibson. President cf the Women's Camadian Club intro- dmîced one cf tbc few Canadian wcrnen lawyers, Miss Apha Hedg- uns. who in tomn introduced the 'isir.guiished speaker cf the even- Hampton - Courtice Brotherhoods 1ear Weil over a Iiunîùred members of t he Hampton and Courtico United Cburch Circuit Brother- boods met ah Elclad Churcb coi Tucsday evening, December 6th te bear the well-known Durham authority *on soul conservation and reforestation, Ed Yougman cf Ponhypool. P1resident Bruce Hogamth anîd Secretary Arthur Paso cf Hlampton Circuit condurc 111ie business meeting and Rov. E. Linstead opened the meetinîg witlu prayer. Excellent enhorbainm-ent \vas provided by fhe Coortice Circuit undeu' the direction cf President Ted Fohey, whicb featured pianîo- forte solos by Leslie Coilacutf and h umomous readings by Howard FOle-y. The goest speaker, Ed Younig- man, xvas infroduceci byvWin. Ly- ceatt. Iu bis own iimitable wav Mm. Youngmaîî described tule lis- toric events cf Durham Coonby from the days of fhe U.E. Loyalist 10 this present genoraiomu. Wibh bis tîsuai enthusiasm be recounted The Board That Made The New School Possible evnig GAINADAY GLADMO Save you- * * TIME *WORK I * MONEY ~ tut your ironing time in half and take ai the ««lrk" out cf ironing wvork. *Patehted siceve-size roll makes ironing shirts a 4%j minute pleasure. *Single knee lever controls al ironing and pressing i operatioiî. Costs $50.00 to $100.00 Iess than any other floor-type Ironer. *Folds to store lu Vii feet square of closet space. CONE N - SE T - TRY OELF yPhone 573 Bowmanville 38 Kin gSt. E. V Open Evenings Until Christmas $11750,00 $22150 Sissos' Garage No. 35 Flighway 1 Mile South of Orono the fine work that has been dont and is now in progress under the sponsorship cf the Ontario Dept. cf Lands and Forests. Though great strides have been made un Durham Coointy in preventing lurther soil crosiom yet there is stihi a big job te be donc in soil icocservation and reforestation. Mm. Yooîîgman thoen introduced Io the audience the Dcpt. cf Lands and Forests Representative froin T'weed, C. W. Diii, who gave an imtresting story' of the splendid xvoik coing donc in curbing the Icrest w .,~hicb rob us cf sa mucb cf or naturai wealhh each yeur, he thon prescnted feur films whic irileait witb conservation, reforestation anîd f ire prevention. Two piano accordion selections by T. McGerth, Maple Grove, buroueht the evening's program to a close. Bruce Tink of Hampton Circuit rnovod a \'ote cf hhanks tb the speakers, te those who had con- tribnmbed tofticprcgram aund ho the Court ice Circuit Brctherhood. Geo. Atni... Courtice Circuih rep- resenbative, thankcd bhe Hamp- ton Brofherhood for the oppor- fomity cf meeting with blîem. A boontifol lunch was served te concloue the very pleasant I NEW LOW PRICES 1949 MONARCH SEDAN - New list $2,855$215o Built-iîu radio, air condltîoued, fog lights, etc. 1949 FORD DE LUXE - New lis! $2,068 C'ustom heaber, Prestone, ju'st iiccly rn in. Ail other cars reduced 10% <I ~ t 'J 1 v j kHRSA DEEBE-8.l 1 T H $896350 $67lw5O $225aOO