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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 10

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** ~ w... -- v. .~-. v ......a~ ~. c ~ ÂfUDAZ, .1.~ WE XI ~f Thé ewcasile Independen.É NMs Margaret Aih -Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MacDonald w&ere wédekend guests ai Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. M4r. and Mrs. J. B. Canner, Osh- aa, pent Sunday with Mr. and s. Jini Brant. Mns. Irene Dunlop and Mr. Pete (illian, Toronto, spent the weekend at the Gateway. Mrs. P. LeGresley bas lef t ta spent the winter with her sister Mrs.% C. G. Grubbe in Weston. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter and Bobby spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Miss Lairaine Lee and Messrs. Art Toms and Bud Bonathan spent the weekefld in town. Mrs. D. S. Milligan left last week ta spent the winter with Wher daughter Mrs. Isabelle Croft -i&i2pa, Florida. Meitnd Mrs. Daug Walton and Terry have moved to their new home in the former house owned by Mit, Tom Couch and naw awn- ed 'by Lloyd Hancock, Bowman- ville. Funeral service of John Sanda toak place at Needham, Ontario, on Dec. 3. He was born in New- castle in 1875, son of William Sanda, a pioneer blacksmith of Darlington Township. Jack was employed for marly years with il-TOWNSHIP of CLARKE Take Notice that the Court of Revision ~ will sit at 10 a.m. on December 101h, in the TOWNSHIP HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER ORONO E. MILLSON, Clemk, Township of Clarke. the Bell Telephone Co. until he was pensianed several years ago. He is survived 4,y his wife, the former Mary Bell, ane son Moody Sanda, with the Bell Ca., and three daughters, Adah, Mrs. Herring- ton; lrene, Mrs. Lamne Haylack, and Ella, Mrs. Chas. Frampton, ail ai London. W.A. New Officers Wamen's Association met Dec. 6. Pragram was in charge of Mrs. Penny Brown's group and was in keeping -with Christmas. Mrs. Fred Bowen presided for the de- votional period. 'The meeting opened with a vocal duet "Away in a Manger" with duet accam- paniment by Mesdames E. A. Cowan and H. Allin.- Mrs. Carveth read the scripture fallowed by the story of the First Christmas .Carol. Mrs. E. Coake offered prayer. Mrs. Percy Brown favour- ed with a vocal solo "In Old Ju- dea" and Mrs. H. Allin gave a reading "The Belis of Christmas". Mrs. Cowan, president, had charge of the business. ,Net pro- ceeds from the turkey dinner were $250 and from the bazaar $80. A Christmas cheer committee was appainted to send boxes ta shut-ins. Nominating committee presented the siate o! officers for the coming year. which was ac- cepted. A dainty lunch. o! chicken patties and tarts was served by members o! Mrs. Brown's group. Officers for 1950 are-Past President-Mrs. Harold Tom§; President-Mrs. C. A. Cowan; lst vice-Mrs. Herb Toms; 2nd vice- Mrs. H. Allun; Rec. Se'y.-Miss Ruth Hancock; Cor. Se'y.-Mrs. -Cecil Ferguson; Treasurer-Mrs. E. Fisher; Flower Comm.- Mesdames H. Toms, Cecil Fer- G, MOFFATT - DELIER ED - 39 Elgin St. Phone 432j BOWMANVILLE Martyn Bowling Academy Donated by Manager TURKEY, GOOSEI CHICKEN., ROLL. - NO ENTRY FEE -I .Ist Prize ----- ------------ TRIEY I d Prize ------------------------ GOOSE 3rd Prize ------------------- CHICKEN - OPEN BOWLING TO ALL - Any 3 Conseeutive Gaines Bowled on Saine DayJ à..ague Games Don't Count - Open AIIey's Every Night Bwl as often as you like to wln one af the prizes. ENDING DECE E 4TH - 10 O'CLOCK COURTICE i The Christmas concert-o! No. 4 Mission Band opened with a bymn and repeating the Lomd's Vrayer. The womship service open- ed with quiet music with . Mrs. Lloyd Down at the piano and carmied out by six of th'e juniors. Offering was taken and dedicated. The following program was given: Star exercise and sang; a tria by the senior girls; Recitation by Theo Veenhof!; chorus by the juniors; a temperance exercise by fiechildren; a story by Mr. Lloyd Down. Mms. Russell Gay, W.M.S. President, gave a short talk ta the childmen. Fruit and candy were served and a social time enjayed together. Present- 47 visitors and 27 members. December meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Hock- in, Bowmanville, wîth 25 in at- tendance. Devotional period. was in charge of Mrs. Lloyd Cou-tice. Mrs. Courtice gave an address on the hymn. The scmipture read- ing was given by Mrs. Herb Nich- ais and president Ms. Alec Muir closed with a prayer and hymn. "Hark -the Herald Angels Sing", was sung. Program includeci piano solo by Patsy Hockin. Christmas stomy o! the "Legend o! the Black Madonna" was read by Valma Gay. Piamço solo by blorothy Hockin; piano solo by Mrs. Will Wade. This period wvas closed by singing "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear". The ex- change o! gifts took place after which refreshments were served and a pleasant time spent ta- gether. Followîng are the new officers for 1950: Pres.-Mrs. Clarence Hockin; lst Vice-Mrs. Archie Muir Jr.; Sec'y.-Mrs. H. Beckstead; Treas.-Mrs. Harmy Gay. 1C-ourtice Women's W.A, Bazaai 1Ix ville Mlemorial Arena eterboro OHA. Seniors With Junior West of Orono, Centering One 1% of the Peterboro Lines. Vsy like Oshorne's Ipip'ls Intermediate O.U.A. Both Tecams are Leading in Their Respective t1eagues and so f ar have been Undefeated. *8:30 P.M FIDAY,1 DECEMBER 16 ADMISSION ADULTS -50o CHILDEEN 25c guson, Percy Brown, Miss 0. War- ren; Parsonage Comm.-Mes- dames. W. Rickard, E. Cooke, P. Hare, H. Toms, H. Jose, C. A. Cawan; Kitchen Comm.-Mes- dames Ceeul Ferguson,« A. Glen- ney, H. Brown and Miss O. War- ren; Press Sec'y.-Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Jnspiring Concert Under Auspices of Lions Club Thumsday evening the citizens ai Newcastle were treated td a su- perb musical concert. The Coin- modores of Toronto wete guests af Newcâstle Lions Club in a free concert to the citizens. It is too bad there were nat mare people present ta hear this fii4e concert. Basso Donald Par- ish acted as spakesman for the gmoup and intmoduced the other members ai the group as Baritone -John Ilingham, lst Tenor-Har- vey Reddick and 2nd Tenor-Carl Tapscott. The music was not only pieasing ta the ear but soothîng and re- freshing for those wbo enjoy gaod music. No ane's tastes were ne- glected. The programme was ar- ranged and varied so as ta please the most critical person. The Lions Club are ta be com- mended on intmoducing such fine music ta this vicinity. Many people, who trade a point of turn- ing out, realized the advantage of this concert, while those that stayed home were content ta re- main in sombre shadows of their lîttie world. . The Lions Club wetit ta a lot af trouble to secure this singing group and were certainly reward- ed by the appreciation shown by the audience. It is boped the next time they undertake a similar concert (and we certainly hope they do) their efforts will be more successful and the appreciation o! the audi- ence shown by a better turn-out. Sunday Sehoal had an attend- ance o! 27. It was decided ta hold a White Gift Service next Sunday. At the church senvice Dr. Oke spoke about the lite that was de- manded by Christ ihat some people didn t follow. Farr Forum was held at Mr. and Mrs, Harold Reeve's with about 18 present. A euchre party was held at Mm. - and Mrs. Richard Best's with 5 tables. Women's high prize was won by Mrs. Wm. Payne and men's high prize by Maurice O'Neill. Mrs. George Brooking and Mm. Norman Booking, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Brook- ing.' ' D)ue to the condition of the roads only 12 young people at- tended the Young Peoples Union meeting. Jim Caswell o! Zion took the missionary topic. Mrs. G. B. Odlum, Cleveland, Tenn., and Mrs. T. Odlum, Port Hope, spent Monday with Mm. and Mms. C. Payne. Misses Margaret, Helen and Laura Binsted attended the sup- per for the girls o! Cie Newton- ville Basebail team , at Newton- ville, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best at- tendied the funeral o! their cousin Mrs. Herb Best at Omono on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longyear and family and Mr. Alec Kelly, Elizabethville, with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thomndyke. Misses Jean Duff and Pauline Peters, Murray and Howard Payne attended the Holstein Banquet at -Newcastle Thursday evening. Miss Bemniece Best spent Mon- day afternoon with Mms. Edgar Barrowclough. Carol Thorndyee spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. Payne. rCountry Couples Club Enjo'y Talk On Floral Displays Christmas carols under the cap- able leadership of Lloyd and Jileen Down opened the meeting o! Coumtice Country Couples Club. A short business session was held when a nominating commit- tee was selected ta elect officers for the coming yeam. A party for the children was planned to be held in Ebenezer an Fiday, Dec. 16 from 7-9 p.m., Devotional period commenced with a hymn, followed by a story "'This is Why The Chimes Rang" read by Leona Milîs. A solo 'What Christmas Means To Me" was beautifully sung by Jean Summersford. Program sponsors-Leona and Cecil Milîs, Clarence and Eva Hockin, Wallace and Jean Me- Knight, had an interesting even- ing planned for the couples. Clarence l{ockin read a comical and true ta life poem aon "Teach- ing Them How ta Drive". Mm. M. Atkins from the Atkins Florist Shop, Bowmanville, in- troduced by Clarence Hockin, as a very busy man. but as a laver a! his work who was always will- ing and ready ta give bis timit and eflorts ta the public, was guest speaker. He gave an artistic and colourful demonstration on flow. er arrangement. Using varied flowers, greens, etc., pointers on haw ta make a lot of very little weme eceived, and how ta achieve baose, effective, bouquets with flowers seen from ail sides. Many original and inexpensive adgas were given on Christmas table centres, using materials ta be found at home. An excellent and witty speaker, working with beau- tiful flowers, Mr. Atkins passed time much tao quickly for the couples. Many ladies present were com- plimented by receiving bis floral achievements. A questianaire followed with helpful hints given on the came and growth o! variaus plants and flawers. Carl Down expressed thanks on behaîf af the Couples for an interesting and enlightening evening that even the men en- joved. Babe Brown favoured with a piano solo, after wbich lunch waz served. was held on Dec. 7 at Courtice church with a good attendance and satisfactory returns. President Mrs. J. McKefizie called the gatheming ta arder and extended a welcome toalal, then mntroduced the following ladieg: Mrs. Clayton Lee, Oshawa, Mrs. Stevens, Maple Grave, Mrs. Cecil Faund, Eben- ezer, wbo officially opened the bazaar. Rev. Frank Yamdley also spoke a few words ai welcome. The many booths compmising home-made baking,- miscellanous, aprons, quilts, candy, country store. and childmen's boath. Aiter- noon"tea was served fmom nicely decorated tables. which was also a pleasing Meature. Lake Shore, Clarke Messrs. Rager and Keith Mel- low, Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardon-Martin and attended Newcastle High School Com- mencement. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Port Granby, visited Mr. and Mms. Bey Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding and family visited Mr. and Mms. W. H. Brown, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hagemman, Maple Grave, visited -Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred.' Miss K. Riches visited Mr%. W. Nichols, Part Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and family, Brampton, visited Mm. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mrs. Bill Laee spent aa few days in Tomonto. Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Brown and Jack visited Mm. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tymone. Mrs. Chas. Alldred visited hem uncle and aunt Mr. and Mms. A. a. Hotson at Simcoe. WESLLY VILLE Name- MA A. Osborne -------------- B . M ilne ----------------- B . B ates -------------- --- J. Gay -------------------- T. H oam ------------------ B. W estlake --------------- F. Williams ---------------- C. Rundle -------------------- R. Moses ----------------- J. Coole ------------ ----- R. Hearle ---------. --- -- T. Bagneli --------------- H. Depew.............---------- G. Elliott --------------- M . D ale .-.------------ --- K. Luxton -------------- R. M aynamd -------------- Dr. Siem on -------------- Aive. 224 218 217 214 213 213 212 210 210 209 208 207 206 205 203 203 202 202 s--f I. Milno's Teamn Wins Firsi Schedule In BowlingLeague The first schedule is over and Milne's team ended in fimst place with 49 points. This makes Milne's teani a contender for the Carter Family Traphy. The team will play the winnems iof the second schedule for this trophy. If Milne should agaîn win, the cup will be in their possession for one year. Bill Westlake won the high single prize with his score of 360 and also the high triple with 849. In the averages Al Osbomne won the prize finishing on - top witb an average o! 224 with Bruce Milné unner-up with 218. The playoffs for the fimst sched- ual start this week with Bates playing -Milne, Bob Williams plays Westlake and F. Williams playing Rundle. An official lîst o! avemages ap- pear in the paper so clip it out and see if you can improve your average in the second schedule. Final Standing Men's Major League Teams Points M ilne -------------------------- 49 W estlake ------------------ 47 R undie ----------------- -- 46 F. Williams ----- --------- - 44 B. Williams --------------- 42 Bates ----------------------------- 42 Osborne-------------------------41A Coole ------------- --------»----40 Oke -------------------------.----35 Cancilla------------------ 30 Luxton ------------- -------25 Piper -------------------------- 21 CALENDAR RECREATION SPORT NEWS T. Phillips 201 F. Blunt ____-201 M. Yourth ________201 D. Sweete 200 M. Oke---------- 200 R. Oe<e 199 B. Williams _____ 198 Dr. Rundle M.l~ R. Hailman ______-198 J. Callan _____-197 M. Vanstane 197 G. Piper --196 R. McKnight 196 R. Hayes -_____ .196 A. Spicer 196 A. Piper 195 D. Little 195 B. McFeeters 194 D. Carter ____194 L. McFeeters 194 B. Hearle 194 S. Woods --- ____194 D. Taylor --------192 H. C. Osborne ____ 191 E. Rundle 190 J. Knight 189 H. Halîman _____189 F. Cole - -- ___189 F. Samis 189 B. Mutton 189 HI-. Janzen 189 M. Harrison ~189 W. Polley ------188 'D. McKnight 187 A. Brooks ----- --------187 G. Clarke 186 T. Miller 185 R. Richards 185 J. Brough 185 B. Begley --185 T. Tice ------------------ -------185 R. Swindells 185 A. Anderson- ------185 N. O'Rourke 185 A. Bell --------- ~ 184 ,M. Tamblyn 184 L. Krichew 183 H. Palmer --- - ----------183 R. Fry -------178 F. Cancilla - - 178 B. Hayes --------177 D. Patfieid ------------------ 177 B. Shotter 176 C. Mutton - ---- -- ----176 D. Furey ----- --------175 R. Brock - -------------- ----- 174 R. Wright 174 G. Perfect 172 J. Cale ------ ----- 172 H. Bennett 171 B. Watt-....--------- -------- 171 M. Corson --------- ------167 E. Harnden ------ -----165 C. Oke------------------- -----163 B. Cale -------------------------- 160 At universities in Canada stu- dents in medicine and dentistmy have the highest average costs for a year's study; students in arts and pure science have the lowest costs. Thurs., Dec. 15-, 4 p.m.-Jr. Boys Bowling League--Martyn's Alcys 7:30 p.m. - Jr. BasketbaUl Pnactice-High School Gymn Fmi., Dec. 16- 4 p.m.-Jr. Girls Bowling League-Mamtyn's Alleys Wed., Dec. 21- Boys Gym Classes - High Sehool Gym 7 p.m.-Jrs., 11 years and under 8 p.m.-Srs., ovem Il years Thurs., Dec. 22- 4 p.m.-Jm. Boys Bowling League-Martyn'g Alleys 'w ;, - ~. '-<. .7 ,M Tm C AMAIAN.I R'A'I'MAI4. UflWMANZ!ffiW- n"MADWI In Need of Help? Most peo ple at the Christmas Season generally have difHiculty deciding what they should give variaus friends and relations on their Gif t Vst. If you are having this kind of dilHiculty we will be glad ta be of cissis tance. Just corne into the stores and tell us your par- ticular problem and then we will, make a suggestion es ta -what ta give. Fortunately in aur store we have>a large range of suitahie gifts, at reasonable prices, for ei'ery member of the family making j! quite easy to fi your Gif t List. Corne in to-day and see aur aelectioris of silver- ware, watches, costume jewellery, rings, china, glas». * ware, Iamps, dlocks, leather goods, smokers' accessoriea and Novelties. (Signed) Owner. HOOPER'S Jewellery and Gjif t Shop PHONE 747 BOWMANVILLE ' 28 KING ST. W. P.S.-WE ENGRAVE FREE 0F CHARGE ON OUR OWN MERCHANDISE. ~is 1 the First Time that an O.H.A. Senior Team hcs »Played in Bowmanmville. The Owl Br Bob Gallagher Christmas Party, On Thursday, Dec. 22, F1fth form. are having the annuel Christmnas party at B.H.S. Com- mittees have been iormed and a wanderful tume la.pramised to ail students. The program ain to start Thuraday aftemnoon followed by supper and a dance. It la flot known whether Santa will be there but 1 hear ly word of the grapevine that Sani the red- nosed reindeer will be present. Bowling League Naw that the girls have had a chance ta practice their bowling, it is the boys' turn. After the hol- idays it is hoped that a mixed league will be started. If you are interested in jaining this- league, be sure and be at the bowling alley on opening day. Exanis From Dec. 12 until Dec. 22 B.H.S. students are busy writing their annual Christmas exams. Thraughout the days that exams are wmitten a study room has been provided at the scbaol. VolleybaIl Champs Well, bouse league valleyball once mare cames ta a close -at B.H.S. This yeam Fifth Formr won the senior championship and Farm 2B defeated Form l1A ta win the junior laurels. The following is a list of the Fifth Form team: Captain-Bill H-olubenko. Ralph His, Pat Bowles, Jim Frank, Catherine Tucker, AI Lobb, Eleanor Crowe, Bernard Jones, Isabel Carter, Ken Crawford, Claire Allin, Don White, Frank Mohun. The following is a list of the .Junior Champions (Form 2B), D. Hickipi (Capt), M. Cooper, C. Hutchinson, G. Robson, L. Os- borne, P. Stephens, I. Reid, C. Tuerk, J. Staintpn, G. Ritter, G. Hermon, B. Leaek, B. Martyn. C. Wemmy. 1. Woolley, D. Murdoch. The Staiesman Sold At Following Stores Dyem's Dmug Store, Newcastle D. G. Waiton's. Newcastle WVilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F'. L. Byam, Tyrone ,G. A. Barron. Hampton Newton Taylom's. Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreli, Orono W J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveil .1. W Jewell. W J. Berry and The Statesman Office. C.O.F. Hockey League'Q)pens Jan. 2 Canadian Order Foresters Hock- ey League to open Jan. 2. In 'canjunction with Canadiani Order Fomesters youth and recre- ation programme, final arrange, ments havb been completed, with Bmooklln Amena, and a team league, from the district will open the season at Brooklin an Jan. 2. League executive consists af Hon. Pmes.-Chas. Ferguson; Pres. Ted Twining; Treas.-Cec Bon. netta; Bowmanville; H. Snowden, C. Schwartz, V.P., V. Budai, andi J. Bothwell; Oshawa- N. O'- Reilly, W. Richardson, R. Twin- ing, H. Bathe, Raglan-W. Brent, L. Bray, R. Bryant; Referees- -J. Kirkbridge, R. Boivan and H. Walton; Press reporter, Alex Mc- Gillivray. Ail teams will be in the play- offs, and the winners will take the Wm. Exeton Trophy, naw held by Oshawa. The most fratemnal player award, donated by Mr. P. E. Perrin, wiil also be presented at end o! season. Bowmanville, Oshawa, Canada Bread, and Raglan, are the teamns entered ta date. Any one wishing to take part in the League's activi- ties, in any capacity are asked to get in touch with any o! the above. A hockey dance will be held shomtly to assist the league. This event is under the direction o! Hamry Snowden o! Bowmanville. qqwpmcslAIW IWJQ il" eokààk 9

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