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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 1

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-,.~ ~--.w~ -~ - j. - - -~ -Y 4 na;b141 "Durham County's Çreat Family Journ»al" IVOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARZIO, THERSDAY, DECEMBER l5th, 1949 6c PER COPY NME5 Santa Claus with Two Admirers Jolly aid Santa Claus pguscd ne Haliman and Beverley McRob- a thousanti cxcited boys, and g: long enough ta bave bis bic, wbo took part in the Christ- froni tawn anti country recci' Picture taken with these twa mas party at the Town Hall a gift fnom the geniai Gentienr %.làttrining i nmepe iorer, .flIDian-1 as aturday afternoon. Thousands of Children- Greet Santa'Clans Saturday Alternoon 1.Nearly lf Cristmas. 'The Town Hall was stnaincd ai- spoke ta every child that car * moat ta the bursting point, Satur- by, as well as sbakîng bantis wi day afternoon, as more than 800 thase who were willing (anti ve faithfui admirers of Santa Claus few wcre flot). (aged six manths ta 60 ycars) Before Santa arriveti, the pr crowded in ta meet the "right gram began with a sîng-song l jolly aid cif" anti tell hlm ahl their by Rev. S. R. Hendenson. Chriý Christmas wishcs. Emotions van- mas canais anti sangs formedt] ied from nc extreme ta the other nepertaire anti the losty longs when each individual came close the yongcr generation mateie enough ta actuaiiy tak ta the in volume what might have be( d d '~geW+4ean. Soe would lacking in tonal quality. Falloç ri Cl'4-ar, s uhs ingth singing, Vince Mathev eyc uld bardiy talk4 Others son, recreaticsn directar, intn k one look, bunst intcYfears anti duceti John James, who actetiý an scneaming ta nearbe> parents. master of ceremanies tiuring tf The generali ihprcssion was anc remainder of the aftcnnoon. f awe at speaking ta a persan The first performer ta appez hey had heard much of, but neyer on the stage wvas Joan Allun, w. expectedti t sec. Looking alang gave a pleasing rendition( the line of chiltinen approaching "Gy psy Caravan" on ber pian( Sas ta's temparary thrane on the accardian. This instrument ai Qeuiconecocuid sce a long suc- peancdt t be the arder of the da: cSssin of wîdc, round eyes. al for later twa more yaung ladiE focuseti on the same figure. The also performeti on theni. Lorn *hall was filleti with laughter, anti Fletcher playeti a solo numbE squeals of delight anti excitement with ber accortiion anti then we e ued from those who wrc rapit- jincti by Beverly Allison for Iy at)proaching their mamentousJ duet. Mns. L. W. VanDriel toic ineeting. in sang, the talc of "Rudolph, th !Sirice the auditorium is design- Reti-noseci Reindeer" anti, shortl Sd ta boldltiflte betten than 500 before he arniveti, she wanned th caople-of any size-anti thene gathering that "Santa Clausi isecm ta be more chiltiren than Coming To, Town". Dianne Hall that in Bowmanville, a lange aven- man anti Bcvenly McRobbie join flow extendeti dawn the stairs cd in the entertainnient by danc andi into the hall of the lower ing ta and singing a "Toymaker' floar. Althaugh these titi not sec Dream". the greater part of the prognani, By means of a tirawing of tici - they titi get in ta sec Santa Claus ets given ta the chiltiren as thec Las the graup in the auditorium entereti the bail, a numbero fileti across the stage anti down gifts wene given away before th, the back stairs. arrivai of Santa Claus. He,o This big aftcrnoon for the chil- counie, bati mare fan many of thi of Bawmanvillc was an- boys anti girls xvho met hlm an( rangeti by , Jhè Chaniber of Com- for ail there were books anti bag: mence, in conjonction with the of candy. Community Council for Recrea- During aIl the confusion anc tion. Bctween theni, anti with excitement, the Boy Scouts anc the assistance of the Girl Guide Cubs did an excellent job of keepç leaders they hati the Town ing matters as moch ini ortier aý Hall auditorium decorateti, pro- possible. They guideti people tc cureti the gifts anti canndy, pro- seats in the hall, hantieti out prc. videti the entei;tainment anti con- granis anti madie sure the line ci tacteti Santa Claus ta ask hlm ta chidren meeting Santa maved make the visit here. along in an orderly manner. The stage wa decorateti with Mr. M.*E.* Atkins, chainman of coloreti streamers of aIl sorts anti the Chamber of Commerce cani bat twa large Christmas trees set mittee respansible for the party, on cithen sitie of it. The trees xvere reports a large number of chul laden with gifts anti between them dren's gloves were picked up in wcre boxes fu of grab-bags for the Town Hall anti are naw be- ail the chîltireri who attentict. ing helti at Atkin's Flowen Shop, Santa Claus penchet ight in the waiting for owners ta came in anc mitdle of ail this andi pcnsonallv ciaini them. ~lackstock Continuation School Commencemient Exèecises Great Credit to Teachersand Students Editor's Note - We wisb to Eastenn fashion. Miss Jessie Mc- tbhâWiLandi ongratulate Doreen Arthur sang The Japnnese Love kjVafflamp, a Grade II student, for Sang, which was repeat in .writing such an excellent repart unisan. After bowing 10w ta ï1wof the Commencement Exencises. their hostcss anti waving their Her free andi easy style of writing fans gaiiy ta the audience they makes inviting anti entertaining departeti smiiingly. reading. We prcdict a billiantj Presentation of Intenmediate future aheati for Dareen in the Certificates by Mr. Wallace Mar- reaim of iiterature.--G.W.J. low ta Jessie McArthur, Doreen VanCamp, Audrey Larmer, Gwen Our Coinmencement Exercises Dean, Earl Bowens, Nanman De- werc helt in Cartwright Town part anti Glen VanCamp. lKall, Blackstock, on Thursday The Grades XI anti XII Certifi- * addt Fiday ex'enings, Dcc. 1 - 2. cates wcee preented by Dr. J. Thitrstay evcning exercises A. McArthUr ta Jean Bawcrs, were opencti by the adtness of Wým. Fergusan, Doris Hamlton, Dr. J. A. McArthur, chainman, Yvonne Chant, Joyce Grahami, welcoming thé people on behaif Gladys Emerson, Faye Ferguson, of the Board of Trustees. Gertrude Finiayson, Hariey' Jack- A Japanese drill followcd with son, Gien Larmer, Gannet Mc- Miss Clara Marlov at the piano. Donald, Clara Marlow, Wilda It was in the fanm of an after- Steele, Elaine Thompson, Helen noon tea with Miss Nana Ven- Toms, Joyce Venning, Mervin ning pnesiding as hostess. With Wernv anti Eunice Wilson. the aid of two servants she en-I ilt tertained six other girls. Seatet ie lay pnize winners were on cushions, the girls ate %vithj awarded their prizes by Dr. J. C. chopsticks anti dranic tea in (Continueti on Page Eight) liris ved nan Counil Attends t'O Minor Affairs At Regular Deceniber Meeting Minor items of municipal busi- ness were the order of the even- ing at the Town Council meeting, Monday night. Outside of a by- law authonîzing the borrowing of $15,000 from the bank to cover current expenses until taxes ane 1 fllected, aIl motions wene made to take -care of correspondence. There was a full council present for the meeting, with Mayor L. C. Mason presiding. The authorization to borrow $15,000 was necessary because of the nature of the municipal fin- ancing. At the beginning of each year the Town Corporation ns authorized to borrow, in varying amounts, a set sum to cover cur- rent expenses during the yean. If any money is borrowed, beyonc the amount authorized, it must be done thnough a by-law. Be- cause of a few unfoneseen expen- ces which were not included ini the budget (such as the money loaned to the Arena Committee), it was necessany to go beyond the limit this year. Hence, the by-iaw passed Monday night. The personnel of the Fine Bri- gade was funther changed at this meeting. Resignation of Wait Dix- on was accepted, since Mn. Dixon is moving from town. Applica- tion of William Stephens and Glen Vintue were accepted, sub. ject to the approval of Fire Chief. Notice was received from Pro- vincial Fine Marshall W. J. Scott conccrning the annuai provincial grant to the town for 25 per cent of the operating costs of the Fine Brigade. Basing thein estimate for zytucoss o mecost fo 198, oiwn anad i ydro is willing t the provincial department sent a have them placed on their poles. Christmas Party cheque for $774.48. Included in the motion wasa A letter from the Bickle-Sea- grant of $100 to the Chamber of A t Salvation Army grave Engine Co., Woadstock, ex- Commerce for them to use in pay. Enjoyed by Kiddlies plaining their long delay in de- ing for their Christmas Party, _______livery of a fire-trock chassis, was Dec. 10. On December 12, between 40 referred to Fire Committee with Chamber of Commerce aisc me nd 0 ciidenmemersof hepower to act. The feeling of the asked Councîl if Tuesday, Dec. ith Sa50ti remy Sunday Sho counicil on this matter was that 27, (Boxing Day) was to be a 7iry enjaoda Crim a suay Swîti the delay was unreasonable and holiday. As fair as the town is con- a visit f a Crom stmasCPaus.t he the explariation f it poor and it cerned. that day is flot proclaimed ro hal sitfgmaideatedland ahewas suggested the Fire Committee a public holiday. ,red bhly s l Ch rateehand atake some positive action in the Bell Telephone Co. asked ap- st- numerous gifts awaiting distri-I matter. proval of an interim increase of he bution to eager youngsters. i The Workmen's Compensation ten per cent in their rates until of After a carol-sing and a period Board sent an inquiry concerning such time as their request to the 11P of games, Santa Claus appeared compensation for volunteer- fire- Dominion Government for in- en in his usual way. Santa has ap- men in case of injury. The rate creased rates is approved. No )w- parentiy developed his musical of payment in such cases has action taken. ýw- talents since last year, for he led been 15 per cent of $1500, Report of expenditures. for Oc- ro- the boys and girls in a rollickîng Paid monthly, for which the tober were general accounts as sing-song. This conciuded, he town pays an annual fee of $12,002.50 and building accounts the presented aIl the children with $45 per man. Because of requests $5911.95. a bag of candy, and gifts were ar gîven to the tiny-tots of the ,ho Crade Roll.weiDr mAd1 rVC nmle of Lieuts M. Walter and B. Bes--A o- sant and Y.P.5.M. Harry Bartiett ip- wene in charge of arrangements oN t na I siuefrth Bl d y, foré the party. na Northern Lights RaId Annual Meeting and Election a s Described to Young "Nothing is done until someone who worked on a piece-work id, People at Courtice goes out and does some w ork to basîs. The work is divided into he carry out the theories," saîd Mn. classes for men, women and ly Jean purgess, President of D. B. Lawley as he spoke to the children. He aiso stated that he Courtice Circuit Young Peoples annual meeting of the West Dur- supplies and equipment coming is opened the meeting held at Cour- ham Advisory Committee to the into Tinidad fromi Canada are I tice Church on Dec. 12. There Canadian National Institute for admitted duty free. n-were 25 members present. The the Blind. The dinner meeting Mr. R. P. Allin, Biackstock,j c- President and Secretary Jim Mc- was attended by neprny 70 mem- thanked the speaker, the quartet1 's Gregon conducted the business bers and friends in Trinity Church and their accompanist, Mirs. Bea- meeting. School Room on Friday, Dec. 9. cock, for contributing to such a k- The devotional period was con- Miss Helen Cryderman, Chair- happy evening.1 ey ducted by Jim McGregor with man of Committee, introdured A display of the beautiful work of Ross Metcaif assisting at the piano the gpîests, inciuding those who done by blind residents of this àe for the singing of the hymns. had arganized and assisted in the district xvas admired by the guests1 of Horace Vetzal read-.the scripture 1949 canvass. She then called and members of the Association. ie portion. upon Mrs. D. Lawley, who spok e Mrs. Hutchinson presented the id Mr. Eddie Warburton, Countice, feelingly of ber associations withreotfth miangc - gs guest speaker, xvas introduced by the Institute in Bowmanville and rieportdof tednoinsanptcon- Jîm McGregor. Mr. Warburton also of their work in Tinidad. seconcied by Mr. O'Neill.1 d told the group the fascinating The Treasurer, Mr. L. M. Dew- The officers for 1950 are: Chair- id story of the Northern Lights and ell; Miss Florenqe Werry, welfare man-Miss Helen Cryderman; Phow they are caused. He told committee convenor; Mrs. M. J. Vice-Chairman-P. O'Neill; Sec-i Ethemn that if the farmi boys would Hutchinson, education convenor, retary-Miss Ileen Balson; Trea- study the spots on the suni they Miss Dawson, home teacher; and surer-Byron Cryderman; Con-E 1wouid succeed in predicting the Mr. J. O'Neill, finance convenor, venor of Welfare-Miss F. Werry;i :He alsr or toid themeabu hed gave excellent reports .on the Convenor of Finance-J. O'Neill:T ýd H lotl h bu h splendid work which has been Convenor of Property-Russell srodued the sunas weî done during 1949.1 Oke; Poblicity-Mrs. Hutchinson;i af s what causyes suroin, as."e Mr. E. G. Brown, Peterboro. Consulting Physicians-Dr. E. V.t Halso todtcassh yng steop.e Field Secretary for the Blind Storey, Dr. W. H. Storey. Execu-1 of his own experience as a Christ- Institute, commended each of the tive Members - Mrsý Hamilton,t ian. As a young man he was convenors for the progress which Miss L. Taylor, Mrs. W. R. Strike,g n skeptical and unbelieving until had been made during the year C. Carter, Sr., L. Deweli, Paulf -the day came when the power of in their various committees and Chant, Byron Vanstone. Repre- Jesus Christ changed his life. gave special thanks to Miss Cry- sentative fo Lions Club-Rancec d An interesting addition to the derman for her excellent leader- Dilling.c meeting was Mr. Warburton's ship. harn" radio set. During the A highlight of the evening's StPa' course of the meeting the young pnogram was the singing of the AIl the time was spent practising s people talked to Joe Blanchette maie quartet from the Beacon forthV at bis home at Oshawa-on-the- Choristers. Doning the evening Sth esper Service to be beidM Lake over the set. they sang, "Where'er You Walk," Sund eveniltoDec. W8. r "Sigh No More Ladies," "Passing M.n r.Mlo .Wry TriityC.GI.T TaesBy" and "Sleep Kentucky Babe." Oshawa, are spending the winter Trinty CG.IT. T keswith their daughter, Mrs, Walter w E nngThe speaker was introduced by Murray, 5941 Indian Road, Toron- si Evenng ervice Mrs. Hutchinson. Mr. Lawley to. was born in England, and whiie Chritma Vesers there became interested in min- Eveybdy iks t sng arlaing. Later he came to Canada ' iat this "i of year. Core o the xvhere he iost bis sight in a min-C h i )Christmas Vespen Service at ing explosion. He then took Up rTrinity United Church,' on Sun- histony and social science and day evening, Dec. lBth at 7 p.m. becarne an organizer and iecturer. and join With Canadian Girls ln He now hoids the position of Training in this service which is National Consultant of Field Ser- a national one and has become vices, for the Institute for the part of the Christmas prognam Blind. of many churches. Following a survey of the needs Sponsored by the National of the blind in Trinidad, Mr. C.G.1.T. Committee, Department Lawiey was appointed to the 1. of Christian Edocation, Canadian work there in 1947. .During the Cooncil of Chorches, it has a dual year outstanding progress was porpose: made in their work. with 25 in- (a) It provides opportonity to stitute buildings estabiisbed and share in a worship service with 2,0(» blind pensons receiving sen- girls acnoss Canada, vice. He gave his listeners an (b) the Offenings received at interesting word picture of the the Christmas Vesper Service- island as he descnibed its geo- f rom Atlantic to Pacifi-go to grapby, its industries and its the xvork of the National inter- racial and social problems. deliominational C.G.I.T. Commit- "We laid the foundations in the tee which promotes leadership first year," said Mn. Lawley, "in training, prepanes program mater- the hope that the work wouid îals and in every wav seeks to be continued." He mentioneçi Pictitred wîth the Supervis strengthen C.G.LiT. work i.n oui' that at the time of his depanturelSchoois, Mr. R. G. Harle, are the. churches. there were 16 good craftsmen, I Ontanio S$reet School Choir. Theý ,e- to Id ifrom other towns, the Board de L- ciýed to increase the benefit i , 75. per cent of $3,000 andi wishec - ta know if Bowm-anviiie wouic f like to take advantage of this in ýr crçase. Cost to town wouid be $91 e annualiy per man. It was decide( e tô accept the increased rateo benefit as of Jan. 1, 1950. tIn answer ta a letter from t)' *Brookdaie-Kingsway Nursery, the Town Solicitor was advisec v ta draw up an agreement for if five-year lease of the south par - of the cemetery to the nursery a including a provision that th( stown may take the land back ai gany time, on reasonable natice The letten froin the Nursery stat. ed they have already begigr 1 plowing, prepatony to pianting tand included a cheque for $25 tc -cover the first annual paymeri -for the land. They also said they i would leave the land level and j ready for seeding when their lease is up. Cierk Alex Lyle in- formed Council there would sti]l i be enough land left to take care of the town's needs for plots for the next ten years, at least. 3 A request was received from .Local 189, United Rubber Work- . ers of Amenica, that ail unsafe .wells and pits be investigated and 1deait with. Referred to Police Committce to take action as they deem advisable. In response to a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, permis- sion was granted to the Chamber to place trees on the main stneet during Christmas season, if theni o rann cUiU uuuIr proviacu oby theé J.vakig tus V first report on of somrmer residents will b. able d Scout Mothers' Auxiliary. "Parliament Hill", newly elected to swim, boat and fish without in. of Field Commissioner, Jack At- M.P., John M. "Johnny" James cnvenience and it appears that ikinson, Provincial Headquarters, suggested at Rotary Club on Fn- some tangible resuts wiiI be ob- 'eToronto, led in community siit- day that Most people have an in- taineti befone next year. i' ng and gave a bief tak. correct impression of our govern- The Public Works Department cd Cmmisionr Hary iggsandment and do not realize that in xvas persuaded to take action te rScout Master Don Holden xvere Canada we have the best fonm of have Bowmanvill c's h a r b o r rt present from Ohw n l n Govcrnimcnt that there is in the dredged and it is probable that Y, joyeti the few wOswa andai en worîci to-day. the wcst piper xiii be extended ie nd he erywotrds of Mr. Riggs He admitteti that formenly he so that it will not fill 'wth sand at Mn. Holden on bis trip to Norway. tooha thought tnat members of as napidly as nercîofore. e. parliament were fortunate people In P~ort Hope, the post office t- Secretary's annual report was with littie to do. but had found building is now being conipletely in read revealing the financial con- the situation enfirely different. renovated and it is probable that 91dto f the Local Association. Few people realize that most within the not too distant futdre, to Mrs. Forbes Heyland and Mrs. members are at thcir desks early the Bowmanvilie post office will t Leask gave a report on the activi- in the morning andi continue also tîndcrgo considerable alter- ,y ties of the Scout Mothers' Auxil- uvôrking until the bouse adjourns ations so that service may be im- ýd iary. Much credît must be given at eleven o*clock every night. proved. ir to their efforts to provide a suie- Satisfaction in Helping Others Take Federal Problems 1able Scout Hall. Their report The grentest satisfaction which To Member 1] pointcd out that Mn. S. G. Pres- membe-! cerive fronrn their nian-Y Theêe were a few of the things - ton and Son hati dônateti their wibch bave taken up considerable nr services in painting the new Scout time during this first session of nHalec no.ofcr fr1 Pariiament, Mn. James said, but 'n folocd it Hfowacrd Bickle be- there were also innomerable ne- e coming thnew presiebon-aquests for action on income tax ý e c m i n g t h e e w r e si e n t n nc o m p l a in t s , v e t e r a n s ' p e n s i o n s , motion by George Vine,* seconded- mi delivery, changes in post ýe by Walter Woollcy, Wm. Clarke office staffs and routes, housing y and George Vine were nominateci ~ in Newcastle, a dlock in the post for Vice-President and in the1ofien lbrkadotr e election that followed Mn. Clarke!. oiesofindiM llboointi osthe was named. It was moveti by'W Speakers May Be Neglecting Mail r Gordon Richards, seconded by jA few of the aspects of' gov- ýt Walter Woolley that Chief SÏ I , ernments which appear ta be mis- eVenton carry on as Secretary., u nderstood by s0 many people e C a r rie d . n l d h t o p a i g n t e D D.S.M. Dennis Pickard asked icluder fthat o sekifgin t that lbe be relieveti 0f bis duties nions. Manyofe Hose o Com- as District Scout Master that lie -' that uniess their member is on bis f might devote bis time to the Cubj feet continually that hie is not do- Packs. Executive Committee was j ng a gooti job. Actually, if a mcmn- Sasked to tring in a recommenda- ber is making speeches ail the tien at the next meeting regard- 1 tîme. hie must be neglecting bis ing an appointment. other work, that of tnying to do As well as the above named things for bis constituents. In this executive the Association bas as finst session, Mn. James explained Hon. Presidents Col. L. T. Mc- Ij that he had refraineti from speak- Laugblin, Joe O'Neill and Clif f ing, preferring ta treat bis first Samis andi the following Local period in Ottawa as an "educa- Cosnmittee Members: Rev. S. R. tional' oppontunity wherein hie iHenderson, George Vine, A. H. John M. James, M.P. coulti learn how the vaniaus de- Stunrock, Rcv. E. Sigston, Rev. tioties is that they are able ta be partments functiancd andi how H. Turner, L. Goddard, Wm. ýAI- of assistance in solving the pnob- House of Commons procedune lin, M. Stacey, Fred Cale, J. Park- lemis of the people of thein con- apenated. er. W. Woolleyr, L. W. Dippeil and stitoency. Their efforts in this ne- People Receive Poor Impressions D. rcs Albnt oepeieia gard are very simular ta those of People coming in ta the gallery Mrs.Albrt ole resded ata service club memben trying ta at the Hanse of Commans ta listeni the piano throughout the evenîng help the people of bis community. ta the debates gain a very poor wbich was enjoyeti by anc and ail. Almost cvery section of the pop- impression of the place. They ulation cames under same sort of usqually sec a vcry small number v~î s ..fedeal jurisdictin, sa on prob- of membes present, most of theni St. rQul's MiLssion lemis from'baby býonuses'ta dcliv- nat listcning ta wbat is being said. Circle Guests of evy of mail the member of par- The visitos seê them reading liamént is able andi agen ta be ofpapiers, writing letters or talking Miss Nornia W!ilCoX service, ta each othen in what must-appear _____Many Projects Underway Hlere ta be a nost impolite manner. On' St. Paul's Mission Circle met At the present tume, there are many occasions, the men speaking Monday evning at the home of several fedeal projects in this seem ta be talking purly for the Miss Norma Wilcox, Lamb St. area which will affect a large ma- sake of heaing their own words Officers for the cming yar wrc joily of the population. Intima- rather than attempting ta make lecteti as follows: President- tion as been received that the a definite contribution ta the de- Saly Cole; Vice-presitent - CNR is planning ta discontinue bates. What the visitais dn't un- Norma Wilcox; 'Scrtary-Bes- the railvay line from Port Hope destanti is that the absent mecm- e Stephens; Treasurer-Pat Dmn- ta Peterboro ancL Durham's mcm- bers are probaby in their rooms niwll. A deightful Christmas ber is making eery effort ta bat dictattng etters or arc interview- programme was canieti out a- the mve. ing department personnel.or are round a scene of the nativity IAfter a lengthy correspondence attending committec meetings or by iighting of candles and singing with the co-aperation of chief arc discossing sanie prpbicmi with of canas. The meeting closeti federal veteinaian of this area, nc of the ministers or parlia- x"ith a lovely lunch serveti by Dr. Cowie, the governiment was mcntary secretanies. Or, if thcy Norma. persoadedti t start TB testing live in Ontario or Quebcc. they catte in Durham. may be at home at that particular Efforts are now being mate ta Moment attending sane foniction Santa Claus Visits 1 have the water level of Lake Scu- ta which they have been invited Howard BickIe NeW President Boy Scoit Association The annual meeting of the Býw- manvilie Boy Scouts Association was heid on Dec. 9, at 6.30 p.m. in the Lions Centre. It took the form of a banquet meeting with First Terni Impressions mu Canada's House ofCommons Given by John James, M.P. L..irisunas rarty l. E.. a VI V , Mrs. Orvile Plummer was ýosWj1 oard EUGKUL.Act.s bood UrauL hostess nt the December meeting of the Church St. Group of the From O ntario bovernment Soon Trinity United Church W.A. on Dec. 8. About 30 members and guests Mdny months of discussion and So lar. the contributionp from the enjoved the carol service and the careful study of the plans for the public have been very, generous, reading of the Christmas Story. new Bowmanville Memorial Hos- and once the building is com- Miiss Margaret Farmer provided plital wiil soon be completed and menced, it is expected that forth- the accompaniment for the sin.9- it is expected that within the er donations wîii be made. ing. As the pianist struck up the next two weeks a contract xviii In recent days the Fund has tune of "Jingle Beils" a rather be awarded for the work on the received the addition of $1000 petite Santa Claus appeared on proposed building. from the Wmn. Reynolds Estate of the scene with a pack foul of Last week, Mcl Dale, Chairman faouzsauJohndFis$r50.0C. om-h gifts and ioads of good wisheslof trie Hospital Board, was inter- aosJhFierC.C cm for ail those present. 1\ie,,ýed in Toronto by Dr. Fair of mentator. The election of offiicers was th, Dpartment of Heaith. A]- The people of Bowmanviile conducted by President of the though the exact amoont of a Pro- and district have neyer faiicd to Group, Mrs. J. Tait. Mrs. J. E. vincial grant has not yet been re- respond when there has been a H{obbs was elected President for ceve Dr. Fair stated that the reail need. This is YOUR Hospi- 1950 and Mrs. R. Fry was re- Board couid be quite optimistic anvd fhsbenornedt elected secretary. A welcome for he expected a very favorable4 roie oryou and your famiiy sidents of Bowmanville, who ar- repiyadagneosgat the most up-to-date hospital ,vas extended to three new re- yadagnru rn. eqoipment and service. It wiIl rived fromn Hoiland during recent If the expected Provincial grant stand ready to serve yoo and your iionths. is received, Mr. Dale said that the neighibour in every emergency. A deiicious and bountiful lunch work on the new Hospital Buiid- Make a jgenerous investment in w'as served by the hostess as- ing wooid be started in the spring. the future. and add your dollars sisted by Mrs. R. Murphy and However, he made it very clear to the Bowmanviiie Hospital vlrs. V. Thompson. that more funds wili be necessary. ,Fond today. a-t Opening of New Ontario Street School Ison of Music for Bowmanvillc pleasing harmony during the pragram at the opening of the neW ese smiling yaungstcns of the Ontario Street School. ey contributed three sangs i e p ;0 S. a

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