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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1950, p. 13

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?ffUHSDAY, TEBRUAIRY 2. 1950 ffousewives - Merchant.s Give Views Oi he Use and Retailing of Apples Elsewhere in this issue you will peal to 111Wthe opinions cf an experiene- which edivorchardist, Milton Elliott, on B.C. M741broblemi which is facing local graded apple growers. Your reporter, firsti àltuft conducted a "research" more1 diing loêal hausewivcs and mer- Two Oflilbs, Presents the view of the the fa c.onsumýer. better fidnswhich have beenI Toroni d ikfrom the opinions cf two willing W e ndent merchants and two cents lafmu'tore managers present a is mor thruhsummary of the sire ta 'nville market. Ail four of Citri Yiierchants declared that the ail ove retâapple market was extreme- is pro) 9 or An this vicinity. It seems orange bast people have a friend growei Ztyhasa brother, sister Or larges Côry5cond cousin who awns advise. an Orchard, and they as a rule, lent v. ag' ery pleased ta seli at an spectiv e~!~ely low price as much of given the'r sÙrplus, fruit as possible." hood f NwLxally, the local business suf- cadesi ffl' èbnsiderably on this account. upon « 4.,the present time Spies and days a: ,jtosh apples are selling as Aftei e ~iJps anything, thaugh the sale telephc 0< 4~se fruits ranges from a small we evE qafity of six-quart baskets An ions of a mnaller store, ta three ta four the sut ~qels per week in the larger In oi reg, threea Thýough many of the merchants are use 'h discontinued selling British either riapbia Deliciaus apples An fa- applesi ver olcally grown Delicious for rai apples, they all agreed that thc housel B.C. brand were more attractive- adequa l3lackcd and had a greater ap- eating e the public. Another factor tmustt be considered is that apples are ail carefully id an.d are guaranteed to -be quality. Buyers will pay for the attractive fruit. oof the merchants revealed act that there was a xnuch *market in Oshawa and do, where merchants are ig to pay as mucli as 60 a basket whelesale. This re than local consumers de- Dpay retail.' 7Us fruits definitely have it rr the apple for sales. This )bably due to the fact that elemon and grapefruit ers have concentrated on scale advertising which has ýd the public of the excel- itamin content of their re- ve produce. Children are orange juice from infant- these days, while a few de- ago an orange was looked as a special treat for Sun- and holidays. r monopolizing the office one for a good. haîf-hour 7entually received the opin- r the average housewife on ibject of apples. ne family where there are aduits and one child, apples -d extensively in the menu, .as baked apples, or in ýauce, or pies, as well as iw eating. In this particular riold there is always an de supply of cooking and yapples, with Spies, Mac- I. o MAR VIN HOLLENDERG EYES EXAMINED Optometrist - GLASSES FITTED Intosh Reds and Ontgrio Deliclous taking the lead in preference. Our next inteview concerned a household comprlsed' of two adultu and two children where apples are consumed at the rate of a bushel a month. This family, toc,i fond of apples in any form and the breadwinner, who takes his lunch ta work, lilces to >have a juicy apple tirked away in his lunchbox every day. This lady prefers Greenings for côok- ing, Spies for an "ail round" apple and Delcious for eating. Our final interview was with amarried couple with no chul- dren. Their use of apples was confined to the popular season, which of course is the Fail, though they drink a large quantity of apple juice ail year round. We found that ail these people liked, citrus fruits afid used them extensively in their planning of meals. It seems, however, that Ontar- io appie growers are flot the only ones who have problems. The British Columbia industry is groping for new markets, too, and hopes to find it in the new pro- cess of dejuicing apples which has been discovered by a British concern. According to Dr. Hans Freund, London, Engiand,ý the present apple-juice canning methods are not good, for the juice loses much of its flavor and much of the vitamin content when it is heated. The new British method-which Dr. Freund is trying to sel growers in Nova Scotia, Ontario, and British Columbia,-extracts the juice cold with a highly-effic- :ent press and then it is stored in big containers in refrigerators under carbon dioxide. Dr. Freund *hinks that boosting the sale of apple-juice will take care of large quantities of these surpluses. New Regulations For Tourist Places Regulations made pursudnt ta the Tourist Establishments Act. 1949, are now in effect and copies of the regulations have been mailed to ail municipal clerks, Boards of Trade, Chambers of Commerce and other interested organizations. The Act replaces the Tourist Camp Regulation Act, 1946, which is now repealed. Its main feature is that it brings under license and inspection ail estab- lishments offering accommodation ta tourists excepting thos'e al- ready licensed under the Liquor License Act, outfitters' camp lic. ensed under the Game and Fish- eries Act and tourist homes hav- ing for rentai fewer than five roorns. The principle of local authority bas been maintained and respon- sibility for the issuance of licenses remains with the municipalities, or irn the case of unorganized dis- tricts, with the Deputy Inspector for the Provincial Police. Munic!- palities retain the right *to make local enactments in the field of taurist accommodation. Copies of the new regulations may be secured from the Develop- ment Branch of the Department of Travel and Publicity, Queen's Park, Toronto. Take it from life insurance companies: Women can expect ta live longer than men. Business Direciory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553, W. F. IVARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91à2 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bowmanvîlle Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeil 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 MONUMENTS THE RUTTER GRANITE Co. Phone 501 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario REAL ESTATEI BO WMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented 1 Managed and Appraised Menibers af the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachian Office 326 Residence 2017 AUDITING MONTEITH, & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 Kinig St. E., Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., - resident partner THME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Ref itfing for St. Lawrence Service Next May 9th the 26,000-ton Empress of Scotland, whidh before the war operated as the Empress of Japan and was the làrgest and fastest passenger vessel on the Pacific Ocean, will sail fram Liverpool for Greenocl:, Scotiand and Quebec City on ber first post-war peadétime servicc voyage. This ackitian ta Can- adian Pacifie Steamships' transatlantic f leèt xiii enabie the com- pany ta provide a weekly service by Emprecs liners on the St. Lawrence route to the United Kingdom. The above photo gives some idea of the magnitude of work being done at the Fairfield Shipbuilding Yard, Govan, Scotland, wthere-a two-year recondition- ing ta Empress iuxury standards after 8 '- years of enviable war service is now being finished. The Empress of Scotland will carry 663 passengers. What's It Cost To Go to College? Costs of a Canadian university education, while substantially higher than prewar, have no' advanced as much as most other things, finds a xriter in The Fin- ancial Post. He says: "When ail the bis are in, it costs about $1,025 a year for a son or daughter away fromn home at University. "That's the average bill sent home to father, or - - just as usual - - the amount the student must earn through vacation and/ or sessional exnployment. "Even so, a-university eduato is stili soniewhat of a bargaini package in today's market. "Tuitian fees in Arts, aver-1 aging $200 last year, are .'0.71/', above what they were in the 1938-39 session ($153 average). In the nation as a whole, the cost of living is up more than 50%. "Today's higher price tag fori sheepskin can be blamed more oup rising living costs encountered by the student away from home, than it can on higher tuition çosts." Production of coal in Canada was nine per cent higher in No- vember than in the correspond- ing month in 1948, and was up three per cent in the first Il months of the year. Milk Is An Important Food For Adolescents Adolescents someU:; :3 have' a greatt2r energy de- .mand than thelrObodles czn supply . * . they becomne thin, restless. Milk is an Important food dur*ng thes perlod . . . an aid ta m- cular and nerve dcvelop- ment. Serve Glen Rae's Milk at mealtime and use It generously in cooking. It contains calcium, miner- ais, and the vitamins adol- escents require. W.M.S. Pv-esb-ý,eriaI 0f Ui-LtDýd Clu-rch Meets Here Feb. 23 Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- ville, President of Oshawa Pres- byterial of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of the United Church of banada, presidcd at tho ex- ecutive mcctiný of Oshawa Pres- byterial hcld in King St. United Church, Oshawa, on Jan. 24. Proïbably due ta the icy condi- tion of the roads the attendançe xvas not as large as usual. The seeretaries prezsent presented n- t2resting reports sho-%7,ing advance An most of the dccartments. The treasurer's report presentcd by Mrs. Gardon Pirie, Oshawa, was vcry gratifying and xvas re- ceived with Fincere thanks. The president expressed her grate- ful apprecinteon on the splendid achievernent the Prcsbyteriai had made in being able f0 more than meet the allocation set for Osh- awTa PreshyterialiAn 1949. Th 22nd annual meeting of Oshawa Prcsbyterial of W.M.S. will he held An Trinity United Church, Dowmanville, on Thurs- day, Feb. 23. There will be morn- ing and afternoon sessions. Guest speakers viill be Miss Sybil R'. Caurtice. A.L.C.M., who bas been doing cducaton xvork An Japan and Mrs. A. A. Outram, 2nd vice-president of the Do- milon Board, Toronto. There xill be Departmental Conferences and t As hoped that every Eecretary from the variaus auxiliaries throughout the Pres- byterial will make a! special ef- fort to attend. Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Bowmanville, President of Osh- awa Preshyterial will be the presiding officer for the day. A large attendance of intcrcsted ladies is hoped for. Thieves Fali Out 13Y Josephi Lister Rutledge We look with some favor on the growing disagreement between the despot of Jugosiavia and the despot of Moscow. Wc realize that when thicves fali out t may nd- vantage just men. XVe should not confuse ourselves xith the dea that it portends any basic change An thQ- thinking of Eastern Europe, It s a confliet betwcen farces from which we can hope for littIe but the small benefits of dissen- sion. Within recent weeks t bas heen m&de clear that frcedom and justice are no more the quali- ties of th e anc than of the other. The iittle despot has learned bis lesson xvell. In Sarajevo, of un- happy rnemory, the so-cDlled people's court face-I ten white Russians charged with espionage. The eagerncss with which these soueht ta conclemn themsclves was Tito's answer ta his one-time imaster. The tricks had been wel! Ilearned. In the Sofia Military Club An Bulgaria the Corminform struck back. Eleven defendants-amang them Traicho Kostov, once vice- premier of Bulgaria and head of its cornmunist party-stoad charg- ed with fostcring a trcnd toward Titaism. Again the defendants 1 hurried ta abase themnselves. Kos- tox-, once the hera of bis party, had signed a lengthy confession. Sa far the parallel ran truc. But top-actor Kostov was not without his heroic moment. When the at- tempt was made ta rend bis con- denied t. He x"as led away ta, think t over. Under what sua- sion wc do not knaw, he again confezsed, lit again he recavered his courage and repudiated the confession, But you do not deny political guilt under Stalin or Tito, whether you be a smnall- time politician or a Prince of the Church. Weary of Kostov's cour- age, thcy toak hlm out and hanged him. That s the justice; that As the freedom! That As the equity before the iaw, whethcr t be An Sofia or Sarajevo or Moscow. For jus- tice and frccdom have no place in the thînking of community dic- tators. - I CommodoresMaie Quartett e Visit -, Boys Training Sehool For upwariofe an heur befor.è thuir concert An the HIh chool Auditorium on Wednedy, Jan- nary 25th, th~e "Commodores", Maie Qaurtette under thie leader- ship of Carli Tapscott thriiled the boys and staff at the Boys' Train- ing School with a varie4 selection of thefr music. Betore thc tirst of the three spirituals whlch madec up thef first group was. over, Uic whole audience had been won over byl the'case and relaxation cf the ensemble which accdmpanied thie perfect blend of. voices and, crys- tai dcear diction. From the rich. dcep ,base cf Don Parrish through thie powerful but contrclled b~ari- tone of John Rngham te Uic fine tenon voice of CarlTapecett-hlm- self armd the rare purlty of tone cf the first tenor, Howatd Red- dlck,. there was a range cf voices which, could interpret four-part sangs te the undoubted satisfac- tion of the authors as well as the delight of the listeners. They were accompanled by Leo Lighter gt the piano and his skillfuI render- ings during the intervals between sangs wcrc particularly apprec- iated by the boys. After the "Walls cf Jericho" had heen nmade ta tumble in thie picturesque arrange m e n t, the spiritual . "Dry Bones" was a masterpiece of musical emphasis. Lea Lighter established himself with a Spanlsh- Medley and a Mendelssohn "Scherzo". Then the, baritone of John Rlngham came into its own, and displaycd its great versatillty with the shanty "Rolling down to Rie" followed .by the alniost operatic "Flea" and an ever populan "Western" sang. The .Cowboy numbér was so popular that after another Shanty, "Rio Grande" the quartette flow- cd through the limpid harmonies of "Cool Water", in truc West- ern style. The graup cnded wlth the Sea sang "Billy Boy"-with Howard Reddick as a crcstfallen shy "Bllly". Anothen piano inter- lude led. up ta "flkley Moor" the ever popular Yorkshre sang. rapidly followed by "Macna- mara's Band" encared by ts fellow Irish sang-"It's the Sanie Old Shillalegh". In thanklng them Supcrintend- ent W. J. Eastaugh said that he f elt that anything he could say would be inadequate in view o. the tremendous reception 4fford- cd by the boys. The Commadoae4 lcft for tawn with resounding ap- plause still rlnging An their cars. God's Message to You My sheep hear my, voice, and I know them and they follow me: and 1 give unto them eter- nal lite; and they shall neyer perish, neither shall any man pluck theni out of niy band. My. Father, which gave them Me, As greater than all; and no man s able ta pluck theni out cf my Fathcn's hand. Wc are in the mi ghty hand cfi a kind and loving heavenly Fa- ther, and as He secs aur growtb in His laving favor and His truth, He will look on us as He beheld Job, Who wvas. perfect and upright, and Who ~eared God and eschew- cd« evil. As God A9 the husband- man, every branch An Jesus that beareth net fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth t, that t may bning forth more fruit. Repent and be baptized, eveny one of you, An the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sAns, and ye shahl receive thie gift of thc ly- Ghost. For this protta la unto you, and your chlldren, and toê aIL. Wth hany other worda .dld .esus testify and echort, aaytJSg, cave yourselves from thir. unt6rd genqrat Ion. Týherefo7ré, belng lustifled by faith, we have peSo.wlth God through,'our Lord, Jesu Christ; by w-hom also we have acceas by fàlth fInte this grace wherein wc stand, and rejolce in the hop c of the glory* of God. Not only so but we glory in tribulation; know- ing that tribulation ýWorketh pat- ience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope, and hope Maketh not ashamred; because the love of God lasshed abroad An aur hearts by thc Holy Ghost which La given unto us. If these things be In you, and abound, they make you that you shail neither be barren, nor -un- fruitful An the knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Aiso the Holyf Ghost gives us, Holy zeal ad the vivid annointing of the Comforter, the Spirit of. -Truth; to guide us In understandlng Hia word, and our part An obeying it. We wAll be taught by- God and not of or by mani. I beseeêh you therefore breth- ren, by the merdies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is yQU reasonable ser- vice. This wlll drive the powei' of darkness, fear. and hate from the- earth. Glory to God An the hi ghest,!'to -afr rat meni Dont't ook now; Ëtè tistics show your averageg is increasing ahd men genera average a 34-incl walst-Ilm against 31 in 1930. 0-"27« "Unexpected thIngs happen Wheiq yen are drivlnt." George While Insuranco 110 Wellinzton Street Phone 951 Eowmnanville **%45nfl *VVSor. t Mark$ the spoe... I DonFt be upset.. I CaUl for SANITONE Dry Cleanïngi- *Stubborn Spots and Stains Out Like Magic lb More Dirt Remnoved, Even IngrainedSoil 0 Returns Original Shape and Dra¶pe to Suts *b No Odor-Perspiration, Cleaning Odor Gone 0 Couîs No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning' EYVE L E B H'S Cleaners & Dyers- Laundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITU 13000 Local Agents- HOOPER'S LADIES' WVEAR OFFICE [fOURS Monday ta Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed lVednesday Ail Day - EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - VISION ST. PHON amateurs were making a tournament tour cf the natien's clubs fa seo how the gamne had caught on. Canadiens hýad been keen learners: ; ;I. and flic visitort 7ound thcmselves evehly matched. The final decision was te corne from the Canadian champion, là suc- cessive games et Toronto, Kingston und Mentreal ho defeated Britain's four leod- ing players . .. Canada had won a top place in the badminton world. Badminton grows daily in popularlty with Canadiens. Keen competition and goed* sportsmanship have mode it a favourite everywhere. And together, competition and sportsmanship make things botter for Canadiens in work and play. they keep your future in Canada ... unlimited. SAUCE PANS RUBBD AROUND TOP WITH FAT OR SALAD 011 ARE PREVENTED, PROM BOILING OVER. vý1 7

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