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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1950, p. 14

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B RING YOURPYCAHND MESSAGE BEFORE loi £ FAD 12,000 RI!ADERS-1 'SEMNIU - I. ~~~~ BU lCS 5cPRA __________tO____Nesi A BIRTH KIiAPP-Mr. and Mrs. H. W. p Knapp (nee Ruby Stephens) are h py ta announce the birth of tihef daughter, Gail' Ruby, on January Oth, 1950, at Bowman- 'Vile Hospital. A sister for Billy, Gary,,nd Irepe. 5-1 XAYNARD-To Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maynard, a son, David lKen- neth, a littie brother for Linda, aUd grandson for Mr. and Mrs. AIex Mairs,j at Bowmanville HEbspltal on January 2th, 1950. 5-C. j MURRAY - At Sine Nursing Home, Harold, Ont., on Tuesdavy. January l7th. ta' Dr. and Mrs. R B. Murray of Stirling, a daugh- ter, Grace Suzanné. 5-1' NICHOLS-Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nlcbols are happy ta announce the birth of a daughter, Jill, on g January 29th, 1950, at Bowman- 'ville Hospital. A sister for Terny. 5-1 STINSON-Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson (nee Patricia Pearce) are -happy ta announce the birth of their daugbter in Cbesley Mein- anial Hospital an Saturday, Jan. 28th, 1950. 5-1' DEATHS FORGETT-At the Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, on Satur- day, January 28th, 1950, Keîth Forgett, aged 10 weeks, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fargett, Haydon. Funeral was bel& f ram the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanvilie, on January 3th. Interment Bowmanv i 1l e Cemetery. 5-1 THOMPSON-At Kîrby on Fni- * day, January 27th, 1950, John Thompson in bis Bth year, be- loved busband of Amelia Brad- ley Tbompson. Funeral was held in Kirby United Church on Jan- uary 3tb. Interment Orono Cemetèry. 5-1 IN MEMORIAM DONOGHUE-In hoving memony ofou da sstrand daughter away Feb. 12, 1941: Nine yeans have passed but stili we miss ber; Neyer shalber memory fade; Loving thaughts will always linger Round the grave whene she is laid. -Ever remembered by father, brothers and sisters. 5-1* DONOGHUE-In loving memory of a dean wife and mother, Eliz- abeth Donoghue who passed away Pcb. 5, 1942: î No ane knows how much we miss you No one knaws- the bitter pain, We have suffered since we hast you, Life bas neyer been the sarne; ln aur bearts yaun nemony lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dean mother That we do fat think of you. -Ever remembered by busbànd and family. 51 GINN-In having meinory of a dean husband and fathen, James Glnn, who passed away Feb. 4, 1949: His charming ways and smiling face ,,,a pleasure ta necali Rechad a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. --Sadly missed by wife and sons Clarence and Harvey. 51 GINN-In loving memory of a dean father and grandpa, James Ginn, wbo passed away, Feb. 4, 1949: Mis charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasune ta recaîl, Rie had a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. -Ever remembered by son, Clan- ence and Amy and the family.1 5-1 PAEDEN-In oving nemary of my dear mother and fathen, John Paeden wbo passed away Feb. 1, 1942; and Ida# Paeden, Dec. 31, 1947: 0 happy bours we once enjoyed .How sweet their menai-y stili But deatb bas heft a loneliness The worhd can neyer fi. -Son, Loi-ne and Gertrude. 5-1' Notice Io Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL HENRY SIMPKIN, late of the City of Oshawa. ALL persons having dlaims açainst the estate of Paul Henry Ssmpkin, deceased, who died on oi- about the hst day of December, 1949, ai-e notified ta send ta the u wdersigned, Parkhill & Yanch, solicitors for the Executors, an an hefore the 15th day of Febnuary, 1050, their names and addresses and full particulars of their daims, and the nature of the pecunities (if any) hehd by them, duly verlfied by statutory de- claration. Immediately after the said hth " dy of February, 1950, the assetsj ai the said deceascd will be dis-, tibuted among the parties en-1 tltied thereto having regard only ta the dlams of which it shall then bave notice. DATED this 22nd day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1950. PARKH-ILL & YANCH, 26 Simcoe Street North, Solicitors for Wanda Tani. Simpkin, and Ronald eitor Simpkin, Executars of"he Paul Henry Simpkin Estate. -à-3 CARD 0F THANKS 1 Real Estate For Sale Mrs. E. A. Wight wishes to ex- press ber appreciation and thanks to her many friends for the kind- ness shown to ber in ber recent i.llness. 5-1' To my friends and neighbours who sa0 kindiy remembered me with deeds of kindness, gifts, fruit and cards during my recent illness, I wish to express my sincere thanks. -Lewis Allun. 5-1' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and family, Tyrone, wish ta express sincere thanks ta friends and neighbours for assistance given and the many kindnesýes extend- ed ta thein at the turne of the fire which destroyed their home. 5-1 The family of the late Mrs. Silas Williams wishes ta express their thanks ta ail their friends for the many acts af kindness extended ta them, also to Beehive Rebekah Ladge for their kindness during their sad bereavement. 5-1 * Mr. Regînald Nesbitt and fam- ily wisb ta express theirsincere thanks and appreciation ta re- latives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of synYbathy and cards extended during their recent sad bereave- ment of a dear wife and mother. 5-1 1 wouid like ta take this op- pprtunity ta tbank my friends araund Newtonville, Zian, Part Hope and Newcastle for the lovely cai'ds, boxes of treats and flowers; also the .Woman's As.f sociation and Farm Forum es- pecially my neighbours wbo as- sisted Mrs. Johnston with farin activities during my iliness. Stan Johnston. 5-1' Mrs. W. E. Beacock and family wish ta express their thanks ta Rev. W. C. Hutton, Rev. J. R. Bick and ta Rev. G. Nicholson; aiso Mr. McDermott; and their deep and sincere appreciation ta their many friends and neigbbons for the beautiful flowers and kindnesses during thein necent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving busband and father. 5-1' ENGAGEMENT Mn. and Mns. William H. Bates,1 Bowmanville, annaunce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter ' Reva Malvina, ta Mn. William1 G. Parker, alsa of Bowmanville.1 The marniage will take place inr St. John's Anglican Chunch, Sat-i unday, Februany llth, 1950, at 2 pi. . 5-1$ Reception1 Mn. and Mrs. Albert Knight will be home ta thein frîends at the home of their niece, Mns. Gea. Chernington, 19 Liberty St. N.,' on Sunday, Febnuary th frorn 3 ta 5 in the aftennoon -and 7 ta 9 in the evening on the occasion ofP thein Golden Wedding Anniver- sary. - ICOMING EVENTS Dance-Enniskillen Hall, Feb- ruàry 3rd, auspices Service Club. Pnizes. Refreshments. Proceeds for haspital. Admission 50c. 5-1 Goodyear Recreation Euchre this Fniday night, Feb. 3rd, in Recreation Hall, ta stant at 8 p.m. sharp. 5-1. Dance in Newtonviile Com, munity Hall, Friday, Feb. Srd Admission 5Oc. Refreshment.ý sold. 5-1 Evening Auxiiiary euchre and lunch at St. John's Parish Hall, Wednesday evening, Feb. 8th ai 8 p.m. Admission 35c. 5-1 The Ambassador MaIe Voice Choir of Toronto at Trinity United Chunch, Satumday, Feb. llth, 8 pin. Silver collection. 5-1 The annuai meeting of the Bowmanville Hospital will be held Febnuary 24th in the Coun- cil Chambers at 8 p.m. for the purpase of eiecting officers and ather business. 5-i CON14UNITY SALE Second Communlty Sale at Gay Barns on No. 2 Highway, haif-mile West af Courtlce an Saiurday, Feb. 4ih at 1 p-m. CATTLE Springens and yaung cattle HORSES Good Team (right in every way), pony, six years aid, welh broken. PIGS A numben of pigs IMPLEMENTS Lime and fertilizer distributor, 'n rubber (good), manure spnead- Pr, McCormick-Deering (good); '-row carm cultivaton; inower, 5 ft., McCormick-Deering; mower, .ft. (Case); spning-tooth lever harriows; potato digger, M.H-.,ý good. Probably nubber tjred wag- n an3d many other iniplements. POULTRY Hampshires and Rocks Cars and numneraus ather articles. 'rins Cash Sale 1 p.n. sharp 14OTE: Please have ail consign- ments at bai-n by 12 o'clock. ELMER WILBuRt, Auctioneer. ib 5-1. 01 I N 5-roomed bouse, near highway, with 1-acre land, some berry bushes. Price $3,000. Will take 1-3 or 1-2, down payment. Ap- ply A. Budt, 6th bouse north of Trull's Store, Courtice, Phone Oshawa 908J2.. 5-2 $6,500 -10-roomed brick bouse, situated on treed lot, new furn- ace, new roof and cbimneys, beavy wiring, built-in cupboards, 3-piece bath, newly decorated; storm windows and doors; full cellar, double garage, 55x166 ft. Apply 103 Scugog St. 5-1' FARMS FOR SALE Specializing in farins in the pros- perous County of Durham, I have listed in my office for sale several chaice properties north of and an No. 2 Highway, between Bowmanvîlle and Port Hope. The price range is between $ 1,500 and $12,500. Also saine fine surbur- ban homes. Mortgage funds available on yoUr town or farin property. Inquiries invited. Leroy Hamilton Broker Orono, Ont. Phones: Office 32r10 - Res. 1r16 5-1 JAMES NIXON A lovely 5-roomed bungalow., 36x26, furnace, 3-piece bath, hy- dro, built-in cupboards, full base- ment, garage, $6,700. Lot on Scugog St., 50 ft. front, 150 ft. deep, water and sewer, good location, will seil or ex- change for Oshawa lot. Farin for sale, 28 1/2 *acres in vil- lage on cernent road, fat far fram Bowmanville, 9-room bouse, hy- dro, barn, garage and other buildings, some',fruit. Bus ser- vice. $5,500. Parcel of land, appraximately 75 acres of wbich 40 acres workable or pasture, 35 acres wood, two creeks, low taxes. Cottage at east beach, Bowrnan- ville, 5 rooms, bydro, new wiring, septic tank, insulated, easily heated, bardwood floors. James Nixon Phone 682 Bawmanville 160 Liberty St. N. 5-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $1,100 down - Garage, cement block construction, booth, stock- raom, cellar, pit, gas purnps, 30,000 gai. turnover, twb aven- bead doons, heavy wiring, in vil- lage near Bawmanville. Total pnice $6500. Immediate possess- ion. $1,000 down-four-roomed bouse, new, on Highway No. 2. Vacant. Total pnice $2500. $ 1,200 dawn -six-roomed bouse, hydro, 4 acres, near Bowmanville. Pnice $3700. $ 1,400 down-five-raomed bouse in Bowmanviile. Vacant. Total pnice $2800. $2,000 down -new five-roomed brick bungalow, thnee bedmoooms, hat air funnace, modemn kitchen and bathrom. Balance mortgage. Move rigbt in. $6,000-eight-roomed bouse, barn, large grounds, in centre of Bow- nanville. Vacant. Terms. $3,500-fam, 50 acres, seven- roomed bouse, barn, hydro, gar- age, tractor included. Terms. Vacant. Specl $500 down-eight-robmed trame bouse, hydro, shed, one and one- eighth acres, near school, on County Road near Newtonville. Total price $1900. Taxes $17.00. We also bave Genenal Stores, Grocery, and, other businesses, farms, taunist hodges, etc.* Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachhan Phone 326 Bowmanvilie Phone 689 Oshawa 5-i Notices To AIl Tree Cutters - Before cutting any trees for coinmercial use, contact Howard Milison,] Hampton, Tree Commissionen fa] Durhamn County. Phone 2432.* 4-3' The Harvey Dance Academny has opened a branch at 19 King St. East, Bowmanvilie. Register for Ballet and Tap lessons on Fmi- day afternoons. S-tf WARNING Dumping at the Town Dump prohibited except between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 a.m. and i p.m. ta 6 p.m. Dumping of dead animais pro- hibited. Dumping of garbage tram outside municipalities pro- hibited. 5-1 For R ent TWO unfurnished rooms. Plane 384. 5-1'* NEW four-roomed bungalow, in Newcastle, f urnace,- bath-tub. Phone 3612W Oshawa. 51' TWO unfurnished rooms, hot water, fa children. Phone 327 or apply 182 Church St. 5-1' THREE unfurnished raams, hv,- dro supplied, with garden, near schooi and chunch. Phone 2758 Bowmanviile. ,5.f THREE-roamed apartinent, now vacant. Apply Bowmanville Real Estate or Phone Oshawa 4051IR: Articles Foir Sale LARGE size jacket heater. Phone 2671. 5-1 QUEiEC heater, large size, near- ly new, $15. Phone 2589. 5-1 TEXACO gasoline delivered ta farmers. Call Bob Stoeker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf 22-CAL. Marlin repeater, like new, $20.00 cash, at McNulty's, Phone*2578. 5-1* LADY'S Westfield wristwatch, S15, in. excellent condition. Phone 336. 5-1 SEVEN-piece Mission Oak dining- room suite, $50. Phone Orono 5ORI. . 5-1* PHONE Morris's 'J0 for Venetian Blind estimates. we measure and instaîl. 37-tf BEATTY sump pump, in good condition, 15 Brown St., Phone 2094. 5-1* OLIVER 66 tractar; Oliver man- ure spreader; Gem oat roller; Viking hammer milîs. Virtue's Garage, PhonF 2882. 4-2* CORDWOOD-cut in fodt lengths, maple and beech, $15 cord at farin. Gardon Baker, Tyrone, Phone Orono 62r1Ï., 5-1' CHEVROLET 1949 pick-up truck, good value, A-1 condition, goad buy for quick sale. Jamieson Tire Shop, Bowmanville. .5'1 1928 DURANT sedan, in «ood running condition, good tires and new battery. Earl Trewin, Phone 2351.5- NEW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and ail haby's needs. See these specials at Morris Ca. 37-tf CORDWÔOD-cut in foot lengths, maple and beech; twa cords to load, $16.50 per cord. Phone 2952. 5-2 1948 G.M.C. baîf-ton truck, goad condition, 9,800 miles. Roy Mc- Laughlin, Nestletan, Phone Portj Perry 104r3. 5-1' GOOD Used Skates for boys, girls, men and wamen. Ahl sizes. Neat Way Shoe Repair, King St., West, Bowmanville. 49-tf GET your gasaline and ail barrels ready naw for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gai., $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf FILTER Queen, America's finest bagless cleaner and health unit, on dispiay at 67 King St. ,E. Bowrnanville, Phone 703 for ren- taIs or demonstratian. 5-1' TWO Swedish rifles--one 30-06 and one 270 calibre, regular price $130.00 each, ta clear at $100.00 each. McNulty's Sports & Cycle, Phone 2578 Bowmanville. 5-1' ONE neturn Tourist' Sailing Que. ta Liverpool, R.M.S. "Franconia." Eastbound, Apnil 21; westbound July 27. Apply Jury & Loveli. 5-1 1933 CHEV. coach, gaod body and tires, new brakes and clutch, mator averhauled, radio and hegt- er, $325. Phone 51r8 Orono. 5-1 CUSTOM killing every day ex- cept Friday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf GURNEY cook stove, white en- amel, equipped with Sulent Glow ail burners and water front, in' excellent condition. Phone Orona 13r4. 5-11 IBUILT-IN radias ta fit the fol- lowing: 1949-50 Ford; 1946-48 Fard; 1941-48 Chev.; 1941-48 Dodge and Plymouth, reasonable pnices. Phone Clarke 4020. 5-1' A FEW cords of dry, mixed hard- wood, $16.00 cord, sawed and delivened; aiso a few loads of dry, mixed limbs, $25.00 load, 2 cord, sawed up. Write J. A. Carscadden, Orona. 52-tf WASHERS, Locomotive, Sîmplic- ity. Available with water pump and eiectric heater - beat yaun water right in the washer. frain $117.50. Easy terins. F. F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- lateOd., Bobtic,&ock (dGrage, sited.,onta, ck <dGrums, BowmanvilIe. Phone 804. 22-tf LINOLEUM headquartens in Osh- awa ancý district. Rexoleums, Congoleuins, Printed and Iniaid Linoleum. Eveny pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf FEED Specals-Master-Mix hag grawer, $65 ton: Master-Mix, 16% dairy ration, $65 tan; mnixed feed oat chop, $47 ton; aat and barley chop, $52 tan. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3312. 5-1 TRADE-IN - Findlay Oval coal range; Prîncess Beth; Beatty washer; Beech eiectric refriger- ator, newly painted, recandition- ed, $129.50; chesterfield bed and rangettes. Murphy's, Phone 811. 5-1' GRAIN ginder with electric motor; Grinder bas new feed- worm, V-belt or flat-beit drive, spring release.for plates. Motor, 3 h.p. single phase, 110-220 volts, 60 cycle; Delco No. C-3-6, necent- ly rewound and reconditioned, double V-belt pulley; complete with 2 beits anj contrai box, $150.00. John Jacks, Hampton. 5-2' 1930 FORD coach. Pbone Bow- imanville 2878. 5-1* l*37 DODGE sedan, gaod con- dition, $550. Phone 952 or 77 King St. E. 5-1* SEE the new Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, tank and upright mod- els from $49.50 at F. F. Morris Co., Phione 480. 5-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean econamical way. , Pay only $11.45 dawn at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf ALL kinda of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hans, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836;. also customn killing, picklIng, smoking and sausagé making, rendering lard. 23-tf ORDERS taken for gaod Ontario No. 1 potatoes, by bag or in quantities. Free Delikyery in Bow- manville. To insure delivery for spring use Order Naw Sebago's, Katabdins and Cobblers. Doug- las CurI, 5 Nelson St.. 5-1' NEW model D Case tractar; new model DC3 Case tractor; new model S Case tractar; new model VAC Case tractor; used model C Case tractor, an new rubber and overhauled; Quaker Oul Burners; 1 new Case Manure Spreader. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Pbone 497. 5-1 PREFABRICATED cohcrete stave silos; will not blpw down; can be taken down and rebuilt at sinal cost; erected in one day by man- ufacturer. Write for prices and literature. Rowe BrothersSl Company, Box 219, Campbe:llford, Ontario. Can be seen at Lyall Lowery's, Orono. 54 DRY Hardwood, Beech and Maple. Pnices: at farm-$12 per cord or $14 per cord, buzzed. Delivered: $15 per card or $17 per cord, buz- zed; single col'd, $5. H. M. Kyte, an Scugog Road between Burke- ton and Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 193r14, Collect. Inquiries invited by dealers and truckers. 45-tf TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many calours and style combin- ations ta choose froin. Groups include: 2-pc. Velbun Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin- Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Sinoker, 1 Aluin- inuin Serving Tray. 10-pc. Sper- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terins ta suit. Many other suites ta choose froin. ,2-tf BRADJLEY Furnitur' Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedraoan suites, $69.00; steel bed outtits, complete, $26.95; felt base floar covering, 49e a square yd.; chrornq chairs, $6.95, ah] colons; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses. $24.95; tri-iight lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges tram $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x (; Axininster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95;, table iamps, $6.75. Everything for tbe hume at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Sound System For Rent BEST Public Address equip- ment in Bowmanville, Re- cords played for dances. Cal L. Winacatt, Phone 631. 4tf Lost SMALL black, white and tan female fox hound. Phone 2808 Bowmanville. 5-1 For Sale by Tender TENDERS will be neceived up ta midnight, Feb. 11, 1950, for a metal raofed building, apprax- imately 60'xlOO', known as Park Street United Church shed, Orono. The said building ta be remnoved within a limited time. ta Box 50, Orona. The lowest or any tender not nécessarily accepted. 4-2' Wanted DEAD or crippled stock rernaved free of charge. One boum service. Highest prices for aid horses. Margwill For Farin, Cali Collect: Bowmanville 2679. 41-tf TRA ÀC TOR .S PE ClA LS W-4 International Standard completely recanditioned and refinished with new machine guarantee Price $1,195 International Farmail "A" completely rgconditioned, like new with new machine guarantee Price $875 Other' Specials Used 13-i-un Drilli.- $35.00 Beatty Washcr like new, regular $165 Speclal $95.00 Large size Viking 2-doon electric Refrigerator - $90.00 Farm Equipmeni and Aulomolive Co. Phone 689 131 Kin t St. E. 5-1 Livestock For Sale PAIR of young geese. Phone 2235. 5-1 SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, eight weeks aid. J. C. Cook, Phone 2435. 5-1 ANGUS Bull, eleven months, bred on farin of Hon. Ray Law- son, London. Godfrey Bowman. Enfield, Phone 2839. 5-if THREE yaung (female) geese, $5.00 each. Chester McGrath, R. R. 3 Bowmanville, Phone 2713. 5-1' TWO grade heifers, 14 months aid. Holstein and Hereford. R. LeGresley, Phone Clarke 1130. 5-1' E. A. WERRYý, Enniskillen, bas on hand a large number of stocker cattle, grass cows, spring- er c'ows. Yaur. choice. Priced very reasonably. Phone 2570. 5-1 TURKEY poults; genuine brdad breasted Bronze, mediumn weight, goveroment banded, bloodtested and pullaruin free. Locally pur- chased turkeys get better start. Apply Town Line Turkey Farin, Town Line E., Oshawa. Phone Oshawa 3370J1. 2-4* Help Wanted LOCAL belp ta cut cord wood.- Apply Frank Gilmer, Newton- ville. Phone Clarke 613. 5-2 EXPERIENCED man for dairy farm. Apply M. Morgan, Taun- ton. 5-i* STENOGRAPHER, must be ex- penienced typist, would consider part time. Write Box 373, States- MAN Wanted for Rawleigh busi- ness. SeIl to 1500 familles. Good profits for bustiers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-S, Montreal. 5-4 CLERK for Bowmanville Post Office, maie preferred, 18 ta 35 years of age. Apply by letter for appointment ta John Kent, Acting Postmaster.5-1 LADY or girl ta heip with house- work in sinaîl pleasant home, live in orout. Write ta Box 370, c/o Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 5-1 YOUNG woman for general housework, 2 children. Complete- ly modem .home. . Private room and radio. Phone 2080 Bowman- ville. 5-tf Wanted To Buy STEREOSCOPE. Phone 648 Bow- manville. 5-11 SCRAP batteries! Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf USED litter carrier track and hangers. C. Payne, R.R. 3 New- castle, Phone Clarke 2811. 5-1 POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We cal] at your door. Phore Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are highen M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17*tf PIANOS Wanted -Uprights and grands. Will pay cash, no charges for appraisal. F. J. Mitchell, Telephone 492. 5-1 THREE acres or mare with build- ings, within 6 miles of Bow- manville. Jin Stainton,. Phone 2734. 5-1' HAVE you an aid horse-hair sofa or maple chest of drawers you don't want. We do and will pay for them, Write Post Office Box 508, Bowmanville. 5-1' N E YVER BEFORE! THE MOST DARING SPECTACULAR FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE IN OUR HISTORY Terrific Values Card Tables --- ---- ----$ 1.77 Fancy Chesterfield Cushions $1.88 Hassocks (assorted colours) $2.44 Fancy Boudoir Lamps ----$2.99 Pile of Scatter Mats (Ta Clear) -------------------- $3.89 Chrome Chairs (new colours) .----------------4.94 Baby Play Pens - -,-$5.92 Genuine Walnut Coffee Table, Duncan Phyfe ' -- $9.27 Spring-Fiiled Mattresses, Better Quaiity - -- --$17.77 Baby Convertible Prains, Chrome Fenders , 3- 31.44 Cook Stove (,mahl size) --- $34.89 5-pc. Kitchen Set, Chrome $44,19 10-pc. Bedroom Suite - $96.49 3-pc. Bedroom Suite, Genuine Walnut.------ $117.39 10-pc. Chesterfield Group ---$12666 7-pc. Chesterfield Suite, Velour $146.155-pc. Kroehler Chesterfield Suite ---$157.85 Beautiful Bedroom Suite, Twin Beds, Special $173.59 3-pc. Kraehler Deluxe Chesterfield Suite. $194.29 NEVER BEFORE SUCH LOW PRICES W IL SO0N'S Furni jure Co. 20 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA Room and Board1 Applications Wanted ROOM and board ini Bowmanville wanted for girl. Write Box 372, Statesman Office. 5-1' ROOM and, board available for tbree elderly ladies. Apply Mrs. E. H. White, 22 Duke St., Bow- manville. - Auction Sales Dor't forget Durhamn County Community Auction Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, Thursday, Feb. 9tb, at 1:30 p.m. There will be offered for sale all kinds of livestock, machinery, furniture and ýdozens of other items. Remember the date - Feb. 9th - the Sales Barn, Orono. Tbe place where ail farmers meet. Terins cash. Please note the new change of time - 1:30. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 5-2 The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Harry. Stephenson, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington Twp., ta seil by public auctian his farin stock, impie- ments, saine hay and furniture, on February llth. Sale includes four bhorses, nine bead of cattie, eight pigs and a full line of farin machinery. Sale at 1 p. mn. Terms cash. No W~erve. T. S., clerk; C. Pethick, auc- tioneer. 5-2 TENDERS WANTED Cobourg, Ontario TENDERS FOR HOME FOR THE AGED ADDITION SEALED tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 5 pin., Wednesday, February lst, 71950, for the construction of an addition ta the existing United Counties of Northumberland and Durhamn Home for the Aged, at Cobourg, Ontario. Drawings and Specifications, and Tender Farin may be obtain- cd froin Rounthwaite & Fairfield, Architects, 22 Harbord Street, Toranto, and at the offices of the undersigned, on deposit of $30 00, which payment will be refunded upon return of the drawings and specifications in good condition, within thirty days after receipt of tenders. Bid. bond in the amount of 5 % of tender required. Lowest or any tender fat nec- essarily accepted. William Barr, Caunties Clerk & Treasurer, United Cbunties of Northumberland & Durham, Cobourg, Ontario. 3-3 Farm Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland families available. Arriving son. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestle- ton, Ont. Phone 225-24 Part Perry. 4-19 Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR aid eaïvetrough repaired or new repliiced. For free esti- mates phone T. Salter & Son, Hampton, 2142, Bowmanville. 4-4* 'Applications wîi be accepted by the undersigned Up until o'clock noon, Tuesday, FLeruj 7tb, 1950, for the positio n Assistant ta the Clerk and T~ surer of the United Count1s df Northumberland and Dur ami. Applicants must be maie,..uail ifications must include tP41it ing, shorthand and bookkeeplng. Salary ta be $ 1500.00 per anniun. Ahl applications must be plainly marked as sucb on the outside. W. E. BARR, Caunties' Clerk & Treasurer, Cobourg, Ontario. Decorating R. B. BROWN & SON, Interior Decorating, paper, painting, 'gyp- tex and tinting. Tomorrow,ýnever cames. Have your work' done ta-dayý._Pone 2639. 3-3 FOR prompt, efficient, guara eed service, dyeing and custom :*ork, try the Neat- Way Shoe air Sbop, King St. West. t REPAIRS toalal makes of réfrig- eraters, darnestic and rommercial. Higgoni Electric 42 King St. E., Phone 43R 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- built and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have our consultant cal] -at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre. 10 King St. E. 39-tf ORDER your fertilizer attacb- ment naw. Rubber tired wagons and averhead door hardware. Fred Partner, Phone Bowmanville 2328. 4-2 Attention Farmers!1 WE will be pleased ta pick up dead or crippled farin animals. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2-tf Pets For Sale HOUND, excellent fox hound. Apply James Delaney, 1/2 -mile north and one mile east of Hampton. 51 Work Wanted FINISHING aur last bouses end of February. Open then for large or sinaîl carpentry jobs, roofing, fireplaces and chimneys built, etc. Satisfactary work guaranteed. References if requested. Gea. Reynolds & Son, Courtice, Phone Oshawa 908J3. Collect. 51 Chicks For Sale GAINFORTH Chicks-Fag profit in 1950 buy better chicks. Gain- forth Chicks are top quality. Ail popular breeds. Far further in- formation and prices contact Chiropodist Wanted To Rent T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodlst, specializing in diseases of the foot FOUR or five-raomed bouse, be- and ieg. General chiropody work. tween Bowmanville and Oshawa, Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, reasonable rent. Write Box 371, Phone 3947. 35-tf Statesman Office. .5-1' Enlargement Special 15 Ilx 7" Glossy Enlargemeni in Easel Mount 35C each Revio'n Introduces Aquamarine Complexion SOAP For a limlted time only One Cake wlll be given FREE with the purchase of i-egular size Aquamarine Lotion 3 for 90c New! Halo Cremip Shampoo Now - Popular Hala qhampoo ln handy creme foi-m. 98c jar SDecia Offe1 DAGGETT and RAMSDELL -1 Perfect Cold Creamn Perfect Cleanslnt Creans Regularly $1,15 Nfow 79c 6-oz. Jar For a llmlted time onIv Both for $1.00 Inirducory Offer rRICHARD HUDNUT Egg Creme Shampoo r-eg. $1.25 - 2 fi. az. Creme Rinse FREE Dothfor_$1.25 ____ ______ JURY 0LOVELL 0 Wben W. Test Eyes Et ta Dons Properly TOUR REXALL DEUG STORE PHONE 778 DOWMANVILE 4 '4, . 1 PAGE FOURTEEN 1 0 h a r( ai v 1 1 1 TIM CANADUN STATERM, BOWNUNV=. OMARTO lmnmRlllw IRMIMAIDIV 4b V j ý

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