WHUWEnAY WflU~TTAWV I 10511 -, - -.------ -, -~w - s.-- - TUS C5MAflIA~ ~T4T~?4A>T, EQW~4Mqv~LLz. ONTARJO PAOU Reminiscent Lettrs. 0f »*rt Hutchesos Se iup Menwiçs Port Pemry, ont. Dear Mr. James: 1 'recelved a letter from Kim )4orrLàon, wlo X lad not seen sInçe we were at school tagether 1A Bowmanville. Mr. Morrieon lb living in Birmingý.am, Ala- bame, as you no douht know and he evidently sees Thc Statouman from hia commenta in the enclos- 04 letter iran hlm. [Cseems ta remember t1e ph&çd swimming hole at Sandli's- qiponid.1 did not quite finish that n"tory lu a recent article I sent you. There is a measure ai tra- gedy at the end as when the uhiniiey seasan was over, as the day qt longer and sun lahtter and raina warmer, tle snÔws on the' Cartwriglit huis tnelted and ail the rivulets, gutters and ditches poured into Cotton's creek, the ice broke up and a . çamge roaring down 'on blp pon4 heaying tIceice in it and ail piled. up on the dam. This qemîçh generaily ta happen in the night SAIN RIMOVUR MAXC $TIFF PASTI OP LUMP SARCH... SPRF-AD 0t4 $TAIN4. ORfOY0.gSmuSI4 pp. Discouraged About Complexion? Many 'Young people be- tween the ages or le à)DO 20 get dlscouraggdl abox their complexions, If yqu',!p lu thiu age group and are dltressed because qo akin blemishees, çb1eÇ* yapr diet f Irst. Try drinking plenty This rlch food ceptains al the mineril, urotrtns, car- bohydratea, -etc., - j»at --are essential Io heih and bcauty. GLEN RAE DIR 4 4 s aCd eh th Souch men wouid b out ..t covib"r,piIkepo _ eMad Aým trying tg ceax the.wastç- gtu inetl)qn there Wouild be %i gnMjnouA soggd and a cry, .oç)-wio, she's igoing o4t!" and then wil' a roîer thç*dîam wQOCld bmust with water, lcç, %Waský_- g~eal inione'raomexitous, Savalanche.* Then it was thart~in 'Soucti, woui4 -put the, rbridie oiA the old mare and Ljumpinyg on bare-baIck and giving her the gad would gallpp up Volland's Mill ta HXibbert's gate an'd wheçling down the lakçe road wçuld speed into the niglit to warn Soper's Mill (later Mac- kay's) of the approaching danger 3-0s that they could have their t atei gpen ready for the flood. t There were no teléphones in those days. 014 Saper lived In a red brick >house up the slie-from lis mil. *It had a sort of sunpariour on ithe roof. That is as if yau lad 1cut çff the top af the roof and. 1raised it three feet and supported it wlth a circie of windows mak-. 1 ing a room in thé attic. The 1story was that Mr. Saper did not, fi ý, ý%i.-cAr9n settlu9 tg hask n. tHe belonge~ ta a 'relIgiouý sect -wlo, While believing in a future life did nat enjay the evangelicel vieW af heaven in~ which you wore wings and sat oA the edge.ai a fleecy claud play- ing a harp ýh'iough ail eternity but thougît you carwe back iii some -other iorm af hie. For bIs part hie believec le 'wauld came back 'as a horse and sa had the sunparlar in the roof stuffed with oats. It Was Mot stated how he expeetod ta get at them. Per- laps Ein Souc é4% furiaus knock- ing migît have awakened him in fearthat lis hour lad came. Any way he hc ladte aats. 'Yours sincereiy, H. G. Hutcheson. * * e KIN MORRISON'S LETTER 1301 First Ave, North, Birmingham 3, Alabama, Jan. 4th, 1950. Dear Bert: Several times rccently 1 lave lad the pleasure -of seeing The Stutesman and rçeading your art- icles on old times lu the old bug - nieanirng "berg" aio course. Airaid I got your name wrang but that's the way I recail we used ç greetyou. Red Head L14..We kids did not know lanything about Ahe gan bçk ln the sWaxnp, but 1er 104~s wjene scary .enougl and when she loomed up, we lit out the. î l ahWoods pr. aur awn baclc yard. I was lnterested in, your trip around thec durcIes and winding up ut Miine's foir f swig ai "ahi and ahi." Won't we get thc aid man, Jini, Jlg aend Chanlie 'into trouble. Don't believe they lave a "liceused ta be drunk an the Premis" but for once 1 gues w~ ç~p gel awa wît i f tÇ e2à;qInsp ector W. R hl çpsotget Wise ta it. hgliçdea ai takîng a trp buck ta the aid place sug ests g ball g'~e dowp at the drill shed grudand tIen a swim lu Sroupehls]Pond. Bpat wlien I fttily racovPr, the sad truti: There ain'l no, drill shed and there ain't no Saucl's pond. The last glinipse I lad ai the aid null suggested a vcry irreliglous ' sang I leard years ago an the vaudeville stage. An old loba was singing a sad sang ta tIc chum ai lis youth whom le cailed John, about the old swimmin' hlie, etc. The re- frain rau samething like: _ "You remeniber île dam by the miii site, Johnny my old cluni John The dam is stiil there by the miii site The water it stili fiaws an But île mili isn't tîcre by a 'dýmnsîght Jolnny my aId cluni John." Maybe il is, but the verse Thousands ai visitors frai souti of tic barder abarp, qur enthusiasm for bowling. When they stay anywhere in Ontaria tiey can join in their l@,oate pastime. Beiug good hasts ta aour U.S. trien4g Ne4rpo4 hu@ines and new business for .v.rop».. Vp u e ti.t aur visiitors gel lhp kP4 cif wa tbns It wiIbrigthom b"c Je1'g I.batt jÂpited, Londop? Cs&&4& !FOR IOWLIRO Mrs. Capt. Deering Addresses ÇQurtice yQotmg P9000 Tho fmacwatin.# tales of lie ic héUW.an fÀu14 alwgys bave a'apqcisi ePPçal tg youjýgPeap and th~e stories told by min. Cet. D oç;tnje the Eivatian &rmy, at t]cýe ça'ing9 PQopl', Union an MçýçA nl it prov,çvO no e«,çeptÀffl. ThoP *erlus e :Çt #k;Af1çî in June, 4 i, end . Later Mm rs. W4 #,V1!e the 4uperviaa p . ,< win thçxwe yfl5 native b~h~.1e husbgn , Qpb. De 'ngw" e- sponsible lfor qiA egewlýçbottpqi toolç hum 50 or O ip'n194 ewýy frani theuir wn Mi5«eçi.nStation. Work- as 4e 'nioiAqry hes Iba owrn peculier polb çha watesa*gi ~çultx i carry.11 af the w4tèreg ana Pqçu m44 wiy. weeNmAÇt uu,%V.eÀfor * xuap ta h4ve 25 wýivçi with A powforidd a egchli wU.Thewapi n their pAr9lçu4r PR# ç,4 the çQIAtry did 0.11 tbe waniç,wlub t set Aitaiiii on Tlie natives ai- fRhodçsia have a terrible iear of evil spirits. Mrs. Deering told the st ange gus- toms Which are practiçed in an effort ta keepL tlpae subversive spirits iram harming people. When a waman died, ber body was buried in front oi the store housf in the lape that the evil spirits would stey atvay. For t#e sanie reasons the men were bur- led ini front af the stock panÇs. Oply wl4ep thç inissioparies were able ta beach th . people the Ggspçl ai Christ W.êrç blise strange 'custorM ' or«Ç'ten e4"d their waY oaite changed The worship convengr, Muriel Stevens, led the meniberg ln the worship service as she urged theni ta do their own share ai mnissionary worl< in tbeir awn commtixiity. bMuriel aisa presented a helpiul meditation on th~e fgmil- iar hymn "Just as I arn Witbout One Plea". Jean Burgess assisted lier in the service And - dna SwAilow accampanied Doreen *Jeffery's solo. During the busilçes meeting« which wAi conduéted I y Pei dent Jean eBurgçis s idçplretalry MnXrg. McGregqr, t4l'i Urcý up- ions' divi det for spparetç e4qacg- tive meetings. 4qn eVo4s led the recrçation lpçaniod et 'he çon- clusiop of the meeting. COURTME (IntenJ,ýcIfor Imat Wyek) Nýo. 4 Mission Band ïfP- t1 Jn. 24. Installation ofi xww .50, 1,î ers was taker care p a1 ç busi- ness included one birth y being observed.'Worship ?eriQden~ 4 n xilatmusic by ÉLlayýuoyçr- iy. Ca 1 to .,orship was givep an4d scripture reaçting given býy yrný Peterson. Ètoýry andi prayeir iven by M rs. S.tan Coverly 'aàç prayer by Peibert Grills. Thi4 prograni .vas given:- Segding - Ramon4 Christie, mouth argan sol-Jo- seph Christie, story-Rae John- ston; piano solo-Milton Arnold, pqM-Z1sip Down, story-Miss Arnold. Clo3ed with Mgzp# Beri- ediction. C.G.I.T. met in Courtice church on Jan. 23 and opened with rec- reatian whQn ail participated, afterwards acjourning tg ýbpir different roomxs tp carry on in their own manner. Business items included plans for observing C.G.I.T. week Jan. C.G.I.T. will be usir4g Jingle Boxes, cantyibuting crafts, for window display at 'Dancçy's store, Osh4wa, listening to the rgçlio broadcast over Oshawa 4ta- tian at 7:30 Tueeday night. Will Wear uniforms to school on Wgd- nesday and attend church as a groqip on Sunday, Feb. 5, when ail are invited ta attend Sunday evening service,' guest speaker being Leone Thompson, who 'at- tended Camp Council last sumn- mer. A social evenirig will be held at Courtice Church on FQb. 10 when Lost iTeir and Crakînole Wîll be played. *A pleasant time was enjoyed at the homne of Mr. Jay Triffl, by a few couples, wlwn a lovely dinner wgs cooked and servçd by Mr. Jesse VepNçr>t, Troronto, as lie ýemonstrated his alumi- num produÜcts. Giad tq report Iyrs. A. B. Wer- ry ,mprving 'slowly after her re- ceiin ilness. Ail wish for speedy recovery. woglcl hardly get hy tle censor tiese cluys. The 'date recuils ilat 58 years ugo taday I lit îhe old Grand Trunk soit- coal unlimited as George Ade used ta e fpr down iý this country - Tempus doca r1ugit ail rigit, and lu that time, finçi that the ýouch iamily and mine lave intýrmarried a couple ai tumes. Don't kuow if any ai tîem are &till living but tîcy were preity good ipiksalal rigît. Desuiiptiorf af Johp ooan was a dandy, In tic early 8%' it wus reported around town he was on lis wuy irom Oshawa caming fast and e4pected uny minute. TIe street was lined ta give hlm a reception, for auy excitemeut was wclcome back in thase days. Iu front ai TIe Statesman Office, a dog rau out and barkcd at hlm. He picked up a rock, let fiy smashing a window I thiuk in The Statesman office or right neuv it. Neve.F he&itgtg4 #pop- on4, ran ighit mi, Ma4 th,- dani- #qd O.li ~lt tfor Wawçeitlcn pd points cest. Lest lime 1 s4w him w4a in Oropo, and hgrçiiy roaognzed him without bthl il. li nd F.4 colt.n 9. 41 ipt4sf 1, . I <44 utraw laIat nciwa u t gaina rQin tqra a aone Jauying of ealgyaur article. Sincerely, X. M. Morrison. Troubled Waters (, R. 3. p"~)P,* mlv~getepp 9 *qý eibs bbem' laipmthlnq pag ~ ; busAaous, yie q çii neivoe1 t e ~~ lrecoxds mk i do*r'b 4 g, lTç çis, l in itiniaa Pt the l41, W. 0. IUeds, 4 4lir- ouseiswhiçlih, t Unes con- b4~$~i5 a oplc citer * wegry çoingas 4#ivç ta maye 4ýçre- ç4ap fi maeolo w;yi, liui una. e- 414 aiw4t4~ ~aps 'at chey thA b~ubes0 itewlnnc~nls beetli au le vJ çlçr tht the admxnistra. tof- j4~ d~t U y,4er of mismenegn , à edeIbir-' gie AttbeznPt diacnîditan eg- still ubulcly-owndutility.'ý Ti'aV e sscn&s-teenn 1t bc rgi~ 34t ot bi W am N 1, iat r Aa ,Ç!-TbÇ - Q4 ilv bh thet thim acl f4tS, l Q ai trying ta sa oage thèrallwayà . ncjçulpus bçyçqid,,waqds. Sai taen do poat dehibçVetèiy çut ô15 the Il mb on whlcb thdy Ore perch ç.d. The relationship of loss ta gain in an advcnture af this Icind is f ar too great. Men accupying positions ai tuis type wouid neyer do so dastardly a thing. The CC haý faýr top lit4lç iaitl inlutbe. gaadnessof aimn.. It Camaés ta 1115 strange conclusion irpni qn ac- centuated conception ai its own moai euperiu0ity. Here is another extract: "The council finçis la dii licult ta understand why tliç Canadien Pacifie'-Railway slould hç able ta retain its full services while tle CNR la restricting tleni." I t gl *o hind aut why Unit,4 nltwe Il là ya re re stricting their services. It would b. interptiug ta inquire if that t eut labor legder Mr. John L. ý,4h#4 uiything ta do wîth it. He )Ajes , th power tg close down M aut pi the rrilway lnes ii edgtJnt4 *eeeIlh.wantg ta do o à %I.rbtrwi4. a u controY The CO(Jr gexnde that agri- cultVral prIçea spp#ts ahould be nWe4 perniýnent. It warits war- tlni piiw lupeace time. Cis, 1npome fiani thi. sale Pit 1rm Pro- in 1930 weu $060,000,000, in 4t. w*8 $2,4,000,000. It 13 *ul lih1 ower in 1949., Il we 94~pnt4 hid prcu cd i~~po uctàA t Wer-time leyels çq~r4e~s *9tleçeaonmie Ott- UOhb4 we abou have a4pçtty bill tg p f or îib. XQçewl1, o up. T4pewU ie emanda for th- 0 g~wam ~and fi a regut- Whet la the susgestignonfathe CQ]r for prçâent giioultIes? It is tP accetpt Peyznînt i ~rig un 014çi rttinie g we's wu tq Ionow wort h 2-8P. Wb# ,t Ila 'nient by thua 1144fflAt? .&ya we ta accept tie m u he ti id par ai$486- M? OÇit pan i of .00 or pregant value or $2.6d? Cun we go aheud and sali frgey ucççpting pounes ut p rçsent valuation. Again Mr. Coldweili uggcsts, as a solution, lIat Canedian producers could be paid ln Canudian dollar. made availuble from aur owu taxes or trom the Bankc pi Canada. That salves' no problem, il simply nmeans tiat the Cunadiien people shauid hi taxcd ta talce over food supplies produced In île Do- mninion ai Canada for whidi tle producers are' not willing ta ac- cept prisent prices. He also su9geýta that the mouey migît be secureci irom, the Banik af Canada. Mr. Coliçll admits that* this wauild ha lnflatiouary and tIen proposes iresh contrais Boys' Parliamnent Seeks $14,000 For Boys" Work he Ontario Boys' Warlç Board la holding a finance campaign between ]Fbruary lot and 15th ta raise $14,000-00 for the main- tnançco aof $)e Ontario Older Boys' Purliament, af boys' camps, leadership training, #ud church boys' wok in the province dur- tn« 150 The Board, which re- rrs~six denomipatians ,and atdwith the Y.M.C.A., upuors the annual Ontario Old- er Boys' Parliampnt. lu addition tp Boys', Parliameut, the Ontario Boye" Worlç 'Board p rovides camping facilitiez 'and leadership tor zpore thau 1,000 In order ta hald down the price. There are no* such megAs o1 con- trai available. We caru3ot hoid pr4ces down by anceniethoe of action 'While deliberately we Oc- ceplja policy of inflation which Wouldforce pricg ppward. What a farnago ai ebsurditips! Mr. Coldwell wents us ta iu- crease aur impor.ts tram Qrçat Britain and naduce dolar X* hpants from tIe United States. What be is eug&esting i$ that we should selimore products ta Britain and 'less ta, the United States. The fact la that tle United Stucs is likciy ta be a better market for iarm products than Great Britalu. Besides Marshll mouey advanced by tle United Stutes ta Eurapean countries is now being spent in Canada. The Amnericans would like it, wouldn't tliey, if, lu view of these circumstances, we rais- cd aur tarifi against the United States ,and lowered it furtler agaiust Great Britain? Ah well, wly warry, Iumanity wiii marci a long way iu seardli ai île wrong things ta do and so lar there la little wc can do about it. Ontario boys each suminer'i 22 boys' capips throqglitput tiip pro- vince. The Boardl alio rnihtains a counselllng service for 20 di s- trict' boards ancl provides týie apr- vices, ai a Boys' Wark Secretaryr. Through a well trained office staff, up-to-the-minute pro gramn suggestions,' information bulètins and the Canadiar, Mentor mgga- aine are suplplied free of charge ta 4ôô0regfitered groups repre- senting more tIhpn 5,670 Ontario boys. A supply depot of material helps is alua *mAintained on a non-profit hasis. It is through the work ai tuis organization that Tuxis and Trail Ranger groupa are carried an. Touchinq Example of Unselfisàh Devotion One af the most touching ex- amples ai unselfish devotion ta the cause ai the needy chidren o1 Europe cames this week from the Town of Aklavik, at the mouth ai the Mackenzie River in the Narthwest Territories, wlhere, despite an epidemic rag- ing tîrough the district, volun- teer workers went ahead and coiiectedI the sum of $28.25 for UNýICEF, the Unitedl Nations In- ternational Children's Emergency Fund, wfiich is currently cam- paigning for donations 'ini Can- ada. "'I arn sarry we were unable ta collect more" wrote Robert Boudliard, *District Administrator for the newly cr'eated Department ai n~esources and !Development, wlo leaded the drive, "an epi- demic of measles and chicken pox (wîth pneumonia complica- tions) broke out on the delta, and everybody is mare concerned with other problenMs." To date 12 people have died in the epidemic althaugh things are now under contrai. The nor- mal population of Aklavik is about 325. Dept. of Renources ~ Çovers. Wicle -Fiel4aî Tenew D rtet fRJ bines Federal Government r sponsibilities ln the iollowln fields: forests; water reso4rck flot specifically assigned t auan other Department; wildlife; *à Nortlwest Territories eud Yukox adlministrations- the Nation ai Parks and Historie S ites 4i i Battlefields Commission; au FIr.> eral Crown lands not dealt wit by any other Branch of the Qipyè.'x ernment; the tourist industry$i houslng; the planning and deve1d.Lia apment ai public projects anli'& Canada Higlway; the National.'"' Museum ai Canada.' - It is expectcd that th. Hep,4l" Office will be in the Langevlà Block wlere the Ministerth~'- Deputy Minister, the Director p0$ Administration and a number q~ other officers will be located. ThIIý1 Hon. R. H. Winters la th ic Lia< ai the new Department. DepUtî Minister, H. L. Keenleyside, iô'*: merly Deputy Minister aif13411 and Resources, remains Commis~ sioner ai the N'orthwest Territûpr6.< ies. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAl» -Free Pick-up PHONE SCAhIBORO 2319 BAgTLEY"S Grading Statiou Models Of every Copiiçiiytomcl your hulinqg neede Thre's a blp tuck svent goIng on ln OU! showrooms- the 193O~4 hos orrlv.dlIts the truck that l'as EVERYTI<1NQ UT TAKRS for monoy-savIpg transportation. Far iheaç0 ln the trtnklparade, n.w GQMC's affer new.. power, psýw çrIvIag lconfort quns other Umposrtpt çvaaqcmnts. y, 4 veq plnog, wlth nowly....... carburptqr ppcl MqpIfpIdf havi -. ncroqgpçj hgrs...w. ....U proyqd UbrqIçp. liqy.Incroe*qd GMÇ's sqfity fpçtmr. Comi ln qn, o;)p for youwqmlf * . 0 f ui twl,>' fIC hçç EVIRYTHNO P 1!TAKES fer' *cqnem#l *onprttln - 1~I. RtOT @otrnTgÇI werful and depend- Th. faps M e, GMC'S Perfected VaIv...îl.bGd e. raulic brakîs use f Rfesa.nmro, lusive double-artNcu-ane r I brake aho. mechaQ- aPrOvidebetrp. M for slow, Ovin formancee or .l ncreased de-. tis mprov.d per dCýllity- Alilmodels " Mrvdpr m-and Pover bhae .formance Cand proven ry front c«Je qn ~r chassj5 coflstruction. Iatlng balisteering M tUCsRe ide eaf., eaosy han- 5h. Utrucksa eo. Il- -~ malximum vii.h.Utfll n C ýy through lorge nmca Piratjpn. et wlfldshiold; NICHOL a DO WMAN VILLE o 6 c6,j ; k/ ~ M/ W . L ýý rk7 "MMDAY. ymmiuAny- S. 1280 ý 1 ka- vi 1 , ut m ç4màýmAn 9T*Tgsm". ONTAMO PAGE ILZ7M