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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1950, p. 14

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TEE CMiADIAN STATE~MA~ U(~WhIAM~m t V Pi~ A The- Newcasile Independent Mins Margaret Aah ~'Mr. Charles Lake, Toronto,' Arer% an ta reach #Wet the weekend with his par- much quicker. ebtà, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lake. Whiîe we're on IVe are glad ta learn that Charles reaching goals. Dc lias taken kindly to the city and Rinkette Card Pi wish hin, the best af luck in his Feb. 9. The Rinkel liew venture with the Bank of ta do a fine job. 1 lXova Scotia.' should be a big pus Curresit topics of talk around undertaking soa 1i tbwn arethe Tel's "Match the the Rinkettes, the] twina" and the Star's "Famaus and every one afi Sayings" Contests. And 'oh, the it upon hin or her! downeast faces! Yau just have ta a support. stop and Wonder haw 50 many Congratulations suire fire solutions cauld be s0 for Mr. and Mrs. *rrong. (formerly Patricia Little Jane and George Robson, Chesley and Mr.a Oshawa, are visîting their grandit vey Jones (the for Ëarents, Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread) on the bi Farncomb. Chesley and Bowni Mr.and Mrs. Robert Innes, To- tais respectively, la ronto, called briefly on Mr. and Mr.and Mis. J. 1 Mis. J. A. Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. P.1 Mirs. Gardon Ash and girls on and Miss Helen R: Sunday. ranto, spent Sunda Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brant and the Gateway. Terry spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs. Max relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J.S Mis. Aiex Adair and Miss Hel- Sunday with fîiendý én Ash visited Mi. Archie Starey Miss Carolyn Frie .and Mrs. R. G. Wrigrt, al ao To- the. weekend with 1, ronto, last weekend. Toronto. Uniortuna "We've finally been skating!" became iii while s] That's the cry that has been and was farccd ta s reaching the rooitops this week. more days. The Lions. Club has managed ta Mr.aLnd Mis. D. Ni get a fairly good iloor ai ice on and Harteli, Mrs. F. Ilie aId rink and the youngsters Judy, Oshawa, were baàve revelled-with delight at the Mrs. I. J. McCuiloug qveî popular sport. Fromi the Miss Beatrix Mcmn yery yaungest ta the very oldest ing a few days with: qn the ice there is with each skat- ranto. er an air ai complete pleasure as Mis. Roland Mc they go waltzing, whizzing, or yes, borne, has been sta: even _ falling and st u m b 1 i n g mother Mis. BruceC araund and aîound the rink. her thîough her 1( These glowing faces should reaily convaîescing. J elp ta inspire the building o- Hrmn friends Wittee af aur New Memoriai ta learn that Mrs. Ei been coniined ta Os tal thraugh an aperal * ery. U"Zis spending a iew di IGeorge Wright and1 'I/NMr. and Mrs. "Bu > hesiey viite en Itives in tawn. * castle senior team i TflAN~<5. '~ ~ Falls in a fast and ARR which ended in fayou S 'S 8 to 6. Mr. Neil Britton asi joyed last Saturday ni game between Detrai, to ini Toranto. iv'i I* Myvpe.gî arrus.g*grMU Stewardship E At W.M.S. Me .W.M.S. met Feb. 2 dent Mis. W. W. Patti chair, who led .in pra: A thought pîavok: on Christian Stewai îead by the'Secietary. us that ail good thing ln lufe are boans, not gi that the One wba owrý and the fullness theîc( us ta accaunt for thi stewardship. As there daes flot much demand for clothing, - etc., forc woîk, Mis. Hoaî, St suggested that perhap iliary could worka channels for there set a great need in many ai work. In the worship se Cale read Psaln, 145 " thee niy Gad" and Mr aiiered prayer. A dui heard ai a land" wasr .,Mrs. Jase and Mis. J. Mis. Fisher acting as a( The Study Book "Growing with the Christianmzing the Sa. was led by Mis. Bensi .11 their goal that the subject ai on't farget, the >rty to-night, ttes are trying assisted by Mrs. Awde, Mi riamn and Mrs. . Blackburn in turn gave instances af hg church through its mi tions ta the sick, the neec the discouraged, at horng abroad has ,won peopleto C 9. Mer- i, who aw the nistrq- dy and te and ,hrist. United Church Notes Year of Progress At Annual Meeting rhey say there sh behind each~ A goodly representation ai the [et us consider congregation ai Newcastle United p.ush and each Church here sat down ta a bounti- us should take ful supper an Tuesday evening, self ta heip be Jan. 31, and later considered re- ports from the organizations of the church. The fellowship af the are in order meal was introduced with the Orval Stinson singing ai Grace. In goad famuiy aPearce) ai style ail sat down together for and Mrs. Haf- the meal, and anly ,for pauring rmer Christina tea were any îequired ta rise and irth af boys in serve. Neil Stewart led the as- ianvilie Hospi- sembled graup in a rousing sing- st month. sang, and C. R. Carveth showed P. Richardson, pictures: John Fisher Reports on Richardson Jr. National Radia; and the Leslie ichardson, To- Bell Singers. ay visiting at The past year was then îeview- cd and officers fôr 1950 were ley Aluin and elected. The Session reported S. Dyer spent there had been 26 additions ta the [ in Toronto. memnbeîship roIl, and that 24 had edlander spent been received into the fellowship lii parents in ai the church by infant baptism. ately Caroiyn Twclve deaths had depleted the he was there îanks ai the church, six ai whom tay for a îew w'ere members. Special attention was given ta ugen, Gergethe report af the Sunday scbool HîscacksGeornd and words ai appreciation were with Mr. and voiced by the session for ail the gh o Sunay.teachers and officers wha by their ~h a Sunay.faithfulness had built up the at- itdsh is spend- tendance af the Sunday schoal by friends in To- more than 20 percent âuring the year. The ca-aperation ai the par- birisan, Col- ents was also noted wîth con- ying with hier mendation. The celebration ai the Cotter ta help 125th anniversary was îeviewed long days of with same satisfaction, and fran ail points af vxew pranaunced ta will be sorry be a success.« ric Wicks has The sustained interest in the1 ýshawa Hospi- mission woîk ai the church even« tion. We wish during a year ai extensive ex- speedy îecav- penditures in the local charge was revealed in increased givings bath ght, Trenton, ta the Missionaîy and Mainten- lays with Mr. ance Fund and through the Wo- family. man's Missionaîy organizationsr ster" Harris, which îepaîted a veîy successfi1 nds and relia- year. Ail objectives were exceed-r cd by a confortable margin. 9 Orono-New- Ms .Cwn rsdn met Fenelon Ms CJown PeSdn rough game, The Wonan's Association1 re-S ur 'of Feneion paîtcd a record year in service ta the cangregation and taok note ai id friend en- the new equipment purchased for t iight's hockey kitchen and dining roani in the t and Toron- church, and substantial contribu-r tions ta the general budget ai thea church. Mr. F. MeMullen, Chafrman b The Stewards reported that the yer had been a goad on~e in local c Subject finances. Ahl obligations ai the L Betig cogregation weîe fully met in teregular budget. A substantiai balance îemained aver the cost of 1with Prsi decoîating in the special iund :erson in the raised for that purpase and was yer. set aside hy the stewards as the ing message beginning ai a property reserve ardship was fund againsV the next major ex- ,. It renlnded penditure on praperty. The total a] Lgs we enjoy îaised by al arganizatians was gi uts, and that approximrately $10,000, a sum be- di is "the eaîth licved ta be the highest anount rE of" will cali ever îaised in the 125 yeais ai P] is boan, this the congregation's existence, an W see tabeachievement ai the greater worth ti] seem o bewhen viewed in relation ta de- a: articles af creased incame due ta dîought in tr oui suppiy this area. .P upply Secy., Words ai appreciatian weîe til ps aur Aux- voiced by variaus nembers af the jO aiong other assembled canpany for the work ai emed., ta be af the choir, for Mr. J. S. Dyei tri other lines who led the chair, for the first N( part ai the year, for Mr. Stewart di ;ervice Mis. who is the present leader, and for Di I will extai Mis. Laura Fisher who serves as Pi' is. Merriani aîganist. The wark ai Charles hi; set "I have Cowan as head usher, and those qu rendeîed by who have served under him, and Ki 1W. Philp, A. O. Parker, Treasurer, H.C. Hc ccompanist. Bonathan, Envelape Steward, J. fa, C h a p teri Porter, Treas. ai M. and M .Fund, sel Yeaîs in and Brenton Richard, Assistant, pli ual Order" was mentioned appîeciatively. ai n: She was1 Praise was voiced for the woîk ai th( ,ti1 sei Bowanvl. Mentorial ARENA SCHEDULE Thursday, Feb. 91h Friday, Feb. 101h ~EYSATUIRDAT INTERMEDIATE O. H. A. TRENTON FLYERS MIKE' S IMPERIALS ai 8:30 p.m. TRnzToe1 HaVE. AN MPROVED TEAM T T SNOULD BE A REAL GAllE Nonday, Feh. 131h Tuesday, Feh. 141h Weduesday, Fel. 101h The Arena Is Yours - PUBLIC SKATING -RURAL HOCKEY -O.N.H.A. and Inlermediale - s Corne Oui and Enjoy If h WEDDING GIBSON-WALTON' In a simple but pîetty cere- Sympathy is cxtended ta rela mony on Saturday, Jan. 28, in St. tives ai the late Mis. George Mc John's Anglican Chuîch, Part Laughlin. Hope, Audrey Cora, daughteî af Mrs. G. Barber, Mis. J. Geai Mi. and Mis. James W. Gibsan, ing, Mis. J. McKenizie,* Courtice Paît Hope, was united in mai- Mr. and Mis. Campbelland Joan niage ta Murray Robinson, son ai Oshawa, with Mi. -and Mis. E Mi. and Mis. Eaîl Walton, New- Dean. castle. The ceîemany was per- Mis. Hazel Osborne, Oshawa iarmed by Rev. John M. Crisoil, Mr. and Mis. Plant Robinson, Pic. rector ai that chuîch. ton, with Mi. and Mis. Ken Rob. The bride, Iooking radiant in a lin. navy blue ankie îength tafieta Mi. C. Hoskins was in Toronto fiock with an aveîskirt ai hand Mis. Frank Holroyd and baby enbîaidered net and a round weie in Toronto. neckline afi nseîted net, was giv- .Mis. Henry Trick was in Lind- en in marriage by her father. She say. wore a smart navy feit cap cloche Mis. Lawrence Malcolm, Yel- with tafieta bow trin and match- verton, with Mis. A. Adams. ing accessaries. She had a shoul- Mi. and Mis. C. Jollifie, Toron- dei corsage ai pink roses, ta, with Mi. and Mis. Tom Baiiey. Mis. Dora Brooks, Newcastle, Mis. A. E. Ribey was a visitai the bîide's only attendant, chose in Toronto. a wine crepe street length dress Mis. J. Carter, Fîeddie and Isa- with dashing bustie and accentu- bel were in Toronto with rela- ated waist. She chose a matching tives for the week end. headdress ai pieated wine crepe and accessaries with a corsage af blue carnations. E T TO Mi. Douglas Walton, brother ai the groom, was best man. At the reception held at Hill- Nestleton W.I. met at the home side Lodge, Part Hope, the biide's ai Mis. Grant Thampson, Feb. mother received weaîing a street- lst, with meeting in charge ai length dress of navy crepe with Mis. George Boweîs' gîaup. There rnatching accessories and a cor-, weîe 23 ladies and sanie childien sage ofi pink and white carna- present. Rail Cail was answeîed tions. The graan's nother as- with "What's Your Beef?" Mis. sisted choosing a siik navy en- Wm. Steele gave a splendid pa- semible with pin-paint design per an "Home Economics ar)d with matching accessories and a Health". Mis. M. Emerson, Edu- corsage ai pink and white carna- cational Convener, gave a paper tions, on "Newioundland". Mis. Law- For their wedding trip ta To- rence Malcolm sang the New- ronto the bride chose a wine gab- ioundiand hymnn. The W.I. print ardine suit with navy accessoîies. quiit which was just iinished was The happy couple wiîî live in on display. Plans were made ta Nlewcastle. sdil tickets on it and have a Guests weîe present fian New- euchîe party for British relief. castle, Part Hope, Bewdley and A dainty lunch was seîved by London. hostess and graup in charge. Mis. M. Enerson nsoved a vote ai thanks. Next meeting Maîch lst HAMPTONat Mis. T. Gettin's, Caesarea. HAMPTONMis. Fred Cîawford is recaver- ing fram an appendix operation The Woncn's Institute "<Open in Oshawa Hospital. Meeting" on Thursday night was Mis. L. Joblin visited Mis. K. well attended and an interesting Burton. nd enjayable progran was Mis. H. Vine visited Mis. G. iven. President Mis. Cale con- Baweîs. ucted the meeting and the sec- Mis. R. W. Marlow visited Mis. retaiy Mis. H. Salter was in her Alma Enerton and Mis. K. Bur- lace. Mr. J. Warrack iavoîed ton. with two pîeasing piano seiec- Mis. Rcg Middleton, Islington. aons and Dr. C. W. Siemon gave visited her parents Mi. and Mis. in interesting description ai his H.- Vine. xip ta Europe iast summer, and Mis. Vine and Mis. Middieton )resented pictures ai many beau- visited Mi. and Mis. L. Joblin. ifui places ai inteîest in the var-j Miss Giadys Emerson visited ous countries through which hej Miss Jean Bowers. id Mis. Slemon and the paîty iMi. and Mis. Kenneth Sameils, ravelled. Mis. Caveriy withiMelville and Anna, visited Mr. îah Horn at the piano con- and Mis. W. Smitts, Lindsay. licted an enjoyable sing-sang. Mi. and Mis. H. Vine have a )r. J. C. Devitt showed sanie fine loveiy new car. Éiis fisning trips. A young men's qartette from Bowmanv i 1 e, 'eith Jackson, Dr. Keith Slemon, loward Bickle and Don Venton vored with a number of vocal lections which added to the easure of the evening. A vote fappreciation was tendered iose who sa generously provided ch a splendid evening's enter- finment. Refreshments w er e ýrved by the ladies. Adult Bible Class membeis held their annual "At Home" at Sauina School Fîiday night. Lost Heur games weîe enjoyed with Mrs. Gardon Leask and Laine Hoshin receiving awards for high scores. The aIder membeis ai the con- munity here regret the passing af Mi. John Thonipson at Kendal. Mr. Thonipsan and his iarnily resided here nany years ago ini the bouse now occupied by Mi. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. and. Mis. Jerry Milisoni were bonoured by a large nuni-1 ber ai their iriends at the home ai Mi. and Mis. Ed Milîson Satur-1 day evening. Wesley Werîy ivas1 chairman for the occasion. Har-1 vey Yellowlees îead an address1 expiessing best wishes fioni the conmunity and Charles Lang-1 maîd and Francis Wotten pic-j sented Nancy and Jerry with a caiiee table and wall mirrai. Y.P.U. me« Monday night withi Fellowship convenais Pearl Leach( and Donald Taylor in charge ai the progran. The worship service was piesented by the convenais, assisted 'by Gladys Yellowiees.1 "The respansibiities ai youngv people towards home and the1 Church"I was the subject of the. tapic given by Pearl. Accordion and violin music by Mike and t Henry Juiko was enjoyed as wellh as a by Jean Montgom. ery.n A Valentine paity will be held ir next Monday night. Donald Tay-A lor leà in recreatiop. ]y Men's Club meets at the Hall Satuîday night. h Home and Scbaol Club neets Ej Feb. 17 with Rev. Milis af the pi Trustees' and Ratepayers' Agso- R ciation as guest speaker. rr Hamipton Circuit Biotheibood H wili meet for its annual "Faim- " ers' Nigbt" at Hampton Church el .L1ST C 1 Mi. Bruce Curtis, Orillia, and eMiss Jean Waîner, Toronto, visit- Bld Mis. Robert Bruce and Miss Mac King. Miss Mildred Archer, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Biner Archer and son, Whitby, with Mi. and Mis. W. Archer. Mrs. Luther Mountjoy and her sisteî-in-law Mis. Mason, Toron- ta, lef t foi Winnipeg by train on Sunday. Mis. George Fowier spent a few days in Bownanville with Mi. and Mis. Bd Strang. Mi. and Mis. Howard Saywell were in Toronto attending a Hardware Convention at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Frank Sayweil, Oshawa, stayed with Bannie, Jill and Joan. Mi. and Mis. John Ross, Toron- ta, relatives ai Mi. George Fin- layson, have bought the Patteî- son home east ai the village which used ta be the Anglican Rectory. Miss Orace Grahami, Bank ai Commerce Staff, Port Perîy, is home foi thîce weeks holidays. Misse Mary Lau Crawford, Neteois staying witit Mr. and Mis. J. W. Pearse while Mis. Fred Crawford is in Oshawa Hospital. Mi. and Mis. Stanley Rahm Paul and Carol, with Mr. and Mis. Arthur Rahn, Tyîone. The funeral service ai Mis. Gqprge McLaughhin, Tara n tao, was held in St. John's Anglican Church an Saturday aiternoan with internent at St. John's Cenetery. Miss Tabachi and Miss Steele, Health Nurses, Bownanvi il e, weîe at the High Schoal an Thursday. Jerry Prasser bas sold bis faim (the former N. H. Maîlow faim), ta Charlie Wilson af Scugog Is- land, and Will retuin ta Toronto. Neil Malcolm and Hugh Or- nistan, Brooklin, spent iast week in Chicago taking a course. Mis. A. J, Cook, Brooklin, stayed with !vrs. Malcolm. W.A. af the United Church was held at the Ixome af Mis. W. Arch- er with 26 ladies and 2 childien present. Oui new president, Mis. Ruïsell. Mountjoy, apened the meeting with a verse. Mis. C. W. 'Iuttn gave the devotional. Many "Thank You" notes were recciv- id tron the shut-ins. Mis. Peîcy 1 fîeshment period which was Good tires. This car lu a beauty. Down. paymeni $27 8 and 12 monihs fo pay Ihe balance Many more used car bargains like these Ail cars are thoroughly checked and road tested by aur M1ghly skllled mnechanics. LISTEN TO CKLB AT 7:30 FOR A HALF-HOUR F OLD TIME MUSIC Open Unlil 9:30 Every Evening for your convenience. Phone 2148 Bowmanville 'j 'I DO WNAN VILLE BOY SCOUTS ÀAPP EA L TO YOU Please accept their canvassers with a whole-h'iearted desire to help make scouting a cause so universally benefic- ial to ail young boys of our district. You can help by your generous donations to the "Building Fund" for the Scouts of Bowmanville. CANVASS STARTS Monday, February l3th "BEUREPoRro 1 TOU MAKE IT TOURS TO-DAY TO IELP WITH TOUR DOLLARS. i PUBLIC SKRATING -PUBLIC SKATING i the church officers, Mr. and Mrs. John Sc ott whose ministry through the keepxng af the house of God clean and cornfortable means s0 much in the total hife af the church. Gardon Martin and W.F. Rickard voiced the apprecia- tion ai the congregation for the leadership oif Aev. and Mrs. Pat- terson. Greeting were ordered sent ta Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bas- kerville and ta Mr. J. W. Bradlly. On nomination of the session W. F. Richard and Truman Clarke were elected by the congregation ta the office af eIder. Charlesý Cowan, Howard- Toms, Frank McMullen, Cecil Ferguson,- and Frank Hoar were re-elected ta the Committee af Stewards for a three year terni. The meeting was dismisscd with the Benediction by Rev. R. J. Merriam. on Feb. 2lst when Mr. E. A. Sun mer% and Mr. Walter Reynolc wui show films. pertaining1 Agriculture. Mr. Gordon Pascde, Universil oi . Toronto, athome. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Millson, Tc ranto, at Mr. Ed Millson's. Miss Evelyn Taylor and Miss( Wilma Deyell and Betty Ailei Peterboro, at Mr. E. R. Tayor's, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larme: Lois an Glenn, Mr. and Mn Ralph Laer and Sharon, Blacl stock, at A J. Balson's. M[JKETON On Feb.1 6, the Home &' Schoc Club mee4ig was well attened Because o« illness, aur speaker Mr. E. C. ýMounce, Oshawa, wa unable ta be present. Mr. Jaci Frankuni gave a talk on the aim af H & S and several- means t( raise the standard af cammunitj lii e. Mrs. Heniry Frick spoke a: Heaith. A social wil or n.- VanCamp's group had charge of ,ds the program. which consisted of to an article by Mrs. W. Archer, "The Re-birth af Toni", a stary ity by Mrs. N. Mountjoy '"How the Greyhaund Büs Grew JJp"; a ro- reading by Mrs. Neil Malcalm "The Little Ol' Home Paper"'I an ses article by Mrs. Cecil Hill "Six en, Members and a D4ne", and a s.reading by Mrs. Percy VanCamp er, "Salt af the Earth". Mrs. Earl rs. Dorreli conducted a cantest. k- Lunch was served by the graup and the hostess, and a social tinie enjoyed. Mr. and MVrs. Herb Swain and iamily and hW. and Mrs. Ernest Swain and baby with Mr. and 01Mrs. Oakley Carley, Cavan. d..Mr. and Mrs. George Stoniland rhave moved into their new home r, in North Blackstock which Mr. A Staniland built last faîl. We are ns glad ta welcome theni ta the vil- to lage. t, Rev. W. W. Patterson, New- )n castle, visited the High School on )n Tuesday marning and presented slides ta the pupils an 6ehalf af a the Durham *Caunty Temperance - Federation. Several froni this district at- tended the County Lodge at Oro- -no on Feb. 7th. Mr. Sami Jeffrey, e;who is 91 years young, recalied thaton the sanie date 68 years ago he attended his first caunty lodge meeting in Orona. A sleigh load went froni L.O.L. 133 and in the ioad were Mr. Jeffrey, John H. Devitt, George McLaughlin, An- son Taylor, Charlie Qu'Inn, James3 Byers, Stan Swain and Arthur1 YVan Camp. Women's Institute met at thea *home ai Mrs' G. Marlow on Feb. 1 with a large attendance. Raill cail was answered with a verse froni an aid school book, Miss Jean Noble, Bowmanvilie, was guest speaker and gave us a very rinteresting account ai her coliege days and her work with the Girls' -Clubs. Mrs. John Beacock played .a iew selections on her autoharp. Mis. Neil Malcolm canducted an interesting contest. Mrs. Bcacock and her graup were in charge ai the lunch. The Cereal Sheif Club met at the home af Mis. N. Malcolmi an Feb. 1. Secretary's report was gi- yen and the rail caîl was answer- cd with two muffins we cooked ourselves. 'Miss Jean Noble gave a talk an aur record books and Canada's Food Rules. Miss Noble judged the muffins aiter the meeting and Mrs. Malcolmi served a deliciaus lunch. Caurtice Country Couples Club was held at Ebenezer Thursday night with an attendance ai 45. President Lloyd Down accupied the chair and opened with a lively sing-sang with Mi. Yardley con- ducting. An.- invitation ta attend a party for aIl clubs ai the district on Feb. 24 which w.iii include dancing, caids and ganes with tickets stili availabie, was accept- cd from Newcastle Club. Wilfred Biowif who was in charge of pro- gram, then took aver and contrib- uted twa îeadings, followed by hymn and pîayeî. Mi. McGuiîk gave several selections an the piano accoîdion. Jean White and Joan Mundy gave twa duets ac- campanied at the piano by Mis. Burgess. T'he guest speaker, Dr. H. B. Rundle, Bowmanivilie, was introduced by Wîif Brown and who gave an informative and in- teîesting addîess on immuniza- tion, pasteurization, poliomyelitis and aiso answeîed many ques- tions. Thanks was expressed by KÇn Summeisiard ta those assist- ing and music was again pîovided by Mi. McGuirk duiing the re- 1 1 0 Ebountiful, and a social time was included the Health and Healing 1enjoyed. of the sick people and the won- Courtice C.G.I.T. groups with derful wark that is being accorm- their leaders and Explrers, with plshed by the missionary dctrs their leaders brought C.G.I.T. in the different mission fields. Week to a close on Sunday night Refreshme.nts were served. by attending church service at the Courtice United Church. Margar -______________ et McGregor, President, very V. *17 ably conducted the service assist- ed by Muriel Taite. The guest speaker was Miss Leone Thomp- son, Oshawa, who gave an inspir- ing and thought provoking ad. d r e s s on "Ambassadors forI Christ". The choir assisted by some members froni Maple Grove choir, pravided suitable selec- tions. Mrs. Ken- Summersford, Maple Grove, favored with a vo-- cal solo. The choir entertained the C.G.I.T. girls and Explorers and their leaders and their guests, also guests, irom Maple Grave to a pleasant and social time with dainty refreshments being served at the close of the service. Two very welcome guests were Mrs. Curreil, Oshawa, a former leader of the girls, and Miss Lucille Wade. The Evening Auxiliary met at the home af Mrs. Wiifred Brown ~ ' AU with an attendance af thirty. Meeting was opened by President. Accident insurance can keep your Mrs. Eric Courtice had charge of incarne loving whefl your the devotional period which was pay stops. closed with two poems. A vocal solo by Mrs. F r ed Ov e ns Insure rght witit "Strength for Todaý"; reading- Mrs. Lloyd Courtice; vocal duet- George White Nancy and Virginia Brown "Will you be my Vaientine?", was Insurance much enjoyed. The study book 110 Wellinton Street Phone 957 'Growing With the Years" was Bowmanville ab ]y g v e n b y M rs . M c K a y An d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ART'S CAR MARKET Saves You $ $ $ $ $ St. W. 1 OUR MOTTO is ]Mýx romrm Tffl CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANvniip,- VT e&JL%.&JLJL Y £££W Two Week-end Specials 1941 DODGE SEDAN - with heater and defiosteis, new paint Job, zood tires and smat appearance. Mechanlcally $8 5 A-1. Unbellevable ful puce Down payment $358 and 15 monfhs fo pay balance 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN - a Bowmanville C.OURTICE $6953 Phone 2148 Bow'Manville BLACKSTOCK SOLINA THE' '

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