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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1950, p. 16

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PAGE Sfl~~~~TEE< ~THEKCANADMS iSTATESUM, EOWMIqV!LLEONTAMO TVSATEU~ ,15 BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD £he Canadian Siaie sman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective January 23, 1948 BIRTHS - DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS qTARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS $1.0 Fer Insertior IN MEMORIAMS j $1.09 plus 10e a lime for verses per insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. C~ash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). [ Must be paid beforr. insertion. ilf Charged: 3c a worO <min. 50c.) Add 25c extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additional Insertions at same rates) Ail Ciassified Ads Must Be In Not Later Tha!. Noon Wednesday. ,cash, stamps or money order with order to get low rate. - Clip This Out For - Handy Reference BIBTHS GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on February 3rd, 1950, at Bowman- ville Hospital. 6-1* * DEATHS TAYLOR-At the Western Hos- pital, Toronto, ýaturday, Febru- ary 4th, 1950, Joseph Taylor, be- loved husband of Mary Louise Holland, aged 56 years. Funeral fromn the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Tuesday, February 7th. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 6-1 IN MEMORIAM MALCOLM -In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah E. Malcolm who passed away Feb. 1th, 1947: God knows bow much we miss Nee her, iVvrshall ber memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. -Ever remembered by Jessie, Leonard, brothers and sisters. 6-if ROWAN-In loving rernembrance (i Ethel Annie Rowan, who dicd in ber 25th year, Fcbruary lth, 1948: You are not forgotten, Ethel, Non ever will you be. -Ever nemembered by the fam- ily. 6-1 TRIMM-In loving memomy ai my dean fathen and mother, Elias Samuel Trimm, who passed away twa yean ago, Fcbruary 9th, 1948 and Sarah M. Trimm wha passed to, nest seven years aga, Manch th, 1943: Sunshine fades and sbadows faîl, *A sweet emembrance outlasts all; 'Years go by but memonies stay As near and dean as yestenday; TÈime takes away the edge ai grief, But mcrnory tunns back eveny leaf. ...-Lovinghy emembered and sadîy ilssed by their daughter Ethel. 6-1 * *Notices To All Trcc Cutters - Befone cutting any trees for commercial use, contact Howard Milîson, Hamptan, Tnee Commissioner fan Durham County. Phone 2432. 4-3* The Harvey Dance Academy Ilas opcned a branch at 19 King $t. East, Bowrnanvilie. Register for Ballet and Tap lessans on Fni- day aitennoans. 5-tf For Rent TWO unfurnished nooms for rent. Appiy Box 377, The Canadian Statesman. 6-1 QNE log bouse with hydmo and WvaterIl', iniles west of Orana, on county road. Apply ta Wil- liam Dawson, Orono. 6-1* Lost ÉUNCH of keys, Sunday night, Ilivision aor Centre Street. Re- miard. Write Box 378, Statesman Off ice. 6-1 - Found I.ADY'S ,-,atch, gald case, en- gived. Owner nay have sarne bk r poving ownership and paying fôn ad. at the Alpha Photo Studio, King St. E., Bowmnafville. 6-1* 1 COMINd EV'ZNTS 1 Real Estate For Sale L.O.L. dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, February I lth, with the Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Ad- mission 5Oc. 6-1 Evening Auxiliany aiternoon tea and home cooking caunter at St. Paul's Lecture Room an Pcb- ruany 24th at 3 p.m. 6-2 The Ambassador Maie Voice Choir ai Toronto at Trinity United Chuncb, Satunday, Pcb. ilth, 8 p.rn. Silver collection. 5-1 Memonial Park Wamcn's Aux- iliany cuchre eveny Tuesday night at 8 o'clock sharp, in the auditor- ium ai the Ontario St. Sebool. 6-1 Danee, Enniskillen Hall, Feb- ruary l7tb, auspices Service Club. Prizes. Refreshmenits. Proceeds for Hospital. Admission 50c. 6-2* The annual meeting of tbe Bowmanville Hospital will be held February 24tb in the Coun- cil Chambers at 8 p.m. for the purpose af electing officers and othen business. 6-3 Free Sbow-for the farmers at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. lStb, Royal Theatre, Bowmanvilhc. Came one, came all. Good en- tertainment plus prizes. Sponsor- ed by your John Deere Dealer, P. S. Allen & Sons, 44 Concession St., Bowmanville. 6-1 The annual meeting of the Bowmanvîlle Branch af The Canadian Red Cross Society wil be held in the Council Raom of the Town Hall, Monday, Feb- ruary 2tb, 1950, at 8 p.m. AlI intex'ested in Red Cross activities are requested ta attend. 6-2 The Women's Institute of Maple Grave will present their play, "Always Tell the Truth" at Hampton, an Pcb. l4tb, 8 o'clock, under the auspices of Women's Bible Chass. Music between acts. Everybody welcome. Admission: aduhts 35e, cbihdren 15c. 6-1* Trinity Y.P.U. is presenting, on March 30 and 31, in the Town Hall, a 3 -act play entitled "Pamily Upstains." This play, directed by Miss Jean Cunning- hamn, is, in our estimation, going ta be the best yet. Keep the above dates open and let's have a big crowd bath nights. "Produced by special arrangement with Samual French." 6-1* MARRIAGE HANNAH-MOSES-Mr. and Mns. E. B. Moses announce the man- niage of thein daugbtcr, Peggy Joy, ta Ronald Hannab, son of Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Hannah of Hamilton in the chapel of St. Giles United Churcb, Hamilton, an Satunday, Feb. 4th, 1950. 6-1* CARD 0F THANKS To my friends and neighbauns who sa kindly rcmcmbened me with dceds ai kindncss, gifts, fruits and cards duning my necent illness, I wish ta express my sincere thanks. W. R. N. Sharpe, Nestîctan. 6-1 Mns. John TPhompson and iam- ily wish ta tbank thein many re- latives, iniends and neigbbours for their kind expressions ai sym- pathy and ion their beautiful floral offcnings especially thank- ing Rev. A. Eustace ion bis con- soling words duning their necent sad beeavement. 61 Mn. Edwand Lange wishes ta express his special appreciation and thanks ta Dr. Stungis, nurses, friends and neigbbours who so kindly rcrnembencd bim while in the Oshawa Hospital. Special thanks for flowcrs, fruit, cig- arettes and cards. To my iellow wvomers thanks a million for your blood donations. 6-1 Mms. W. E. Beacock and iamily wish ta express their thanks ta Rev. Mn. Hutton, Rev. Mn. Bick and ta Mn. Nicholson, also Mn. MeDenmott, and their deepcst sineene appreciation ta their many friends and neighbauns for the beautiful flowers and kind- nesses during thein necent sad bereavernent in the loss ai a loy- ing husband and father. 6-1 Room and Board ROOM anid board available fan thmee eldenly ladies. Apphy Mns. E. H. White, 22 Duke St., Bow- manville. 6-1* Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodlst, specîalizing in diseases ai tbe foot and leg. General chiropody wonk. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Farm Help EXPERIENCED, neliable Holland families available. Arriving moan. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestie- ton, Ont. Phane 225-24 Part Perry. 4-19 Decorating BARN and cool-storage for sale. Building suitable ta remodel as bouse, one acre, corner lot, close ta C.P. stetion, Newcastle. Write for information, 301 Jane St., To- ronto 9, Ont. 6-1 $6,500 -10-roomed brick bouse, situated on treed lot, new furn- ace, new roof and chimneys, beavy wiring, built-in cupboards, 3-piece bath, newly decorated; storm windows and doors; ful cellar, double garage, 55x166 ft. Apply 103 Scugag St. 6-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE For fruit and grain farms of al descriptions, service stations, tour- ists camps, restaurants and bake shops. Contact: Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 6-1 Estate Sale must be sold. 158 acres, 70 workable, gaod land, big waods, hard and cedar, good pasture; neyer failing strearn. Hydro throughout 8 rooms, good storebouse, barn and buildings newly raofed, goad condition. Immediate possession. For partic- ulars write Mrs. McGill, 326 Margueretta St., Toronto 4. 6-1 FARMS FOR SALE Specializing in farms in the prosperous County of Durham I bave listed in my office for sale several choice properties north of and on No. 2 Highway, between Bowmanville and Port Hope. The price range is between $1,500 and $12,500. Also, some fine suburban bornes. Mortgage funds available on your town or farm praperty. Inquiries invited. Leroy Hamilton Broker Orono, Ont. Phones: Office 32r10 - Res. 1r16 6-1 JAMES NIXON A lovely 5-roomed bungalow 36x26, fumnace, 3-piece bath, hy- dro, bujît-in cupboards, full base- ment,, garage. $6,700. Prame dweling, 7 roorns, bydro, orchard, well, spning, barn, stable, 10W taxes, araund 10 acres on gravel road close ta sehool. $2,600. Parmn nortb of Newcastle, 70 acres, frame bouse, 6 rooms, furn- ace, hydro, steel barn, water bowhs, litter carrier, silo, garage, ½mile frorn sehool. $7,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanville 6-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $l0,000-Brick home, 15 rooms, hot air and hot water beating, on conner in central part of town with extra lot, near sehool, church and business section. Suitable fan Tourist or Convalescent Home. Now divided inta four apant- ments, one for awner. Revenue $115.00 Per month. Immediate possession. Terms.. $1,000 down-Four rnaom bouse, new, on Highway 2. Vacant. Pnice $2,500.1 $ 1,200 down - Six room bouse, hydro, 4 acres, near Bowmanville. Pnice $3,700. $1,400 dawn-Pive room bouse in Bowmanviile. Vacant. Pnice $2800, $1,800 down -Five oom bunga- low, twa-car garage, bydro an Highway 2, near Countice. Pnice $4,700. $3,500-Parm, 50 acres, seven room bouse, barn, bydro, garage, tractor included. Vacant. Terms. $6,000-Eight room bouse, barn, large grounds, in centre ai Bow- manville. Terms. Vacant. Exchange or For Sale Six room bouse, garage, extra lot, on the best street in the town ai Tweed, ail conveniences. A few stcps ta Lake Stoco, where the fishing is good. Will exehange for propcrty or business or farm. Immediate possession. Duplex in Leamington, Ont. Low- cm apartment ion owner. $10,500. Will exehange for business or Praperty in Bowmanville or Osh- awa. AIl kinds ai businesses, farms, hodges, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 326 Bawmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 6-1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guananteed service, dyeing and custom, work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Sbap, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes ai refrig- erators, domestic and <'ammercial. Higgon Electnie 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS completelv ne- built and ne-upholstered. Satis- faction guananteed. Have aur consultant eall at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabrie Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf Attention Farmers ! Articles For Sale 1934 DODGE coupe in good ýcon- dition, $150. R. Williams, New- castle. 6-1* 1939 PLYMOUTH Convertible, in good condition. Apply 20 Sec- ond St., after 3 p.m. 6-1w DRY mixed hardwood, in one ft. lengtbs. Neil Curtis, Phone Or'o 81r10. 6-2 TEXACO gasoline delivered ta farmers. Call Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf 1929 DURANT sedan, good con- dition, actual mileage 32,500. Phone 4702W1, Oshawa. 6-1 EIGHT pigs, 6 weeks old; also fali wheat and buckwbeat. Phone 2035. 6-1 MODEL A Ford, in fair condition, best offer. Apply 154 Wellington St. 6-1* PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates. we measure and install. 37-tf '41 OLDS sedan, motor recently overhauled, 4 new tires, heater. Trade and terms arranged. Phone 2981. 6-1 HOUND, excellent fox dog. Ap- ply James Delaney, bahf mile *north and one mile east af Hampton. 6-if SEE the new Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, tank and upright mod- els from $49.50 at F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 5-tf 1940 CHEV. sedan, in good con- dition, 4 new tires, reasonable price. M. Conway, 133 Scugog St., Bowmanville. 6-1* '35 PLYMOUTH coupe, in good condition, wîll seli for highest offer. Apphy 89 Liberty St. S. 6-1 * iMANOR cook stove, white en- amel, warming choset and reser- vair, in good condition. Apphy Mrs. Aif. Randie, Hampton. 6.1* NEW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and al haby's needs. Sec these szpecials at Morris Ca. 37-tf ARMY gun tractor truck, wilî make good tow truck, heavy duty winch, new motor. Phone 2575. 6-1 DRY bandwood-eut in it. lengtbs, maple and beech, $15 cord at farm. Gardon Baker, Tyrone, Phone Onono 62r12. 6-J. CORDWOOD-cut in foot lengtbs maple and bcecb; two cords taý load, $16.50 per cord. Phone 2952. 5-2 400 CEDAR posts, 40e cacb; 4 steel truck wbeels for wagon. Apply Roy McLaugblin, Nestle- ton. Phone Port Penny 104r3. 6-1 * GET youn gasoline and ail bannels ready now for the spning wonk. New, steel barrels, 45-gal., $3.50 cach. Bob Stocken's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf '40 PARGO i/î -ton panel truck, cheap for cash. Apply Marris White, 3 Durham St., Bowman- ville between 9 arn. ta 2 p.m. 6-1 * CUSTOM killing eveny day ex- cept Friday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf TRADE-IN-wasbers, radios, vac- uum cleanens, coal ranges, ice boxes, chesteniield bcd, chester- field and anc chair, and rang- ettes. Murpby's, Phone 811. 6-1* PEED Special -Master-Mix hog grower, $6.5 ton; Master-Mix, 16% dairy ration, $65 ton: Mas- ter-Mix Chick Starter, $85 ton. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3312. 6-1 A FEW cords ai dry, mlxed hard- wood, $16.00 cord, sawed and dehivened, also a fek loads ai dry, mixed limbs, $25.00 load, 2 cord, sawed up. Write J. A. Canscadden, Orono. 52-tf ORDERS taken for gaod Ontario No. I potatoes, by bag or in quantities. Free Deliverv for spning use Order. Now Sebago's, Katabdins and Cobbhers. Doug- las Curl, 5 Nelson St. 6-i NEW AR, B, M and A John Decre tractors and implements in stock ready ta go. Camne in and loah thcm aven anvtime. F. S. Allen & Sons, 44 Concession St., Bawmanville. 6-1 WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available with water pump and clectnic heater - heat your water ight in the wasber, inam $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock neady ta go; Chev.. Dodgc, Plymnouth, Chny- sler, Olds., Pontiac, Buîck (drums lathed). Bob Stocken's Garage, BowvmanviIll. Phone 804. 224f 1949 METEOR 4-doar customn sedan, A-i condition, inside and out. $400 off list pnice for quick sale. Contact L. G. Hancock, 94 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvi1le, Phone 2768. 6-1* WE will be pleased ta pick up LINOLEUM headquartens in Osh- dead or cippled farm anirnals. awa and district. Rexoleums, For immediate service Télephone Congoleums. Printed and Jnîaid Coliect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 Linoleum. Every pattern that's or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon made, is available at Bnadley's, Young LtcL 2-tf 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf Articles For Sale ORDER your new home freezer. Now for sale at William Daw- son's, Orono. Agent for Gilson home-frecXers, refnigenatans, funn- aces, washing machines, van- packer chimneys. Phone 56R1 1 Orono. 6-4* ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and haras, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage makinig, rendering lard. 23-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks' Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bnadley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf SEED GRAIN t Registercd and Commercial Beaver, Ajax, Clin- tan, Cartier and Victory Oats; Banboff, O.A.C. 21, and Mont- calm Barley; Field Peas and Spring Wheat; Clovers, Etc. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3312. 6-2 PREFABRICATED concrete stave silos; will not blow down; can be taken dawn and rebuilt at small cost; erected in one day by man- ufacturer. Write for prices and lterature. Rowe Brothers Silo Company, Box 219, Campbellford, Ontario. Can be seen at Lyall Lowery's, Orono. 5-4* NEW Case D tractor; new Case DC3 tractar; new Case S tractar; ncw Case VAC tractor; used Case C tractor, on new rubber; new Case horse-drawn spreader; new Case side rake; new Quaker 1Oil Heaters; Swift's Gro-Mor fer- tilizer; Na-Chur Liquid fertîlizer. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 6-1 DRY Handwood, Beech and Maple. Prices: at iarm-$12 per cord or $14 per cord, buzzed. Delivered: $15 per cord or $17 per cord. buz- zed; single cord, $5. H. M. Kyte, on Scugog Road between Burke- ton and Bhackstock. Phone Port Perry 193r14, Collect. Inquiries invited by dealers and truekers. 45-tf GRAIN grinder with electnie motor; Grinder bas new feed- worm, V-belt or flat-belt drive,i spring release for plates. Motoir, 3 h.p. single phase, 110-220 volts, 60 cycle; Delco No. C-3-6, recent- hy rewound and reconditioned, double V-bclt puhley; complete with 2 belts and control box, $150.00. John Jacks, Hampton. 5-2* TEN -Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. VeloUr Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, i Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Scrving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorn suites, $69.00; steel bcd autfits, cornpletf-, $26.95; icît base floon covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, aIl calons; 3 pc. allover velour chcsteniield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- iilhed mattresses. $24.95; tri- ight iamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes, ranges iran, $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd cbestenfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Agminsten carpets, green on wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps. $6.75. Everything ion the hume at Bnadhey's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf SISSQN'S GARAGE 1941 Plymouth 5-passenger coupe -Clean inside and out. Perfect mechanically ---------------- $995.00 1940 Pontlac Tudor - Beautiful finish and intenior. Built-in heater and radio. Smooth Chev- nolet mator. Hurry for this anc --------------------- $895.00 1940 Plymouth Sedan - G oo d motor and finish. Lots ai unused mileage in this car--------- $895.00 1937 Buiek Sedan - Small scnies Exceptionally good mechanical condition. Nice appearanoe------------------ $695.00 1936 Bulck Sedan-Just an aven- age car. Not neconditianed, but gaod value at--------------- $345.00 1930 Ford Model A-Good every way. Prestone----------- *$195.00 SISSON'S GARAGE One Mile South ai Onono Phone 86-r-2 Livestock For Sale JERSEY beifer, due February 10. Archie Thompson, R.R. 5, Phone 2714. 6-1 ABOUT fonty Wbite Leghorn pul- lets, nine montbs old, mostly laying. Mns. John Ahdsworth, Middle Road, Phone 2473. 6-1 REGISTERED Jersey cow, due in February; athers due in Marcb. Gea. Skciding, Phone 1930 Clarke. 6-1 REGISTERED Sbontbonn bull, dark red; faur heifens, rising anc year; herd fuliy accnedited. Cari Wright, Blackstack. 6-1* Wanted DEAD or crippled stock remaved frce ai change. One hoÙn service. Highest pnices for aid horses. Margwill Pur Parm, Cali Collcct: Bowrnanville 2679. 41-tf Wanted To Buy SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest pnices paid. We caîl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higben. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf A SUITABLE bousing lot within the town limits. Reasonably priced. Write Box 376, States- man Office. 6-1* SEVEN or eight good stocker ,cattle, Durhams or Herefords. J. D. Cale, R.R. 4 Bowmanville. 6-1 SPOT cash for any good used car, 1930-1950. Robt. G. Har- court, Browne Motor Sales, 2 Walton St., Port Hope, Phone 2118. 6-1 Help Wanted GIRL wanted. Apply Bowman- ville Cleaners and Dyers. 6-1 HIGH Scbool girl or yaung woman for cashier. Apply Royal Theatre. 6-1* LOCAL belp ta cut cord wood. Apply Frank Gilmer, Newton- ville. Phone Clarke 613. 5-2 WOMAN wanted for general housework; no heavy waxing or washing. Phone 854, Mrs. M. Breslin. 6-1 GOOD strong boy wanted, must be ambitiaus and willing ta lean dry .cleaning trade. Pull time work. Apply Bowmanville Clean- ers and Dyers. 6-1 EXPERIENCED married man for modern equipped dairy farm. Apply stating experience and wages expected ta Box 375, Statesman Office. 6-2 MAN Wanted for Rawleigh busi- ness. Seli ta 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-S, Montreal. 5-4 YOUNG woman for general housework, 2 children. Complete- ly modern home. Private roomn and radio. Phone 2080 Bowman- ville. 5-tf GIRL ta behp full time with bouse work, in srnall bungalow with modern electrical labor - saving equipment, good wages and work- ing conditions, ta live in or out. Phone 627 Bowmanville. 6-1 YOUNG man intercsted in learn- ing farmn machinery and auto- motive business, sales and mecb- anically inclined, references ne- quired. Apply in writing only ta Farm Equipment and Auto- motive Ca., P.O. Box 395, Bow- manville. 6-1 OPPORTUNITY for someone ta earn a high incarne. Pleasant, healthy, outdoor work. Famile>r Products Company requires a local representative. No exper- ience necessary. Write ta Mr. C. E. Patterson, 1600 Delorimier St., Montreal, P.Q., for fuli details. 6-31 APPLICATIONS FOR TRUCK DRIVER Applications will bc reeeivcd by the undersigned up ta 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, Pebru- amy l8th, for a man ta drive Township truck and willing ta do othen work. Signed J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Hampton, Pebruary 8, 1950. 6-2 INSURANCE AGENT WANTED DUE ta ilness and resignation ai the previaus agent, applications for the position ai Insunance Agent for the County ai Durhamn ta write policies with the Ca- Operator's Pidelity and Guarantee Association will be mceivcd by the undersigzeed up ta March 2nd, 1950. H. E. Milîson, Orono, Sec'y. Durham County Fedenation ai Agriculture. 6-1 Work Wanted WOMAN wants housewonk, 9 ta 3:30 or 4 or bahf days. Write Box 374, Statesman Office. 6.1* FINISHING aur last bouses end ai February. Open then for large or small carpentry jobs, roofing, ehimneys and finephaces built, etc. Satisfactory work guaranteed. References if ncquested. Gea. Reynolds & Son, Courtice, Phone Osbawa 908J3 Colleet. 6-2* Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. All batcbing eggs produced on our awn farrn. Par pnice list write or phone: Orchland Parrn, H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bowmanvillc. Ontario. 6-tf GAINPORTH Chicks-Por profit in 1950 buy better chicks. Gain- forth Chicks are top quality. All popular brceds. For funther in- formation and pnices contact Barron's, Hampton, Phone 2420. 5-4* Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR aid eavetnough repaircd or new neplaced. For free esti- Mates phone T. Salten & Son, Hampton, 2142, Bowmanville. Auction Sales COMMUNITY SALE Tbc Third Community Sale will be beld at the Gay Barns, Courtice, on Satunday, Pcb. 18th4 at 1 p.m. Please phone your con- signment early ta R. C. Pearce, Oshawa 1938WIl an Elmer Wil- bur, Bowmanvillc 2428. 6-1 Mn. P. B. Lovekin, Lot 33, Con. 2, Clarke Twp., anc mile west ai Newcastle, on No. 2 Highway, bas sohd bis fanm and will sdil by public auction on Tuesday, Pcb- ruary 28th, at 1 p.m. sharp, al bis ianm stock, implements, pou]- try and sorne funniture. For fur- then panticulans sec bills. Terms cash. No eserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer, Orona, Ont. 6-3 Don't forget Durham County Community Auction Sale ta be hehd at the Sç?lcs Barn, Orono, Thursday, Pcb. 9th, at 1:30 p.m. There will be oifercd fan sale all kinds ai livestock, machinery, funnitune and dozens ai other items. Remember the date - Pcb. 9th - the Sales Barn, Orono. The place where all farmens meet. Tcrms cash. Picase note the new change ai time - 1:30. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 5-2 The undersigned auctioneer bas reccived instructions from Harry Stephenson, Lot 35, Con. 8, Damington Twp., ta seli by public auction bis farm stock, imple- ments, some bay and furnitune, on Februany lith. Sale includes four horses, nine head of cattle, eight pigs and a full line ai ianm machincry. Sale at i p. m. Tenms cash. No resenve. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; C. Pethick, auc- tioneer. 5-2 NE YERB DEFORE! THE MOST DARING SPECTACULAR 9p FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE IN< OUR HISTORY Terrific Values Card Tables -------- - $1.77 Fancy Chesterfield Cushions---------------.*$1.88 Hassochs (assorted colours) $2,44 Paney Boudoir Lamps - $2.99 Pile ai Scatter Mats (To Clean) $3.89 Chrome Chairs (new colours). $4.94 Baby Play Pens -------------- $5.92 Genuine Walnut Cofice Table, Duncan Phyfe ----------------- $9.27 Spring-Filled Mattresses, Better Quality.........--------_$17.77 Baby Convertible Pnams, Chrome Fenders --------- -$31,44 Cook Stove (srnall size> - $34,*89 5-pc. Kitchen Set,a Chrome --------------- $44.90' 10-pc. Bcdroom Suite $96.49 3-pc. Bedroom Suite, Genuine Walnut - $117.39 10-pc. Chesterfieldi G roup - ----------- ------ $126.66 7-pc. Cbesterfield Suite, V elour ------------------- $146.15 5-pc. Kroehler Chestenfield Suite ---- -------------- $157,85 Beautiful Bednoom Suite, Twin Bcds, Special $173,59 3-pc. Kroehien Deluxe Chesterfield Suite--------- $194,29 NEVER BEFORE SITCH LOW PRICES W IL SON'S Furnilure Co. 20 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA Giving Up Farming - Auction 5-2 Sale of dual purpose Shorthorn cattie, hay, grain, borses, swine. N ful lneofnearly new farm loice ta Creditors macbinery ta be sold witbout ne- serve, on Wednesday, Pcb. lStb, IN THE ESTATE OF PAUL at 1 p.rn., the pnopcrty of Mr. HENRY SIMPKIN, late of the R. N. Robinson & Son, Lots 23 City ai Oshawa. and 24, Con. 8, Hope Twp., anc ALL persans baving dlaims mile east oi Eizabethvillc, on the against the estate of Paul Henry County Road. For further par- Simpkin, deceased, who died on ticulans sce bills. Terms cash, or about the lst day oi December, Willard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, 1949, are notified, ta send ta the auctioneer, Orono, Ont. 6-1 undersigncd, Parkbill & Yanch, solicitors for the Executors, on or I{aving sold bis farm, Mr. before the lSth day ai Februany, Charles Stire, Lot 4, Con. 6, Dar- 1950, their names and addresscs lington Twp., 1 concession south and full particulars ai their and 1 mile east ai Tyrone, will claims, and the nature of the sell by public auction on Wcd- secunities (if any) beld by them, nesday, Feb. 22nd, at 1 p.m. duhy venified by statutory de- sharp, bis entire herd oi Holstein claration. cattle, machinery, bay, grain, Immetliatcly aiter tbe said 15th swine and many other items. For day of February, 1950, the assets funther particulars sec bills. In of the said deceased wihl be dis- event of bad weather, sale wîll tnibuted ameng the parties en- be hehd inside. Sec buis. Terms tithed thereto having regard only cash. No reserve. S. Eventon ta the claims ai which at shall White, clerk; Jack Reid, auction- then bave notice. enr, Orono, Ont. 6-l' DATED this 2211d day ai Jan- uany, A.D. 1950. New and used farm macbinery PARKHILL & YANCH, and machine shop equiprnent, the 26 Simcoe Street North, propcnty ai Mr. J. Howard ZM_ Solicitors for Wanda Tanja cock, Massey-Harris dealer, willi Sîmpkin, and Ronald Victor be sold by public auction on: Simpkin, Executors ai the Saturday, Pcbruary 25th, com-ý Paul Henry Simpkin Estate. mencing at 12 o'clock sharp at 4-3 the West End Machine Shop, In its car sbaps tbraughout the King St., West, Bowmranville. This sale will include new and 1 system, the Canadian National uscd tractons, rubber-tined wag- Railways convented and remodeli- ons, power units, orchard spray- cd an additional thinty-eigbt ers, sliding hay acks, cinculan sleeping cars during 1949, equip- saws, bydraulie floon jacks, ping them with ail the latest facil- trailens, electnie battcry chargers, ities for travel comiont and con- lumber, tools, drills, bundreds ai vernence. other items. For funthen partie- In Italy the women use their ulans sec bills. Fred Lycctt, banc feet ta tramnp on grapes and clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer, bring out the juice for wine-mak. Orono, Ont. 6-2 ing. *Va-lentine Day Gif t Suggcestions 1 For Her Yardley Lotus Cologne ------ -- ,0.50 Harniet Hubbard Ayer Golden Chance Cologme, P. delightfui new fragrance ---------- ------ $2.00 Chanci Colognes ---$3.00-$5.00 Elizabeth Arden Prize Geranium Bath Soap 85e cake A Perfect Gifi Elizabeth Arden Beauty Boxes -- $5.00-$7.00-$10.00 Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Flower Mist - --- 1.75 Elizabeth Arden Perfumair wiil mot leak - will mot spill ------ - - ----$3.00 Elizabeth Arden Velva Bath Mitt.............---------- 85e Available also .Tune Geranium and Blue Grass Seenta. Smiles'n Chuekies Chocolates 1-lb. Assorted ln Valentine Carton ----- ----- 85e 1-lb. Special Selection Assorted Chocolates ln Heart-shaped box -_---$1.50 For Him Yardley Shaving Bowl- $1.25 Gillette Rocket Razar $1.29 Ronson Lighter and Service Kit 16.85 Rails Razor $9.95 Sunbeam Shavemnaster $26.7Y Schick Super Eleetrie Razor Double Head .------ $24.95 Frank Medico Pipes ---$1.50 Seaforth Shavini Lotion $1,50 Kodak Duaflex Camera $14.50 R. B. BROWN & SON, Interiorg Deconating. paper, painting, gyp- tex and tinting. Tamomnow neyer cornes. Have your work donc to-day. Phone 2639. - 3-6e JURY C& LOVELL When We Test Eyes Etfi Done Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE --------------------- vl- ----------------- l PAGE SIXTELPM THMSDAT, FMMUART 9, 1950,

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