PAGIR 'OUR, TEE CANATAN STATESMAN. BÔWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO - "rmJRSDAY. FEBRUA~Y9. 1S50 j,,.SPORT NEWS WhuVJtby Takes Sennes WNith Local Teams .At Memorial Arena -- h'tbY made a clean sweep a! the bee gaines pleyed et the Memorial Arena here in Bowman- ~ ville, Feb. 1. They nosed ouf the .Bentaffis by a score of 3-2, down- -éd the Midgets 4-2, and blanked the Juveniles 5-0. In fairness ta the M4ldgets they were pleying thein second game - within fbnee deys, leaving them short on steam. The Juveniles continued ta find it hard to score. The Banfems held a 2.1 lead aven the Whitby team tfrom the 14:00 -mark in the second period ta the 9:32 point in the third. But Coin- pont and Lintner fired home two goals wifbin three minutes of one another ta give themn the win- ning one-goal margin. -Two men, Lyons and MacDon- ald, did all the scaing for the -Whitby Juveniles, witb Lyons sinking three and MacDonald 'two. Lanmen and Richards scored single goals ton the Bantemns, and Compont one for the Wbif- ,y entry. Scoring for the Bow- Zmawiville Midgets was divided Zbetween T. Masters and Fergus- Zbn. MecDonald nef ted two o! the -,Whitby Midget counters, with ýýober irbýeia ts and Beckmen complet-, .1--4. - -.4- I j o "J Phone ing the scoring. Juveniles: Bowmenville: Heath, Kilpat- rick, Gilmer, Mason, Allin, Chant, Burgess, Nicholson, W a tsao n, Frank, Brooks, Lunn, Lemon. Wbifby: Clarke, Jo h n s t o n, Haire, Lowe, McNeely, Lintner, C a r n e r, MacDonald, Lyons, Hiltz, Switzer, Sawdon, Wand, Brown. Midgets:- Bowmanville: Rowe, Haynes, Dewell, Harron, Ferguson, Mar- tyn, Piper, Brooks, Biekeli, Ellis, Masters, T., Masters, D., Richards, Sellers, King. Whitby: McLean, Patters on, Wilson, Mendyk, O 'C on n or, Broughton, MacDonald, Barnes, Maudsley, Beckman, Breenlaw, MaHaffey, Beadle, Roberts. Bantans:- Bowmanviile: Sellers. Richards, Hughes, Vine, Larmer, Neel, Sta- cey, Cowle, Kelly, Kitson, Cramp, Colwell, Dudley, Hughes, Laird. Whitby: Ja me s, Warburton, Burnside, Wetkinson, Hall, Maw, Forresten, MacGary, Lintfn er,i Watson, Fitzger al1d, Campant,- Pearson, Fulton. Blood Transfusion the r a p y shorfens the period of hospitaliza- tion and thereby increases hospi- tal capacity, according ta the Canadian Red Cross free national Blood Transfusion service. Russ Oke's Team Takes Over Lead In Bowling League Wben the scores were counted up on Wednesday nlght a numbe' of changes had been made in thE bowling stafistics. - -Russ Oke's team had takeni aver first Position in the teani standing wifh 26 points whilE Piper had the same number ci points but not as meny pins. I In the averages AI Osborne was in first place with a 223 everage and Ted Begnell had the sanie average, but Osborne had aa 4 pinu advantage which la pretty close figuring. George Piper is in third Position with a 220 average. Ted Phillips had higb single gameý for the nigbf wifh 329. A. Osborne Was next 318, Red Swmn- dell 306 and Ted Begnell 292. In the bigh triple Osborne bed bis best night witb 812 made up of 318-272-222 with Pappy Bag- neil second wifh 758 and Ted Phllips had the sanie score as Ted. Reg. Hearle was nexf in line 715, Clarence Oke 703 and Gleorge Piper 702. Milne's team was high wifh 3298 and Frank Willlam's teani 3242. Williams elso had high single geme score 1241 and Milne 1170. Bob Cale and G. Clarke tied with 10D for the low bonors wifh M. Corson 110.ý Men's Major League Standing Teeni Points Oke ~ ___ 26 Pip)er 26 Rundle- --------25 Coole 25 Westlake 19 Milne ____ 19 Osborne -18 F. Williams ---12 Bates----------____ l Cencilla il Luxton - --- __----- _ -- 4 Averages Name Ave. A. Osborne ---223 T. Bagneli - ------- 223 G. Piper 220 G. Elliott---219 E. Phillips 218 D. McKnigbf 217 L. McFeeters . ~216 B. Hearle 215 B. Bates - - ------ 214 R. Oke 212 B. Mime 212 Dr. Rundie- 212 A. Piper 212 M. Dale 210 C. Rundle %,-- --------------210 D. Taylor - ----- 209 M. Harrison 208 K. Luxton ___207 A. Spicèer -207 R. Richards ____206 B. Wesflake 206 R. Moses -----205 N. 0'Rourke ------204 R. McKnigbt 204 T. Hoar --- - 203 B. Williams 203 R. Swindell 202 L. Krichew 202 E. Rundle 202 Hl. Murphy 202 S. Woods 201 R. Heerle 201 Dr. Sleman 200 Kools & Black Cats Ladies' BowlingLge. The race in the Ladies Bowling League is getting tighter each week and after last Thursday's action only 2 points sepanate the flrst four teams. Kools and Black Cats are tled for the League Leadership with 22 points apiece. Lucky Strîkes have 21 and the British Consols have 20 points. In the individual tussle for High Single- and Higb Triple for the week it turned ouf to be a baffle befween Ada Luxton and Onie Etcher. Ada Luxton emerg- ed victoriaus in bath events with a 295 single ta Onie's 294 and a 657 triple ta Onie's 649., The Lemon League produced ifs usual quota. Some of the best were Anita Nickerson 82, Clare Thompson 94, Florence Knight 95 and Grace Taylor 96. Team StaPdings Kools ---------«------------------ -- 22 Black Cats ---.--------.22 Lucky Strikes ----21 British Consols ------- 20 Sweet Caps ---------------- 14 Players --------------------------6 Averages Vi Coole ------------- -- 194 Doris Jol---------190 Joyce Major 182 Hilda Cowling ---------------180 Key Beauprie 180 Ada Luxton --------------- 177 Some bamboo stalks are a foot in diamefer. YGUR ETES and, VisioN? ;sj Rewrftten tram previaus C. Il. TUCR Optometrlst Dlsney Bldg. <Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 92 Unless you train your vision. * seeing in many cases will become a task, and with the added strain in seeing due f0 many new mod- ern devices aur vision today must be freined fa keep propenly apace wifh the chenging conditions. I arn naf aftempting fa peint ea pief une sa rosy as ta show e future of much improved vision beyond what we have todey, but I do endeavor f0 show you thet in spite o! the strain o! modemn lite upon the eyes aur modemn science is dolng all in ifs power ta cape with the new conditions., (Copyrighted) HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR BOYS' BASKETBALL TEAM You can - always depend on seeing plinty of action and good baskefball tram the Igh School Senior team, who have years of experience in the game behind their plays. 'rhis husky graup of y6ung men, some of them around the six foot and 200-pound mark, look capable of giving plenty of trouble ta any school opposition they may hit in this area. They are, from left ta righf: Bernard Jones, Alan Lobb, Rowland Coombes, Jim Frank, Ralph Hilîs, Bob Gallagher, Frank Mahun and Mr. Jack Ross, Coach. Mike's Imps Hold Second Place by DefeatingWhitby 7-6 Mlke's Impeniels of the Mer- cantile Hockey Leegue maintain- ed their second place position Thursday by deteafing Whifby Merchants et Oshawa by 7-6. In the six feem league the Impenials are only 2 points behind the lead-- ing Pitts Elecfric with 14. The closest competifor, the Broncs, came, next wifh only 8 points. Whifby keeps'ae firm grip an lest place, althougb many of their games they have losf by only one point. The Impenials started the geme as if fhey were gaing ta run the Merchants nigh.f ouf a! the rink. When thé ice chips tram the firsf period's struggle bed fellen froni their state o! suspension In the air, the score reed 4-1 for Bow- manvillé. The tans predicfed e gloomy future for the Wrhitby boys. But the Merchents flew back info baffle wifh ell their tight, and before the game was avenf hey had thrown e score into the Imperial renks. Sturrock înifiated the scaring at 9:20 of the firsf period when he sped in unmolested and elone on the Whifby nef. Atter .McCoy had evened the caunt Sfurrock sank bis second unassisted goal 0f the period ta again put the Im- pendas ouf in front. One minute later Heffening brougbt the score ta 3-1 for the Bowmenville crew, and about one minute following thet score Yourth snered e ueass LINOLýEUM RUBBER MASTIC Coloured Wall Tile CERAMIC -PLASTIC ESTIMATES FREE Work Guaranteed H. G. HffEA L Phone 2902 Bowmanville LYOURS TO ENJOY The HORNED LARK is another winter visitor. A handsome littie bird, h. looks like a small chicken, running in the inow. Look for him with-snow buntings a long snowy beoches. Like ather wiàter birds, h. feeds on seeds of grasses and weeds, and shomjd b. protected. YOURS TO PROTECT THE CARLING *REWERIES UMITEU WATERLOO, ONTARIO J tram Gilhooley ta beat goalie Dalby. If looked et this point as if Whitby were in for a rougb even- Ing. This impression was sfrength- ened at the 1:45 point in the sec- ond peniod wben Rundle increas- ed the Imnperial lead ta 5-1. The Merchants came ta life a minute lafer wifh a neef goal by Lintnen on a pass trom Ladd. Seven min- utes later McCoy scored his sec- ond goal o! the game ta bring the score ta 5-3. The mergin shrank ta 5-4 early In the third peniod when Bradley beat Imperial goalie Rowe. Gil- hoaley pulled the Imperials mo- inèntanily eway tram the.anconi- ing Merchants wben he capital- ized on a good pass tram Heffer- ing. Thunder sfruck twice in the sanie place from the boîta o! thé Whitby teeni when Mayne fallied Datoe and B. Dalby scaned unas- sisted f0 fie the game. Don Gilhooley came ta the res- cue in the Bowmanville cause wifh a neaf manker neffed only 24 seconds after the lest Whifby point. The Merchants fought bard tram then unfil the end o! the game ta produce the tying goal, but without success, and the game ended in vicfary fan the Imperiels. If was remanked thaf the game was a beartbreaker for Whitby. But let us look et the standing wbich shows Bowmanville wifh 14 points and Whifby wifh four. If- would seem thef lest place teams were continueily having their hearts broken. No one wanfs fa take credif for good hockey ewey tram the Merchants. But let us try not ta make ouf as if a lest place team should deserve ta be in ftirst. Bowmanville - Impenials: Goal, Rowe; detence, Lowe, Hettering; centre, Gilhooley; wings, Bird, Yourth; Alts., .Begneli, , Piper, Krantz, Rundie and Sturrock. -Whifby Merchents: Goal, Dal- by; defence, Mayne, Corner; centre, B. Dalby; wings, Trimm, Detoe; Alts., Law, Linfner, Ladd, Harden, Bradley, McCoy and Allen. Officiels: Daug Love, and "Gar" Peters., Mike's Imperials Win 6-4 Againsi Port Hope Team Bowmanville Imperials -contin- ued their winning weys in the O.H.A. Intermediate A categorjy lest Wednesdey night et Port Hope when they averceme the Port Hope enfry by e canvi*ncingl score o! 6-4. Ater e shaky stat, during which the Bowmanvillei boys losf twa ouf o! three sferts,j they have settled down ta tekel their lest four games. This gives) thern 5 wins against two lasses.ý Their wlnning streak ectually bas run ta tive gemes, but lest Satur- dey's geme egeinst Cobourg wes celled an exhibition tilt when if was agreed that the ice wesfo so! t to give a true Indication o! the skill o! the teanis. The Port Hope team, affer lead- ing 4-2 going info the tinar trame, fell apart et the seenis and allow- ed four Bowmanville goals ta en- ter their naf-foo-well protecfed nets. Port Hope fans telt disap- pointed in their teani, especially considering the drubbing their boys had handed ouf the previaus week ta Cobourg when they smashed fhem 10-1. Bpt they cen tind consolation in the tact that perbeps fhey met a much beffer teani in the Imperials. In the opening period the Im- perils started off the gaie in an authoritative way when Gil- booley itled home a goal affer liff le more than a minute had passed. Yaurth sfarted off the play by sizzling e shat in the di- rection af the goal. Defenceman McGlbbon, trying ta acf as second goal4cçeper, caughf the shofand dropped If. Byt Don Gilhooley wes there ta seize the weiting dise. Bowmanville had a large edge in pI#y during the tirst periad. At the 1'7:05 mer, Lintner, who was one of the besf men on the ice for the« Impenials, knifed aIo n e fbrougb the bewildered Part Hope defence ta slip the puck past goalie Burley. Ashby opened thé- sconing for the Port Hope boys five seconds effer the Lint- ner goal affer teking a neet pas tram LeBlanc. The second period by contrest 'Didge' Rundie Coaches Tecxm for O.B.A. Junior Series Under the expert guidance of Ray "Didge" Rundle, wbo gained his nickname because of bis fond- ness for the word digit, a Junior "B" Basketball team is being pre- pared for entry in 1 the Ontario Basketball Association playoffs starting near the end of this month. Since there are no other Junior B teams in the vicinity of Bowmanville the loal team will play a series of exhi-1ifion games wltb teams of a bigh calabre. The Bowmanville teamn Will then re- ceive a bye into the playoffs, with the exhibition games serving ta sharpen them for the test. Coach Rundle is a player of long 'experience. He played al through high school and because of bis helgbt cantinued on wlfh the local Intermediate B teams for four years, during which time the Intermediates woni the On- faria champlonships. Althougb Didge is flot the entire reason for this success, he coi'itribufed a greaf deal in experience and heady play ta the cause. If la this experlence whlch is being turned ta good use in the coaching of the Bowmanville entry. If the result of the first game af the aggregation is an indication was ail Port Hope. Atter a trip- ping penalty ta Dotzko and a short rest in the dressing room for Far- now, who was walloped on the head, Port Hope came ta lite. Nine minutes affer the start a! the period "Mule Train" McGib- bon blasfed a sizzler past goalle Rowe who didn't see the puck until he picked if ouf of the twine. To his assist on McGibbon's goal Walf Dotzko addgd a tally o! bis own at 17:35, after eight minutes of continued pressure in the Bow- manville end. These two teamed up on the final goal of the period with Dotzko feeding a pass ta the speed-shoofing McGlbbon. Port Hope fans were a contented aggregation af that time. The third period wltnessed a complete change of action, with the pressure exerted mainly by the irresponsible Bowmanville team. Lowe connected on passes by Yourth and Gilhooley ta bring the Imperials ta within one goal of Port Hope. Lintner and Farrow deposifed the puck in the nef within twenty-five seconds a! one another ta put Bawmanville into the lead. Lowe flnished off the scaning for the nigbt wben he snared a pass tram Lintnen ta beaf goalie Burley. For the rest of the period the Imperials played close ta the vesf, checking furiaus- ly and preventing Port Hope from organizing effective attacks. Bowmanville: Goal, Rawe; De- fence, Lowe and Mayne; Centre, Gilhooley; Wngs, Yourth and Bird. Alts., Furey, Rundle, Far- row, Hicks, Linfner. Port Hope: Goal, Burley; De- fence, McGibbon and Bill Doug- las; Centre, Ashby; Wings, Le- Blanc, Racine; AIts., Kelly, Pem- berton, W. Dotzko, Blake, Hufch- inson, Cunrelly, Kip Douglas, S. Dotzko, L. Austin (sub-goalie). Referee, D. Love, Oshawa; ~inesman, G. Rowden, Part Hope. ] I of Didge's caaching ability ourt get away from the happy practice citizens can be sure that the Jno f dubblng the varlous te-mia re.- ior B's wil carry the name o- the I resenting the town with distinc- town well into the playoffa. The1 tive names. It is awkward to have local boys nosed out the Utahi-ta refer fa the Basketball Teamn Ramblers, a Senior B tern from1 by giving out with the mouthful, Oshawa, composed of young mis-1 "The Bowmanville Ontario Bas- sionaries fromn the Church of ketball Association Junior B Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Entry." Something like "The Saints. The oldest of these players Dog Biscuits" would be much àa 26 years of age. In fairness to shorter and much easier to re-,. the Raznblers, they played with member. only five men throughaut the Utah Ramblers :-Rick Solway,- game. R.F., Cliff Wcodall, L.F., Zat Leading 31-18 at hall time, they Winn, C., Marvin Anderson, R.G., tired badly ta allow the local boys Gerald Goodmansen, L.G. ta rack up 28 points ta win ouf Bowmanville "«Nonames":-G.M by the final score of 46-44. The Buchan, R.F., T. Dadson, L.F., R~ Ramblers are a team with a Unit- Moorecraft, C., B. Gallagher, R.G- ed States background, with two j* Munday, L.G., Aits. B. r players tram Utah, one fromn Ida- den, B. Jones, F. Mohun, G. Uob h, one fram California, and one j. Franks. b, fram Alberta. It may be noted __________ that .elberta is in Canada. oe son! Joe Ireland will encourage taurWa The 27 spectators were treated trade. ta same fancy ball-handling by Zan Wlnn, who played for the eSae Utahý State Collegiate Champs Th Safsman SlJUd for the year 1946-47. Winn looped in 22 of the 44 points for the visi- Af Following Siores tors, keeping the Oshawa teamn in the running in the second haîf Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. when he scored 12 of the Ramb- D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. lers 14 points. G. Buchan was high Wilson & Brown, Newtonvil6 man for the locals, dz:opping in T. M. Siemon, Ennîsklllen. 12 points. B. Harnden was second F. L. Byam, Tyrone. wlth 8. Scoring was fairly well G. A. Barron, Hampton. distributed over the Bowmanville Newton -Taylor's, Burketon. team. Wm. }Éackwood, Pontypool. For this issue we can caîl the H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. Bowmanvllle teamn the 'Nonames'. C. B. Tyrrell, Orono. It is sad ta relate that practically H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. none of the local entries under W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Love»l,o the supervision of the Community J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and Council have naines. Let us flot The Statesman Office. know for a comfortable home is "Be Prepared"! Be prepared with soothing SLOAN'S LINIMENT for the aches 'n' 4.pains of sorle muscles - rheumatism - neu- ralgia-stiff neck or sprains. Famous Sloan'a speeds relief. Its comforting, soothing heat brings wonderful relief in just a few minutes after applying! Just pat it on and you'l feel so mucli better! Its deep pene- trating heat goes riglit to the seat of the pain! :ýTo wonder Sloan's is a medicine-cabinet "must'"'in so, many thousands of homes!1 It's economical, tôool Just 40c a bottie!1 lista A Litile Thbtg, But Oh! So Important. That's CALUMET BAKING POWDER. Calumet's two-way action - fret in the mixing and then in thq oven-makes al ¾3 your baking perfectly leavened, light and melting as a dream. Try these favorite Nut Waffles of mine, and see what niarvelous things Calumet can do for . a waffle batter. Use Calumet Baking Powder in al your baking. N..WAFLc 2 cups sifted ilour 2 eggg, welI beaten 2 1/2 teaspoons Calumet Baking 1 1/2 cups milic Powder ô tablespoons rmelted shortenlng 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nut meats Bilt flour once, ineasure, add baking powder and sait; sift Into bawl. Combine eggs and milk. Add to flour mixture, add shortening, tkien mix only until amooth. Add nut nieats. Bake in hot waffle iron 3 ta 5 minutes or until steam ceases to rise from iron. Serve hot with butter and syrup. Makes about 5 seven-inch waffles.- "Married Woffen Do Need Their Own Bank Aceounia" remarked ane of my smarkest friends last week at lunch. "John and I often used ta have -weil -words whenever I needed a new dress or shoes or simply the lift a new F". bonnet always gives me. Trouble was I neyer seemed ta have enough lcft over from myk~ousehold allow- ance ta pay for these thinqs when 1 wanted them. Then I hit.on a solution... . opened by own Savinga Account at the BANK 0F MONTREAL. Each week I put away the dollar or two left over from my household expenses. I've been amazed how quickly my balance grows. And so many of the things I really want I cen now aff ord. Our budget runs much more smoothly too, which keeps John- iù'the right frame of mifd for ahappy husband." Three "A"'s For Desserts- Attractive, Appcaling, Appetizing -when you make them with JELL-0 PUDDINGS. Smooth, melting, deliciausi flavorcd Jeul-O Puddin-mkeldssert the high spot of any mccl - be it children's noon snack, or be if "the boss's night fa dine et aur bouse." You simply can't go wrong with Jol-O Puddings ... mcellow-rich Caramiel or Butterscotch, smooth, 'shecr- deligbt" Vanilla and that dark beauty Chocolatc. And thon ilre are those wonderful Jol-O Tapioca Puddings- Orange Coronuit, Va- nille and Chocolate. Enjoy Joli-O Every Day - Alternoon Tea your fricndly pick-me-up! Yes in. deed, for real enjoyment I heart- ily recommend this populer cue- tom. Heore are the five simple rulos for making good tea: use good quality tee; bring treahly drawn wafer ta a furiaus bail; hocat fhe pot; Ineasure amaunt of tea 4(a teaspoonful per persan and ane for the pot); shlow correct time for infusion. I find it takei fivo ful minutes ta brew te& ta fuill, truc flavor. And I've noticed finit groceries and bakeshops ovcrywhore arc featuring affer- noon tra spocials with dainties ]ik-o mit niacaroons, and augar la Sunclay Your Day For An rna-,oua Breakfast? You have time fa cook if ... ami your fanîîly certainly takes the time ta eat if (every lasf bit> whien tho main dish is Shirrcd Eggs ili HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO j SOUPI M-mmmil .. . Ierc's bow for four:- Butter four Individuai baking dishes. Break 2 egga Inoa cup and slip into each casserole. Also to each - dish add about 1/3 cup Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, undiluted. Bake in moderate oven (350 deg. T,) until whites are firma (about 10 min.). Top wjfh bacon strips. Shimmering And Clear As A Crystal Lake -and just as inviting. looking tool -Jl-O desserts are as excitingto eat as thoy are to sc. The soven deliciaus '.1oekcd- ~~ ~ in" flavour., ai-P.a pc o t tirod menus. And «d they allow stiv'h a varioty of dessorts. I'm particu- !al:ry attî-artecl f0 ftie.verv dcfinitp cconomy of C d JELL-O JELLY 1POV'DlCR,1S, fao. At a f ew cents Pm~a srving, I krow. of rio more deliclous and yet anexpesv dsetasro t family and friends ,Just about everyanc ithe family ivili have thoir own preferonce, and I'd advise you ta, keep a full stock of their special favourites always an handl -w Outside Points S!ightly Higher10 Corner King and Brown Sts. Phone g o 4 STOVE OIL M KEROS ENE Bowmanville GEM o HO.I K IN G'S Radio Taxis FAST RADIO PICKUP Means No More LONG WAITS FOR A TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 -* Nights 561 - 707 - 922 Six Modern Cars... *.Ail Passengers Insured 6..Prompt Efficient Service Operated by Lathangwe Bros. NEW PHONE NUMBERl for LORNB'S PICK-UP PLEASE CALL KING'S TAXI - 561 I - DEALER FOR SILENT-GLOW OIL SPACE HEATERS AND RANGE BURNERS. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY DAY OR NIGHT CALL BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE ýBut you should hear the tone qual;ty that THE RADIO SHOP brought out of my radio when they repalred lt!'» THE CANADYAN STATESMAN. BÔWMANMLE. ONTAMO 1 ".rURSDAY, FEBRUART 9. 193e'-