TRURSDAY. !~BRUARYS. 1950 Tloe CAKADIAN STATESMA1i, EOWMAKVILL, owr~mo -' PAGE U~~Ç Min. Lillian Hoar, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Wrightson Wight., Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, Lis- towel, were weekend guests of hia brother Mr. J. H. Johnston. . Mn. Jamese Howard,' Oshaw a' ~td hrparents, Mr. and Mrs. f .iH. Býr nett , Prvidence. Have you renewed your sub- ~citian for 1950 to The States- mnan? Better do it to-day before It la cut off. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Vanstonq and family, Waterloo, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mn,. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. Leggott were in Oshawa Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herring who were cel- ebrating their 35th wedding an- niversary. Miss Dorothy Crook, Malton, and Miss Doreen Lobb and Mr. Maurice Crook, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Crook, Elgin St. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundie and Mr. and Mn,. N. Hannan were uests last Tbursday évening o! qw Be Sure to Hear The Ambassador maie Voice Choir AT TRINITY UNITED CHURCH AT 8 P.M. Saturday, February llth This In a neturu visit of thls popular choir ne b. eariy te hear an outatandint evening et musie. SIILVER COLLECTION "nhe Lord ln thy keepen." You can attain truc confid- enice, innen security and peace thnough wonship at the Church. It is the ane way-and the rigbt way ta know such cerjainty ln these tnoubled times. TERINITY United Church MORNING WORSHIP il1a&. BAPTISM Thene wii bc Baptimm at the mornig service. Interested parents please contact the ministen. EUNDAY SOHOOL 12:15 p.rn. EVENING WORSHIP 7 p.M. The Junior Choir wili be in the loft to bring speclal musie. Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minuster. Mr. R. G. Hyrle, Onganlat Bowmanvilis D3aptisi I'Jissioa 0 BIbia Scheol st 3:00 pa.. la Ontario St. Sehool 7-:30 p.m. - Gospel Services ln new Union and masonlo Hall, 19 King St. E. BOLLIDAY GOSPEL TEAM FROM TORONTO Fastol! Paul T. Hollidar, Speaker. John R. HelIday, Solelat. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Browr Courtice. Mr. and Mns. Oscar Mlorgar Mn. and Mrs. Jame Cochrant Chanles and Barbara, Brightor Mn. and Mrs. Claude Tunney an, fam.ily, Peterbono, vlsited Mn. an, Mns. Ernest Turney. Mns. Reta Dudley was a gues at The Women's Musical clubc Toronto on Tlaesday and heard recital by the noted British pian ust, Clifford Curzon, given in Es ton Auditorium. Miss Florence Gardner, Mis Donalda Creassen, Mn. Wm. Roi inson, Miss Louise Pearce arý Mn,. Reta Dudley attended th piano necitai o! Ray Dudley ' The Toronto Art Gallery on Sun day. Miss Marie McWatters and Mis Lonrainne Leishman frmerly o Bowmanville) o! the Bell Tele phone Company, Toronto, spen the weekend with Miss Lysi Overy at the home o! Mn. and MrE James Overy, eelson Street. The Canadian Boy Scouts An nual Financial Campaign for 195, begins on Feb. 6th and continue until Feb. 22nd. Its purpose i raise f unds for the administratioi and expansion o! Scouting on 1< cal, provincial ýnd dominion lev els. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met at Mis Creasse', home Feb. 1. This wa not an ordinany meeting buti party for C.G.I.T. week. A!te a sing-song and watching viev master neels, Mrs. J. Needban and Mis, Creasser senved a ver, delicious lunch. A lange and appreciative audi ence listened with intenest ta piano recital'gîven by, Ray Duc ley in the Art Gallery o! Toroni( at 3 p.m. Sunday. Cunnent paint' ings a! Arthur Lismen and Cam. ille Canot wene also viewed b3 everyane. Ray also gave a recita. at Trinity College, Port Hope or Feb. 8. St. Paul's Mission Cincle mel Feb. 6 at the home of Sally Cole King St. E. Pat Dinniwell con, ducted the wonsbip service. Studý period emphasized the import. ance o! Christian Social Wonk and explained bo wit is carried out ir the wonk o! the United Churcb cl Canada. The meeting closed witl a delicieus lunch senved by thE hastes,. Bowmanville citizens are ii: great demand as speakers at ser- vice clubs and other societies. Lat weèk E. A. Summers ad- dresed the Peterboro Gladioluç Society; Monday W. R. Strike, K.C., addnessed Brampton Ro- tary Club and Tuesday John M. James, M.P., was guest speaker at Oshawa Kiwanis Club. Trinity Young People Enjoy Pictures of Western Canada Wonship service at Triait: Young Peaple's meeting Monday evening, on the theme o! the Laws laid down by God - - the Ten Comnmandments, was con- ducted by Milly His and Ruth Rabbins o! the Christian Culture group. After a short business period, Mn. Cecil Found, Courtice, was called upon ta teli of bis trip to the west coast and Alaska. Illus- tnating bis description with a ser- ies o! slides, Mn. Found first pre- scnted pictures o! the many col- enfui floats and costumes in the panade at the famaus Calgary Stampede. He tben went on ta de- scribe the trip thnough the Can- adian Rocky Mountains and Jas- per Park. Many beautiful scenie sldes were shown o! such bcauty spots as Lake Louise and the snow-covened mountains of the Rockies as weli as pictures o! the wild animal, o! Jasper Game Re- serve which had become quite tam. and o!ten bad ta be chased out a! local flower gandens. Sev- enai siides wcne shown o! beans which came right into the gar- dens and lawns o! the hotel. Anothen was taken of thnee bear cubs whicb ambied out on ta the noad and beld up tnaffîc by de- ciding that it was a good place to take a ncst. Funther suide, were shown a! the boat trip up the. Pacifiec cast and of the nailway trip thnougk Alaska and the Yukon. Mn. Found was thanked by Anna John,. Also on the pnogramn was a mu- sical numben by Mns. Nesbitt and Jim Nokes, piaying accondion and trumpet, who favouned the gnaup witb "Wnter Wondeland" and a waltz medley. Plans Beinq Made For Red Cross Drive Representatives from several large Ontario centres attended a Campaign meeting at Ontario DJyisian Headquarters on Jan. 3th tai develop plans for ongan- lzing a canvass throughout the province in aneas where no active Red Cross Bnanch exists. It bas been found by Red Cross that many of these communities had strong branches during wan-time, and whie not now actually func- tionmng their citlzens are stili vit- ally interested in the welfare o! the Organization. S. H. Young, Campaign Chair- man for the province, presided at the meeting. He complimented those who had worked so faith- fully for Red Cross and said that young meiand women should b. encouraged ta take part in the campaign on. any other phase o! Red Cross wark. In tbat way vol- unteers who had wonked tireless- ly for many years would be able ta retire tram the active field. The 1950 Campaign for funds commences tbroughout the prov- ines on -March 1; it will continue SOIA AMPERSONAL SOCIAL Fb... "à Sunday evening. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00.-- COD LIVER OIL, B.P. Standard Mn. and Mn,. D. Flett and chul- Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- W IE dren, Taunton, visited Mr. and ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. IDAMALT, Cod Liver 011 Mn,. A. Youngman, J i m m y 1-8 and Malt, 1. 2 and 4-lb. - Youngman retunning home with CONSTIPATION Suffeers-Why MINERAL OIL, 16\and 40-os., ne tbem for a couple o! days. expeniment with barsh, griping Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd, Alldnead, laxatives when you can belp ne-. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 4 and1 Mn. and Mms. O. Beckett and lieve your condition with the CLD RAME.owr Dawson visited Mn. and Mn,. wholesome, gently laxative cen- Clarence Bradley, Myrtie. eal, Roman Meal? Here is a Theatrical type, lb., reg. 69a Mn. and Mn,. Walter Park, Cecil tried and tested formula, devel- CK R09OIE IL4-zrg3o and Douglas, Mn. S. Duval visited oped by Robent G. Jackson, M.D, PCAI@ LV I,4o. e.3e- Mn. and Mn,. Charles Munney, that combines, the natural food »Odlss.6¾"xzfq18< FrTgt hsyCuh Peterboro, Mn. Duval nemaining values and delicious' fiavors q! 200 issueS 9" X W FrTih.CesyCuh fo9 a visit. whole wheat and whole rye witb MANS 5111 12"x12"ý 29c BRONCHIDA Mr. and Mn,. George Alldnead the gentie, laxative properties o! e visited Mn. and Mn,. Jack Welsh, flax-o-lin and bran. Thousands 8-os. bottle 0 Bowmanville. o! suffenens have written ta us Mn. and Mns. F. L. Byam visited praising the laxative qualities of PRESCRIPTIONS Mrs. J. Liilicrapp, Cannington. Roman Meal. You, too, may find Mn. and Mn,. Eric Stainton, relie! with this valuable enengy John, Jean and Lloyd, Bowman- food. Ask your grocen for Roman vNature',r.aynto Good HealHa"lAlex. MCGr ville, Mn. and Mns.Stan Hall andkMeal WNtrie'today fatFRE oo kiHet,"A z-er approximately three wceks. Dur- by Robent G. Jackson, M.D., ta ing that time Ontario must naise Dr. Jackson Faods Limitcd, Dept. \Ve Deliver Your Local I.D.1 $2,000,000 or 40 5, o! the National K, 1 Willingdon Blvd., Toronto. objective o! $5,000,000. 6~ -1 - Celebrate 48th Weddinq Anniversar BIU R Woodger, Cobourg, a E1ose friend vice a number o! the f avourite ~ ~. ~JOSEPH TAYLOIR hymns of Mr. Taylor were played. Interment was in Bowmanville Following a brie! iflnes o! only Cemnetery. ., four months, Joseph Taylor, Bow.. Mourning. his los lare bis wlfe, *~~~ ~ ~ .~~~ manvilie, passed away in Toronto Ms ayLus alr w ... . ....... Wetr Hospital on February 4~~ti~ !felvl n triMr. Taylor was bornn 1 Ches- ing him are two brothers, Tom ie,. tenfield, England, ini 1894, son of and Jim Taylor and one sister, )n, .. the late Mr. and Mn.. George Elizabeth, ail o! Chesterfield, id Taylor. Some 30 years ago he England. move wih hi wie an faily Six nephews o! Mn. Taylor act- f rom the Old Country to Western e spl err:CalsHl !st Canada where he farmed for a land, Raymond Hall, Stewart o!f ~ number of years. He later moved Gu:Coor; m all, James a ....* . to Cobourg, unti he took up resi. Hall, Wm. Cook, Toronto. tkn :a years ago. were tnibutes from Goodyear Tire S Mr. Taylor, who was described and Rubber Co., Genenal Motors Iss by bis two sons as a wonderful of Canada, personnel of the SS- busband and father and a true C.N.R. and the Dominion Stores. ad fiend to ail who knew him, was Friends and relatives from C- heemployed by the General Motors, bugadTrnoatne S at Oshawa, ~~~~~in récent years. ThroughboranTrnt ted hÉ n- h is genial personality he miade ______________ jmany friends. It was bis chie! iss joy ini life to spend bis time in helping othens; people were bis KIRBY ýe- main avocation. nt The funeral service was con- W.A. and W.M.S. met Feb. 1. ,in ducted from tbe Morris Funeral Mrs. - Raynýond Chapman took SChapel on Tijesday afternoon. charge o! the W.A. meeting in Rev. H. A. Turner, minister o! the absence o! the président. Mns. St. Paul's United Cburcb, where Wm. Wannan read the seipture. Mn. Taylor was a member, con- Mrs. Stanley Chapman gave the ducted the service and the sen- devotion. esmon was preached by Rev. W. P. Mrs. Youmans presided aven to n 0- Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Cox, known for their musical ability Iss Elgin Stneet East, Oshawa, cele- and orchestra wonk played their as brated their 48th wedding anni- various instruments including a vensary, along with the binthday "Abbie" with bis clarinet wbich er of their son, Arthur Cox, on Sa- had be'en îused previously in ýW turday evening, Feb. 4, with ail many bands such as the Domin- in other membens of their family ion Organ Factory Band, the On- ry and numerous guests from fan tario Regimental bands and Cox's and near. The couple were hon- Orchestra of many years ago. [i oned at aý surprise party at their Numerous gifts and bouquets a home. were received by the happy d- Mr. and Mrs. Cox were mar- couple with Mr. L. E. Osier a s to red in Bowmanville. Mrs. Cox master of ceremonies and an ex- t-was the former Blanche Ethel hibition of soft shoe tap dancing rgts* aPingle, daughten of the late Mr. was given. )lino' )y and Mrs. Thomas Pingle, of Bow- Among the guests present were al manville, and wvas bonn in Mrs. Cox's two sisters, Mns. Samn- nWhitevale, Ontario, in 1880. Mn. uel Glanville and Mns. Jack )nCox, the youngest of 13 cbildnen, Glanville and Mn. Cox's sisten, was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George. Richards, ail of P R E S E N T 1 N G et Mrs. David Cox, of Bowmanville. Bowmanvilie. Also Mr. and Mrs. e, He was bonn, as a good Orange- Fred Sis, Toronto; Miss Jean Liý man, in Bowmanville on July 12, Flintoff, Belleville; Mn. and Mns. [y 1877, and went to Oshawa in 1909 Arthur Simmons, Niagara Falls; C - as piano tuner and tone negula- Mn. Ray Bennett, at present Fond id ton with Williams' Piano Com- Dealer in Oshawa, also attended Cr neW~ in pany. Later he was Fond Dealer and offened congratulations to bis t f for Oshawa and district for predecessor. ýh many yeans but now is netincd Anejyb dnr lmx 0 ie except for doing a littie piano A noal înrciae tuning.copebv th.e anniversany and birtbday Thecuhae four cbildren, celebnations. In Fnank, Mrs. Fred Smith (Flor- The Statesman joins with Mn. mdeinFRNC rence), Arthur and Clarence, ail and Mrs. Cox's many fniends in She'1l love you for S. living in Oshawa, and tbree Bowmanville in extendîng con- 1gnand-children, Ronald, Abbie gratulations and best~ wishes on 's and Peter Cox, ail of whom were their 48th anniversany. CHOCOLATES e, present on this occasion. The editon necalis many pleas- - A pleasant evening was spent ant memonies as a kid (and that's By such popular makers as 1. playing cards and dancing was well oven 50 yeans ago), when Neilson's, McCormick's and n enjoyed with music suppiied with "Abbie" Cox, going by oun homeMon Nornish and Mrs. L. E. Osier ai- factory, would always gneet us Mn. Bily" ille, M. Gorgeto nd nomwonkat he rgan. GVA ERFUES Hd_3 ternating at the piano and Mn. with a characteristic salute and GOA I'1E -Hnda SEldon Woodcock with bis elec- kindiy greeting. That fniendship VELVETTA BATH SALTS, OVI tric guitan. Many othen members through the yeans bas alwaysLACE EBBLE AT - of the family who have ail been been prized and maintained GO MT LVNE E baby witb Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall. --HU-.DNUT GEMEY PERFUME ylin, with Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbary. DUST(NG POWDER------ ýe Mn. and Mns. Howard Brent, Mn. and Mns. Walter Murphy, ' ~ jt- COLOGNE ___ $1.75 -V e Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Brent visited Mn. and Mns. Eanl Prescott with BTET L_ Mn. Walton Annis at Dunhanton. Mr. and Mns. George Alldnead. BAHTE h Mr. and Mns. Norman Woodiey Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and ' CAPSULES and Mns. Harold Skinner visited Doneen visited Mr. and Mrs. EVENING-I? Mrs. L. Woodiey at Peterboro on Lamne Giffin and Jean, Purpie 75c1 ov Friday. Sorry to know Mns. Wood- Hill. oIlov sley is again in the hospital. Club 41 met Tuesday at Mrs. Repartee. It's se witty, se OON 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner W. J. Millen's. exasvIn tlsss AE -and childnen, Mn. and Mns. W. F. j epnieadi ai e *.i. ~ WTR- Park visited Mn. and Mns. Ewant Our minister is preaching a sen- beautifully. An utterly Bragg, Bowmanville. ies of sermons entitled "Great eanmoigfgrceDSIG] Wonds". His subject Sunday was neadoigrrne Mn. and Mns. Fred Goodman, "The Mear.eft Word in the Bible". expérience. Says auch eOshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. L. Ncxt Sunday hie will speak on Iovely things about you, Y J. Goodman. 'The Weakest Word in the Bible and such a flattering gift. Miss Venonica Fiend, Bow- and in Human Speech".Indluepéntios manvîlle, with Miss Doris Park. Mn. James Campbell is on the Ineluereeaios c Mn. and Mn,. G. Yeo and fami- sick list. There are many others aise in purse-size flacons. ]y, Enniskilien, with Mn. and suffering fnom flu and bad colds. eMrs. C. W. Woodley. A presentation of househoid From $3.00 to $30.00 e Mn. and Mns. Ralph Glaspeil, effects, clothing and food was PYU Grant and Gwendolyn, visited given to Mn. and Mns. Henny Aiea availabl i Mn. and Mn,. W. E. Lewis, Wel- Wood at the home of Mn. and Mn,. Bouquet at $1.75 a:nd $2.50; corne. Gordon Baben Thursday evening Bouquet with Atomiser $2.1O, r: and Mrs. Howard Pbiip, befone ieaving for their new home Bath Powder $2.25., d e MarilnMandMiss Jean ,in saa Youmans ententained the teach4 ens and officers o! the Sund&* Scbool. Mn. Youmans took charge o! the business. Rev. Eustace led in the devotional and began a training course fon the. teachnas ta help tbem with tbeir lessona, Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mr&, Wm. Wannan and Ross with Mvý and Mn,. Wm. Cochrane on W& nesday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Brad1eg' spent Sunday with Mns. Thomp. son. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Wannan anti Ross and Mrs. Patterson vlsited Mn. and Mn,. E. Lawsan, Ye1vem ton. Many Canadians wbo started wonk in railway shops bave risça to high executive jobs with theit lines.. 4 iG SO RE Friendly, Courteous Service! f or Your VALENTINE offer are a few suggestions your I.DA. Dnuggists for Valentine giving. , Phials - ---- _-- -_ ,5 ver 3lbs. container -____69c -- ------------ $1.00 ýFUMES ____-$1.45 Value for $1.00 --$1.75 -$3.75 __ _ $1.75 With Atomizer - $2.50 ES BATH ; 65e - $1.25- $3.00 IN-PARIS PERFUMlE: - $1.00 - $1.65 - $2.75 and up or TOILET _______________85e - $1.60 POWDEIR __$1.75 ,d Box - 2-lb. $2.50 1-lb. 80c, 2-lb. $1.50 - Lollipops -----35c DSPECIALS rd, 16-oz., reg. 89c - 63o 44e - 77e - $1-.47 eg. 45c, 89 39e- 77c 16-oz., reg. 15c, 39e -- 9c - 23c 54o -______29C For Stubborn Coughnq CRE-O-TONE 16-oz. bottie ___ 980 A SPECIALTY ,A. Drug Store 1 For Your Valen: fin Tfte CAm oY OExcitueitCe PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES $1.25 - $2.50 - $5. Re Loo DAGGETT and RAMSDELL % SÇPECMLf offlir! PEjtFEC14 COLO CREAM or CLEANSING CREAM for a lmtdlime ol 1 Ed LARLY ABSORBENT COTTON 1 pound - ------ -- 69e ATTACHMENTOSET E-Z Combination ---------- 39c A.S.A. TABLETS 100's, 300's -- 19a *49c FACE-ELLE Green Box 18e, 2 for 35c " Keeps the hair in place ail day. " Guards against and eoz dandruif. " Gives hair a gleaming lustre. IN I4ANDY TUBES 2 29q &W #4 (Nowa 1jeeti nlillml:Çl.t a I FinArH "NEO-CHEMICAL" ~ FOOD TNIC ADULTS A Pleasant Tcnting, Complèe an<d EcononlceI VITAMIN and MINERAL F00D SUPPLEMENT Druags Phone 792 the W.M.S. meeting. The theme o! the wonship service was "The Church-the Household o! Faith." Mms. Wm. Rutherford gave a nead- ing entitlèd "This is the. Church o! My Dneams."1 Mrs. J. H. Low- ery, Mn,. Wm. Wannan and Mrs. Wm. Aluin led in prayer. Mms. E. R. Bryson bad charge o! study book bascd on the Christianizing o! the Social Order. She was as- sisted by Mn,. C. Cowan, Mrs. H. Loweny, Mns. H. Morgan and Mn,. S. Chapman. Mn,. H. Lowery and Mms. Wm. Wannan rcndered a vocal duet. Mrs. J. Lowery bad a quiltlng Thursday aftennoon and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford had one Friday a!ternoon. Mn,. Bryson had choir practice at ber borne this week.e Manday evenixg Mn. and 'Mn,. r TRU MDAY, AMIMARY el 11050 ipAGI UV" TEM CANADUN STATMUN. BOWYANVM=. ONTAMU