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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1950, p. 6

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PAGE 51K A~ ~ANADUN STA~vA1r. UOWMANYffI.E flf'PAflfl MOU ~Club (Contlnu.d fnomn Page one) Ped nonchalantly acrons flic stage, addkng fa the distractions whlch nadle if casier for Uic magician ta Pull- off liii hand-is-iaster-tban. flic-oye stunts. Prlendly creature t.hat he was, ho made the acquain- tance on bis ownl with sevoral ai flic young folks k ic heaudience. laottomieus Vase Near the start aiflhe acf Uic mnagician brought out an anclent and neyer, dry Oriental vase. Wlfh groat and everlasting pow- ers. Having emptied It hall a dozen tinues, ho set it casually on -thei table where it rested while fthe magic spirits therein absorbed the water fÉmmtUi air. At inter- Vals tbraughout Uic act Ted ne- turned ta flue vase ta again empty If before flue incneasingly incred-, ulous onlookers. If you ever nun aut af silk handkerchiefs, dan't wanry. Just contact Russ Pollard who will get you kn tauch with magician Ted Bradshaw. Hç has Uiousands ai them in a couple ai cmpty cy- lindens. You don't believe if? Oh, you generation ai doubtlng Thornases! We saw if with aur own cycu. In these cylinders are scores ai invisible silk worrns, working themnselves ta death, and preaumably kept golng by in ible MulberTy leaves. We gi the reasan mare ai these wan( fui cylinders are flot sald is cause theýr wauid compoteN and dlstuirb aur national ecc MY. wvia- guesu iden- ibe- wlth ana- Invisible Silkworms Ait or tlulnty ornso luandkerchiefs had issuod froni the inexhaust- ible silkworms, a boy, abouit eight yeans aid, furned ta bis father and said, "Wbere do they carne tram, Daddy?" Daddy gave thaf knowlng. patennal smile, wbich decievos the kids until Uiey neach thle age oi rea- son and find that daddy doesn'f know cithor. After a senies ai acta which as- tonished fthe entire audience, Ted Bnadshaw decided ho would lot the assembly ik on anc af bis simpler fricks. Aten ordering fhem ta fake clean handken- chiefs irom thein pockets, luefold them ta hold tbem by anc corner and snap them like a whip ta, fake ouf Uic wrinkles. The air was ful ai waving handkenchiefs. The magiclan -stood on fthe stage and ginned. Thon, drawing a white handkerchief ai bis own fnom lis pocket, ho waved it in nturn ta the audience and said, "Goodbye. It was nico knowing yau". WiUi that ho walkod off LISTEN TO.. White Rose Service Station Programme EvrySunday 3:30 to 4 p.m. 1Over C.R.L.B,., Oshawa ;GUY' #orner feafuring music, by Lombardo and His Royal Canadians COMPLIMIENTS OF YOUR WRITE ROSE SERVICE STATION BOB EWERS AND STAFF Ring andi Liberty Ste. PHONE 662 Bowmanville Town Couacil (Confinued fram Page One) Wonkers, Oshawa, asking that the Council pas. a resolution pe- titioning Dominioni Govennment ta abolish the means test ion Old Ago Pensions wau roceived and filed. Police Report for 1949 from Chief Constable S. Ventan was neceived and filed. Complote repart appears in another cal- umn. Dopt. ai Highways, Toronto, forwarded a copy ai the By-Law fon rebate on noad expenditunes for 1950, and asking Council ta pass this befone Feb. 28. Refer- red ta Roads and Streets Com- mittee ta repart. Requesfs from St. John Am- bulance and Health League of Canada for grants wene neferred ta Finance Committoe with pow- er fa acf. Foc af $25 for membership in Canadian Federation ai Mayars and Municipalities was ordenod paid.. Sewer Installation Caste ' In reply fa a letton from Pnac- Er eMIEMO TO ADV ERTISERS Newspaper- within A NEWSPA1' IIJPLPE buy ths newspaper for news of the wold, the country and our community in particular. Our readers are also inter- ested in news about food, clothesi enter.. tainment, automobiles, furniture and al of the necessities and luxuries that have to do wth daïly living. Through adverdtesng In ths piper you. can give oui' readers the up-to-date news about your merchandufse and services. Each one of your advertisements can bce a n!rvs.. paper w:i in a newspaper. Yau should know all about the éircula-. tion of the newspaper that is carrying the news of your business. How many people buy the paper? Where are tbey located? How was the cdrculaton obtained? To give you this information ancLmany other facto that you need and have a nii when you buy advertising spac paper is a member of the Aud Circulitions. Established In 1914, the1 national, cooperative associai advertisers, advertseng agenci ishers. Its purpose 'is to furni ers with verified reports on h of its publieher members. Annuallyi one of the Bureau of trained auditors makes ani circulation records, just as the inef makes a check of your bat The information thus obtained n offlcial A. B. C. reports. Wh space in this newspaper you whati 'in circulation values.." the money invcsted. the stage and ended his act. Rabbit Extends Act The rabbit, however, dldn't knaw whon ta quit. He uaid visits with variaus ai his new frionds in the audience until finally ho was taken against bis will ta that unknown place b e h i n d-stage where magicians' rabbits go until they are needed ta turn up i hata and empty boxes. The program ended with the slnglng, by Lion Wilf Carruthers, of the rollicking sang, IlHats off ta the Stoken". Bob Ewens thon moved a vote of thanks ta the St. Johun's wamen'u onganization, di- rected by thc capable Mrs. E. C. C. Southey, wha with ber assist- ants was responsible fon the ex- celient meal. Lion's Ladies' Night N o r mh O'Rourkc announced that - final arrangements have been made for the holdingai the Lions Ladies' Night. The evont wil take place at the Boys' Training School on Tuesday. Feb- ruary 28, with a fowl suppen, *a stage show and a dance. This meeting will count towards the 100% attendance pin. Jack Parker and Tom ]Rehder won the hockey draw. Dave Preston flnished the business by prosenting ta the club a check for $47.37, the rnonoy leit aven tramn the successful Christrnas Concert. The gala evening, by that time a bit noisy what wlth chiidren wa n de rin g. noisily around sceking ta exerciso their cramped limbs, ended with the ring af the bell by President Bob Kent. tan, Rediern and Laughlia, Ton- onto, kn reference ta the account of the Cpuadlan Paciic Railway for $1,944.90 for inatafllng a uewer under their tracks at High St. and suggesting that tlhe Town assume bal f tha charge, It wua moved that C.P.U. be paid the account according ta fthe ternis ai the contract, and that noa show- ance b. made fa contractar. R. M. Dixon, repreaenfing Bell, Goulock and Ca., Toron- ta, addressed Council oifening ta purchase debenture Issues of public schaol, hospital, waten warks, sewers and elevated tank. Cierk was instnucted ta adver- tise for tenders for' the sale ai these debentures. Finance Committee submitting sund!ry accounts of $2,567.98, and Public Sdhool building accounts ai $269.98. Adopted. Fire-ara s y-Law A lettor wiil b. sent ta George Young ik connectian witb By- Law Na. 1481 in refenence ta, the dlschange of fine-arma wîthin the the Corporation. Councillor Darch wua appoint- ed as representative tram town Council ta fthe Commun ity Council fon 1950. Grant ta thc Community Council wa4 rofer- red ta the Finance Comrnittee fa, be deait with unden flue cuti- mates at noxt meeting of Counu- cil. Týhe deed for Meadowview Boulevard was accepted and ne- gistored by the Council. By-Law was passed ta estab- lish a street ta be known au Mca- dowview Boulevard. By-Law fon Uic authonization ai the bonnawing. ai $100,000.00 upon debenturos for Uic purpose ai making a grant ta, the Bow- manville Memnonlal Hospital was passed. THUR5DAY, FEU. lSR, lUSO 8 à' Hospital Admissions Hiqher in January Report Revecils At a short reg*~r meeting of the Bowmanville Hospital board, plans were discussed cancerning the entertalnment of members af the Unitod Counties of Durham and Northumberland when they camne ta visit the hospital yester- day, Wedlpesday, February loth. Ail membors af the Caunties« council were oxpected ta be pres- ont ta Inspect theolad hospital wlth a view ta purchasing it for an additlonal Home for thc Aged. Other business included iran- ing aut details an the new Mcm- anial Hospital. The trees have been cut, stumps pulIed and the site bas been marked aut walting for the shovels ta corne and dig the excavation. Superintendent Lenore Hard-' ing's monthly report revealed the followlng information: 1949 1950 No. ai Admissions 58 72 No. af Dlscharges 72 88 No. of Births--. .. 18 24j No. af Deaths 4 1 No. of Stillblrths ------' i Patients in Residence- 17 181 Days' Stay, ------------ 442 4321 No. af Operations-- 29 441 No. of X-rays Taken - - 161 Patients Admitted fram Different Districts * Maie Female Patients irom Bowmanville - 12 27 c Patients from Durham County 4 18 Patients irom other counties 5 5 Patients from other provinces 1 r St. John's Church (Continued fram Page One) butions of floweru tram the church members in memory af 1their relatives and friends. Organisations Alvance Each arganization in its turn shawed a year's advance in God's work. The Me"i's Club had com- pleted the renovation of the room for the Junior Sunday «Schaol and bult the now cement stops ta the church. They naw Include kn their membership a great many oi the yaunger mon ai the parish, and assist wher- ever possible in the chunch. The Women's Gulld had met ail their obligations in full, their incarne equailing that cf the pre. viaus year's high. They had made a substantial donation ta the church wardens and pur- chased an electrie stove for the * kitchen, rnaintained the chunch organ and the necessany re-decor- ation at the rectory, besides their usual obligations. 8unday Sohool Report Mr. Wm. Tait, Jr. reported an Increase in attendance at Sunday School in the past year. They had pnovlded the children with a plcnic at Orono Park wlth bus transportation. At Christmas the pupils had been served a supper by the Evenlng Branch af the W.A. The Sunday School had presented them with a Christmnas party following the supper, and ta each child was given a gift of candies and orange by Old Santa. The Sunday School and staff are most grateful ta those who made their venture of a turkey dinner an overwhelrning success. The choir members had been rnost regular in attendance at divine wanship and had contribut- ed a gift of $60.00 ta the wardens. Women's Aucillarles The Women's Auxiliaries, Af- ternoon and Evenlng Branches, showed a report oi exdeptlonal devotion in the work they had bath accomplished in the further- ance ai Christ's Kingdom an this earth. They had paid their pledges in full, quilted, served teas, paeked bales, sent contri- butions ta the Diocesan and Unit- ed Thank-Offering, supponted a boy in an Indian Church Board- ing School in Palampun, India, where Rev. T. M. Dustan and his wiie are resident rnissionarieb. Clothed a girl In a Canadian An- glican Mission School and given contributions to the Mission AI- lotment af St. John's., Junior Mission Group The Junior W.A., a band of small girls (and some boys) fnom ages ai 8 ta 14 yns., meet each Tuesday aiter school ta study Missions ai the Church and con- trîbute thtrough thein labours ta their pledges each ycar. A new branch oi this work, unden Mrs. H. Srnythe and Mrs. J. A. Living, is the Little Helpers who meet rnonthly with their mothers and Include ail the littie children ai the parish, until they are ai the age ta graduate ta the Juniors or the boys' Cubs. The youngen wamen ai the parish as the Guildettes have proved an asset In their assist- ance ta the church wardens in helping defray church expenses. They are a band ai cntbusiastic young ladies anxious ta be oi help for Christ and His Church. Wardýns Appointed The Rector's Wanden appoint- ed by Rev Sigston will continue ta be Mr. Yfi G. Parker. Mn. W. J. E. Ormistan was unanimous choice ai the vestry as Peaple's Warden. This will be Mr. Or- miston's 8th year ai scrving his church as Warden. Mr. H. Smythe wlll again assume the responsibility as Sidesmen's Con- vener. The Lay Delegates ta Synod will be Messrs. R. G. Harding, Mr. J. A. Living, Mn. W. J. Ormiston, alternative or substîtute delegates, M~'rs. Wrn. Tait, Jr., Mrs. L. A. Parker and Mn. Harny Sutton. EJnvelope Seefetary wiil again be VIrs. J. A. Gunn; Parachial Tri- bunal, Mesdames Ormiston and E. C. Southey, Mrs. H. Hum- phrey, honorary memnber; Parish Council, Rector, Wardens, dele- atest ynounelVestry C1erk;13 Pratt's Raout Paint 81.25 se Bright! Fe el Right! TAKE ENO'S"FRUI! $1.00 Aquamarine Lotion 45c RevIon Soap Bath for - $1.0 Slimmon, Toronto, at lin. and lins. E. A. Werry's an Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Brown, Newcastle, vîsited at Mn. and Mns. Carl Fenguson's. Mr. Jack Oison, Centralia, spent the weekend with his broUi- ens at J. R. Ormiston's. 1 lin. and lins. Ross Page and family, Newcastle, wore Sunday visitons at Mn. Floyd Beckett's. Mn. and lins. Harold lis and family spont Sunday aiternoon at Mr. Cecii Mliii, Maple Grave. Mrs. A. Randie and family, lins. F. Adamsi, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Adams. Mn. and lins. P. Ells and fam- lly spent the weekend wlth Mn. and lins. S. Vanvolkenburg, Car- dova Mines, Ont. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston and farnily, Courtice, spent Sun- day at Mn. and Mrs. 'RBoy Mc- GIll's. lins. E. C. Ashton, Mn. and lins. O. C. Ashton, Lais and Charles, were guests at a Valentine, dinner at Mns. Irwin Bnagg's, Provi- dence. Mn. and lins. John Sieunon, Kathnyn and Robent, witb Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving, Toronto. Mn. and lins. Frank McGill and Don, Toronto, lins. Ruby Mc- Indoo, Melbrook, with lins. John 7i' ON MNT TUE 2549e Check thaï Cold ai Once Anohlst ______50e Resistotabs -______59e Corcedin------__-__-_630 Pyrithen Camp. --60e Kriptin -- -----81.25 Neohetramine - 8 1.00 COLGATE SPECIAL 3 Cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap 1 Tube Lustre Creme Shampo Ail for - 39o NYftL CREOPHOS Staps Branchial Çoughu Lge. Battie - 81I.25 lO-oz. Size Noxzema $ 1.00 93o Size Noxzema '79o SLEEP RIGHT .EVERY NIGHT 58c nd 98C Ib¶ËJ'p - Baby Scales for Reni CO(WING' UC" lTTSTORETRS. There is Stili Time Hiousing Acf. An arndment was pnaposed ta meet Uic deficiencies C.C.F. Meetng aif the act. If was desired that the averageue purchasen (Confinuod mcom Page One) should be enabled ta make a low- als ta risc in oposition ta sorne ai on down payment, thus a greater the palicios af their own party. number ai people would be able But the members are now so com- ta buy thein awn homes via the pletely regimcnted this rarely montgage route. happons. Althaugh the Act gives certain No matter what measune was advantagcs, the aven-ail effect is brouglut up at fthe last session, ta pravide a greater rnortgage ion said Mn. Nosewortuy, the Libenal the owner ta pay off. Na anc can vote was detenmincd by a mcm- apPly fan governent assistance ber af the Cabinet, who rase ho- whose incarne exceeds $3,000 per fore the discussion gof unden way yean. And in many cases applica- and stated the policy ai the go- fions have been nef used thase vernment. The individual mcm- whose incarne neaches $2,800 per bers followed the instructions annum. It is prornised by the Li- slavishly. This was a befaryal in beral Party that legisiation will that the membens who wero sup- came up which will extend aid pased ta exorcise tueir own judg- to citizens with incarnes ligher ment for the satisfaction ai their than $3,000. electors werc allowing thomselves The C.C.F. unged fthe govcrn- fa be pushed anound by a small ment ta provide cheaper homes body af mon. by mass gavernment punchasing National Housing Act af matenial. Members suggested that the inferest rate shauld ho One ai the biggest issues ne- iowered ta a point which would voived around the National merely pay the financiers for the handling ai the money. It is ho- iieved that the interest rate could be lowered ta 2 ta 21/2 %, insfead ai the now provailing 4 ta 41i/2 %. The main beef ai the C.C.F. is that the National Hotising Act is ~ a protection marc for the finance ~ corporations than for the home - purchaser. -' >1The Combines Investigation Re- - *'port raîsod the nîast acuto con- trovensy. Fram the stant the C.C.F. needled the government on the specific point ai the repart'on the Flour Milling Industry. In neply ta fthe vaniaus questions asked, the gavorniment fnied ta sidetrack fthe issue. But persis- tent attention ta the prablem f i- nally made them declare that the existing Combines Act is weak, and that new legisiation would have ta ho brouglut down before any action cauld ho taken. thi wa astail. When Mn. Mc- nrgo esignod because bis ne- It was faund out that the neoat had lain on the desk for months. At finst, Ministen ai Justice Gar- son oxplained that when hoe had finst anived at bis job hoe didn't know what was ta ho donc. And that the McGregor repart had ne- mained untouched on bis desk with other unattended business. This, states Mn. Noseworthy, when the latter asked hlm about ght to kcnow it, ta "fonget it." His reason was cthis news.- that some ai the evils spoken against in the repart wene actual- it Bureau of ly cmengency measures faken by the War Time Pnices and Trade Board, and that the Milling Com- bine could not ho blarned for act- Bureau is I ing as they did. If was significantt howeven, that the millens nover :zon o 2000 once deiended thernselves on that .es an pub.point. in an pub.Garson's nosignationi was de- ish advertis- manded on numenous occasions by members ai the apposition on le circulation the grounds that as Ministen cf Justice he had disgnaced hlmself by iaillng fa publish a repart As large staff which should by law have been publishod fiffeen days aiter being audit of our necoived by the Minister. The batik cxam. vcny man who was supposed fa represent flue inviolability ai tuef law bad broken if. Mn. Nase- ,n1s records. wonfhy stated that Mn. Garsonc Is published would nover live down bis mis-c ien you buy Mr. Nosewontuy heuitated fon kno jstrossons ai sfrategy, fa disclose8 J kno Justthe policies which the C.C.F. willc you get foruse in Uic session soon ta open af E yougetfor0ftawa. Ho mentioned a iew ai the measures fa be taken up. Unempleyment Problem One of - the big issues fon the farfhcomlng session will ho thaf af unemployment. Primo Minis- fer St. Laurent claim Uiat there la nof yef enauglu unemploymenta ta cail for a Public Works pro-a- gram., liat unempîcyment exista1 due ta seasonal difficulties, andJ fsk fo a ce»due ta tue unusual winter acrase Is&br oe*YCanada. Altuough the pnoblem1 or crcdatimu.wlIl ho very much neievcd by fthe coming' cf spring, Uic questiona will b. kept befone the House. 1 The Hausing difiiculty will ne- Order Your Fertilizer Now Don't wait until the iast minute fa place yaur order for your fertilizer nequirements. We caa supply you wlth the FAMOUS Swîi's Caiadian Gro-Nor Fertilizer Nachurs Liquid Fortilizor w. H. DROW à DEALER FOR W Case Parus Machinery - Firestous Tfr.u DeLaval Milkersuda Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equipment R~ ING ST. W. PHONE 497 rtIEMBER OFf O.E.F.E.D.A. - Dtje %mban -f4ttinmn This MwsuPer Ià a ,mberof là# Audit Bureau of Circdfm. .A Otur laies: A.B.C roort giviug audited lacts, andi ures about on A. C.AUDIT SUREAU 0F CIRCUAATMMN = FACYS AS A mEASURE 0F A f4 Mr. and lins. L. Stainton speni the weekend with Mn. and lins. W. Hope and Mr. and lins. C. MIUs, Pont Perry.' Mn. Gardon Fleet, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Woann and iarnily were Sunday visitons wlth Mir. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont. Mn. Allan Stitinton Haydon, wlUi Mn. and Mnu. W. R. Moore. Mn. and lira. Jas. Smaies were Sunday gucsasof -Mn. and lis. Robt. Smalos, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. A. Clarke, Caral and Mansel, Miss M. Pearce, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mrs. B. Oscar, Ta- ranto, Mn. and lira.'J. Osborne, Oshaiva, with Mr. and Mn. A. Leadbeater and Mn. Gea. Reid. Mn. and lins. Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawai, vlsited Mn. Claude Smnith. Canada's most important single lndustry iu agrlcuItVre. About anc out ai four Canadians ia engaged in iarlng. Canada's six sugar beet factanles pnoduced in 1949 about 221,000,- 000 pounds af beet sugar fon the domestic market. The ail fields of southwosten Ontario, arnong 'the continent's aldest, wore firat devclapod dur- McGili. ing the 1850's. 1 Tewives cf the Wandens, Mno. Parker and Mrs. Ormiston as- sisted by Mno. Sigstan sorved a lelicious lunch toalal present and asocial houn was enjayed at lhe lose ai the business meeting. ENNISKILLEN Mn. Osborne Onn, and Mrs. Charlotte Orn, Larder Lake; Mn. and Mns. Norris Onn, Toronta; Mr. and Mns. L. R. Ashton, Ross, Mar- le, Ronald and Ray, Haydon; Miss Jean McLaughlin, Bunketon, wene Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormlston'a. Miss Helen Turner, Oshawa, spont thc weekend with Mn. and Mru. Fnankc Dorland. Mn. and Mns. Adam Sharp wlth Mr. and Mns. Leith Byers, Black- tock. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Monrison, Kenneth and Murray, Mr. Jack l' To Enjoy The Warm Comfori of a Modern New Quaker 011 Durning Heater Se. them on display ln Our store today. Farmers' Needs Penicillin Boa Jees ----- $2.50-$3.50 Prenicillin Oint - 75o tube Peni-Mycin Boa Jee. - $2.50 Peni-Mycin Oint.---- $1.25 Calvita ----------- $1.25-$4 50 Bell'. Tidder Comate-.-$115, Bell's Medical Wonder $1.25 Bell'. Condition Powder------------- 60c-$2.20 Rex Wlueat Germ Oil $1.25-$2.85-$5.00 Bell'u Cattie Cathartia 60c TEM CMAMM grATZIUM. BÔWXAIfVtLtaL ONTAMO àý .-- à qko qý a AL&IL . M..

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