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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1950, p. 11

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TRU ODAY, 7"E. 23rd, 1950 rt on ime- con- ving 1943 egis- with g his dress Ef the tthe able its irt of neri- Lthe -med. Can- pners :or a esent Mr. A. Kelso Roberts, K.C., To- ronto, former member of the On- tario Legisiature, delivereda stixnulating and informative ad- dress on "The Senate and the New Constitution" before a large 11wudience at the montbly meeting fthe Mens' Canadian Club at I" _e Balmoral Hotel Thursday evening. He was introduced by M. J. Elliatt, wbo gave a brief biographical sketch. Mr. Roberts was born in Belle. ville. After receiving his early education there, he enlisted in the fîrst world war at the age of nine- teen in tbe Canadian Army, and went overseas. There he was gass. ed and taken prisoner. After ar unsuccessful attempt to escape be remained in German hands unti the end of the war. Upon gradua- tion from Osgoode Hall he open- ed a law office at Port Credît. The experience gained there enabled him ta break inta the field ai mnining law at Cobalt, where he spent six years. The Senate and lte New Constitution Subjeci of Stimulating Address AI Canadian Club by Kelso Roberts Most Senates Elected Only in New Zealand are the Senators appointed, and there, only for seven years. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Belg- ium, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland ail have elective Senates. The Senate of India is almost entireiy elected, and serves a limited term similar to the Senatorial terms served in the above-mentionecj nations. Egypt, Iceland, the Philhipines, Cuba, Colombia, the Dominican Repub- lic, Chule, Brazil and Boliviaahl have elected Senates with limited terms of office. The Senate of the United States is composed of 96 members, with two from each State, regardless of size. The tenure of office is six years, with ane-third of the total being replaced every two years. The British House of Lords can be reformed or dissolved at any time.CaaaBhn he e Life Tenure Absolete JE By the British Narth Americz Act of 1867 the powers of gaverr. ment were divided between th( *elecâve power house, the Com. *mons, and the appointive uppei bouse, the Senate. While the memr bers of Commons retained officE for a limited time, the Senator! remained in office for if e. It i the latter fact xvhich is ta Mr Roberts the biggest anachronisri in the present Canadian set-up In very fexv other countries in thE world is the Senate appainted, lei alone for life. Before the Canadian Parlizf ment gained the freedom tc amend the constitution, it ww necessary, sbould a reform af thE Senate be required, for the Sen- ate itself to submit along with an appeal by the Commons a petitia: for its own reform. Due ta the de- sire of the Senators ta hold privi- leged positions, it was unlikely that the Senate would allow an: tampering with the existing con- ditions. Power to Amend With the power ta amend the constitution relegated ta the Can- adian Parliament, the majarit: lin the Cammons could soan effect whatever reform in the Senate was needed. The Provinces migbt like ta have a say in the reformr But since it would not materiail' affect their position ini the Do- minion Government, and since the problem is not provincial anyhow, there should be littie friction in this department. What is wrong with the present Senate? First, it is domhnated by one party. 0f the 102 members, ail except 18 are Libemals. This is due to the long tenure of office by the Liberals, and to the fact that Senators are appointed by the Prime Minister of the party in power. There should be a definite guarantee against domination of the upper chamber by 6ne party. Healthy polîtics cannot exist with WIm.n your BACKa ACHES... BadLach. as ot. caued by h" &" action. When kMa.ys get eutof eider excu f, ada an poisons remain in the aystezm Then r lachclehamhe, ibeunsatic pain, dis- r turhed ato that 'tired out' feingausyE Mon follow. To belp keep your kidney t working Dodd's Kidney l. l"n-ued, ppar, sale, non4d-I orm. ing. DemAnn DoddJa Ldney Pis, in the. bita bux witb idu red band. Sod everywhere 13S Dodd Idn« PIS a (1- e ri- e is .r. n i. e T- to s ie [y ýy Le ;y ýe if IVENCEIM i 91,l1LINJDS Made-to-Order Measured and Installed FREE ESTIMATES 14 Different Shades of Slats and Tapes from which to choose. IDROP IN TO-DAY W E B E R'S Fabric Centre 10 King St. E. ]BOWMANVILLE 24 Division St. Phone 438 MIning Law Expert He there became an expex mining legisiation. He then turned ta Toronto, wheme he tinued bis practice while ser for twa sessions, starting in and 1945, in the Provincial Lq lature. He is a family man, bis wife and two sans sharinfi time at home. Mr. Roberts began his adè by reminding the members of Canadian Club that now thal Dominion Parliament is cap of independently amending own constitution, the rigid pai which is the British North An ca Act, it is about time that outmaded Senate was refori He reviewed a portion of( adian history ta give bis liste the background necessary fi full understanding of the pre topic. In view of the inore modemn )_ methods of filling the Senates ýe used by countries supposedly less il politîcally advanced than Can- ýada it would seern that aur Do- date. Is thjere any excuse for the Lt Canadian Senate as it is? Some y Senators dlaim that the Senate is 1necessary ta imprave the wording IS of bills necessarily hastily passed y' through the lower bouse. But a ýt Committee of the lower bouse e could handle this. Ta a small de- ngree the Senate bas handled pri- e vate bills. But these have become l imited purely ta divorce buis, which are now almost entirely handled by the individual provin- ces. It would seem that the Senate exercises no function which could not just as easily by handhed by some ather body or committee. It's position looks further ridicu- bous when it is seen that no mem- ber of the Social Credit Party of Alberta is a representative, ai- though that party bas been in op- eration for fifteen years. And no member of the C.C.F. Party finds voice through this medium. No Progressive Conservative mcm- ber bas been appointed ta the Senate for the hast 15 years. Senators Have No Defence Not even the members of the Senate themselves can set forth a valid reason for the continuance of the Senate as it is. Senator Meigben and the late Senator Bench bave tried to make apolo- gies for the present state of the Senate. But no other persan or group of persans in Canada bas been able ta utter a good word for the outdated machine for the past generatian or two. Poitical scientists in aur Uni- versities can say little in the way of praise for aur Senate. Profes- sor Cory of Queen's dlaimis that the Senate hacks the necessary confidence ta act. Robert Mc- Gregor Dawson, prafessor of Po- litical Science at Toronto Univer- sity, states that lie doubts that the work of the Senate warrants the expenditure of $750,000 annually on salaries. Pensioner's Club Even sorne members of the Sen- ate themsehves lave looked on their body as a joke. Said the late Senator McGeer, shartly after be- ing appainted ta the Senate, it is "The fînest aid age pensioner 's club in the world." A few years ago a Senator aged 103 died quiet- ly in office. His obituary might very well be applied ta the exist- ing Senate. "He neyer once par- ticipated in any debate or gave expression ta. any opinion, but hie followed the discussions closely and was there when the division bell rang." So far this talk bas been de- structive. What was there in the wind which might prove ta be constructive? Supreme C o u r t Judge Cartwright proposes that the members of the Senate be eh- ected by the people of the Pro- vinces, with a lilnited termi of per- h PI w. Il ~*- ADEQUATE WIRING NEANS BETTER LIVING When you caîl us in on your electrical wiring requiremnents you can be sure that the wiring will be adequate ta assure you the most efficient use of your appliances. Besides you need flever worry about danger- ous shorts or line fai]ures. We guarantee each and every job for your protection. Cail us to-day - we wiIl be glad to supply you with the latest information and estimates on electrical wiring. .Higgon Electric Bowmanville Speci'al Men's Pocket anld Wrist Walches 7-JEWEL - LEATHER STRAP - RADIUM DIAL SWEEP SECOND - 1 VEAR GUARANTEE $4850 Air Force Trousers Plaid Shiris - Work Panis -Windljreakers 42 King St. E. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMNLVICLLE. ONTARIO One of the best tbings about a very ittie child is that he neyer thanks you for doing things for him-he is so sure you want to. According ta preliminary fig- ures, the commercial pack of canned pumpkin in 1949 was 66,- 745 dozen cans as compared with 140,553 dozen cans in 1948. "Measies ain't funny"! They start with symptoms similar to an ordinary cohd. Watery eyes, a cough, and a slîght fever appear in eight ta ten days. These symp- toms hast three or four days, then, a rash appears in about twelih or fourteen days after ex- posui haps twelve yeams. Professor R. A. Mackay, in bis book, "The Un- refarmed Senate of C anada", sug- gested that one-third of the Sen- ate be elected by the House of Commans, apphying the principle of equal representation for the four sections of Canada, each section choosing their quota on a basis of proportional representa- tion. Suggested Senates That is to say, memberslîip in the Senate would depend on the Population of the areas from which the Senatars were drawn. Those eligible for Senatorship wauld be restricted ta former members of the Dominion Com- mons with four years' experience, and former members of Provin- cial Commons with six years' ser- vice. It is recommended that those who wish ta study the me- mainder of the plan should con- sult t.he abave-mentioned book. Mm. Roberts beieves that the present time is the best for mak- ing a committee investigation of the required reforms. He sum- marizes his own ideas of eform in the fohowing pmoposed pro- visions: (1) A limited tenure of office for Senators - perhaps twelve years; (2) A practical method of election cf these Sen- atars; (3) and elections carried on according ta the proportional representation system. "An Up- per Chamber established in this manner," states Mr. Roberts, "would obtain popular support and be able ta take an active and respansible part in the true functions of democratic Gov- ermnment and cease ta be a sine- cure and an abject lesson in pat- ernalism."l A vote of thanks was maved by Gardon Elliott, History teach- er of Bowmanville High School, who complimented Mm. Roberts on making current History come aive. President Harry Cryderman passed along the vote and concluded the meeting. BROWN'S Brown's Busy Bees meet at the home of Mrs. Gea. Honey on Thursday of hast week with elev- en present. The meeting was in the form of a discussion of a baz- aar. Next meeting is at Miss Jean Perrin's on March h. L.A.C. Don Nivins, Trenton Air Training Station, Trenton, spent Friday with bis parents, Mm. and Mrs. W. Nivins. Mm. and Mrs. Irwin Cohwill and Mm. and Mrs. Richard Davies at- tended the Lions Ladies' Nigbt in Newcastle on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow at- tended the Anglican Church card party on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Providence, visited with Miss Jean Perrin, and Mm. Bill Morley on Wednesday evening.. Mission Bands Hold Valentine Party At Trinity Churcli Reguhar meetings of the Trini- ty Boys' and Girls' Mission Bands gave way ta a united Valentine meeting on February 13. Following their separately con- ducted business meetings the 82 boys and girls jained for a war- ship service conducted by seven members of the Girls' Mission Band. Margaret Goheen conduct- ed the service on the theme "A Christian's Travelling Eq u i p- ment". Since ail travehiers carry luggage, it is important that the Christian traveller is accompan- ied by bis treasure cbest, whicb is the Bible. Six of the girls as- sisting Margaret Goheen were: "~Courage-Iris Axford; "Faith"- Lynda Miller; "Hope" - Camai 1 Plummer; "Love"-Nancy unn; "Kindness "-Carol Maguire; "Pa- tience"-Kttren Bragg. Margaret and Rosemary Goheen, Berta Wiggins and Joan Aflin contribu- ted the musical items dbn the pro-r gram. The boys, wbo were tbe hasts for the occasion, conducted a mec- reation period and served the refresbments ta their lady guests. Barry Cowling tendtred a vote o! thinks ta the visiting Mission Band for their assistance in the' successful program.1 A sure way of being happy is to make others happy. , SOLINA Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Mr. Aus- tin Barron attended the Oshawa Presbytery meeting at Centre St. Church, Oshawa, last Wednesday evening. There was no church or Sunday Sehool service on Sunday, due to bad roads. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Mr. A. L. Pascoe visîted Mrs. Richard Pascoe at the home of Miss Lulu Reynolds, Hampton, and helped celebrate the occasi'on of ber 92nd birthday anniversary last Saturday. We ail extend aur best birthday wishes to Mrs. Pascoe too. Miss Ileen Balson ývisited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson and family at Cataraqui last weekend and attended the final-sessions of the Festival of Music, sponsored by Rotary International at Kingston ail last week. Allan Balson was a member of the Maie Quartette that received the high mark of 86 and the Rotary Shield and was also a member of the Temple Maie choir which received first prize. Also taking part was Don- ald Jardine, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert who received high marks and awards in the a lop-sided Senate, the speaker claimed. Senate la Undemocratlc Second, the Senate la flot re- sponsible to the Canadian public. In an age when democracy is sweeping throughout the world, our own Senate is undemocratlc. Not only does At fail ta represent the parties, but it is irresponsible to the people. By the very fact that each member is assured of a life termi the conduct of the Sen- ators is removed from the pleas- uire or displeasure of the people. In ail other memttrs of the Brit- ish Commonwealth the Senate is elected for a limited term. This ensures that the Senators will be bath active and careful in carry- ing out the wishes of their elect- ors. If we consider for a moment the Senates of the different countries of modern Europe, and those of the Commonwealth, we shahl see how outmoded that of Canada is. Australia, New Zea- land, the Union of South Africa, and Eire ail elect or appoint their Senators for a perîod ranging from 6 ta 12 years. And instead of choosing men desiring prefer- ment, these countries foiiow the idea set down in the Irish Con- stitution, that "The Senate shall be composed of citizens who have done honour ta the nation by rea- sonl of useful public service, or wbo, because of special qualifica- tions or attainiments, represent important aspects of the nation's if e." a l- ie ýe ýg It ýY ýy 'y ýe d n ýe North American moose popu- PAG! ELEVEN lation la increasing rapidly. [ NTURE UNSPOILED1 Bass sala and Oratorio classes and with St. George's Cathedral choir and Madrigal Singers. We offer sincerest congratulations to Donald and Allan and wish them further success in their avocation. Three T's-"Tradition-Teach- ers-Taxes" was the subject of an interesting address by Rev. John Milîs, of the Trustees and Rate- payers' Asac'n., Toronto, at Sa- lina Home and School Club meet- ing last Friday nîght. Rev. Milîs was accompanied by bis daughter who also entertained with some clever recitations. Interspersing these selections was delightful music provided by Trinity Ladies' Quartette, Bowmanville, compos- ed of Mrs. L. W. VanDriel, Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. O. Richmond, and Mrs. D. Alhdread, accompan- led by Miss L. Osborne, and a piano duet by Mrs. E. Cryderman and Miss Gladys Yellowlees. Members from Bakers' and Brad- ley's Clubs and Mr. C. R. Car- veth and Mm. J. H." Jose, New- castle, were guests at this mreet- ing. Mr. Harold Pascoe presided and the cammittee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Kellett and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson. Bruce Tink expressed apprecia- tion ta the guest speaker and en- tertainers on behaîf of ail who were privileged ta be present. Men's Club will meet at the hall Saturday evening. Mr. J. Cruickshank has been undergoing further treatment at Toronto. The annual meeting of Sauina Public Library was held at the home of Mr. Clarence Shortridge on February lOth when the offic- ers were re-appointed ta carry on the work for this year, and a social time was enjoyed. Mr. Bihl Westlake, Oshawa, at Frank Westlake's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kellett vis- ited their step-father, Mr. T. Min- aker, who is iii at Port Hope. Mr. Garfield Trevail and son Syd, Taunton, at Mr. A. L. Pas- coe's. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peter- bora, at home. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterboro, at home. Whai Oihers Say Price Supporting (Toronto Teletram> Assuming the Federal Govern- ment decides ta make permanent .a policy of supporting the prices of agicultural products it wouid appear essential that there bDe some means of determining where the price prap should be applied on commodities in the program. Otherwise tbe Govern- ment's support price may be re- garded as inadequate by the farmer or it may establish an ex- cessive price ta the consumer. It bas nat been disclased haw the Department of Agriculture determined that the support price for butter should be 58 cents a paund wholeiale. The support price of 38 cents a dozen for Grade A large eggs at wholesale appears ta have been picked out of the air. From the news reports it appears that poultrymen are dissatisfied with the prices they will receive on the basis of the wholesale price. On th~e other hand consumers feel that they are being campelled ta pay more than they should as a consequence of the support price. The point we are making is tbat there does not seem ta be any es- tablished formula for determin- ing what would be a fair price at which ta support a farm praduct. It may not be possible ta came anywhere near a figure an the cost of praducing a paund of but- ter or a dozen eggs, or a pound of Phone 455 will be most appreciated. Ail Lines of Beauty Culture Open Evenings by App'odntment- Residence 2951 JOAN C. WOOLLEY MAKE SURE YOU DON'T INFECT YOUR FAMILY WITH T.B. t is your duty to have a FREE chest X-RAY for their protection A person with tuberculosis may unknowingly spread the disease. It is infectious-not inherited. lBy means of a chest X-Ray tuberculosis can be detected early and if treatment is begun immediately, the disease can be cured. You can't always be sure you are free of T.B. until you have had an X-Ray. An X-Ray can detect it. Our community survey makes it possible for parents to protect their children. Co-operate in the X-Ray survey. Make an appointment and Keep it! J'rrtmas seals paid for this surthey. Buy more nIext Ckri.stmas For Information eaul:- Howard Jeffrey, Chairmnan Mrs. Don Allun, Secretary Jack E. Cole, Publicity * -Phonei * - phonc. * Phone Store House 2 949 56;7 ~675 4YOURS TO ENJOY The SNOW BUNTING ls a sturdy littie bird, who seems ta enjoy the rigors of Cana- dian winter. He's soft brown and white, and at a distance looks like a large snowflake! Look for him in snow-swept fields. Always pratect this pretty littie visitor. YPURS TO PROTECT CA&RLINGWS THE CARLING IREWERIES LIMITEO WATERLOO. ONTARIO &Ï Information, Please 1 mie * War Surplus Store -I 10 o/o Off the Original Price Tour General Eleetrie Appliance Dealer flownanville Tube rcud0j Campaign Sponsored by BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE CUSTOMERS 0F THE IRIS BEAUTY SALON AND TO THE BOWMANVILLE LADIES May I Offer My Services Having purchased this Salon it will be my earnest endeavour ta place at your service my know- ledge of the hairdressing profession gained over a period of 5 years. A visit ta my shop which will be known as JOAN'S BEAUTY CENTRE 1 -- 1 1 PAGIE BLEVEN 't 0 1945 CARLING'S D40C j 1 ýý il-

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