PAGE TWELVE* TED CANAD!AN STATISMAIr, EOWMMIV!LLE. ONTA~O ~?U~% A W ~WU ~i *am~ The Newcastle Imiependeni mi issM "grt Ash Mr. Murray Patterson of the have too many obstacles to hui staff of the Bank of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rich, here has been moved to the son, Toronto, were wee] branch in Bradford, Ont. We wisb guests at the Gateway. Theyi hlm success in this new venture. in the hockey game in Orne To supplement his leaving a local between Newcdstle-Orono lad. Spence Creamer, has been and Omnemee, Friday evenir employed here. To Spence our ewstoelm M.1 bstwises or is uccss n tisHiscocks and Judy, formerl3 vetr. Gbowoh Oshawa, to Newcastle. At pre Mrs.Frak Gbso, vrhohasthey are living with her sfi been spending the winter months Mrs. I. J. McCullough, and fe in Toronto, came home last week- l on Church St. enw for a f lying visit.MisL azrob.To We. are glad to learn that Miss oL. ayn wihMi-,.THr George Gray, who was removed S oiad an ith is to Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Miss Minnie Pearre, Torc is showing some improvement. setteweedn oe We trust bis recovery in the care sr.end he weeen P owe.l of such modemn instruments and Beth visited Mr. and Mrs. mnecucines xiii bè rapid and com- Hockin and family in Ajax plete. ety There arc so many people ill ctly. ws el i and so many ilinesses in town wxveoAge'd Party wHall nhed ù couldn't begin to name them. We GeorgFebs Paris aoned can only hope and pray that this dayoreb .A1. sponinore ai terrible f lu, which seems to be Terge' WA. Evenin hgeBra the start of al the trouble, will cswTh card partyws a huge soon subside and release everyone aces wah e Brider50,Eu(nt fromits errile gip.and Cribbage were the gaine We sincerely sympathize with the evening. Prize winners m. the people of Orono on the loss a olw:Big-ih of their church on Sunday. Los- asro:Low BrdgS.-High ing one's church is like .losing 500-H .igh, Sid Brown; Low,1 one's right arm. The church isTalr uheHgFMi much lieteodaae Yu' Low, Bilhie Lake; Cribbaý neyer miss the water tili the well HgJa rw;Lw runs dry". We wish themn every Tom' Brown. success in rebuilding it without A deîicious lunch was ser delay and trust that they won't byth ladies to round out a ~ enjoyable evening. St. George's Evening Bra met at Mrs. Jack Wade's witi mérmbers present. After the o, ing prayers and minutes sevi Jiir m diate temps fousieswraentine fir m diatThemps or usiness ere dic party were comple t e d. Cy Thomas kindly donated a stui Occupanrabbit ta be raffled at the pa This was the last meeting served by the hostess and a dou Very attractive 6 room, cammittee. It cansisted of sa 1 % storey brick home in a wiches, cake and ice cream, wl new residential area being everyone tharoughly enjo: buiît up by Mr. J. J. Flett. Next meeting falîs on Ash W nesday when we will att Down payment only $700 service at the church and adjo Veterans of World War 2 ta Miss Dewdney's for the bi have priority of purchase. ness. On the main floor is a large living room, dining - room, Firsi Meeting modern kitchen with aNmplel WC.. bedroom with wardrobe closet. On the second floor The first meetingof the N are 2 bedrooms with clos- Year was held in the board ro ets, 3-pce. bath with show- on Thursday, Jan. 26th withi !S and good size linen closet. erage attendance. Our new pr4 There is a new hot air 1fleat- dent, Miss Blackburn, occup ing unit in the full sîze the chair, with Miss Ferguson t basement. Inquire now and ing over the secretary's dtuies. make arrangements for im- It was decided ta change mediat occuancy.hour of the meeting from 3 ta After discussion it was deci( eA~ «OPto hold another Medal Contesi April. Ç'cho ieldMrs. Hare gave the script reading. The Listening Post, c IN S UR AN CE ducted bw Mrs. Beman, brou, ~ out the fact that a bottie o! b costs one cent ta produce and Realtors 6 Slmcoe St. N., hard liquoir sold in cocktail b Oshawa 10 cents a bottie. IMrs. H. Hancock was in chai of the Clip Sheet. In reply to« ,~ question "The Liquor traffic p vides the government with mi FUN AT BREAKFAST"t TUESDAYS and THUIRSDAYS - 7:55 a.m. l TO START YOUR DAY WITH A SMILE = needed revenue'. Doesn't that fact OT9Tt from Growing with the Years. The Canadian National %a. justify its increasing sales? When CO ~yU'JU I.LJ. Hymn was sung and Mîzpah Bene- waya ls the largest employer of you thlnk of the amount of reven- j I~~If ~ ~ ~ N diction repeated. îb~i aaa ue ecevedby hegovmnmnt L~' N.L~J L~J Â'~VVi Te Courtice C.G.I.T. and their Committees for March 16th The average cost of woodein from liquor, consider how much leaders are certainly having meeting are as follows-Programe isprhsd yteCndli that revenue is offset by increas- mm a . E. Logan most nteresting meetings which -Mrs. Tooley and Mrs. Choate; tis aluR ase ysth n ad49ai - ec expenditures for drink-caused_____________________________ are held at the ch*rch on Wed- Lunch-Mrs. Geo. Barber, Mrs.Nainl alay In14wa crime and court costs, prison nesday evenings'. Antil, ers. Geo. Johnson, l'Mrs 8.6 higher than in 1948. The price trdle. costs, hospital casts, and the un- Mrs. W. Jordon, Ajax, has been doubly traglc. The many hours of Th Cotie-MpeGveBraal lard- employment and relief, as the me- visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. voluntarye labor, -the generousrrball of iron and steel products rose kend suit of drink caused inefficiency. Mitchell. nations of the members, d-Boheho er otpeaat .1pretan olfo ooo whchn l nitie frterFbuary tives 6 percent. The price of ium. took Geoyge Bernard Shaw says: Mrs. McRoberts who spent two some cases was a real sacrifice, ta meetaindfr theiy raeniny Fine M eiga ber showed an overail decline of m>ree If a natural choice between weeks with Mrs. Elizabeth Tamnb- make their church beautifulmeetin, Bwat vlew the BoysTramngreetigt. Srs. drunkenness and sobriety were lyn has returned ta hier home in throughout, seemed ail in vain Cuurtice Church g. passible in aur civilization, 4 loe.nH.veared eeru f boys gave the program and ten red should leave the people free ta Mrs. C. Wood spent the week- fe rshirenbem mad ofa plce eediref r dshments.Aipr-M sinB d y' of choose. But where I see an enor- end in Kitchener with Mr. Wood. twohiinarad gif ts are nTuned it aFgrn u cs. ____ 1coming in and the church people, TeFr ou hc a The regular meeting of Cour- sent mous capitalistic organization Mr. and Mrs. Russel Vanliorne, who at first thought everything held at the Will Biekie home last tice Sunbeam Mission Band was ster, pushing drink under people's Whitby, visited with hier mother, was lost, are leamning that week, did nat have a very large held in the church Thursday ami- nases at every cdirner, and pocket- Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Saturday. through that great loss there is attendance due ta roads, weathemtr no.heeee27psnt L sN4 -)ting the price, whilst leaving me Mm. Murry Paterson, Who has something ta be gained "spirit- conditions and athers who attend, aTe rs.thperiadwas w27ark etim rtand others ta pay the colossal been working in the Bank of ually". away ta some other doings. he we st eid a r krpo e a ii s~ raid damages, then I am pmepamed ta Commerce in Newcastle, has been The Executive o! the Ladies Ioord ppradiere h smash that arganizatian and transferred ta Brampton.. Berean Class of Ebenezer were caaue aer aynd aredth onto, make it as easy for a poor man ta m n r.VneCoe E LYVL Ectetie ttehm !teOfrtr yn bed or if e adtotasit. spent the weekend at Camp Bar- Pres. Miss Ann Hoît, whcn a pot ShreBokstncndtd anJo r i dg den visiting his sister, Mrs. C. luck supper was served, withthbuiesadgvte l t JoeWaîkem and family. Sunday School was held at business dealt with later. worship, the theme o! which was ---- () me- 10:30 with an attendance o! 37. "Lave". The hymn, "Camne Let Mm. and Mms. John Armstrong Mm. Clarence Nichalîs, in the ab- The play "'Calm- Yourself", Us Sing o! a Wonder!ul Love" St. NE WTON VILLE are visiting their son George and sec fM.WlrdBe ce peetdb h amn epewa ug olwdb eetn As the purse is emptlèd his family at Timmins and mak- assene ! m Wrfe ea tedpesened yer nWHnarny, pepewssn,!ll db.eetn île5s- ogauain aM.adMs ing the acquaintance of their new assuentendent. Church follow- a bnzro ensaFb the Mission Band Purpose. Mary iil 1 s. onraultins o Ms.ed with Dr. Oke preaching on l5th and sponsomed by the classes Carolyne Wadbumtan ra the hear is filled", tnh. Howard Ormiston an the bith af grandson John. of Mrs. H. E. Courtice and Mms. scitr.Teaf r eas tke suc- a baby daughtem in Bowmanville We are somry ta hear that aur ChitntyEe Posb". Ceeul Found was much enjoyed, by marie Brown and NancyHuo y in hospital. genial Provincial Police o!ficer, Miss Helene Bamowlough, and had a very gaod attendance. Brown, foilowed by hymn, "Fa- I DE che Mm. Willis Joncs is attending Mr. R. Pollard, has been trans- Lakepart, spent the weekend with Chas. and Mms. Osborne have ther, Bless The Gifts". Mms. War- Sf hre Good Roads Convention being ferred ta Peterboro and with bis hem parents. retumned aftem a pleasant holiday burton gave a blackboard talk IL were held in Toronta this week. family wiil be moving theme Mrs. C. Payne spent the week- spent in- cosdtewmip erd Ray Mi s dn D na lt en er ai ed shortly. W e are very sorry t a lose end in P ort H ope w ith hie m aunt, R s and Mrs. Peahce and N ar- with prayer. Rs. issthedamun al.Teevien- Ms .Antthsrtme ymah seRnedt h n oldand loriaeda. r ih ryr 'son; hem young friends on hem birthday Mr. and Mms. Poliard fmam Orono. Mrs. A. J. Christie. man and Mrs. Dawn, are enjoy- C O he ommuityhal. Th evn- rs.J. Anot ha retrne Sypaty isexAndstamyhe non hAfrican lofro. strthneAS NEED$ th ilier; ing was spent in dancing, with from visiting hem husband in Re- !amily o! the late Mm. Frank An- Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Hutton, Study Book was given by Mis. E. C O S N E ge- lnch fterwrds.ginla and is with hiermomther Mms. dersan who dicd an Tuesday. Kihee, ecnyvitdtei Gatchell. Hymn "Jesus Laves the ge- unc aftrwads. oy.Among Sunday visitors itcaens, reand Mrvs Htedtn Little Children" was then sung. Mrs. We extend aur sympathy ta Mm. wt aetsRoyad.r.luto. Temetn lsd ihgms Neil Anderson, aur former school A very pleasant and profitable Mr. and Mrs. Edgam Barmowclough Best wishes ta Don and Mms.Thmetn cosd ihgae. rved teacher, and members of bis fam- evening was spent at Park St. were Mm. and Mrs. B. His and Thampson, an the arrivai ofa! very ily. in the loss o! husband and C hurch last Thursday evening, Laurel and Mrs. Reg Bee, al o! littie daughter in their home. OnT.1 U Vi father. Mr. Frank Anderson, R.R whcn the Evening Auxiliary Part Hope, and Mrs. Wiifred Bec. Mm. and Mrs. Bill Clarke and On oing a lo anch No. 3. Part Hope. The funeral W. M. S. celebrated their 3rd Miss Betty McHolm, Weicome, Coleen, Bawmanville, were mec- U .IIJV h 13 service was held on Friday. bithday. The members of the spernt the weekend with Ruth cnt guests with Gea. and Mrs. "I have !aund always that pen- After a very mild win ter and Aftei'naon Auxiliary weme their Payne. Johnston. toemnadwmnwowr emal unfarecast by experts, the teri- guests. The pragrarn was in Lynn Martyn, Weicame, spent 'Norman Shart, Ajax, was a Sat- wîth enthusiasin and loyalty, wha q sed. perature on Manday suddenly charge af Mrs. Ivanson Tamblyn1 Sunday with ber grandparents, urday dinner guest at the Joe take a satisfactian aut af capacity card drapped ta 18 degrees bclow zero, and ber graup and was very im- Mm. and Mrs. W. Mason. Gearing home, performance in wbatever task Mvrs. causing lats o! tie-ups. pressive. Mrs. C. Bartlctt a! Bow- Miss Pauline Peters and How- Raiph and Mrs. Willis and cames their way, really get a lot fced The funeral service fom Mr. manvîlle was the guest speaker ard Payne spent Sunday evening daughters visited with relatives more fun aut of living and, as a yrthReCos rty. Win. Pethick o! Toronta was held and in hiem very pleasing manner with Mm. and Mrs. Clarence in Peterbaro. well, have that best of ah satis- Eah earthelios ofdolCrs be- in the United Chumch an Saturday told o! ber trip ta Alaska 1l.ast Nicholis. Caurtice C.C.F. Club held a sa- factions-the pride o! a jab wcîî snpndmins of. dolatr was at 2:30 p.m. with Rcv. H. A. Bunt summer, and -showcd maving cial cvening at the home a! Mrs. donce."Seics.FreBodra- uble afficiating. Mm. Oswald Pethick, pictures which wcre vemy much J. MacKcnzie Friday, Fcb. 17. The Sa said President Donald Gar- Sevcs.FreBodTa. and- a nephew, was the undertaker. enjoyed by ail. Delightful re- HAMPTON cvening cansisted af Euchre and don in bis first message ta the fusions .. .OutpostHospitals hich Many red and relatives were freshinents wenc served frain a Lost Heir, and later in the even- 112,000 emplayees af the Can- ... ofrt Veanii lied. in attendance. Mm. Pethick was niceiy decarated table with Mms. ing lunch was served. Plans were adian National Railways, adding: Copiamfo...tandVenean t Ved- the oidest son a! the late Mr. and Harold Allun, Pres. af the Even- Mrs. May Johns, Tyrone, was a made ta hold another anc in a "This philosophy is badly needed other ways saves lives and end Mrs. Jahn Pethick and spent the ing Auxiiiary and Mrs. M. H. tea guest of Mrs. W. W. Horn and manth 's time. in the world taday and an Pxpan- leitsufénghog: urn ealy part o! bis life in aur cain- Stapies, Pres. af the A!ternaan also called an other friends here ____ sion o! it xill help people af'gaad- out out country. us- unty Te emin wrete-Auxiiiary pouring tea. recently. will preserve the heritage o!fiee- porarmuily pae i h vutatAhe Women's Intituttemei- - Miss Reta Kensiake, Bowman- COURTICE W.A. dom which is such a preciaus part Part Hope cemetery, with final ing held in the town hall on Fmi- vle a iia ihteSî-o! aur way o! life." D buial ta take place ater in Lake- day evening the guest guest ers on Sunday. Caurtice W.A. held its regular Pointing-up the truth o! the view Cemetery. speaker was Dr. Charlotte HRmer Mrs. Wiii Chapinan was with monthiy meeting in the church on C.N.R. head's neminder, The Fi- W e o Theme was no service in the O! the Northumberiand-Durham relatives at Tyrane an Sunday. Thursday evening, Feb. l7th. nancial Post editorializes thatE awing ta the iilness a! aur pastar, intercstin'g and educationai. Mrs. Narah Horri visited Mr. and Mrs. hymn. Mrs. Pen!aund led in pray- wamk as just a routine job are G V D 1 gew Rev. Bunt. O. W. Rolph paid hiem officiai Jackson Wray, Oshawa, on Sat- cm. Rail eau -Attendance 18bletn hmcvsamni OMn visit ta the Institute and hiem tahk urday. Business: The film night, Febru- obbing himseif o! something that av- as n ctiznshi an edcaton, Miss Cccii Petit, Taronta, and amy 24th, was discussed. Dm. maney cannot buy when he heeds -esc- lie,~f . < h assured hiem audience o! the Raymond Petit, Long Bnanch, Sherwin, vcterinary frain Orana, those who would have hum do as 1 1 pied Wha.c.i iiiersS ay very warthwhile place the w.i. spent the weeken~d at home. wiîi present bis pictures taken littie as possible for bis daily REC OS ak- hahds in any cammunity. Refmesh- Mrs. Russell Reynalds and Miss on a taur o! Europe. 0Admission wagc, who wauld have hum put WHO RE TE WRKINMENments were semved at the close o! Lenone Reynolds, Toronto, were was decided ta be 35c for aduits, four hours time into a job that the ~ AETEWRIGE the mieeting. guests a! Miss L. Reynolds an 15c far ehidren under 12.. can be donc in two." 3:30 Seidoin if ever have thc emo- Sunday. Mvarch 24tn was set fan a musi- Cancers o! men like Donald (Timmins Press) tians o! the Orona folk been stir- Warld's Day o! Prayer will be cal night. Mrs. Mary Adam:ý, Mns. Gardon, and a! saine others less Ided One a! the most abused and ed s0 profoundiy as an Sunday obscrved an Friday with a meet- Hay, ýMrs. Gea. Johnson, wemeremt foi tebunssw Smisînterpreted expressians in the afternaon when thcy stood help- igi h udySho ona u in as a coînmittee ta arrange know best, continue ta bear out Englîsh language is "The Wark- isl yad sw Pr t 2:30 ta which ahi wamen are in- far pragran. Worship periadthvaua!htphaopy ure inginan". Chuchdetrye by fiwrk Stin vited ta attend. opened with singing a! hymn. thevlueo____________hy ,ohani-sd pmiulrya at a time when the rebuiling had Cangratulations ta Mrs. R. Pas- Sciptume by Mrs. Gea. Barber- Of-election time, when candidates js encmltd tsee .g apaigfnppla upr utbe cmitd tsee cae who an Saturday reached hiem Sang a! Saloman, 2nd chapter. 60 varieties o! food !ish are tropeng o wiilr upor ninety-secand birthday. Glad ta Mrs. Antîl gave the tpic, chasen caught in Canadian waters. th-togyd aeta hy ilko h nosfil o be thes "laok a!ter the workingman." heahth and is quite smart consîd- arWhat do tbey mean? Who are erimg hem advanced yeams. Friends irthe warkingmen ? visîted bier at the haineofle tge Through common acceptance,W ELL ie Miss L. Reynalds, with tethe teri is supposed ta indicate home she nesides and she was the uhmen who "earn their living by mcipient o! many iovely cands. uhesto the jJow I DI LL1NG The weekend braught veny trades which requime manual e!- coid weather, high winds, mare fart-men whose muscles and snow and below zero tempera- de!tness a! touch epresent their trs livelibood. A professional man, a D OM E ST IC turssenKre a osl merchant. or an industrialist is and ectamy apematian in Bowmanville neyer egamded as a "womking- Hospital this week. We wish hiem man" within the meaning a! the I N DUS T R IAL a speedy recavemy. teri as applied by the politicians. But is this faim or right? The man who reports for work no dPes n? at a factamy at a certain boum in ____ the mamning and quits at a certain Ontario Licenced Driller I The Financiai Past fears that time each evening, is entitled ta saine o! Wsepnio chre the dignity o! being known as a ____becng pushed by labar unions __ these pensionie ss hemeshepecial AC wJe s Str origa.Bth isnthemay nat prave 50 happy. It says1 A t C we s S or only man entithed ta that distinc- "that retirement pensians under tion. Many a lawyer, doctan, and 20 Years Experlence these plans will be paid anly as business executive reparting for long as business remains excel-No thtw hae ad thgoeradbch t duty just as reguiariy, wamking lent. Why? Wben business de- Nwta ehv mdehegorY ad ucer sore allino one just as many haurs in the day- B.]Burns, Renwick iclincs, aider peaple witbin a we feel that we can give you the best of service, choice quality, quantity time, and burning the midnight M e easa einmnail r-md pric. You llareudr"-biain - coi uadlo rud HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 28 King St. West, Bowmanville I Bring You . * * HOWARD & SHELTON in "FUN AT BREAKFAST" On CKLB, Oshawa, 1240 on Your Dial WAL.LPAPER N EW - OVER 1,000NEW DESIGNS N EW - WASHABLE WALLPAPERS NEW NEW NEW - -IMPORTED ENGLISH PAPERS. SUPERCOATED WALLPAPERS » EVERYTHING FROM SHOE POLISH TO LIPSTICK CAN BE EASILY WIPED OFF. IDEAS. DESIGNS, COLOUR SCHEMES FOR THE ENTIRE HOME. Sa G. PRESTON & SON 48 CHURCU ST. ISOWMANVILLE 1PHONE 2417 guarded on public gaverning i YO UR BARN « Totrust God-whenwe have se-' AYLMER BROWN 20-oz. tinsTO T ES - - 2 is21 bodies, dan't forget that theseI cumities in aur iron cbest is easy, TOM M ES 2ins 21 men compose the vast majarity af but not thank-wortby; but ta de- ULIAN 2tin 29 citizens in a community. It is a o You can save many dollars pend on Him far what we cannot ORONO CREAMERY lst grade fine tbing ta honor the men wbo by using LOWE BROTHERS sec, as it is mare bard for man B T E b 3 labaur for tbey are the sait o! the STANDARD BARN PAINT ta do, 50 it is mare acceptable ta B T ERI 3 eartb; but ail labomers do nat wear - . . It spreads fartberi . and God.-Feltbam. FLEMISH BEAUTY 20-oz. tins overails. Vast numbers o! them Iasts years longer than cheap may be !aund amang the class o! barn paints. PEARS - - ea. 24c BREAD - - loaf 12c peoplc who are holding the sa- Lw rtesSADR called "white-collar" jobs-many Lw rtesSADR a! thein indeed working harder, BARN PAINT faithfully pro- and putting ilanger boums than tects yaum barns from the saine a! thase wbo enjay the pop- savage attacks of sun, sicet, j'I ular distinction o! being known rain, and snaw. Stop in and as workingmen. lecs tcalk it over. Y U B N I ual aid, Great deeds are donc, and ecsrltef1-4 great discoveries made.-Homer. HARDWARE CO. fdr '*le@ In Business for 100 Years There is a confidence necessary Phone 386 King St. W. Do stiron 9 ta buman intercourse, and with- 1 odor. OGroFrie out which men are often mare in-' sizo. 63CP o e:Me t32G ocre 7 jured by their awn suspticions, P o e:M a 8 than tbey couhd be b the pcmidy Sof others.-Burke. M -F I ) TRE CANADUN BTATESUM, nowm&wvffm. -PACM TWICLIV» 9gnmimAlv- pm- t2va le» p