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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1950, p. 13

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TECANADIAN STATMAN, BOWMAV1LE, ONTARO 1etv. Merrili erguson Writes Iuteresting Letter f ront Angola The following contains excerpts from the letter fromn Rev. and Mrs. Merrili Ferguson who are serving as nissionaries at Missao Evan- gelica de Camundonga, .P. 27, Silva Porto, Angola. The letter was rnailed February 7th and ar- rived in Bowmanville on Febru- ai-y l3th. Missae, Evangelica de Camundongo, C.P. 27, Silva Porto, Angola, February 5, 1950. "There are always new exper- iences in store for us. Today I heard for the first time, Verona preach at a morning service of the Sunday congregation. I told her afterwards that now I would flot worry about the possibility of being sick neither out here or in regular pastoral work at home; if I were, she could carry right on with the preaching duties. She has the gift of speaking Umbundu very clearly and she captivated the congregation with a story from another part of Africa that is very much like some of their own. Just now she is off to the leper camp cf the mission statien te repeat the sermon. The newly chosen deaconcss cf the local ai-ca led the service this morning and the past tieaconess led in prayer. Ail thi-ce are taking charge again at the leper -campi this aftei-noon. The last twe or thi-ce weeks have not been spectacular because I have been writing reports and doing thc ycai's accounts. Fi-st there was the ycarly report for eur Mission Council in English, then a report in Portugese for the Gevernor cf oui- Province. Ail the missionaries on the station con- tribute te the former in writing and suPPIY information for the latter. It ia very difficult te get accurate statistics about church work out bere because se few cf oui- village leaders ai-e capable cf keeping records. We estimate that there are about 3,000 mem- bers in the church connected with this mission station scattered through 170 small villages. There ai-e about 1200 catechumens. Fcr this work we have thi-ce African pasters anti ten deacons. It really means tbat whcn we say ticacon we mean "lay pastor", when wc say pastor we mean something ISTEN TO.. White Rose Service Station Programme Every Sunday 3:30 to 4 Over C.K.L.B., Oshawa feaiuring music by Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians COMPLIMENTS 0F YOUR WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION BOB EWERS AN]) STAFF Corner King and Liberty Ste. Bewmanville PHONE 662 like "district superintendent" and when we say missionary in charge of evangelistie work w. mean al- most the equivalent cf a "home mission superintendent" ini the ai-cas covered. Talk about your larger parishes in Canada and U.S.A., we have them with a ven- geance, 1 gucas. However, I think our ten months bei-c in 1949 en- abled us te get a fair idea of the ai-en and its necds. This was donc at the cost cf net getting my office I still have a lot of papers and clippings fi-cm f urlough just pilcd in boxes, that ought ta be fîled, but at least I can find my bocks now. On Sun., Jan. 22 1 conductcd communion service in a village about haîf way te Silva Porte. Frances and oui- Portuguese teacher went with me. Just as we were preparihg te leave for home along came twe cars full cf Por- tugese ladies and men. The sec- ond contained the governor of the province and,. bis wife. They an- nounccd that they were headed for oui- mission te visit it. Wcll, they found us just as we were, which is what they said they wanted. We founti the sehool pupils in Sunday School and the governor asked soine questions cf two or three pupils and 'the teacher. Verona produceti tea, cookies and Christmas cake and the guests were vei-y gracicus in their appreciation. It isn't often tbat we have a visit from se im- portant a person with ne notice at ail; cf course we bati known for some time that he would came some day but bad expected at least a day's warning. We have been having heavy ramn again lately foilowing on a few weeks cf toc dry weather. The grass cutting, clcaning cf ditches, etc., bas been beavy. The last mail brought more Christmas letters andi cards. We had se *few responses te the cir- culai- letter that we wrote on oui- way back fi-cm furlough that we just didn't bother te senti another, but this Christmas sev- eral' folk have written sending belated thanks for it se wc must try te get another off. At least wc can let people know we stili are on the map. This week we are te go to Dondi for the Laubach Confer- ence on ndult literacy. We are te camp in a bouse at Means School. Helen will stay with us and some other guest will bave her bcd in the main bouse. They expect a big conference; it is for the southern haîf cf Angola. There are six persons in the party frein America. With best wisbcs te ail oui- Bowmanville frientis fi-cmal cf US. Merrill Ferguson Ninety-sevcn per cent cf Redi Cross work is donc by volunteer workers, wmthout pay. * * * It ail the peo ple wbo work for the telephone company, And ail the peo pie wbo earn a living by making the things the telephone company neea!s, A.nd ail the peo pie who have their savings invested in the, telephon. company, Alnd ail the peo pie who de pend on good telephone servic4 Io run their businesses and manage their homes; it ail these peo pie, u'itb their families, iived in one city, Tbis City-Wit h-N o-Name would be by jar the largest in# Canada> and one of the larges: in the worid. Kooping Pace with the prewlng n.eds of communitiess vsry. whore for mers and botter teisphons service ha$ token lots of work and lots of money. Only a finandaily healthy teisphons compony con curry on this big job. Tolephene oasis, .mployasp t hareholders - sveryne hma vital Interest ln a service that meons se much tb the wslfare of se many Pepe~ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA,' Owned and op.rafed by Canadiens for Canadiens Married in SI. John's Anglican Church Pictured above signing the register are Mr. and Mrs William G. Parker, whose marriage was solemnized in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, February ilth. Mrs. Parker is the former Reva M. Bates, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bates, Bowmanville. Hello H-omemakers! In some European countries, cheese is the staple food. Too many Canadians do not pay enough attention to cheese. They neyer seem to rea- lize that cheese is a good food, regarding it solely as an acces- sory-something to be cut in slivexs andi served with apple pie. There is a lot of value in a pound of our Canadian cheese; it yields one's money's worth. It contains the protein and fat fromn a whole gallon of milk, to say nothing of calcium, minerals and some vitamins. To be really shrewd, plan budget menus us- ing cheese, during lent. 0f course, you would not serve a cheese souffle to a hungry man who bas been cutting wood al day, but the average white col- lai- worker enjoys a change from heavy meals. There are sa- vory dishes such as cheese soup or cheese omelette which' are more filling than souffle. Cheese plays an important role in adding flavour to other foods. The blînd cod or haddock is more apprecîated when baked with grated old cheese. Rice cro- quettes, with a blanket of hot cheese sauce, are so cheap and so good you will wonder wby you did not try themn before. Hot cheese poured over halves of hard boiled eggs on toast makes a good supper dish. Finally, that old custom of serving cheese and biscuits at the end of the meal is, for our Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91/2 King Street E.,' Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA I. HODGIN'S Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates cf Royal Dental College, and Faculty cf Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wedncsday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Heurs 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 MONUMENTS THE RUTTER GRANITE CO. Phone 501 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario_ REAL ESTATE BOWMAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managcd and Appraised Members cf the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Office 326 Residence 2017 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E.. Oshawa Air. Gordon W. Riehil, C.A., resident partner part, the piece de resistance. CHEESE SOUFFLE 1 cup cheese 3 eggs 1 cup milk 3 tbsps. flour 3 tbsps. fat 1/2 tsp. Sait Pepper Make a white sauce cf milk. flour, fat anti seasenings. Add the cheese and beaten egg- yolks and stir until the cheese bas melteti andi the yolks are set. Folti in stiffly beaten egg whitcs. Pour inte a greaseti dish, or individual molds, anti set in a pan cf bot water. Bake in a moderate clectric oven (375 de- gi-ces) fiftcen minutes, or until the cgg-whitc is set, anti serve at once. It begins te faîl as soon as remeveti from oven. BAKED RICE AND CHEESE 3 cups cooketi rice 2 cups cheese M2z tsp. saît Cayenne 1 cup milk 2 tbsps. butter Crumbs Put a layer cf cooked riec in a greased baking-dish, cover with a layer cf grated cheese, season with sait anti cayenne. Continue adtiing layers until the dish is almost full. Add enough milk te corne baîf way te the top of the ri-e. Cover with crumbs, dot with butter andi bake in a môderate electrie oven of 375 tiegrees for 15 te 20 minutes. CHEESE BISCUITS 3/ cup grateti cheese ýY cup fleur 1/2 cup shertening Cayenne 1 egg-yolk Mix the cheese and fleur, then eut the shortening jute this mix- ture; add a littlc cayenne pepper and meisten witb the yolk cf the egg. Roll eut te one-quarter inch thîckncss, eut iute, long, nar-ew strips and bake in a very bot eiectric aven, 500 degrees, for 9 minutes. MEXICATe RAREBIT 1 tsp. f at V,, sliceti cuion 2 cups grated cheese 1 egg I 1 cup canneti cern U~ tsp. sait 1/ cup canneti tomatees 6 slices buttered toast !/ cup bread-crumbs Meit the fat in the top cf the double boiler over direct beat. Add the sliced onien anti cook until slightly softened, but net browned. Set over bot water, add the cheese anti stir constantly until the cheese is melted. Mix beaten egg, sait anti cern and sti- inte the cheese mixture; then add the canneti tomatees and crumbs. Allow the mixture ta heat through andi serve on toast. TAKE A TIP 1. Cotjage cheese is vcry tasty wbdTi flavoureti with one of the, follcwing: choppeti pai-sley, carawny setis, choppeti olives, or pimientos. 2. Add creamn cheese te cereal for breakfast, beat just long enough to meit. 3. Sp-cati grateti cheese on thin cracekers, season with a tiash cf paprika anti beat in a bot oven until cheese is just melteti. Serve with soup ai- salati. 4. Cheese Souffle may be baketi in large custard cups anti serv- cd as a cheese course for sup- per. 5. A cheese Fondu shoulti be oven-poacheti ;that is, place casserole of cheese-egg mixture in a pan cf hot water anti bake until fi-ma on top. Anne Allan invites you te write to ber c/o The Canadian States- man. Senti in your suggestions on hemnemaking problcms anti watch this column for replies. You tion't necdti t know a hungry childt t help him, do you? Thcusands of Canadians arc senti- ing CARE foodi packages overseas te hungi-y chiltiren they don't know. Senti ycur CARE package to-day anti give health anti bappi- ness te a forgetten chilti. Senti eleven dullars te non-p r e f i t CARE. Ottawa. Delivery is guar- anteed. Marple Grave W.l Hear Inspirinq Talk By Mr. Warburton Thed business cf the February meeting cf Maple Gi-ove Wemen's Institute held Feb. 13 was con- ductcd by first vice president, Mrs. Ivison Munday. Mrs. A. Coverly, leader cf the Girls' Homemakmng Club (The Nifty Sifters). gaye a detaileti re- port cf the citib activities te date. Ten dollars was voteti for current club expenses and te as- sist in financing the bus tnpý anti tour cf thi-ee industrial plants ini Peterboro in Mai-ch. A communication was rend from Mrs. J. R. Futcher, president cf the Federateti Women's Insti- tutes cf Ontario, giving i-casons for the defeat cf a resolution ask- ing for W.I. representation on the executive cf the Ontarie Federa- tion cf Agriculture. Mrs. L. C. - Snowden, District W.I. representative te the Dur- ham County Federation cf Agri- culture, gave first hand infornia- tien regarding public relations cf the two groups at Provincial level. Reports cf aIl conveners are te be presented at the March meeting. Historical Research cenvener, Mrs. W. G. Allison, was in charge cf the prograip Mrs. E. Foley read the story of tIL legenti cf St. Val- entine. Mrs. C. Swallow crcated a wave cf merriment with ber rcading "Age". Miss Donalda Ci-casser, accompanieti by Miss Ileen Balsen at the piano, delight- cd the audience with three solos, "An Indian Love Song", "Pale Moon" and "Bless This House". Mi-. W. Warburton, Courtice, guest speaker, led up te an evan- gelistic appeai for universai Christianity through individual acceptance of the sword cf Christ by speaking cf himself as a col- lecter of weapons until be disccv- ered and took up the swcrd cf pcace. Thi-ce very ancient Japanese swords were tiisplayed and the bistoi-y cf each given and also an intricately carved bambo sworti sheath was described in regard to the carved figures and what each stood for. Mr-. Warburton fitted into bis talk a poem, "The Calf Path". Generation after generation fol- lowed the meandering path laid down by the caîf until even a city grcw tip on it. Apparently as cews do, the caîf chose the path cf least resistance and those wbo feliowed faileti to bave the vision te find a straight anti (narrow) better way. Mrs. W. H. Brown in expressmng thanks on bebaîf of the members to Mi-. Warburton, mentioned ber impression on reading of 20 na- tionalities meeting in anc Mission Band in a western province, cf oui- opportunities in promcting universal Christianity. Mi-s. Allison tbanked Miss Ci-casser anti Miss Balson for their very fine contribution to the pi-- gi-arn and assisted ber greup in serving cakes daintily tiecorated with red hearts. dixie cups anti tea te forty one in attentiance. Fixed Newspaper Advertising Increases Sales - Thus Profits Consistent newspaper ativertis- ing wili case profits, Ontario Retail Hardware men werc tolti at the 45tb convention cf the On- tarie Retail Hardware Associa- tien in Tai-ente. "Newspaper advertising bas proveti time and time again that it can builti sales," saiti Harold Cook, advertising executive, in a panel discussion cf paint sales. Certain T o r o n t o hardware stores, even without gooti loca- tions, bave buiit up bigh sales by constant ativertising in Tai-enta ncwspapcrs. "Generally speaking, if you use youi- local newspapers you wili bave a bigger profit at the endi of the year." MONTREAL - Most of us have to wateh our food budgets elosely and Pm, most lin- pressed with tea's unrivalled day in, day out economy. A pound of tea produme at Ieazt 200 cups of fulI-flavored beveragel That nieans a family of four caxi have tea every meal for two weeks from one pound. In addi- tion, tea tastes bette,. with rniik than with cream - il costs much less I So, besides bringing you low coot refreshment and pleasure at home, tea's outstanding economy inakes à~ papular with organ.izations which i-aise fu.nds for their work. 1 Feel Like a <'flash-fla3h" gossip columnist today! Surrounded Py a f«u hundred Fr* idaire dealers and salesmen, rve just attended a 9litering preview of the new 1950 model FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS! And gais, are they nomething t The big news is that there's a Cold-Wall model in the line after an absence of several and that means uncovercd foods don't dry out. Ail models are superbly styled hy Raymond Loewy and the metal trim of the Cold-WaIl model ls a lustrous Ice-Blue color that's really something to see ! Storage space has been incrcased. 1 saw modela with adjustable aluminium shelves ani new twin fruit and vegetable Hydrators that are extra deepl But I just haven't space to tell you of aIl the wonderful liew features. See them at your Frigidaire dealer's soon! lier.'s An Ext ra-S pecla S 47 Moe.hers! Heinz have designed very handy plastie cap cov- ers that fit over the tops of HIEINZ BABY "id.l' Have A Part y, Mum." EFOOD tins when baby doesn't eai Wheu that's the cry, how much a full tin at one mealtime. Simply more fun for the young fry to leave the balance of the Baby, help with the celebrations. Simpl Food in the tin, cover it with thia' but deliciaus JELL-O .JELL plastie cover and store it in your POWDER desserts are the answer, refrigerator. And another wonder- and their hright and appealing* fui time-'n-money saver is the colours make gay parties more Baby Food Saver - a plastic scoop festive. Try this delicious treat for removing the ]ast delicioua made with any one of Jell-O's morsels of Hleins Baby Food fronx seven tempting "locked-in" flavors.thti.HEEpaicapovr It's aeconomical as it iW good than TO B aFosecapoos r to eatlan W ayFo opsr CRESTED JELL-O W=9PS yours it you'll simply torils go me il pacicage JeUl-O (any fiavor) - Barbara Brent, 1411 Creacent 2 cups hot water S Dissolve JeUl-O in hot water. t., Montreal, P.Q. Enclos. onir Pour 2 tablespoons Jell-O mix- 10e in coin or postage stamps ture Into, eacl of 6 Individual 3lbl rmRisBb 2noulds. ChillUUntil firm. Chili ad3lbl rn en ay xemaining Jell-O. When slightly Foodi tins. And be sure to tell me cracked Ice; beat .1th r 0f whether your baby in à boy or a beater until flueanth ot'girl no l'Il know whether ta sMnd like whipped cream. Pour over these five "baby specials" iii pînlç tfrmn Jell-O. Chili. Unm"Ould. rxarnish with fruits-O servings. or bluel Double Action Means Double "ht Must Have Been Aa Extr4 Economy Large Washing e ycs, I find khat that inade My the double ac- . back ache se tion of CALU- terribly last MET BAKING wash- day,"ý POWDEB. ac-' writes a reader. tually m e a na "Believe me, I1 double econ- was a first-clam omny. For not candidate for onlydo I use the 'Wash-Day Blues' 'tii I re- lesa, utthe two au membered what you'd said about separate leavening actions o au SLOAN'S LINIMENT lh your. met save time and mono y that column. I went right out ýrid, might have been wasted on baking bought some, then rny husband failures. The first leavening action patted it on xny aching back. It takes place in the iin bowl - worked like magie! . . . Manr the second in the oven. thanka for the tipI» Yeu, Slaxa timed and balanced to give beau. soothing, penetrating heat goeu tifully light, fine- grained cakes, right to the heart of the hurt! 1t; rnouth-watering muffins, tender brings welcome relief te folks and delicious tea biscuits. I know -suffering frora back-ache, aprains, you'l be more than pleased with stif! neck, rheumatisma or neural- Calumet's efficiency in making a gia. Andi youll be surprised at its delicate, fluffy batter that will bake reasonable pricel -just 40c a into a superb treat. bottle at youir favourite drug store 1 Something "Cood To Eat"? Ti this whirly, swir1y jelly roll mer.13 with SWAN8 DOWN CAKE FLOU -he cal:e flour that's sifted and re-sifted until 27 times as fine as ordinary flour. You caii't help but have greater bakng uccssMith Swn JELY ow .. bakngsuces ith Swns DL O L L 1/2 cup uifted Swans 2 eggs (at rooni tunpratuwe) Down Cake Fleur 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon Calumet 1/2 teaspoon. vanilla Baking Powder 3/4 toi1 oup tait red Jely flash of sait SUft fleur once, measure. Combine baking powder, sait. eggs ini bowl. Beat ,with rotary egg beater, sdding sugar gradually until thick anid ight- colored. Gradually fold in flour. thea vanUla. Turn into 15 x 10-ineh pan rwhich has been lined with paper. then gressed. Bake In hot oveni (400 deg. T.) 10 minutes. Turn cake out on cloth or towel, -dusted with powdered sugar. Quickiy remove paper; cut off crisp edges of cake. Cut leghwise, then crosswise twice, to make 6 pieces cf e q ua ime. Spread le.a'c with jeiiy and roll Into individual jeily roîls. Coo on cake rackc. Zach roll may be eut 'in ssUces, for daintier servings. Here's A Reelpe For A Happy Home, taken from the "BANKC O9 MONTREAL Cook Bock"! .. . Family-Size Recipe jor Saving for Holidays, for Emergenciea or Oppor- tunities! 1 Household Savings Account for Father and Mother. 1 'Sunshine" Account for Sister's Holiciay. 1 Savingà Account for Junior's paper-run money* .,,.preîaring for college expenses. Pakt Canada Savings Bonds heid by the Bocf M. Do flot sHlow te cool or dry up, but pour in ingredients regularly. The recipe may be adapted te any ai7.e cf famlly. And, reinember, aIl ing redients in this recipe may be obtained with the assistance cf the frien ly, helpful people on the counter at your neareat branch cf the Bof ml ,0J# /0 t,4e 3 TOP TOBACCOS TO GIVE YOU SMOKING SATISrACTION 0 9 v PAGI TMTEW ed

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