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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1950, p. 14

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PAGE 1OURTE~N TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVIILE. ÔNTÂWTn In the Dim and Distant Pasi Prom The Statesman Files 25 Yearu Ago Cavan: Mr. and Mrs. Stui Baroness de Hueck, a Russian Fallis, celebrated their 25th wE refugee, entertained in the Opera ding anniversary with ma House with a graphic account of friends and relatives present. litfe as a nurse during the Red Newcastle: Mr. W. J. S. Ric Terror. ard presided at a Valentine Co Mr'. and Mrs. Manson Comnstock cert whicb starred Mr. Wall were entertained by their friends Bragg and Misses Marian Picka on the occasion of their 20th Wed- and Dorothy Plummer, Bowma ding Anniversary. ville, as guest soloists. Two veterans of Town Council 50 Years Ago were re-appointed-John Lyle, Court Pride of Ontario, 1J Town Clerk, who bas beld the po- 6000, I.O.O.F., held their first " sition for 29 years, and Richard Home" in their Lodge Rooms. Y Jarvie, wbo has been Police Chief T. H. Slute, C.R., was chairmar for 35 years. Residents of Darlington Tow: Mr'. J. H. H. Jury showed bis sbip were saddened by the dea pictures of Bermuda at St. Paul's of Mrs. William Windatt, wido Church.1 of a former reeve of Darlington Alpha Pinch wrote an interest- T. H. Spry represented Boj ing travelogue-letter to The manville at the annual conventic Statesman of bis trip to El Paso, of Grand Lodge, A.O.U.W., in Ti Texas. 1ronto. Hampton: Rev. Dr. G. H. Wil- Maple Grave: Masters Howai liams, Metrapolitan Church, To- Faley and Cecil Jeffery made ronto, will preach at the Golden presentation on behaif of the Jubilee Services on Feb. 22. The S.S. Class ta Mr. Fred R. Faley. organ voluntaries ta be played Sauina: Mrs. Peter Werry cel by Mrs. C. J. Kerslake are an- brated ber 95th birthday enjayir tbems sung by the first cburcb the best of bealtb and cantinuir choir, ta do fancy work and sewir Enfield: Mr. Walter Cochrane every day. took as bis bride Miss Leila Rabm, Newtonville: Col. Jabn Hugh( daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. H. presented a number of Fenia îtahm. Raid Medals at Millbrook. HeIlp Th e Red Cross 'SALADA 'THURS. FRI. - SAT.- FED. 23 - 24 - 25 lIefltiols ari the MCCos - A"nrc'su«most fousudl SAULGOLDWYN presents -imm ma QCjjj5 hCKMOD - MYMND RMEY RIQIRD RASERAT GIGI IERREAU ALSO TECHNICOLOR CARTOON MONRDAY TUESDAY - FEB. 27 - 28 --Providence: Mn. A. C. Aluin wa I iiiured when he was crushe between the load and the ic house while working af the ice. Nestieton: Rev. E. E. HowarÉ Biackstoch, performed the mar =- rage o! Sophia Alberta Lane ani Silas Williams in a iavely bous, iart wedding. any ick- PONTYPOOL an- Lfer lI last week's coiumn, wi ard thought it would be smart t( an- draw attention ta the pon, lanelj snow fences aiong the roads, hav ing no work ta do. Before the cal umn was in print, Mather Natur( No. made us look silly by presentin, 'At us with the warst storm sinci Mr'. 1944. ýn. Aften beig biessed .wvith si> n- gnandsons in a row, we now bavE atb a granddaughter, barn Feb. l3tli ow ber parents should calber Valen- ýn fine Storm, seeing she came along )w- just before the big blow struci ion the province. ro- Acconding ta the newspapens, the Aquitania bas been sold for i'd scrap. On Apnil 17th, 1915, your Sa scribe, standing on the deck oi cmi the Georgia, steaming very slow- *ly up the Mersey iver, saw the le- Aquitania at ber benth, being ing loaded with fnesh supplies. Ir Ing dnydock, was ber sister ship, the Ing Maunetania. And, ta make the event unique, their sister ship, the es Lusitania was beading dowr [an river for the open sea, or wbat pnaved ta be, ber last voyage to - New York. For, it was when fhe gallant ship was returning tc Liverpool, that the Germans sanli ber with tarpedoes off the caast ai Ireland. Queenstown, ta be exact. Which stupid acf decided the U.S.A. as ta which side tbey wouid oaficia1iy play bail with. I don't suppose tbes-e are many Canadians alive who ever sav, these three ships in a cluster, as we were penmitted ta do Ithal monning a! April l7th, 1915. Tbey were three wonderful sbips. Wben I bear of a gallant aid sbip (like tbe Aquitania) being bro- ken up for scrap, if always makes me feel sad. It's like beaning o! a fine,' honourable, industriaus citi- zen bqing sent f0 the Pon House, because bis muscles won't stand up ta a big day's wark, sa nobody wants him. On centain parts of Queen Street, Toronto, "panhandiers" are thick as fleas. Around these parts they are non-existent. Yet, I was accosted by one the ather day, right in aur village. He bit me up for a quaretr. Using the in- ocuous argument that, due ta mild weat ber, there was no work ini the bush. Baloney! This bas been the most wondenful winter we have even worked in an Ontario forest. Almost every day, fi Feb. lAth, if was possible ta work with veny light clothing, while in the waods. If thene's mare easy money in panbandling than waad cutting, we bave surely been wasting aur time. Next time you see me ap- proaching, please bave your quar- ter ready., The Pontypool Youngmans, ta- gether with the Tyrone Woodleys, plus the Taunton Leaches, fore- gathencd at the home o! the Ty- rane Youngmans recently, fan a sweii turkey dinner. Being the only maie present with a clean, white Sunday shirt on, Clarence Woodley acted as chaîrman and occupied the bead of the table. My job was, fa keep an eye on Norm Leach. He bas a bad habit, when invited ouf, o! trying fa slip the odd tunkey ieg in bis pocket for the next day's lunch. If was surprising how soan afferi the meal ended, that a couple of the guests decided a neturn ta their homes was urgent. This un- gency happened befare the buge stack of dishes were washed. If pie and whipped creafli is bad for the female figure, yau'd nev- en know if, ta see the way the girls piied inta if that night. The turkey was puncbased from Bill Lycett. If was a dandy! Lots af fiesh., If is argued that satisfied customers are the best advertise- ment. In wbich case, Bill Lycett will bave top billing. A news despatch dlaims that, the. Windr Hatel i. Montrea NESTLETON The Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Feb. 16th, with 16 ladies, Rev. Hutton and some cbildren present. Meeting was in charge of Mrs. Lawrence Malcolmis gnoup. Meeting opened with the theme sang foliowed by prayer by Mrs. Malcolm. Devotional was taken by Mrs. W. C. Lamb. Raol Cal-Bible verse containing the word Faith. Mrs. Wm. Steele sang "For the Beaufy of tbe Earth". Mrs. Malcolm took charge of the Study Book. Ladies pianned a pot iuck supper an Feb. 24th, also ta buy same new towels. Meeting ciosed witb hymn "The Lard is my Shepard" and prayer by Rev. Hutton. A dainty lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Sadler and the group in charge. A vote o!f hanks was moved by Mrs. J. Grieves and ail were given a bearty clap for a pleasant affernoon. Next meet- ing in charge of Mrs. G. Bawers' group March i6th. Sympatby is extended ta Mn. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lau in the passing of bis fathen, Mn. Sam Crawford, who was buried at Nestleton on Mon- day. Mr'. Crawford was in bis 77th year. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and famiiy visited ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. George Kerr', Yel- vertan. Don't fonget W.I. meeting at Mrs. Thas. Gettin's March 1si. Mr. Wilmer Fitze, Oshawa, caiied on same of bis aid neigb- bars. Mrs. Paul, Toronto, sýent the last week with ber friend, Mrs. Fred Crawford. Mr. Gerald Jackson spent a few1 days with friends in Osbawa. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middieton, Islington, visited ber parents, Mr.a and Mrs. H. Vine.V ENNISKILLEN 1 and could not be marnied in a civil ces'emany. We have always be- lieved in the usefulness of the cburcb, but bave neyer thougbt that canon law sbauld supencede state iaw. As soan as we are born we are autamatically mem- bers o! the State, but, if does flot follow that we are automatically membens o! any particular relig- ious denomination, thaf should corne laten, o! aur own free will. In spite o! what any clergyman, priest, preacher, or rabbi mighf say ta the contrany, we adhere ta the idea that, al laws are man made. Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens i.Hz lett. The W.M.S. held a Valentin Tea on Feb. 16 in the Sunda School room. Mrs. E. Trewin pre sided aven the meeting. Mrs. X~ J. Hobbs had change o! the De votional with Mrs. H. McGiil aný IMrs. J. Siemon responding. Mne L. Ashton led in prayen. Picture for Bible Scrap Books are ta bi Igathered and sent ta Africa at ai early date. Mrs. R. J. Ormidstoi dispiayed blocks for f wo quiitç donated by Mrs. E. Wright an( the supply committee are toara range a quilting, The fallawinj program as given, reading by Mrs J. Smales; piano solo by Mrs. E McGill, intenesting slides fht "Women of the World'" shown b] Mrs. L. Ashton, the script beini read by Mrs. J. Slemon and Rev Mn. Seymaur. The meeting close( witb prayen affer wbich groul YOURS TO ENJOY The LAPLAND LONGSPUR is one of thle loveljest siglits of winter. A handsome brown, black and white bird, h gathers in flocks. Look for him in open fields or on, frozen shores. Protect him-he eats the seeds of weeds and beach grosses. YOURS TO PROTECT CARllïpLING';s THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO t 0 1043 CARLiNa'8 40 ay s. ýe nd an ts, By Lewis Milligan g A general election bas been lîkened fa a hanse race, and the forthcoming political handicap in e) Britain may be described as a yg steeplechase, which is a cross- gcountry race in which obstacles b. ave fa be jumped as fhey came dinthe way. Bath parties are run- 1- ning unden handicaps and there are many obstacles and piffalis in the election ra&course. Tbe Ichie! handicap o! the Conserva- tive Party is that o! overcoming the enormous majority o! the Government in the House a! Commons, coupied with the fact that the Liberal Party is running a large numben o! candidates wbo will split the anfi-socialist vote, while the Labor Party followers are undivîded. The Governmenf's chie! handi- cap is the ecanomic crisis and the cantinuance o! wantime restrict- ions and rationing, wbich the Conservatives dlaim are the resuit o! Socialismn and will end In na- tional ruin. On the, the Government can dlaim ta have fui! illed ail ifs promises and ta bave introduced advanced measures a! social nefonm, mast o! which the Conservatives them- selves say they are willing ta con- tinue with slight qualifications. The Conservatives have, thus nothing ta offen in the way of social legisiation. Thein campaign bas been ane o! vi'garous criticism o! nationalization, economnic plait- ning and încreased government contrais, which tbey say are sup- pressing pnivate enterpnise and are the causees o! "austerity" queues and the devaluation of sterling. The Conservative Party cam- paign bas been weill aganized under the chairmansbip o! Lord Wooiton who was Minister o! Food during the war. He is an economist and a man o! practical expenience as a former bead o! a large department store. He would probably become Chancel- »lor o! the Excbequer if the Con- senvatives came ta power. Chat- ting with him a few years aga on board the Aquitania, I was îm- pnessed with bis grasp o! inter- national affairs and bis fain-mind- edness toward Mn. Atîce and oth- ci' leaders o! the Labor Govern- ment. He struck me as being a man o! great executive abilify and a typical, English statesman o! Gladstonian stature. I ventune ta predict thaf if the Conserva- tives win the election Lard Wooiton will succeed Mr. Church- ill as Prime Minister. Anthony Eden would make a good Foreign Secretary, but be is a dilettante campared with Lard Woalton. But what are the prospects o! the Conservatives caming ta power? I think thene would be no doubt about if if the Liberals would unite ta defeat the Gov- ernment for they will command the middle-class vote. A London columnist, who signs himsel! "Brutus" in The Recorder, sizes up the situation as !ohlows: "l. Thc middle classes hold the detcrmining vote, and if thene is any logic in human nature they must feel a bitter rescntment two under the leadership of Mrs. L. Ashton served a daixity Valen- Une Tea. A fair crowd attended the 1dance on Feb. 17. Prizes were ,won by Grant Werry, Marie Ash- tton, Mrs. Fred Griffixi, and Mr'. F. Lycett. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with Mr'. anid Mrs. S. R. Pethicc. The Service Club met at the home of Mrs. D. Pickering with >eight present. Evenixig was spent in social anid business. Lunch was served by Mrs.H. Ashton, Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Mrs. G. Yeo and the hostess. Next meeting at Mrs. Margaret Tbompson's, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. sharp. We are glad to report that Mr'. and Mrs. Russell Aunger bave been fuily recompensed for the injuries they sustainél and their car whicb was demolished in the accident af September 10, 1949. Ou'r sympathy ta Mrs. T. M Siemon in tbe death of ber broth- er, Charles Sanders, af Winnipeg, on Feb. l6tb, the resuit af a frac- tured bip. Miss Joyce McGill spent Sun- day with ber grandparents, Mr'. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mr'. and Mrs. George Finlayson, Blackstock, Miss Rose Marie Pres- catt, Enfield, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Aunger. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family with Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Nancy witb Mr'. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp and attended the fun- eral of Mr'. W. D. Petbick at Newtonville. Mr'. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickey, Toronto, with Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr'. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Mr'. J. Pearce, Miss Mary Pearce, Port Penny, visited Mr. Geo. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren, Mi'. and Mns. C. Milîs, Port Perry, witb Mr'. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and family called an Mn. and Mrs. J. Adams and Ruth. Mr'. and Mns. D. Gray and Car- ol, Newcastle, Mr. Henry Adams and Bruce, Hampton, visited Mi'. and Mrs. J. Adams and Ruth. Mr'. Neil Malcolm, Toronto, with Mr'. and Mrs. A. Boyd. Congratulations ta Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Fallis (nee Jean Adams) on the arrival of a fine baby girl. British Political Steeplechase Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless en, Women cet New liViVgo, VKWjY, Uasoodbye 1thubée w..ea lw aarg1 e e5ngu de.' la n Drounudiet ek b Wu ci vYlait sover bY evenlng. Te .Ostrax. against socia]ism. 2. The profes- sional classes, the fixed incame family, the self -employed mani, the retired public servant living an their peffsions, the ai'fist, au- thor and ail other kinds... They cannot alter their way of livmng yet taxation Is crusbing tbem fo the wail. 3. Many trade unianists have came to realize that the unions can only survive under free enterprise. I suggest thaf a number of these workers wbo have been simultaxieously disiilusianed and enligbtened is larger than the Party experts rea- lize. 4. Women, as always, will1 be guided by instinct and emation1 rather. than by the -process of! reasoning. The bousewife dislikes Stracbey (the Food Controller) and al bis works. The bousewife1 is tii'ed and irritated. She works a1 70-bour week, unless we deductj as autdoor-recreation the stand- ing in queues." Tbese are the main Teasons why "Brutus" thinks the Conserva- f ives wili win, and he adds: 'I be- lieve that if Mn. Churchill is con- structive in bis broadcasts and speeches there will be a wide- spread raily ta bis banner fi'om those who voted against him last f ime." God's Message ta You Jesus prayed: As thou bas sent me into the worid, even so bave I also sent them into the wo0rld. And for their sakes I sanctify myseif, that tbey aisa might be sanctified through the truth, neither pray, I for these alone, but for them also which shahl believe on me tbrough their word. That they ail may be one; as tbou, Father, art in me, and I in tbee, that tbey also may be one in us: that the world may believe that tbou hast sent me. And the giory which thou gavest me I *AYLMER CHOICE IHUB RD -2 1-oz- 259 AVLMER CHOICE AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOU19 CATELLI COOKED SPIGETTI Tin 121 **PIC.. 114 SHREDDED WBUAT * ' 2 p-274 FINE CANADIAN Blm C(11=E-*.lf.47e FINE CANADIAN POPU1LAR DRANDS CHICKEN LIGHT M£AT TUNA FISE - I'" 3b BRUNSWICK eF NpASCAL t .¶ NO NEMI CROP VA F- OR'e O CANADA, N..'il 1 0 bUN ponrocSEE 1bU . A&p FANCV 50LS VOU'LL HEAR PLENTV 0F WOI MEATS ... RAVING ABOUT THEIR1 DELICIOL}S FLAVOUR, MARVELLING AND PRICED FOR REAL THRIFT, AN GOVERNMENT BRANDED BEEF, RED THE WORD OF THESE CONTENTED VELLOUS. VOUR OWN TASTE WILL« RIGHT" CUT. W1IY NOT DO 17 TOC FIRST FIVE RIOS PEIE IRB IOAS FLUT DRIB saUE SMOKED SHAN1CLESS PM XsUVLDES« SMOKED ]BACON aVANE SMOKED SLICED BRAKFAST BACON SONELES8 ROLLED, SWIFT'8 PREmiu VEAL FleONTS« SWIFT'S PREMIUM or SHAMROCK, Cho WIEES have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I li them, and thou i me, that they may be made perfect in one; axid that the warld may know that thou hast sent me, and~ hast loved them, as thou hast"lovcd me. Father, I wiil that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that tbey may behold my glory, which tbou hast given me: for fhou lovedest me befare the foundation of the world. 0 righteous Father, thc world bath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that fhou hast sent me. And I bave declared unto them thy name, and wiil declare it, that the love wherewith fhou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them. This beginning of miracles didff6 4 I< 4 '4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I CHEESE CORNMEAL FINGERS Mir and sift into bowl, 1% c. once-sifted paatry flour <or 1 X c. once-sifted hard-wbeat flour), 3 tops. Magie Baking Powder, %f top. sait. Cut in finely 3 tbe. cbilied shortening and mix in 3 c. yellow cornmeal, 4 c. sbredded chee and 2 tbe. chopped paraley. Make a weUl in centre, pour in 4 c. milk and mix lightly with a fork. Knead for 10 Pf seconds on a lightly-floured board and roll out to 4l thick rectangle; cut into 12 fingers and arrange, sligbtly apart, on greaaed baking sheet. Bake in hot oven, 425*, abouta 15'mint. Serve hot with butter or p margarine. Yield-1 dozen fingers. AVLMER FANCY APPLE SAUCE AYLMER CHOICE &IIEN PUAS AYLMER CHOICE-CREAM STYLE GCOLENCOIN 2t AYLMER TOMATO CATSIIP-- BREAKFAST CER£AL RUIE111901)GATS ALL PURPOSE RSUINHOOD00FLOIR JET BLOWN ME I ALL 'FLAVOURS JiNKET POWDERS SUPER- CREAMED CHA11EAU - Plaib %-Ib. Pkg. 26o CHEESE -a - pimento 1 15-1 20.ý 15-oz 11-c 5-lb .7-lb Ige1 2 i N -oz tin 13c -oz ti 15c tins 25c bag 36c bag 47c pIg33c pkgs23c m34ct ipkg27c ige 'EAD ý12c Pkg. 33e lb. 49e %%P.u a %c -8O'CLOCK CUSTOM b7 MEN TALKING ABOUT A&P's FAMOUS USUPER-RIGHT» TENOERNESS AND JUICINES8, RECOMMENDING THEIR àAT THE WAY THEYRE TRIMMED FOR GREATER VALUE ,D, 0F COURSE, FEATURING CANADA'8 TOP GRADES AND DAND BLUE BRANDS. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE CUSTOMERS THAT '.SUPER.RIGHT" MEATS ARE MAR. TELL YOU 80 WHEN YOU TRY A FINE.QUALITY "SUPER. lb.59 lb 270 S29e b57s lb. 4&< oioe Loos. lb.39 KITHER END VOUR A&P MEAT BUV 0F 7THE WEEK CHOICE DREB8ED IAEhITS~- b.3g .9 014010E GRADE "A"-4 to ô Ibo. 80fCFOWL -**lb.3, FEHKILLED of0!!PHTDUsCigNGS lb.,5MO WHITE FISE *IL33e CaS Fu =L. . . b. 330 H T( *MRE JANE WIYAT - AYNE MORRIS - WALTER RENNAN, WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY- MAI. 1 - 2 (~~ilm outSp f là mwwMISSSPPI Ann Pai SIED MILK DRI WHITE or 24-ez BROWN loaf U016.~ A&P FRESH CANDY FANILY MIX 4 fI~<$< LARGE No.19<OXYDOL« 3 FRY'. Nob.13 O S '~ Jesus lni Cana of Galilee, and manif esfed forth bis glary; anid bis desciples believed on hinm. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he said, this siclcness la nat unta death, but for thc gl*y a! God, that the Son cf God might be glorified thereby. Jesus saith unto Martba, Said I flot unta thee, that, if thou wauldest believe, thou sbouldest sec the glory of God? Now unto him that is able te keep yau fnom faihing, and ta presnt you fauitless before the presence of bis glory witb ex. ceeding jay, fa the only wist God oui' Saviaur, be giory and majesty, dominion and power, " bath now and ever. Amen. GIay~, to God in the bighest! Hugh CrawfordW Oxie-third cf Americans ovoi 15 bave no cash incarne. à . 'Il' - i 1 1 il PAGE ulmýrr.,ta THE CANADUN STATZSMM, BOWIL4NVffj,& OlqTMO InuvruovAw vtim obqb-à edkom& m M. aé 1

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