PAGE SIXTEKIf T~ CANADIAI< STATESKAN, EOWMANVflLU~ ONTABJO mrnuunAv VUU~ ti.d ISSu --, .~.,v - ~ Zv~. TADE.PAY CASH AuD SAVE-MINIMUJM - -e..COSI 35c PER AD -- - --,W -wtw a ~The Canadian Siaiesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective January 23, 1948 BIRTHS - DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS I $1.00 Per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10e a lune for verses per insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (Min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3o a word (min. 50c.) Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrected te this office. (Additional Insertions at same rates) Ail Classified Ads Must Be In Not Later Thaii Noon Wednesday. Cash, stamps or maney order with order ta get low rate. - Clip This Out For - Handy Reference BIRTHS ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aluný <nee Marion Foiey) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Gardon -Everett, at Bowmanvilie Hospital on February 17thN 1950. Mother and baby doing fine. 8-1 ORMISTON-Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ormiston, Newtonville, are happyr ta announce the birth cf their daughter, Beatrice Lynn, at Bow- mnanville Hospital, on February 19, 1950. A sister for Diane. 8-1 DEATHS ALDWORTH-At the residence, R.R. No. 6, Bowmanville, an Wed- nesday, Feb. 22nd, 1950, John Aldworth, belaved husband cf Laura Isabel Chittenden, aged 77 years. Resting at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel until Thursday marri- ing, thence at the residence, Middie Ttoad. Service i the Sal- vation Army Citadel on Satur- day, Feb. 25th at 3 p.m. Inter. ment Bewmanviiie Cemetery. 8-1 CRYDERMAN-At Vernon, B.C., on February l9th, 1950, William A. Cryderman, husband of Ella Donaldson and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cryder- mian, Hampton. Funeral service was beld at Vernon on Wednes- day, Feb. 22nd. 8-1 .EDGERTON-Charlcs Perey, In ]Bowmanville, on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1950, Charles Percy Edgerton, beloved busband of the late Min- nie Beacock and dear father of Orial, in his 75th year. Funeral was heid from Nortbcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapei, Bow- manvilie, ,Monday, Feb. 2th at 2 p.m. Interment St. Jahn's An- glican Cemetery, Biackstock. LUXE-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb. 2lst, 1950, ]Russell Luke, beloved husband of Nettie Salter and dean father cfÀ Earl, in bis 64th year. Resting at Northcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until noonj Thunsday, Feb. 23rd, then ta theç United Church, Hampton, for service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. Officers anid members of Jerusalem Lodge, A. »F., & A.M., No. 3 1, G.R.C., kiridly meet at the badge norn at 1:30 p.m. ta attend the funeral of aur late brother. 8-1 IN MEMORIAM SHOTTER-In loving memary of aur dear daughter and sister, Irene, who passed away Febnuary 23rd, 1939: .-Evcr nemembened by Mother, Dad and sister Florence. 8-1* TENDERS WANTD TENDERS cailed for new 4.- ton pick-up truck. 1942 armny truck, 8 cwt. ta be taken on trade. For particulars sec man- ager, Durham Farmens Co-ap., Onono. Tender ta be in before March 4th. 8-2 The Bowvmanville Board cf Educatian requests tenders as foibows: - 1. Offers ta purchase used 5 h.p. electnie matar. May b. seen at High Schoob. 2. Removal of board fene i troin Ontario Street School. 1 Tenders inwriting ta Board of Education. S. R, James, Sec'y.-Treas, Bowmanville. 8-1 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Camnpbel wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciation ta the friends, neighbours and feliow- workers who so kindly remem- bered Ralph with flowers, fruit,ý treats and cards whibe in Bow- manville Hospital and since he returned home. 8l W. again wish ta express aur sincerest thanks ta aur friends and neighbours of Long Sault community #nd the West Durham OraIye Lodgeà for the many love-. ly gifts pres*.ited ta us before moving ta Oshawa. The great kindness and belp of the people from Long Sault wiil always be remembered with gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and Family. 8-1 Master Alfred Overy, Nelson Street, wishes ta thank bis tea- cher, school cbums and friends for their mafiy acts of kindnesses shown him while recently in the hospita1. Special thanks ta Dr. Rundie, nurses Vine and Fallis, and aiso Billy, Donnie and Herbie. I also wish ta thank everyone Sa much for ail they have done for me since I came home from the hospitai. 8-1* COMING EVENTS Rememben the T.B. X-nay Sun- vey at the Lions Community Centre from Manch 13 ta 17. 7-tf Old Time Dance, Newtonviile Hall, Friday, Feb. 24. Admission 50c. Ladies, lunch free. 8-1* Bingo, Fniday, Feb. 24th, in Goodyear Recreation Hall. Ad- missionSOc. Good pnizes. 8-1 L.O.L. dance at TyMýone Hall, Satunday, Feb. 25, wîth the Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Admission 50C. 8-1* Courtice W. A. presents Dr. Shenwin o! Orono, with bis slides o! Europe on Feb. 24th at 8 p.m., at Countice United Chunch. Ad- mission 35c. 8-1 Dance, Enniskilien Hall, Ivlarcb 3rd. Auspices o! Service Club. Pnizes. Re!resbments. Proceeds for Hospital. Admission 50c. 8-2 To-night at 8:15 is the nigbt o! the "Club 15", Bridge, 500 and Eucbre party at the Lions Centre. Admission 50c. Everyone wel- came. 8-1 Came ta St. Joseph's Chuch eucbnc in the Sons o! England Hall on Mamch l7th at 8:15 p.m. Admission 25c. Good prizes. 8-1 * The Women's Auxiliiarta the Canadian Legion will leave by bus fnomn Gaton's on Feb. 28tb, at 7:30 p.m. sharp ta attend the social evening and banquet at Oshawa. 8-1 Corne ta the dance and cuchre at Enniskiilen Hall on Manch lst, spansored by the Young People o! Haydan community. Admission 40c. Refreshments scnved. Every- anc welcome. 8-1 2:00 p.m., Friday, Mancb Snd, ti St. John's Panish Hall, Mrs. Hewson wibl show the siides, "Dawn Oven Japan" and speak. Visitons invited. Aftcnnoan W.A. auspices. 8-1*t The annuab meeting o! the Bawmanville Hospital wili hi hebd February 24th in the Coun- cil Chambers at 8 p.m. for the Purpose o! eleeting officens and othen business. 6-3 Attend the C.O.F. Hockey Dance at *Vareoe's Pavilion, Fni- day, March 3. Round and square dancing ta the music o! Lau Deweli's Orchestra !nom 9 p.m. ta-.12:30 p.m. Admission 50e per persan. ,8-2* Music prograrn by Ensemble tram West Toronto Salvation Arny Band in the Salvation Army Hall, Bowmanvilie, Satur- day, Feb. 25th at 8 p.m. Brigadier R. Gage wiib preside. Sibven cal- lection. Proeeeds i aid o! In- strument Fund. 8-1 Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate o! MARGARET MARY COSTELLO, Dceased ALL persan baving dlaims against Lb. estate o! Margaret Mary Costello, bat. o! the Township o! Manvers, ini the County o! Dur- uam, Spinster, deceascd, who died on ar about the l3th day o! Apnil, 1949, are required ta send full particulars' o! their dlaims ta the .zndcrsigned on or befare March ilst 1950, after which date the estate wlll b. distributcd having regard only ta dlaims o! whieh th. undersigned shail then have natice, DATED at Peterborougb, this llth day of Fcbruary, 1950. Wilfrid Field Huyeke, K.C., Barnister, Etc. 395 Watem St., Peterborouagh, Ontario. A ti c h h P u I el n ti Wanted To Rent MODERN bouse, large apartment Or summen home urgcntiy ne- quired i Bawmariville or sur- rouridirig area by April Ist. Rent no object, for suitable accom- modation. One cf twa-year bease. If suitable wouid consider pur- chas.. Excellent ref e n e n c e s. Write P.O. Box 395, Bowmarivilie. rAUCTION SALE 0F NEW AND USED FARM MACHINERY, MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT, ETC. The Praperty of Mr. J. Howard Hancock Massey-Harris Dealer KING STREET W., BOWMANVILLE wiil be sold by public auction an Saiurday, Feb. 251h FARM MACHINERY McCormick-Dccring W-4 Trac. tom, completeiy overhauled, ex. ceilent c9ndition; M.-H. Tractai Spreader, on nubber, new; 2 nub. ber tired Wagons; M.-H. Ha3 Loader, new; Myens Omcbané Spmayen, 250 gal. tank with 12. hanse power motor, 13 gallonsE minute pump, neariy new; Rub. ber-tined Wagon, on rouler bear. ings, new; 2 Sliding Hay Racks, new; 4 Fiat Bottom Hay Racks, new; 8 Section Drag Harrows. new; Pediar Lîtten Carrier, buc« ket, new; Empire 4-hanse Garder Tractor, with Cuitivator anc Piow, new; Empire 1/2 -horse Garden Tractor, with Cultivator and Plow, nearly new; Myen: Small Onchard Spnayen, new; Steel Stoneboat, new; Heavy Traiber, suitable for Tractor; 100 Bushel Grain Box; Heavy Rub- ber-tired Wagon on malen bear- ings, equipped with fiat bottonm rack and winch; M.-H. Fertilatai ,for 13-nun Drill, new; 2 Steel Hog Troughs; 2 Cut Bars for M.-H. Mower, new; 250-gallon Spraycx Tank, new; 2 Circular Saws, both new; M.-H. Binder Trucks or Rubben; 1 Set o! Beam Scales; Pedian Trolley Track Hangers;' M.-H. No. 7 Manure Spreader on nubben, neariy new; Cocksbutt Binden, 7 foot cut; 2-wbeel Car Trailer with 9-ft. Box, new; One Pair of Lange Tracton Fendens, new; Dozens of new Ensilage Pipes, in 2-4-8 feet iengtbs; M.-H. Cotn Binder. POWER UNITS 3 Wisconsin Air-cooied Matons, 19-hanse power, suitable for Sprayer or Combine; Chrysier Power Unit, wiil fit in any Chry- sien praduet, new; 12-hanse Nova Sprayer Engine, air-cooled, new; Electrical High Pressure Greaser, neaniy new; Myers Spray Pump, 13 gais, minute, new; Internation- ai 12-h.p. Unit, nearly new; 4- cylinder Continental Power Unit; Exide Fast Battery Charger, near- iy new; 11/2 hanse Gas Engine, International, good condition, TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Calclýum Pumping Outfit for boading tractor tires; Biacksrnith Forge; 500-ft. 8-ply High Pres- sure Smrayer Hase; 2 Manvil Sbafts with Puileys; %,-inch Eiec- trie Drills; Portable Electnie Grinden; 1¼-inch Electnie Drills; 3 2-wheel Trucks; 5 Large Com- bine Radiators, suitable for Spray- ers; Set o! Pipe Dies; 3-wheel Pubiens; Lange Wbeel Pubien for rracton Rear Whcels; 3-ton Busbing Press; Welding Table; 3/4-wheel Trucks-, 2-gear Reduct- on Boxes; Emery Stand, complete A'ith Stone; Assontment of vaniaus sized Pulley; Assorted Boîts; 3- ton Hydraulie Floor Jack; 4 Ex- tension Lights; Bail Bearing Speed Jack and Stand; Mechanical Floor Jack, 2-tan capacity; Pair o! Jack Stands; Quantity o! Used Tractor and Spreaden Tires; Quantity o! Steel Implement Wbeels; Quan- ity o! New and Used Gas Tanks. LUMBER & MIS CELLANEOUS 1000 ft. of "Used Inch Lumber;, 00 Pair o! Truck Sils in standard, lengths; 100 set o! new Wbîfie- mrecs; Quan.tity o! Used 2x4's;- 28-ft. Extension Ladden; Pair o! Jack Stands; Quantity o! Belting; 1Ton o! Calcium Chboride; Quan- ity o! new Wagon Boisters. REMARKS:- As Mn. Hancock bas aild his business, the above men- tioned articles must be soid with- ut resenve. No farmer or mach- riist can afford ta miss this sale, s it offers a real opportunity ta buv new and used stock -at your :wn pnice. Thîis sale wiii be beid isidie and will commence at 12 'dlock sharp. Sale Wiii Commence at 12 o'clock Noon TERMS CASH Fred Lycett, Jack Reid, Cierk. Auctioneer, Orona, Ontario. 8-1 Livestock For Sale 1GREY goase. Phone 2414. 8-1 BRAY pullets, cockereis, mixed. Deiivery now or later on. Re- membering it's stili the carly chicks that catch the best mar- kets. You'll need chicks, order now. Agent Hugh Stapîcton, Newtonviibe; F. L. Byam, Tynane. 8-1 Eavetroughing Contracting YOUR aid eavctrough nepaired or ncw eplaccd. Fan free esti- mates phone T. Salter & Son, Hampton, 2142 Bowmanviile. 8-8* For Rent THREE-roomed apartment, an gound floor, ail canveniences. Apply 95 Liberty St. N., Bow- manville. 8-b' THREE unfurnished nooms, hy- dro suppiied, with garden, rnear schoal and ohunch. Phone 2758 Bowmanville. 8-1* Articles For Sale A FEW tons of choice hay. W. T. Symons, Phone 2251. 8-1w GIRL'S bicycle. Phone 969 ater 5:30 p.m. 8-1* JUNIOR bed, complete, aniy used 6 months. Phone 2224. 8-1* QUANTITY of loase hay. Phone 2105. 8-1* 1934 DODGE coupe, in good con- dition, $150. R. Williamns, New- castle. 7-2 TEXACO gasoline delîvered to farmers. Cali Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf 1200 EIGHT-inch cernent blocks. Reasonable price. Phone Bow- manville 2625 evenings. 8-1* HAPPY Thought range,'in good condition. 24 Carlysie Ave., Town. 8-i" '47 PLYMOUTH Deluxe sedan, grey. Best offer. Phone Bow- manvilie 384. 8-1w RENFREW coal and wood range, practically new. H. Bruce Tink, Phone 2232. 8-1 PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measure and install. 37-tf WHITE metal ice box, good con- dition, reasonabýe. Apply 156 Wellington St., Bowmanville. SEE the new Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, tank and upright mod- els frorn $49.50 at F. F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 5-tf NEW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs 'and ail baby's needs. Sec these specials at Morris Ca. 37-tf 25 TONS of choice, mixed hay; also wanted ta buy some meat horses. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193rl4. 7-2 DRY HARDWOOD - Beech and Mapie, buzzed, $14 at farm, $17 deiivercd. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Coiiect Port Perry 193r14. 7-tf GET your gasoline and ail barreis ready now for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gai., $3.50 eacb. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 4-tf CUSTOM kiiling eveny day ex- cept Friday. Good quaiity beef said by the quarter. Dariington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf WE have beft a few 30-lb, con- tainers of very fine grain, creamed, amber haney, at $5.00. It* spreads ike butter. Honey Hailow Restaurant, Newcastle. 7-2 FENCE post - 4 inch top and larger, 40 cents; 21/2 inch ta 4, 30, cents; bydro, telephone and ~lohesinepales. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Pemny 193r14. 7-tf WASHERS, Locomotive, Sirnplic- ity. Available with water pump and electric beater - heat your water igbt in the washer, fram $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Marris Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shae Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- sier, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drurns lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowrnanvilie. Phone 804. 22-tf ORDERS taken for good.Ontaria No. 1 potatoes, by bag or in quan- tities. Free Deiivery for spring use. Onder 71ow. Sebago's, Kat- abdiris and 'Cobbiers. Douglas Curl, 5 Nelson St. 8-1* LINOLEUM beadquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoieums, Cangoleurns, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Eveny pattern that's made, is availabie at Bnadley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf TWO used Quebec beaters; used I.H.C. horse-drawn spreader; e Case spreader; 3 new Case trac- tors; new Case side nake; Quaker ail heaters; 1 used Case tractor. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 8-1 ORDER your new borne freezer. Now for sale at William Daw- son's, Onono. Agent for Gilson home-freezers, refrigerators, furn- aces, washing machines, van- packer chimncys. Phone 56R1 1 Orono. 6-4* ALL kinds cf meat, good quality, smoked bacon and barns, sausage and hamburger. Danlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; alsa custom killing, pickling, smoking, and sausage making, rendening lard. 23-tf IMMEDIATE deiivery, Fairbanks Morse space heatens. Heat your home the safe, dlean ecanomical way. Pay oniy $11.45 down at Bradley's Fumniture and Appli- ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bednoom suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, compiete, $26.95; feit base faonr covcring, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95. ail colons; 3 pe. allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattnesses, $24.95; trnlight lampa, complete, $12,95; rarigettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allaver velour bed chesterfield suites, $11R.00, 9 x6 Axminster car-pets, green or wine oriental designis, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table Iamps. $6.75. Everything for the home at Bnadley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf1 Articles For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale PREFABRICATED concrete stave silos; will not blow dawn; cari be taken down and rebullt at 'mail cbst; erected ti one day by man- ufacturer. Write for prices and literature. Rowe Brothers Silo Company, Box 219, Ca;mpbeilford, Ontario. Can be seen at Lyail Lowery's, Orono. 5-4* ONE only Beatty Waaher, guar- anteed like new, anly slightly used,- reg. price $165. Sale price $95. One anly G.E. Hotpoint Electric Stove, excellent condit- ion, 4 elernents, full size aven and warming aven. Special $72.50. One Eureka Power Lawn.Mower, only used one season, guaranteed, cost $ 150.00. Special $98.50. Farm Equiprnent & Autornotive Ca., 131 King St. E., Phone 689. 8-1 TEN -Pc. Living-room groups. Many cobours and style combin- ations to choose frorn. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Wabnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 oniy at Bradleys, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms to suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf Auction Sales Community Sale will be held at Gay Barns, Courtice, on Satur- day, March 4th. There will be offcned for sale livestock o! al kinds, machincry, bay and other articles. Phone your consignment ta Oshawa 1938wI1 or Bowmnan- ville 2428. Sale at 1 p.m. Tcrns cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. Mn. P. B. Lovekin, Lot 33, Con. 2, Clarke Twp., onè mile west o! Newcastle, on No. 2 Highway, bas sobd bis farm and will scîl by publie auction on Tuesdày, Feb- ruary 28th, at 1 p.m. sharp, al bis fanm stock, impiements, pou]- try and some furniture. For fur- ther particulars sec bis. Tenms cash.' No neserve. Jack Reid, auctionen, Orono, Ont. 6-3 Don't farget -Dunbam County Community Auction Sale ta be hcid at the Sales Barn, Omono, Thunsday, Feb. 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. There wiil be of!ened for sale ahl kinds o! livestock, machinery, funniture and dozens o! othen items. Remember the date - Fcb. 23rd - the Sales Barn, Orono. The place where ail farmers meet. Ternis cash. Jack Reid, auction- enr. 7-2. Mr. U. Rugger, Lot 7, Con. 3, East Whitby Township, 1 mile north of Harmony, known as the Fred Ciemens propenty is giving up farming, and wiii seil by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, March 1Sth at 1 p.m. sharp, ah bhis farm stock, implements, bay, grain, etc. incbuding 20 Holstein miikers and springens, number of Holstein open beifers and 60 pigs. For funthen particulars sce bilis. Terrns cash. No neserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Fred Lyvett, cierk. 8-3 The undersigned will sell by public auction for Glen Martyn, Lot 27, Con. 9, Darlington Twp., 1 mile east of Enfieid, on Wed- nesday, March lst, his farm stock and implements including match- ed team of dapple greys, aged 8 and 9 years; 7 head of cattie; 5 pigs; 40 hens; quantîty of grain, bay; 30 gallons molasses; full lune of farn machinery; some bouse- hold effects. Real Estate-farm consisting of 50 acres is abso for sale. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.rn. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auction- enr. 8-1 Attention Farmers!1 WE will be pieased ta pick up dead or crippied farm animais. For immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Adeiaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2-tf Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializlng in diseases.of the foot and ieg. General chirapody work. Suite 2, 47 Pnindh St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Work Wanted GIRL desires housewor k or f ac- tory work. Appby 10 Arme St. Personal HYGIENIC.SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice ist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Maib Order Dept, T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WHYý BE CONSTIPATED! - Why ndure the digtress anid dis- comfont cf constipation? Why toîcrate a condition that rnay bead ta seniaus dîsorders? Thou- sands have 6een helped ta rebief with Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. Hcre is no hansh, giping or in- nitating laxative but a deliciaus, wholesome and naturai cereal. Developcd by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., it combines the natural food values and deiciaus flavons of whole whcat and whobe ryq with the gcntby laxative proper- tics o!fiax-o-lin and bran. Make Roman Meal your daiby cereal for the whole family. Write today ta Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, Dcpt. K, 1 Wiliingdon Blvd., Toronto, for FREE Bookieti "Natume's Way ta Good Health" by Robert G. Jacksoii. M.D. 8-1 HOUSE for' sale, 808 Centre South, Whitby. Immediate pos- session if necessary, owner leav- img tawn. Cail after 4 p.m. House and garage stucco finish. 5 rooms, ail conveniences, oul furnace. Apply 808 Centre St. S., Whitby. 8-3 COURTICE PROPERTY 5-room frame bungalow, modemn kitchen and bath; hot-air heating; oak floams; vepetian biinds; gar- age; haîf-acre of land. 14 young fruit trees. This property is bo- cated half-mile narth of Nichoils' Garage. Price to seli, $4,900. For terms and further information contact G. Barrow, Broker 25 Burk St. Phone 3165W Oshawa 8-2 HAMIfLTONS REAL ESTATE Attention Land Owners Every day I arn baving inquir- iesro prospective buyers for farms of the better type and for land without buildings, suitable for pasture or reforesting. This is the right tirne ta let me know of any land you have for sale. If I do not bring about a sale at your price there is no charge. If you need a first mortgage loan on your farm, town home or business I have funds available for this purpose. These boans are arranged in strict confidence. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Main St. Orono, Phones: Office 32r10 - res. Ir16 8-1 NEWCASTLE DISTRICT 150 acres of rich dlay loam in excellent state of fertility (inciud- ing lb acres of full bearing apple onchard). Located on good gravel raad, 1 'h miles northwest from Newcastle and Highway No. 2. Ownen's home of 8 rooms, cottage for heip. Large barns and stables and outbuildinigs. Possession as arranged. Near schoois and trans- 1portation. This farmn is reganded /localiy as one of the best farms in Durham County, which county în turn, is bighly regarded as an apple beit. This farm must be sold ta wind up an estate. Any neasonable offer wili be cansid- ered. Price $19,500. Ca-openative listing. See your own neal estate agent or communicate with us. John Stark & Co., Reaitors 353 Eglinton W., Toronto Daytime, Mayfair 4439 Evenings, Hudson 1079 Ask for Mr. Stockdale 8-2 BOWMANVIELLE REAL ESTATE Apartment to Rent $25.00 per month, three-roomed apartment. Vacant. Finst came, first served. $1,200 down-six-roomed bouse. hydro, 4 acres, near Bowmanville. Price $3,700. $1,400 down-five-roomed bouse, Bowmanville. Vadant. Price $2800. $1.800 down-five-roomed bunga- low, two-car garage, hydro, ail space heater, modern cook stove, venetian biinds, included. On No. 2 Highway near Courtice. Price $4700. $2,000 down-eight-roomed bouse, barn, large grounds, in centre o! Bowmanviice. Vacant. Price $6000. $2.000 down-seven-room bouse, attachcd garage, extra lot, in Whitby. Price $5000. $10,000-bnick home, 15 rooms, revenue $115.00 monthly, apant- ment for owncr. Immediate pos- session. Ail kinds of businesses, farms, badges, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maciachlan Phone 326 Bowmanviiie Phone 689 Oshawa 8-1 Notice Io Creditors In the Estate of ROSA JENNIE CORNISH, Deceased. ALL persans having dlaims against the estate of Rosa Jennie Cornish, late of the Township of Clarke, deccased, who died on or about the l8th day of January, b950, are hcreby notified ta send in ta W. Ross Strike, K.C., saiic- iton for th Executons, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before the 9th day o! March, 1950, ful panticubars of their dlaims. Immediateiy aftcn the said 9th day of March, 1950, the assets of the testatrix will be distributcd amongst the parties entitlcd there- ta, having regard only ta dlaims of which the said solicitor for the Executors shail then bave notice. DATED at Bowmanviile, this l8th day o! February, 1950. W. Ross Strike, K.C., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor fan the Executors. 8-2 Work Wanted CHIMNEYS built and repaircd, ail types pbasteming and nepairs. Appby Gardon May, Phone 920w12 Oshawa. 7-4*, Notices The Harvey Dance Academy bas opened a branch at 19 King St. East, Bowmanviile. Register for Ballet and Tap lessons on Fmi- day afternoons. 5-tf Found CHILD'S' tricycle, mcd, found bast week. Apply Statesman Office. 8-1 1Help Wcmted GIRL, capable cf managing smal business and wiiling ta help with' housework. Phone 418 Bowman- ville. 7-3 $60 MONTE - young woman for general housework, 2 children. Compietely modern home. Private room and radio. Phone 2080 Baw- manville. 5-tf MAN Wanied for Rawleigh busi-, ness. Seli ta 1500 farnilies. Good profits for hustiers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-S, Montreal. 5-4 OPPORTUNITY for someone ta earn a high incorne. Pleasant, healthy, outdoor work. Farnilex Products Company requires a local representative. No exper- ience necessary. Write to Mr. C. E. Patterson, 1600 Delorimier St., Montreal, P.Q., for full details. 6-3 Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS - Barred Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. Ail hatching eggs produced on aur own farm. For price list write or phone: Orchland Farm, H. J Brooks, Phone 2636, Bowmanville, GAINFORTH Chicks-P'or profit i 1950 buy better chicks. Gain-. forth Chicks are top quaiity. Al popular breeds. For further j - formation and prices contact Barron's, Hampton, Phone 2420. Wanted To Buy SCRAP batteries. Hîghest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. . 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We eall at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live pouItry try us. Our prices are higher M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. Wanted HIGH Scbooi girl desires room and board in exchange for light housework. Phone 2225. 8-i* DEAD or crippied stock removed free of charge. One hour service. Highest prices for aid horses. Margwiil Fur Farm, Cail Colleet: Bowmanvilie,2679. 41-tf Reward To anyone giving information as ta the present whereabouts and address where Everett Cain, formerly of Orono, Ontario, can be located. Contact* A. W. S. Greer, K.C., 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 8-1 Repairs FOR prompt. efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custam work, try the Neat- Way Shoe Repair IREPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and rommercial Higgon Ebectric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf CHESTERFIELDS compieteiy re- built and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Hlave aur consultant call at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre. 10 King St. E.39t Announcement FREE SHOW by Case and 8lk Cariadian at Enniskillcn al..2 sud at Maple Grave at 8 p.m.. M4arch lSth. t.1 FaRM Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Hollard familles available. Arrivln on Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Ntestile-. ton, Ont. Phone 225-24 Pbmt Penny. 4-19 Decorating R. B. BROWN & SON, Interior Dccomating, paper, painting, gyp- tex and tinting. Toorraw neyer cornes. Have youn wotk donc to-day. Phone 2639. 3-6* téalves with niekets, due ta back o! vitarnin D, have been compîcte- by cuned by cating sun-cured hay and by being exposcd ta the q The amount a! raw toma' acquired by packers for the 47, pack was 357,860,271, about bal! the 1948- total of 715,031,511 pounds. Cinan, dry itter on the laylng bouse floon is a key ta successfub egg production during the wintcr rnonths. Buibding experts say the sky- scraper bas had its day. Lower neal estate values mean new buildings wilb caver more gnouni4 and be oniy a few stories high. SIss85011s Galray a 2 NETEORS 1949 Custom Tudor, Yaur choice of grey or green. Fulby guaranteed. $500.00 under new Iist. 2 PONTIACS - 1 "26 series," 1947 Sed- anette, beautiful 2-tarie f inish. Quiet, ecanomical 6-cylinder motor. Fully equipped with underseat heater, custom radia, etc. $1545.00 1 1940 Tudor. Famous 22-11 senies. Chevrolet engine, straight f ront axIe. TPhorgughiy recon- ditianed. $8o~.oo sis sON Is Garaige ORONO -p Chioradeni Ammoniaie-d Denfifrices- for Cleaner and Sounder Teeth. MOUTH WASH and LIQUID DENTIFRICE-..------- 8-ai. 75e TOOTH PASTE ---------------------------------tube 33e They Contain Chloraiphyll SPRAY AWAY UNPLEASANT ODORES R exail Home Needs R ex Deodorizer Glos-Kreme, for the hair45 Instant Action A.S.A. Couch Draps j5e C h o ce of fra ra ceS to rk B a b y T a lcu n i 28e -, ~ Rexail Orderiles, the chocolat. flavored Il laxative - .- 35c-60e I ET Rexali Staiess LET llSring us you, Choit Rub--50eO USx f* pr.tetlp, . LC. Ahee us jtien. 0llv full quoi, Foot Olntment, l!/,-Oz . .0 UILL If>' moferlals M131lot odrwt Futfe arme d. Oi>Sodium Perborate -430 T HAT dotecmfniq ie' Coconut 011 PRESRIPIONShaiPoo E:flsified-3e Ce~ Bhana-Rex, quilck acting .. 5 Im m relief from Muoniach HELP BUILD UP »ODY da~s ----.85c. RESISTANCE WITH Puriesi Cod Liver 011 A4Sa-Rex Tabiets, 1001g ._59c Extra Rich ln Vitamins plastie bowl-..... - A andD ---- 8-oz. --- 95e - 1-oz. - --1.501 Qulck-Actlng Plasters Soc JURY CgLOVELL Whon W. Test Eyes Il; te Done Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANV!ILLE j'- BRING YOIJR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS l' PAGE surrEm 1 TM CANADMN STATESUM, BOWMANV= OlqTAItIO lwlrtIPMAY. TE& 22r& »M